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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 398 KB, 960x1280, ouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9240549 No.9240549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I did it.

>> No.9240575

wow autist for ever, congrats OP

>> No.9240585

Why would you ever do this?

>> No.9240587

fucking eww

>> No.9240593
File: 41 KB, 542x400, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9240609


I wanted pointed ears.

>> No.9240611

spoony? spoony.

>> No.9240614

oh god

>> No.9240618

Lmao you look inhuman now
When you see people staring at you you know it's in disgust

>> No.9240621

why the black stitches? when will they be off?

the top part looks a bit small tbh and unbalanced

>> No.9240628

This might look interesting on a really beautiful androgynous person.

>> No.9240631


The stitches are to hold them together whilst they fuse obviously.
They come out in 12-14 days but it really depends on the rate by which you heal.

I had really small ears and my cartilage was quite thick so they could only really take the pointing so far before they had to stop.


lol hi

>> No.9240633
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Good luck in your future career anon.

>> No.9240646

oh my god im dying right now

>> No.9240647


post more pics

>> No.9240653

you just ruined your life

>> No.9240655

bullshit timestamp I don't believe you are the OP from that thread a while ago

>> No.9240664

Cheaper than a psychiatrist I guess.

>> No.9240675

>tfw they already filmed the last hobbit movie


>> No.9240683

Im Narvi hain echant. Celebrimbor o Eregion teithant i thiw hin

>> No.9240700

Live long and prosper

>> No.9240701


I seriously hope

>> No.9240708


jk congrats

>> No.9240710

this is the average /fa/ poster:
hopeless with no future and heavily influenced by online posts

>> No.9240711

>pic has a watermark and a filter on it
why is 4chan so gullible?

>> No.9240717
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>> No.9240723


The watermark is the watermark of a camera app I use. Google it and look at the EXIF if you don't believe me.

>> No.9240735

so like how old are you? When I was 17 I had my tongue split booked in with this guy called sampa. Thank fuck I didnt get that done. 25 now and my ears still havent closed up and all 22 of my piercings are out.

being emo was fun

>> No.9240738

pics of ears?

>> No.9240745
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Been out for about 3 years

>> No.9240746

We Vulcancore now

>> No.9240747

The only thing left for you to do is kill yourself because no one will want anything to do with you.

>> No.9240753


I'm 23 and holy fuck you managed to get booked by Samppa Von Cyborg?

He was my go to guy for this procedure but he quoted me 2k initially and it was out of my price range.

>> No.9240759

yeah. was a long time ago via myspace and stuff. 500 hunna for the tongue. how old are you then?

>> No.9240766


Just said, 23.
You were very smart to go to Samppa for that, he's extremely well respected in the BM scene and is on tour at the moment.

You still happy with your tongue?

>> No.9240773

shit yeah sorry. Yeh looked into it and stuff. Used to talk to him and that guy with the big nose forgot his name. Thing is you spend some time on the internet or on bme blog or something and it all seems normal. Sooon as it passes and you enter back into the "real world" it seems kinda dumb.

Nah didnt get it done. Glad I didnt. Thats my cat bum hole ear. Hows the reversal procedure on an ear like that?

>> No.9240778

Lmao have fun being alone, un/fa/, and jobless forever.

>> No.9240781
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>mfw thinking of u hurting

>> No.9240798

This is honestly kinda sad. OP obviously never gets any attention at home so she resorts to this

>> No.9240805
File: 61 KB, 453x604, 1916113_207054348888_1483206_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 years ago. Haha its alright man i'm over it. Might get em stitched up when I got a couple of grand free

>> No.9240810

damn is that pic you?

>> No.9240814
File: 161 KB, 400x428, 1344882411086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 500 hunna
> five hundred hundred

man if you are going to nig and least nig right

>> No.9240815

haha yeh. happy right? :P

>> No.9240818

yeh I nigged wrong.

>> No.9240826

I love you, OP. I would get this done too if i have the money

>> No.9240833
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your earbuds bother me more than the ears
if you want to be a little faggot trying to look like an elf, fine, that's personal preference
but skullcandy is objectively shit

for somebody who needs so badly to be a special snowflake, you sure are a fucking pleb

>> No.9240834

hahahahahah wow so you ARE a gay

enlist in the army it'll do you some good ;)

>> No.9240836
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yea you looked like a happy guy
hope you're still happy :)

>> No.9240842
File: 544 KB, 607x613, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elf ears
>scarification on face
>tattoo'd eyeballs blue

I still find her adorable.

>> No.9240846
File: 184 KB, 500x580, tumblr_mej9heAxoJ1rl4ocuo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no ur gey

all good! Merry Christmas faggots.

>> No.9240847

holy shit what the fuck
trigger alert
cant believe someone would ruin their body like this
his parents must be so disappointed

>> No.9240850

shes a pretty famous tattoist and shit.

hey OP post face lets see how it sits with you.

>> No.9240857

she's missing those black hula-hoop ear things

>> No.9240859

Wow what the fuck

The HxC crowd is so weird

>> No.9240861

idk man, looks kinda creepy IRL
like you'd think she was an alien or bigfoot or something if you drove by her on the street at night

>> No.9240862


If you're in the UK look up a guy named Quentin Inglis at Kalima, he does amazing work and is a total bro'.
You can see loads of his reconstruction work on his Facebook.

>> No.9240863
File: 305 KB, 1600x1393, eyecrop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's kawaii.

Like >>9240850 she is kinda well known as a tattooist in Shoreditch (London) for her appearance and her dotwork tattoos.

>> No.9240872
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I think I'm okay.


Yeah her names Grace Neutral, she's p. qt.

>> No.9240876

HxC is a music genre man not everyone looks like this.

id still fuck her

Yeh im from london. will do.

hey OP post face

>> No.9240880

what uni you go to. yeah your pretty pretty you might be able to do it. just was hoping you wasnt one of those fat shit goth types ya know.

can cover it with hair I guess. man your gonna get so many questions its going to be like having an afro

>> No.9240886


You recognise the student accommodation huh? Not gonna say which one specifically but it's a red brick Russell Group one, but I am considering transferring after the next semester.

>> No.9240892

Bahahahaha...good luck with life brother.

>> No.9240903

yeh go to goldsmiths. you get it done at kalima? he looks good for ear reconstruction

>> No.9240907
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>> No.9240912

wait wtf? she got her EYES tattooed? doesn't sticking sharp objects and permanent ink into your eyes make you blind or something? holy fuck

>> No.9240913


I did and the rates he charges for his work are fantastic, you can tell he really enjoys what he does.

I also got a free t-shirt and a hug + two cups of two. Couldn't recommend the guy harder.

>> No.9240929

you like inject it in. Its not like a tattoo gun that would be insane haha.


>> No.9240934


two cups of tea*

>> No.9240981

>Its not like a tattoo gun that would be insane haha.

>The first procedure was done on Pauly Unstoppable using a traditional hand-poked technique. The eye distorted significantly but it was difficult to get ink to hold. Probably about forty strikes in all were done but so far it seems like limited ink held.

Can we get a look at the other ear, OP? How long did it take for swelling to go down? Were there any infections?

>> No.9241007

It looks the same. No infections. I streched really slow and had it for ages so it was just normal skin on the inside. Took about a year to go down to what it is now. was 24mm ish i think. now they are like 5mm i dunno i havent tried to put anything in it init.

yeh remember that happening. still not a tattoo gun tho ;)

>> No.9241008


I don't have any pictures of the other ear right now.
I got it done on the 20th so they're still swollen, but I'm also wrapping them (which you have to do for around 3-4 months after the procedure daily if you want the point to remain dramatic) otherwise I would take more pictures.

Stitches come out after 12-14 days, I'll see if I can get some pictures then. Probably gonna have a scar so I'm looking into how I can reduce that.

If the point is not as dramatic as I want it after 6 months when they're healed I might go in for a second round which is pretty common for this procedure.

>> No.9241012


this is him now. el oh el

>> No.9241019

oh shit you didnt ask me lol. sorry its late and the meds are kicking in.

cool. post pictures on here along the way. Bio oil can reduce scars no? Have you looked into getting impants to make them pointyer?

>> No.9241035


Actually I've got some bio oil but I don't know whether I'm supposed to start using it now or after I'd had the stitches out, but I'm also taking hydrolysed gelatin, vitamin E and serrapeptase.

I actually hadn't considered further pointing via implant, I will have to look into this, thanks man.

>> No.9241043

I think its for when its healed. Night!

>> No.9241755
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if you look like this you can get away with it

>> No.9241780

you look like a fucking retard


o i am laffin

>> No.9241782

congrats on ruining your body and never being taken seriously by any adult ever again

>> No.9241787
File: 11 KB, 375x300, elf-ear-surgery-new-beauty-trend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't look like an elf ear, at all

>> No.9241792

>I s-swear guys, when I t-take them out they'll close up! You know nothing about gauges!!
Every faggot ever.

>> No.9241799

>you like inject it in. Its not like a tattoo gun that would be insane haha.
yeah and injecting ink into your eyes isn't insane...

>> No.9241800


>> No.9242133

watching this made my eyes water.

>> No.9242138

this ear looks pretty bad
though this ear looks ok

>> No.9242392

>also removed her belly button

yeah grace is qt

>> No.9242409

Pretty sure those are just huge circle lenses (if you look at the white on the inner eye). Think Tyler wore similar in a video

>> No.9242432

I really need to learn elvish
After Japanese of course!

>> No.9242460

>pretty sure
yeah, catherine obvious...

>> No.9242461


>> No.9242464
File: 266 KB, 472x633, Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 3.01.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9242483

Not sure if it's already been said because fuck reading, but:
This is going to affect your hearing. It might not seem too drastic, but your outer ears are meant to be shaped a certain way to distinguish vertical space sonically, as well as front and back. I'm not sure exactly how much it'll impair your perception, but if you ever get confused at where a sound is coming from, you'll know why. Just letting you know.

>> No.9242490

have a friend with pointed ears and she has literally never said anything about this
seems miniscule

>> No.9242494

Probably won't be too noticeable then. I'm just speculating based on prior knowledge.

>> No.9242507

>super gothic with tats and shit
>my neighbour Totoro

I think I dig

>> No.9242510

lol, she has a spirited away tat too

>> No.9242780

whats wrong with her eye schlera

>> No.9242791
File: 274 KB, 2000x2000, goods_09_134335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people are so fukin weird

>> No.9242811


oh my god


now you look horrible.


you can do what you want with your body but damn is that such a bad mistake

>> No.9242813


oh snap!!

You're right...if it was elvan ears she was going after it doesn't look like those at all! It just looks like she had a birth defect lmao

>> No.9242932

that doesn't look ANYTHING like spoony, fag

>> No.9242954

>posts a picture of one ear
>doesn't look anything like spoony
for all we know it could look like fucking cara, who are you to say

>> No.9242960

it is
you probably can't tell because she's not showing her naked ass, but it is

>> No.9243052

the point is very abrupt and looks really awkward.

>> No.9243349 [DELETED] 


>> No.9243394 [DELETED] 


>> No.9243419

>spoonygate was almost half a decade ago
>dat Halloween ass

>> No.9243518

omg it is you!

>> No.9243536

Dis the same chick who cosplayed as Morrigan?

>> No.9243564

Shit, you look good.
5 years makes quite a difference.
That and knew you'd look amazing with blonde hair rather than the neon red.

>> No.9243589

Anyone has the link to Spoony's pics?

>> No.9243832

w2c shirt?

>> No.9243856

why does the blue part look like a 5 year old's watercolor? should it not at least be a solid color? it looks so badly done

>> No.9243869

What made you want to do it?
You notice your boyfriend had a hard on during Evangeline Lilly's scenes in the hobbit or something?

>> No.9244011
File: 50 KB, 315x450, Ungoliant_and_the_Two_Trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feanor-core just confirmed in
>w2c Silmarils?

>> No.9244113

Have you legally changed your name to tyrande yet?

>> No.9244171


that shit seriously looks fucking gross

it's like she mistook for a bic pen for eye drops

>> No.9244178


Just in time for Christmas! Shouldn't you be making toys in Santa's gift shop?

>> No.9244338
File: 14 KB, 286x308, 1411932143795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no

>> No.9244366

waiting for the first anon to say:

IDK I was drunk but I THINK I hooked up with spoony at Anime Expo?

She looked hot as fuck all of the sudden, awesome blue eyes, she fucking had elf ears, and was dressed as link.

like real fucking elf ears, wasn't some cosplay shit

kept talking like she was a character in the hobbit or some shit

>> No.9244404

God, she's beautiful.

>> No.9244493

This is actually kind of cool.

>> No.9244496

yeah, if you're an underaged tumblrina

>> No.9244498


I thought spoony was British?

>> No.9244507

anybody is weird as long as they spend enough time on 4chan

>> No.9244509

ya dun goofed

>> No.9244547

fucking idiot

>> No.9244888

I have this sweater and I love it

>> No.9244951


>> No.9245199

b8 thread, b8 life
you live your life to stir up shit
you are going to regret being a fagtron-haters-gonna-hate-faglord

>> No.9245459

>she tattooed her fucking eyeballs
you gotta give her some cred for that, chick got some balls.

>> No.9245488

Now she got blue balls

>> No.9245740

Sweet Jesus dear mother of God. Please tell me w2c.

>> No.9245754

>mommy whats wrong with your ears?

>> No.9245779


She sells them on etsy, its her own design so its the only place you'll find it. I cant be fucked getting the link, her names grace neutral go find it.

>> No.9245822

women are memes anyways.

>> No.9245837

This is pretty sick. I wish more people would creatively alter their appearances, the world would be a funner place.

>> No.9245853

Sweet Jesus dear mother of God, please just use google next time.

>> No.9245866


Pls Chicago

>> No.9248228

pls be on arrakis

>> No.9248968

Spoony as in cgl Spoony?

>> No.9248990

spoony as in some homeless degenerate who used to get attention on /fa/ in 2008 because she resembles a female

>> No.9249039

So yes, cgl Spoony.

>> No.9249079

oh wow

and here I thought sicklysweet had profound issues for having a nosejob without actually needing one

I guess these ears will be get you all the attention you crave on the next anime-con

>> No.9249086

Spoony you should have saved your money to get vaginal tightening surgery.

>> No.9249101


>> No.9249162 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 720x540, lol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting this

>> No.9249167

what a fat ass

>> No.9249216 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9249223 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9249240

so whos got her tumblr?