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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 13 KB, 1280x640, 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9236000 No.9236000 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Britfag thread?

I feel as if American fashion on here is so distant from ours yet at the same time so similar.

Anyway where do you guys get your clothes?
Aside from getting basics I've found myself using less and less highstreet shite and just ordering stuff online.

Although I'm a pleb and boxing day's coming up and I want to know if you lot have any recommendations on where to go.
Just want a couple new pair of jeans and maybe some sweaters but I don't want to be too plebby and shop in river island/topman anymore.

>> No.9236025

I find myself getting most of my stuff in Zara and Pull&Bear if I'm out shopping, never liked the look of the stuff in RI and TM.

Other than that it's ASOS for basics and sales, if you're looking for jeans there's quite a few pairs of Nudies on like 50% sale

>> No.9236070

Any of you wastemen planning on copping the SS15 Qasas?

>> No.9236074

Op here, always thought Zara was pretty overpriced for the quality but Pull&bear is actually alright.

ASOS is the usual for me too really.

>> No.9236077

how is american fashion different?

>> No.9236090

I'm in London for a while but I'm from Edinburgh usually, where's good to go on Boxing Day on Oxford Street

>> No.9236134

I got sort of indoctrinated by /fa/ and only copped expensive, "high quality" stuff by respected brands for a bit. Pretty stupid as a student living off loans.

I've realised now that literally nobody IRL (at least in the UK) gives two fucks about the brands you wear or your marginally better quality items and that cheaper clothes don't literally fall off you ask you walk, so now I just shop everywhere again and buy whatever I think looks nice.

Maybe I'll buy designer again if I'm ever earning good money.

>> No.9236148

See the chelsea boots thread. Some people are laughing because they are "feminine" and worn by "Ramones wannabes".

Here there's no stigma around them and they're absolutely acceptable to wear. I see similar shit like this all the time on /fa/, people mocking things that are fine

>> No.9236155

Also Yanks wanking over topknots when Brits are cringing.

>> No.9236164

>Work at River Island
>Have to get a uniform
>Only can use River Island clothes
>It is literally 100% shit and the only thing I would even consider are the black jeans

>mfw I saw the overlocking on the inside of those jeans
some of the most atrocious shit ever

>> No.9236169

depends where you go
adirafs could get your dick sucked in the right area

>> No.9236181


>> No.9236189

get a real job

>> No.9236191

gotta start somewhere BREH

>> No.9236211

do you get the clothes for free?

>> No.9236214

I live in Bath

normally shop at Reiss/allsaints/zara/COS. got a few high end pieces from burberry/saint laurent/mcqueen as well.

i avoid topman/river island/hnm/pull&bear like the plague. literally nothing interesting in any of them. plus if you do get that new season stand out piece, chances are so do half of your city.

i do like UO though, they always have a sale on so can get some nice cops if you wait around long enough.

>> No.9236217

free unless they get damaged

>implying I would take that shit for free though

>> No.9236224

I just wear all Uniqlo and stuff used on ebay, sometimes i will buy things from END or Mr Porter

>> No.9236240

i've only really copped canvas shoes from there so i can't help you a great deal but their shirts seem to hold up well enough (a bit overpriced though). go for a buttondown and black chinos maybe?

>> No.9236273
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same tbh

hoping the our legacy sale doesn't let the shirts i want sell out before i can get them, my work pays in cash and i won't get paid until the 28th anyway

the clothes i actually wear on a daily basis are basically uniqlo or our legacy atm, with a few jumpers and whatnot from other places chucked in. Also i have loads of different shoes so that makes stuff less boring.

I can't bring myself to shop at topman or h&m or zara anymore tbh

pic some stuff i'm eyeing up

>> No.9236299


Consider yourself lucky

>work at Van Mildert
>Surrounded by overpriced, shit quality shit tier designer brands
>Some stuff is actually meh
>get paid minimum wage
>don't get to wear any of our clothes
>can't afford any even if I wanted to
>just dress in all black most times
>tfw when all the girls are hot but can't afford good fits so they think im just as pleb as everyone else

>> No.9236305

Anyone else notice how retarded and faggy people dress now? Manbags, long hair, basketball shoes, snapbacks and crappy T's? I mean, if that's fashion I don't wanna be fashion.

>> No.9236319
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Is it even worth trying to dress in a unique way when you don't live in London?

>> No.9236322

ladm8s, are there any stores i can try cheap mondays in? off to the stratford westfield at end of january if that helps.


>> No.9236326

is that top right overshirt our legacy? where, it's really fucking sick

>> No.9236327

Back to your own country

>> No.9236339

it seems like people are dressing much better on average to me in suburban london, like some people just seem to care more
that might just be because it's london though, of course people in central are generally well dressed or more fashion conscious.

>> No.9236342

I buy a mixture of stuff, basics from Uniqlo and Top Man, and various bits and pieces from more premium brands. But I really think I should just buy my basics from Uniqlo from now on. So much poor build quality.

Their dress shirts seem to hold up ok, and their tees are nice and cheap for undershirts (they collapse anyway, so it doesn't matter), but everything is so shit otherwise.

>> No.9236346


I dunno m8, I'm in Lincoln visiting family and it's full of men with ponytails and even saw one poof wearing tights under ripped jeans.

I wear a Stone Island jumper quite a lot and these fuckers seem to think that must mean I'm some fucking hooligan. Didn't even get let in to a bloody Walkabout!

>> No.9236353

Probably thermals not tights.

>> No.9236360

Same for Manchester these days, for the half of the population that isn't chavvy scum that is.

The shit he described is pretty rampant in towns though.

>> No.9236368


urban outfitters stock cheap monday you twat. Or just hit the Carnaby street store off oxford circus.

>> No.9236384

What do you guys wear on a night out?
I don't know how to dress well when getting hammered.

>> No.9236386


Still gay

>> No.9236388
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I buy Ben Sherman, Ted Baker and Burberry.

>> No.9236395

>I wear a Stone Island jumper quite a lot and these fuckers seem to think that must mean I'm some fucking hooligan
Because it usually does mean that. Why the fuck would you wear Stone Island?

>> No.9236396

thanks m8

>> No.9236398

I can't tell if you're serious or not. I hope not.

>> No.9236399
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Lads where the fuck can I get myself a pair of decent boots without looking like a brickie?

Timberland and Caterpiller are shit now and Rockport don't even stock anything decent.
Do I really have to buy my trendy footwear from Zara or Asos?

I wish I could afford a pair of chippewas or redwings but I really can't, any less pricey alternatives about?

>inb4 dr martens

>> No.9236403


I'm a big BS fan, but is it me or lately have they been less mod and more hipster?

>> No.9236404

american here
reading all these posts in thomas from peaky blinders' voice

>> No.9236409


Because it looks nice, feels nice, goes with the rest of what I'm wearing etc. Why does anyone wear anything?

I know they're popular with the hooligans but so is Fred Perry but you don't get the same kind of shit do you?

>> No.9236412

>>9236214 Do you like shops in Bath like Maze or Found?

>> No.9236442

What do girls here even like?

>> No.9236450
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Don't ignore me /fa/...

>> No.9236456


Gypsy haircuts and multicoloured airmax.

>> No.9236471



>> No.9236490

that's a broad question

>> No.9236496

You should dress how you want regardless, people would probably be able to appreciate your fits more or recognise the pieces in London, plus you'd fit in more, but you shouldn't restrict yourself

>> No.9236504

this. fucking this.

>> No.9236521

In terms of fits. Obviously they're all going to like different things but there must be some things they like more than others. I only ask because I've heard enough of the girls I know talking about how badly some of the men they know dress. Then again these same girls sperged out over wang x h&m.

>> No.9236535


Girls don't really have a taste for specifics, /fa/ does. They just cream themselves when they see a half decent fit, dressing nicely isn't rocket science.

>> No.9236568

Just dress how you like.
I've dated only two guys - one was dressed sort of edgy and it suited him because he was really into music. The other dressed preppy because he was very upper middle/upperclass and that's was brought up.

Dress how you like and someone's going to like you, even if it's a guy dressed shitty if he was cool and cute - I would date him regardless and so would many girls.

>> No.9236575

*if a guy is dressed

>> No.9236582

oops meant


i'm bad at this

>> No.9236608

I bet you wear SLP

>> No.9236628

*that's the way he was brought
ugh, I am stupid tonight

i have an SLP dress my ex-boyfriend (preppy) brought me but that's all. I am not wealthy to buy expensive brands.

>> No.9236642


pls get off my /fa/

>> No.9236714

pls respond

>> No.9236719


doc martens

>> No.9236731
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>> No.9236739

I get my basics at uniqlo and COS, occasionally hit up muji or UO for other basic stuff too.
other than that, I scour ebay for brands I like and know fit me (albam, ymc, folk, our legacy, universal works etc) and then wait for sales at sites like END and oi polloi.
I probably buy stuff from h&m like twice a year, usually when I need some cheap underwear and I don't want to pay uniqlo shipping prices.

>> No.9236750


what's your budget? if you look hard enough you might be able to get a good pair in the sales.

>> No.9236759

Probably £100 - £150.
I just don't know where to look, I haven't bought a pair of boots in ages and all the brands that I thought were ok are now seemingly shit.

>> No.9236794

clarks are pretty good imo

>> No.9236807


red wings pop up at this sort of price online sometimes. sites like end, oi polloi and mr porter all stock them (I think). I picked up a pair of red wing postman's from end a couple of months back for ~120 so it's doable.
other than that, ebay. grenson, church, loake, sanders - all good and most of them are made in england.

>> No.9236826

Uniqlo seems to be the best for basics. I used to get all of mine from h&m but they just don't last. Looking for a good place to buy raw jeans, I had a pair of cheap mondays but the zipper broke.

>> No.9236840

I've never seen iron rangers at that sort of price range, and I've had my eye on them for ages. I caved in recently and bough a pair from asos at £200, totally worth it.

>> No.9237267

good point

>> No.9237316

Another board colonised by us brits, well done britbro

>> No.9238765

chcm's new own-label release

>> No.9238919

I buy some stuff from GANT (overpriced I know), uniqlo, cos, reiss, sometimes the odd shirt from h&m (it's a cotton shirt idgaf). I also like to buy. Sometimes jack wills has some nice shirts worth copping (nothing else though). Paul Smith is usually worth a look and there's loads of nice shops at lambs conduit street.

>> No.9238940


>> No.9238944


Grill here, maybe you can answer this; I buy clothes from all the stores everyone hates on here, the mass produced cheap pleb shit, as well as some expensive shit, these cheap things sell out so people are buying them but wherever I go, I never, ever, see anyone else wearing the stuff I am wearing, they always just wear the same shit that everyone wears. Who is buying the more interesting pieces of clothes and where/when are they wearing them.

>> No.9238960

>go out in Brighton with m8
>go home with hot cutie with dat ass
>refuses to have sex, just wants to sleep
Only the dead can know piece from this hangover

>> No.9238980

should have booted him/her out on the street

>> No.9238983

Srsly tho this shit is meaningless and I'm done with this shallow way of life, clubs are just shit anyway, 8>1 male/female ratio most of the time and bouncers are cunts, gonna stop being a degenerate and devote myself to a life of knowledge acquirement

>> No.9238987

Was her place

>> No.9239009
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P-please fucking text

>> No.9239020

youve been on /int/ talking shit about /fa/ for so fucking long m8
why would you even come here? seriously. you dont like it one bit.

>> No.9239364

>Bored as fuck 2 days ago
>Decided to go out alone
>Some chick says I'm doing her head in
>Literally just standing there 'avin a pint
>Other guy asks me were my mates are
>I don't have any
>Turns away

>Failed to get a qt
>Got back home at 4AM
>Wake up next day
>day passes by
>Wake up the next day
>Hangover turned into sinus ache/headache and runny nose

every goddamn time

>> No.9240006


>> No.9240037

Its worse when you go to theres and you cant fucking get it up and there are fucking qt

>> No.9240049

bump with some content u fool

>> No.9240050


All these fucking poor plebs in this thread

If you wear Topman/River Island/ASOS please immediately find a kitchen knife (if your family can afford one) and kill yourself

>> No.9240068



If you:

>are poor
>are northern
>have a manbun
>have a topknot
>attend a non golden triangle uni (+Durham & St Andrews)
>are a NEET
>don't dress in mostly designer every day
>don't have a glorious master-race RP accent

then please go. Seriously, what are you even doing on this board

>> No.9240081
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>speaking with rp

>> No.9240111

anyone own any Aquascutum? What's the quality like?

>are northern
fuck off ya southern puff

>> No.9240140


arrrr oooh arrre yearrrrrp oiiii do foiiind moiiisarrrlf agreeeying

>> No.9240169

You sound like a preppy faggot

>> No.9240448

I'm a UK wasteman and I've seen a myriad of university wankers with top knots

>> No.9240579

Most /fa/ city?

>> No.9240643

in csm?

>> No.9240674

lol how is zara any better than pull and bear or hnm

>> No.9240677

what do you mean by better?

>> No.9240699

>Van Mildert

We have this in Durham, I always thought it would be a sort of nice store. Then I went in and it was just full of Boss orange or some shit. Who the fuck buys Boss?

>> No.9240737

london obv

>> No.9240782

birmingham, former shopping capital of europe :^)

>> No.9240808

>tfw most fashionable man in Middlesbrough
All the girls here either dress like trash or go out with little boys

>> No.9240819


>not Manchester, or even Bristol


>> No.9240835

>tfw ex was a petite azn yohji fangirl studying at csm
i donbt know why i keep ending up with art grills i guess only they like weirdos like me

>> No.9240874

Dm's are dece

>> No.9240906

where'd you meet her?

>> No.9240921

no where. As soon as you get to oxford street, turn around go to liberty. From there walk down Carnaby street and do those shops. From there do soho and lastly do covent garden/ 7 dials.

Good walk, no fuss, thank me later

>> No.9240931

nobody has any Aquascutum? I went with Y-3 anyway although it always seems to look baggy, anyone confirm?

>> No.9240947


>> No.9240951

do these stores have any offers on boxing day tho

>> No.9240964

probably? oxford street youve got american apparel, nike towns wack. errrm, Uniqlo. Thats about it really. Unless you like topshop and stuff but if you do why are you here haha

>> No.9240974

what's there on carnaby soho and covent garden? like store names

>> No.9240985

okay so liberty has your norse projects apc raf stuff. Carnaby has fred perry barbor puma levis size american apparel and others.

soho has foot patrol and a couple of other streetwear stores. theres a supreme store too.

seven dials has a fred perry carhartt addidas la cock sport eef.

Im missing loads but yeh

>> No.9241000

>going shopping on boxing
really? it will be rammed as fuck you'll probably wait for 5 tubes just to get in one and even worse when you get to oxford zone

>> No.9241074

I aint sayin he should haha.

what sorta brands you after?

>> No.9243199

come to ts1 waterloo road outside the mosque and we'll fucking see about that you whoppa

>> No.9243224
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so bored

>> No.9243228

aquascutum top hoolie brand m8

>> No.9243253

i got an aquascutum trench coat. the quality is exceptional. only worn it like 3 times tho. which is a shame cos it was like £500 lmao

>> No.9243261

why u lads keep calling it csm? no one who goes here calls it that. everyone just says "saint martins"

>> No.9243279
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Who else /rbkc/ here?
>mfw all the people on the street are plebcore topman/river island/new look faggots, with the occasional jack wills prep-wannabe

>> No.9243332


>> No.9243372
File: 69 KB, 500x380, skinheads-y-rude-boys-inglaterra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prime of British working class fashion

>> No.9243406

So much edge there

>> No.9243418

fuck off little grey riding hood

>> No.9243450


It's obviously London, no questions.

>> No.9243460

>tfw u have to go back home to your provincial town and away from based L O N D O N over Christmas


>> No.9243546


>> No.9243579

that's a southern accent darling

>> No.9243604

cause it's shorter

and i don't go there, i just fuck your grills ;^)

>> No.9243679

did the same today, is p. cozy here. Most of my friends have done the same so Christmas in London would have been a bit lonely.

>> No.9243688

St. Andrews in an abhorrent university full of people wearing red trousers.

Dullham isn't as bad but is still pretty dire.

Most of the london unis are over 50% full of foreign students.

>> No.9243693

Obviously London

>> No.9243715
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>> No.9243781

>>Most of the london unis are over 50% full of foreign students.
so? azn are qt as fuck

>> No.9243792

azn? if you consider pakistani's asian, then enjoy.

>> No.9243795

saint martins is full of qt azn :3
so is imperial

>> No.9243796



What subject? Bristol is my 3rd choice, still waiting to hear back from Oxford/St Andrews. English Lit btw

>> No.9243802

not him but
how did you do in your a levels
do you browse /lit/? do you know your modernists?
just curious

>> No.9243806

I don't care if it's Christmas, thems fighting words! I'll kick your head in.

What goes on at that mosque anyway? I've walked past a few times and it's ridic. Always loads of security and mucky looks if you get too near

>> No.9243809

>L O N D O N
>Oxford, Cambridge etc.
>"A levels"
Thread hidden.

>> No.9243812

bitch bye

>> No.9243818

more interesting tbf

>> No.9243829

other shop on kingly street is great
stocks OL, christophe lemaire, pretty cool in-house brand too

what's rbkc

>> No.9243854

any place in london where i can get y3?

>> No.9243871

the y-3 shops?

>> No.9243883

I just want to say thanks, /fa/. Before this month my usual attire would be a shirt, basketball shorts and socks and sandals. But after discovering this little sub forum of goodness I'm a new man.

>> No.9243888

>tfw Northern countryside
farmers, sheep and cows mirin my fit

>> No.9243905

post fit

>> No.9243912


A*AA, on a gap yah

I know my modernists yeah (spent a whole interview at Oxford talking about Woolf), more interested in 17th century stuff though - Metaphysicals, Milton, Shakespeare etc

/lit/ is generally awful. I occasionally join a philosophy thread but I've found the posters there are impossible to debate with reasonably. Somebody says something bloody stupid, I ask them why they said it/highlight criticisms and logical errors/put forward my own views and why I hold them - then the poster buggers off or goes *le fedora. At least when you're debating someone IRL you can have fun with it

Why do you ask?

>> No.9243917

I wanna fuck a sheep

>in b4 Wales

>> No.9243939

as a leeds lad i can confirm edge

>> No.9243964
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Fit is shit mate, I'm fat. But still losing weight and at least trying. Sorry, all I have.

>> No.9243973

It's an improvement over what you described, I don't like the hat though.
Good work on the weight loss keep it up man.

>> No.9244002

you'll make it. you've got a good attitude aout it and you really aren't super fat at all, infact I'd probably guess your bmi is like 28 or so, which is below obesity

>> No.9244003


>> No.9244007

Thanks mates appreciate the kind words.

>> No.9244008

Royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea

>> No.9244017

yeh u gonna make it, make sure your a nice person too everyone too tho obvs

>> No.9244024
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Gahhh so boreed just wanna get pissed but worried about calories plz guide me

>> No.9244035

why are you worried about calories your body looks like shit anyway

>> No.9244048
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Lol cuz u mad my body is perf

>> No.9244056

lel all you have is pecs and low bf no traps no forearms no legs fuck off

>> No.9244064

don't forget
"I'm going to a formal is this ok to wear??"

>> No.9244066


I live in lincoln, he speaks the truth.

>> No.9244068

Y the fuck would I wanna traps for what purpose do I serve, just pointless mass

>> No.9244072
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to look big fgt

>> No.9244095
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But then I wouldn't be able to wear cute clothes

>> No.9244105

do you ever get comments on the way you dress, little grey?

>> No.9244119


>> No.9244129


>> No.9244142

nice anal beads

>> No.9244145
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Literally all we sell is

>Boss Orange
>Boss Black
>Boss Green
>Ralph Lauren
>Stone Island
>Cp Company
>Armani Jeans
>Vivienne Westwood
>Paul smith

I'd only consider buying the latter two, and even then it's fucking balls expensive.

You are literally a gigantic faggot

Merry Christmas lads

>> No.9244163
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>not living in the most /fa/ city in the UK
>not having bin lorry drivers and helicopter pilots who live their lives like GTA at christmas

>> No.9244199

Speaking of GTA, if I get a job in Edinburgh at Rockstar North will I be /fa/

>> No.9244209

wuts wrong with raplh lauren

>> No.9244210

Definitely but Edinburgh is nowhere near as /fa/ as Glasgow.

Rockstar have offices in Glasgow too, they moved into one of the old renovated Clyde warehouses.

>> No.9244217


It's meh, working with these brands sort of opens your eyes to how shitty made they are, I sort of laugh everytime someone buys a ralph polo that's basically the same quality as a H&M one, people just like the brand I guess.

>> No.9244222

>tfw can't tell quality
why is there no guide to do this

>> No.9244234


Because it's pretty simple stuff, just look at the material, feel it, check if the stitching is shoddy and whether or not it's generally just shit quality.
The amount of people who come in wanting to return boss/ralph stuff because the colour's came out in the wash or the stitching has frayed is ridiculous.
There's a reason we don't do refunds.

>> No.9244278

I'll look into that. Working at a big game dev studio in the UK is my dream job atm

Although I'll probably be immediately disillusioned and want to go indie again

>> No.9244288

>how do i tell the quality
>you just tell it

>> No.9244290

stone island is a dope company tbh but seeing as it's stocked with those brands i guess it's hooligancore not like foil dyed 3000 times.

>> No.9244297

If you can't tell the quality of an item then you're a fucking idiot

Not really, it's always been associated with hooligans and casuals and has never totally been acceptable to wear as everyday clothing until recently.
It is coming back in though I'll admit that, seeing a lot of young guys dressing in SI lately.

>> No.9244314

Sorry, i meant more in terms of their materials and tech

>> No.9244486

Do Topman ever stock any decent brands? Got a £40 voucher and I'm struggling to find anything I like.

>> No.9244518

The basic tshirts are okay. 2 for £12. I also buy Calvin Klein boxers from there as they're slightly cheaper than department stores. Everything else is trash though.

>> No.9244522

>I feel as if American fashion on here is so distant from ours yet at the same time so similar.
because americans are literally about 5-8 years behind?

>> No.9244546

If you're looking for a jacket they've got some parkas on sale for £40 just now, the quality isn't bad for the price.

Desert/Chukka boots could do you a turn too, apart from that no.

>> No.9244549

Does anyone wanna wing with me while we try pick up girls at clubs? I need a gf but can't do it alone..

Obv live in London btw

>> No.9244627

i got a grey printed sweater for ~£25 in-store a month or two back, i honestly don't know if the brand (antioch) is decent or not but the quality seems good for the price, certainly a lot better than their own shit - the same branch also has a rack full of "vintage" stuff but it's mostly total garbage

i can also vouch for the basic tshirts and vests, but would still recommend not bothering if you wear em even vaguely tight since they stretch out real fucking quick

>> No.9244642

Try to join the London mandem, I doubt you'll find anybody just by asking here

>> No.9244650

it's all shit
spend it on calvin klein boxers, they're great

>> No.9244671

he's probably doing it part time between his PE btec

>> No.9244682

>I need a gf but can't do it alone
you retarded or something? you need someone to take ur gf out on a date for you? bang her to you? marry her for you?

man ur retarded and austitic as fuck
so glad i don't live in england

>> No.9244826

W2c chain?

>> No.9244855

you called?

>> No.9244870


>> No.9245089

I would like someone to go out and meet chicks with. Would be more fun cunt.

>> No.9245093

whats the london mandem like? does everyone usually dress in rick owens, ralph simons? Need people to go party with brah

>> No.9245102

>im a white teenager hehe i talk in received pronunciation but im still urban!

>> No.9245121

depends really. there's quite a lot of just like standard "/fa/ basics" going on but usually supplemented with a few nicer pieces, like a bit of raf or w/ever. i dress mostly in head to toe undercover. sometimes a bit of lad musician or raf. and more recently cav empt. a few boys are into their rick. joe for instance has got like 3 pairs of swoosh dunks or something crazy like that

but yeah, it's generally quite a fun thing to be a part of. what kinda stuff do you like to do? my idea of a good night is banging dizz in fabric, but i know some of the lads prefer to just chill at the pub and drink or go to house parties and stuff. it is quite drugs/alcohol heavy, but then again, that's kinda the norm in london

>> No.9245138

im surprised there are no underaged guys in there

>> No.9245304

>that's kinda the norm in london
i mean, if that's the bubble you live in it is yeah.

>> No.9245328

wtf is the london mandem

>> No.9245360


god, you lot sound insufferable. merry christmas you cunts.

>> No.9245371

Nobody but tryhards use those words, fucking idiots making Brits look bad as usual.
Wouldn't surprise me if they're foreigners roleplaying as British people.

>> No.9245385
File: 105 KB, 960x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your question? go to some non-rural area and you'll see more people wearing fashion clothes


>> No.9245401
File: 1.57 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should all come up North. In Manchester you can chill and have a pale ale and a decent burger in Almost Famous in the Northern Quarter then go for a shop in Oi Polloi. You can bang all the fizzy dust you want in the Warehouse Project, but all the real cool cats go to an underground techno night in Soup Kitchen.

>> No.9245424

merry Christmas lads :)

>> No.9245445

Why did wavey garms and moschino and Versace shirts become such a big deal

>> No.9245458

I also live in bath -_-

>> No.9245469

>lived in manc for 5 years
>never knew about oi polloi
is there anything else up here i'm missing out on? i was a poor student for the first few years so i honestly didn't even know nq existed until 18 months ago

>> No.9245472
File: 125 KB, 450x600, FB_20141217_15_21_04_Saved_Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are some interesting places to shop at in Glasgow?
>inb4 Sauchiehall Street, Buchanan Galleries

>> No.9245474

I'd just be into having cool people to chill with mate. I'm 21 and finished uni outside london last summer, but my london mates are shit. Hit me up on a whatsapp group or something

email: samunderwood33@gmail.com

my name isn't sam

>> No.9245496

>underground techno night in the soup kitchen

lad where are some decent nights out in MCR for that sort of shit? Antwerp mansion is probably the closest I've got so far, hard breaking out of the typical "fresher" places atm, want to get more into that sort of seen/into the more druggier side of nights out if you get me

>> No.9245500

Merchant city is pretty breathtaking, it's a sort of grimy music oriented area but it's still living deep in the 80's, definitely worth a look.

Other than that everyday areas you might want to avoid in the city center are
>Buchanan Galleries
>Most of Buchanan street
>Most of Sauchiehall street
>Most of Argyle street
>St Enouchs center

/fa/ areas you might want to check out are
>West end (studenty, but effy nonetheless)
>Union street
>Merchant city
>Barrowlands (sort of)

>> No.9245508


Also DEFINITELY trongate

>> No.9246156

cool i live in bristol with my mum and am getting a playstation 4 tomorrow for christmas. i would be happy for you to come over and play some split screen co-op with me sometime and discuss clothes etc

>> No.9246314

Go Levis?

>> No.9246326

>I also like to buy. Sometimes jack wills has some nice shirts.
The way you structure your sentence is cute as hell, please write moar!!

>> No.9246367


>> No.9246393

Jesus Christ, the clothes you wear do your body no justice. Looking good I must admit.

>> No.9246402

If you have to ask, then you probably shouldn't know.