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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 59 KB, 640x550, Common-Projects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9234063 No.9234063 [Reply] [Original]

Hey dudes, i'm completely re-arranging my wardrobe. starting it by copping a pair of sneaks and boots, so i settled on chelsea boots cause that's kindof the aesthetic i go for, so yeah.

Post inspo, talk good brands, recc some chelsea boots if you can :)

Pic related are common project chelseas, even with the platform putting me of they look so nice.

>> No.9234078

should i buy some? i am tall and have a very athletic body and think they will look to slim

>> No.9234086
File: 295 KB, 795x590, 665_image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chelseas are very feminine and homosexual, if you have an "athletic body" then do yourself a favor and buy some manly boots

>> No.9234087


>> No.9234095

post a fit dude, but by the sounds of it yeah should be fine.
Go full jesus and mary chain-core
The people that would find chelsea boots homosexual and care about how feminine they are would find any form of boot worn by a man 'homosexual'.

>> No.9234100

these iron rangers look absolutely hideous

>> No.9234109

RM Williams are what Red Wings are to boots. Pricey, but imo worth it fri what I heard. Any one knows anything about their sizing?
By the way, I won't start new thread for this one and only question. Where 2 cop nice full black derby shoes?

>> No.9234110

Common projects make the cleanest fucking shoes.

>> No.9234123

Dude they are so fucking clean hey, if only i could get a model without the platform

>> No.9234124

gotta try them on

im like a 10.5 in nike but i think my rm williams might be an 8 or 9

>> No.9234126

>teenagers in chelsea boots
Please cop them, more laughs in the WAYWT threads

>> No.9234128

you still post here? lol

>> No.9234134

dont have a camera

problem is i am handsome and even i dress purposely shitty i end up getting complimented, eg using mismatching patterns, like a striped shirt under a flanell

what do you mean by chain-core?

>> No.9234158
File: 75 KB, 500x375, tumblr_luuhpvmQms1qagevko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As in the band, Jesus and mary chain.

>> No.9234161

>problem is i am handsome and even i dress purposely shitty i end up getting complimented, eg using mismatching patterns


>> No.9234163

Chelsea boots are pretty if you find a right fit. Minimalism is quite good for black chelseas.

>> No.9234168

yeah i agree, chelsea is good with a black tee/band tee etc and some good quality jawnz

>> No.9234191

Well, not only full black. With white or grey (t-)shirt it looks quite simple and good too.

>> No.9234195

yeah, i dont know why i said specifically black.

>> No.9234197

Are there any chelseas around 200-300 of decent quality, not looking to shell out but still looking for some nice looking boots that wobt fall apart.

>> No.9234202

it's like I'm reading middleschool children discussing fashion

I really need to leave this place guys...

Don't cop, you'll regret it later on.

>> No.9234208

glad i could make you laugh, but it is irritating

i let my hair grow and wore a hairband, i knew it looked shitty, but girls had something as a peg and i was swimming in attention

thank you

>> No.9234213

no worries

>stop liking what i don't like
I've wanted chelseas for almost a year now, i've just been hesitant to cop cause i already own boots & they are expensive. Who cares anyway many?

>> No.9234215

Please don't tell me you dress for girls. It never works and makes you look like huge faget.

>> No.9234219

the biggest problem of /fa/ is such unconstructive arrogant critic

>> No.9234227

no that was more part of my own private social experiment and as i described IT WORKED just perfect

>> No.9234230

I want /fit/ to leave.

>> No.9234232

Funny, every guy I knownthat wears "for girls" look same since he only cops "current trend" shit from H&M or Jack And Jones

>> No.9234238

not him but chelseas are pretty lame even for /fa/ standards, all the well dressed people who've browsed /fa/ have talked shit on chelsea boots for a reason, not to mention they look like shit on pretty much everyone. idk, maybe just not my thing.

>> No.9234247

yes well this isnt a thread for the people that DONT like chelseas, this a thread for the people that DO, and ya know, you don't HAVE to be in tis thread.

>> No.9234266
File: 178 KB, 1328x748, cali204-clb-boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't buy chelseas made of leather, shiny ones (like the one's you posted OP) or slim ones, they only look good on skellingtons and homosexuals.

Get something like pic related. Abit sturdier than the dress shoe variants and in some sort of suede, they will fit well with most jeans and be wearable everywhere.

>> No.9234270
File: 198 KB, 590x590, Kanye-West-Bottega-Veneta-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9234271

I have a serious question

how do you wear chealseas with super tight pants? do you stretch your pants over the boot or do you leave it tucked inside the boot? help

>> No.9234272

The boot you posted could still be suede.

>> No.9234276

Are you a homosexual or skellington or model? If none of those apply to you, don't wear "super tight pants" (I'm guessing they "fit" like leggings).

Voila, problem solved.

>> No.9234282


I don't wear super-tight skinnies.
I just wear tapered slims and let the ankle fall as it may. Sometimes it'll ride on top of the boot or sometimes it'll fall over. I never pinroll or fold my cuffs.

>> No.9234288

is there a more homoerotic genuine look in fashion than chelsea boots and slim-fit trousers?

>> No.9234294


Depends on the chelseas and trousers.

>> No.9234300
File: 56 KB, 382x574, 361346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assless chaps come close but chelseas take the cake

>> No.9234314
File: 150 KB, 333x500, 4929576719_e36224a8bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9235255

i wear blundstones

>> No.9235448

Yeah, creates this small ass heel.

>> No.9235508


can you post a pic of yourself

i like to imagine im handsome, im really ugly and my friends never get girls. i find it hard to believe there are guys out there who get loads of attention without any effort ;_;

>> No.9235519

Just got some Doc Chelsea's. They're really nice but difficult to have higher cuffs on. It can be really annoying fixing your cuffs every time you get up.

>> No.9235711
File: 102 KB, 570x892, harry-styles-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tbh i feel the same way, i never really understood people liking chelsea boots.

They look cool in certain situations but most of the time they look really feminine.

this imo is a decent fit with them

>> No.9235719

dem knock knee bitch hips

terriblr body and terrible fit

>> No.9235777
File: 43 KB, 900x1130, marlonboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these too chunky for chelseas? I can't decide.

>> No.9235796

He has better knees than most of /fa/ who wear even tighter pants lol. Also those are fat thigh, not hips.

>> No.9235852

Sure, because most of the time it is worn by pretentious skinny phags trying to resemble Ramones. When it's seen on a masculine male, it's fire.

>> No.9235875
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked up a pair.. I dont know how I feel about them

>> No.9235883

lol nice rubber socks

If anybody else falls for the chelseas meme, pls post pics

>> No.9235928

Can't really see much but they look nice from the top.

>> No.9235942 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another picture

the only problem is idk if I got the fit correctly
my toe kind of ends on that black spot, on the whitest point

>> No.9235947 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf dat upside down

>> No.9235961

>weirdest jean fit ever
>shirt tucked into low rise pants
>not even a dress belt
>chelseas look retarded

>> No.9235966
File: 1.17 MB, 3264x2448, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another picture

the only problem is idk if I got the fit correctly
my toe kind of ends on that black spot, on the whitest point

hopefulyl this is fixed

>> No.9235976
File: 168 KB, 375x375, 4656846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9235982

Looks like we can disregard your opinion then

>> No.9235987


>> No.9235998


>> No.9236001


>> No.9236004

how much were they? Are they the premium ones?

>> No.9236019

Jeans stack nicely. What are they?

>> No.9236020
File: 188 KB, 1600x1195, $_57 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thinking of copping this ones for 50$.

I'm really hesitant, but I love the boot's aesthetics.

What do think of these ones? If you need more photos, tell me

>> No.9236045


since /fit/ came in, this board has been a clusterfuck of shitty prep core and "bulking" fits, even baggy clothes have been posted here

>> No.9236073

theyre barker

>> No.9236080

over the boot, if its just slim or regular skinny you can stack the trouser hem over the boot to show off the boot and get a fresher feel while walking in a hot day

but never tuck or blouse a chelsea boot, it looks retarded

>> No.9236084

I think they look bad. Chelseas aren't suited for additional stitching.

>> No.9236088
File: 41 KB, 449x472, 686987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get a pair of these bad boys instead

>> No.9236091

Wtf are you saying

>> No.9236102


guys seriously

guys look



if you've accepted your homosexuality and decide to buy Chelsea boots, at least buy a good pair

>> No.9236104
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1402378083547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat baby toecap

rules of chelseas IMO:

>the toe shouldnt be too round neither pointy, just perfect
>the throat should be slim as possible, making like an L shape but not too much
>the less pieces the better
>the heel shouldnt be fused with the rest of the sole, there must be a gap inbetween
>the ankle throat should slim as possible or else you get the robot legs
>always wear slim trousers with them or you will look like a dressy hillbilly

it isnt that hard

>> No.9236110

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgHNtzxO0y8 [Embed]
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.9236159


What do you mean by, baby toecap?

And apart from that, the boot is alright?

What are your cheapest recommendation for copping online chelseas boot?

>> No.9236185

>Chelsea Boots
degeneracy is not /fa/

I hear every pair comes with a butt plug and some lube, can anyone confirm?

>> No.9236306

the toe cap is small compared to the rest of the boot

idk maybe H&M like this guy said (>>9236001 >>9235875)

>> No.9236314

you reek of slp fuccboi 6-month-old fashionisto

>> No.9236338

dildos actually

>> No.9236366


But aside that, do you think it is a decent Chelsea Boot?

It will be my first one, and I didn't want to spend a lot on them because I am not sure if I can rock them.

Despite of this, I don't want to buy a too shitty one so I don't get the wrong impression of what (good) chelsea's boots looks like on feet.

>> No.9236371

anal beads actually

>> No.9236376

Penetrating fuck machine actually

>> No.9236393

sex change discount actually

>> No.9236428

Your mom's penis that was removed during her sex change, actually.

>> No.9236437

they don't look nice at all.

>> No.9236448

i thought duchoveney wore blundstones, not timberlands?

>> No.9236455

looks like nubuck

>> No.9236465

just because you bought them there is no reason to pressure someone else into making the same mistake.

>> No.9236476

For anal insertion right? bc that's what chelsea boot consumers want, right? Make sure to use the lube anon ;)

>> No.9236492
File: 62 KB, 797x556, 78766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're great though

>> No.9236508

outsole looks like garbage.

>> No.9236509

if youre skinny and tall you can pull them off easily, just be sure they´re not chunky, the ones you´re talking about are actually chunky

>> No.9236528
File: 91 KB, 606x589, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the point of the shoe, they're not supposed to be slim

they're docs ffs

>> No.9236533


are you there?

>> No.9236538

>this is new /fa/'s idea of dressing well
degeneracy is not effay kiddos

>> No.9236542


I'm really skinny but I'n not tall at all, I'm actually pretty small (5'7)

>> No.9236551

my condolences, don't buy them

>> No.9236598


Again with the manlet shaming?

Lel, keep being insecure

>> No.9236612

Do you know what degeneracy means?

>> No.9236627

Do you really think anybody under 6'0 would look good in them? I'm just saying they're a tough shoe to actually look decent in and even the handful who look decent in them look pretty lame. He is most likely going to look goofy

If you really want them anon, cop. Cop a good pair though ($500+) and don't post fit pics on /fa/ unless you want people to laugh at you

>> No.9236634
File: 761 KB, 1639x2571, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some inspo. Wear black jeans over the boot.

Black boots only go with black jeans really. Get some light brown suede ones if you want to wear them with washed denim like Kanye pic.

>> No.9236658
File: 178 KB, 1417x1549, 1419032731910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chelseas are fine.. they are versatile and worn by plenty of celebs and rockers and stuff. So much autism and overthinking in this thread.

>> No.9236664
File: 928 KB, 2363x1613, 1418913948143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Ellen Page pull these chelseas off? Cause she's kind of a womanlet.

>also really like this fit, for some reason.

>> No.9236670
File: 51 KB, 800x375, 64_lifestyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone not telling OP to buy chisel toe blundstones is a fucking idiot

>> No.9236674

yeah but only bc she's a woman, bc they're women shoes

>> No.9236681
File: 18 KB, 450x450, Churchs_Ely_Plain_Toe_Chelsea_via_Barneys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are 3rd on my list of things to cop. $500+

>> No.9236682

u shouldn't be on /fa/ if ur scared of femininity
shit's this board's bread and butter

>> No.9236685


stop posting this is awful advice. pleb/10

>> No.9236689


Holy torso batman.

>> No.9236690


>Do you really think anybody under 6'0 would look good in them?

I absolutely love your absolute truths

>> No.9236691

please, these are a million times better than any of those round toe, shiny black leather ones.

>> No.9236693
File: 91 KB, 1011x731, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love blundstones but I always liked the classic ones more

>> No.9236695
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, coppernaught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9236702


Any more opinion on these?

>> No.9236706
File: 18 KB, 333x238, 1418879379798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chelsea boots

>> No.9236707


please b troll

>> No.9236724

W2c jeans?

>> No.9236730

they're black jeans..

>> No.9236818

hmm i'm just not a fan of round toe chelseas, to be honest with you. and the soles on a blundsone are too thick to be that contrasting. but that's just me.

>> No.9237195

Don't know pal. It looks goofy if you are small, but have large feet (makes you look like fucking clown). I'm 5'8 and have proportionally small feet. Can't really see that boots don't look good on me.

>> No.9237224

All those in the pic look like pointy toed shit. I hope this is a joke.

>> No.9237274

w2c jeans
are they also h&m?

>> No.9237301
File: 13 KB, 240x320, 1414999282245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
embarrassing, degeneracy is not /fa/

>> No.9237309


Thanks. More than height, what is importance is proportions.

>> No.9237318

i fucking hate Common Projects take on crepe soles. Shit looks like... shit

>> No.9237320


Please stop the meme. And all of you fit/ fags, return to your shitty board

>> No.9237321
File: 391 KB, 532x854, 5901834634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"nice boots anon"

>> No.9237388


>> No.9237415

Nah dude as much as /fa/ says it, i dont think height matters that much, i have 5"8-5"9 friends who pull of shit like chelsea boots way better than i do/would ever, i guess i just look lanky and goofy as fuck though

>> No.9237430

I dont understand why so many people that DONT like chelsea boots are in this thread, literally no one cares about yr opinion it isnt required for you to be in this thread, fitfags.

>> No.9237486

Proportions are what matters. Evenrealtively tall guy will end up with clown shoes if he was gifted with long and large feet.

>> No.9237495

>they don't like my fetish boots, they must be from /fit/

>> No.9237527

But i still dont understand why you are in this thread, no one cares about your opinion

>> No.9237744
File: 387 KB, 1920x1440, 2738357-p-4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9237753
File: 602 KB, 1500x1500, pTBL1-17117109enh-z6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the timberland wodehouse chelsea (pretty much all the wodehouse syles by timberland are great).


>> No.9238199

He wears blundstones occasionally in the later seasons, but mostly different color timberlands for most of s1-s5.

>> No.9238202

ITT: /fit/

>> No.9238206
File: 85 KB, 498x750, chelsea-boot-and-pea-coat-double-breasted-beige[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9238273

Acne Ace Cash

>> No.9238328
File: 14 KB, 387x490, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C light brown suede Chelsea's that don't cost $1,000?

>> No.9238355

I think this fit looks alright

>> No.9238368

you're trying to insult someone by saying they are homosexual
is this 7th grade

>> No.9238377

I have the cp chelseas without the white outline, they look so much cleaner

>> No.9238772

pretty sure the new chelseas have a heel instead of wedge

i have OP ones though they're so nice and always get complimented

>> No.9239663

i almost threw up

>> No.9239668
File: 56 KB, 595x874, 1418239759041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

degeneracy is not /fa/

>> No.9239892

>ctrl+f 'degeneracy'
>5 results
Hello /pol/

>> No.9239896

says who

>> No.9240018
File: 14 KB, 384x449, hmprod (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

£20 from h&m cop or not?

>> No.9240074
File: 132 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these some good looking chelsea's from asos?

>> No.9240078

they''ll last maybe a season depending how much you wear them. the quality will be shit. if you want chelseas, get better.

spending that little on shoes is pleb as fuck.

>> No.9240137
File: 147 KB, 870x1110, image4xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the toes look aight? that's my biggest concern with this pair

>> No.9240712

if you gunna cop from hm get the suede ones, shits cash

>> No.9240716

l o l

>> No.9240739

>desert boots
For adventurers,like fuck yh I could trek through the desert in these, like I'm not ruling it out. So manly

>Chelsea boots
For fags

>> No.9240873

the only thing that's gay is liking men

talk shit post fit mr masculine guy

>> No.9241096
File: 20 KB, 460x243, black-destructured-elastic-leather-bootie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is an absolute shitshow
Rate my Xmas cop

>> No.9241112

>wrinkled leather boots
>with elastic gore sides

if these had a zip closure instead of elastic gores they would be a solid 7/10. as they are now: 3/10. ugly but looks like decent materials

>> No.9241131

>these chelseas should have zip closure instead of elastic gores

lmao do you know what chelseas are

>> No.9241195


are u illiterate m8? i'm saying that they would look better if they were zip boots. do u want me to hold your hand while i explain how the words that i said mean that meaning? do u want me to fix you a nice bowl of cheerios the morning after we go on a bland and predictable "dinner and a movie" date where i buy the overpriced popcorn and you reach into the tub in my lap in order to snack on some while we watch a re-showing of 50 first dates and then end up back at my place where i'm ashamed i even brought you here because you can't even fucking read and you're a 6/10 at best but you really want it so we spend the night together like some piss poor romantic comedy? is that what you want m8?

>> No.9241202

>one direction
stop trying to force this homosexual meme

>> No.9241210

Boots that traditionally have an elastic side panel but occasionally have a zip-closure?

>> No.9241302

they're actually outlier climbers
Chelsea are barker
Pants are outlier climbers

>> No.9241475


>> No.9241492


Do you know the model?

>> No.9241684


>> No.9242054

these are really nice. i like the subtle goring.

>> No.9242065

zip up boots are fucking pleb tier as shit.

zippers are going to fuck the boots up faster than anything else.

>> No.9242083

I am /fit/, and I still wear Chelsea boots. The style is simply different, you can't just not wear them because they are "feminine", its a matter of taste and the aesthetic you are going for.

>> No.9242094

I fold my jeans to the top of the boot and have a pair of long socks on that go up my ankle.

>> No.9242164

Fuck what people say I like these.

>> No.9242182

>not the manliest footwear

>> No.9242222

>not bending your jeans

>> No.9242286
File: 31 KB, 500x500, large-BLN063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a new pair of chelseas but dont really have over 300 to spend, thoughts on blundstone? chisel toes look dope imo.

>> No.9242292
File: 111 KB, 990x1191, SS13---DRK SHDW---DU3350BLB29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing bendy jeans

>> No.9242357

shit build quality
shit sole
shit tread
ugly branding
ugly last shapes

made in

>> No.9242364

And reccommendations?

>> No.9242370

my roommate bought these after weeks of talking about how he was looking for the right chelseas. He loves them and they look great.

>> No.9242376

any australian boot maker that still manufactures in the country
rossi, rmw, etc.

>> No.9242824

w2c chealseas with no massive heel im 6'5 pls lads

>> No.9242835

what kind of homo socks are that??

>> No.9243910

Found the virgin

>> No.9243935

Worth their price?
Wanted to wear them with slim tight black jeans, slim black or grey trousers.

>> No.9244014
File: 37 KB, 600x492, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture. Black RMW.

>> No.9244020

God those fucking tabs. They'd be a nightmare to cuff jeans around. Probably the first thing I'd cut off if I bought them.

>> No.9244029


You can always tuck them into the shaft of the boot themselves. Also, a heavy enough denim will weigh them down without it being an issue. It's kind of a pain to put on a pull-on style shoe (especially if the fit is tight/narrow) without something for leverage.

>> No.9244034

I guess. I cut the tabs on my Doc Chelsea's and they're not hard to get on at all, they just slip right on. Plus the jeans cuff way better over them.

But those do look harder to get into.

>> No.9244037


Doc's are significantly wider shafted boots.

>> No.9244116

Fuck, I thought they are there to be removed, like tag something like this.
Any recommendations for good black chelseas then? Red Wing and National Standard offer some from what I see.

>> No.9245115

>tfw I saw 200 USD

>> No.9245137

embarrassing, degeneracy is not /fa/

>> No.9245140
File: 23 KB, 386x384, Rossi_Boots_681_Armadale__82472.1409768875.386.513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have some help with chelseas not sure if these 681s are worth copping look good imo especially for 200 with delivery to NZ

>> No.9245155

who cares, theres only like 10 people in NZ
>lorde's mum
>lorde's dad
>lorde's azn bf
>ur mammy
>ur papi

>> No.9245451
File: 20 KB, 400x300, tmp_21849-l_f62e96f0-dd97-11e1-81e3-05b70a8000051145359096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c the long cuban-heeled chelseas like Swinging London had?

>> No.9245712


>> No.9245745
File: 119 KB, 722x905, 44566156HW_13_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLP has a pair like those, they´re the Wyatt boots

pic related

sadly there arent cheaper version or at least imitations of any kind of SLP boots, they just have that speacial vibe and look

>> No.9246230


>> No.9246328


These are close

>> No.9246396


manlet identified.

>> No.9247035

Since there is some general dislike for chelsea boots, what would be the better alternative?

>> No.9247039

Fuck I've never understood this. Do you. No one cares irl. Unless you're in high school or something but fuck those guys.

>> No.9247109

No one's gonna come up to you and make fun of your shoes to your face, they'll do it in their heads. Tell me an average person wouldn't judge some random scrawny kid in all black with leather socks on? They're just tryhard as fuck and completely unnecessary. If you like em go for it though

>> No.9247158

>leather socks

>> No.9247360

Why should you care tho. Also I don't own any chelseas but they do look good on some people.

>> No.9247903

new slp fanboys are the worst
you legit know fuck all about anything. I bet you couldn't even name a dior homme collection on the top of your head you cucklord

>> No.9248071

going to cop a pair, what stores (pref UK based) are having post-christmas sales where I can cop a decent pair?

>> No.9248103
File: 23 KB, 500x375, mod_chelsea_boots_black1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are rubber soles bad?

>> No.9248135

nah they're functional

>> No.9248216

>Zara shoes
Expect them to be worn out in <3 months.

>> No.9248275

Bump for more help if possible

>> No.9248296

they look good, cop them if you want

>> No.9248325
File: 56 KB, 950x1267, saint-laurent-camel-suede-chelsea-boots-product-3-12265121-200998552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a pair from mark and spencer that looks exactly like these SL chelseas and they only cost me 75 euros lmao

>> No.9248338

>that's the point of the shoe, they're not supposed to be slim
>chelsea boot
>not supposed to be slim

Fucking lol, enjoy your lego boots.

>> No.9248340
File: 1.97 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Received these for christmas, are the ankles too big for these to look good?

Any other similar looking recommendations?

>> No.9248346
File: 2.20 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more pix

>> No.9248360

they're too big unfortunately

>> No.9248362

The ankles aren't wide, your trousers are just way too fucking tight fitting so it looks daft. Chelsea boots are supposed to have your trouser's fabric over the boot's upper.

>> No.9248363

shit are they the saint laurent ones? that sucks man they're dope but those ankles are waaaaaaay too big

>> No.9248371

Too big I'm afraid.
Where to cop though?

>> No.9248382


sorry boyz these aint no saint laurent
they're just shit h&m ones online for like 100 bucks
thanks for the actual criticism not just "hah fag shoes"

>> No.9248388

stop wearing them like a teenage girl. Wear slim pants that trouser towards the chelseas, otherwise it'll look retarded like the examples you posted. You don't want to give off the "uggs"-vibe

>> No.9248393

seriously those are H&M? honestly considering checking them out, they have a silhouette almost exactly like the SL ones, the same paneling as well

>> No.9248399


yup, beware the large ankle tho i guess

>> No.9248410

Are you sure they're even your size?

>> No.9248411

oh okay thanks, though they actually look way better in your pic

>> No.9248414

yeah, I mean the foot part fits perfectly and they're size 10 which I usually wear...i think it might just be poor design. Anyone know w2c chelsea boots that have a tighter ankle for 100-200?

>> No.9248469

Check out the suede version of those at an H&M. The ankle looks a bit slimmer and imo they look better than the black ones.

>> No.9248499
File: 153 KB, 870x1110, image2xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do these look like the ankle would be similarly sized??? kill me

>> No.9248503
File: 145 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same shoes same shit, but they look really tight and good here???

>> No.9248534
File: 28 KB, 471x400, 3d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m..men literally wear these?

>> No.9248536

dr martens

>> No.9248543

do u

>> No.9248544
File: 85 KB, 293x276, 129912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 2015
>these types of arguments

Male and female only clothing is becoming less and less of a thing all the time, you're living in the past mate and you have been for a very long time if you're surprised by chelsea boots on men.

>> No.9248555

I was originally introduced to chelseas by a pic with a dude wearing them.
I'm not sure but ASOS has free rreturns at least in the UK so by all means try em. The quality's prolly going to be shit tho.

>> No.9248563

he speaketh the truth

>> No.9248566
File: 27 KB, 448x450, 1405024030932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like twenty dollar walmart shoes on either gender.

>> No.9249384

>dat leather grain
>dat stitching
idk man, they look cheap but the design isnt bad

>> No.9249414

Take a picture without the cuff
ankles will always be a little wide on chelseas, and those look pretty good

Looks like the cuff is just covering how wide it is

>> No.9249421

Only good if you're Beatles cosplaying or going for a snakey\sexual deviant type of look.

>> No.9251153

They're originally men's boots but then the women started with their unjust-full sartorial/gender appropriation of mens clothing.

>> No.9252834

H&M is out of dark brown leather chelseas, where else can I cop a pair?