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/fa/ - Fashion

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9222775 No.9222775 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/, /lgbt/ here. What would you describe as essential transgendercore?Specifically for male to female's who aren't very far in transition to look as feminine as possible without going full animu schoolgirl skirt. It seems impossible to pin down but we figured you guys might know.

>> No.9222810

Well like your transition you'll want to ease into femininity. Start with cardigans and women's cut shirts and pants and then move from there. I don't think there's any right or wrong way to dress, just experiment and see what you think you look good in. Just my $0.02

>> No.9222859

thigh high socks. with stripes.

>> No.9222870
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well its easy if ur asian, I crossdress and its not that hard to make your body look feminine using girl cut garments and exploiting the right silouettes, the hard part is the face, its all about skincare and getting rid of unwanted hair, not even HRT can eliminate all your facial hair, ill drop some inspo for bumps sake

also, please dont make this a -core, thats just retarded

>> No.9222878
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>> No.9222880

a noose

>> No.9222881
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>> No.9222885
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i just love when you can tell its clearly a man in girl clothes, exudes confidence

>> No.9222888
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I'm aiming for that punk whore look

hell yeah trashy tranny aesthetics

>> No.9223139
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>male to female

Just a man with no dick, a whiny voice and artificial gyno m8

>> No.9223194

god I hate trannies so much
you've got your lot, fucking deal with it. it's not worth ruining yourself and disgracing your family so you make believe your sexual fantasies

>> No.9223276

Dark tops, light bottoms to hide shoulders and accentuate hips

>> No.9223279

But transitioning is "dealing with it". Doing what we can within the abilities of modern medical science.

>> No.9223281

no, it's making a fool of your self and ostracizing yourself from society and revenant people as a whole

>> No.9223292

say that shit to andreja
oh wait you'd probably sperg out if you ever saw her

>> No.9223298

I don't know who the fuck that is and I probably don't care

i'm not going to argue with you,deep down I know you feel absolutely disgusting behind your delusion and sexual insecurity. i hope you find some peace

>> No.9223301

> him

>> No.9223310

Well-formed, structured body conscious wear. Playing with colors and shapes (eg: pastels). Start with things that make you feel girlier, even if they're not obvious: taking time to take care of your nails (filing, buffing, cuticle care, no need for color if you don't want), skincare, cutting your hair nicely, taking time to style it, wearing a floral or soft fragrance, exfoliating. Stick around, we have threads dealing with that stuff often!

>> No.9223374
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cmon being trans is not a trend wagon you can jump on, stop calling everything a fucking "core"

>> No.9223376

yes it is
fine then I'll call it transgenderwave.

>> No.9223378


>> No.9223383

how about 'its not transcore'core

>> No.9223408
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>> No.9223410
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>> No.9223413

anyone have more short haired transexuals/crossdresserd

>> No.9223417
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>> No.9224023

gettin' wavvy in here

>> No.9224070

post more advice /fa/ this is relevant

>> No.9225563

>gender is now a fashion trend

/pol/ was right yet again!

>> No.9225899
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>disgracing your family
Please kill yourself.

>> No.9225919

Actually it sort of is. I wonder how many tumblerettes decided they were gonna go trans because they didn't want to look cis in front of their internet friends.

>> No.9225938

I am surrounded by what pol would call sjws everyday on one of top campuses in the us and interact on a high level with them daily

Trust me, they'll support you going trans but even they will admit they're cis and that's that

>> No.9226078


>being this upset at how other people get off

>> No.9226629

that chin stop it get it away from me

>> No.9226725

so is this how they dress up hippos in china

>> No.9227104

ask away sissy, i have been crossdressing for like 12 years, im not a drag pro but i think i have accumulated enough knowledge to help anyone with questions, i dont know shit bout how HRT works though, my main advice is dont go out of your own boundaries, if you feel awkward or ashamed stop right there, as with any other way of dressing the only way to look good in it is feeling confident and natural, if you like feeling girly just try to find your own way and experiment, its fun!
oh also sjws can suck my dick, sheltered circlejerking autists, i cant stand the way they put faggots on pedestals and i fucking hate the "oh you hurt my feelings how dare you trigger my headspace or whatnot"-type faggots, if you dress like a woman you WILL get into fights, you WILL be discriminated, i dont think its possible to "destroy the patriarchy xD" or whatever meme-laden slogans those spergs are making now, you just have to accept there will always be people that hate you, whether you dress like a faggot or like a nigger, learn to fucking defend yourself, being a sissy doesnt mean being a weak coward

>> No.9227537

I agree with this, but I still think your chan style of typing makes you a fucking moron.

>> No.9228298
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i understand perfectly, i learnt english by reading this kind of entry level shit and im still not very good at it, its easier for me to communicate typing like the lowest low common denominator in your language

>> No.9228323

femininity and masculinity are not real and therefore it is impossible to look feminine or masculine

>> No.9228345

this is some serious next level groundbreaking postmodern manifesto

>> No.9228378
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no mirrors in the house because my brother smashed them, so I'm using a window.
How would I make my hips look bigger? Pre transition and I hate them

>> No.9228382


High-waisted things. Bottoms with pleats or tapered silhouettes that add volume closer to the hip/thigh.

>> No.9228393

Why did your brother smash your mirrors?

>> No.9228412

He's a spaz and breaks things in tantrums. I don't own a mirror and now we don't have a bathroom mirror

>> No.9228435
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>no mirrors in the house because my brother smashed them

>> No.9228441


Might be time to buy some mirrored acrylic or stainless steel.

>> No.9228611
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something like this, nice tits btw

>> No.9228618
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my skinhead girl fit

>> No.9228628

how often do you bathe

>> No.9228635

you mean tumblrcore

>> No.9228638

Just buy Rad Hourani and you're set B))

>> No.9229013


>> No.9229038

Lol why was this posted she's a cis girl

>> No.9229111
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>cmon being trans is not a trend wagon
transtrending has been a thing for years starting back when girls were pretending to be gay yaoiboys on Deviantart, the only difference is that hormone treatment is largely available now and every tumblerina is obsessed with adding some -gender shit label to themselves

>> No.9229150

Plus it belong more on /cgl/ than /fa/

>> No.9229151

For you :^)

>> No.9229153

Can't see fucking shit, captain

Do you live in a goddamned cave? Turn on a fucking light next time

>> No.9231000
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>> No.9231016

Keep this on /lgbt/

You have your own board. Don't shit up this one anymore than its current state

>> No.9231041
File: 309 KB, 490x367, 1418152991075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is not about sexuality, its about clothes

>> No.9231139

Why the long face?

>> No.9231146

It's working.

>> No.9231482

I can never decide if I want to step up my girlmode game and go for qt all-out female outfits, or play it the more androgynous way and wear unisex/guys clothes.
This is especially troubling when it comes to finding the right hairstyle.

>> No.9231811

how long is your hair? dont be shy post a fit

>> No.9231818

what is working?

>> No.9231829
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cool i got trips

>> No.9231863

My hair goes a bit past my shoulders.

Will post fit later, if people are still interested then, currently not wearing proper clothes.

>> No.9231880

whatever the fuck you want to wear transgendercore is whatever the fuck you want it to be. people dont look out on the street for trans styles because they know a trans when they see one

>> No.9231919

this is true, you can dress like the opposite gender and apply ANOTHER -core to that, like dressing like a street goth chick or a palewave girl