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/fa/ - Fashion

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9217087 No.9217087 [Reply] [Original]

This board would stop being shit if all americans were banned. prove me wrong.

>> No.9217093
File: 925 KB, 1280x848, FDOLpdA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Not American myself but you need a diverse community for good discussion.

>> No.9217111

No you dumb fuck. I'm European but this board was created by Americans. Stop being retarded.

>> No.9217125

America is what happens when you mix a bunch of people from different countries along with their cultures.

Literally America = World

>> No.9217136

we would still have Australian posters + some Americans are mad smart @ posting fresh advice so yh

>> No.9217217

op's a maverick, i like it

americans can be shitty i feel when they think they're the best

let's be grateful for this space, where a diverse array of countries can come together

>> No.9217219

Australians are INFINITELY worse

>> No.9217450

the board would be fine if we banned all australians, eastern europeans and fly over state burgers

>> No.9217549



Americans from a city with a sense of culture?


>> No.9217616

you have to prove your argument first dude im not doin the work for you

>> No.9217628
File: 330 KB, 1024x768, american-eagle-flag-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god, /fa/, I had almost given up on you. Thanks for being so openminded.

>> No.9217656

Isn't that weird skinhead kid who keeps posting nearly identical, awful fits from europe?

>> No.9218115
File: 295 KB, 612x792, ICanUseGoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related?

>> No.9219638
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>> No.9219650

na thats new york
america is where you mix the different countries and they turn into an americanised mush

>> No.9219684

Fashion wise Americans are by far the most out of touch

>> No.9219759

I fucking hate this sense of elitism that Europeans, Canadians, Australians ETC often have. It's Nationalism in a PC disguise and these are the same lemmings who would have voted for Hitler.

>> No.9219780

You're aware that today's "white americans" are a mix of Anglo-Celtic, German and Italians right?

>> No.9219783

America is great. Everything ships for free without customs and taxes

>> No.9219787

american people are the most obnoxiousand annoying people

if this board wasjust for brit bongs and some europeans it would be SO much better

>> No.9219795

I fucking hate this sense of elitism that Americans often have. It's Nationalism in a PC disguise and these are the same lemmings who would have voted for Bush.

>> No.9219805

>Implying I'm American
It's not even comparable really. There are stereotypical dumb Americans but they're nowhere near as obnoxious, at least online.

>> No.9219817

trunks is american

>> No.9219820

brit bongs are the most obnoxiousand annoying people

if this board wasjust for some europeans it would be SO much better

>> No.9219823

i would fucking hate to live in america but we need the americans here

>> No.9219837

no, but if asians and aus were banned the quality would be much better.

>> No.9219838

I agree, and I'm Australian.

>> No.9221725

>This board would stop being shit if all americans were banned. prove me wrong.
You could easily say that for every board on 4chan. (or in fact the world overall)

I hate fucking America too, but this website was originally made by an American and as a quest demanding the homeland demographic to leave is just plain ignorant and dick-ish. Therefore you would be no better than the average Yank.

+ believe it or not, but there are a few cool people in America. They may just be 0,01% of the population, but they still exist.

>> No.9221734

Since when is xenophobia /effay/?

All my fits are from all over the globe.

>> No.9221737

GTFO, the reason the board is shit is because of all the chavs and eastern Europeans.
Anyways, without the americans they would be few posters

>> No.9221743

what... chavs... go... there's not... is there chavs on /fa/???????????????/

>> No.9221751

Yes, go on in the morning and this place is full of them

>> No.9221769

Hey, I resent that

And as an American....only the North Koreans can tell us what to do and say!

>> No.9221777

excluding people from california* every other type of american is shit

>> No.9221815

>Exactly the pretentious attitude Californians are known for

>> No.9221825

>blindly hating small town folks

I hate city people so much, and I am one

>> No.9221838

I'm Canadian and I hate this too. Our country has nothing to be smug about. I like some of our local customs, and I'm as patriotic as anyone, but the US is a remarkable country and it has a really interesting culture.

>> No.9221872

>This board would stop being shit if all australians were banned. prove me wrong.


>> No.9221930
File: 43 KB, 404x238, funposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the 'Muricans, we need the freedoms.

As an Australian, I would like to sincerely apologise for my countrymen's behaviour on the internet.

>> No.9221984
File: 61 KB, 500x276, tumblr_mnzll2VYrH1qzspj4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better idea. Ban all posters from English speaking countries, the post rate will drop but it would eliminate almost all the underage b&s and the site would be much more diverse, not to mention that by practically making bilingualism a requirement to post the average IQ here would shoot up 20 points

>> No.9222605

except for the midwest america is pretty cool
>New York
>Texas (some places)

>> No.9222635

strayans are sick cunts