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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 59 KB, 500x545, 1418005502228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9204657 No.9204657[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>show up to party
>grills all wearing bright colored sun dresses, basic bitchness overwhelming
>friends dressed up in frat boy core khaki shorts, polo shirts
>wearing black shirt, navy pants, black shoes
>tfw realize that I'm that guy in the corner on 4chan
>sip beer awkwardly
>15 min later smoking bud outback with grills
>qt*pi compliments my barely audible iPhone music selection I turned on for smoking
>forget all about autism and get on with night

>> No.9204661

ur a fuckin dork, man


>> No.9204667

Unfortunately, dressing well doesn't cure autism.

>> No.9204685
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>>qt*pi compliments my barely audible iPhone music selection I turned on for smoking

Is this the generation of today that requires constant stimulation.

>tfw old

>> No.9204689

Fucking Australians.

>> No.9204699

who needs friends when u can have a $3000 leather jacket instead

>> No.9204706

>tfw realize that I'm that guy in the corner on 4chan

I too was this person at a 21st recently. But managed to get laid that night thankyou /fa/ for essentially teaching me how to disguise myself as a normie.

>> No.9204713

>teaching me how to disguise myself as a normie
Teach me your ways, senpai

>> No.9204719
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not him, but thank god for alcohol

>> No.9204721
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>> No.9204724
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this is the only canon boardtan

>> No.9204725

>be grrl
>conceal powerlevel under makeup
>skin tight dress

>> No.9204730
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>tfw go to a party with your tall rugby player friend
>it's a party hosted by the volleyball team
>literally too short for every girl there


>> No.9204875


>tfw OP copypasta's your feels
t-thanks? that was a fun night

smoking bud and listening to music is a new thing?

they're pastels, not neon. midwest bitches. also it should've read out back, as in the backyard patio.

>dated qt's in the past
>always had to pursue
>start dressing /fa/
>grills approach me for the first time in my life

feelsgoodman. also

>roommate has freshmen over
>getting ready to go out and leave house
>come back into room with jacket on
>thought i heard the qt'iest of them all snicker at me upon entering

fast forward two weeks
>roommate pickups said grill, drunk
>minding my business on /fa/ in the basement
>comes downstairs and gives me a hug
>whatever she's drunk
>comes down again
>"anon i love your scarf, you dress so nice"
>*rubs her hands all over my viscose*
>sits in my lap
>straining to type on my macbook now
>roommate appears and calls her upstairs
>other roomie and buddy "anon i think she wants to bang you"
>"ya I'm starting to get that feeling"
>"if she comes down a third time i'm going to swoop in"
>she comes
>roommate follows her down
>debating asking her to go upstairs in front of roommate
>she's all over me in front of him
>lolling deep inside at his face
>phone rings
>"anon will you pick us up from bar?"
>"sure dudes"
>"anon let me come along"
>"nah probably going to be a full car"
>smoke a cig while driving downtown and laughing at situation

honestly my roommate would've cried if i took her. plus my other roommates witnessed it all. the alpha was already had. pretty dang cute tho, a bit of regret. thanks /fa/ :)

>> No.9204898

just don't be that guy in all black anon, most of the people here who dress that way don't get very much social interaction for a reason

>> No.9204917


>> No.9204940
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& last weekend

>eating at Uni
>QT student worker tells the two tables next to me to GTFO, closing
>gets to me, strikes up conversation
>she's probably just trying to avoid wiping tables
>but I am dressed pretty /fa/
>conversation goes on 15 min past closing
>"alright well I should probably go"
>"can I get your number, anon?"
>lying: "my iPhones out for repair, if you want my address you can come by anytime Friday evening before 10, I'll be hanging around"
>"for sure anon, that sounds great"
>"our house is pretty relaxed, you can just let yourself in the back and head downstairs when you arrive"
>"sweet will do"
>give her my old address
>Friday, hanging out in computer lab on campus
>phones rings, old roommate calling
>"hey anon, two hotties showed up at our house looking for you"
>laugh out loud
>"yeah they did"

Gets better tho. Following week

>go to last class for lab
>see chick sitting near front
>is that...
>it's her.
>she looks over
>eye contact
>doesn't smile
>*engage shit eater grin*
>slowly turn my head to look at my lab partner
>she's even hotter
>"what's so funny anon?" my QT*partner asks
>"oh nothing"

Figuring out that I'm more about the hunt than the sechs I guess. Once your hormones settle and you bang and have to deal with a couple QTs, the rest of the wolfpack holds no power over you. Just think how much more science I will get done :]

>> No.9204946

Inb4 hater mod removes thread :(

>> No.9204949

Your le epic meme macro image and general obnoxiousness are too fucking extreme for this to be real

Like this has to be post irony

>> No.9205123

Lmao color clashing matchymatchy pleb

>> No.9205161

>qt*pi compliments my barely audible iPhone music selection I turned on for smoking
are you twelve?

>> No.9205170 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 432x391, vitun dug-kusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be intolerable irl because your sense of entitlement is over the fucking top in that blog post you just wrote.

>> No.9205180
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There is no way someone could write something this fucking obnoxious seriously, holy shit

>> No.9206862

lol I saw a guy like this the other week and he was a fucking dark cloud over everyone, those guys are the worst

>> No.9206880

/fa/ my personal blog

>> No.9206922

You must be ugly as fuck if you have to wear a certain color for people to be friendly with you.

Went to a party wearing all black the other night. Got some qt's number

Go out to some bars last night. Hit on endlessly by gay dudes and eye fucked by women.

tldr; Just be attractive

>> No.9206934

I bet you don't even have 18. Good luck in the real world faggot, try to join it some time instead of making up cheap stories.


>> No.9206952

What are you even trying to say? You bet I don't have 18?

>> No.9206968

>the alpha was aready had

lmao no the alpha hasn't been had at all

>> No.9206973

why so salty?

dont have any alpha stories to tell?

>> No.9206976

I dont really shitpost but how can you feel good about this pal? Like were we suppose to be impressed because man this just sounds really depressing for you.

>> No.9207003

stopped reading
fucking plebs

>> No.9207015
File: 82 KB, 486x409, batman laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out with qt, goes well, bit awkward in places but fun
>drinking through the night, end up at hers
>her flatmates and some black are there doing coke
>im already really drunk, sorta passed out on the sofa
>he's trying to chat them up but its not really working
>one of the flatmates goes to bed
>the qt drags me into her bed whilst the black guy is there
>he spills spaghetti asking if we can help find his phone, im already pretty out of it
>mfw he slept on the sofa in the same room we were in
>mfw he eventually went round the flat with a fucking candle asking if there was anywhere to sleep
>mfw he spent £90 on a taxi

>> No.9207017


don't mind him, he's french

>> No.9207025

>be me, white 10/10
>go to party dressed cool
>see only fat grills
>all asian guys
>play Slipknot on audio system and keep turning the volume up
>asian guys complain music is shit
>i walk outside and leave my phone plugged in playing Slipknot
>everyone mad about music
>nobody changes it despite being left open
>still no grills
>take pics in bathroom
>fill jacket pockets with beers
>grab phone
>walk home

>> No.9207032

>>be me, white 10/10
stopped reading there

>> No.9207042

10/10 is a state of mind, friend

>> No.9207075

fuck off cunt

>> No.9207081

stopped reading

>> No.9207098

epik blog post upvoted and favourited

where can i subscribe?

>> No.9207165

what did you take pics with, do you just carry around a camera?
I suspect that this is an old wife's tale

>> No.9207176
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too /fa/ for your comprehension?

All I have is dead, so I'll take you with me

>> No.9207184

good point actually. i grabbed my phone before i took pics then. i was drunk in the bathroom taking pics and someone was knocking to let him in. when i came out he had puked all over the door and passed out. what a lame.

>> No.9207206

everybody, everybody needs at least one friend.

>> No.9207210
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I have no further questions

>> No.9207226

top kek.


Hopefully you're in your teens.

>> No.9207229

>All this blogpost bullshit


>> No.9207235

>be 11/10 alpha male
>browsing /fa/
>see this 3/10 beta anon complaining about blogposts
>make greentext blogpost about the complaint just to piss the sperglord off
>it spills spaghetti everywhere
>I eat it and laugh

>> No.9207243

>>*rubs her hands all over my viscose*

>> No.9207256

/fa/ I want to break up with my gf but have the balls to do it

I think she is suicidal an will end in depression if I end our relationship


>> No.9207268


It's funny seeing people on 4chan tell these long drawn out posts about 'I almost fucked a girl once' and sincerely think random people on the internet are supposed to be impressed. This shit is just straight off-the-charts autistic and makes me cringe for them. Jesus Christ how could you reread this and not want to kill yourself.

>> No.9207276

make her break up with you

>> No.9207286

start treating her like shit until she wants to find someone else

>> No.9207288

I am trying but it is not working, she loves me so much and I dont love her, but she ignores the signes and thinks i am joking

Can't cheat on her since that wil ruin my rep

>> No.9207296

rape her

>> No.9207315

Tell her how you feel, tell her you wish it was different (if it was), tell her you've had good times together (if you had), but things have changed and you're sorry (if you are). Encourage her to stay in a safe place. Leave her the number to the nearest suicide hotline and help her pack a hospital bag.
If you know her therapist, leave a message letting them know what's going on.

Affective depression is okay after losing someone, affective suicide isn't. Even if she feels that way, don't get dragged into it.

Don't do this. She'll start thinking that that's what she deserves and it'll fuck her up.

>> No.9207328

>Don't do this. She'll start thinking that that's what she deserves and it'll fuck her up.
seriously talking then yeah, dont do it
tell what tripsk told u to tell

>> No.9207330

<3 not even that bad of a solution thanks /fa/

>> No.9207367

>implying people dont do it to make fun of themselves

>> No.9207419
File: 211 KB, 2048x1365, Grande things are coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the time your toj has arrived you should have made life altering choices

>> No.9207484

i feel physically sick

i was referring to my rick leather

>> No.9208205

It actually isn't that bad of a suggestion, except for the suicide hotline and stuff like that. don't tell her how you feel to the point of spilling your guts, tell her what is happening, and then GTFO. you don't owe her anything, and nothing you say will be good enough. she won't be OK or at peace with anything you tell her, and she will have some rebuttal about how she can do better, or make things right to the point where it will start to get annoying.

you need to understand that breaking up is hard, and peoples feelings get hurt. there is no way around that. she'll cry about it, and then start talking shit about how much of an asshole you were and are, then her friends may get involved to help you "reconsider." bottom line is she WILL be fine. you may be surprised how fine she'll be, and how quickly she'll bounce from completely miserable to repulsively determined to show you how happy she is without you.

tell her what is happening, give a reason why, if you want, and tell her it's best to not speak to each other anymore and MEAN IT. continuing to talk, trying to work it out, etc, means prolonging the process and potentially even getting back together. it isn't going to be easy for you either, especially because she will work to be the best she's ever been, to draw you back in, only to have the same situation play out again, or worse. it's just a waste of time.

you don't need to be completely cold, but that's a better option than remaining too available and attempting to explain yourself, because you'll soon see how irrational girls can be at accepting or respecting the truth. you will be wrong, no matter what. and she will be fine.

if she hates you and talks shit about you, that's part of the process. she is no longer in your life, and no longer your concern. i know she still will be your concern and you'll be worried and try to help her, but the more you try to help her, the more she will continue finding ways to get you to help her.

>> No.9208252

>but the more you try to help her, the more she will continue finding ways to get you to help her
and all of this will be happening when SHE has already accepted the break up internally, and is coming to terms with it while you are still trying to help her. what i mean by that is her dragging you around for attention is only hurting YOU, not helping her as much as you think. what she feels inside after you break up with her is unlikely something she'll realize, but whatever spark she had for you is slowly burning out and will never be lit the same way again. now she cares about you simply because she hates losing something, not so much because she has "love" for you. intnerally, subconsciously, she will already be moving on, while your process is suspended and delayed due to your ability to help her.

out of the blue, bam, she's better and happy in a new situation, and your left feeling lost and abandoned because you never stopped giving her attention and letting HER emotions dictate yours. the attention you'll give her is not dissimilar to being in a relationship, and it's not moving on.

as a man you want to help her, but as a woman she has the power to help herself without admitting she's as capable as you think. she is not capable of being as direct and honest as you will be to her, but she is much more capable of knowing exactly how to play to get sympathy, and if you don't know or understand this now, this experience will make it very clear.

breakup, GTFO, and move on. it won't be easy, but it's in your best interest, and your best interest is truly what you should care about. she'll be acting in her best interest.

>> No.9208265

if you do stuff like talk to her about the suicide hotline it will make her tempted to walk that line to get your sympathy. it's a lot like saying "I am leaving forever, but here is one way to get me back"

she isn't thinking what you are thinking. guys commit suicide over this stuff, girls know it's a powerful threat. i know there have been girls who've killed themselves over something similar, but the statistics compared to men will actually blow your mind.

>> No.9208276

drink alcohol so it kills your inhibitions my friend

>> No.9208277


>> No.9208299
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>turning on music for smoking

>*rubs her hands all over my viscose*

>"hey anon, two hotties showed up at our house looking for you"

I'm laughing like crazy lol. I love you dude. Any more stories?

>> No.9209107

This man knows what's up. All three posts are gold.

>> No.9209126

>Dressing basic workwear, just black pants and jean truck jacket, I haven't shaved in 2 months (god tier greek beard) and gringo haircut.
>Don't care much about the party Im in, just going back and forth for more beer.
>This chick tells me I have the greatest beard she have ever seen.
>T-t-thanks I guess
>Fuck her right in the pussy later that night.

Also I am 6'4'' and /fit/izen on SS n-n-no homo

>> No.9209131
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>tfw abandoned by your only friend

>> No.9209133

these posts are fucking hilarious lol

>> No.9209190

>playing music through phone speakers.


>> No.9209193

>tfw 9/10 qt into me
>tfw back to hers after a few drinks together
>tfw just talk, then walk home at 3am.

Holy fuck.

>> No.9209202

Doesn't sound too bad.
Write her and tell her it was great, if it was, and that you want to hook up again.

>> No.9209301


>> No.9209312
File: 416 KB, 1000x1000, 1414472062606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitches want my dick because im so good at math
>bitches want my dick because i know all about fucking rome history
top kek!
im 2 smart!