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9169630 No.9169630 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a beauty/skincare/hygiene thread?

I'll dump some images and I'm here to answer any questions you might have about beauty products.

>> No.9169636

ran out of BHA wipes (stridex) and I broke out pretty bad, is this normal? also my PIH seems to heal incredibly slow and my daily AHA isin't cutting it what else can I add


>> No.9169639
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>> No.9169641

oh ffs i forgot to buy shaving gel again

>> No.9169645
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Your skin is probably accustomed to them. I'd keep using them.

Best acne care products I have tried have been Murad and Shisedo Pureness.

>> No.9169649

>tfw addicted to acne products

>> No.9169651
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>> No.9169663

tfw have hormonal acne, nothing helps

>> No.9169665
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>> No.9169670
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Why don't you go to the doctor? They can give you hormone supplements to help, or birth control if you're a female.

>> No.9169674

Manuka honey, leave for one hour and rinse, your skin will be super soft, it also helps to combat spots. Don't believe me? Plenty of online resources about Manuka honey and its benefits to skin.

>> No.9169675

Dump self no makeup or photoshop images of your face, bonus for macro.

>> No.9169676
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Love colored eyeliners lately. Black is so boring.

>> No.9169681

I got the comedones. I think they are called closed comedones? They are not red and not super visible but they are all over my temple and forehead, and sometimes they break out into a single pimpz, you know.
I just started using a mechanical exfoliator daily, and some anti acne crea, with and anti-impurity moisturizer.. Anything else i can do to completely get rid of these deep-ass comedones?

>> No.9169687

Is there a way to completely get rid of acne scars without surgery?

>> No.9169698
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I don't think so.

>> No.9169723
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I'm a skincare nerd. This here is the info I have on comedogenicity alone.

Closed comedones is most likely what you have, if they are pale and seems to be covered in a thin layer of skin. The fact that they are not red indicates that the surrounding tissue is not inflamed, probably because the comedo itself is not infected (yet). When they do get infected (by primarily anaerobic bacteria) you will suffer breakouts - pus filled pimples that are painful, red, and warm (inflamed).

I cannot recommend a mechanical exfoliator whatsoever, as they seem to be actually hurting the skin and contributing to microscopic scar forming due to the healing of repeated small mechanical trauma (damage).

I would instead recommend a chemical exfoliator. Salicylic acid (an "BHA", rather than a "AHA") is your best bet - as your problems seems to be connected to the fatty comedones. Salicylic acid will most likely help in contracting the spaces in your skin where comedones are formed (not "pores") - and preventing excess skin residues (mainly keratin) from getting stuck in there.

I would recommend the above coupled with oil cleansing (maybe 1-2 times a week) and some good moisturizer (1-2 times daily).

>> No.9169729
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>> No.9169752

Skincare is so overwhelming to me, so many things out there. Thank god I don't have to do anything, some of my friends break out if they just miss one day of washing

anyway I just use cetaphil with cold water at night, when i remember to. once or twice a week i use The Saem's black pearl bubble mask, and for a face moisturizer i use The Face Shop's chia seed cream

>> No.9169764

Your skin was accustomed to a certain thing. It will act out when stuff changes.
BHA and AHA works in completely different ways. You should start using Stridex again daily.

Hormonal acne can be combated. When you say "nothing helps" - what have you tried? There are some standard things to try that even helps teens.

>There is insufficient
evidence to guide clinical practice in other areas (than wound treatment).



Plenty of alternatives. I can recommend silicone as a mild first thing to try.

That is rare, and very fortunate.
I just moisturize.

>> No.9169765

i thought this was you for a second

almost asked what happened to god tier brown eyes

>> No.9169777
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Does anyone else use this? I've been using it for maybe about a year and a half. I've tried many of their products, but then I finally settled for just this.

Their wipes made my fingers peel, so I stopped using it.

>> No.9169782

Whats a good toner to use for men, or does gender specific products not matter in this case? And do you noisturize after or before the toner

>> No.9169792

Does Adapalène helps recover from pigmented acne scars?

>> No.9169794

Skin products are generally gender-neutral, but are targeted towards genders for profit. Gender in itself is not a factor, but make-up for females can be one.

You moisturize as a last step. I would wait for a while - up to an hour or so - before applying moisturizer after applying anything that has AHA in it. Refrain from alcohol as in ethanol. Glycerol/glycerin is okay.

>> No.9169796
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There's no difference between skincare products for men or women, besides packaging and scent. It depends, what type of skin do you have? dry/oily. If you're oily you want a toner, if you're dry you'll want to look for a softening lotion. Toners help change the ph balance in the skin to better receive other products like serums and moisturizers. You'll do the toner first.


wish i was a supermodel

>> No.9169807

>wish i was a supermodel
you are

>> No.9169817

10% benzoyl peroxide is an extremely high concentration. Does it work for you?

Oxidizers are generally a bit brutish and can damage the skin. Have you considered AHA/BHA?

>> No.9169847
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>> No.9169864

I feel the whole "MECHANICAL EXFOLIATION IS ALWAYS BAD" train that is apparently a reddit circlejerk> kind of irksome. Mechanical exfoliation is fine 1-2 times a week. microscopic scar forming? superficial damage of the epidermis can always shed, it wont scar... if you're taking off multiple layers of keratinocytes maybe...

>> No.9169885

My skin is pretty much clear except for a small pimple here and there. I had severe acne before, but I feel like it's time to switch.

Do you have any good recommendations for me? I'd like something that doesn't leave my skin as dry, and maybe a good moisturizer.

The reason I chose Oxy is because it's extremely cheap and it actually worked for me, unlike proactive and neutrogena.

>> No.9169916

Epidermal damage is not an issue - the dermis is, though. It seems to me like the mechanical abrasion does reach this deep and affects this layer in a bad way because pain ;_; therefore chemical, if one really needs the abrasion. don't see a real need for it, though. BHA > AHA in general

Stridex pads without ethanol!

I use Eucerin. CeraVe is a popular choice.
Google, and try some.

>> No.9169925

that mechanical dermabrasion affects the dermis is also evidenced by occasional flushing in the affected areas

>> No.9169995

So really the issue is with people using mechanical abrasion in a harmful way as opposed to all mechanical abrasion, no?

>> No.9170066

Really? By mechanical exfoliator i mean its like a soap with some small microbeads. From Garnier and a moisturizer from garnier as well. So far it has been working okay i think, not so much the the temples tho.

I heard chemichal exfoliators could give peeling and sacrring, which i will do everything to avoid.. How does the mechanical exfoliator have a scarring effect? Any source on this?

>> No.9170069

It just seems like it's easy to use mechanical abrasion in a harmful way. It also seems a bit more inefficient than, say, various AHAs since they act as keratolytics on a molecular level rather than on a microscopic level. They seriously make most of the skin residues fall off.

I generally don't like reddit SCA btw.

>> No.9170115

also, see Wikipedia on this:

>Since the procedure can typically remove the top to deeper layers of the epidermis, and extend into the reticular dermis, there is always minor skin bleeding. The procedure carries risks of scarring, skin discoloration, infections, and facial herpes virus (cold sore) reactivation.


This is, of course, the methods performed in clinical settings.

See the Wikipedia link/text above.
Primarily AHA, especially lactic acid, and peroxides can give flushing and peeling when used too often or in too high concentrations. I have not heard of any scarring, as it doesn't damage the skin if used in the way it should be used. Salicylic acid, without alcohol, should not be an issue.

>> No.9170166
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any opinions on Konjac sponges? I bought one because they've been hyped up lately and my inner weeb couldn't resist (plus they're like 10 bucks); I like the way it feels on my face a lot and it probably helps to get any residual makeup off after I've washed my face but besides that it doesn't seem to do much. I guess it counts as mechanical exfoliation but it's ridiculously gentle, like more gentle than a wet washcloth

>> No.9170226
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I wash my face twice a day with Cetaphil, moisturize with Vaseline at night, and change my pillowcases often. It doesn't seem to be having any effect on my acne. Is there anything else I should be doing?

Thank you in advance, based tripfriends and anons.

>> No.9170228

Anything that can really be done about sebaceous filaments? The pores on my nose are huge and filled with these little bastards, and they're darker than my skin so it makes my face look perpetually dirty.

>> No.9170245

Posting photoshopped models is not a good example of proper skincare.

>> No.9170270

it wouldn't count as exfoliation, though, as this specifically refers to the removal of skin residues. I don't think it's an issue since it seems every soft. Don't have any advice re. makeup removal as I don't use it... ;_;

I would advise you to try Stridex pads (normal or extra strength) without alcohol. Should help you out with these open and closed comedones in your "T-zone". There may be better moisturizers for you to find, even though vaseline has been shown to not be as acne/comedogenic as people thought previously.

Sebaceous filaments are somewhat similar to "open comedones", but are simply strands of hair covered in soft sebum/fat. They are not not a skin disease or the like. They can get darker though as melanin ends up in these holes and as the contents of the "pore" (but it's not really a pore) is exposed to the air. The "pores" can be cleaned using a fat-soluble acid such as salicylic acid (the Stridex pads I recc'd above) - and this will also serve to contract the openings. Vitamin C has been proposed to counteract oxidation but it's not worth it imo.

>> No.9170282

Yo dude, you seem to know your shit. My skin isn't terrible, but it's not as great as I'd like. My forehead, cheeks, and chin are almost always clear. However, I'd always struggle with redness around the edges of my nose. There's no whiteheads or anything, just seemingly clogged pores that don't really go away with either BP (which my skin is very used to) or sulfur masks. I usually use a BP wash and moisturizer, but I bought a tube of AHA thinking it can finally make my skin great - used the thing, it stung like a bitch, woke up the next day feeling smoother than a baby's bottom, and broke out pretty bad the week after. It's gotten better, and I've heard that the AHA usually helps redness; what do I do?

>> No.9170338

Would a combination of bha and aha be ideal for comedones?

>> No.9170360

I'm >>9170226. I'll purchase some Stridex pads to try tomorrow. How often (and how) are you meant to use them?

And what moisturizers are better/what should I be looking for? Thanks for your help!

>> No.9170361

Well, you are currently using two different compounds that can both cause redness and irritation in the skin.

- AHA helps remove skin residues in the top layer of the skin (epidermis)
- BP does the same thing (ish) but in a more hostile manner.

Redness is actually listed as "one of the most common side-effects of AHA peeling":


Is your skin dry? When you describe it then it could be classified as "sensitive/dry".

I would stop using both, and moisturizing more. I would use a mild cleanser, salicylic acid, moisturizer.

Comedones are created when skin residues, "dirt, and sebum/fat (from your sebaceous glands) form somewhat hard lumps in some of the openings of the skin, usually around a strand of hair.

Alpha-hydroxy acids generally serve to exfoliate the skin in general and removes excess skin both on the surface of the skin as well as in the openings (not "pores"). It mainly serves to prevent the formation of comedones by decreasing the amount of skin residues that can get into the openings in the skin.

Beta-hydroxy acids are primarily fat-soluable and targets the openings, the sebaceous filaments as well as comedones rather than the skin in general. They are the first choice for getting rid of comedones.

If BHA doesn't help, then it can be complimented with AHA.

Hope it helps.

>> No.9170374

I just looked the product up:


Dem reviews. Anyways, wipe the face after cleaning it - "1-3 times daily". Seems a bit much. Most people use it once before bed, and also in the morning if needed.

Be sure to moisturize - I use Eucerin. Haven't bothered with anything else.

CeraVe moisturizing cream has rave reviews. See Amazon.

>> No.9170408


what does your skin look like?

>> No.9170426

Smh damn you guys this wasn't supposed to be an acne thread

>> No.9170432

you're on a board for college-aged people who want to look better than they do, it is inevitable

>> No.9170435

bruh u forgot to add the nose bit of the glasses how would they stay on?

>> No.9170591


>> No.9170615

Fuck acne. Took a toll on me later in life (after hs) and could never get it under control without products that fucked my skin up even more. Not sure there's much I can do now.

>> No.9170630 [DELETED] 

for face, see:


Silicone is a easy basic treatment. You could also ask your doctor.

>> No.9170632 [DELETED] 

for face, see:

What is your issues with acne now? Scars can be managed.

>> No.9170634

for face, see:

What is your issues with acne now? Scars can be managed.

>> No.9170661

I have big pores and gunk in them that can lead to pretty bad pimples, any advice for that?

>> No.9170671

Anything to do about prominent subcutaneous filaments? My nose gets them bad.

>> No.9170672
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Comedones, most likely.


>> No.9170681

Salicylic acid in Stridex Pads.
You cannot get rid of them completely, but you can decrease their prominence.



>> No.9170686

Mainly just flair ups every couple months. When they hit they come in groups. The scaring is the worst part. On a scale of 1-5 I'd say a three. It's just enough to mess with my confidence.

>> No.9170707

Too bad. How about using the advice listed in the thread to prevent the flair ups, as well as asking your doctor about:


>> No.9170846 [DELETED] 
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I have eczema, used to use pic related, but I don't know where to find it anymore. What are some good body lotions for really dry skin?

>> No.9170855


I stopped drinking three cups of milk a day and now limit myself to one in the morning

My skin has been fucking FLAWLESS, I don't understand why I went through years of bullshit. Or maybe it's just a combination of growing out of all that hormonal shit.

And the hilarious part is that I don't even have to take care of my skin anymore and it still stays clear! No more cleansers, no more EpiDuo, no more Stridex.

Just sunscreen and moisturizer!

Fucking amazing. Quit milk and see what happens

>> No.9170859 [DELETED] 

I stopped drinking milk and I got shorter

>> No.9170860

I've never liked milk, my skin is still shit

>> No.9170910

god are there people this dietary miseducated
since when was drinking milk was ever a good idea
human beings are lactose intolerant

>> No.9170973 [DELETED] 

nice try non-dairy shill

bet ur going to advertise your latest non-dairy icecream now huh?

>> No.9171015

Skin care doesn't work. You're always fixing one thing with one thing and throwing off another thing in the process

I dropped all products including moisturiser and shaving cream and my skin is nice and soft at the moment but who knows it might go bad once winter comes along

>> No.9171022

I think you can find that cream if you'd like to find it. CeraVe has great reviews, though, and several of them mention similar problems to yours:


There are some indications of a positive correlation between dairy in the diet and acne. It's controversial, but there seems to be a weak but positive link. For more info: Google, PubMed, NCBI, WP.

I've seen a lot of people who really have fixed their skin for good after finding what works for them.

Not using any products is also a part of skin care.

In the winter it may be the case that you will need to find a rather fat cream to account for your needs to keep your skin moisturized.

>> No.9171039

Know that feel

I have one moisturizer that doubles as a concealer, and works great but if I leave it on too long it mixes with my natural oils - goes back into my pores and BAM - the most brutal acne ensues

I've got another moisturizer that works so-so and smells good, but yeah - it just doesn't get the job done

If I don't use any product and go a day without showering - aka no warm water touching my face, I have no blemishes and my complexion is clear. ATM trying to get into cold showers

>> No.9171044

Sheep placenta in my face goo is just a marketing gimmick right?

>> No.9171050 [DELETED] 
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Thanks for the recommendations. I will look into those.

Should I buy moisturizer with sunscreen or without? If it's the latter, then should I have a separate non-sunscreen lotion to use at night?

>> No.9171054



>> No.9171077
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There are products that have been demonstrated to not be that acnegenic/comedogenic. I would advise you to try some of them.

It depends on your budget and how much you care about the controversial health warnings related to titanium dioxide and sunscreens in general. A moisturizer with a sunscreen is recommended, though, if you're not black. Ultra-violet rays contributes greatly to skin deterioration.

See this trucker pic for trivia (sun on left).

>> No.9171082 [DELETED] 

Yikes. I don't want wrinkly skin, but I don't want to risk getting cancer either. Do you use a moisturizer with sunscreen in it?

>> No.9171102

UV radiation is the main culprit in several kinds of skin cancer, though, and that is a very established thing, so you might as well protect yourself against it.

>> No.9171110

And no, I don't use sunscreen in my moisturizer. I should though - even though I live in Sweden and never see the sun.

>> No.9171267

I have the lighter one

it's pretty good sometimes I feel like it dries your face out like crazy

and it's super cheap

>> No.9171382

I have these dark circles under my eyes that have some flakes that come off when I rub them. I think it's a vitamin deficiency or maybe some skin thing, I'm unsure. Anyone have a solution or something similar?

>> No.9171392

>don't believe me? Read all about it on some hippie vegan mammy blog

>> No.9171518

a form of dermatitis i think? almond oil is great

got me wondering too since i get slight flakiness around my outer nostril and bridge for some reason too

it happened noticeably after i got my nose pierced but i thought it was too much smoking or something because its still there on and off a year

>> No.9172067

Sounds like they're dry - try CeraVe based off reviews. May even help even if it's dermatitis. Amazon link previously in this thread.

From friends experience: skincare products > almond oil alone.

>> No.9172278

doc wont give me accutane because he thinks my acne is mild at best.

What the fuck? If I think it's severe then there's nothing to argue, ok?

Jesus christ, i thought they get payed lots of money by big pharma for selling meds.

>> No.9172398

berry, you're beautiful
it's too bad you probably don't like grills

>> No.9172422

The treatment should be chosen based on the need of the patient, as perceived by the doctor after an investigation. Thankfully this is the case, because otherwise people would be able to prescribe themselves whatever based on their own personal opinion.

Medications are prescribed in a progressive order based on need, starting from the most basic and risk-free stuff.

Accutane carries with it a lot of harsh side-effects, and is generally only used for bad cases of nodular and scarring acne.

What other things have you tried so far?

>> No.9172485

What can be done about hyperpigmentation? Only tried sunscreen in hopes that they will fade so far, but it seems to be barely working.

>> No.9172543

does eating fruit and drinking water actually help with skin is it all momscience

>> No.9172550

it takes a long time to fade even using sunscreen/AHA/vitamin C serums

>> No.9172641

How effective is witch hazel on face? And what's the outlook on using facial clay/peel masks for guys?

>> No.9172663

How much longer must I suffer ;_;

>> No.9172743

average of 3-6 months+ depending on skin, it can take years for some people though

>> No.9172832
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hopping on this train
I used PC's Vitamin C, PC's BHA, some crazy japanese sunscreen with a PA rating higher than ur mom's body count, and my PIH is barely visible now, disappears with a smidge off BB cream. Hang in there homes.

I've heard really good things about Missha FTE, it's supposed to very effective at fading PIH and keeping skin nice in general.

>> No.9172853

I'm using 25% tca for spot treatment and it's working alright if you want to try.

Shit can be dangerous tho so be careful.

>> No.9172855

My skin is really good, I cant complain basically but I have those closed comedones, can you speak in products what I need for it? I only put high quality and preferedly natural products on it because I dont want to damage my skin.

Something by naturals maybe.

>> No.9172868

Are you retarded? What are you drinking aside from water, tar? If you only drink soda and eat chips of course your skin looks like shit. Vegetables and low amounts of wheat are your go to.

Healthy nutrition is the most important factor in good skin.

>> No.9172879

Human beings are not lactose intolerant you stupid fuck...get out of here with your highschool knowledge.

>> No.9172889

>crazy japanese sunscreen with a PA rating higher than ur mom's body count
do tell
all the japanese ones are tiny as shit, I want to get one I won't have to repurchase every damn week

>> No.9172999


Unfortunately, most things that are worth the money are going to be in tiny amounts (around 50-60g). Are you looking for something alcohol free, chemical or physical, or with additional ingredients? These are some basic ones that people seem to like, but they're are all pretty small:

Biore UV Watery Essence
Shiseido Anessa Pefect Face
Shiseido UV Aging Care (also goes by another name)
Biore UV Perfect Face
HadaLabo UV Creamy Gel

a good option is also Elta MD UV Clear Spf 46, the PPD is supposed to be under 20ish or so. If you email the company they can give you an exact amount. It's a decent quantity and also has niacinamide which is one of the best ingredients for PIH removal.

>> No.9173604

It depends on the kind of hyperpigmentation. There are many kinds of hyperpigmentation that are created in different ways, but are generally treated in somewhat the same ways.

Making accurate statements about how long they will persist on your skin, like >>9172743 is completely impossible based on the small amount of information you have provided.

Generally only pigmentation in the upper layer of the skin can be treated with relative ease. Hydroquinone, tretionin, and corticosteroids are generally used as a chemical treatment.

A sunscreen would only serve to protect the skin to some degree from worse damage.

You should really ask doctor about all of this.

Re. fruit and water: There are weak correlations between different diets and acne. High GI food have been shown to exacerbate acne. Most fruits are not that high on the GI scale compared to starchy foods.

See "Diet and acne update: carbohydrates emerge as the main culprit." by Mahmood and Bowe.

Haven't seen any studies re. water - but staying hydrated is good for many bodily functions. Fruit can also serve to increase the vitamin C content in your skin, which could help prevent skin issues to some degree (antioxidative action).

>> No.9173642


Works for some. Didn't see any studies documenting it.

Yes. Search for "comedo" in this thread and you will find plenty of stuff I've written about it above. tldr: salicylic acid on Stridex pads. Without alcohol. Originally from the bark of the willow tree. Enjoy.

Ish. Avoid high GI, and diary to a certain degree, is prettty much what seems to work.

>Human beings are not lactose intolerant

Not as kids. But the majority of the global human population do not have "lactase persistance" as adults.

See "Genetics of lactase persistence and lactose intolerance" by Swallow.

Niacinamide is effective as a general skin whitener, but isn't generally the first thing that it used for treating hyperpigmentation.

>> No.9173653
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>> No.9174024

Is cerave moisturizing lotion supposed to make my face look greasy? And it could it be causing pimples because of that?

>> No.9174838

It seems like it's generally considered to not make things greasy. It is a really focused on being a powerful moisturizer though, so maybe you don't need something quite as hardcore.

Not everything works for everyone.

It is claimed to be "non-comedogenic" (but not non-acnegenic), but YMMV.

Try some other moisturizer. :)

>> No.9175000

need some advice.

i have fairly clear skin. i didnt have the classic puberty breakout so my forehead is smooth.
my main problem is the pimple scars on my cheeks. It's not the disgusting bright red scars, but the purple, darker ones that never seem to go away. there's only a few on my cheeks, but it's enough that it is noticeable.
I just want to remove these scars, and i don't know what beauty products to use.
I asked my mother about it and she told me i just had to wait until I go to Korea to surgically remove them. i would have to wait at least a year, maybe even two.

any thoughts?

>> No.9175849

Ctrl/Command + F "Scar"

Lern 2 search threds in cas y are 2 lazee 2 read em

>> No.9176024


"Reduction in facial hyperpigmentation after treatment with a combination of topical niacinamide and tranexamic acid: a randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled trial."

"Topical niacinamide 4% and desonide 0.05% for treatment of axillary hyperpigmentation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study."

"N-Nicotinoyl dopamine, a novel niacinamide derivative, retains high antioxidant activity and inhibits skin pigmentation."

>isn't generally the first thing that it used for treating hyperpigmentation

lelling @ your knowledge base. what do you think Asians perceive as "skin whitening"? It's not all about being white mastu race-u, it's more of a broad term for improving imperfections in the complexion.

>> No.9176030

you may be allergic to the fatty alcohols in cerave. this can lead to closed comedones. there are plenty of moisturizers available that don't have fatty alcohols

>> No.9176416
File: 41 KB, 400x567, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cold weather makes my lips and hands dry. I use Vaseline (the jelly) on my lips, and Vaseline (the lotion) on my hands. It doesn't work too well.

Are there any better alternatives?

>> No.9176580
File: 162 KB, 1106x897, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have dry skin, now that I use avene clearance k chemical exfoliation my skin got oily, pic related
My lips are bad too, it's winter over here.
Any tips on products and a good make up foundation?

>> No.9176643



How do i know there's a problem with the moisturizer, though. Do i even need moisturizer? The cerave cleanser is so far the only thing that hasn't dried out my skin, so would it be better to not put anything on after that?

>> No.9176672


Your face looks like mine. Mostly clear but with some blotchiness and other minor things. Not really sure what products to use.