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/fa/ - Fashion

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9153022 No.9153022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no /fa/ job

>> No.9153029

>tfw no twin bf who wears julius and undercover

>> No.9153034

you don't even have a job lol
might want to lower your standards a bit

>> No.9153039

i meant twink not twin oops

>> No.9153280
File: 73 KB, 960x544, 2014-09-23-010044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw work at subway

>> No.9153282

>tfw work at Which Wich
Its been 2 and half years now

>> No.9153291

>tfw lib arts degree and work as line cook

>> No.9153300
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>mfw people work at fast food stores and think they can be /fa/

>> No.9153306

>tfw manager of an organic pizza kitchen.

Feels p good man

>> No.9153329

>tfw only make $500 a week

Kill me.

>> No.9153339

>tfw living with mom and sis in a white washed motel because of bad credit
>tfw when 4 days out of the week i can hear people fucking or yelling really loud at night
>tfw job struggling

at least you guys have it easy

>> No.9153372

>tfw I think tessalete scammed me $300

It's been 9 days and the shoes I bought from hom haven't arrived :/

>> No.9153380

you weren't dumb enough to send a gift payment right?

>> No.9153383

>tfw would love to sit in the back and flip burgers and not have to talk to anyone
>tfw not changing out of your mcdonald's uniform into your comfycore basketball fit
>tfw not smoking a blunt after your shift
>tfw on low ring of society and no one expects anything out of you

>not /fa/
it's all about perspective man

>> No.9153387

No, it was through grailed.

>> No.9153388

>tfw have a huge paycheck along with quarterly bonuses
>tfw spend it on designer wear
>tfw forced to follow a dress code in office
>tfw only get to wear my designer clothing at home

>> No.9153400

>i cant buy designer dresswear!

>> No.9153404

>work in an investment bank
>tfw /fa/ all around

>> No.9153412

i work as a corporate visual merchandiser for f21

so it chill

>> No.9153415

>implying i want to dress like the rest of the corporate shills in my office
>implying i dont wanna dress in designer streetwear

>> No.9153419

he was cool i dont think he'd do that
are you in aus or?

>> No.9153429

No I'm in the us, maybe I'm just paranoid.

>> No.9153436


u in the USA?

>> No.9153437

then don't sweat it

paypal will always take sides with the buyer over shit like this. did he give you a tracking number? international shipping?

it may have gotten stopped at customs. he might not have mailed it until a couple days ago. 9 days dude chill out

>> No.9153440

why are you being dumb? cool you like streetwear but you dont leave your house? why not buy clothes for when youre actually around people

>> No.9153445


Yeah socal, rather live in motel in a remotely ok area than a mexican ghetto.

>> No.9153446

ya but try gettin qt's that way
u wont

>> No.9153450
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>tfw noticeable manlet

>> No.9153456

sounds like shit dude, move to the midwest where rent is cheap. you can literally live on a mcjob around here

>> No.9153464
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>worked landscaping while on gap year
>fall off wagon
>lose all shame
>sell some of coin collection to buy booze
>in hospital a month ago from alcohol poisoning
>month sober as of today
>longest i've been sober in my entire life since starting drinking
>looking for job
>donating all of old, baggy clothes and revamping wardrobe
>meet a girl, i like her, she likes me, we like the same things, laugh at the same things, wear the same things
>she drew this for me today
>i'm starting to feel okay again

I go here to window shop and post on occasion. It's helped a lot. Thanks, /fa/ggots.

>> No.9153470

For the Ann D high tops? He seems on the level, don't think you have to worry

>> No.9153477


yeah was thinking Wisconsin if I had the opportunity to

>> No.9153480
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>tfw just bought like 13 pairs of socks from uniqlo for 1 dollar each

Honestly I cannot be disappointed in the slightest because who doesn't love socks?

>> No.9153483

>Tfw no job
>Tfw depression
>Tfw dgaf
>Tfw just wanna sleep and eat apple pie with whipped cream cheese


>> No.9153507

Congrats on being sober, I know it's not an easy thing to maintain and I wish you the best. :)

>> No.9153518

>tfw no uniqlo in seattle
>tfw I don't own a pair of jeans rn because my uniqlo pair got to small on me (rip)
>tfw don't know where to buy jeans

>> No.9153535

>tfw primary teacher
>kids love me
>call me the cool teacher
>play tips with 8 year old girls at lunch time
>boys admire me and want to be like me
>coach the soccer team
>dress prep
>60k starting, 7k guaranteed rise every year
it's pretty good :)

>> No.9153539


source on dat pic brer

>> No.9153540

how the hell do you not know where to buy jeans? Of all things...FUCKING JEANS

>> No.9153542
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Thank you, really. It's hard to describe how good/scary it is to come out of a mental fog that's lasted for literal years.

>we both have severe TMJ, too

>> No.9153543

>don't know where to buy jeans
walk outside and ask any random person where they got their jeans

you make it sound like such a difficult task holy shit dude

>> No.9153545

Isn't BlueOwlWorkshop in Seattle? They stock a bunch of stuff like Naked and Famous and Japan blue, just walk in and they will hook you up.

Alternatively, you can order Japan Blue from Denimio for about 100 bucks. Also, you can just take it into blue owl to get them hemmed and not worry about them getting fucked up or something.

Alternatively again, APC has nice cuts based on what I see on /fa/.

Trust me mane. Don't skip on denime. Uniqlo can't even begin to compare to real jeans

>> No.9153551

Please destroy your computer

>> No.9153588

>my hair has started to fall off
>my joints have started to hurt
>my anxiety disorder is getting worse
>went from moderate social anxiety to multiple panic attacks each week
>was just reading about the universe and consciousness
>felt panic attack creeping on
>went outside in the cold to calm down
>stared up at the stars for a couple of minutes
>felt like I was going to get sucked up into space
>ran back inside
I've started to feel like I'm tripping on panic, everything feels so much more real during the attacks, like I'm really aware of my consciousness

>> No.9153623
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this happened today
>meet in city with friend i havent seen in 6 months, he was living in a different city
>enjoy self
>he says that he met someone who knew me the other day
>"oh, who?"
>he explains that he went a few days ago to a mutual friend's house, and said mutual friend had invited another friend of his over who was in my physics class last semester
>he mentions my name at one point
>she recognizes it as i have been shitposting on the facebook group that our class uses
>she laughs and says im funny
i feel adorable
i dont even care though she's no loli LMAO

>> No.9153626
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The same thing happens to me sometimes, anon.

Are you currently taking any medication intended for depression or anxiety?

Hair loss and mild physical pain can result from extreme levels of stress and anxiety over a certain period of time if constant. I deal with the same shit on the regular. I tense up a lot without being aware of it which can also lead to sore muscles.

As for self/situational awareness..I went through ego death a few years ago and deal with a lot of derealization/depersonalization shit. It goes away with time and proper treatment. It isn't permanent, remember that.

Please, seek help, talk to someone, and try to talk to a therapist as well as a psychiatrist if you haven't. They'll be able to give you a little more insight on this.

Don't give up, nigreau.

>> No.9153637
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>tfw find out a plane ticket to Seattle is only $100 one way and minimum wage is $15 there so I could actually afford to live there AND have money left over for cops

I'm gonna make it out of Idaho :')

>> No.9153661


I guess correction, it's being transitioned up to $15 an hour, still $9.32 which is quite livable and copyable with roommates.

>> No.9153667

minimum wage isn't going to be set at $15 anytime soon and the cost of living is going to go up. Sorry, spud.

>> No.9153677

No I'm not currently on any medication, I did buy some "heavy-duty" anti-histamines from a friend a while ago but they were ineffectual. I appreciate your post though, I suppose I do actually need some help

>> No.9153686

Minimum wage wont be $15 here for a few years. Yeah its liveable but rent here is expensive as fuck

>> No.9153688

How to get a job in seattle

>> No.9153692

move to north dakota
work at walmart for $15/hr

>> No.9153717

I work in a second hand bookstore, seems pretty /fa/ to me.
Now I just need to learn how to dress myself :v

>> No.9153727


I'm seeing about $400 if I room with 2 other people which isn't awful.

>> No.9153731
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Anti-histamines don't do much at all for that and only make you sleepy, if anything.

Do you have health insurance or do you have any means of talking to a professional?

Please, talk to a psychiatrist first and tell them about the anxiety your experiencing. It would even help to write down what you're feeling/thinking before you go. But, seriously, go see them. It will change your life for the better, anon.

You don't have to thank me. Nobody deserves to go through something like that. Just, hang in there.

>> No.9153735

Jelly. Wish I had a job like that

>> No.9153737
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>cut all sugar and oily foods
>one week later have the biggest acne breakout of my life

you lied to me /fa/

>> No.9153745


Socks are fucking great

>> No.9153750

How much of that shit did you eat lol. Maybe it was abrupt change in diet overall that caused it

>> No.9153761

It's the best job I've ever had or probably ever will.
I'm the only employee in the store, so I get to work completely at my own pace and play (almost) whatever music I want in the store while doing it. It does make me feel like I should be more /fa/ in other ways tho.

>> No.9153762
File: 4 KB, 207x208, 4joi;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here anon

>tfw own a couple thousand shares in the top electric car company at the moment
>tfw paid pennies on the dollar a share back in 2010
>tfw closed at 250+ today

>> No.9153767

yeah. in a shitty area

>> No.9153773


>tfw spent $50 on 3 pairs of Anonymous Ism socks

No regrets, socks are amazing

>> No.9153774

>tfw just bought 20 dollar norse socks

>> No.9153778

Tesla? Went into plug early jan this year and closed in mid march slightly after the spike.

>> No.9153781

where'd you buy them from?
I want to get enough to wear all the time, not sure how many pairs though

>> No.9153783

mah nigga

>> No.9153797


What areas should I avoid?

>> No.9153798

>tfw thrifted two bottles of cologne
>tfw too strong to use
Shouldn't have bought them when I had a stuffy nose. ;_;

>> No.9153804


Mr. Porter, not sure if they're still on sale.

I have 2 pairs of Beams+ socks and 1 pair of Kapital socks so I just need to cop one more pair to have enough to wear between laundry days

>> No.9153805

$500 a week? That's lucky compared to me. I only get like $300 a week. I have to resort to buying cheap candy then reselling it on the streets for profit to afford my fits.

>> No.9153809

i work at cotton on but don't wear their clothes because there un-/fa/ as fuck

>> No.9153814

mah nigga mah nigga

how's your portfolio looking?

ayee lmao

>> No.9153818
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I'm a welder.

>> No.9153819
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>tfw brought thighhighs and legwarmers at $2.50 each

>> No.9153825

>tfw make friends with a dealer and he says he'll sell my extra adderall for me if I want

An extra $350+ a month for doing nothing will be nice

>> No.9153830

perhaps i should get 5.
fuck i want thighhighs
my mom knows im a tranny but i get bad vibes, considering copping tomorrow at boring mall

>> No.9153835

>buying Anonymous Ism>
>$50 for 3 pairs of cotton/poly blend socks

>> No.9153836

I love getting feels like these

>> No.9153837

Lol, I'm a welder too.

>> No.9153844

not too bad i guess, hoping this dip on netflix reverses itself soon.

>> No.9153859


I like Anonymous Ism's knits
Also I have no problem with cotton/poly blend

>> No.9153860


>> No.9153862

no harm in buying if they're cheap, you can always throw them away if you feel that uncomfortable

>> No.9153867


>> No.9153878

anything south of columbia city and anything north of shoreline

>> No.9153882



that's why, fgt.

fucking privileged americans think delivery is overnight. wait 2 weeks minimum then you can start to get worried.

>> No.9153883

cotton poly blend is probably the worst thing socks can be made of

sometimes polyester is included in the knit for structural longevity but it's mostly a cost cutting maneuver. polyester is one of the primary reasons feet sweat as there is little to no breath-ability. uniqlo and hm socks are made of the same blend.

for the same price as anonymous ism you can get wool socks or even 100% cotton socks, or socks with a blend actually concocted for a purpose from elsewhere like White Mountaineering or Norse Projects. i think they have some cool designs (and a lot of really lame tired ones)

>> No.9153884

>tfw my winery intership just ended after harvest Q_Q

>> No.9153893
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>tfw can't get a job because social anxiety
>interviewers always look at me like I'm some sort of freak

>> No.9153896

forgot a though on the end

>> No.9153901

That's how I pay in rent haha
bunch of brokebois I swear

>> No.9153905

feels good to be able to get really fucking drunk now again and not have any dependancy what so ever to it. same with any drug i try

>> No.9153914


Eh, I guess for my Beams+ socks I haven't noticed an issue with the blend since it's fairly cold currently. I'll see how I feel about them when they arrive as I wasn't 100% keen on the design for them anyways.

>> No.9153915

keep that attitude and I guarantee the minute you try something actually hard you'll get fucked. Good luck with coke or meth or any meth based pharmaceutical

>> No.9153920

>tfw when I work at top shop.

>> No.9153942

what would be a /fa/ job?

is being a waiter at a cafe effay?

>> No.9154117

i can be ur twink bf

>> No.9154135

>restaurant busser
>no gf

this kills the man

>> No.9154168
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>tfw finally find a new pair of sneaks you really like
>can't find it anywhere in my size

>> No.9154179

pop some xanax before, worked for me

>> No.9154181

tfw no cocks to suck

>> No.9154190

lmao no
what the fuck is wrong with you

hair stylist

overlapping artistic and creative career fields

>> No.9154196


Not the guy you're talking with but isn't xanax like a drunk feeling but without the staggering effects? I've maybe popped it once and forgot how it felt.

>> No.9154203

>tfw just spent 3 hours playing eroge
>tfw NEET because social anxiety
>tfw cant find a job
>tfw no money for winter clothes

>> No.9154204

>only 3 hours

>> No.9154205

what about Video Production
both pre and post

>> No.9154210

i'll suck yours

>> No.9154218
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>> No.9154219


no xanax where i live

docs are afraid to script in my country

>> No.9154253
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please be my friend

>> No.9154259

more than one person using that trip u fucking newf aggot dumb shit jesus christ

>> No.9154362

andy the kirk kirkwood aka andy kirky strikes again. nice linda farrow sunglasses KMAO

>> No.9154382

these too though

>> No.9154388

only for indie films about drugs

>> No.9154418

>teach for 50 years
>get payed 410k yearly at year 50

>> No.9154423

ok add me on skype I'm koishi.bar m8

>> No.9154430

>play tips
Is this a game?
What do you do?

>> No.9154484

>tfw bought some adderall
>tfw i might be able to become skinny enough to be a male model now

>> No.9154502

you chase the other person and you have to touch them with the tip of your erect penis then you have to run away before they can get an erection and touch you everyone plays this in australiau DAQuani

>> No.9154514

aderall wont do shit if u have a face as retarded as urs xD

>> No.9154529

im very sorry i do not read every single thread you braying retards make

>> No.9154541

andrej got discoverd working at mcdonalds u fag

>> No.9154560


what eroge do you play?

>> No.9154579

>more than one person using that trip
>u fucking newf aggot dumb shit

Yeah, of course... he is the dumb shit here.

>> No.9154616
File: 62 KB, 379x613, 1416546690786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill add you in the morning because its not working on my phone

>> No.9154917

tfw this week I lost the most online auctions of the year. With the most money i've had this year as well.
>ridiculous price on Fujifilm Xe-1 missed because was busy with something at the time
>nike destroyer this week was too big
>missed grey made in usa NB 996
>missed TWO carhartt clash parkas on ebay and grailed
>missed bargain, flecked apc sweater
>missed bargain paddy e sweatshirt
>missed bargain norse jacket


>> No.9154928 [DELETED] 

at least u didnt miss out on anything nice

>> No.9154936

hey DAD its called minimalist streetwear OK?

>> No.9154942

>Earn 5K a month
>Huge apartment
>No GF
>No social life
>Job is pic related

Should I change job ? I don't have a social life coz I'm on terrain 3 weeks a month (I work on an oilrig, pic related but not me

>> No.9154945
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Pic is here

>> No.9155063

i personally thing your general happiness should be either a priority or something you're actively investing in
how you define and achieve that happiness is the tricky part tho

>> No.9155085

i just got called frustratingly pretty
im a dude
not sure how i feel

>> No.9155233

Use an auction sniper dude

>> No.9155240

seriously considering making an infographic on how to be heroin chic because pro-ana shit is retarded

you can't just stop eating
you can't just reduce to 500 kcal per day on a whim
you can't just drink water to feel full

90% of all the advice I see is just a setup for failure from stupid bulimics

>> No.9155263

do it faggot

>> No.9155339

Well im a student too and im going to design college in a year

>> No.9155361

>pro-ana shit is retarded
Encouraging mental illness is retarded? Never would have figured that out.

>> No.9155404

1. start taking heroin
2. ????
3. heroin chic

>> No.9155426

yes goyim, higher minimum wage will give you more freedom to spend. prices won't rise at all.

>> No.9155427

1. start posting as not user
2. ????
3. become faggot

>> No.9155438

Imaging seeing someone so beautiful handing you a bag full of french fries.

>"Here's your order. Extra large fries with no salt" teehee

>> No.9155443

should I become this.
Its a 1 year course here .
But I hate miminum wage

>> No.9155447

but you're an artist, anon

>> No.9155448

>no salt
clearly a fag

>> No.9155449

>software developer
I may not dress very well, but at least I'm making fat stacks doing something I enjoy. Plus I live in the Midwest so everyone considers me fashionable anyway. Another plus is that I can take my normal fits, replace the shirt with a polo or button down, and I'm ready for work.

>> No.9155452

*because , instead of but

>> No.9155459
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>tfw not sure if balding or ugly misshapen crown

my mom assures me it's always been like this but lately I've become incredibly self conscious about my looks so I've started to notice things like acne etc. much more

>> No.9155475

Lmao, I got scammed 490$ for a pair of Rafs through grailed... PayPal will hook me up doe

>> No.9155477

>thrifting cologne

>> No.9155478


it worth noting I've just turned 19

>> No.9155480

at least i'm not a dyke :D

>> No.9155484

why the fuck would he scam you?

i dont get why people are so retarded and think that items that you ship to them will magically teleport to their house in 1 day

>> No.9155486

>hair stylist
are you shitting me?

>> No.9155490

hey its a pretty chill job tho

>> No.9155497

milwaukees kinda effai

>> No.9155513

>Feel like i'm getting lazier and caring less over time
>havent done anything creative in a long time
>still work out regularly but feel like i'm getting softer
>went clothes shopping this weekend and didn't find anything that called to me
>haven't in a while
>I just wanna go full on comfycore and just be left alone for a few months
>but have to deal with work and reality

>> No.9155514


pls respand

>> No.9155522

/fa/ is not exactly the most intelligent board

the number of people always asking if "desert" boots will make a good winter boot should tell you something

>> No.9155526

looks like just the shape of your crown. Down stress about it, or you will loose your hair
>jk it's all hereditary you'll be fine

>> No.9155533

>not living in green bay

>> No.9155571


thanks m8

>> No.9155623

>tfw 26
>tfw /fa/ job (lawyer)
>tfw sick and tired of my job

>> No.9155656

>tfw golden cage

>> No.9155773

At least it isn't southern texas

>Tfw minimum wage is still 7.25
>tfw noone wants to hire a college student

I'll never be /fa/ and living ok :(

>> No.9155811
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>19 year old college student (turn 20 in a week)
>tfw started a part time job at Wholefoods 3 months ago (in New York)
>$11.00 an hour
feels good to have some cash in my pocket. Maybe I can start being /fa/ now.

>> No.9155863
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>tfw north texas
> 24 and live with parents, model and spend all the money on cops and drugs
>get to fly to new york occasionally and pay 20$ for a small sandwich to put into my rick dropcrotches along with my passport
>under consideration by the bookers to walk for louis vuitton, prada, saint laurent paris and a few others this season
May kill myslef if this whole thing doesnt take off :^)

>> No.9155882
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>tfw copped all sorts of new fits for first time in years
>tfw spent over $800
>tfw scared to wear them because I think it'll still look bad so they all just sit in my closet
>tfw I still wear shit fits while possible good fits in closet
>tfw no gf because not effay and manlet

>> No.9155885

> tfw successful commercial welder that makes 70k a year
> tfw cheap rent and loads of money to buy stuff

>> No.9155895

Are you me?

>> No.9155897
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>recently got a job at a store in town
>finally a chance to get money and buy things that I can actually like
>thought I was gonna get paid last Friday
>didn't get paid
>still skint
>still dress like shit
>have to wait longer before I love myself

>> No.9155913
File: 29 KB, 550x453, 7c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw smug punchable face when smiling
>look lifeless when resting face

>> No.9155934


The tracking number he gave me doesn't work.

>> No.9155952
File: 89 KB, 400x388, 1416011524598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's why the waywt exists, to critique and revise. Don't be scared m8 even manlets can be effay.

We're all gonna make it brah.

>> No.9155978

im back in the hood and the girl i wanna fuck is around nearby thinking of calling her out its like 8pm now.

>> No.9155980

>tfw she has a bf

>> No.9156001


Thanks bro. Appreciate it.

>> No.9156003
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>u will never have a gf who browses fa
>u will never quietly shit talk plebs together in public while in the same breath telling them they have a great fit
>u will never critique all the shitty waywt fits while cuddled together drinking vodka
>she will never dress in rich newmens ralf simpson
kill me

>> No.9156059
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>start to listen to /fa/
>go monochrome because I can't into colour theory
>suddenly gets comments, smiles from a few qts at my faculty
>actually going on a date this weekend, and she's being the pushy one
>mfw I have no idea what I'm supposed to do
Apparently I'm supposed to plan it for her, but what do you plan for two people who does nothing but read classics and watch Chinese cartoons?

Now that's adorable.

>> No.9156069

pretend like u have nothing planned ( girls luv this)
go 4 coffee or tea and then take her to an upscale bookstore and just browse and raise hell or someshit
decide 2getha what u wanna do after

>> No.9156109

>have gf
>extremely pale, extremely skinny, small but supple butt, large tits, long wavy red hair, heterochromia. perfect effay material
>she either dresses like a man or a preteen girl who gets her clothes from her mom
>she laughs at me when i get dressed ;_;

so close yet so far

>> No.9156140
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socks are good mang

>> No.9156171
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>you will never try out weed the first time under the park trees with a bunch of hot girls and cool people
>you will never give a shit about school work and only care about fappin,skatin' and bunking
>you will never spend end of terms drinking with frens and not shitposting memes with different trips endlessly
>you will never experience easy sex and the drama it causes around class
>you will never have long and good conversations with cool people and wear dc/etnies shoes
tfw you will never be 16 again

hold up! i just found a thread with great shitposting potential

>> No.9156287

do you have to pay? Naw most of these were mainly because I was hesitant and should have immediately bought

>> No.9156346

>Nitpicking at trivial shit
Keep up the autism and you'll find yourself

>> No.9156438

we're all gonna make it, anon

>> No.9156444

7k guaranteed raise every year? Holy shit

>> No.9156451

work in the oil fields for 100k starting, 250k after 3 years, look that shit up anon

>> No.9156564

what the fuck is a /fa/ job anyway?

I work in an office and sit behind a computer all day. I can wear dope fits but I feel like an effay job is one where you're more in contact with people, no?

>> No.9156576

>drive to ND and ask for oil job
>mfw all jobs are full and you're way late to the party
>mfw you have to sleep at bus stops because there isn't enough housing in that state due to this oil boom
>"but some guy on 4chan told me muh 100k starting celery"

>> No.9156582

may be so, but you have not posted a loli yet.

>> No.9156596

everybody just lists their dream job as the most effay

>> No.9156757
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>In ballroom with girl
>Dancing the waltz
>Another girl comes after, licks my jacket and tee, steals my cig, kisses me and hides in the shadows waiting for me to come for her
>Wtf am I supposed to feel?
Strange things have happened guys.

>> No.9156765

>ballroom dancing

>> No.9156787

It was in a warehouse. Bands were playing traditional songs from Britanny and Basque country.

>> No.9157008



you probably think lawyers and cops are like the ones on Law & Order.

>> No.9157685

fuck that hurts

>> No.9157705


I bet you wear boat shoes.

>> No.9157731

Sounds like a scene in a movie. Pretty cool if it did happen.

>> No.9157748

con fucking grats man
normally i'm mean as fuck on /fa/ but i just want you to know you're doing good and you're making it happen

>> No.9157766

Tfw got a job translating a user's manual for some security electronics, and they're gonna pay me about a manager's monthly salary for 10 days of work

>will have quite some cash for fits
>realize the quality/effayness of clothes mean nothing above a basic level that people can appreciate
>tfw I didn't hang out with anyone for like almost 2 months

how do I into people...
Well I guess I can buy some xanax, it helped me a couple of times in the past>>9153893

>> No.9157777

Is computational biology effay?

>> No.9157790

>tfw scared as fuck that i wont make it in life and end up as a worthless retail worker for the rest of my life

>> No.9158186

Subway is pretty effay, the uniform is complete black

>> No.9158378

Yes, 100%, plus you got quads. You're rolling high in life.

I took a machine learning class with some computational bio people and I'm now considering it for graduate education because they did some really interesting shit, and they were all exceptionally brilliant. I'll probably do statistics though, maybe with a biostats emphasis.

>> No.9158403

>tfw a girl eyefucked me on the subway today

it was a good day. could have been better if I wasn't such a pussy and approached her

>> No.9158426

>mfw had uni presentation today
>we agreed to meet 1.5 hours earlier to practice
>I arrive first, then 4 others, 1 guy doesnt
>we start practicing powerpoint presentation
>my turn
>spaghetti everywhere
>c-can we skip me for now, I need to s-structure it better
>a qt girl I've been eyeing who looks like a business casual gypsy witch starts her part
>stand up, walk up to another girl
>i-is the library still open?
>go out
>fresh air
>fear almost dissappeared
>decide to take a walk
>and walk more
>and some more
>end up at subway station
>hop on my train
>hop on my bus
>arrive home


I need some anxiety medicine, this is not the first time this happens. I literally failed a class, because I did similar shit. I was in a group with an ugly girl and didnt want people to see me with her, even though she had done everything for the project and I didnt know that our group had presentation that day, so when I saw her coming up in front of the class I realized what's happening and just ran away from there.

>> No.9158427
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>tfw just get into a bad mood and lash out at people for no reason
>tfw sleep deprived and have people comment that you look like you're going to pass out
>tfw caring less and less about what others think

at least I've got my dope fits, r-right?

>> No.9158459

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.9158466

>ditch group and go home

alpha as fuck, man

>> No.9158467


what do you want to do instead?

>> No.9158471
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holy shit


sorry dude but that's funny af

>> No.9158495
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ayy lmao

>> No.9158508
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>mfw make $100 a week

>> No.9158753

>tfw 5'4"
>tfw /fa/ and /fit/ made me insecure as fuck about my height
>don't talk to grills bc I assume I have no chance
>tfw wasn't like this before grills actually used to start conversations with me
>probably visibly insecure now

thanks /fa/ you ruined me

>> No.9158759

how tall in cm?

>> No.9158764

163 cm

>> No.9158769
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>meet up with friends
>we're going out to dinner
>I'm wearing Prada hightops
>anon, are those Converse?

>> No.9158773

I was maintaining 10% bf for the last 4 years used to care a lot about how I dressed and looked. Now I've just been lounging around my house in cum stained pervell sweats I havent had the decency or motivation to change out of or wash for the last week. Idk what's happening but I hope something pulls me out of this before it's too late.

>> No.9158776
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> tfw traveling on own dime for the last 6 months
> tfw bittersweet to going home next week

Socks are the single most underrated commodity, especially while travelling.

In six months I've had to completely restock twice due to holes and general losses. I'm on the edge of buying more but I get home next week.

>> No.9158786

>in university food plaza
>see my buddy
"sup man"
>he's bare footed

>> No.9158800


What? I live in Fargo and ain't NONE of that shit around here

>> No.9158820

>just got job at River Island
kill me, bros

going to try and get an apprenticeship in shoemaking instead ;_;

>> No.9158822

hah, you're that fag who created thread: im simpleton you're pretentious elitists pls halp

what do they make you do? fold clothing?

>> No.9158824

what? I haven't posted on /fa/ in weeks m8.
Anyway, stockroom shit.
>Filling reports
>Taking clothes up to different floors
It's not that bad m8 but I'd rather make shoes.

>> No.9158831

oh, there was a guy yesterday asking advice on how to secure a job at river island too

gl with your pursuits

>> No.9159043

~94k in today's money (3% inflation), for a 50 year veteran of a profession that seems pretty reasonable.

>> No.9159049

dude dating someone with the exact same life as you gets really shit after a while, you need to push each other's boundaries in a relationship, explore new things, not sit around doing the same shit you did when you were single but with a person next to you instead...

>> No.9159057

yeah you have social anxiety dude, go and get some medication and cbt, it's easy to work through with the right help, and you won't feel so stressed/worried all the time!

>> No.9159094

medication hides symptoms and doesnt fix the actual problem
i cant give you any actual advice but thats important to remmber

>> No.9159524

look at it this way, only 13 weeks till the geos

>> No.9159615
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That sounds like suffering.

>I was in a group with an ugly girl and didnt want people to see me with her

this is hilarious though

>> No.9159807

Fucking tripfagging cunts, it's not funny to assume this stupid name and shitpost all day, because
A) you're not funny
B) You're not smart
C) You're worse than the people posting on 9gag

>> No.9159911

I made it. I'm finally /fa/.
Now my Sketchers dress shoes and Levi jeans don't matter anymore.

>> No.9159929
