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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 265 KB, 1280x1216, 1406479401037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9136191 No.9136191 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so perfect, /fa/?

Also, Knoch thread

>> No.9136193
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>> No.9136198
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>> No.9136201
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>> No.9136202

Take note pigfuck. This is how a proud, handsome white man is supposed to look; completely unmuddled by shit-tier wog genetics.

>> No.9136203
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>> No.9136204
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flecktarn parka god

>> No.9136205

why is he so skinny

>> No.9136207

anyone knows his height and weight?

>> No.9136210

That is not flecktarn you dumb fuck
The camo pattern is flecktarn and that is not even the memepark
kill youareshelf

>> No.9136211

It looks like he aged 10 years between OP and this pic.

>> No.9136212
File: 406 KB, 1115x862, 1400898194880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his army fits are the best ones

>> No.9136214

it's probably the hair and facial hair

>> No.9136217
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>> No.9136221
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>> No.9136222
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>> No.9136229
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>> No.9136230

Holy fuck, how skinny is this beautiful creature?

>> No.9136241
File: 948 KB, 245x219, wakaflockaok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so great about him?

>> No.9136242

>Wears military surplus
>m-muh WWII aesthetics
>Wouldn't pass a medical at Dachau


>> No.9136245

he's 5'10"

>> No.9136254

huh... that's ok I guess (he's german right?)
and, do you know how much he weights?

>> No.9136262

wow what a huge faggot. he wouldn't last a minute in a WWII battlefield

>> No.9136266
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1642, 1378711206215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't last a minute in a zero-G environment.

>> No.9136267

Such an ugly and ill fitting jacket wtf

>> No.9136269
File: 770 KB, 2220x3264, knoch :pol: fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Knochfit.

Nigga be ready to raid Zara's HQ

>> No.9136276
File: 76 KB, 500x270, rgQj2p_jd1yRUCCTa16uC7UuYmI@500x270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to kop?

>> No.9136279

>tfw you will never be an aryan god

Why live?

>> No.9136280

It is what it is

>> No.9136281

Reviewbrah pulls it off better than Knoch though. Deep One facial aesthetics ftw.

>> No.9136292

he's pushing his shoulders backwards dumbass

>> No.9136301
File: 323 KB, 1684x792, IMG_0667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ I'm crouching in front of the bathtub. But that doesn't change the fact that it's a terrible jacket that I've never worn other than this one time joke picture for a lookbook account years back

According to my ID I'm 5'11, 180cm

Also this thread is shit and anybody who posts garbage like "ooh he's so perfect, muh idol and alike" should re-think their outlook on life.

>> No.9136305

>anybody who posts garbage like "ooh he's so perfect, muh idol and alike" should re-think their outlook on life
yes, senpai!

>> No.9136309

>dat aggressive false modesty to cover up deep-seated insecurities
don't worry brah, I used to do the same thing.
I still love you.

>> No.9136312

Sorry, but no. I know who I am and I'm happy with myself. I'm just not the imaginary person you guys make me out to be.

>> No.9136320

>Also this thread is shit and anybody who posts garbage like "ooh he's so perfect, muh idol and alike" should re-think their outlook on life.
It's kinda ironic I actually started you like you more after seeing some of your posts, you seem like pretty down to earth guy.
The idolizing of certain folk in this board is fucking ridiculous, though commenting on that in any way at all was probably a mistake on your part.

>> No.9136322

>Literally everyone is stated as being taller in their passports than what they really are.

I am 2 inches shorter than what it says in mine.

>> No.9136323

>posting on /fa/
>being happy with oneself

>> No.9136325

Wo wohnst du?

>> No.9136326

id on pants and googles?

>> No.9136331


It was the right decision.

>mah greentext

>> No.9136338

Okay, let's drop the passive-agressive memeposting.

Knoch, I need EBM recs. Recent material that isn't cybergoth garbage.

>> No.9136341

Recent material is kinda problematic because even if it is actual EBM it's still shitty.

Fairly recent would be ELITE! though which is quite nice.


>> No.9136343

Thanks. I've noticed that most industrialfags moved on to Martial Industrial (which I did) or /mu/core bleeps and bloops.
But I still want to believe that EBM has a future.

>> No.9136344

oh yeah and oldschool union


>> No.9136346
File: 28 KB, 360x378, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post more pics of that haircut?

>> No.9136353

I'm not really into the martial industrial/neofolk kinda stuff. Too much style over substance.

I like EBM because it's fun. Especially with terrible lyrics. The Industrial scene takes itself waaaay too seriously.

Jäger 90

are all good

>> No.9136357

Do you own any ww2 weapons? My dad has got a k98

>> No.9136361

how much do you weight, knoch?

>> No.9136373


don't make knoch your mary sue

>> No.9136385

What do you style your hair with, knoch?

And no, I'm not asking for anyone's favourite drink.

>> No.9136391

>The Industrial scene takes itself waaaay too seriously
I rarely had the opportunity to talk with industrialfags but I was under the impression that it was no longer the case, on the contrary, most struck me as almost ditzy and extremely superficial people. I mean apart from noisefags, who are brooding and extremely superficial people.

>> No.9136395
File: 709 KB, 1868x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recs for us wavy hair types? I tried experimenting with pic related but it didn't turn out to be my thing.

>> No.9136408

>And no, I'm not asking for anyone's favourite drink.

>> No.9136414
File: 514 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nejhivMvM91ryge0ro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might depend on the country.

Let's cuddle bb

>> No.9136428

KNOCH what kind of music do you listen to? I'm going to guess martial industrial.

>> No.9136430
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our skeleton like bodies will make the nicest xylophone music

>> No.9136434
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>> No.9136436



>> No.9136437


>> No.9136440

Knoch, my husband and I are looking for boots for him, military surplus is strongly encouraged, he has some shitty quality "French" police boots, but the quality is really bad, they broke within a day.

Can you recommend anything of higher quality, we're in North Italy, German stuff is hard to find but not impossible. Can you suggest what we should be looking for next time?

>> No.9136446

Fuck off pleb

>> No.9136448

>German stuff is hard to find
eBay sellers won't even send a pair of boots to fucking France.
what's even the point?

>> No.9136451


I know! Especially considering where we live used to be AUSTRIA! Fuck Italy.

>> No.9136452

German collectors are the most hate filled and hoarding people you can find.

What style?

>> No.9136453

>not he guy you're replying to
are you french?

>> No.9136457

Looks like he shat himself in every picture.

>> No.9136458


>> No.9136461


A good solid winter boot since we live in the alps. Treading is highly encouraged (mountains, ice). Not too expensive since we're not very rich, you know, Italy.

I'm looking more for tips on what to look for to judge the quality and not get completely fucked at the shops or even online.

>> No.9136468

Di dove siete precisamente?

>> No.9136472

Well, winter boot =/= combat boot. But for terrain like that I'd go with the old pattern BW combat boot.


Price can range up from 40 to 200 depending on condition and size.

>> No.9136479


Siamo nel uno dei tredici comuni in nord Italia.

>> No.9136488
File: 54 KB, 480x640, rain_camo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on rain camo knoch (or should knochensack be shortened to knochen ?) ? I was thinking of grabbing a jacket.

>> No.9136500

Knochen is the correct shortening in German.

I own a full MDI Einstrich/Keinstrich camo uniform, the quality is very minimal but properly made. It's very synthetic though.

>> No.9136507

Thanks. What is the composition like ? 100% nylon ?

>> No.9136509

idk, my mom went to uni in france
I've always wanted to go there...

>> No.9136522


Those are very beautiful but I don't think brown would fit the husband's wardrobe. He wears only black pants and whatnot. You know, old goth habits die hard.

>> No.9136524

it's shit
it smells bad and rains all the time and you can't order siqq Bundeswehr boots from there.

>> No.9136527

Nah, that's a cotton composition. But what I mean is the insides of the pockets for example are made from a thin plastic material like fishnet.

>> No.9136531

Sono molto contento perche anch'io parlo italiano.
>inb4 non sono italiano

>> No.9136534

Well, they are available in black too, but those pairs will be overdyed. You could also just dye them black too.

>> No.9136535

what part of france do you live in?

>> No.9136539

Knoch, how would you recommend sewing together hessian pieces? It's very coarse and most sewing machines don't work. But it's a fucking hassle to do it by hand, do I really have to suffer through the whole process with my soft-ass fingers or are there machines adapted to this?

>> No.9136540


There we go.

>> No.9136541


Non sono Italiana, sono Canadese originariamente. Però, ho imparato l'italiano e anche un po di Veneto.

>> No.9136545

nearby Versailles.

>> No.9136546

Why are you pretending to be Italian? That's a whole new level of autismo.

>> No.9136550

Well, depends on your machine. If it's not an industrial, there ain't much but hand sewing left. Though what kind of hessian is it?

>> No.9136551


HOW NICE OF YOU, Thank you, I'm going to show this to him when he gets home, I think he'll like them!

How's the care on them? I'm the one that shines and buffs the shoes in the house, I have to take that into consideration.

Also sizing? I would assume they'd be able to go up to size 46, since all you Germans (and he) are really tall.

>> No.9136553

his boipussy

>> No.9136560


I'm not Italian, never said I was, I just live here because my husband is born and raised Venetian.

>> No.9136563

some black dyed hessian I found at a frabric store, I assume it's meant for houseware or something. Still gonna make an autistic goofninja hoodie out of it

>> No.9136565

Sono Croato. La lingua italiana ha molto influenza nella citta dove io abito. E perche io parlo italiano.

E tu? Perche tu parli l'italiano?

>> No.9136567

Bigger sizes are sought after much more, so the price will be considerably higher. They are sized in mondopoint most of the time, that's two numbers of length and width of the insole in millimeters.

At the moment only this comes close: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Bundeswehr-Springerstiefel-Kampfstiefel-alte-Art-Gr-46-5-300-lammfellgefuttert-/191424871485

But those are half a size bigger and lined. But since they have lining they're probably a 46 in the end.

Search for "Bundeswehr stiefel alte Art" on german ebay

>> No.9136568

you sound like a bad case of muh heritage
>all you Germans
rly m8
what's next, everyone from Ireland is a ginger?

>> No.9136570

mamma mia!
questi ragazzi sono molto autistichi

>> No.9136572

And your machine can't deal with it?

>> No.9136573

Is Italian an effay language?

>> No.9136578

hey koch do you like death in june :^)

>> No.9136582


>> No.9136584

speaking of Bundeswehr boots, I don't know how you size, but I know that you have some old pilot boots; do you know if slightly undersized ones (42 instead of 43 for instance) could still be comfortable, or are they narrow by default?

>> No.9136588

nope. the needle somehow doesn't pull out.

>> No.9136591

As I said before, the sizing is in mondopoint. Ask the seller for the whole number thats punched into the tongue.

A 42 with a width of 120mm can fit somebody who usually wears a 43 in other boots.

But by default the Pilot boots are a little bit roomier I feel. (had three pairs)

>> No.9136592

have you ever killed anyone, knoch?

>> No.9136593


Da vero?! Croato, molto interessante. Si lei parla Italiano, parla anche Veneto? La serenisima aveva Istria come territorio.

Io parlo italiano perchè ho trasferitto in Italia per l'amore, adesso sono qui, ho imparato l'italiano in due anni. Originalmente, il mio papa è siciliano, pero la mia mama non parla italiano allora non ho mai imparato l'italiano prima.

>> No.9136596

coarse as in too thick for the machine to go through or the weave is too wide?

>> No.9136598


You're very helpful, thank you!

>> No.9136603

>had three pairs
I'm taking a shot in the dark but if you ever come across a new pair in the aforementioned sizes would you be willing to sell them to me knowing that I live in France?

>> No.9136604


Well Milan IS a fashion capital...

That being said, TRUE Milanese are lombards, so lombard would be /fa/ (aside from being hilarious!)

>> No.9136605

Then there's probably not much you can do but handsew or look into industrial machines.

>> No.9136607

Thanks for the info m8

>> No.9136608

I can proxy them for you directly if you want. Just give me the ebay link.

>> No.9136609
File: 63 KB, 800x560, tumblr_nfnya2MllS1rvhwhbo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knoch how do you feel about profiting from the imprisonment of the Japanese American people during WWII from your mail bag jackets?

I think I'd feel guilty wearing and creating something associated with something so terrible and fairly recent, but as someone in Europe you're more detached from both Japan and the US so it's understandable?

>> No.9136611

too fucking thick and tight; 1,5 square meters weight at least five fucking kilograms.
handsewing it is then. Thanks.

>> No.9136617

Sei una donna o un uomo?

>> No.9136620

Not all the bags are the same camp used type. I've used different ones before that were in use for normal mail.

Also I don't care because it's just a mailbag. It's a piece of cloth

Also: That's a stock image.

>> No.9136625
File: 114 KB, 954x800, bag3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh history&memorabilia

The fabric is great quality and the logo looks very nice. I do not feel ashamed.

>> No.9136627
File: 1.16 MB, 2200x1998, knoch is life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all hail knack

>> No.9136628

Knoch, what is your diet/routine?

>> No.9136631

I own one and I don't give a fuck. (I think it's kind of racist if I dwell on it though.)

>> No.9136632

I assume you know Dernière Volonté? It's sort of martial industrial but also very poppy in a fun way.

>> No.9136634
File: 130 KB, 570x763, il_570xN.458174102_a98f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ww2 production types were also still in use way into the 60s until the stock was used up.

>> No.9136635



>> No.9136636

well, I can't pay for them right now so I'll try to reach you over tumblr when I'm ready for it. How would I pay you? through paypal?
there's this one pair for example, but I found less expensive ones.


>> No.9136638

>muh backfoot opportunistic defence ideology

If cloth is nothing more than a universal medium then why do people gravitate towards certain cloth over other?

>> No.9136639

bottom middle made me kek a bit, but god damn i love how versatile he is

>> No.9136646

...che c'e in Italia?

>> No.9136649

hmmm I'd still prefer gae bolg

Yeah paypal, just message me over the contact email.

I already said I don't care.

>> No.9136655

This is fascinating
>I spend a great deal of time handling and developing clothing
>I actually don't care about thoughts orbiting it

>> No.9136656

Mr Knoch, any tips on how to start altering your clothes at your own? Best equipment for beginners, where to learn techniques etc etc

>> No.9136659

>Yeah paypal, just message me over the contact email.
excellent, do you take an extra fee?
Plus the shipping charges obviously.

>> No.9136660

That's how I work. I do not think about anything. It's a waste of time. I'm more fond of people making up their own mind and leaving me out of the loop.

If you force me to all I can say to you would be: I use something 'bad' and make something 'nice'. Totally deep transformation and shit, get it?

>> No.9136661

why is it necessary to bring in political thoughts? why couldn't he just enjoy the clothes "just" as a form of expression, a way of presenting oneself and such things?

>> No.9136665

Just start and do things. Learn by doing or take a course if that's your thing. There is no definite guide for creativity.

>> No.9136686

You're answering a different question.
I'm not interested in "That's forsaken; 'Racist cloth', stop using it." but, why someone would think the point against is "Cloth is just cloth"?

It's not necessary because it's not facilitative.
In speculating how "Evil" the cloth is I'm sure the only reproach would be to burn, or bury it - which is aimless.
If cloth is just cloth, and every next reduced to the prior the space for transgression via cloth is removed. There is no possibility of expression through that text.

>> No.9136687


Niente. Assolutamente niente. Il mio marito, e basta.

>> No.9136688

Cloth is just cloth when you want it to be? Clarify. I think the problem here might be a language barrier on my part.

>> No.9136703

Knoch are you upper or lower German? You look Austrian.

>> No.9136706

Born in the westest of the west family is south western

>> No.9136717

Do you have a snapchat?

>> No.9136720

Nope. I'd only take pictures of geckos anyways.

>> No.9136724


Kind of Bavarian then?

>> No.9136728

That's in the south east. When I say southwest I include areas that are not part of the republic anymore.

>> No.9136733

ID on boots?

>> No.9136735


Oh you're so cheeky.
I get it now.
Secret is safe.

>> No.9136739

Not really a secret, I've already said that I lived in RLP years ago.


>> No.9136745


>> No.9136746


Fine then, do you keep up on the bathing naked in lakes tradition then? We have a lot of RLP tourists in Northern Italy, they get all naked and stuff all the time.

>> No.9136752

Cheers m8

>> No.9136754

I think that's more of a DDR/Freiekörperkultur thing from the east. Doesn't really happen there.

>> No.9136759


Maybe the old folks just don't care anymore.

>> No.9136769


>> No.9136788

In the end it doesn't matter

After some regrettable, shallow internet psycho-analysis I don't think you were ernest with your "cloth is just cloth" response so the discussions assumption is... all uphill/results in severe flagellation .

>> No.9136790

*tips fedora*

>> No.9136798

*Readjusts crotch*

>> No.9136802

>I don't think you were ernest


I hate to explain myself or partake in any serious intellectual discussion. Sorry, but I thought it would be an easy way out. As I said before I don't like to think.

>> No.9136805
File: 28 KB, 500x282, 1416289621518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw readjusting junk

>> No.9136814

Who the fuck is this kid? Doesn't he know Halloween is over

>> No.9136818

The spooky is eternal
>Incoming skeletons

>> No.9136832

>he thinks corporate holidays ever end

>> No.9136837

Just when I was bored with all the music I normally listen to I found I like this quite a lot

>> No.9136842


>> No.9136852

dancing to this

>> No.9136886

ooh he's so perfect, muh idol and alike

>> No.9136900


Have you heard the group with DAF and EN?

>> No.9136904
File: 133 KB, 400x1000, 10 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9136907

official 2015 /fa/ fit

>> No.9136911
File: 86 KB, 400x533, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahead of the time

>> No.9136920


Holy shit. So cozy~

>> No.9136923
File: 123 KB, 400x888, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fetish wear btw.

>> No.9136931


I assumed by the creepy mannequin eyes.

>inb4 fw15 RO boiled cashmere version

>> No.9136940
File: 69 KB, 600x406, 8majl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the hole in the crotch made it apparent.

>> No.9136961

its a cat fetish? or whats up with the cat?

>> No.9136964

The ebay seller/producer owns a cat and doesn't give a shit if it's on the picture. He probably thinks it makes his merchandise more sensual or something.

>> No.9136978


"absolutely everyday
and suitable for every occasion"


>> No.9136982

instructions unclear, fucked bitch while holding some guy's cat in sweater suit

>> No.9136993
File: 248 KB, 1452x841, 3331569657_e77bfa9bcc_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good to me.

>> No.9137006


omg. urge to peel too strong

>> No.9137008

whycant humans do the same

>> No.9137012
File: 361 KB, 960x960, tumblr_nepskyAkU71su3gtvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shit looks really exhausting though

>> No.9137015

what fetish even is this

cute kitty tho

>> No.9137023

does he eat the skin after? urge to peel and consume

>> No.9137029

I have no idea. Last when I saw this on ebay he had lots more like pants with crotch holes and huge tubescarfs

>> No.9137033

what did you order?

>> No.9137036

fucking disgusting fuck

whatchu doin this weekend, let's go somewhere

imagine how REFRESHING that feels

>> No.9137041

Fish filet!

>> No.9137045

what job do you have?

>> No.9137054
File: 144 KB, 700x575, sheddinglarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three feet dick socks.

Yeah they eat it all. Unless they've already eaten then you can find bits of their skin around the tank.

>> No.9137055


*head tingles*

>> No.9137057

fuck all, lets chill fri or sat

>> No.9137062

you do

what do you think most "dust" in your home is made of?

>> No.9137064
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x853, tumblr_nebwanAzPy1skhj73o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ask me, then I receive money.

>> No.9137066
File: 22 KB, 494x740, 1390690990770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be 6'3 110 pounds and play dress-up

>> No.9137068
File: 120 KB, 419x652, 1331441777334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey knoch, when you "quit" posting in /fa/ did you still kept lurking or did you just cold turkied it?

This is the only pic i have of you, hope you like it I made it myself :3

>> No.9137078
File: 146 KB, 1200x600, tumblr_nces80lmQD1s8ab6jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just didnt care anymore. I'm only here now because I've got people on skype showing me this shitshow

>> No.9137081


Yeah, I mean it is 4chan. Shit show is sort of the modus operandi.

>> No.9137082

what a magical thread

can i be a person on skype judging you

>> No.9137083

thats a shame, hope you would pop more often here

>> No.9137084

i wish i had that job

>> No.9137089

It wasn't THIS bad before.

>inb4 always shit blablabla

After dinner. You playin' any games?
Trying to get more people together for certain things

>> No.9137096


When was that? Honestly I have hard time with any forum after a certain length of time, it either goes to shit due to overgrowth or goes stagnant because of lack of new blood. I mostly just come here to stay up on sales and post in W2C threads.

What games you playing?

>> No.9137097

this pretty much proves it's the real knoch

but feels like this is a new noguns version

>> No.9137104

fuck those are adorable

>> No.9137105

i play d&d on skype, counterstrike, heroes of might and magic 3, age of empires 2, magic

>> No.9137110

such a 90s kid

>> No.9137112 [DELETED] 

I started posting at the end of 09 till early 2012?

Still where they all were before.

>> No.9137113

ill add you fag, my name is one oriental god's name, im >>9137036 btw

>> No.9137116

I started posting at the end of 09 till early 2012?

also insurgency, Red Orchestra 2

Still where they all were before + stgw44 in my dads basement frankensteined from lots of original and repro parts

>> No.9137124

Knoch, I just wanted to say I am a great fan of what you produce

>> No.9137139

shit dude i was playing ro2 before but i just got insurgency and its awesome

add me on steam and hit me up when youre done dinner, hopefully we can find a server that doesnt have shit ping

id: ganksterr

>> No.9137143
File: 113 KB, 684x724, geckes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's something I can appreciate.

>> No.9137152

i picked up insurgency in the humble bundle and everybody is just so bad, like it's their first fps or something. forever carrying teams with 300 ping

>> No.9137158

what kind of collar is this?

>> No.9137160

do u have a blog or something with more gecko pics?

>> No.9137162

People used to say that you and carebear were dating was that just joking?

>> No.9137165


>> No.9137170

Nah, I might make one some time though.

It's pretty horrible most of the time. Back when I played the mod you at least had a more condensed userbase.

We have never met irl. I've been with my gf for 3 1/2 years now.

>> No.9137172

It's because at 300ping you jerk across their screen

>> No.9137175

Or use


since it has a gecko tag

>> No.9137177

are americans really allowed to own MG42's?

>> No.9137179

Knoch isn't American matey

>> No.9137181

If you have enough money for the tax stamp and live in a proper state why now

sieg should correct me on this since I don't know all the details

>> No.9137185

that's an issue i've only ever had on shitty servers, keeping in mind i'm playing with friends that live in other countries. it's something they'd notice.

>> No.9137188

*why not

>> No.9137195

No i was dating Slater, Gnocchi is too good for me

>> No.9137198
File: 162 KB, 794x800, nara___520693_bt1qwytiqn4gcow48sc4c0gs0_ejcuplo1l0oo0sk8c40s8osc4_th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there there

>> No.9137231

all he needs is an upperlip

>> No.9137242

But you need...
a leg

>> No.9137256

yea no shit lol

>> No.9137281
File: 31 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9137298

the jealousy is dripping off this post lol
this is what you and pigfuck won't understand
you can be a decent human being and still get lots of positive attention
instead of acting like retarded faggots to get negative attention
oh well, its not like you could be talented or interesting, so i guess its understandable why you took that route

>> No.9137314


H-he would be l-lucky to have me.......

>> No.9137343


>> No.9137407

Won't be able to take pics until after christmas when I'm at my parents.

>> No.9137443

I look forward to that! How do you keep guns in Germany by the way?

>> No.9137484

Hey knoch, nice to see you again here.
Btw, one small question, what is your skin routine? Your face skin looks very good.

>> No.9137538
File: 57 KB, 150x200, 1416564282965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be pinned down in your foxhole by knochington's big strong zipper gun as he rests his perfect germanic cheek bone on the receiver

>> No.9137554

I'm assuming they're all demilled

>> No.9137605

e una stronza canadese che non sa apprezzare l'italia. get out if you don't like it, we don't want people like you.

>> No.9137609

Knoch do you have any geckos?

>> No.9137654


Nah. Some are, some aren't. The ones that aren't are my fathers though. I don't trust myself with live ammo around the apartment and it's never a good idea to mix live and inert shit. Guns in Germany are only a matter of money. You can get an FG42 for around 6k in semi auto from the same company I got most of the stgw44 parts from.

>> No.9137951

what did you and momma dod do? is he insane? did either of you drop the spaghetti?

>did you fugg

>> No.9137979

mamadod is german?

>> No.9138061

trunks u on that surf shit on cs?

>> No.9138325

Knoche's German accent makes me wet

>> No.9138355

yes. cut receiver kits weld together are the most common, class III in full auto

so not cheap. a weld together mg42 will buy you a high end audi in america

>> No.9138408

didn't know moot can into /fa/

>> No.9138469
File: 237 KB, 466x700, 1382757347529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot=king of /effay/

>> No.9138494


That guy looks so gay.

>> No.9138728

>what the fuck am I supposed to do with my arms?

>> No.9139028

What product do you put in your hair?

>> No.9139100


What servers do you play RO2 on?

>> No.9139162

wow that guy really into /fa/

>> No.9139165

surf is retarded

if u want to surf, play surfing simulator or something

and also cs:s>GO>1.6>cz

>> No.9139296

ID on that jacket holy fuck

>> No.9139519

what exactly do you call this hairstyle
more examples of it, anyone?

>> No.9139806

Am I the only person who hates the look of turtlenecks on anybody?

>> No.9139810

have you ever been out of your house

>> No.9139844


>> No.9139952

knoch is 2000% better tripfriend than pigfuck

>> No.9140075

dude looks like a serial killer

>> No.9140104
File: 7 KB, 522x91, knoch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what he thinks of you autist ass licking creeps

>> No.9140113

that's him talking to carebear

>> No.9140117

What's it like to maintain this hairstyle?
Do you use gel? Do you have to wash your hair before you sleep etc?

>> No.9140144


>> No.9140145

matte creme

>> No.9140149

share products

>> No.9140150

What products do you use in your hair or did use in your hair when it was longer?
I never used anything special but head and shoulders when my oils got out of whack.

How do you style your hair? If possible could you list the products you use?
Cheap as fuck matte creme. Knowing how to style you own hair or how to care for it is pure experimentation. You cannot give a broad answer about that to somebody you don’t know.

>> No.9140170


what a nerdy little fag lol

>> No.9140629

whats your ELO on AOE 2

>> No.9140900
File: 52 KB, 600x600, lining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the thread has turned to a milsup/military thread, does anyone own a bundeswehr parka lining ? Could it be worn like normal jacket on its own ?

>> No.9140915

Kind of. I've still got a few that I was modify with proper zippers and make casually wearable. The thing is oversized so on its own it looks comical.

>> No.9140917

*I was going to

>> No.9140918

why would you.... it's a lining....

>> No.9140931

I think I'm going to paint my face today

>> No.9140935

Every day.

>> No.9140942

paint my face on your face

>> No.9140954

too similar

>> No.9140958

are there any decent online sites you know of apart from ebay and varusteleka for finding milsurp, or do you mainly buy your stuff from flea markets etc ?

>> No.9140962

decent is a very stretchy thing, I don't browse any of the sites to find something by accident so I can't really recommend any, but raer has proper pricing if you know what you want

>> No.9140966

you can just soak me in pickle juice and wear my face as a mask instead

>> No.9141009

Would you be ok with a hawaiian shirt for Christmas Knoch?

>> No.9141011

if it has a gecko pattern maybe

>> No.9141033

I literally cannot tell if he has legs or just bones.

>> No.9141045

Are they really that big ?
As they are supposed to fit in the parka, i would have thought they were slighlty more fitted.

>> No.9141050
File: 31 KB, 194x132, haar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY hairy legs

>> No.9141056


>> No.9141072
File: 242 KB, 390x503, Unterziehjacke-Bw-oliv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the type. They are generally huge.

>> No.9141074

im just headed out for some food, insurgency/ro2 after? ~15mins

>> No.9141076
File: 71 KB, 700x700, 14411i-BW-Unterziehjacke-Ed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also intended fit =/= looks good.

>> No.9141093

probably not today, gotta finish twin peaks

>> No.9141098

dude what's with the lizards man

>> No.9141101
File: 444 KB, 672x384, kronengecko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude what's with the lack of lizards man

>> No.9141104

Ok, thanks man. I'll try to buy one in ashop then, to see if the fit is ok.

>> No.9141109

that picture is terrifying

>> No.9141111


>> No.9141115
File: 430 KB, 1407x1110, turkey-leg-during-the-christmas-dinner_imagesia-com_6n3y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a man's gotta eat

>> No.9141125

that guy is the guy who created (and owns?) 4chan.

>> No.9141127

That's the founder of 9gag, Michael 'reddit' Zuckerbach

>> No.9141128

true lil bit yeah

>> No.9141145

that one's fine

>> No.9141148

i thought it was cute

>> No.9141155

yeah but the other person is a person and cannot even touch anything or feed themselves. Imagine being that person is yucky.

side note- these new captchas are way too hard, they need to bring back the just number ones (i've failed two before posting this)

>> No.9141158

btw i'm not a robot

>> No.9141167

Being that self centered isn't nice. I rather imagine helping and feeding somebody that's hurt rather than being the person.

>> No.9141172

those ugly ass rmw turnouts

>> No.9141202

it would be unpleasant but knowing that someone is willing to help you is nice, too.

>> No.9141208

that is true, good point. the crudeness of the wrap is also eerie. the sterility, inhumanity of it. Also, for that person to be helped like that, they have to get down, you can't help a perfectly fine person.

>> No.9141212

>they have to get down
That's just life though. Shit happens.

>a perfectly fine person.
Does not exist. There's always something wrong.

>> No.9141218


this one(>>9141115) I said was more fine because there is equality between the helper and the helped.

>> No.9141223

perfectly fine as in can operate the basic human tasks by themselves.

>> No.9141288

what kind of shoes are these. not necessarily the brand but just the style

>> No.9141313

princess fairy elf booties

also thread is finally saging rip knochensack die

>> No.9141334

Not an expert and never owned a pair but I'd guess they're Cocoran jump boots, there's a few features that would make me guess them specifically.

Also is that Knoch's actual trip, when did he start posting again?

>> No.9141367

south korean m1948 russet boots overdyed

>> No.9141370

Should have guessed it would have been something esoteric.

>> No.9141376

wow knoch is watching twin peaks, im amazed

>> No.9141382

Knoch, do you have any 'friends' from /fa/ that you still occassionally talk to? You know, after you left.

>> No.9142096
File: 140 KB, 362x750, tumblr_myvk8aPuEd1rvhwhbo2_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

info on the jacket anyone?