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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 500x332, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9132914 No.9132914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you look in the mirror
>tfw you know that you're attractive
>tfw god granted you no social skills
>but you're attractive
>tfw you're depressed as a result of being lonely
>but you're attractive
>tfw you go on tinder and get a thousand matches
>tfw you know you'll never meet up with any of them because it's weird
>but you're attractive
>tfw girls look at you
>tfw you scare girls off because you're weird
>but you're attractive
>tfw it'd be selfish to commit suicide when you're so pretty

>> No.9132920

post picture of your face then fgt

>> No.9132935

sorry to break your bubble but you might not be as pretty as you say

i really recommend reading some self-help books

i used to have my head up my ass treating people like shit, i thought it was their fault for not liking me

now i've tried to change and i hope i'm not a douchebag any more

people actually talk to me and i enjoy social interaction now

so yeah it worked for me

>> No.9132949

can you recc some books?

>> No.9132952
File: 23 KB, 390x552, 3202_6054_390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did any book/author in particular work for you? or were you able to form your own general opinion based off of a few things and gradually change your attitude?

>> No.9132960

/r/ing 1000 matches picture , you must live in a big city

>> No.9132983

>i really recommend reading some self-help books
>self-help books

ultimate pleb detected

>> No.9132984

Isn't that picture him?
I'm not very familiar with this website

>> No.9132996

Jesus christ lmao

>> No.9132997


>> No.9133004
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>Smoking in your house

>> No.9133006
File: 57 KB, 625x656, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9133008

how did i get here i just wanted to check my email

>> No.9133015

press cntrol + alt + glass key

>> No.9133018


>> No.9133023

I know i'm 8/10 atleast but i have no social skills either, but then i really fell for some girl i met on a random occasion and i conjured up this wicked self esteem. I went out of my way to be social and ask her out and stuff, worked really good and now i have a great girlfriend. Maybe you are just built for a girl you haven't met, yet. It'll happen if you just let it, but don't go looking for too much or it wouldn't seem special.

>> No.9133028

>this is op

>> No.9133032
File: 33 KB, 540x720, 10262268_10204889217448769_598204411432100018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of in the same boat, I'm good looking but I've been a fatty from around when I was 10 years old all the way to around my 17th birthday. That was about 5 years ago, but I'm still so insecure because I've never built good social skills during that period of my life. I've had sex and I've had gfs, but now I haven't had sex in over a year or a gf in almost 2 years. I feel like I'm wasting my youth away. All I do is go to uni, go to the gym, watch movies or read books. Pic related, a bit older pic of me

>> No.9133037

Nah, just thought i'd do my good deed for the day and prevent suicide with 1 minute of care.

>> No.9133054

dude there are more things to life than girls, it's all about perspectives and when you finally realize that the only reason you are unhappy is because of how you are looking at life, then you'll head towards the direction of enlightenment

>> No.9133068

matej my man

>> No.9133073

Yeah, you're right, I kind of worded it wrong. I guess what I was trying to say is that even though I know I'm leading an ok life for a middle-class student (uni, hanging out with friends, gym, movies, books, etc.), I feel like it would be elevated further if I had someone to share it with for a bit. I'm not looking to get married or for a really serious relationship, but having someone to just be there at the end of the day would be nice. I understand what you meant & agree with you completely.

>> No.9133096

My name looks so word now that I see it on 4chan. Slav names are the worst, why couldn't I have had a /fa/ universal name. Anyway, what's up my friend

>> No.9133113

I think I posted this somewhere last time, but if you're going to read anything at all, read these two:
>How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
>Models - Mark Manson

First one is probably one of the most popular books of its type in the world. Explains a lot about how humans think, and how you can use that to get them to like you. Just one example I recall from the book: people like talking about themselves. If you talk about yourself all the time, they're going to be bored. But if you ask them questions about themselves and listen carefully, they'll consider you a good conversationalist (even if you don't say much).

The second book is more dating-oriented, but the advice in it helps with any social interaction. It's basically a step-by-step guide on how to talk to people, bond with them, and most importantly, be confident in yourself. Perfect for idiots like me who are (were) too "autistic" to figure out what you should say when, how you should look etc.

But yeah, take a look at those two and let me know.
There's nothing wrong with self-improvement. Sure, some books are obvious BS, but there are some which are solid advice.
don't waste your youth man
find something you want to do then do it
watching netflix and procrastinating all day just doesn't give any purpose to life
makes sense. i really suggest reading Models which i recommended earlier. answers exactly the question you're asking.

>> No.9133120

thanks for the suggestion, I've been looking for something new to read for a while now

>> No.9133143

fuck off you whiny pussy and kill yourself

>> No.9133169

Sometimes I feel like my face is wasted on such a boring person who cant afford a nice camera.........

>> No.9135009

I've noticed the most alpha people aren't even aware they're alpha. They're just naturally confident, and they never stop to even think about the fact that they're alpha. Get over yourself, you're not attractive. No one is attractive, some people will find you ugly and other people won't. Confident people don't worry about their looks or genetics, they're just acting natural. Go have fun.

>> No.9135023
File: 2.48 MB, 200x176, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically you're a poor man's Ryan Gosling?

>> No.9135024

Just take shrooms and realize you aren't the center of the universe
Same w this nigga >>9133113,
You could read books that teach you how to game people into thinking you like them so that they like you; or you could work on being genuinely interested in others and gtf over yourself

>> No.9135028

fuck you nerd trade me

>> No.9135030

can you die yet?

>> No.9135041


>> No.9135048

i love u

>> No.9135055

>people complaining about social skills
that's what you get for spending all your development years in front of a screen.

Go outside

>> No.9135058

>tfw good at socializing but absolutely loathe it

I've talked myself out of fucking everything, from professors about to fail me for being a noshow hiki to traffic tickets to my parents wondering why I'm not graduating on time. I lie constantly, I don't even think about it. And apparently I'm fucking good at it because so far nobody has called me on my bullshit.

I just wish I went into acting instead of chemical engineering. I've even been on a spate of local TV programs and I've been in a few d-list ""reality"" shows through friends (mostly that godawful amish mafia thing, apparently whoever they were filming it around backed out so they had to bullshit half the season. For $50/hour I was cheaper than a union actor". And yet despite all this I hate talking to people and hate feeling emotions. I feel like I should get help but what is there to help?

>> No.9135069

this has never worked for me

I'm always there for my friends. I'm always willing to listen when they need to vent, or need another opinion, etc. I almost always accept an offer to hang out & do something.

Just last week I was talking to a female friend in NYC (I'm on the opposite coast), right, and we're talking about our lives and what's new etc (we confide in each other close shit). So I ask her, can I vent? I make sure she says yes. Because I don't want to vent to some1 who doesn't wanna hear it. Anyway she says yes, so I tell her about my friend situation here, how since moving here 2 months ago I've made 3 friends and since then theyre completely ignored me. How I feel very alone, etc. And she replies with "anon, I'm moving to a new city in 6 months". She starts complaining about her own life; she criticizes me for trying to vent;

I don't know I don't want to continue typing it bc it's not that interesting, but like, being there for friends if anything just makes them take advantage of you. It's happened to me in all of my friendships. When it's your turn to empty your heart they run away.

>> No.9135078

>tfw you compulsive observe and criticize yourself in anything reflective
>tfw you have no idea if you're attractive or hideous or anywhere inbetween
>tfw this doubtful perception is the outlook I have on every aspect of my life

>> No.9135106
File: 115 KB, 591x530, 1365729877806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw extremely good liar as long as I'm calm
>tfw social anxiety
>tfw become a terrible liar as soon as I encounter situations that prompt my anxiety (job interviews, authority figures like cops etc.)

fuck me

>> No.9135134

I had social anxiety when I was growing up to the point where I would have a panic attack every time I went into public. In middle school I would break into a cold sweat on the ride to school because I loathed being in public. I developed rashes and skin conditions purely because of how much stress I was under just living a normal life.

I never got treatment for it, and I eventually learned to cope with it. While I've grown more confident and don't get nervous/anxious as much, I still actively am nervous on a regular basis. I've just learned to deal with my nervousness to the point that even if my heart is racing I am able to act normal.

I joined debate/government/other speaking things in high school and am 100% confident bullshitting and speaking in front of large crowds of people. Because I've been nervous so much I perform best when I'm under a lot of pressure.

>> No.9135137

>tfw ugly
>tfw when bad social skills

god damn

>> No.9135160


I'm getting better as well, 2 years ago I could not deal with any form of social interaction whatsoever.

i'm closer to normalcy than ever, but situations that put pressure on me (public speaking or shit like job interviews as I said before) still kill me. if it weren't for that and the constant state of paranoia when out in public, i'd be okay.

still, gotta keep at it and try and make progress.

>> No.9135178

The more exposure you get the better you'll be for it. It sucks but it's the only way. Some anon linked this in a feels thread on here awhile back and thought it was an interesting read. It's about dating, but the same principle can be applied to social interaction.


>> No.9135180

This is painfully me

>> No.9135186


yeah that's what i'm doing. i was on meds for awhile but they didn't help much but i got better through putting myself out there.

still sometimes i feel like i revert because there are days where i just stay inside and watch anime or shit all day.

>> No.9135191

Think it's because you live in new york. Hasn't new york always had the reputation?

>> No.9135194

Well they aren't your friends then. Usually I am the one who helps and listens to people but lately I've had a lot of different problems and I've opened my heart to several of my friends and every single one of them has been there for me. Maybe people like me more than I realize but I dunno.

>> No.9135218
File: 20 KB, 329x357, feelsgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you look in the mirror
>tfw you know that you're attractive
>tfw god granted you no social skills
>but you're attractive
>and you're gay
>go onto grindr
>have sex


>> No.9135230
File: 9 KB, 405x344, ... .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look huge one day
>look absolutely tiny an hour later

>> No.9135243

>still on 4chan
>probably not attractive

>> No.9135255
File: 260 KB, 640x360, tatami-f-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the meaning of life is to experience it
literally anything
just do it

"idle hands make the devil's work"
"if you think you can, you can. if you think you can't, you're right"
"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

there's a reason why confidence is the most attractive trait to women

when you haven't even tried because of a self-defeating complex (in turn conjuring a coping rationalization of egocentric delusion) that is when you truly fail at life

>> No.9135258

>I'm good at deceiving people around me for no gain
>I'm bad at deceiving people who want to give me money

Well if that's your one strength then it's time to let go, bud.

>> No.9135263

tfw it takes a painful amount of effort to achieve only a 6.5/10 status

i have to be anal about cutting my own hair to minimize weird head shape
i have to buy lots of skin products and stress out about my skin to deal with acne
i have to work out to compensate for my unflattering and disfigured body
i have to be particular with what i wear because i'm only 5'10
i have to force myself to try to enjoy socializing because i don't have anything going for me

too bad there's no good way to compensate for my 5.5 in dick

>> No.9135267
File: 143 KB, 446x335, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw face-on, look qt
>side on, nose strange shape and head's a fucking egg

>> No.9135284

is that you? i think you'd look better with a buzz

>> No.9135286
File: 13 KB, 323x387, schmendrickfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9135485

nice forehead

>> No.9135826
File: 1.84 MB, 234x200, 1400292345664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9135842

i've always envy gay people

>> No.9135845

tell me what to do anon
i'm too depressed to be creative

>> No.9135871

You're good looking but why would you have that ultra basic bitch haircut

Do something interesting

>> No.9135873

>so many people starting threads like this
>never post face

>> No.9135880

fuckin goosey

>> No.9135882

you pretty try harder

>> No.9136021

>tfw ugly
>tfw balding
>tfw bad social skills

god damn

>> No.9136064

i was the same except probably less of a cunt but i had no hope with girls but was very handsome. I bit the bullet and went on a tinder date with a beautiful girl and lost my virginity to her, been dating girls on and off since having no problem getting laid. I'm 17. fake it to you make it is said to death but fuck it works, dont be frigid just do what you want to do

>> No.9136070


>> No.9136080

I'm moderately handsome but I have Giroud-tier acne scars, is there any hope?

>> No.9136156


>> No.9136227

>tfw was child model in the early 2000s
>tfw never had friends and no one talks to me
>tfw literally dont know how to make friends

feels utterly suicidal

>> No.9136250

>tfw you look in the mirror
>tfw you know that you're ugly
>tfw god granted you no social skills
>and you are ugly
>tfw you're depressed as a result of being lonely
>and you are ugly
>tfw you don't go on tinder because well you are ugly, mate
>tfw you know you'll never meet up with anyone because you are autistic and ugly
>tfw girls look at you
>tfw you scare girls off because they are girls
>and you are ugly
>tfw it'd be a favor to the world if you suicided right now

>> No.9136275

>tfw people uglier than you have girlfriends and are happy
>a-at least I look better than him!

>> No.9136285
File: 91 KB, 300x430, fuccface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no face when?
I'll grant you my face, because I know those feels.
They're not always bad feels though.

>> No.9136310

that's the short version, basically.

>> No.9136372

oh boy
you'd be better if you had a haircut and got rid of the mexican equivalent of a fu man chu

>> No.9136386
File: 19 KB, 510x340, Pj6Kv-s6Bws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck
this is exactly how I feel
I try to be optimistic, that's always good r-right?

>> No.9136398

>girls all over campus with ugly basic and often boring dudes
>meanwhile female friends keep telling me shit like "how has nobody snatched you up yet, anon?"
>"anon who cares about those girls? Almost nobody here deserves you anyway."
>I'm actually confident for the first time in my life, but girls think I'm cocky and just trying to fuck them
>scare off every cute girl because "anon I'm not just going to be another one of your conquests"
>tfw virgin
>tfw only ever kissed on girl, back in the 8th grade

The worst part is that I think being a virgin might be the only thing worse in their eyes than being a "player."

>> No.9136403

If I did that I'd look like a generic ugly person.
At least now I look like my own kind of ugly person.

>> No.9136995

On the bright side, at least you have something to look forward to, and are at an age where you can properly take everything in

losing my v-card at 15 to some girl just as inexperienced as me wasn't all that magical

>> No.9137025

you know you can lie about being a virgin right?

just pretend to fumble around and not know how to get it in

by the time they figure it out it's too late

and when they start gossiping about taking some guys virginity to their girlfriends they can all talk/brag then describe you and figure out you "lost your virginity" to all 6 of them that week

>> No.9137037

>hopeless perfectionist
>look into mirror, see an attractive face
>slowly start focusing on all the details - small acne scars, laugh lines etc
>not very popular, small social circle

>try to overshadow all my flaws/imperfections by mastering as many arts as I can
>weightlifting, running, martial arts
>languages, mathematics, drawing
>many job opportunities
>people who actually bother to talk to me find me interesting

>that great feel when my flaws are working in my favour

I don't even know how I got into this mindset, but I'm so glad I did

>> No.9137091
File: 187 KB, 720x1280, fef10196-3ff8-4b66-913f-0124d0114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that picture works very well with this app.

>> No.9137193
File: 25 KB, 790x267, what I used to feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9137197

I'm genuinely happy for you.
I'm most likely on a whole different continent but good fucking job Anon.
Best of luck.

>> No.9137200

>Anonymous 11/27/14(Thu)01:26:40 No.9135106▶>>9135134 >>9135258

You were never a good liar in the first place then.

>> No.9137233

fuck off
you literally came on to the narcissist's circlejerk forum and told them to quit being narcissistic.

>> No.9137243

>dressing for grills

>> No.9137482
File: 119 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey if you've actually read even the first chapter of what i've recommended, you'll realize it's not about "gaming people"

people catch on to that shit and it's dishonest and ruins relationships

they're about what you said, "being genuinely interested in others and gtf over yourself"

i know psychedelics have changed some people's view in life but it's not something i'd like to do

thanks for your contribution though

>> No.9137499

have you sought professional help regarding your depression yet? that would be the first step.

>> No.9137506

*thumbs up*
you're gonna make it

>> No.9137514
File: 74 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey pal, i think there's a healthy distinction between caring about your own appearance and being obsessed with it to the point that it ruins your relationships and life

fyi the forum is called /fa/ - Fashion and narcissism is nowhere implied in the title


>> No.9137545


>> No.9137813

mr dubs just tell me something to do

>> No.9138189

basically the same, had no interest from girls before uni now i have them swarming me but i fuck up every time. first kiss just under a month ago :((

>> No.9138203

Top kek I'm the same but instead I look mediocre.
Feels... mediocre.

>> No.9138209

h-hold me /fa/

>> No.9138213


>> No.9138219

Tfw u get tinder matches within 10 minutes of downloading it but u say hello to them too soon and come off as creepy

>> No.9138229
File: 143 KB, 830x1080, 6f5dcd808ae9991b3e0bce4815fa522e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good man.

if you have a exceptional personality
looks dont matter

>> No.9138261

>tfw literally 0 matches on tinder
maybe it's because i only swipe right on girls that are both attractive and share similar interests
are my standards too high

>> No.9138271

no, keep doing your thing

>> No.9138322

>"anon you have to lower your standards"

fuck you, I'd rather be miserable and alone than miserable with someone I don't like and am not attracted to.

>> No.9138362

It's not even creepy brah you get the option to message them if you swipe and it's a match
>tfw first option for swipe was a qt with soulmate level interests
>swipe right *matched*
maybe your area isn't very populated

>> No.9138392

go for a Craig Gleason look

>> No.9138399

I guess ur right, I matched with this short haired qt, we were talking fine and all of a sudden, she doesn't reply, not gonna chase it up because I cba, mad annoying tho.

>> No.9139430

start doing drugs
youll meet people instantly
not "druggie pot head degenerates" just people
or you can just climb back unto your high horse since youre not an edgy teenager right

>> No.9139444

great advice 10/10

do you recommend heroin or meth

>> No.9139462

tfw when ur two brothers are both over 6'1 and ur 5'10 and not as good looking

at least they're both fat

i'm going to kill myself when they get fit tho

>> No.9139473

I recommend you drop your trip and go to reddit

>> No.9139481

i hate reddit

>> No.9139499


>> No.9139506

>get matches
>most of them are basic
>find a qt and match with her
>talk to her and get her number
>she's ignoring me a day later

why do i try

>> No.9139526

obviously heroin you fucking pleb everyone knows it's more effay than meth, what are you fucking poor or something?

>> No.9139537

mods ban these fucking nerds
this is /fashion/ not /computer class/

>> No.9139542

Exactly what I've been feeling today brah

>> No.9140711

U r Just boring