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File: 18 KB, 217x158, Receded-Hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9117988 No.9117988 [Reply] [Original]

So I've got terrible genes and have a receding hairline at 20, what hair styles won't make me look like a balding old man?

pls help

>> No.9117992


>> No.9118007



There's not much else that we can do. Just don't be ashamed of it or try to hide it because you won't fool anyone.

>> No.9118038
File: 14 KB, 500x382, 8035_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9118055


I was hoping this wasn't gonna be it for us. Ah well, thanks anyway

>> No.9118106

Have money.
Money is the most fashionable thing in this world.

>> No.9118163


>> No.9118222
File: 475 KB, 1920x1080, DSC_0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do? Ignore the retard face. I am 1.95, big ears (that's what I think) and normal complexion. I am pretty bad at choosing haircuts

>> No.9118244

how old are you? maybe tidy the sides up a bit and sweep it over neater on top. try and minimise the amount of hairline on show but don't make it look too obvious or it'll just make people notice your recession more

>> No.9118265

19 years

>> No.9118277
File: 31 KB, 400x510, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F9440aca0f2e7563d2d581aedc227cc74%2Ftumblr_mv7ycaQ8bp1sya6fwo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 years, any pics of haircuts I could get? I liked this one, but when I got it, my ears looked a lot bigger

>> No.9118472

Know that feel bro.

>TFW never have a thick pompadour cut
>TFW never have long hair that girls are jelly about

It literally drives me into a depression

>> No.9118480
File: 58 KB, 560x315, Pickles the Drummer Pickles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is gonna recede someday. So right now I'm just letting it grow out. And when its nice and long and my hair line starts to recede I'm gonna dread that shit. I

>> No.9118492

look into finasteride OP, it helps quite a bit.

>> No.9118496

fuck off pharma shill

>> No.9118499

I have no personal experience about finasteride, but I heard there are cheaper offbrand ones that do the same thing. Hormones are fucking magic and they really help with that kind of stuff.

>> No.9118506

this will kill your dick

and if you're lucky and it doesn't, have fun blowing your salary on medication for years, until your body develops a tolerance and it stops working

>> No.9118513

Meh, I take 50€ a month worth of medication and I don't think its a big price to pay to help with the stuff I need.

I don't know about the dick killing part honestly, but I would assume its still something that doesn't happen to everyone. I'm taking stronger hormones than that and my dick works fine.

Like if I was presented by the option to either go bald or try something that might help that I would totally try finasteride, or whatever else that will do the same thing.

>> No.9118538

Pull a statham

>> No.9118551

the fuck are you even talking about

finasteride isn't a hormone, it's an androgen inhibitor

>> No.9118555

Its still a thing that messes with hormones.

>> No.9118571

here is a medical perspective on limp dick side effects

'Side Effects:
Uncommon: More than 1 in 1000 people who take Propecia
decreased libido
depressed mood
ejaculation problems
erectile dysfunction'


I would say that's enough of a likelihood to be aware of it, but not the worst odds in the world if you're willing to risk it

>> No.9118582

Yeah and you can always stop taking it if side effects show up.

>> No.9118616

'thing that messes with hormones' is very vague
are you really not intelligent enough to grasp that it could mean a thousand different things, with different effects and whatnot??

>you can always stop
if it was that easy, there wouldn't be any horror stories about the side-effects

messing with your dick leads to permanent consequences, not temporary ones

>> No.9118620


Persistent finasteride syndrome is a hue deal online.

People who stop taking it after effects show up continue to experience the effects indefinitely.

>> No.9118636

I'm sure there are, but I kind of suspect those kinda of sides have an even lower incidence than 'more than 1 in 1000' else it would be recognised here >>9118571

>> No.9118641

English is not my first language and I am not too god with words.

Shame, I didn't know about that.

Either way I said look into finasteride. Its up to OP to weigh the pros and cons and think about the risks.

Sucks to be 1/1000 tho.

>> No.9118682
File: 2.02 MB, 3008x2000, DSC_0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure does, and it also sucks to have a receding hairline.

I had luscious locks, all girls were jelly of me. I never thought my hairline would recede, now I have a wonderful horseshoe on my forehead. It has compounded my depression over the past few years to know that I am losing a focal point of my aesthetics.

pic related, it's me... well, it was me.

>> No.9118706

Yep, I know that it sucks to be 1/1000

But like people suggested in the thread either get a cut that hides it or look into other options to treat it.
There are also hair transplants, but that does seem quite extreme option.

take care

>> No.9118723

how did you do your hair? I can never get mine to go to the side without having a huge visible part

>> No.9118726

uh, it's a lot more than that. I'd say 2 in 100. or worse. 2 percent are the moderate estimates

>> No.9118733

>capability of halting hair loss for decades
>only $120 each year, or $10 a month for Proscar (cut into 1/4ths)
>less than 1% experience side effects sexual side effects
>if side effects occur, option of discontinuation will put you back to normal
>no statistical data to support PERMANENT side effects
>not worth it

At least give it a shot. The odds were very worth it. 21 year old male here that started balding towards Norwood 2-3. I jumped on Finasteride first chance i got, now I've maintained a Norwood 2 (More like Norwood 1.5 now because I caught it early) My hair is thicker than ever and I have NO side effects.

These scare stories are ridiculous. While I acknowledge some people will experience sexual side effects, the majority are hypochondriacs that are experiencing placebo affect. On the other hand, the men taking these pills tend to be in their 40s, where they start losing sexual function naturally- so they want to blame a pill for doing it.

>> No.9118756

Why do you know better than the national health service?
Genuine question I'm interested in your sources etc

>> No.9118757

Not to mention that you're more likely to experience sexual side effects from anti-depressants (SSRIs)... but you never here anyone making a big deal about them. Just quit taking the pill if it makes your dick soft. Simple as that.

>> No.9118776

I'm planning on getting on fin soon as I hit 21ish. Got pretty decent recession going on already at 19 but I want to be fully clear of puberty before start messing about with my testes. Least I can hide it quite well at the moment and I least I'm not thinning. Who knows maybe I've just 'matured' and it'll be another 10 years or so before it worsens

>> No.9118792

Were you an early or late bloomer? I started Fin at 19, but I was pretty much done growing and had a bunch of body hair by 17.

>> No.9118794


i dunno i just did whatever bro

>> No.9118797

ah fuck fair enough
my hair is just weird

>> No.9118805


>A number of studies have looked at the problem of side effects caused by finasteride.[6–11] These studies which are discussed below reveal that sexual adverse effects occur at the rates of 2.1% to 3.8%, erectile dysfunction (ED) being the commonest followed by ejaculatory dysfunction and loss of libido.
and these numbers are conservative based on a little research I've done into the subject. How the fuck did you come up with 1/1000?

>> No.9118814


probably read some mercer funded shill bullshit

>> No.9118823

Fin is a hormone inhibitor. It's not going to permanently alter your hormones. DHT will be lowered while Fin is in your body, but discontinuation of Fin will bring your DHT levels back to normal. DHT has virtually no role in development. I recommend you getting started now. You're pretty much done with puberty and I wouldn't risk 2 more years of recession. Once that hair is gone, it's not coming back. Prevention is key.

>> No.9118824

I'm not even saying don't take fin. But be aware of the potential side effects. I chose not to take it because nothing is worth gambling my erectile health on to me, but other people may feel differently.

>> No.9118833

i posted this in a different thread earlier on, but what i've realised from reading online is that there are way more people posting threads about how they got bad side effects and trying to deter other people away than there are people who get no side effects, despite the fact that every study on finasteride states that more people have no side effects than people that do.

basically, the minority that do get side effects are going to be more outspoken about them and try and scare and put others off from taking finasteride. people who are seeing results and not getting any sides are not going to post threads everywhere about how good finasteride is, etc, because they have no need to. you're also going to take on board horrible stories about shit happening to your dick or whatever more than someone saying their dick is just fine; it's fear.

i'm not saying that you won't get side effects, but it is a very small chance. you can't just let the small minority scare you out of taking it. it's natural that you'll become wary about it when nearly every person who talks about finasteride says it's bad, even though they don't represent the majority who don't have side effects

>> No.9118840

Kind of an early bloomer, I had full on armpit hair at like 12ish I think.

>> No.9118845

>tfw I'd look fucking amazing with a good hairline
>blessed with the highest fucking hairline I know, literally every cut I try looks like shit.
>Meanwhile all the plebs have perfect hairlines

Life sucks man.

>> No.9118940
File: 1.58 MB, 3600x2400, mad-men-s6-e7-don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzzcut, or stuff like in pic. Then you'll have to go for the British Earl look as well.

>> No.9118980

I'm the guy who posted his photo, that haircut will make me look 10 years older lol. I though abouhow old are you? maybe tidy the sides up a bit and sweep it over neater on top. try and minimise the amount of hairline on show but don't make it look too obvious or it'll just make people notice your recession moret shaving my head, but I don't gave enough confidence, plus I have brackets

>> No.9118982

>receding at 19
this is a fate worse than death

>> No.9118994

lol fk writing on the phone. I wanted to say that the haircut would make me look 10 years older. Also, I though about shaving my hair but I don't have enough confidence, plus I have brackets. I wanted to shave my hair when I get them off, I am doing some gym plus that

>> No.9118999

Yep, that haircut is a surrender to the "Yes, I look old (and hopefully classy)". A lot of girls prefer older men, so that may not be a problem as long as you have the facial aesthetics to pull it off (jawline).

A buzzcut is an acknowledgement of "Yes, I am bold and I've stopped trying.".

I cannot recommend the Mad Men cut if you have brackets.

>> No.9119011

perma limp dick isnt worth the finasteride guys
reciding hairline> ED

>> No.9119038

I'm the retarded guy of the selfie, I don't know what haircut will I get in the future... Always wanted something long or messy, but it's pretty hard with the hair problems . sorry about my English..

>> No.9119062
File: 32 KB, 471x600, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yr baldings

>> No.9119431
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>> No.9119456

ah man I'm sorry :(

>> No.9119610
File: 66 KB, 800x525, the beginning of the end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 years old. buzzing tomorrow

>> No.9119616
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, sredbfdnsgfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bad is it?
im 19 ;_;

worth going on fin?

>> No.9119638

it is good but definitely do keep an eye on it and preferably get on a small dosage of finasteride already.

>> No.9119641


nothing is going on

you may need a therapist though for your hypochondria or whatevs

>> No.9119743

any fin before/after pics?

>> No.9119782

When did you start to lose it? Did it happen fast?

>> No.9119899

finstride user here it will not grow your hair back
I use it with spiro dont ask please
it works good on me no dick falling effects

internet fll of scary stories but keep this in mind
the ppl who happy about these results dont post these forums

>> No.9119930

I'm using it too. I am noticing regrowth... The problem is, the regrowth happens on the hair you lost most recently, and is effective on that hair multiple times more than the shit you lost prior to that... That is to say, my hairline has gotten lower, but its also gotten a lot darker too, so in the end i prob. look like i have LESS hair now, than i did prior to starting it, simply because of the bigger difference in contrast on my forehead. Not sure if i'm explaining that well..

Either way, i'm commited to it, and am starting to see tiny hairs grow back at the point where my hairline was, back when i was in highschool... So i figure now i just need to keep it up as they continue to re-grow in stronger. Been on it(along with minox) for a bit over a year now. Total money in is just under $200, so a worthwhile investment imo.(Time investment is maybe 3 minutes a day to apply the minox 2x. Popping a fin tablet literally takes less than 5 seconds)

>> No.9119943
File: 137 KB, 909x544, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair transplants are pretty risky.
I went to a well respected and recommended surgeon, and 6 months in, my results are thin and shit.
It was meant to be 70 grafts per cm, so perfectly dense and unrecognisable.

Hairloss sites and surgeons say to wait until month 10, but there usually isn't an amazing change after month 6
You really have to be prepared for it to be a failure, because it honestly feels pretty devastating.

>> No.9119958


Doesn't look bad at all, m8

>> No.9120008

Started losing it at 21, went extremely fast the first year. Hasn't changed much the latest year, but it looks bad enough to warrant a buzz in my opinion

>> No.9120065

For the most part, you're right. However, if you have thinning hair follicles that are still alive, finasteride can thicken them up into healthy hair. No drug open to the public is capable of regrowing hair in dead follicles (including spiro)

>> No.9120089
File: 1.22 MB, 1440x2560, IMAG0247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting this on your your body any time you use a non electric razor . Those are bad hair genes.

>> No.9120098

what the fuck is this

>> No.9120105

Since I am half black my hair grows back curly. If i shave too close to the skin the hair becomes ingrown and I get nasty chicken skin bumps. been expiremnting with a variety of different blades, products and creams but it seems like I will never be able to have a truly close shave

>> No.9120111

jesus man that fucking sucks, sorry you gotta go through that

>> No.9120112

Get your hair chemically straightened, and it should resolve the issue temporarily.

>> No.9120137
File: 127 KB, 648x458, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shave your head
grab a hat
and grow a beard

>> No.9120166

i thought it was properly bad for my age
i guess that's what /fa/ does to you

>> No.9120167

same here bro
long-haired bald creeps ftw

>> No.9120179

>cut it short
>rock it
>focus on other aspects of your personality/appearance that you CAN control
>move on

Take it from me man, once you start giving a shit about your hair line its a downward spiral into legitimate psych problems. Females will care far more if you are insecure and weird about your hair than if you are blad/have a bad hairline. If jude law can rock the unicorn so can you.

Shit happens. Focus on what you can control.

>> No.9120225

It's cool, I stopped caring about it long ago. I don't have to worry about haircuts because there's really only one style that looks ok with my face and hairline.
I've wanted to buzz it all off for a long while now but I'm too scared to do it. I always think of the time four years ago when I did that and looked into the mirror afterwards and saw my father.

>> No.9120318 [DELETED] 

get a trimmer
use it weekly
never have that problem again
for for sake and others

>> No.9120326

Pro-tip: use a baseball cap as a stencil to get your neckline.

>> No.9120331

get a trimmer
use it weekly
never have that problem again
for for sake and others

>> No.9121025

ITT all of /fa/

>> No.9121034 [DELETED] 

this is why u dont racemix kids
freakish deformities await

>> No.9121067

shit genetics anon

started receding around 16 started fin around 17 after I noticed it thinning. Started mix a couple of years later. At 21 my hair is reasonably thick w/ a pretty prominent widows peak. I've been buzzing it since 19 which was probably the best decision of my life

still pretty insecure but I'm mostly over it now

about side effects I'm on a SSRI as well which can fuck with your dick too so it's hard to tell what's doing what but basically now if I now I'm getting the fugg I just don't jack off the day before and I'm fine the only thing is I last for fucking ages which is probably a good thing tbh

>> No.9121280

wow. are you gonig to get grafts the balder you get, that's gonna look wierd when you're older

hope by that time we'll have a cure for baldness

>> No.9121356
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20141123_213801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to do with my hair. So I've done nothing with it for the past year or so.

been getting frizzy as fuck lately.

How do I into proper hair health?
Should I even bother? I'd like to keep it long.

>> No.9121360

The best cosmetic surgeon in Houston told me he doesn't do grafts because he thinks they're failures the majority of the time.

Don't get grafts. It's down there with getting stubble tattooed on your head.

>> No.9121444
File: 59 KB, 800x600, after 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair transplants look fine if they're successful.
Pic related is 70 grafts per cm, it's what I should have ended up with. not sure if I'll improve enough.
Medication, more transplants become a enuch if that fails become a girl/etc

>> No.9121469

looks weird without the short baby-hairs that fill the hairline

>> No.9121476

what did the singer to fall-out-boy do to get his full blonde hair back? he was severely balding for a while

>> No.9121487

That's how a strong adult hairline looks.
If you restore a juvenile hairline, a touchup with FUE to add nape hairs to the front is pretty important for aesthetics, especially if you have fine hair

>> No.9121491

at the least, don't show off the hairline with that style

>> No.9122478

I'm about the same. My edges come out more though which I think makes it look worse. How do you style it?

>> No.9122485

Does anyone know how to stimulate growth for peach fuzz type hair? I started taking vitamins, scalp massage, and new shampoo. I've noticed small hairs begin to develop in front of my hairline but am afraid they might be hopeless if I want them to grow more than that.

>> No.9122489

>taking medical advice from a polynesian claymation forum


>> No.9122509

I got to be honest. Your hair is a disaster man. Shave it because all those strands sticking out is not doing anything for you. Your scalp is visible when it is long which is not a good look but at least if it is buzzed people can't tell as much.

>> No.9122512

Bump for this. All the ones I see seem fake to me.

>> No.9122530

You either need to get a Mad Men going ASAP, or buzz it all off.

>> No.9122622
File: 162 KB, 500x586, barbermorrissey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a great one for recceed hairlines.

>inb4 tumblrcore

>> No.9122691

I sweep it over to the side to try and cover the recession, if that makes any sense to you? It kinda works and I don't think the average person knows I'm receding with it styled like that but I still notice my hairline and feel paranoid a lot by it.

>> No.9122720

dude you arent balding
thats just your hairline

>> No.9122725

>tfw perfect hair genes
>tfw shit acne
>tfw take accutane
>tfw accutane cause hair loss

Should i kill myself. I should kill myself.

>> No.9122736

is there a standard age people start balding, I've had a mature hair line since I was a kid and it has never progressed.

>> No.9122740

i started receding at 19 and thinning at 21

>> No.9122760

its a wig

>> No.9122777

Relax buddy.
Go through with the accutane. Bad acne is worse than bad hair. I went through the same situation, although my hair was never "great".

>> No.9123289

i disagree
i have both and i think bad hair is worse

makes you look older

>> No.9123296
File: 727 KB, 1500x1000, Patrick+Stump+2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i doubt it's a wig. looks too good. like he had a full scalp transplant from someone who died

>> No.9124025
File: 110 KB, 602x375, thom-yorke1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thom yorke. pic related = hair now

his hair in 1997 (see 1:50 for top kek) =


idk why more people don't notice this its the most blatant (and successful) transplant ive seen i think

>> No.9124805

he was probably like "fuckfuckfuck" when the cam started panning above him

>> No.9125037
File: 211 KB, 566x704, bld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinning for 2 years. In that pic it's really obvious because of dirty hair and harsh lighting.

Still considering on starting finasteride, but I really don't want to mess with my dick.

>> No.9125072
File: 152 KB, 429x615, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then again when I had short hair people atleast didn't mock me for it, so I guess I'll be fine without hair too.

>> No.9125082

That shirt m8....

>> No.9125142

Yeah what about it?

>> No.9125175

>but I really don't want to mess with my dick.
finasteride doesn't cause dick problems. don't listen to broscientists.

>> No.9125936

It don't look good m8
Nice jaw tho :)

>> No.9126387


>> No.9126548

>despite the fact that every study on finasteride states that more people have no side effects than people that do.
Well duh you fucking rocket genius, people wouldn't buy a drug that gives 50% of it's users ED.

>> No.9126590

get a hair transplant

>> No.9126701
File: 12 KB, 582x386, 244f2e69-5425-4849-9116-1257d8d78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9126723
File: 119 KB, 487x371, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is my hairline now. My hair also got way darker over the year.

Thanks nature

>> No.9126840

Wigs look great nowadays. He was aggressively balding prior, he should be a Norwood 6 by now.

Half the celebrities in Hollywood wear wigs and you wouldn't know any different

Pic related: your typical wig wearer

>> No.9126848
File: 31 KB, 394x291, unnamed (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.9126849

Looks good shaved, and At least you don't look ginger

>> No.9126880

I have too much hair

>> No.9126884

buzzcut and gym

>> No.9126918

>tfw both your dad and grandad got amazing hair and you got stuck with the shit genes.

Having higher hairline than gramps does bad things to your self confidence. But hey, with the technological progress going on right i probably wont have to be bald in my later years.

>> No.9128037


>> No.9128602

It would look much better if it was the same length a the rest of your hair.

>> No.9129322

No it's not. It makes it look 10 times worse than it really is.

>> No.9129393

he's just wearing his hair down like i do

>> No.9129397

thanks darwin

billions of years of evolution gone to shits

i have more hair on my knuckles than my temples

>> No.9130382

this is realy the only legitimate advice in this thread. would you rather be some pussy obsessing over something that 90% of ppl WONT EVEN NOTICE, or someone living your life to the fullest that you possibly can? get some minox, try it, and if it doesn't work buzz it and fuck it

>> No.9130478
File: 84 KB, 409x594, Matthew+Barney+River+Fundament+World+Premiere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good balding haircut or does it look good just because hes handsome

>> No.9130535

Accutane doesn't cause male pattern baldness you fucking plebs. If you do lose any hair it's only temporary and will regrow after the accutane leaves your body

>> No.9130689

it looks pretty good, but mostly because he's good looking and has a strong facial structure. it's not going to suit everyone.

>> No.9130705
File: 34 KB, 270x405, Hellboy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samurai top knot + beard

>> No.9130726

you could fuckin rock a buzz cut. i believe it. i K N O W it.

>> No.9130750

Seinfeld is that you

>> No.9131356


>> No.9131720

>or does it look good just because hes handsome

>> No.9132017

What's the difference between minox and fin?

>> No.9132027

The first is expensive as hell, works okay short term and is a pain to use.
The other is cheap if you go generic, works okay long term and is easy to use.

>> No.9132042
File: 45 KB, 452x393, 1255381755876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm terribly sorry, but I literally laughed out loud. Deep, heartfelt laugh.

Your expression cracks me up.

>> No.9132091

No, it's a wig.

>Enrique's paniced expression when George Lopez tries to touch his hair


>> No.9132153

short term as in a year?

>> No.9132164

2 years, then it stops working

>> No.9132173

then how long does fin usually work for? sorry for all the questions.

>> No.9132199

There are some that have been on it for 20 years. It varies from every person though

>> No.9132283

im on finasterid and 0 probalems, the doctors told me it affected 2% of the poeple in their studies. but once it affected them when they stopped they regained function

>> No.9132370

how does the usage of it work? do you only take a pill daily?

>> No.9132382


>> No.9132422

shout out to my balding bros

>> No.9132481
File: 786 KB, 576x824, 1412388805680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to see a doctor next week and try to get a prescription for generic finasteride. I've been browsing forums and such to see the sides of fina, mostly people have been really positive with that, I think that the small minority is very vocal about their problems. And most of the men that use fina aren't even posting on some fucking hairloss forums, they are too busy not worrying anymore about hairloss.

If I get any moderate/severe sides I'll stop, but I am willing to take the risk to atleast at first get some loss of libido or erectile function. Most common side is watery semen, I'm willing to live with that.

Pic related, it's me, been thinning on top for a 1.5 years, not too visible with short buzz though. Luckily I haven't been receding, always have been that high, as finasteride works better for thinning and less for receding hairline. I kinda still like that haircut, but I'd like to try something else for variety.

>> No.9132487

You have a good face and head shape. You can pull it off as it is. No need to try to experiment with drugs imo.

>> No.9132490

at least you're handsome as shit

>> No.9132578

you look amazing, no homo, but definitely try finasteride.
>If I get any moderate/sever sides I'll stop
exactly what I was thinking when starting. of course, no detectable sides at all.

>> No.9132594
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>pic related

>> No.9132644
File: 131 KB, 720x960, tts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i pull off buzzcut, help

>> No.9132649

yes. But smile more.

>> No.9132779

Hell yes! Have you tried completely bald? Try it sometime, it'll grow to that length in a week or two.

>> No.9133936

No, this is Patrick

>> No.9133938

If that guy weren't me I would laugh too

>> No.9134198

The so called 6'5'' master race. lmao

>> No.9134206
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Doubtful he got implants. He has a very high hairline but his bangs cover it.

>> No.9134213
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>you will always have a chubby face

>> No.9134231
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 y/o the struggle is real

>> No.9134271

what about the serious thinning at the back, just fin/minox or what?

>> No.9134285

Both work on their own, fin a bit better. But best results you'll get with both simultaneosly. I suggest using minox in foam form, doesn't make your hair look as greasy as the liquid version does.

Get both in generic forms, doesn't cost a fortune.

>> No.9134400

You need a strong jaw to pull that off, like an underbite almost

>> No.9134412

he looks like rick grimes

>> No.9134435

jenny death when???

>> No.9134445

is your dad henry rollins?

>> No.9134470


>> No.9134477

only if you stay fat, fatty

>> No.9134490

are you in a band called death grips?

>> No.9134494
File: 470 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1178947475127716111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friends

I've begun the balding and have a welter of solutions 4 u

1. Take saw palmetto - inhibit ur DHT production without major sexual side effects

2. Massage ur scalp

3. Dermaroll ur scalp and apply shampoo with the ingredient Ketocanozole

4. Do a yogic exercise called "balayam"

5. Do not worry! I don't believe there's a man on earth that has had the fortune to keep his original hairline - male androgens cause the scalp to expand, and, as a result, the hairline changes!

>> No.9134520
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>> No.9135794
File: 349 KB, 1280x960, eef10d30-3d3e-47a2-99d1-b152433a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when 23

>> No.9135796

u look like that big bang theory nerd

>> No.9135813
File: 27 KB, 612x612, 10303756_851029174910604_2295602842656999964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inhibit ur DHT production without major sexual side effects

lmao were you dropped on your head as a child?

how can inhibiting DHT with a different chemical possibly not have the same side effects?

obviously the absence of DHT is what causes (if there actually are any major side effects which hasn't been proven) side effects

>> No.9136104
