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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 91 KB, 466x963, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9130723 No.9130723 [Reply] [Original]

fashion forum cringe thread

>> No.9130737

did someone make fun of your fit?

>> No.9130757

they are both embarassing so no..i don't know why i would post it it was my fit

log off birthday

>> No.9130761
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>> No.9130768

Is birthday a meme here? I don't understand.

>> No.9130772

There's prbably 10 cringy posts here for every 1 there.

>> No.9130783

Including yours

>> No.9130789

poor birthday...
but honestly, how the fuck is that skippy faggot wearing those clothes when its 35C out?
ozzys are the biggest tryhards i swear

>> No.9130791

birthday is a person

but yes, u could say he is a meme

>> No.9130792

people are just too scared to lose their valuable e-rep over there to call anyone on it
they can only dogpile on newbs or hated trolls
sufu is a sad little place. so slow too, must be dying as well

>> No.9130799

great comeback

>> No.9130947


>> No.9131175

The fit or the post under?
I think it looks great anyway. Looks like something that could be regular in inspo threads, have a huge amounts of likes on tumblr, or whatever. however it's always somewhat cringey when you think about that the person actually set up the photo up and tried to look cool.

>> No.9131255

Pussies. They just don't understand my avant garde humor

>> No.9131800

He works at assin or what?

>> No.9131810

only thing thats cringe is that shitty ass reply i cant believe someone just typed that hoping to be witty

>> No.9131813

>only thing thats cringe is the reply
lol... no

>> No.9131835

w2c jacket

>> No.9131895

>dont make fun of muh sick diss ;_;

>> No.9131914
File: 348 KB, 1600x1066, _52A3989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when homme.homme has been posting solid fits for longer than OP or likely anyone else in this thread criticizing him has even been interested in fashion.

>> No.9131919

that looks like shit though

>> No.9131921
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>> No.9131928
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>> No.9131935


>> No.9131943

He's probably the weakest of the core SZ group. Random posters out-dress him regularly. I'd rather wear one astonishing fit all the time than have a hundred "consistent" ones.

>> No.9131945
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>> No.9131952
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>> No.9131956
File: 55 KB, 576x768, CD8A5A99-38D8-4C80-8A64-17CF544D5BB5-2991-0000026F1D541F76_zpsf309ed8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9131962

holy shit this guy looks like crap

>inb4 'bu-but it's designer'

>> No.9131965
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>> No.9131969
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>> No.9131977
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>> No.9131981
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>> No.9131987
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>> No.9131992
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>> No.9132001

These are all garbage. Tbh my reply was cringy and stupid af but all these fits are garbage so I don't feel that bad about it. Everyone can fucking get over themselves. Dude looks like he just walked out of Assassin's Creed

>> No.9132013

id on shoes?

>> No.9132020

birthday's response is more cringe than that fit lmao

>> No.9132043
File: 2.77 MB, 3200x2400, ngNtfyT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you realize calling a fit garbage doesn't mean anything when you dress like this.

>> No.9132051
File: 902 KB, 3264x2448, ANKGkNP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you challenge homme.homme to a fit battle dude? If he's so garbage you'd easily ether him.

>> No.9132053

Are you from mfa?

>> No.9132055
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>> No.9132059
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>> No.9132065

oh god why do you have so many of these saved

>> No.9132067
File: 782 KB, 1600x2400, 9NexHeH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad we have this shining example to live by so we can all know how to avoid looking garbage like homme.homme

My original point stands. Everyone dissing homme.homme is a kid that got into fashion less than a year ago. He's actually had a chance to evolve over time and develop a distinct personal style, not just ape whatever the latest /fa/ meme fit is.

He's not some god that posts incredible fits but he's solid all around and not one of your fits can stand up to even his worst.

>> No.9132079

I thought beefday was just a basic bitch with epic meme loudmouth persona but goddamn these are pretty bad.
Trunks at least can occasionally have pretty decent fits.

>> No.9132081

>Everyone dissing homme.homme is a kid that got into fashion less than a year ago.

This is actually so embarrassing.

>> No.9132086

id on distressed raw hem tee?

>> No.9132094

how can you talk shit when you look like that
im fucking rolling, the audacity you have
literally every one of his fits shit on yours
i mean look at this shit

>> No.9132103

you look like a shitty character in a video game.

>> No.9132119

Dope, though a bucket hat or anything else for that matter would look x1000 better

>> No.9132140

Would love to know who I have the pleasure of addressing today. Your point that someone can't have an opinion if they don't have as much experience as someone else is beyond wrong. Both a tourist and an art historian can look at a painting and hold the same fucking opinion of it but that doesn't mean the art historians is somehow magically more right, they are opinions not answers. I didn't say his fits looks like shit to everyone just to me. I've also had a chance to develop my style as well obviously not as him but again you are implying way to much. I like my style and think it works well for me. Atleast I'm the not person who has tons of pictures of some random kid I've never met saved onto my computer to pull out every time I get angry at him.

>> No.9132165

Birthday looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.9132184


I don't even know you bro, you posted right in this thread that you were the guy commenting in the OP's picture. All I had to do was hop on Sufu and look at your post history, all the shit I dumped in this thread took 10 seconds to find. You ethered yourself.

You pretty much said "this guy sucks and btw here's my sufu account name that has all my fits attached to it".

Homme.hommme's fits I had saved because they're actually cool, yours I deleted from my computer as soon as I finished using them to virtually knock you the fuck out.

>> No.9132186

This guy looks like almost every other SZ drone though. This one is especially bad>>9131977 a fucking Jersey under some sheer knit?
>muh personal style
Birthdays a fucking idiot but this guy isn't as fantastic as you are making him out to be.

>> No.9132219

>ethered myself
>using disgusting third world Australian bogan speak
>didn't address any of my arguments
>no I didn't have any of these saved already you just suck lol
Whatever you say man you still took the time to to save all those pictures which is kind of funny. Sure what I posted was stupid but you're taking this way to seriously.

>> No.9132222

Im guessing julius. Not 100% though

>> No.9132276

This isn't a bad fit though. The others are, but this is dec

>> No.9132311

you're a goober dude. fuck off

>> No.9132315

>Australians when will they learn
You're all dead brained cunts I swear

>> No.9132320

im an american you turkey

>> No.9132327

Dam that sucks your mind has been corrupted to associate with with scum. Come back when you can hold an argument and not just spew pointless shit at me.

>> No.9132346

birthday you are a laughing stock on every forum you go to. either accept the fact that you are an annoying little internet drone with zero personality and try and change it or log off until you are at least 18

>> No.9132363


>> No.9132371


>> No.9132375


>> No.9132381

I like this fit

>> No.9132394

>Sure what I posted was stupid but you're taking this way to seriously.

This is coming from the kid who browses 4chan all day, samefags, writes giant walls of text when people make fun of him, relentlessly attacks people for no reason, and gets butthurt ("B-But I'm still l-learning!") when people call him out for being a dick.

Honestly Birthday what do you bring to this board, nay, to any fashion board/forum you go on? Why should anyone care about what you have to think about anything, when you're an antagonistic shithead who _self-admittedly_ doesn't know shit about fashion?

>> No.9132399

>Dam that sucks your mind has been corrupted to associate with with scum
>associate with with scum
what the fuck are you even saying?

my argument is very simple. you are a goober. you called that dude out for having bad fits, when your own style is severely lacking. just.... keep your opinions to yourself. publicly calling someone out is really shitty, unless they deserve it (like you do)

>> No.9132431
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what about a tourist who nightshifts as an art historian?

checkmate muslims!!

>> No.9132441

Im still gathering and learning about fashion but that's not what u come to this website for. No one on this site besides a very exclusive few actually have any real interest in everything fashion entails. I would love to consider myself on of those people but obviously not on the level of you or any others( I still have a ridiculous amount to learn and actually experience not to mention grow), but I have found it absolutely pointless to do what your doing. Just spouting off essays to the same people who hold similar views to you, or if y have different views they are so deeply rooted they won't change. 95% of the visitors here haven't the slightest clue what this entire thread is about and to me that is sad. Of course I could be more productive write long responses on what I believe but first off my knowledge isn't deep enough to do that and it's just a waste of time. I come here to fuck around and release steam. I don't actually believe anything I type besides Hedi being a hack but even that is rather uninformed. As for me reacting to people's attacks on my knowledge they were somewhat called for but not to the degree they took it. I was saying stuff I didn't know but to just stomp on someone like that is pointless it's like someone to stop making art or trying to solve a problem, it doesn't hurt to get things wrong knowledge isn't a streamline process. So yeH for a while I was probably just mad that people had called me on the legitimacy of my opinions but at this point me talking ahit or insulting someone doesn't hold to that at all. Maybe some day I'll be more like you willing to discuss at lengths what he knows to others on the Internet,but for right now I'll just continue finding more articles to read and runways to watch and fuck around with the people here. Becuase right now I'm pretty board with just getting everything I know from people on the Internet.

>> No.9132443
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yo my nigga incog, u got nice pieces and your site is cool but shiit nigga

>> No.9132445

This website is only capable of giving the most basic advice and criticism possible. Back when I first started posting firs I didn't get helpful comments I got the same shit I do now just in smaller amounts. I would get maybe one comment that would be on topic and even then it would be oh your cuff is crooked. Wow thanks that is really going to make or break my fit. It took me months to even grasp the basics of looking good, we're not even talking about being fashionable or giving any grasp if fashion. I shit post because I can here. I don't want to on sufu because I know I could get the same reaction as I do here. SZ I would get banned automatically. If you were asking more why do I feel the need to and not why do I do it here. I guess it's just because the Internet is such an easy place to create a persona which of course is what I have done. So in a sense it's just to become something I'm not for a short while, be a piece of shit online to people I'll never meet so I'm not as much of one in real life. If I were to act all saintly from this point on it wouldn't change anything atleast not in a period of time that would matter. I would still be Birthday the annoying little kid. When people say I look like shit or my fit sucks, at this point it hardly even registers anymore I have become so conditioned to it it's almost more strange and upsetting when I don't see them.

>> No.9132446

What do you bring to any fashion site oh great sage? All you do is talk shit to me but there is no substance to it. You didn't answer any of my questions or address any of my arguments you just keep saying the same shit everyone always says. Yeah I know I'm not as smart as others, or my fits aren't as good, I'm not as funny as some but that really doesn't matter. Why again do I need to be the best at something to hold an opinion?

>> No.9132448

you are just defending this shity fit because you probably dress like that, fucking basic bitch

>> No.9132455

> I don't have any of your fits saved
>just old posts of yours
You're the same guy that always shows up in every fucking thread I post in and tries to call me out. I always ask what I did to you and who you are because I'm genuinely interested in how I could have pissed off one human being as much as you.

>> No.9132458
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>> No.9132470
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so is birthday the new timber/poet?

>> No.9132471

You actually saved this fucking pasta Birthday?
Fuck me you're pathetic.

>> No.9132478

I wish, maybe in the sense that I've gotten everyone to hate me. Then yeah probably.

>> No.9132479


People tended to like him though.

>> No.9132486
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good replies tbqh

mils indecisive about his life again

>> No.9132489
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oh wow this is really sad. this guy spends so much on clothes to look fucking awful pretty sad

>> No.9132493
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>> No.9132498

poet had good fits and some people liked him (from reading through archives)
while birthday has personally done nothing to me, the only fit i kind of like is >>9132043
but everything else i've seen of his is boring
but what the fuck do i know i've only been here a few months

>> No.9132499

holy shit, people actually thing those fits are bad?
do you guys have brain damage? because you definitely have zero perspective, let alone taste.

>> No.9132502

oh i like the hair

>> No.9132503


>> No.9132507


>> No.9132509
File: 3.06 MB, 1280x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

styleguise we in dis
the "marketplace" is dece tho

>> No.9132514

who the fuck is this wanker

>> No.9132517

what shoes is he wearing

>> No.9132518

Asian Matrix cosplay?

>> No.9132519

black bomber, black jeans(cuffed ofc mayne), black shoes. Like this is some godlike fit, fucking plebs. Not saying it's bad or something, but nothing special

>> No.9132523
File: 532 KB, 346x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goretex and wool
big wtf

raf "ayy lmao" collection

mod from another forum i lurk(ed)
>spoiler: it's always been dead

>> No.9132524

punk af

>> No.9132531

if those pants werent full-retard this would be fine.. ish...
i'm only going soft because i think those are mykita x damir doma glasses

>> No.9132532

Nothing says "I'm punk" quite as much as spending thousands of dollars in clothes.

>> No.9132537

>raf "ayy lmao" collection
my sides

>> No.9132539

They're not dd x mykita

>> No.9132543
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punk is dead
punk is dumb
punk is hedi

>> No.9132550
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hedi slp inspo

>> No.9132552


>> No.9132554
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>> No.9132558


holy fucking shit

>> No.9132559

where can i find more of this revolutionary style dude
please help

>> No.9132568
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nice kicks

>> No.9132571
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>his other listings are dolce & gabanna and armani exchange

I'd pay to see what this guys life is like.

>> No.9132573

Woahwoahwoah stop right there mister you are posting pictures of the sufu clan now. Do you know what's going to happen to you now? Negrep forever. That's right all your fits and posts will forever be negged.

All the small asain men with thousands of posts on Sufu

>> No.9132577
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>that markdown

>> No.9132579

I think you are pretty fly for a trip... Your fits are mostly tryhard, but some of your fits are inspo-tier. I don't see why the hate.

On the other hand... trunks. I fucking hate the man.

>> No.9132581
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menswear core

>> No.9132585
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no worries,got my internet seatbelt on

>> No.9132590
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GOAT the 2nd

>> No.9132592

Are you ironically samefagging now Birthday?

>> No.9132597
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>> No.9132598

What shoes

>> No.9132601

Hehe this guy posted on Hypebeast

>> No.9132603
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>> No.9132604
File: 45 KB, 747x960, 10833990_1564943497070002_733621137_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dope heroin-chic inspo coming through guys. What an interesting silhouette.

>> No.9132607
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>> No.9132610
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Unnf palette game on point for this guy same with the hair.

>> No.9132612
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>> No.9132616

yeah the bridge doesnt make sense for it to be. i fucked that up

>> No.9132620
File: 164 KB, 395x600, IMG_9754_zps63a69b77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Toj jacket finally came today.

>> No.9132622
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>> No.9132626

forgettable but inoffensive

>> No.9132630

how long did that take? looks cool.

>> No.9132637
File: 771 KB, 768x558, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe: the genesis

>> No.9132639

can i get an id on the shoes?

>> No.9132643
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Cringe: the fallen son

>> No.9132646

36 months and 4 months pay but I couldn't be happier. It's my third jacket from them :-D

>> No.9132652

This guy works at assin. He's modelling for a shot of the new BBS arrivals in the OP pic, which probably accounts for the edgy stance. I've met him a few times before the sydney store shut down and he dresses very well, definitely better than the awkward pose and smartphone camera mirror selfies convey (his choice of footwear is usually less than ideal though, I've always thought). Still, he looks good and 90% of the fits he posts are easily better than anything in /fa/'s WAYWT thread.

I really hope the 'cringe' aspect of this thread is referring to the attempt at humour in that comment and not the fit/fits thereafter.

>> No.9132657

>36 months
i hope you're trolling me

>> No.9132660

I mean he can say some funny things sometimes but then you remember he is a small Malaysian man and it all comes into perspective how cringy his posts are.

>> No.9132662

>36 months and 4 months pay
what the fuck

>> No.9132663
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>> No.9132667

I'm sure he was very serious with the sword mate. :)

Must be fun having tunnel vision.

>> No.9132673

No but it was so worth it though haha. The pockets may be sown in lopsided and the padding is coming out already but hey its TOJ they make the best jackets money can buy haha

>> No.9132682

Hey lemons long time no see lol

>> No.9132687
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fuck weeabos


not just the fit,his whole internet persona and how it collapsed in 15 seconds

>> No.9132691

>4 months pay
This is retarded

>> No.9132695

Dopw XD

>> No.9132697
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>> No.9132698

>decent fit
where? lol... birthday usually looks fine for a 17 year old kid. trunks is like 23 and spends insane amounts of money on 3rd hand designer jap shit and looks like a complete retard because he just cops because of brand and doesnt know how to size anything

>> No.9132704
File: 174 KB, 513x598, 1399260504068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there really any reason to quote that post twice mate.
You're really sperging hard huh.

I wouldn't have images like this if I was lemons, I just think you're dense.

>> No.9132713

>you definitely have zero perspective
you're the one who can't comprehend different points of view

>> No.9132715

You obviously haven't ever handled the artisanally crafted perfection that I'd temple of jawnz

>> No.9132725

>tfw birthday's fits gert more thumbs than trunks' on sufu

>> No.9132728

> wouldn't have images like this if I was lemons, I just think you're dense.
I see you lemons. Try a little harder next time alright?

>> No.9132739

Alright man, you caught me haha, damn you're so clever and cunning Anon! :D

Dumb cunt.
I'll see you on the cringe channel yeah? :) gonna be epic lol
spend all of my free time looking at cringy FB pictures :3 I do not know what jokes are

>> No.9132745

um no lol
he was a hated little fag
you're just too new to remember

>> No.9132747

That's because Trunks went full sperg mode early this year on sufu for a couple weeks. It was really fucking funny actually and I'm pretty sure he was partially serious for some of it. Someone please post him breaking the banana in half.

>> No.9132751


>> No.9132754

it's a rick tank, lurk

>> No.9132773

so sufu geeks will never rep trunks because he was silly/stupid in offtopic and would rather rep birthday in mall tier fits? they are such a pathtic group of losers desperate for that erep lol

>> No.9132781 [DELETED] 


Reported for impersonation meme

>> No.9132785

Holy shit I love this video so much that murderous stare absolutely makes this.

>> No.9132803

Trunks still gets a lot of rep on his fits so idk what you're on about. Both of them have nice fits imo I guess Birthdays are just more appealing to that crowd.

>> No.9132869

reported for shitposting
get the fuck off my board you faggot

>> No.9132873

One thing people never seem to notice is that Birthday only ever gets rep on sufu during off times when no one is posting anything really good. When things aren't slow he doesn't get rep.

Also, I seem to be the only person who sees Birthday as a trendhopping loser. He tries to claim that this isn't true "anymore," but he still just jumps around to the tune of whatever is popular on /fa/.

>> No.9132875

Do you happen to have a picture proving this? afaik he's never posted a picture of himself

>> No.9132884

Well he lives in Malaysia... I mean I dont think some huge /fit/ dude would be posting shit like he does and if you see his posts in recent purchases everything is always really small.

>> No.9132927

iirc there's a pic floating around.if the pic is real he's slightly chubby faced and in addition to what i saw, in the shoe wdywt, he is i assume, small

>> No.9132940

hes "jmatsu"
after people accused him of being jmatsu he had like a wall of text cryin about it lol

>> No.9133031
File: 31 KB, 234x583, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the pic of him

>> No.9133045


>> No.9133209

why the fuck nigga leaning
is the nigga tryna look for coins
is he going to trip

>> No.9134036
File: 519 KB, 1401x1015, cartoonman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking short jackets, man.

>> No.9134063
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>> No.9134069
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>> No.9134087

who is that

>> No.9134088

he looks awesome, but out of place slightly
i guess you gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.9134091
File: 201 KB, 720x1280, 1413665382590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9134111


Is this guy trans?

>> No.9134112


>> No.9134133

Other than that weird fucking head to body ratio I think he looks pretty rad.

>> No.9134144


>> No.9134148


>> No.9134163


>> No.9134187

yes. thank you for using his preferred pronouns.

>> No.9134708

This is so good, love that bag. w2c

>> No.9134732


this is my favourite internet pic of all time tbh

>> No.9134751

i know this guy. i met him when i visited sydney. he works at assin

>> No.9134963

i'm looking for season/cw you herb

>> No.9135006

If I saw this in the streets I'd be asking them to blow me up some balloon animals and asking when he'll start pulling rabbits out of his arse.

>> No.9135007

Its ok bday. You had some bad fits but I still think you're cool, niggas mad they don't have your superior baby face aesthetics.

>> No.9135093

I can't tell if this completely sarcastic or just a really backhanded compliment.

>> No.9135120

I think he's cute, but when he gets older the babyface won't be such a good thing.
And when his fits are on point they work good for him.

>> No.9135162

TOJ is good quality but no article of clothing justifies 4 months pay. At that point you're living beyond your means

>> No.9135181

i like this

>> No.9135190

you have been browsing fashion boards for too long if you think skinny sweats trainerendors and carhatt parkas are basic

>> No.9135195

id on jacket pls

>> No.9135199
File: 127 KB, 1115x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I know this guy irl and he's a total bro

>> No.9135207

i snorted

>> No.9135261


>> No.9135323

you're fucking braindead if you think an anorak is a parka
how is an anorak, sweats and black sneakers not basic

>> No.9135762

Fuckers don't even stock Julius anymore

>> No.9135837

went in there looking for julius. they tried to push their shit assin brand on me.

>made in korea

lol no

>> No.9135893

This one is alg, rest are shit

>> No.9136044

<3 milspex

>> No.9136048

dope jeans tbh

>> No.9136074
File: 82 KB, 640x1136, dick oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found this in the fucking r/mfa wdywt thread a few months ago and forgot to post it

>> No.9136100

You got butthurt on sufu for making a lame ass joke and now you're venting here? Lmao get over yourself

>> No.9136109

You must be new here. Just yesterday people believed asos trainers were rafs, so I'll leave you to make sense of that.

>> No.9136132

Dope fit, doesnt belong in here

>> No.9136133

still better than 99% of the shit that gets posted on /fa/

>> No.9136189


>> No.9136192

Looks like we're picking on StyleForum now, where your pants are considered low rise if they don't come up to your nipples.

>> No.9136196
File: 59 KB, 487x731, AIDS patient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9136397








full-blown autism

>> No.9138406


>> No.9138758

lol at that "solid fit"

is that wog what passes as well dressed on sufu?

le ebin playing with proportions wow I'm so impressed!!!!1

>> No.9138777

Fit is cool, his pose is retarded.

>> No.9138788

this >>9138777

>> No.9138789


>> No.9138795

i'd be ashamed if that thing was living in my city

>> No.9138806
File: 56 KB, 390x470, a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking paki's a gold mine
mfw see that coat on that fit

>> No.9138808

he looks good
info on parka?

>> No.9138813

why do you reckon he's a paki

looks like a leg or something rather

>> No.9138818


>> No.9138831


i'd say more of a turkish vibe
still Mudslime scum

>> No.9138875


>> No.9138899
File: 163 KB, 543x960, 1408342016801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sick

>> No.9138951

Acronym. It costs $1,200 smackers.

>> No.9139030

milspex rules
dude has the most specific, unmoving stylistic tastes. it's fucking sick

>> No.9139040

this shitty taste
im glad people like you exist to remind me that I'm browsing /fa/ and not a decent forum

>> No.9139048

you cant be serious

>> No.9139058
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>> No.9140667

is that Hopsin

>> No.9140911
File: 865 KB, 1022x611, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still makes me laugh

>> No.9141024

does anyone have that edited version with pyrex shorts or something like that

>> No.9141122


>> No.9141143

i think that would look cool if he stopped being a faggot and took the hood and scarf down

>> No.9141290

omega detected

>> No.9141550




>> No.9142574

people like you are the reason effay is cringed at

>> No.9142803

Looks like a pregnant women

>> No.9143588
File: 318 KB, 800x1423, 4LPCsfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile on mfa

I love the comments because people try and throw around fancy terms but have no idea what they're really talking about

>"I really like the contrast of the vamp on those shoes here. Takes a relatively simple monochrome fit and makes it more interesting."

>> No.9143606

>orange shoes
besides the shoes i only see grey

>> No.9143618

Honestly everything is pretty good, especially the sweater. But the shoes are fucking horrid. Boots or almost any other color Vans would've been way better. Fucking hate orange on clothes...

>> No.9143641
File: 283 KB, 1080x728, IMG_20141128_225200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was apparently to harsh on these poor redditors :-^(

>> No.9143703

>I love the comments because people try and throw around fancy terms but have no idea what they're really talking about
oh, you mean like /fa/?

>> No.9143760

w2c sweater

>> No.9143777

internet nerds and fashion do not mix but at least this board is about it
rather bantz with anorexic white boys in all black than fat geeks who dress like steve carrell

>> No.9143786

so why are their only two kinds of people on r/mfa
1. the poor highschooler/college student dressed in basic cheap crap, and only sometimes they'll spend a little bit on a heritage workwear type piece (muh quality)
2. the sz/sufu reject, some asshole who spent like 7 grand on an outfit that doesn't fit properly

like there is no middle ground

>> No.9143797

that is a fair point.

>> No.9143802

you were probably an unfunny cunt

>> No.9143854

Who's birthday is it and what is a trunks

>> No.9144818

Looks pretty good though for the style he is trying to get across

>> No.9144821


I'd kill myself if I had that beta frame. Looks like a manlet as well, always overcompensating. In this case, with gay ass clothes

>> No.9144824

This guy looks like a legit anime character.

When you actually look like an anime character and not someone TRYING to look like an anime character, I'd say oyu won

>> No.9144826

>those legs
top kek.

Now that is stature of a virgin

>> No.9144828

This guy can pull off that look, because he is old.

I'd like to hang out with him.

>Autism intensifies

>> No.9144830

It's not that awful for mfa

I'd say it's even kind of ok

The guy is a dweeb what do you expect

>> No.9144845

W2C jacket? Any other colors or...?

>> No.9144853

I actually like this

>> No.9144858

w2c sweater

>> No.9144878


i second this, atleast the brand of it

>> No.9144882

birthday ur cute as fuck
would hold hands with/10 shame you dont like girls

>> No.9144888
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>> No.9145042
File: 414 KB, 650x900, thanksgivinghat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While i dont like 90% of the fits on fa (i'm preppy) what the fuck is wrong with people at sites like thefedoralounge. I mean having vintage lcothing as a hobby is all fine but do they really wear this on their everyday life?
It's like playing dress up.

>> No.9145055

The only dudes who can pull that off are like 60+

>> No.9146684

actually he's in vancouver. it's shame that i've actually seen this abomination irl.

>> No.9146768
File: 91 KB, 500x481, 8155247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he meant this

>> No.9146782

>whole shelf of lego books

absolutely perfect

>> No.9147280

Can someone link this jacket please.

>> No.9147299

>fake glasses
>shite shoes
>shite jumper
>those rolls

>> No.9147301

I dont get the hate on Jez (Homme Homme)

Solid bloke, dresses well. Real shame Assin is now gone.

>> No.9147318

dope as fuck, but I hate the zippers on the pants

>> No.9147325

>techno interests me

>> No.9147352

this would be great if he was standing like a functional human being tbh

>> No.9147534

SS14 Carhartt WIP Hayden Anorak

>> No.9147580


>He's not some god that posts incredible fits but he's solid all around and not one of your fits can stand up to even his worst.

this just gave you away, birthturd.

>> No.9147588

I'm dissing myself now? Nah that wasn't me you can see my response right after that bud. Nice attempt at an #ether though :-)

>> No.9147603

you mean
>entry level music interests me
cause thats all what that plebeian fit is telling me

>> No.9147610

You really are THAT stupid, huh?

>> No.9147629

Solid argument.
>implying DG and NMH are entry level
Nice try idiot

>> No.9147638

point proven
keep thinking like that tho it helps to alienate plebs from the patriarchy

>> No.9147644

>I will use big boy words and hope they make sense together

>> No.9147650

>i will dress like a retard and be treated like one

>> No.9147654

If you are so good then post a fit

>> No.9147663

Could you please explain how my tastes in music and fashion aren't patrician as fuck? You stupid fucking pleb bitch shut your god dam mouth for a second before you say another stupid as fuck statement
>Neutral Milk Hotel and Death Grips
>entry level
In what fucking world are you living LOL?

>> No.9147714

Dude, DG are entry level as fuck now. Just check out how the Rob Pattinson fans are bandwagoning at this moment on their youtube. And NMH are some sort of indie monument now.

>> No.9147743

hhahahaha look at this guy dude i'm patrician as fuck stfu

>> No.9147883

does trunks pay people to take "candid" pictures of him in public or what?

>> No.9147904

hia 2/10 asian fiancee takes them for him, probably just a photographer that he hired and is to embarrassed to admit it so he made up a story about it being his gf

>> No.9149979

wtf my frong page hasn't moved in ages. this board bugged?

>> No.9150221


A joke or??

>> No.9150271
File: 1.43 MB, 386x286, 1392781796105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if hes maling his julius skirt

>> No.9150372
File: 258 KB, 523x900, gohan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9150418


Oh god is it the "I wear louis vuitton because it's expensive and therefore good" kid?

>> No.9150536

>people are this stupid

>> No.9150584
File: 609 KB, 1280x800, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy haha

>> No.9150597

i spoke to the guy a few times very polite, but i will never understand the way he dresses

>> No.9150707

Sick fits

>> No.9150765

>writing paragraphs of replies to single sentences
>attacking people's grammar
>explaining your own jokes
>humor that tries to emulate funny black people instagram/twitter posts

all signs point to autism

>> No.9150783
File: 24 KB, 337x359, 1403888223406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you cannot see the diference between a cringe thread and a WAYWT

>> No.9150819

it's as if neo followed the white rabbit to a gay bathhouse

>> No.9150849

>that coat

Oh my fuck, what a pretentious fool

Or magnificent troll

>> No.9150857

What? It's just a jacket.

>> No.9150858

Only decent fit he posted.

>> No.9150887

you absolute prawn punk was founded on the basis of malcolm mclaren charging £100 for piss stained old winkle pickers and vivienne westwood sticking some holes in t shirts are charing a fuck ton.
stop glamorising punk you 16 year old berk