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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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9124975 No.9124975 [Reply] [Original]

Shit I will never obtain this level of /fa/

>> No.9124982

they're gonna be the biggest marks once they're sent to prison, their assholes will be torn to bits

>> No.9125008

>tfw no male model prison wife

>> No.9125033

>he actually thinks they'll go to prison
hahahahahaha what are you 15

>> No.9125046

They're models, not businessmen. Modelling pays really badly, even when you're as famous as Cara.

>being this deluded

>> No.9125047

They were dealing, not just using

>> No.9125055

you must be 13 to think it's got anything to do with money you autist, try leaving your basement sometime

wont mean shit theyre gonna run free and keep on doing coke and fucking 10/10s

>> No.9125075

Why, because your homo ass thinks attractive people get a free pass in life?

Try leaving your basement sometime.

>> No.9125111

they look CCC like the romans

>> No.9125149

>modeling pays really badly
so 10 grand +++ for a single day of work is bad pay?

You know nothing about the industry. For successful female models it pays a lot, some make millions ( even after fees and everything) for successful male models it pays about high standard wage somewhere around 50-100k

key word being success though. It's not a handout line, but you can easily work while modeling and just look forward to making an extra 750 or so if you're a guy and work once every month.

>> No.9125160

>Christopher Wetmore

I bet.

>> No.9125182

Even millions aren't a lot compared to what the guys running fashion labels are making. Those are the people who are getting out of prison, if anybody.

How many judges do you expect to pay off and how many lawyers can you hire with $750 a month?

Stop being so deluded.

>> No.9125192

>pays badly
you're deluded, when do you leave again?

>> No.9125350

>Christopher Wetmore

there will never be a male model name more appropriate

>> No.9125355

lol that's not User, this guy's a moron who probably didn't even post when User was around

>> No.9125365

i'm not the guy you're responding to, but the fact that you've probably never heard of these two guys before is enough proof that they probably aren't making enough money/aren't famous enough to "bribe their way out of jail"

you're both retarded

>> No.9125377

I never said they were going to bribe their way out of jail, that wasn't me. I was just saying that for the amount of time that a model spends on set, the pay is not bad. That's why I addressed only that line when I posted. Esteemed people do usually get lighter sentences though, I wouldnt be surprised if they're out on parole pretty quickly if they get convicted

>> No.9125382

You haven't dealed with the law in your life,
Your whole idea about it is bullshit.

They are under the public eye, the most they will get is a very expensive fine, and some time in public service.

A pretty face WILL get you out of some situations

>> No.9125423

I'll have you know I've dealt with the law once before when I was raped in high school so I do know alot on the subject stupid asshole

>> No.9125445

they're not esteemed

i bet you can't even recall their names without checking the thumbnail again

don't bother giving me the names since i know you're going to cheat

>> No.9125452

All you know about the law is from your anime cartoons lol

A judge isn't going to go easy on you because you have a pretty face and he wishes he could leave his bitch of a wife for a twinky boy like you

>> No.9125455

>going to prison for consuming a drug in the privacy of your own home


>> No.9125456

yeah i honestly don't know who User is

i looked up how to tripfag in the FAQ and it said the format is username#password

so my name is User#pass

neat, huh? don't confuse me with a real tripfag because i'm not really a fag

>> No.9125459

pay isn't bad compared to your salary flipping burgers

of course they have more left over in the bank than you because they don't spend it all buying second hand h&m on grailed


thank me when you're no longer in 50k of student debt

>> No.9125463

hey guys i just wanted to let you know i did some research on warosu and here are the real "user"s


hope this helps

>> No.9125485

if they're models why do they dress so poorly? must be dsquared models.

>> No.9125514

drug laws in the US are draconian, but you can't deny the negative effect that drugs, especially dealing have on society

>> No.9125521

attractive white men don't go to jail in this country son

>> No.9125529

probably yes-style

>> No.9125530

i don't live in homosexual paradise, sorry

>> No.9125745
File: 51 KB, 342x342, 1410258793420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thread.

>> No.9126022

they look like they don't give a fuck, why are models so based?

>> No.9126045

But they're white

>> No.9126298

200 an hour or more is pretty good pay. Are you some rich executive or something? I bet you're not, faggot.
i'm the real user :^)

>> No.9126801

Are you still in Antwerp?

>> No.9126805
File: 14 KB, 235x220, 1982142_815036225221597_8298038147745135698_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao they assholes are going to be destroyed

>> No.9126860

I'm not that anon.

I'm not saying they'll get a 'free pass', but they'll certainly end up better than a pair of short, ugly guys would in that exact situation.

There have been studies showing that juries are more likely to convict physically unattractive defendants. Likewise judges hand out stiffer sentences to ugly people. With judges the difference is smaller but still statistically significant.


>> No.9126868

There have been studies showing ur mum loves the D m8

>> No.9126881

Why do models look so alien? even when they aren't photoshopped I have never seen anyone who looks like that in person.

>> No.9126894
File: 25 KB, 93x83, 1373881001748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my cousin once went to court for driving without a license and the judge was a relatively young woman
>mfw all he got was a reduced fine and, quoth he and my uncle, the judge giggled and said she only did that because she had to

>> No.9126950

ITT: 15 year olds who think they're lawyers

>> No.9126955

it's their own fault

>> No.9126999

Do people actually get raped in prison, or is it just a thing like "all Welsh people shag sheep"?

>> No.9127036

shitty fits

>> No.9127304


They tried to sell 2500 dollars worth of coke to an undercover cop idiot

>> No.9127326

Welsh people do shag sheep though

>> No.9127335


it happens in american prisons for sure

>> No.9127354

Do whelsh prisoners in the united states rape regular prisoners or sheep?

>> No.9127358
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prisoners are the sheep :/

>> No.9127359

The negative impact on society is from prohibition. Drug related violence and gangs are a direct result of the war on drugs.

>> No.9127370
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: {

>> No.9127374


>> No.9127375
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That's not true!

>> No.9127393

you have literally no idea how the real world works

>> No.9127409

Is he a descendant of William?

>> No.9127430

>the real world


i bet youre some white sheltered girly twink like most of /fa/

dont give me this

>u dont know how the real world works lol xD im so mature lol :p

fucking faggot

>> No.9127440
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2deep brah, 2deep.

>> No.9127445

>white sheltered girly twink

Jokes on you, only 3 of those things apply to me.

>> No.9127792

oh hi real user

I changed my name so people don't confuse me with you; I don't want to be misleading anybody. Seems like you're pretty famous around these parts :D

yeah it's a lot but do you think they're modeling 200/hr for 60 hrs a week or something? if they were, they wouldn't be selling illegal narcotics to supplement their income

hey thanks armchair lawyer

bet you have lots of experience with the real world huh

>> No.9127801

I'm a lawyer. I went to lawyer school.

>> No.9127816

thank you master of the law police officer

>> No.9127838 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 500x420, tumblr_m6abisJL0S1r3wlbi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which shirt rolling style is the most /fa/?

Ideally I'd like to show off my biceps a little bit as well, which method would be best?

>> No.9128022

drop your tripcode and post anonymous
no one wants to hear your shitty opinions

>> No.9128032

I get models like you jobs. Jobs that pay $1,000-$5,000 per day. Is that something that would interest you? How much are you making at your current job. You're going to be working with a male talent today, and that talent is me. Let's have you start by sucking my cock.

>> No.9128039

I know some people don't like my opinions, and they can't filter me if I'm anonymous

I'm doing it as a favor to the community tbh

>> No.9128041

hah good one

have you seen the casting couch vid on pornhub? Reminds me of your post

>> No.9128058

>I'm doing it as a favor to the community tbh
that's the fucking worst justification for tripping i've ever heard

pls commit sudoku