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/fa/ - Fashion

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9123798 No.9123798 [Reply] [Original]

What are /fa/'s opinions on man in skirts?

I've got quite the edgy one but plan in purchasing less flashy ones.

>> No.9123806
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God damn camera phones

>> No.9123811
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only acceptable variant. Only way to wear one is if you're exceedingly manly

>> No.9123814

Oh my god this is terrible.

But sort of related i recently got a pair of tripp pants (free mind you) and idk what to do with them. will post pics if anyone wants

>> No.9123820


I wouldn't mind a short skirt or kilt just cold here currently. Long with thermal trousers if I want the dingle freedom and warmth

>> No.9123822
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The new TB one that Oki-ni just posted is pretty sweet. Texture looks nice.

>> No.9123824

>not dressing according to your environment
You would be the kind of guy to go in full gothninja to the beach

>> No.9123825


If You're under the impression these are tripp pants you're mistaken.

Though tripp.
Not pants.

>> No.9123833


I don't necessarily wear them out. They're more for chilling in.
Just gets kinda chilly inside is all

>> No.9123842

nah, it know they just reminded me.

But yeah also skirts are a-ok on almost anybody, if you have the right body type and are wearing it nicely, and it's a decent piece of clothing.

>> No.9123846

this is cute actually, the tweed with the pinstripe is fun

>> No.9123852


I just enjoy the freedom.

I usually wear straight leg pants which are forgiving in terms of crotch binding compared to slimmer fits but they still irritate me when I Sit down for long periods, which Is part of My job

>> No.9123916


>> No.9123927

in an unobjective world where you're a tough 10/10 model they look very good in outfits, but everyone is going to think you're a gigantic raging faggot.

>> No.9123934

not going gn to the beach

>> No.9123948


Yea, but You don't really see gays wearing skirts do you? Crossdressers yea. But for different reasons

>> No.9123952

Most people think corssdressers are gay so yeah.

>> No.9123962
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you are overthinking it... what do you think the average nignog on the streets of wherever you live, or the average stacy northfacecunt is going to think of you if you're walking around in a skirt? If you don't care what most people think it's fine, but I probably even wouldnt want to be seen with you and I like them in pictures.

>> No.9123967

Hue, but I don't crossdress. I just wear a skirt like any other pair of trousers in my wardrobe.

I'm skinny, lean And don't look feminine at all, as well I have facial hair