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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.98 MB, 350x373, 1415345804176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9122134 No.9122134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

its time to wake up friends, this is a nigger free zone btw, im here to help whites and tolerable minorities swallow the truth about the nature of the world.

niggers however, are beyond saving/useless anyway so dont bother with this thread if you're a nigger/shitskin

lets start with this


i know reading is hard so we're fortunate to have an ally in brother nathaniel who succinctly and articulately elucidates topics.

heres a few to whet ur palate



feel free to chat in tinychat / effay as well

>> No.9122144

You are a disgusting racist. Please leave this board.

>> No.9122148
File: 308 KB, 546x700, 1415274509883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or reddit
whichever u prefer

u were told btw, nigger free zone, dont read on if it hurts ur feelings.

>> No.9122156
File: 806 KB, 1014x761, not the beees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinion on Dior Homme pieces under Hedi vs. KVA?

When did the bee logo start being a thing?

>> No.9122163
File: 24 KB, 240x360, dio018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hedi dior homme is very good
kva dior homme is whatever, meh, take it or leave it, competent

bee is hedi iirc

>> No.9122165
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>> No.9122166
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>> No.9122171
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>> No.9122196
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>> No.9122197

how old are you pigfuck, highest rated tripfriend on our board?

>> No.9122204

22 forever

>> No.9122208

Being racist just shows how dumb and ignorant you are. Minorities aren't the problem, the problem is the environment they live in, and at this point white people have fucked them up too much for most of them to peacfully coexist with us. Take any white people from poor, war riddle countries and you get the same thing as a nigger if not worse. Stop blaming everything on niggers you dumb fuck.
inb4hurrduurrrnigguuur I'm white with blue eyes bitch.

>> No.9122211
File: 206 KB, 1233x957, 1416756626324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ooo boy
your high school education is showing friend,

>> No.9122217

Nope, Russian.

>> No.9122224
File: 73 KB, 700x538, pigkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not even white though. you're like half italian or some other shitty mix

>> No.9122225

how many women do you bed a month, mean average?

>> No.9122229

what a shame, no country has more reason to hate the jews than russia

70 years of bolshevik hell
they killed your tsar
then raped you with communism and jew bankers siphoned off your countries money

you're probably a fag
u dont deserve based putin

>> No.9122232

>then raped you with communism and jew bankers siphoned off your countries money
that was consensual
russia bent over and spread their buttcheeks for the jews

>> No.9122233

Haha great stuff.

You're the funniest name on this board.
Laughed heartily at your post

>> No.9122234

Ok first of I absolutely hate all russian jews. They are all horrible. I honestly try giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. People aren't always what they seem. Except for russian jews. I have never met a good russian jew and that includes any jew that speaks russian.

>> No.9122236

yeah, the russian people had a referendum and a majority voted to allow zionist jew federal bankers to rape the economy and pillage the country's money.

haha historical fact can be pretty funny ;^)

>> No.9122237

stop shilling shmuel

>> No.9122238

and second of I shouldn't have wrote first of because I did not have a second point

>> No.9122240

Haha yeah, but that wasn't the case with your post though, you cheeky fucker ;)

>> No.9122245

I think half-greek, or maybe Maltese (yuck)

>> No.9122247

thats not really pigfuck tho... is it?

thats just some troll trying to ruin pigfuck's name..

>> No.9122249
File: 43 KB, 283x214, 1416487845342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes 17
>hes trying to argue with pigfuck, who is more educated, more intelligent and more knowledgeable on the topics at hand than he ever will be
>he plans to vote for hillary when hes old enough

heh rock n roll my man


>> No.9122259

Shucks if only i could decalcify that there pineal gland like my buddy pigfuck, maybe then I can an enlightened scholar and revolutionary

>> No.9122263

>what people with an education from wikipedia and /pol/ actually believe
top kek

>> No.9122264
File: 28 KB, 300x418, 1411862844590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that there

>> No.9122267

>His sources are uncited

Top kike, "pigfuck"

>> No.9122268

Here he is, the pigfuck stalker (c)

Pushing his latest rumor, pretending to be multiple anons in hopes that others will fall for the hivemind... His favorite trick, and effective to an extent

Learn to detect his posts, for he is the most autistic and desperate of them all! Imagine being so pathetic that you resort to high school tier tactics of spreading rumors

>> No.9122269
File: 114 KB, 800x507, 800px-Trashgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top kek

>> No.9122277


i guess this is why the world is in the state that it is, most people are just THIS fucking stupid.

>> No.9122279

I love Raf Consumed bro.

>> No.9122281
File: 187 KB, 836x1250, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.9122286
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>> No.9122289
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>> No.9122291
File: 128 KB, 500x667, yes hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122292
File: 80 KB, 640x480, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why must dior be so expensive

>> No.9122294
File: 3 KB, 125x125, pigcucks dad enjoying a taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half-wog at least. who cares what type? they are all the same trash

>> No.9122295
File: 59 KB, 750x761, 1-raf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122296

>implying pigwog is white
stay delusional

>> No.9122297

"minority" here (hispanic castizo to be exact)
I grew up poverty stricken environment and I'm doing exceptionally well for my circumstances
meanwhile many hispanics in my 20% white town are stuck in a cycle of failure for the rest of eternity because they simply don't know any better, they don't want to learn english or integrate and neither do their children
in short they were given a first-world environment and made it into a third-world one

pigfuck you're an inspiration bro you separate the cucks from the men your guide is very informative and cool keep up the good work

>> No.9122298

u mean secondhand?
only the 'grails' are really expensive, u can get a whole wardrobe of hedi era dior secondhand for good prices.

>> No.9122299

i lol'd

>> No.9122301
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>> No.9122302
File: 32 KB, 490x368, 1400616123000-Gibson-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless

>> No.9122304
File: 453 KB, 700x538, moon_psoriasis-core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this one better.

>> No.9122306

I've noticed only the cream of the autist crop do that MS Paint drawn dick shit
can't get cock off the mind boys?

>> No.9122307
File: 229 KB, 450x600, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122312

you know how closeted faggots are often the most homophobic and overtly "macho" in a group?
i reckon you must've been bullied heaps for being a shitskin (or at least muddled) in high school so now you try to be racist and shit online to try and compensate and draw away from that fact that you are about as white barrack obama
its fascinating to deconstruct your little internet persona and the insecure, skinny kid behind it

>> No.9122316

nail on the head m8

>> No.9122319
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>> No.9122322
File: 39 KB, 652x900, d1b41ed39c9382dba97f66f7d6506b06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some shirts ~50, some pants around 100-200

but the second hand outerwear is always $500+

>> No.9122326
File: 77 KB, 345x604, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes getting desperate

>> No.9122328
File: 14 KB, 230x244, 1411863791036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le libshit pop psych 101

>> No.9122329

there is something missing when I see a photo of pigfuck and his big woggish DSLs
i reckon a nice juicy cock or two is the perfect complement to that dickhead

rule of thirds and all that :^)

>> No.9122330

what's your race brah

>> No.9122331

Dude, weird pathetic stalker man, he's clearly white. It's a bit sad to see how desperate you are to believe he's not though, or this may just be you pushing your new rumor, who knows.

He may be closeted homo though.

>> No.9122334

thats generally going to be the case for most revered designers like hedi, especially ones now viewed as having passed their prime.

only thing you can do is yjp/sufu/styleforum/grailed

ebay prices are higher

>> No.9122336

>anyone who pays me out is the same person out to get me!1
how's that paranoia treating ya mazza?

>> No.9122339

tru blue ozzy >:^)
southern cross tatts and all

>> No.9122342
File: 195 KB, 948x1280, tumblr_nfg3mmcu6w1tii8vso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

important, mandatory viewing


>> No.9122343

hes about as white as a serb. have you actually seen a white person before?

talk about desperate

>> No.9122348
File: 61 KB, 711x546, martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

important, mandatory viewing


>> No.9122356

This is a just one big joke right?

>> No.9122362

i think we have worked it out that it's pigfuck, some pigfuck cockrider, and 1 or 2 pigfuck haters who just samefag over and over and over

amazing how messed up they all are

>> No.9122363

Whats a tolerable minority

>> No.9122366

the pigfuck cockrider and possible even the so-called "stalker" could even be pigfuck himself. the janitor confirmed pigfuck drops name and same-fags in basically every thread he posts in.

>> No.9122369

Where are the mods on this board? I can't believe this kind of stuff is tolerated. It's makes me sick.

Fuck everyone participating in this thread as if it were normal. Ban this filth.

>> No.9122370
File: 125 KB, 2100x1525, whiteness2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this how you see the world, varg?

>> No.9122372
File: 400 KB, 493x750, 1416487178259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latins/hispanics, native americans, yknow, ethnicity's that still look like people and not ones with differing skull shapes such as niggers who are, by and large, no more intelligent than apes.

>> No.9122375
File: 114 KB, 768x1042, Anais-Pouliot-by-Daniel-Jackson-Acne-Paper-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey pigfuck. While I agree with you 100% isn't this a fashion board? Shouldn't you stick a little bit more to that? I appreciate what you do though.

>> No.9122377


Fuck you. You're horrible.

Get off my board. Get off my board. Get off my board.Get off my board.Get off my board.

>> No.9122378

Lol no he didn't. He said trunks does that.

>> No.9122380

pig wog is pig ugly and beta

grill here btw

>> No.9122384

The World of Whites

Northern European Grade AAA:
British-origin Britons (of non-Celtic heritage).

Northern Europeans Grade AA:
Germans of non-Alemanic origin, Swiss Germans, Austrians Dutch and Flemings, some highly-Germanicized Scandinavians.

Northern Europeans Grade A:
Northern French, British Isles Celts (including Welsh and Irish), Alemanics (Donauswaben), remaining Scandinavians

Latins Grade BBB:
Southern French, Northern Italians (Continental Italians as far south as, but not including Tuscans), Swiss Latins, Liechtensteiners, Andorrans, Monagesque, all that crap.

Latins Grade BB:
Central Italians (including Romans and Tuscans)

Latins Grade B:
Spanish (excluding Andalucia and Extramadura)

Latins Grade CCC:
Southern Spanish, Portuguese, Southern Italians

Other Southern Grade CC:
Greeks, Maltese

Others Grade C:
Hungarians, Finnish

Savages DDD:
Slovenes, Croats

Savages DD:
Czechs, Slovaks,

Savages D:

Sub-Human Grade F:
Polish, Russian, other former Soviets (Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian), Romanians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Kosovars (all your genociding Southern Slavic crap is in here).

"European" (according to American definition) but Lower than Sub-Human (lower than any conceivable rating):
Turks. all Jews.

>> No.9122386

Pigfuck, you have my permission to add this to your pastebin, even if it basically places you at Grade CC status. Do what's right, mate.

>> No.9122387

>MY board
this isn't tumblr fgt. I also doubt that pigfuck hasn't been longer on /fa/ and isn't more welcome than your SJW ass
>m-muh hugbox

>> No.9122389

You guys do realize we're on 4chan right? Like we see instances of this shit all the time! Hell, we have /pol/ for fucks sake.

But yeah this thread is mostly out of topic, and the mods should get to it quick.

>> No.9122392

fuck off you spastic american cunt
let us rile up pigfuck in peace

>> No.9122394

this is the best thing to come out of a pigfuck thread, ever.

>> No.9122397
File: 1.42 MB, 1939x2246, 1416763594086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting on /pol/ would be preaching to the choir, /tv/ it would be deleted and also, to some extent, preaching to the converted; /lit/ is liberal/slow as shit, although it might be productive to post it there as well.

this is about illuminating the issue for those who might not otherwise have ever been exposed to the truth.

u can see the willful ignorance exhibited by people, perfectly exemplified by posts like these


people who are so terrified/insipid they immediately react without even reading/viewing whats been presented.

if i can convert just one person who would have otherwise led a life of ignorance and kikery then i am satisfied.

>> No.9122399

>Sub-Human Grade F:
>Polish, Russian, other former Soviets (Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian), Romanians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Kosovars (all your genociding Southern Slavic crap is in here).
Yeaahhh fuck off.

>> No.9122400
File: 93 KB, 171x278, 1403250877876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recognising the FYROM
i like you

>> No.9122401

Tbh I thought half of those are whiter than the bottom half

>> No.9122405

what the fuck are you on about? This thread has nothing to do with fashion, and as you can see its only getting worse.

>> No.9122407

curlgurl is slavic

>> No.9122408

>tfw all white people look the same

>> No.9122409

does this hurt ur feelings?


more my board than it is yours, dont like it dont read it u swedish nigger fuck

>> No.9122410
File: 188 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.382966705_b3kh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of those nations listed have amazing cultures, worthy people and have had a lot of struggles trough their history but none the less they still exist.

Only a ignorant westerner would dismiss them.

>> No.9122412
File: 351 KB, 1352x1220, 1411460549295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122414

>25 year old beta
>spends free time bragging about having a gf to beta teens on dank meme board
>thinks that's special
>constantly referencing niche homo sexual and alternative sexual life style slang
>claims he's sexually normal
>nah guys I'm not a cuckold I swear I just research this stuff to troll teens on my meme board
>posts nude pics of himself on homosexual message board
>guys I promise im not gay
>even his wog nana think he's a fag
>pure beta

>> No.9122421

No better to piss off with "sub-human" then those people tho

>> No.9122422
File: 967 KB, 4621x2914, 1415858611262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122429

>calling yourself castizo

lol you're fucking pathetic dude

>> No.9122431

This is not me.
Please look for the pigcuck stalker logo (martin the wog being cummed on by 2 pulsing white penises) to identify genuine pigkek bants.
Thank you.

>> No.9122432

>mfw I thought this was a max/mp patch

>> No.9122433

slav's were always a stupid people
you're no exception it seems :)

>> No.9122434
File: 145 KB, 492x619, 1405337569383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122436
File: 125 KB, 1021x569, 1415991675411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be in >>>/pol/

>> No.9122437

nice try pig wog

>> No.9122440
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>> No.9122444
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>> No.9122446

>mfw people are getting this riled up for one giant bait

How guilible can /fa/ be godamn

>> No.9122449
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>> No.9122452
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>> No.9122455
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mr goldstein
slide another thread

>> No.9122456

i'm guessing that a Savages DD status is more accurate

>> No.9122457
File: 7 KB, 267x276, 1416390246606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse /pol/ everyday
>decided to check out a different board (other than a, b, d or f)
>visit fa
>mfw I'm back in /pol/

>> No.9122459

I'm not Slav, what I know for sure are Latino people are typcially brown, Slavics are whiter skinned.

>> No.9122461

would explain the jew hate more than if he were half-greek

(or maybe the greeks hate the jews too, idk)

>> No.9122462
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>> No.9122463
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>> No.9122464

aussie here, can confirm that any bloke who spends that much dosh on clothes and posts his bum online on a jap cartoon board is indeed a poofter

>> No.9122466

everyone hates the jews, but yea getting half serb more than half greek from his facial features.
no way the dude is anglo.

>> No.9122467
File: 2.95 MB, 448x336, 1415951321325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Finland so based?

>> No.9122469

sauce of pic?

>captcha Martyr gsstwel

>> No.9122470

pigwog BTFO in his own thread

better dump some more pics from you /pol/ folder dicksucker lol

>> No.9122473
File: 909 KB, 2456x1672, 1410963674036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depending on where they stand in the immigration debate, im thinking about moving to finland.

more research necessary.

>> No.9122474

Never understood what 'the jews' have to gain from exterminating whites, explain plos?

>> No.9122475

>rule of thirds

>> No.9122476

>implying a muddled shitskin like you would be allowed into our based finland
fin here, stay jelli :^)

>> No.9122477
File: 427 KB, 480x228, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122479
File: 51 KB, 500x632, 1410570510216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure, grabbed from some random thread.

>> No.9122480

can you dump your current helmut collection based piggu?

>> No.9122481

Gotta agree with you on this one pigfuck. I used to admire Sweden and thought it was a beautiful country with an interesting culture and level-headed people. I used to want to travel there to do some backpacking and get comfy when it snowed

Now I weep about what Sweden has become. I personally have witnessed its downfall

Multiculturalism is bullshit. If you want that come to the US. This country was made for that sole purpose and look how hard it is to keep in check. Whites raping niggers, niggers raping whites, mexicans and asians were being deported left and right. Forcing multiculturalism on a country is like throwing rabid dogs into a room. Somebody is going to get fucked up bad at one point. Even when it happens naturally it stills fucks everything up

Liberals fucking suck man. God bless pigfuck

>> No.9122482

I used to love pigfuck from but if I saw him today I'd honestly try to kill him just to put him out of his misery. He's like an old sick dog that you can't stand to see hurt any longer.

He hates being a racist but that's all he's got and he has to keep playing the character to maintain a living. His fits, the one chance of him following his dream of being a fashion board celebrity, were a completely embarrassing disaster. He has a broken asshole, his bitch gf walks all over him and the fact she's cuckolding him is all but confirmed. He's bald.

I think he'd kill himself if not for his gf, but with her reputation, I doubt she'll stick around much longer. I'd just tell him I'm sorry and put a bullet in the back of his head.

>> No.9122484

>forcing multiculturalism
i dont even...

>> No.9122486

nice try, i think the wog angle you were playing before is more believable, stalker

>> No.9122487

pigwog shut the fuck up

>> No.9122488

EU countries are importing shit tier immigrants by the boatload and liberal sympathizers insist that it's better for everyone as their country gets destroyed by imported criminals

>> No.9122490
File: 27 KB, 493x386, 1416213812027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pigfuck is a regular occurrence

>> No.9122492

you're a little kid who lives with his parents in the burbs

>> No.9122498
File: 82 KB, 500x280, 1415200217653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not so much about extermination as it is divide and conquer via cultural marxism.

the greatest enemy to globalism, the federal reserve and the zionist oligarchy are strong, monoethnic nations, united in culture, ethnicity, religion et al.(what putin is currently trying to build in russia and what firstworld white countries were before the 60's)

this is why south africa and rhodesia were systematically dismantled by the jews. a whiterun, stable, economic power in africa, who - in south africa's case were pursuing nuclear energy - is the antithesis to the chaos globalists prefer in the region that allows it to be exploited/raped of its resources.

a nation united behind its government, a government that answers to the people and not the interests of corporate banking, is one that does not need the federal reserve it isnt reliant on baseless commodity money or beholden to a bank to print money.

by diluting a nation with degeneracy, multiculturalism, racemixing, disenfranchising the middle class, and enslaving the working class in debt and wage slavery, you create a weak, rotten core that is easily ruled, distracted and placated(see america today, pre-natsoc berlin, bolshevik russia)

its about control, not extermination, although extermination would be a positive byproduct as far as they're concerned.

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.

that is why iran and syria are now enemy #1

no federal reserve.

see the first vid in the OP

>> No.9122504
File: 1.20 MB, 347x244, putinlaughin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122507

oi i come st8 from th hood dog i bleed for eas los

Do you know what happens when a white boi walks the streets at night in Compton? Or when some nerdy asian kid walks around by himself outside of his sanctuaries of Rosemead, Pasadena, and Monterey Park?

no. cuz ur a little fag boi and u don't know shit about the street lyfe. go kiss your bf on the cheek for me k? thx xoxo

>> No.9122508

Goebbels pls
Kindly fuck off with your "facts".
>Spreading "awareness" on an uzbek stamp collector's newsletter

>> No.9122510

southern italians are literally arabs and should be F at best

Celts are a yet to be conquered mongrel savage race and should be D

>> No.9122513
File: 147 KB, 830x974, 1413852145751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9122516

The list has been statistically tested and is accurate to a 99.975% confidence interval. Please don't embarrass yourself by questioning the integrity of the list further. Thank you.

>> No.9122524

I'm a zionist jew and I agree with this.

What does that make me?

>> No.9122526

you should stop being a zionist jew and renounce your culture and religion and fight for the forces of good like brother nathaniel.

>> No.9122531

lol no

>> No.9122534

i guess he didnt understand the difference between latins and latinos
probably an ameritard

>> No.9122538


But i want all of those nice things for israel as well. It's being slowly corrupted by the same toxic elements as europe. Of course you'll predictably reach for the old "le taste of le own medicine" schtick

>> No.9122550
File: 193 KB, 352x288, 1384006249987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gud 1 m8

>> No.9122552

israel is an illegal state that only exists because england and US were indebted to zionist military industrial complex and the fed.

israel should be wiped off the map and its people exported to whatever nation that will have them

it is HILARIOUS that the marxist and liberal ideals that the zionists afflicted the west with are now being adopted and championed by israeli youth, it must be awfully upsetting.

israel's existence is a burden on the US and every tax paying US citizen, as well US allies who all - like the US - swear fealty to israel.

not only that but your country has committed countless atrocities and war crimes, the ss liberty, flight 655, bombing of civilians etc.

not to mention the control of the subversion of the US constitution and control of the US government by zionist jews for the sole benefit of israel and its peoples.

no, there is no redemption for israel, nor should there be.
