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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 286 KB, 1000x1500, 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9089893 No.9089893 [Reply] [Original]

So say I like a piece of clothing that isn't gender stereotypical such as a T Shirt. Said T Shirt is cut for women, but the design and fabric aren't overtly feminine, pic related for an example.

How does one pull this off? Is it even possible? I find that most feminine clothing is either extremely tight and showoffy, or billowy and oversized with no major midground.

>> No.9090111

Size up.

>> No.9090140

Adding women's garments to your own wardrobe is tough. For women's t-shirts I would just start wearing the shirt as a layering piece where the sleeves are not readily visible.

>> No.9090238

As a skinny kinda feminine guy is buying women's jeans a good call

>> No.9090253

oh god that's a guy?
muh dick

>> No.9090258

oh shit just noticed the dick bulge
I'm excited now

>> No.9090265

Had a friend do it in high school lel

>> No.9090267

I'm pretty sure that's just the top of the shorts.

Whatever floats your boat....

>> No.9090273

i don't understand what's wrong with you people.

>> No.9090277
File: 54 KB, 487x443, y-you too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9090280


Looks like she is hard

>> No.9090296


>> No.9090655
File: 134 KB, 600x900, TK-2014-08-24-015-001-Harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A men's medium normally fits me very loosely, and I prefer that. So would I still want a woman's large, or a men's medium?

I would imagine the sleeves are sort of what gives it away, that and the neck

Do they differ much from men's jeans in cut? I hate skinny jeans and don't want 'ass huggers'

>> No.9090664

I was thinking of incorporating women's jeans specifically for an ass-hugging silhouette

>> No.9090666

> Woman using a man's garment = qt

> Man using a woman's garment = queer

>> No.9090673

i have a gay friend who sometimes wore his moms shirts, they had neutral designs so it didn't look bad

>> No.9090977

>tfw no qt pie crossdressing bf. fuck this gay earth

>> No.9091377

>Woman using a man's garment = fat ham galaxy who cant even fit womens xl cuts with her ultimate refrigerator body and/or crazy greasy ass bitch whos wearing her ex bfs shit or something

>man using a woman's garment = qt trap, would impregnate and love tenderly/10

>> No.9091440
File: 48 KB, 480x720, shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skin care, skin care, skin care.

very low bf% + just a slimmer of muscle development to give shape and form, try to avoid any muscle bulge however.

A little bit of natural/soft make-up may be necessary if you're older than 25 years. If necessary look up tutorials so you don't look like your grandma wearing blush.

Remove all body hair by whatever means preferred.

Acquire medium/long hair with semi-feminine cut and style.

This may seem like a lot but if you're going to do this you want to make sure you don't just look like a failed tranny with a beard. This is a borderline trap look, effeminate male beauty to match the style, yet avoiding looking like a gay hooker.

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.9091510


Thanks for posting all of this shit without a single link or tutorial, asshole.

>> No.9091618


That's definitely not dick bulge. You're just so horny you can't think straight.

>> No.9091665

Women's jeans are cut to measurements that expect you to have broad hips and a nice ass. From experience, unless you're truly skinny (I have the following problem and I'm I'm 5'6" and 120-130 pounds), I think you'll find that women's jeans that are big enough for your legs to fit in them probably won't cling to your ass the way you want. You'll also probably have to wear a belt to keep the waist from sliding down.

>> No.9091668


I want to kiss him in the non-gayest way possible.

>> No.9091673

I wear women's slacks and dress shirts to work every day and get away with it. What's more important than the cut of the clothes is the shape of your body because women's clothes expect you to have a body that fits within female proportions to look good.

I suggest the more fitted end of things. Stay away from the billowy shit unless you have breasts and a good hip-to-shoulders ratio.

One problem is trying to get shirts that fit right on your shoulders while flattering your waist without riding up because your torso is too thick.

This thread would be easier if you gave us your body measurements. You can use sizing charts on the website of the clothing retailer to figure out if you'd reasonably fit into their clothes.

>> No.9091693

I wear quite a bit of girl's clothing and it's fine on me, and I'm not even a twink

you can do it

>> No.9091709

This gay is photoshopped to hell.
Skincare, lol.

>> No.9091790

I hear taking antiandrogenic medications and estrogen supplements is pretty good for your skin.

>> No.9092219

Does testoterone cause acne or something? Ive always wondered, why do only humans get acne? And why do some people get it more

>> No.9094299


While that pic is indeed photoshopped, that does not change the importance of skincare if you even remotely care about how you look.


What you eat and how well you treat your skin are the biggest contributors. Also, touching your face with your hands will murder yourself with acne if you do not wash your face often. Most people do not realize how greasy and dirty human hands really are.

>> No.9094324

billowy and oversized isnt necessarily bad

i've worn my ex's tees before it's fine

back in the day i did this but it wasn't good, especially considering you can easily get men's jeans w/ elastane in. the rise is too low and the pockets are fucking tiny.

>> No.9094464

I wanna put my dick in it

>> No.9094555

Yes, testosterone does make your skin oilier and can cause acne. If your testosterone dropped to zero, you'd have drier skin.

This is also why women who take birth control pills have better skin. It balances their hormones differently and does actually reduce testosterone.

>> No.9094575

w2c shirt

>> No.9094676


>> No.9096200
File: 43 KB, 410x407, 5354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can legwarmers on men be /fa/?

>> No.9096262
File: 159 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 9-16-14 at 5.03 PM #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

visual kei fag here
i can help people who need advice on makeup and stuff

>> No.9096268

im jealous of your hair dude

>> No.9096271

thank u anon
i need to decide to trim it shorter or to grow it out again
i really miss my long hair ;;

>> No.9096272


You have a nice jaw-line.

What are your eating/exercise habits to support the kei-look?

[spoiler]What are your favoirte bands?

>> No.9096276

Is dat some Tetsu-era Malice Mizer in the top right photo?

>> No.9096280

I'm so jealous right now.

>> No.9096287
File: 153 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-8-14 at 10.37 PM #5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my jawline is like the worst thing to me since i actually wanna be a grill but that's w/e

i'm very poor so i eat very little
i never exercise and i lay in bed for 8+ hours most days when i don't have school/work
when i do eat, it's usually something off the Dollar Menu at McD or boxed pasta

semi-relevant here's how show my hair used to be
was a pain in the ass to style tho

yeh it's Malice during Garnet

thx anon <3
sorry im basically attention-whoring at this point
i'll still totally help anyone who needs tips on makeup and stuff

>> No.9096303

Do you have a skincare routine?
If yes,can you share please

>> No.9096316

You look like a singer of some emorock band or something, you could pull mad fucking pussy with the prettyboy thing
I don't really want to look like you but I'm kinda jelly

>> No.9096319

Not only humans get acne. Other species do too, they're just furry so you can't see it. Hairless dogs for example get acne a lot, my aunt's Chinese Crested has prepubescent teenage boy skin.

>> No.9096332

jesus fuck you are pleasing to look at

>> No.9096335

I have a light routine i do regularly and I hardcore exfoliate every once in a while

First off, lots of water. You can't drink enough. Common sense, along with changing bed sheets and pillow covers once a week. Standard stuff.

I use a moisturizer that works well with my combination skin. When selecting a moisturizer, try getting a bunch of samples and trying them out to find one that matches your skin. There is no go-to recommendation for any particular skin products, because everyone's skin is different.

I'll use a light face soap every 3 days or so (again, I'm prone to dryness, so I limit this) at night. I'll lightly pat dry, then apply moisturizer.

Once a week to a week and a half, I'll use a "natural" exfoliator that consists of oats, brown sugar, and almond oil. The oil is -amazing- on my skin, and sometimes I'll just pat the oil on before bed if I'm having problem areas w/o exfoliating.

In the shower, I'll usually just lightly wash my face with a clean towel without using any soaps, and I moisturize my face after each shower.

Some tips:
Only exfoliate at night if you can help it
Exfoliate with care and not too regularly, and avoid those micro-bead washes. They're terrible for your skin.
Sample a ton of shit until you find products that works for you. I don't know a ton about products to avoid, but most harsh soaps really aren't necessary unless you have serious problems.
A trip to the dermatologist is a good investment if you're having some real issues.

i get hit on more by guys more than anything
too bad i h8 penor and already have a gf

>> No.9096355

Thank you very much

>> No.9096376

i want to do this

>> No.9096429

>pick girl clothes
>put it on
Does it looks good?
Cool,start to crossdress

>> No.9096431

I think they would
I can only shop online though.
I basically am shamed for anything I buy that isn't using my abundance of amazon money, I'm trans and don't want to bother them, coming out sucked enough.
I'm not sure where to begin, I can definitely convert it to USD. Just too scared to go to the store.
TL;DR where to look online? Recs on what to look at first?

>> No.9096439

Post body
Let's see what shapes we're working with here

>> No.9096450

Useless advice...
If girls clothes arent bad enough, many men have poor choices in womens clothing when told to coordinate them

>> No.9096455
File: 535 KB, 453x861, body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my chest is in a strange place right now
this picture makes me look wider than I am, and a little more fat.
I also have a qt face if that means anything.

>> No.9096461

And what general styles of clothing are you interested in? Post a picture or some links if possible
Just need a general idea of where to take this

>> No.9096464


dont need the lower blacked-out square

>> No.9096466

Anything that works, really. I dress in simple old navy-tier clothes atm. Feminine is cool but I like most things. Throw ideas at me.
it's better, use your imagination

>> No.9096472

what is your current height and weight

>> No.9096475

Actually thinking about it I want:
Just a couple tops and pants, maybe 2 jackets I'll swap between, maybe up to 4, less boring socks, shoes that work for an active person that look awfully casual. Dark colors are cool, I have no preference. I just want a simple wardrobe that fits together well is all.
5'10 140

>> No.9096490

Not him >>9096472
but i sugest you lose 10-20lbs that would be perfect,but only if you want of course

>> No.9096496

I'm pretty skinny, I can't see myself losing weight.
Don't see where it'd come off from, lol.

>> No.9096502

>5'10 140lbs
>I'm pretty skinny

Oh girl

>> No.9096507
File: 251 KB, 600x500, 2a-Broad-Shoulders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly anon for basic stuff like that, there are tons of guides online
look around for things NOT to do
they're more important
pic related

also don't listen to >>9096502
you're not super skinny, but keep the extra fat, since the hormones will distribute it where you want it :)

>> No.9096509

I have never once been called fat, even when I was 155. I'm damn tall and have a lot of leg muscle
I'm not trying to pass as female, I'm not far through hormones. I want something more andro.

>> No.9096517

No baby you got it wrong,i did't mean to sound like that you're fat,you ARE skinny but not THAT skinny you know.
Also its just my opnion,the more skinny you are the more feminine you will look but as >>9096507 said,if you distribute the fat right it will work just fine.

>> No.9096522

Yeah I got that
I was 130 before hormones don't worry about my weight, it's going into muscle and new places
I need inspiration is all

>> No.9096533

wait what? so are you female or male?

>> No.9096541

she's biologically male, and identifies as female gender

>> No.9096545

oh lord

>> No.9096551

transitioning to female, want to dress andro while i work on that. help with inspiration. do not want to look like faggot but want to get as feminine as possible.

>> No.9096609

thanks for clarifying
,dont have any recs but google image search turns up decent results

>> No.9096694


oh, so a faggot

>> No.9096847

>tfw I wear women's jeans and pants almost everyday
>tfw hair so long people mistake me for a girl
>tfw whenever in the bathroom, people double check if they're in the right room


>> No.9097163
File: 346 KB, 600x351, Screenshot_2014-04-22-12-16-25-600x351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste of a great jawline.

Hope your Happy with yourself, tranny.

>> No.9097172
File: 118 KB, 500x457, 1415660762990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never combine family trees with a transsexual

You've got contacts in right?

>> No.9097194

I've been wearing skinny girl jeans for years now because anything but ugly wide blue fucking jeans and chinos ain't really a thing here.

>> No.9097523

Can someone please guide me? Posted body and stuff and it all just went downhill. Not sure where to go with andro styles.

>> No.9097706
File: 151 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-2-14 at 8.45 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get it over it you manlet
blame your parents for your shitty genes

I'm half-Jap so there's no way i could have anything but brown eyes

>> No.9097710

U look like a poof m8.

>> No.9097715

you know what you look weird, but god damn I wouldn't hesitate for a second to fuck you. So yeapo.

>> No.9097716

That's cool I think you look better with them out any way.

And being half japanese explains why your hair looks amazing.

>> No.9097717


I'm sure your parents always dreamed of a faggot son in a frock.

>> No.9097721

I feel like if you had a higher arch on your brows it would be more feminizing, if that's something you were aiming for

>> No.9097732

thanks for the input
I hear that a lot, but brown eyes just don't go with the look I try to achieve

My brother also came out to our parents as pansexual
My dad's a Conservative (now non-practicing) Christian
He handled it sort of okay, even though he just thought my brother was "gay for a little while"

My brows were a mess in February
I change them constantly
The first pic I posted is how I have them shaped now
Thank you, though; I agree. I'm just more interested in being a bijiaru gay right now than passing 100%

>> No.9097743

that's fair enough, I don't really know what that means so I guess a further suggestion of overlining your top lip would be kind of useless for what you're doing because I never see you wearing lip products

>> No.9097752

Repent nigga.

>> No.9097753

Yeah, I wear lipstick veeeeery rarely, but I love the MAC lipstick I own
Reds just don't suit me, so I only wear very "out there" colors when going for more dramatic looks. I'll have to figure out a "normal" shade that I think looks good with my skintone someday

>> No.9097758

wow, you're beautiful.

>> No.9097759

you should try an orange based red if you're part japanese, i could see that looking really nice on you

>> No.9097781

I'll definitely give some shades a shot next time I have a chance, thanks!

>> No.9097797

Damn you ever wonder if maybe one of your parents is bisexual?

Seems like every one who ends up gay has one parent whose a bit queer or a grand parent who was.

>> No.9097809

If they were, they repressed the fuck out of it
Dad's side are all hardcore Christians, and my Japanese mom's generation and older aren't super understanding/knowledgable about sexualities that aren't just being straight. They were being bombed, so I guess they had more important issues to focus on, heh

>> No.9097814
File: 611 KB, 789x1206, occswatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! If you like mac, lady danger is an orange based red and morange is a legit orange if you like out there colors. also if you wanna try other bright colors you could look at OCC (obsessive compulsive cosmetics) lip tars, theyre crazy pigmented and could be fun as fuck.

>> No.9097825

>dads side hardcore
Woah and no drama went down?

I thought the japanese hated Christians?

>> No.9097831


I'm a girl, unrelated to everything in here, these are MAC colours? The vintage would look amazing on me and I want it.

>> No.9097833

Most of OCC's colors are pretty awesome, yeah. I also really like Limecrime's colors, but it's too bad half of them are sold out most of the time, haha

By the '80s, American men (esp. military men) were viewed as exotic, stable, rich, alpha, etc. etc. Young generations (at the time) like my mom were all about rebelling against their parents' wishes. Pretty much the same as any place; we always want to differentiate ourselves from the past generation. I have no idea if any drama did actually go down, though. I've never asked, but I'm definitely going to.

Those are OCC swatches :)

>> No.9097840

>OCC swatches

Thank you! Going to browse around the selections now.

>> No.9097841

I live in the American Gardens building on West 81st street. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.9097843

OCC is badass, it lasts for ages and you need like, the tiniest bit.

>> No.9097853


The vintage in matte is sold out for now, I guess I'll just wait a bit. Thanks anyways though!

>> No.9097878

I think sephora stocks them, might be worth having a look

>> No.9098009
File: 535 KB, 453x861, 1416307881376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you accidentally deleted your pic. Here you go.

>> No.9098020

at least it has no identifying features
please post outfits for me ty
(and no fapping)

>> No.9098037
File: 413 KB, 2048x1536, 1415664153645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would have thunk it that's crazy.

Idk if I would ask but japan has a pretty interesting history with christians, might not wanna bring up any weird skeletons.

>> No.9098189

>and no fapping
You don't look good like you think you do.

>> No.9098192 [DELETED] 

i know i dont look that great, my body is shit
why save it though
(i like my face a lot though)

>> No.9098217

I don't know why they saved it
it's just kind of a boy's body but...what I really want is inspiration.

>> No.9098220

Cause I want to do this either way and I think I can pull it off with some effort

>> No.9099396

bump for interest

>> No.9099920

It's also on Amazon for just a few extra bucks


>> No.9100075

What are some good women's jeans to cop?

>> No.9100903


>> No.9101069
File: 157 KB, 819x1024, wienergrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for wiener grills

I just started HRT two weeks ago, and my nipples are already sore to touch :3

>> No.9101075

I'd touch your nipples.

>> No.9101080

I bet you're a big guy. :*)

>> No.9101343
File: 1.60 MB, 4608x2048, 842608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I could pull this off.

It's not obvious but my skin is shit and I have a bunch of acne scars. Any skin care tips other than what this fabulous anon said? >>9096335

>> No.9101411

Depending on how small you are, I could be one

>> No.9101423

I didn't know so many degenerates where among us. You people are fucking sick.

Ah, the old slightly feminine lean with the good ole classic head tilt. Nigga, you look like a bitch-not in the way you talk band of fellow mongrels, degenerates and other failures who trueeeeely understand you. Nigga you a dude, you'll always be a dude. Deal with it you fucking faggot. You disgust me.

>> No.9101436

please be in london

>> No.9102150

please don't
you can't

>> No.9103712

Seen you post.
I want SRS myself so no weiner for me.

>> No.9103821

I'm wearing women's slacks!

>> No.9103828

you're gay

>> No.9103886
File: 1.26 MB, 709x952, implyingimgay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


front pockets on women's jeans are purely cosmetic. even your micropenis wouldn't fit in there

>> No.9103899

go over to /cgl/, more accepting and helpful there than here jfc.

>> No.9103937

>all japanese have same skin/undertone
MEMEto and demure HNG

>> No.9103939

I'm 6'1", nigga

about 140lb though

>> No.9105909


>> No.9106154

u look like a huge faggot no homo

>> No.9106161

how is this thread still alive

hey now those are some pretty mean words right there

>> No.9106233


A lot of people browse /fa/ waiting for an opportunity when someone has enough balls to make a thread that would usually be shunned by /fa/ggots and their shitty tastes. So, when someone makes said thread, it's like feeding a starving pack of wolves.


That is kinda mean.

>> No.9106576

>/fa/ggots and their shitty tastes
Shall i suggest you to go back to cgl then ?

>> No.9106765


you are very beautiful, mane

>> No.9106937

chris get off /fa/ you literal fucc

>> No.9107077



>> No.9107411

wow, im not even gay and even I find you very attractive. 11/10, would bend you over.

>> No.9107452

The highest compliment, I'm sure.

>> No.9107615

Not with that anime/final fantasy style make up anyone would. It might look good to you but in real life It looks retarded.

>> No.9108167

I know about all different types of makeup and its applications and wear it in lots of different ways, dipshit

>> No.9108213

Kinda creepy but I swear I've seen ur pics posted somewhere else before years ago but I don't remember where. This is really bothering me.

>> No.9108248

Hey there it's "Thriller Face" nice to see you on here again

I'm curious to know where I can find hazel or grayish green contacts that look real and can be worn everyday with a prescription?

>> No.9108258

I've been on and off /fa/ since 2010

Desio Lenses if you want quality
Geo if you're poor

>> No.9108262

Oh, and I've been on the imgur front page a few times because I'm an attention whore

>> No.9108286

Solotica any good?

>> No.9108301

I haven't bought from them myself, but I heard they're decent
Desio is definitely highest quality though, and I'd say if you can afford it, spring for it.

I primarily wear Korean brands myself, though, and do a looooot of research on the comfort, longevity, etc. of different brands and series those brands produce before buying anything.

I'm assuming you've worn normal contacts before?

>> No.9108309

Yes and I am wondering if desio is so good is there a reason to wear Korean lenses for any other reason than price?

>> No.9108321

Price, wider range of choice as far as color and design go, large amount of people who post reviews and photos in different lighting so you have a good idea what you're buying, etc.

Keep in mind most people wear the more outlandish colors/designs for cosplay, not everyday stuff, so there's a whole community behind it. Color contacts for the general public isn't that big/common of a thing in general.

>> No.9108344

Okay well thanks for the help! I am actually going back on hormones and transitioning again so I sort of want to go a really different route but like the contacts not looking really cosplay is important for me.

Ash brunette, hazelish eyes and my hair curled along with incinerating my skin to get as dark as possible. I'll post on here or lgbt once I do it and it looks okay :-P

>> No.9108353

/lgbt/ or /soc/ is probably the best place for that, yeah

>> No.9108370

you look gr8

>> No.9108375


>> No.9108378

Obvi someone like me doesn't have many options on here but I am also working on my first "collection" of clothing for spring and summer and will post that on here too hopefully by late January

>> No.9108813

You look good with a beard bro,second pic is perfect,3 picture is too much

>> No.9108824

If you really enjoy having them cut into your crotch and having no functional pockets or even pockets which are entirely fake

>> No.9108829

i find the person in this pic more attractive if I imagine her as a guy with a bulge than an actual girl

im straight tho but idk

>> No.9108833

If you're currently trying to look like a women you need to:
>soften up the eyebrows
>look up trans contouring
>get a feminine hair cut with bangs to hide your brow bone
>wear falsies

>> No.9108848

My focus rn is to explore looking androgynous, but I definitely agree with you on those points. Thanks for the suggestions :)

>> No.9108857

If you just want to be a bit androgynous I'd just keep doing what you're doing, but make your fits more feminine

>> No.9108866
File: 271 KB, 667x1000, takemetotheanimeworldhatsunemiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an example of a fit

>> No.9108975


>> No.9109068

v nice
but holy shit dude your arms are Ethiopiacore

>> No.9109074

do you mean they're long?
because it's probably the fact that i'm leaning down / hunching a little

>> No.9109081

more that you have the malnourished look down pat

>> No.9109083

>wall scroll
my nigga

>> No.9109086

ohhh, yeah
i'm like 105 lbs

>> No.9109147

jesus christ
how tall? im a manlet and i cant imagine being that light

>> No.9109149
File: 366 KB, 1632x1224, IMG_1136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like 5'9"ish

this is my other one (sorry for quality i'm in bed rn)

>> No.9109152

breddy gud
i need to get some new ones for my room because i just have blue-tac'd posters currently
would like to get some posters with nice art to frame but not sure what to get

>> No.9109153

i used to use blue tac but if you put it directly on paper, sometimes the oils from it will leak in and stain the paper so i just don't use it anymore

>> No.9109302
File: 423 KB, 1306x980, sdffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i think they've slightly warped the paper around mine but not the visible side directly
on the reverse side though yes

>> No.9111121

my favorite 2hu is Sakuya
i really need to get a wallscroll of her
probably one of those thinner ones

>> No.9112289


>> No.9112567


>> No.9112615
File: 22 KB, 500x500, AA2488_21_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this pullover, I'm 5'11 130lb male
It goes from XS to L

I'm not familiarized with this kind of sizing. Which one should I cop?

>> No.9112828

well, what does the sizing chart say?

>> No.9112839

Get one size larger than you wear in male

>> No.9112844

I'm astounded this is an official Adidas product

>> No.9113462
File: 15 KB, 412x232, Moss_close_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113502

It annoys the FUCK out of me when a brand appropriates the hexagram. Fucking Bring Me The Horizon puts it on their merch and Long Clothing with their shitty designs.
>muh sekrit thelema club

>> No.9113566

Problem is they only have it for women

>> No.9113812

Copped in M for $55. Will arrive this Tuesday.
Will post fit

>> No.9114306
File: 15 KB, 391x523, jiFs3yv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

following this for a while instead of make up
mostly dress from female stores

I dont say it is crossdressing
you can not find even decent black tshirt in mens section and women section is much more cheap and lots of variations

>> No.9115291

I can never decide if I want to go for a more masculine, or feminine oriented look.

I like HYs and tuxes just fine, but also long flowing hair and dresses.

>> No.9115879
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Brooke Candy managed to pull it off imo

>> No.9116050


I think I love you

>> No.9116100
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>> No.9117866


>> No.9118865

please don't die on me

>> No.9120120


>> No.9120670

i'm not feeling the skinnies
i feel like they're just a little too, well, skinny

>> No.9120767

There was this issue of popeye (popular jap fashion magazine, its where a lot of "comfycore" inspo comes from) that had a dude wearing legwarmers and it looked fine. I didn't even think of it as feminine at the time, but then once I thought about getting some for myself I realized that it's pretty hard to look good in them as a male, especially without looking like you're just desperate for attention.

>> No.9121848

thread dead

>> No.9122205

how would a guy go about applying makeup so noone would ever know? a-asking for a friend of course

>> No.9122255

What kind of skin do you have? Is it dry or is it oily?

>> No.9123336

I did it completely out of nowhere a few months ago, and no one noticed (neither my mom nor my boss nor anyone else)

Basically just go for a super natural look, nothing exaggerated. Foundation, maybe a some concealer, a little blush to add in some color so you don't look flat. I also used an eyebrow pencil sometimes because my eyebrows ended up looking really faint... they kind of just blended in after the foundation, so I needed to add some extra contrast.

Obviously avoid eyeliner, eye shadow, and lipstick. Idk about mascara. I'm sure you could get away with it if you used a brown. Unfortunately I only had black, which would have been way too much contrast. But otherwise, they seemed to disappear just like the eyebrows, so yeah a light application of brown mascara would probably be good, maybe just on the upper lashes.

>> No.9123771

>Foundation, maybe a some concealer, a little blush

Pretty much this. I personally use some coloured cream as foundation, and then add powder. You could try adding some powder to what the other anon said as well.
Never used blush though, so can't comment on that.

>> No.9124545

Goss is one of my favorite Youtube makeup people
He has some great stuff, from basics to more advanced stuff


>> No.9124557

no, because you wont be able to fit in the ankles or the ass. At least for me it was a nightmare. I'm 6 ft 120 lbs

>> No.9124558

God I just find him so creepy for some reason. Sadly I cant really recommend anyone else for mens makeup but damn if he isnt skeezy

>> No.9124565

Haha really? What gives off that "skeezy" feeling to you?
I prefer him to any other guy on YT because I can't stand dragqueens 99% of the time. Most of them make it really hard for trans people to be accepted as normal.

>> No.9124582

I think its the whole winking and ambiguous flirting and pandering to his middle aged woman audience. also is he still obsessed with cream foundation and rehashing "kim kardasiahn highlighting" tutorials i swear he had like 9 last time i looked.

I like drag queens I think they're a legitimate means of gender expression and to be honest if people conflate them with trans people then thats really more of an issue with ignorant people not drag queens, its not really fair to expect them to feel bad for their self expression and performance art because society at large cant be bothered to learn the difference.

>> No.9124626

I agree, and I'm not saying it's dragqueens' FAULT that it happens, but people do mix up the two, and it's annoying as fuck. I'd just rather gay people fuck up people's perceptions of their OWN communities, not others.
It's not like I got around personally bashing dragqueens or anything; it's just a general issue with it because of what it indirectly does to the general perception of trans people.

and yes he has like 5 or 6 Kim K tutorials it is fucking ridiculous
The flirting never bugged me personally (i don't even think he lays it on that thick), just figured it was all just for fun, but i can see why that'd bug you
cream kinda is the /generally/ best foundation for most skin types, though. It's easier to blend than liquid, more moisturizing than powder for those with dry skin, and often lighter feeling than liquid. i gotta agree with him on that one

>> No.9124665


I dunno, I really do legitimately love drag but I can see how it can be perceived as a paralell to trans issues, but when there isnt really many avenues of atypical gender expression for men I think it's a cool, healthy and historically rooted artistic avenue to take if it's done tastefully.

I dunno I think there are way more options for different skin types for liquid foundations, generally easier to apply and cream foundation can be offputting texture wise. Some peopel really dont like sponges.

>> No.9124689

hmm maybe but I am bit skinny this is why they look too skinny

>> No.9124722

You can stipple cream foundations on to create that texture
Cream is just very buildable, lightweight, and hard to fuck up imo
I can't count the amount of times I've seen people with streaky makeup on because they don't know they need to buff out their liquid foundation
In the end, it's just a matter of preference, tho

Goss is great for beginners because he's good about explaining from the ground up, and often recommends mid-tier products, along with releasing videos about department store equivalents that he thinks are decent enough to use instead. I think is really helpful to someone with ZERO experience using makeup.
For guys who're interested in makeup, it might also be helpful feeling comfortable about trying makeup by learning from another normal looking guy who doesn't have eyebrows arched up into their hairlines. That's basically why I recommended Goss to that anon. :)
Most drag queens talk about drag makeup, and that's just not applicable to what most guys are looking to accomplish with makeup.

>> No.9124732


this might be useful too for people. (also the guy is a babe and i love pixiwoo)

>> No.9124768

Yes pixiwoo is a dream

>> No.9124774
File: 1.67 MB, 1108x2544, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls skinnies always fit cus they are generally soft elastic so no worries
pic related

>> No.9124775


I never had this problem with girl jeans but then again, I always had a fat ass.

>> No.9124779

do you like lisa eldrige? she is the queen.

>> No.9124848

I don't think I'm familiar with her, but I'll definitely check her out when I get a chance :)

nice anterior pelvic tilt bruh

>> No.9124914

no I have some belly fat from old bad college days

>> No.9125753

lmao and youre shoving that shit into skinnies?

>> No.9125781

damn, i need that hair, nxtlvl af

>> No.9126210

nice file name m8

>> No.9126777

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention a powder to set the makeup, and a BB cream/tinted moisturizer in place of foundation is probably also a good option, especially for guys. But I've yet to try such a product.

>> No.9126809

If you do try a BB cream, I do -not- recommend getting a Western brand. Many of them are so, SO orange.

>> No.9126818

I'v heard great things about estee lauders EE cream, you could probably use that, a concealer and just shove a bit of translucent powder over the areas with concealer and where you get oily.

>> No.9127672

Clean as fuck /fa/m. Would rock with a nice slightly baggy grey sweater. Where'd you cop.

>> No.9127678

I have this same one rolled up waiting to be given away. Will trade for swag

>> No.9128024

You have to look pretty feminine or young to pull off womens clothing.
While I'm a pre transition trans, most people just think I'm a 14 year old boy rather than female when I dress femininely.

>> No.9129243

i was able to convince the dealer at the con to sell it to me for like 8 bucks, as opposed to the listed $15, which was cool
basically got it at taobao price

>> No.9129273

that belly

>> No.9129298

How do you dress femininely? Two months on hormones here trying to pull off something andro or feminine.

>> No.9129311


you don't you'll always look like men in wigs.

>> No.9129328

But I'm qt and asian
now help me please

>> No.9129339

prove it then.

>> No.9129343

You'd fap to it

>> No.9129350


I have legs exactly like his and I feel fat.

>> No.9129351

only if you're a qt

>> No.9129362

Maybe I'm ugly
Either way...how can I still push it and get gendered female more often while still being /fa/?
Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.9129708

Dress like a tomboyish girl would. Maybe add in some more feminine details to cover up any male features that might be more present in you than in a cis woman.

>> No.9129718

What should I do for the outerwear? Thinking of just going with plain, long tops and women's jeans.
I'm a little wider shoulders to hips but not super broad.

>> No.9129877

I think you could just wear women's jackets, to make your silhouette appear more feminine overall. As for which jacket to get, buy whatever you like.

>> No.9129924
File: 127 KB, 720x816, cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinhead girl inspired

>> No.9130027

you look better dressed than most waywt posters

>> No.9130266

I got it, the sizing is meh,
too wide on the arms, as supposed to be
too large as well, it fits as it shoulds, like pic related.

But I wouldn't have minded getting a size smaller.

>> No.9130626


>> No.9130654


>> No.9130659

>stockings/pantyhose and heeled boots will never be in style for men

You women do not know how lucky you are to be able to wear form-fitting legwear, god it's so fucking comfortable. Every girl I see in the winter, same thing: boots, pantyhose. It's like the world is rubbing it in

>> No.9130673

looking for qt trap bf (preferably strawtengu)

hit me up!

>> No.9131183


>> No.9131207

give me about a year and i gotchu

>> No.9131238


>> No.9131252

you can always dye em dark. if you're not used to wearing mascara it'll look "weird" at first, but in a couple of days it looks natural.

>> No.9131260
File: 781 KB, 250x141, pink guy dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started HRT three... no, ..... oh, shit? 4 weeks ago?? I needed to change my E patch yesterday, whoops. I was up until 2PM and didn't wake up until midnight lmao.


???? I don't know what I was going to say now, pic related

>> No.9131261

Dye?? I have dark brown hair already.

>> No.9131463

i have some riskier ones if u want

>> No.9131477

yes please

>> No.9131554
File: 312 KB, 1498x836, lionfromzion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just 4 u

>> No.9131589

oh god your hair makes it infinitely better

>> No.9131595

I like natural brown more. You are really pretty :)

>> No.9131729

6'3" too tall to be a femboy? I want to be a cute trap but I feel like I'm doomed what with my big hands/feet/height. I know I need to lose some weight if I want to pursue this life but idk I'm still on the fence about it.

>> No.9131868
File: 83 KB, 822x822, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9132090

yes. girls are preferably cute and petite. big is masculine. sorry.

>> No.9132239

pretty sure he was talking about dyeing eyelashes

>> No.9132511

No shit? My eyelashes and eyebrows are obviously dark brown as well? Also how would \you even dye your eyelashes

>> No.9132521
File: 71 KB, 300x290, 1408124007062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9133824

how does that work

>> No.9133965

okay, we're gonna need you to post more

>> No.9134188

it's pretty common. it makes them a lot thicker and darker. makes them stand out. it's a girl thing.

>> No.9135150


>> No.9135173


w2c everything?

>> No.9137204
File: 39 KB, 319x499, GANJAHRASTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9137248

These are the people who call you fuccbois

>> No.9137254

damn girlo you look fantastic

>> No.9137261
File: 75 KB, 500x667, jahisgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come fucc w dis boi bitch

>> No.9137262

Are you literally retarded or are you just blind/desperate as hell

>> No.9137279

i'm everything you want me to be

>> No.9137565

ByTheR for cardigan and top
True Religion jeans
Levi canvas boots

>> No.9137594

>not 8 years old
>dresses like sepiroth

>> No.9137798

you'd be cute if you shaved :3

>> No.9138151
File: 88 KB, 540x960, rastafari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulling off the no legger

>> No.9138898

too cute