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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 12 KB, 300x283, ButtImplants99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9104823 No.9104823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Embarrassing thread time.
I'm female and have noticeable black hair around my anus. It isn't some extremely thick shrub between my cheeks, but it's definitely noticeable.
Is it worth waxing away? Easy way to remove it?

>> No.9104834

if it bugs you that much just go get it waxed by a professional

>> No.9104837

I love licking butthole hair though

is this a fetish?

>> No.9104844

its certainly not normal you sick motherfucker

>> No.9104847

It usually doesn't.
Only really starting thinking about it a lot since I'm exploring alternate sexual exploration with my partner, which might include bumfun...

>> No.9104850


>> No.9104855

yeah honestly just go to an esthetician and have them do it, you might fuck up and be too sore to have fun if you try yourself and do something stupid
obviously can't say everyone, but most people have hair there
only pornstars are hairless

>> No.9104856

My girlfriends say that when they get their pussies waxed, the waxer does they ass too. Seems like a simple solution

>> No.9104857

you're on the wrong board for these kind of questions

>> No.9104876

just use hair removal cream. leave it on 10 minutes then u wipe it off. easy

>> No.9104877

Eww you're gross OP go back to reddit

>> No.9104889

gonna need a pic OP

>> No.9104892

I wish I was 14 again.

>> No.9104922

What board is there then?
/fa/ is the clostest we have for grooming discussion

>> No.9105043

Just shave it, OP. It's not that hard... just go slow, especially if it's your first time

>> No.9105049

get it waxed, or shave it. shaving it you gotta go slow and be careful

>> No.9105051

Can you do a really close up picture of it for us please?

It's only the logical thing to do, post it on imgur though so you don't get banned

>> No.9105074

if you're having sex with someone you better be fucking waxing your asshole what the fuck is wrong with you. My ex would get everything waxed but would leave a landing strip, pissed me the fuck off, if you're getting waxed just get everything waxed. Asshole hair is just nasty, I don't mind a bit of hair around a pussy but if I'm going down on her and see asshole hair it's a total turnoff

>> No.9105087

never shave your asshole or you will hate yourself.

>> No.9105088

Keep natural babe. My girlfriend has a full bush and I love it.

Or, if you wax some of it, wax all of it. But if you do that you look like a baby, just so you know.

>> No.9105157


>> No.9105159

why? i do weekly and i love it

>> No.9105163 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1068x661, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here... It's pretty bad...

>> No.9105164

24 male here, balding like a mother fucker. I used to have super thick hair and that emo swoop with my bangs.

Do I just shave it all off and grow a good goatee? I am able to.

>> No.9105165

and my poops always feel cleaner major plus if not the biggest plus!

>> No.9105168


>> No.9105169

because if you forget then you get the bristles from hell poking at a sensitive area all day

>> No.9105172

shave it all off, work out.
captcha event fagame

>> No.9105176

don't you hate it when it grows back? waxing is so much better

>> No.9105180
File: 13 KB, 450x264, norwood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably 3A maybe 3V but no back balding yet.

I've had long hair my entire life, what about co-workers? Do I use a razor every week or just a buzzer? I have no idea what to do.

>> No.9105183
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1386629319954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god did you seriously just take this

>> No.9105189

Yes, why?

>> No.9105192

i think its fine

but then again im fine w women not shaving anything so idk what others might think

remember that hair is a natural part of ur body and theres not need to feel ashamed of it

if someone is grossed out by it theyre too immature to be looking at a womans naked body

do what makes you comfortable

>> No.9105198

was gonna say post anus hairs, but you already did

I kinda feel empty inside now

>> No.9105201

btw op my gf has this when she doesnt shave for awhile, as long as your ass isnt grimey/dark looking, I dont think anyone will care.

>> No.9105204

WAX WAX WAX. I'm sorry but I would not go down on you if you had that going on ugh. Don't feel bad though, I just hate any except for on the head hair on girls

>> No.9105213

It looks strange to me, just wax it when you're going out.

>> No.9105305

Going out where?

>> No.9105319

anywhere you expect your butthole to be exposed at any point in the night

>> No.9105325

just get a Brazilian, though you can easily shave it

>> No.9105393

risky click of the day

>> No.9105396

Is there nothing weird to you about posting a picture of your butthole on an anonymous Brazilian sewing chatroom?

>> No.9105442

OP, don't listen to these fa/ggots who don't even care about the hair on their assholes.

get an epilator from amazon. prices vary from 35-100


>> No.9105446

I don't know if you've heard of this board but you're allowed to post pretty much anything you like:

>> No.9105458

you guys watch too much porn

>> No.9105466

You're a fucking retard

>> No.9105467


>> No.9105472

that is actually a very attractive anus at least a 7-8/10 well done OP

more please?

>> No.9105493

O'rly? Anus hair is not /fa/, take that shit to /b/ you fucking faggot.

>> No.9105497


wax it for sure.

>> No.9105499


>> No.9105502


Underrated post

>> No.9105508


South East Asian?

>> No.9105511

Any precision trimmer, they are made for eyebrows and other sensitive areas. They are cheap and easily replaceable. If you are indeed a female, get it professionally waxed like a civilized member of society.

>> No.9105517

That's gotta be a trap butthole, no woman has gnarly hair like that on their kooch

>> No.9105524

good girl, skype for daddy?

>> No.9105530


You can't fucking epilate your ass, it'll pull your skin and rip you up horribly!

OP get a wax, it'll hurt on the butt area but you'll be fine, it takes max 20 minutes to do a full font-back wax. Those ladies have seen some crazy shit a million times worse than you, don't be shy.

>> No.9105537

>well done


>> No.9105542

You don't even see the anus when you go down on a girl. It's practically never an issue.

>> No.9105554
File: 111 KB, 769x359, Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 8.34.25 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at picture of anus
>close imgur tab
>browse other threads of /fa/
>forget about anus
>get bored
>close browser go watch tv
>hour later
>"anon can i use your laptop for a sec?"
>"i just need to google something real quick"
>get bored of tv go back to laptop
>open chrome
>see pic related

why the fuck did i let my mum use my laptop
help i bet she fucking saw it

>> No.9105561

On a side note. Been with partner for 5+ years, first 4 years tidy waxed pussy and ass. Last year, no more waxing, just trimming. Any ladies want to shed some light on how I get her to start waxing again without sounds like a prick?

>> No.9105562


>> No.9105566


>> No.9105567

>5+ year relationship
>asking for adivce from japanese animated picture forum

just ask her you retard

>> No.9105574

that's so fucking disgusting i almost puked out my breakfast

fuck you

>> No.9105582

looks like a job for everyone's favorite drink

>> No.9105596

kek, google does it again

>> No.9105650

shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.9105676

My last gf had hair like this, it was fucking disgusting, do yourself a favour and get rid

>> No.9105764

Are you my gf?

No, seriously, if it's you, wax it.
See you later

>> No.9105766

i actually epilated mine this morning, and i had a hairier butt than op, and it didn't hurt that much. no pulling of the skin or bleeding or anything; my legs look worse when i epilate them

>> No.9105771
File: 326 KB, 397x390, 1406240922489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9105792

okay, but can brown arseholes be /fa/?

>> No.9105861


>> No.9105867

i was going to say don't worry about it, and then i saw the picture. you need to wax that shit

>> No.9105869
File: 107 KB, 777x1134, 1410750480582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be in LONDON

>> No.9105893

Wax it. I'm a man and I do it. I'd not be very pleased if I felt hair in your anus while touching you.

>> No.9105935


>> No.9105990

That's hawt

>> No.9106041


This gave me a boner and now I'm worried this was some ruseman guy's hairy asshole. Fuck.

>> No.9106043


See OP? See what you did?

>> No.9106094

when you grow up you won't have such violent reactions to normal people with hair patterns in less-than-savory places.

>> No.9106135


>> No.9106305

I'm mostly white, but I have 1/16th Australian Aboriginal genes. Going to assume they screwed me over with in regards to body hair

>> No.9106307

Do you keep your shit waxed or groomed?

>> No.9106361

why did I have to open this

>> No.9106400

Totally fine. To be honest, I am actually kind of freaked out if someone takes such sadistic measures to alter their bodies when it serves no purpose other than the fear to come off as gross for not doing so. I mean, how often would a girl need to wax if she doesn't schedule her sexual encounters? Like every week? Gross...

>> No.9106404



>> No.9106434

>not eating a girl from the back
I love having ass in my face

>> No.9106445

read book of pook. Sound like a prick, make her know your a man and you won't stand for her shit. Pussy

>> No.9106449


Eating ass is also incredibly hot
>inb4 taste/smell
obviously you only do it after a shower or something

>> No.9106457


>> No.9106514

O I am laffin

>> No.9106520
File: 354 KB, 776x653, Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 20.01.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no way.

>> No.9106521

that's some grade-a insecurity there

honestly looking at that I could give a fuck, but wax it if you want to, since it's definitely good to feel like you look better when naked
but that's coming from someone who's not really into anal, so

>> No.9107014

pls be in bama

>> No.9107022


>> No.9107038
File: 150 KB, 607x406, 1397016472222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek

>> No.9107073


I wouldn't even fuck you if I saw that

>> No.9107083

you're a little bitch lmao
too much porn and dont get laid enough
quit worrying about shit like this.

jeez you guys are so fucking lame

>> No.9107092
File: 94 KB, 970x1247, 7a3f72a3-47ad-4389-9198-435cfb96c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havkng looked at your butt OP, I think its fine and you shouldn't worry about it. Your hair seems very thin around there and it's not too crazy or anything.

>> No.9107110

Stop going down on her.

>> No.9107113


You'll be fine. Your mom obviously used Internet Explorer.

>> No.9107120


>Not using Private browsing sessions

you deserved it

>> No.9107153


shill detected


confirmed for ruse/b8/faggot

>> No.9107177

tips pls?
I have an epilator and I can do legs fine, but when it comes to butt, cant fucking do it

>> No.9107245

i can't believe this thread survived the night
watch a movie/tv show (no subs) and just do it during the action scenes.
trim them. works best if they stick straight up, so 1 cm in length usually works for me.
pluck some of them first; it gets you used to the pain, and thins them out. gl

>> No.9107675

>only do it after a shower

>> No.9108802

It's much cleaner