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/fa/ - Fashion

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9104746 No.9104746 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excused for not having a qt gf and not being well-dressed?

>> No.9104782

because I'm gay and narcissistic

>> No.9104792

what's yours, buddy?

>> No.9104794

Because I'm still losing weight and I'm having trouble breaking past ~18% BF (Down from like 30% fatasfatass so I'm doing good).

For the time being I'm just buying cheap shit until I get /fa/.

On the qt gf part, I'm fucking a qt petite cougar at the moment who really likes spending time with me.

>> No.9104802

is that Ozzy?

>> No.9104815

i think i do and im a nudist

>> No.9104821

because i'm a fat gay

>> No.9104867

lmao how do you not recognize shui

>> No.9104878

>too short
>too ugly
>stupid as shit

>> No.9104895

sam is that u?

>> No.9104899

fear of emotional intimacy past the point of friendship

I enjoy the clothes I wear, this does always correlate to dressing well.

>> No.9104942

i was partially jesting m8

though I do not know shui

>> No.9104943
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>not having a qt gf
i don't talk to many girls
i don't go out much
haven't been in a relationship in 4 years so im kinda worried, but it's w/e. it'll happen eventually
>not being well-dressed

>> No.9104956
File: 191 KB, 477x768, 1410831525674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degenerate racemixing tumblr whore
>qt gf

>> No.9104979

I'm poor and live in a town where the only women available are fat mexican girls with kids.

>> No.9104990

I'm a terrible person

>> No.9105011
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Just got out a break up now idk what im doing anymore. I needa hop up on my game

>> No.9105015

>/pol/tards calling anyone a degenerate
14/88 from mum's basement

>> No.9105067
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>> No.9105500

Because I'm a fat fuck scrolling through /fa/ thinking "one day..."

>> No.9105514
File: 34 KB, 472x315, ppl-laughiing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im dogshit ugly

lmao sometimes really honestly all you can do is laugh

>> No.9105527

yoko ono on the right
dude who plays bran stark on the left


>> No.9105528

i wasn't asking for your favorite drink

>> No.9105534

>tfw Alaïa-wearing qtgf

>> No.9105540
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Would help if I attached picture lel

>> No.9105546
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>> No.9105575

Because i'm a betafag, only thing i get by being "well-dressed" is those fancy one night stands.

>> No.9105588

her hair is disgusting

those ends are so dry

over shampooing

>> No.9105989

what is this never heard of it??

>> No.9106033

good, relationships are overrated

>> No.9106039

i'm ugly

>> No.9107297

>how bmx looks to normal people.gif

>> No.9107303

because i don't have any feet

>> No.9107367

>not having a qt gf
few women catch my attention and those that do, I'm too afraid to pursue because I'm a 19 y/o virgin

>not being well-dressed
I think I dress okay. Not great, but not bad. Definitely better than the average university student. I have a small wardrobe that's mostly hand-me-downs or thrifted items and I pay for more of my education than my parents do so I don't spend a lot of money on clothing.

>> No.9107376

wait, really? why?

>> No.9107403


glad im not the only one who noticed

>> No.9107436

Because I have difficulty creating relationships with people, especially women due to the fact that 95% of the time I have no interest in what they have to say or they are stupid as fuck. I am also arrogant and lack tact, so will probably end up offending her at some point during the conversation without realizing. Im not antisocial, quite the opposite, but many people have told me that speaking with me is draining or difficult.

>> No.9107453





>> No.9107472

Because I'm moving house soon and I cannot take another long distance relationship.

I'm also doing well by myself and would rather wait for the right person than to force anything.

>> No.9107476

>What's your excused for not having a qt gf?

What's your excuse for having one?

>> No.9107487

>no at gf
Made the mistake of going to a Catholic uni as an agnostic/atheist, and as a result my beliefs/views are a huge deal-breaker for 95% of the qts, the other 5% are not single.

>not being well-dressed
Still losing weight in addition to being poor

>> No.9107907
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because im a scowly ass twink faggot who still dresses in monochrome and obviously girls laugh at me all the time irl just like the maymays said

jk a peppy cutie came right up to me and started genuinely admiring my shitty clothes for extended periods of time every day she saw me. <3

please try to be more comfortable with yourselves you guys

>> No.9107938


sieg you forgot ur trip

>> No.9107948

i do :-)

>> No.9107953

>because none of the cute girls at my school are gay

>> No.9107954
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Recently broke up, haven't quite gotten over it yet :(

>> No.9107955

I can't smile because my teeth are all yellow and black

>> No.9107966

are YOU cute? w-wanna hook up?

>> No.9107975

holy shit her socks are gross. you should probably be thankful

>> No.9107990

I'm 24, still live with my parents, poor as fuck, and don't have a particularly exciting social life. Not even that interested in having a gf in the first place, so it wouldn't be worth the significant burden of time/money/emotional investment required.

>> No.9107997

>breeder thread

haha gross

>> No.9108001

p-please respond

>> No.9108005

>Speaking with me is draining or difficult
>I am also arrogant and lack tact
>Im not antisocial

Yes you are.

I agree. Nice fades.

I don't like the holes in her socks. Sorry to hear you broke up.

>> No.9108006

>being this thirsty
*tips fedora*

>> No.9108021

Ive been copping pieces here and there. I have two pairs of raws, cps, IRs and some decent outerwear but I am still super unsure as to my personal style so I am debating selling all those cops on grailed and getting into techwear.

As far as gf goes, I just recently remade my facebook and have been putting off making a tinder (small town, no grills). Been busy trying to open up my resteraunt.

>> No.9108028

Because I've got an awful habit of finding girls just as pretentious as myself, so the relationships usually don't last long or they last too long.

I'm well dressed at least.

>> No.9108036
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What kind of restaurant? When do you plan to open? Sounds like a fun business.

>> No.9108039

i don't like girls though

>> No.9108049

Antisocial in the sense that I don't shun people, I like having friends going out to drink etc. I just loose interest in what most people have to say 2 seconds after they open their mouths. I guess I'm just really bad at small talk, but I know for sure that I am great when discussing concepts or ideas.

>> No.9108072

Yeah I've felt the same way to. Something that helped for me is just trying to force myself to listen, and pay attention to their body language. A conversation about how they are or about the weather is boring, because what really takes place is an exchange of emotions between the two speakers.

Not sure if you get what I mean.

>> No.9108119


she got them at topshop >.>
was working on building both of our wardrobes to coordinate tbh

>> No.9108123

topshop is terrible if it's anything like topman

>> No.9108125

i know
hence why i was changing her wardrobe

>> No.9108139

oh i see
i thought you both bought matching girly dolly socks at topshop

>> No.9108155

yeah you have the idea

>> No.9108257

It is in a small town in the west. The surrounding area is all vineyards and wineries we actually did a catering a week ago for MJK the lead singer of tool lmao.

>> No.9108312

Because I just broke up with her three weeks ago.

I started dating another girl 2½ weeks ago but eh it doesn't feel right. I don't know why I'm dating her, I don't really like her, and she isn't very /fa/. I think I'm just gonna hump and dump.

>> No.9108384
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Protip for any of you autists who complain about how you can't find an /fa/ gf:

It's much easier to find a decent looking girl who isn't /fa/ and slowly change her wardrobe than to find a girl who is already /fa/. Most girls who are already /fa/ will already be taken or won't like you since you probably dress like shit.

>> No.9108385

My girl actually out /fa/s me and it turns me on.

I love her.

>> No.9108395

>out /fa/s me

you mean shes better than u at being autistic and dressing like shit? lol

>> No.9108398

I'm in pretty bad shape, skinny/skinnyfat, and it looks weird to dress too fashionably here.

I try to look decent.

As for the girfriend thing, I have personality issues.

>> No.9108429

By here, I mean upstate new york.

Anything thats not sportswear or baggy light blue jeans gets funny looks, unless you are actually a dad, then you can wear ill-fitting dadcore.

>> No.9108437
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Sure (: And I like it

>> No.9108440

Goddammit ignore that image FUCK

Oh well

>> No.9108442
File: 105 KB, 505x345, forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too basic to have /fa/ bf

I'll never evolve beyond being a boring office lady.

>> No.9108452

I have bad social anxiety and can't approach people well at all and for the people I do know they never really invite me to stuff and I don't know if I'm supposed to invite myself or what. The people I find it easy to talk with because they share hobbies are either jaded NEETs who don't know any girls themselves or weeaboo degenerates. I live with my parents right now too because I rather save money to move out of state and spend what's leftover on hobbies. I also secretly think I annoy everyone and they hate me even though everyone says otherwise and that I'm really polite and sweet. I kinda wish I was actually gay as I'm more "cute" than anything and would work well as a gay guy.

>> No.9108457


is that ur "gf" lol

>> No.9108459
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>tfw you dont have a 5/10 gf to dress

Why even live

>> No.9108465


>they never really invite me to stuff and I don't know if I'm supposed to invite myself or what

Do you ever invite others to do stuff? You can't expect ppl to put in the effort of inviting you to do shit if you don't do the same for them.

>> No.9108467

Are you me

>> No.9108487


Shit, that's really true. I wouldn't know what to do though as I'm under 21 so bars aren't an option.

>> No.9108491
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Actually, yeah Toronto.

>> No.9108500

Is that really shui's gf? how tall is he?

>> No.9108507
File: 42 KB, 500x461, iktfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, that feeling of hopelessness

it doesn't help that i'm short too.

>> No.9108516

hes 5'9

shes probs 5'0

>> No.9108538

that's cool, shui's awesome. i don't think she's that short tho unless u jestin.

do you know how he's doing? i hope he's happy. he seems like it.

>> No.9108552

not him but yeah shui seems like a cool dude

anyone have the pic of him and his mom? so cute