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/fa/ - Fashion

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9100542 No.9100542 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, guys

I wondered if MBTI and the Enneagram would have anything to do with interest in fashion and so I guess for fun, I'm asking you what your MBTI and enneagram type are to see if there's any correlation.
I'm an ISTP 8w7 Sp/Sx and I'd be leaning towards the more streetwear type of fashion than anything.

If you don't know your MBTI or enneagram type, here are the tests:
MBTI: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp

Take one, take both, take neither, I'm just curious.
If you take them, post your types and what type of style you lean towards

pic not related, but it's some horse face who thinks she dresses good

>> No.9100567

>correlating psuedo-psychology horseshit with personal prefrences in fashion

seriously OP you're wasting your time. but anyways, I'm an ENTP 5w6. I'm mainly into minimalist fashion a la Jil Sander, Helmut Lang, Yohji, etc etc.

>> No.9100571

ENTJ, You are most likely a type 1 (the Reformer) with 9 wing

Self-preservation variant.

Into techwear

>> No.9100581

>giving someone the finger from behind because youre scared theyll see you and kick the shit out of you
>that someone is a skinny 16 year old white girl

is ur testosterone level in the negatives

>> No.9100595

I actually @'ed her on twitter calling her an ugly shit and called her out as a horse face in person and had even said hi to her after she got me suspended for 5 days and I even continued shitting on her and now I stare her ass down in the hallways, I'd spit on her if I could without getting charged.
I've gotten into shit, but trust me, you shouldn't be judging a whole person on one thing, ever.

>> No.9100603

wtf is your problem with her? why do you have the need to degrade someone like that? are you sure you don't have mental issues anon? it's not too late to get help.

>> No.9100604

Heyyy aren't you joacb on tumblr or is that someone else

>> No.9100606

wow myers-briggs what a completely accurate, valid, fashion related thing to post


I am an enfj

a little bit off topic though
You three ugly bitches need to get the fuck off my board.

Any gentleman here want to tell me why these clammy skinned abortions are taking up space on my fashion board?

I would say tits or gtfo but its clear you have no tits

fucken LEL

/fa/ is going straight into the trash

This board is for the discussion of artisinal designer pieces only.

This is not opinion

>> No.9100610

What the fuck? Why are you assuming that she's an angel? She's a piece of shit, trust me, I don't have to explain anything to anyone, just that she's a horse face of a little shit who can't speak her own mind, but needs others to.

>> No.9100614

u sure ur mbti type isnt E.D.G.Y.? autistic fuck

>> No.9100617

It's just for fun, didn't really take much time to make this tbh, probably like 2 minutes, but most of us seem to be thinkers

>> No.9100623

tumblr is for fags ans sjws

>> No.9100625

5w4 sp

Goof ninja

>> No.9100626

Uhm, well ISTP and 8w7 are known as being exceptionally bold, but sure, whatever you call it, child.

>> No.9100628

are you retarded

you aren't getting into college you know

>> No.9100632



I think the word you're looking for is cunty.

>> No.9100637

Not really, I haven't done anything here to qualify me as that, but you guys sure have, damn ignorant hypocrites

>> No.9100638

i don't know her and i don't know you, but the way you're treating her seems a bit too immature and uncalled for.

>> No.9100643

Also, more than anything, I used this picture to get your attention and it did, ignorant people are really predictable with their reactions

>> No.9100644

How is it uncalled for when you don't know the entirety or even a tenth of the whole ordeal? Are you her friend? Do you go to school with us?

>> No.9100646

>cyberbullying someone on the internet
>giving them the finger from behind
>stopping when your middle school principal gets you in trouble

l o l

>> No.9100652

do u think anyone gives a shit kid? no one asked u how autistic retards spend their free time, fuck off

>> No.9100655

I said before that I called her a horse face in person even after getting suspended. I could keep fucking with her if you want, but she's really not that much of a source of fun anymore. You're really ignorant, it's amusing

>> No.9100656

there are other, more rational ways to circumvent a shitty situation, it's just that harassment isn't one of them. i don't know your situation, but all i'm saying is that your actions seem misguided and unreasonably cruel.

>> No.9100659

So we not doing this astral sign bullshit for psuedoscientists thing anymore?

>> No.9100660

You're the one making a big deal out of it, hypocritical moron. I say moron in the sense that your IQ probably is below 100 since you can't process things for shit with your fucked mentality.

>> No.9100661

>putting any ounce of credence in personality tests like MBTI or enneagram
>calling others "child"
>failing to see the hypocrisy & irony
highschool psych kill yourself

>> No.9100664

u made fun of a 15 year old girls face

fucking epic dude, alpha as fuck

how can i be a boldman like u??? i always get scared and piss myself a little when i think about saying mean things to teenage girls, what if she slaps u??? it would rlly hurt :(

>> No.9100666

Sure, but she didn't deserve rational means of reaction, anyways, let's get back to the topic

>> No.9100670

even that nigger has more common sense and dignity than you

>> No.9100671

looks like we're dealing with an autist here. it's way past your bed time kiddo, you shouldn't stay up so late on a school night.

>> No.9100674

my iq was tested at 139 when i was 15 years old you inbred piece of trash, i bet you dont even own a fucking fedora, swaggot scum

>> No.9100676

>lets get back to the topic
an hero and post stream first

>> No.9100677

There's been a lot of shit done into correlation between myer Briggs and other things such as mannerisms and faithfulness in marriage and tendency and ability to lie, don't debunk what you know absolutely nothing about, it's childish, child

BACK TO THE MAIN TOPIC, it's not like this took me months to make like some idiot "researchers", get your head out of your asses close minded fucks

>> No.9100681

seriously? you think we can just get back to the original topic after the shitstorm you've just unveiled?

get help.

>> No.9100682

Original, 10 points for originality, is your anon-ego satiated, yet?

>> No.9100685

OP if you're really bold as you said you are you'd rape her. Insulting her and giving her the finger behind her back are pussy moves that are expected of women.

>> No.9100689

That isn't funny and even if in some world where I couldn't find anyone to fuck because I was so deformed and were to rape somebody, I wouldn't rape a horse face

>> No.9100694

Trunks started it, but that's fine, I can post it again some other time.
"Get help" "autist" "problems" you're all so unique and special

>> No.9100700

you're the one overreacting and calling someone halaroius "insults" like horseface. way to call the kettle black.

>> No.9100704

What? How is it overreacting when you don't know what happened between me and her? You're really ignorant, the ones overreacting are all here, when they know nothing of the situation, but whatever

>> No.9100705

Admit it, you're just a pussy OP. You hate her but aren't willing to go to the extend of physical abuse due to your fear of repercussions. Don't call yourself bold or make up excuses like "but its not funny".

>> No.9100712

Okay, I'm a pussy, let's get back to the main topic or I can wait till another day since a whole lot of you are so dramatic

>> No.9100714

>start a thread mentioning and picturing ur autistic teenage feminine drama bullshit
>whine when ur shitty thread turns into autistic teenage feminine drama bullshit

which is more fun, talking about imaginary pseudoscientific tests or bullying some autistic 15 year old?

>> No.9100718

Either way, they're better than hiding behind a screen

>> No.9100721

>theres been a lot of shit done into correlation between meyer briggs and other things such as mannerisms...
same shit has been said about phrenology and countless other pseudosciences, you fucking hack
seriously, give up and fucking leave

>> No.9100724

even if she did something truly reprehensible, harassment and bullying is no way to satisfy hurt feelings.

oh and btw, those mbti tests are pure garbage because most of the questions are poorly structured and are bound to give you false typings. it's a high possibility that you have mistyped yourself, so your best bet is to just read up on the actual jungian definitions of cognitive functions and go from there.

>> No.9100741

>>9100677 negro, u just got fuggin rekt

>> No.9100784

>Acting like a 16 year old girl on facebook

Why don't you just kill yourself? Don't you have more important things to do than cause drama?

>> No.9100922

intj techwear & minimalism core

>> No.9100946


I'm enneagram 8w7 according to OP's test, but I also identify and tested as 5 and 1.

>> No.9100950

Thank you, OP. I never thought I'd have to deal with "that kid" again since high school ended, but here you are.

How many desks do you flip while throwing a tantrum per week?

When was the last time you stabbed someone with a pencil?

Does your father still beat your mom when he's drunk?

>> No.9100955

you do know that youre hiding behind a screen as much as he is?

jesus fucking christ why the fuck am i talking to a 14-yo soon-to-be schoolshooter about how proud he is for harrassing a 15-yo girl cus she wouldn't smell his farts or whatever

did she laugh at your sonic drawings?

>> No.9101585

You people sure like to blow things out of proportion, sure, whatever story makes you feel comfortable. I'm going to characterize all the drama queens as ISFJ/ISTJ
It's funny how you assume I treat everyone that I know poorly, it's funny how you idiots do nothing, but assume, eh, whatever

>> No.9101592

I have, actually, but most people here wouldn't do that, would they?

>> No.9101618


A lot of things go past your heads, huh, morons?
Trunks wouldn't do shit in real life, he would look at someone who did him wrong and under his dick breath grumble about how much he hates them, I'd assume you're trunks too trying to defend yourself since he really is that stupid and shortsighted, but eh, let's just pretend you're another shortsighted child.

>> No.9101650

INTJ and 1w6 SP

I dress conservatively, nothing too wild. I stick to the classics and I enjoy tailored and structured looks, although sometimes I ditch the structure and go for a more loose fit.

>> No.9101726
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You must be kidding me

>> No.9101766
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I really like designers who have a strong message or emotion linked with them
My personal style is quite eclectic and I've been criticized for how variant it is. I try to focus it around a techwear look or an oversized somewhat billowy look, but I am moving more and more to a militaristic style.

>> No.9102148

it does not matter wether you treat everyone else better than you do her because not only did you post a pic from your high school corridor where youre creeping on a girl but also bragged about calling her horseface (lol) despite having been suspended, hahahaha

you truly are "that kid" and your life will become even worse when you leave high school in a couple of years

also underage as shit, your babby brain has not developed enough to legitimize these scams

like your personality type is legit "creepy angry autistic adhd kid"

>> No.9102709

Whatever you say, but insulting really does make a difference on my demeanor, truly, go back to where your opinion is asked for, homeslice, oh right, nowhere, since you resort to imposing your wrecks of thought on an anonymous board

>> No.9102731

yeah shut the fuck up kiddo

for once trunks is right, you are fucked in the head. get help dude.

>> No.9102748


>> No.9102820
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Grayscale basic. Sometimes mixed with brown. Pic kinda related.

>> No.9102844

5w4 sp

raf yohji mmm

>> No.9102855

i always wondered why people say they miss high school and want to go back
but then i realized
you have to go back to being locked up for 8 hours with idiots like this

>> No.9102883

w2c bomber?

>> No.9102887

Rick Owens turbo flight bomber.

>> No.9102931

You keep insulting when I've done nothing personal to you at all like the bitch in the photo did, sure, I'm the one who needs help

>> No.9102938

What did she do to you? Why can't you ignore her like an adult, instead of throwing a hissy fit?

>> No.9103086

I'm done with her, this was just to show her a message since she was eying me after telling me to fuck off and shit, she's a really hypocritical and fake person among other things. I posted it on my twitter, I didn't even @ the bitch, she wasn't even following me, it didn't even have her name on it and she decides to retweet it, she's fucking dumb and likes to follow the herd mentality, which there's not exactly anything wrong with, she just thinks she's always right for doing it. Last I checked, she was into cars, which I doubt she is, but she probably heard some dude say he's into cars and wants to pretend that she is too to catch his interest. Overall pathetic, 5/10 person, would not associate or ever be nice to or kiss ass to

>> No.9103185

I barely know where to begin. This behavior is cowardly, reprehensible, childish, unwarranted, reeks of desperation, and is alarmingly antisocial. If you dislike the way that a person conducts themselves, don't associate with that person; the solution really is that simple. You clearly perceive that some kind of injustice has been visited upon you by the behavior of this person, whom I would assume is popular, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to lash out. So instead of taking the developmentally healthy route and seeking to improve yourself in order to either develop you own circle or assimilate into an agreeable one, you cause problems. This is not a good thing to do. Creating issues for yourself, your parents, your peers, and your teachers in order to garner attention is histrionic and inconsiderate. Based on you obviously lofty view of yourself that you have implied through the thread, you're probably a touch narcissistic as well.

None of that matters. Your high school reputation is probably irreparably damaged. My advice to you would be to attempt to overcome your edgy and unhealthy predispositions and work toward a growth mindset for the future.

>> No.9103365

I suppose and I understand where you're coming from, but I'm generally much more well liked than her and yes, I am narcissistic, but I treat the people I do love and respect with a love and candor that you'd think me to be two completely different people by how I treat scrubs and how I treat those I respect and am fond of, don't judge me too much on such a simple thing, on a single item, it does not by any means determine my whole character, I've got plenty of other things going for me and I love shitting on trash while I accomplish what I need to and I have a thing for attention and publicity whether it be bad or not, but generally, this and other things I've done throughout the year were received positively since it's always the fake people I fuck with

>> No.9103369
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>this whole thread

>> No.9103379
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>average /fa/ IQ sub-mongo

>> No.9103392
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>these are the people giving you fashion advice

>> No.9103398

Very nice nonobvious samefag dude.

>> No.9103400
File: 156 KB, 620x455, toplaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern teens are this stupid
>/fa/ is now a social board for niggerfied brats

>> No.9103404

how did they manage to take a pic of that w/ out chinese tourists posing in front

>> No.9103406


>> No.9103419
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>mfw mongoloid genetic rejects are attempting to reason with shitheel teen
>mfw you aren't just rightfully labelling him a dumb retard fag

this may may is just 4 u trunks

>> No.9103448
File: 11 KB, 273x185, imsosick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ is tumblr
>/fa/ is reddit
>frontpage kid flipping the bird
>shitty phone quality
>he is holding the finger up and taking a picture of it
>my fucking sides
>the pseudo-science pop psychology bullshit
>my sides

>> No.9103456

Trunks can you stop samefagging the thread it's painfully obvious. I thought you were above these shitty reaction images.

>> No.9103457

You're acknowledging your problem right there.

Have you heard that quote about how you can tell a person's true personality by how they treat the waiter/waitress?

Sure, you can put up a show about how kind and loving you are, but really, you're not a good person, until you treat everyone equally with respect. I don't mean you need to suck up to the people you hate and pretend you love them, no. All you need to do is have the decency to treat every other human being with the dignity they deserve as people, no matter what they've done to you or anyone else.

I know you might be angry with her still, but just take a step back and consider whether or not calling her a "horse face" really was the most mature course of action.

>> No.9103458
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>I'm an ISTP 8w7 Sp/Sx and I'd be leaning towards the more streetwear type of fashion than anything.

>> No.9103473

I respect who respects me and she unreasonably didn't and went on to spread lies about me, so *kanye shrug*

>> No.9103480
File: 59 KB, 600x663, 1416441303515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this whole post must be an elaborate carefully constructed ruse by a master ruseman
>mfw i refuse to believe there are people really this stupid
>mfw it must be that OP is in fact a genius

>> No.9103484


wardrobe is like
70% undercover
10% raf simons
5% attachment
5% cav empt

so yeah, like japanese "fashion" steetwear

>> No.9103487
File: 78 KB, 359x540, showpage_upload_2F1411816935250-hhw6bn6wjlpd5cdi-c6601a7f05d6aa71269e42fc8f260302_2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*kanye shrug*



fucken LEL


>> No.9103496

"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."

>> No.9103507

You're all the same, funny really, how even under being anonymous you can't have a sense of individuality

>> No.9103508
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>> No.9103514
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>> No.9103522
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>mfw my thread calling out dumb mongo niggershit like this gets deleted due to being off-topic
>mfw this thread is nearing 100 posts
>mfw this board is for discussing artisinal designer pieces only

>> No.9103545
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>but most of us seem to be thinkers
>ISTP and 8w7 are known as being exceptionally bold
> ignorant people are really predictable with their reactions
>don't debunk what you know absolutely nothing about, it's childish, child

>> No.9103555

mods please delete this thread
absolute shitshow

>> No.9103584

Conservative in color choices bcos I'm color blind.

>> No.9103591

I knew a guy like you in high school, he grew up to be a cocaine addict and kills animals for fun because he's angry at his life. You're exactly like him. Exactly. He's going to die soon.

>> No.9103604


>> No.9103646

I love animals and the furthest drug I would do is Xanax, quit assuming, it isn't smart

>> No.9103668

that's really mature of you. thanks for the intelligent and well-formed answer.

>> No.9103671

>Won't try coke or X at a party

Holy shit it's like you don't wanna enjoy the couple years of your life where these opportunities present themselves.

>> No.9103678

ya dude that's the same thing he said when he was in highscool. Enjoy the next couple of years, they're going to be your best

>> No.9103778
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I really wish I couldve wrote out something so profound and insightful such as
>"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."

epic quote bro
it really "resonated" with me

It makes me feel so safe knowing that the young generation is producing such poetic and intellectual people such as you


>> No.9103980

i think that quote was written 2000 years ago

but thanks

epic response bro
it really "resonated" with me

i really appreciate the time you took to draft up this reply
means a lot to me

have some gold ;)

>> No.9104008

Christ this is still going on? This thread has turned into a beautiful trainwreck, and its all thanks to OP and his childish and antisocial behaviour.

Also im surprised no ones reported him yet even though we're all aware he's underage.

Anyways kid I think its time you leave 4chan, after that get psychiatric help asap.

>> No.9104086

No, quit assuming, you're pathetic, thanks.

Most of you are definitely Intuitives since all you do is assume.

>> No.9104141

4 sx/sp? my wings are balanced apparently

i like dressing andro

>> No.9104491


I used to type as an ENTP 7w6

Nowadays I type as a ENTP 6w7.

I'm interested in minimalism and punk aesthetics, meaning that I like the DIY stuff, destroyed fabrics, themes of decay, written or stenciled words on clothing, especially when it's done with careful deliberation.

I respect a message when its written well, simply writing ANARCHY on your jacket doesn't compel or fascinate. Instead, choosing words and placing them perfectly shows more respect for something which you're going to be wearing for a lot longer than it's meant to, probably without ever cleaning it.

I like designers such as Yohji, Jun, Rick, and Vivienne Westwood, Raf (AW 2005-2006)

Black stuff, basically, add interesting textures and stuff that tickles the brain and I'll feel so stimulated that I'll embarrass myself constantly.

>> No.9104497


sx/so, I forgot to add that, NOT SO DELIBERATE NOW HUH?

>> No.9104584

It's overwhelming how many of you guys are intuitives and thinkers, I suppose as well

>> No.9104709


Given that 4chan as a platform encourages the abstract, it's not surprising, I mean content usually takes the form of one or several images which are then used to communicate, in a concise manner, a situation, feeling, or point of interest.

Couple that with an environment which does not lend itself well to accommodating everyone, favouring those with knowledge and aptitude, and ostracizing those who do not have anything meaningful to contribute. Instead of adapting the conversation to include, those that cannot keep up are told to fuck off.

This place seems like heaven to those who get bored with the aspects of conversation that do not provide something to contemplate about, extrapolate on or laugh at.

Basically it's a good platform for ideas of differing magnitudes. It's also filled to the brim with retards, assholes and everything in between, personally I'd leave now, it's not worth it.

>> No.9104733

>It's also filled to the brim with retards, assholes and everything in between,
>believes MBTI is a valid test

good goy you really are retarded
alcoholic mother prob

>> No.9104738

Sorry to hear about it. How is your fetal alcohol syndrome going for you?

>> No.9104751
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>4chan as a platform encourages the abstract
>favouring those with knowledge and aptitude
> ostracizing those who do not have anything meaningful to contribute.

have you ever seen a vagina?

>> No.9104768
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>> No.9104776

Pornhub dot com right??? Great joke bro!!!

>> No.9104779

unless she intentionally killed your dog or some shit like that theres no circumstances where what you're doing is "called for"

>> No.9104799

someones jealous of the popular kids lol

>> No.9104832

ITT: people who actually believe a self-reported survey based on yes/no or agree/disagree questions can categorize human personalities with validity and accuracy

ITT: People who tihnk jung is relevant to modern psychology

ITT: fashion

>> No.9104859

infj, grill

>> No.9104865

I'm not under any such belief, I do however consider it a possibility insofar as 16 types, even with the inclusion of a 100 point variation, can form a small basis for truth, e.g. being inclined to value rationality over emotion and favouring the abstract above the concrete.

My mother is a saint.


Knowledge and aptitude was taken broadly, as being able to use the platform to a proper extent.

As to the encouraging the abstract, you're proving my point.

As to ostrazing, your're proving my point.

As to seeing a vagina. Yes, it was an innie and I loved the person it was attached to, both emotionally and physically, I wish more vagina's looked like hers.

>> No.9104915
File: 182 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20140429_155145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are most likely a type 4 (the Individualist) with 5 wing


I wear streewear 90% of the time. I have three pairs of jordans and some AF1s.

I was involved with college athletics(Track/Cross Country) so I always had some kind of "sporty" look.

>> No.9104950

I was talking about his menswear stuff, b/c y'know, i'm a guy. Still out there and avant garde though, I should have explained my style more clearly...

>> No.9105233


Another issue with these tests are that people often are completely oblivious to their own faults, OP being a prime example. Yeah, sure, he's 14, but I haven't had the displeasure of "meeting" someone as delusional since grade school.

Our school's version ended up in jail though, he made a list of people (everyone in his new school, basically) that hadn't "treated him with the respect he was entitled" and threatened to kill them. Just like OP will realize that when baby school is over, nobody new will deal with his shit and all the old "friends" he had are gone, because they only put up with him since they've known him since he was a child.

Being a creepy asshole is only accepted when you're like below 10.

>> No.9105260

your sense of self-awareness is non-existent. it's pretty clear from your pathetic attempts at getting petty revenge and how you've conducted yourself here that gives the rest of us plenty of reason to mock you. sometimes actions speak louder than words.

oh and btw i'm an ESTP, so quit assuming.

>> No.9105277
File: 25 KB, 371x329, Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-20 um 09.28.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really understand enneagrams (attached what I got?). I'm an INTJ (sometimes I test more P in close relationships and J with everyone else). I like to wear soft, warm things that fit my body well. Mostly I dress like everyone else

>> No.9105304

>btw i'm a girl

>> No.9105406

>btw nobody cares

>> No.9105673

You're a 1w (balanced wings) Sp/Sx

>> No.9105675

Doubtful, you probably got them from a test since ESTP's are hardly judging and assuming people, but whatever makes your pussy quiver, I admitted my faults, you're really ignorant, but that's neither here nor there. Bye childish adult.

>> No.9105678

Lmao this picture was from like 4 years ago, nice try though. Seriously, all you faggots do is ASSUME.

>> No.9105924

m. psyc here

highschool psyc pls get out

>> No.9105930

Why have you held a grudge against a high school girl for FOUR YEARS? That's even worse, not better dude. lmao

>> No.9107144


>> No.9108679


motherfucker we're not assuming shit, we're judging you based on the only facts you've presented and those facts tell us you're a goddamn lunatic

and honestly you do realize judging someone based one one thing they do isn't necessarily wrong? like, yeah, if you'd only gotten into a fight with a person and afterwards didn't like em it wouldn't reflect on your character very much, but you're obsessively harassing and borderline stalking this girl because of some vague bullshit. motherfucker you posted a 4 yo pic of her on fucking 4chan?

if you posted a picture of a cat you had cut up we'd sure as hell judge you based on that one thing, too, because that one thing is fucked up enough

goddamn creep

>> No.9108696
File: 26 KB, 599x400, B1ep4A5CYAAPC8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a pic of someone you hate saved for 4 years