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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 354x630, 1467838295_11235539786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9090271 No.9090271 [Reply] [Original]

Can any guy under 5' 7" be /fa/?

Even the best-looking manlets still look awkward

>dat awkward stance
>dat uncomfortable with height, why am i dressed up

>> No.9090306

That's because he's an awkward looking person.

>> No.9090314


>> No.9090338

Is it just me or are his arms real long

>> No.9090349

70% of /fa/ are manlets

>> No.9090357

How is he so ugly yet he's a successful actor

>> No.9090361

i dont think he's ugly

>> No.9090365

Dude has a face like a llama

>> No.9090369

I'm 5'4 and Im an actor

>> No.9090372
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disney loves manlets

>> No.9090374

You can be short and good looking. I just don't think his face is attractive at all.

>> No.9090377

>his 5'9

>> No.9090383

it's all about frame, proportions, posture, and most importantly facial aesthetics. you can be 6'4 but if you look like the lurch then zac efron is gonna pull harder than you despite being shorter.

>> No.9090384
File: 289 KB, 500x650, DracoMalFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon's right. Taylor's just awkward looking.

Wear fitted clothes.

>> No.9090385


Beautiful patlette

>> No.9090389

No way he is 5'8, I'm 5'8 and don't look that tall. I had to go to the hospital a few days ago and they got my height so it's not even like I measured myself, what the fuck?

>> No.9090399
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>tfw zac will never cum in ur ass

>> No.9090412

>tfw zac will never cum in your pussy

>> No.9090415

>tfw no pussy for Zac to cum in
>tfw zac will never cum in your mouth

>> No.9090420
File: 36 KB, 600x450, ill explain on the way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take note of the height the camera is at in this angle of photo

>> No.9090421

Oh yea he's definitely not attractive. A couple of my buddies were actually making fun of him the other day while on set. Idk why his name came up.

>> No.9090423
File: 521 KB, 449x701, 3fa853f2-0750-4f4d-99a1-045708bb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about proportions and how things fit. For the most part(of course there are exceptions) shorter people should stick to more slim and fitted pieces with classic lengths. Even then you can pull off oversized looks but it's much harder to pull off since the proportions are so much easier to mess up. Pic related is a perfect time example of proportions making an already short person look so much shorter than he already is. Seriously from the jacket up the dude looks like a normal height and then you get to the pants and he suddenly looks like he's 5'. He could of prevented this with a shorter jacket it's as simple as that. Do to wrap up stay away from extreme proportions if you are vertically challenged.

>> No.9090427

Is that a Pharell hat

>> No.9090429

It's definitely looks a lot like a VW hat but according to Faust(lol) it's not.

>> No.9090431

Except most people don't have to worry about dressing like an amish jew from the future

>> No.9090434

damn he looks great

>> No.9090439


>> No.9090442


>oh yea? what movie are you in

>> No.9090447 [DELETED] 


jaja es un parte del estético

>> No.9090461

I was referring less to the actual pieces and more to the proportions and silhouette. I think the fit would actually look awesome if he lost the hat or maybe just got a more unstructured wide brimmed hat, and found a shorter jacket. After that it would look pretty awesome.

>> No.9090465

Why are you green texting?

>> No.9090472

everything about his is out of proportion. I had to google him, cause i was always under the impression he was above avg. height, based off how they frame all the shots i see him in(Never actually watched any shitty movie he's in).

He really is a odd looking fellow. Seeing him buff as fuck is suddenly a lot less impressive.(Muscles on a short guy is a lot like big tigs on a fat girl.... Doesnt really count since they;re literally 5x easier to get when you're that small)

>> No.9090484

Nigga looks like he got punched in the face. Or dropped on has face as an infant.

>> No.9090493


I know what I'm doing.

>> No.9090500

I saw Twilight for some stupid reason and he looked taller, I think it was camera trickery or all the actors were short

>> No.9090502
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 1415465896486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be /fa/ at any hieght but if you lack self confidence and you're small it shows more.

Just own your clothes tailor your shit and you'll be fine.

>> No.9090512

This. Belief that you are /fa/ is supremely /fa/.

>> No.9090693

These constant manlet threads are killing me. Is there anything an 18-year-old can do to keep growing if his growth plates haven't fused yet?

>> No.9090824

HGH and heavy exercise (strength training)

Do weight AND resistance

Go to the gym every other day, do cardio in between, and take HGH until you're 22.

>> No.9090852

well he also has a buttface so

>> No.9090858

w2c HGH without going through a doctor?

19 and a half here

>> No.9090866

Oh ok hahha :^)

>> No.9090919

Where the fuck does one get HGH? It's not like I can just ask my doctor for that stuff

>> No.9090921

get it naturally through deep sleep

>> No.9090938


>> No.9090940

kanye's like 5'8

it all comes down to confidence, if you're a bitch you're going to be treated as one

>> No.9090949

>tfw i'm shorter than all of my brothers
>tfw I had insomnia throughout most of my teens
is there a connection?

>> No.9090962

probably, I'm no doctor though

>> No.9090991

kanye is a bitch tho

>> No.9090998

says a plebcore loser/virgin on an anonymous imageboard, wtf do u do fool

>> No.9091016

This is true, but all other factors being equal, a 6' Kanye would be more alpha than a 5'8" Kanye. Height, for whatever reason, seems to be a factor in both attractiveness and the respect one garners. It's not rational in a world where mental capabilities matter more than physical ones, but it's still the case. We're monkeys intimidated and awed by big people.

>> No.9091030

A heavy amount of influence is places on proportions, but I agree.

Well proportioned 6' > well proportioned 5'8

shit proportioned 6' < well proportioned 5'8

>> No.9091041

>best-looking manlet
>pic unrelated

>> No.9091091


what's your movie nigger and will it be a big hit

>> No.9091103

It's a Wes Anderson film. The Rosenthal Suite. I'm not even sure if my part will make it through it isn't a very big role. But Wes Anderson has been very polite about everything. I haven't met him one on one yet but he's a pretyy interesting character to say the least.

>> No.9091131

Sleep a lot, eat a lot and do exercises that produce the most HGH(sprinting is a good one). I grew about 2 inches since I was late 17, I'm 21 now. I did none of that shit so it's genetics but I think I squandered mine since my brother is 3 inches taller than me.

>> No.9091173

>minimal info online

what's the low down nigger tell us what it's about and why I need to see it

>> No.9091180

who tom cruise then?

>> No.9091184

um no he doesnt at all

>> No.9091189

Wrong. Resistance training depending on the type of exercise performed, but especially squats, can compress your spine. Do sports or full body cardio with your HGH instead.

>> No.9091198


cardio IDF pls go

>> No.9091326

From what I've read, it's a project that Wes abandoned to then work on Moonrise Kingdom... that was years ago

>> No.9091344


>November 2009

>> No.9091382
File: 475 KB, 1336x1764, weremanlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easier to be good looking if you are short, but not a midget. You have better gains and generally there are visible health benefits to being short.

However, you usually become short because of some stressor early in life, which is damaging, and if you are short, people will notice it once they actually meet you. Then you're a boy and need to either work for respect or just take dick, like a good little manlet.

>> No.9091410

top asking what can and can't be /fa/

think for yourself you fucking tool

you know your just asking a bunch of 14 year old autismal goofninja losers anyway

>> No.9091432

>However, you usually become short because of some stressor early in life, which is damaging

i'm 5'6'' and lived a perfectly normal life
but im also asian

>> No.9091455

It's usually something minor like suboptimal protein intake. And asians are shorted anyway.

>> No.9091473

Seriously, I fucking hate people like this. I bet they would go batshit crazy if a guy would said something like "wow, that girl looks like she gained some weight, killed it for me" about a female celebrity. Yes, I do know that women are pressured more about their appearance than men, but it still goes both ways.

>> No.9091478


>> No.9091543

cool fit but he looks good to you because he is attractive and in good shape.

>> No.9091999

Sprinting OK. Something more? Swimming? Tennis?

>> No.9092028

>JewHacker chic

>> No.9092181

Does it fucking matter?

Do what the fuck you want. You will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER be 6'1 just like how you will NEVER EVER EVER EVER change your face shape (except by surgery but ur a fagget if u do)

Are you going to live your whole life thinking "well shit I can't do this solebely because my height." If you have decent proportions and you work with what you wear, you can do it.

So to answer your question OP, no. You can't be /fa/ because you are too caught up worrying if you are a manlet or not when absolutely nobody gives a shit

>> No.9092388

lmao not true

>> No.9092529

jesus christ, thank god I'm 5'10 king of manlets

>> No.9092579
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>> No.9092609
File: 181 KB, 330x400, 1387164959440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 6'3

>> No.9092657

It's about framing. Actors tend to be slightly shorter than models, because the frame better in movies.

>> No.9092665

How did you get cast for it?
>Tfw struggling actor in seattle

>> No.9092677

>tfw am girl 5'9"

>> No.9093452


>> No.9093470


>> No.9093707

I wonder if that's so that they won't tower over their female counterparts. Hard to frame a closeup of two people of unequal height

>> No.9094329

I was born with a heart defect that stunted my growth from birth until i got surgery at 9 when they realized i'm close from dying. In addition I didn't eat much when i was younger and didn't consume as much hormones as other kids so my puberty was delayed so now i'm 5'2 last time i measured and still growing i'm taking DHEA now

>> No.9094336

that fucking skin dang

>> No.9094363

why do u care so much about what others think?

>> No.9094407
File: 51 KB, 512x512, 1416167788444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6' checkin in

What do you guys think of my height? Not insecure, just wondering what the consensus is on someone who is 6 foot.

Also protip, self-confidence is EVERYTHING. Knew a guy in highschool who was 5' 5" and pulled so many girls. No joke. dude was a killer.

>> No.9094410

how big is ur p3nis?

>> No.9094461

I'm 5'11.65

.35 of an inch off

fuck it, should I just tell people I'm 6'?

>> No.9094479

kill yourself you complete faggot, stop shitting up tennis threads and /fa/ with your bushpig fetish

>> No.9094510
File: 22 KB, 424x589, 1416161962145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah of course. here's why.

1. Too much of an inconvenience to say the decimals.
>Girl: "oh hey anon! how tall are you hehe?"
>you: "according to my calculations i am approximately 5'11.65" young!"
>Girl: "kill yrself"

2. you are probably 6 foot or more while wearing shoes
3. Maybe you can gain tht extra .35" from fixing your posture?
4. I am exactly 6 foot on the money and I am 100% sure I would not be able to tell our height variations.

There you have it, I have been your messiah for this thread goodnight

>> No.9094519

im 6'1 and when people ask i say "oh, im like 5'7 man.

especially if guys are around watch them all freak the fuck out if they are shorter than you. shits hilarious.

>> No.9094818

About 5.5 inches erect but i'm 18-3

>> No.9095268

naw dude

you'll make it to 6 and it'll feel so much better knowing that you were honest about it. it's like getting a fake ID.. and then when you turn 19/21 or whatever it isn't that great you know?

>> No.9095291

it aint gonna get bigger, but thats about as far as most women want it inside them so ur good

>> No.9095322

if ur gay though u gotta be a bottom sorry hope u like taking loud wet shits in the morning

>> No.9095371

6'3" Half Filipino half white dude here

I'm easily the tallest in my family for SEVERAL generations. The closest was my grandmother's father who was 6'0". On my white side obviously.

I'm not sure why I ended up so tall. The only thing I know that I definitively did every single day of my life was that I drank at least two or three glasses of chocolate milk (despite later finding out that I am incredibly lactose intolerant). I also started puberty incredibly late (aka 15 or early 16). I suspect fucked up hormones really. My brother is like 5'9 at the most and he's done growing. I'm still growing and I really hope I stop. I like being 6'3", 6'4" is fucking pushing it. I'm 19 now.

>if I could give you guys some of my height, I would

>> No.9095379


you can jelq ma nigga look it up. shit works but you gotta stick with it

>> No.9095433

Dude, my mom is like 5'6" and my dad is 5'9" so they are literally average as hell, but I'm 6'3" too. I also started puberty pretty late too, I was 5'9" when I got my driver's license at 16.. I grew like a half of a foot between 17 and 18. I'm 19 now and I think I'm done. It's weird how we're so similar. My dad is Tunisian and my mom is Irish.

>> No.9095454

>Can any guy under 5'7" be /fa/?
>Posts Taylor Lautner
He's 5.7 feet tall. Not 5'7".
He's actually 5'8.5".

>> No.9095456

You must be me. My mom is Filipino with some Chinese and my dad is Irish or something in that general area.

I'm pretty lanky though. That is one thing that I do hate about being tall and something I do admit from manlets. I'm around 150 lbs and that is admittedly something everyone in my family shares. We are all pretty thin. Probably malnutrition. Or fucked up hormones like I said earlier.

How much do you weigh?

>> No.9095479

My family is the opposite, they're all of at least average or above average weight. Not necessarily fat, but definitely on the "bigger" side. I'm pretty skinny as well, I fluctuate from like 150 - 170 lbs depending on if I'm living by myself or not lol. When I'm on my own I isolate myself from food to get the Saint Laurent body, but when I go back home or live with a roommate they always have food around so I end up eating it haha. What is your hair/eye color like?

>> No.9095512

I have brown hair and brown eyes (once when I was getting my hair cut, they found a fucking red hair. shit). My mom has black hair with brown eyes (unsurprisingly) and my dad has blonde hair with hazel eyes. Everytime me and him hang out, people cannot tell that he's my father. At all. What about you?

I've always been skinny as shit though. I eat terribly though hahaha and not as much as I really should.

>> No.9095647

Dad has brown eyes and black hair, mom has blue eyes and blonde hair; I have green eyes and brown hair so we've covered all possible white combinations lol. I do have a lot of blonde hairs though, it gets very light in the summer. And my facial hair is a coarse, dark black.

>> No.9097141

eh same shit

a manlets a manlet

>> No.9097385


is this why my dad is 6'1" and im 5'8?

>> No.9097668

I'm 1 5 years old thats what 18-3 means

>> No.9098969


that doesn't you cant jelq?

also, you should have >inb4'd underage

>underage pls go

>> No.9099610

Pheonix Wright???

>> No.9099684

I know i can still jelq but I think it can still grow naturally

>> No.9101608

>DHEA now
Whats this my man?

>> No.9101830

a hormone naturally produced, i've been using it for about a month and i've been eating more and more energy and I believe my penis grew as well

>> No.9102117

> 5.7
> tfw life ruined

>> No.9102149

>Implying that Dane Dehaan isnt effay af

>> No.9102595


>i'm plying we know who that is

post pic

>> No.9104248

How old are you? And how much do you take?