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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 924 KB, 1520x2688, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9089719 No.9089719 [Reply] [Original]

cringe thread / reddit thread

this fit is "rick / gucci / levis / cp"

>> No.9089728

cool fit imo

>> No.9089734

probably looks better than ur wardrobe

>> No.9089744

he basically made a more expensive version of an urban outfitters hypebeast swaggy hipster uniform. this is how every dude at university dresses, just the rick jacket and cps are made of high quality materials. the styling is really awful

>> No.9089750

r/malefashion is weird. Sometimes the really good fits get bumped to the front, but sometimes they upvote things just because they're "nxtlvl" or some shit.

>> No.9089754
File: 35 KB, 568x768, reddit winter inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back on track: this is from their winter inspo thread

>> No.9089758

this was also posted on /fa/
and it's a pretty good fit imo
but hey, you can post a fit and we'll be the judge of which is better

>> No.9089765

its a decent outfit it just looks like it from F21

>> No.9089766
File: 143 KB, 1024x1243, reddit pajamas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more inspo

>> No.9089771

>levis in those brands

>> No.9089776

this is exactly what i would expect from an mfa user getting their hands on a rick bomber


>> No.9089778

that is actually highly gay

he's clearly pulling his pants forward for ass figuring

is this a gap ad because that'd explain a few things.

also, that place looks cold and humid as fuck, his hands would be ice in minutes

>> No.9089809
File: 224 KB, 737x1200, class is for men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9089823
File: 274 KB, 1392x1392, big guy bomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9089838
File: 465 KB, 1840x3264, dem cuffs dat crotch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9089841










>> No.9089844

Are those indoor soccer shoes?

>> No.9089851


damn he's kinda hot though too bad about his clothes

>> No.9089882
File: 1.59 MB, 2448x3264, lmao no words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9089892

alchemist core

>> No.9089919

same as it ever was
same as it ever was
same as it ever was
same as it ever was

>> No.9089962
File: 27 KB, 576x768, SVg3jYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More from the inspo thread

>> No.9089969

shoulder pads?
if that jacket fit him better he could pull off some kitch shit

>> No.9089970

If it didn't look like he was wearing a gray jumpsuit that would look alright.

>> No.9089984

>l-look at how bad reddit dresses! I find really bad fits and post them and generalize the whole website
>N-nobody ever makes these mistakes on /fa/

God I hate you guys

>> No.9090007 [DELETED] 

white sneakers look disgusting. only niggers wear them.

>> No.9090022


>> No.9090024

that's not the argument at all

it's more like, these cringey outfits are more common on reddit/mfa especially the ones of the "#menswear" variety

we make these threads not just to snicker indolently at people, but to provide manifested examples of how not to dress

>> No.9090027


Except if someone posts a bad fit on /fa/, they don't get praised

jesus their whole winter inspo album is shit


>> No.9090083

this is much worse than the /fa/ waywt beacuse these assholes take the time to set up shots, post them to mutliple sites and tag the peices they're wearing.

not to mention they all look the same, and they're all fat

>> No.9090578

Holy fuck I thought "It can't be that bad"

those pjs....those fucking hats...those color combos on some of those fits...... I pray for them

>> No.9090589

>waiting for someone to post one of my fits

>> No.9090594
File: 1.09 MB, 200x150, 1382744320991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought meh...

then the shoes happened.

>> No.9090651


>> No.9090663



>> No.9090669


>le ebin majestic beard sir xD

>> No.9090683

mfa is where people go for advice. It's right there in the fucking name.

It's so sad that the only people who are worse than you are the people who will freely admit they don't have a a handle on things. This is how low tier /fa/ is.

>> No.9090742
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, 1405139612168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9090745

mfa doesn't give good advice they give ego massages in exchange for upvotes

>> No.9090746

This website is only capable of giving the most basic advice and criticism possible. Back when I first started posting firs I didn't get helpful comments I got the same shit I do now just in smaller amounts. I would get maybe one comment that would be on topic and even then it would be oh your cuff is crooked. Wow thanks that is really going to make or break my fit. It took me months to even grasp the basics of looking good, we're not even talking about being fashionable or giving any grasp if fashion. I shit post because I can here. I don't want to on sufu because I know I could get the same reaction as I do here. SZ I would get banned automatically. If you were asking more why do I feel the need to and not why do I do it here. I guess it's just because the Internet is such an easy place to create a persona which of course is what I have done. So in a sense it's just to become something I'm not for a short while, be a piece of shit online to people I'll never meet so I'm not as much of one in real life. If I were to act all saintly from this point on it wouldn't change anything atleast not in a period of time that would matter. I would still be Birthday the annoying little kid. When people say I look like shit or my fit sucks, at this point it hardly even registers anymore I have become so conditioned to it it's almost more strange and upsetting when I don't see them.

>> No.9090752

That's my first thought.

>> No.9090768
File: 43 KB, 500x750, XzH0jji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy actually looks pretty good.

>> No.9090785

>Look, mommy, Inspector Gadget!

>> No.9090810

>this reddit buttdevastation

>> No.9090813

for fat chink, the fat chink looks ok.
or he would without those fucking burks

>> No.9090830

the fucking sleeves lmao
his stance lmao

>> No.9090848

Shave and different shoes and it's good

>> No.9090891

I wasn't asking for your favorite drink

>> No.9090896

underrated post

>> No.9090917


>> No.9090953

lol this looks cool though

>> No.9090965

I dont use reddit, how the fuck do I look at pictures?

>> No.9090972

keep in mind that inspo album is just 1 dude with shit taste putting stuff together for a bunch of fashion newbies

>> No.9091187





maybe he's putting his hands in--

hear me out on this one

maybe he's putting --

guys seriously

guys listen

maybe he's putting his hands in his pockets because it's cold

>> No.9091229

if the thread gets upvoted to front, that says that it's more than just the OPs approval

>> No.9091240

Wearing that sweater with no facial protection? He's definetly not cold.

>> No.9091267

I just know some day I will end up in one of these threads. I need to start dressing in more black to hopefully avoid that.

>> No.9091274

if u just blindly dress in black clothing u will still end up here. it's not about color per se. it's just as easy to go wrong in all black as it is in any other color combination

>> No.9091278

Maybe it isn't harsh-Skyrim-winter cold. Maybe it's just cold cold.

Where I'm from it averages 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the winters. A thick sweater, a t-shirt and a tank top or thermal underwear beneath it plus the scarf would be plenty.

>> No.9091290

I honestly don't see anything wrong with this. Its a little goofy but that's what makes it an interesting look.

>> No.9091292

>this is how every dude at university dresses

Lolno, it isn't.

>> No.9091338

minus the brands (and thus individual garment quality), yeah, it is.

>> No.9091371

No, it isn't.

The only people I see that dress even remotely like this are one or two art majors that aren't being tryhard AF on days where they aren't in studio.

Everyone else is either still wearing HS sweaters, or athletecore/plebcorre/swagcore/tumblrcore/dadcore shit

>> No.9091394

What's your rating on the new Burger King spicy chicken burger?

>> No.9091416

Quiet down hunny, Im imagining being tied up to the inspector's head board

>> No.9091422



>> No.9091452

Good one.

>> No.9091454
File: 61 KB, 600x372, battlefield-earth-forrest-whitaker-maniacal-laughter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those force stutters at the beginning of each sentence
You're the same guy who tried to defend Zara in that thread yesterday, aren't you?

>> No.9091459

top kek

>> No.9091463

>Nobody else on this website ever affects a stutter, except for that guy
Nice going, fuccboi

>> No.9091471

there is water at the bottom of the ocean

>> No.9091515

bruh maybe at your flyover state university people don't dress like this.

come to anywhere that matters, and this is basic bitch outfit of every 20 something male

>> No.9091531

>this is what austrailians actually believe

>> No.9091556

Yeah, no, most 20 something dudes don't dress in bombers w/white shoes and black jeans.

Shitty floral shirts, yeah, since that was part of the swagfag stonercore trend.

Most people are stuck in the "Vans authentics are cool!" and "yolo/swag is still a thing, right?" highsnobiety-core shit.

>> No.9091570

wtf. i'm listening to that song RIGHT NOW

>> No.9091580

>highsnobiety-core shit

I don't think you've come to terms with the fact that OP IS highsnobiety-core styling. This is what swaglots dress like now. This is what people who wore vans and snapbacks three years ago dress like now. Again, minus the brands. But the styling is the same. This is urban outfitters tier styling.

Unless you really do live in fucking montana or something

>> No.9091587

>"Rick owens right? Most of their stuff seems super expensive."

these niggers aint know shit about fashion, just a bunch of plebs

>> No.9092004

That's not Lamy you fucking idiot

>> No.9092106

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this

>> No.9092115


>> No.9092124

I've maybe seen 1 person dressed like that at any university.

>> No.9092150

that's a big jacket

>> No.9092188

that's not so bad apart from the boots, and I personally wouldn't ever wear a white coat but I recognize that it looks nice

>> No.9092220
File: 1.78 MB, 300x168, 1416060610472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Challenge Red White Anthracite T90s

>> No.9092233

You're the guy in the picture, aren't you?

>> No.9092249

Lmao I'd like to see what people at Amerishit unis actually dress like. Must be hilarious.
>>9089744 is right, for London unis at least.

>> No.9092253

For you

>> No.9092256

Yeah no.

>> No.9092263

W2C shirt

>> No.9092289


>> No.9092325 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 640x360, yung_lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9092403 [DELETED] 

>people still like Yung Lean even ironically

>> No.9092475


>> No.9092493
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1385927674112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9092563

>that gif

lmao it's david liebe hart

>> No.9092572

but there's nothing wrong with Zara....

>> No.9092655
File: 1.44 MB, 1547x3223, D_1391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9093084

Imagine what the usual American highschooler wears, and it's like that for freshman for the first semester..

Engineering/Com-Sci/Science majors in general pretty much either wear dadcore fits or gaymer/joke/graphic shirts

Athletes and those in food sciences/kinesiology majors dress in sportswear/healthycore stuff..

Ag majors dress like farmers dad jeans +/- overalls, a hoodie (camo or John Deere/Case IH), and boots.

Business majors dadcore/"Why yes, I DO read GQ"-core

LAS majors: Plebcore

Fratbros: Dadcore and greek shit

Teaching majors: Dadcore, but that's kinda required for some of the student teaching shit they have to do.

Art majors are all over the fucking place. Pseudo-avant garde/tryhard, highsnobiety-core (Which is still vans, supreme, + snapback), "I don't want to ruin my good clothes working with these inks"-plebcore, etc.

>> No.9093333


>> No.9093449

approximately 1/3 of the students at my college wear highsnobietycore, its even worse when bundled with long sleeve button downs that are buttoned up to the neck no tie obv

>> No.9093464

>john deer
also carhartt

>> No.9093474
File: 358 KB, 300x169, 1415901641222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the top button is done with the shirt untucked and no tie

>> No.9093561

>m-muh goodninja

>> No.9093573

>the ghost of Jdbee

>> No.9093582

Congrats, you're a newfag
g-get the fuck out anon

>> No.9093592


>> No.9094151
File: 38 KB, 1024x768, ayy lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude was going to a job interview dressed like this.

>> No.9094159

D-did he get the j-job?

>> No.9094161

okay i actually lol'd at this

>> No.9094258

I love it

>> No.9094319
File: 446 KB, 1910x2149, 20141114_161938~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9094327


>> No.9094372

oh baby.

>> No.9094385

Holy shit I actually saw someone at uni who looks exactly like that.
So did je get the job?

>> No.9094396

> LAS majors
I have no idea what that is.

>> No.9094404
File: 15 KB, 464x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9094409


The shirt really ruins this.

I don't think it is too bad.

>> No.9094412
File: 406 KB, 500x667, 1412663138551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did this even happen?

>> No.9094419

This isn't that bad though

>> No.9094420

how do you not know liberal arts

>> No.9094424

W2c rapier

>> No.9094433

Never used that abbreviation.
> themmoreyouknow.png

>> No.9094452

Ugh. It's pretty bad. The jacket is the main badness.

>> No.9094463
File: 81 KB, 333x500, ho ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9094467

You probably pay $60k/year to go to art school. Fucking kill yourself

>> No.9094468

no it's not
you literally cut yourself off from having clashing colors
all black isn't easier to look good in, but it's easier to not appear to make blatant mistakes in

>> No.9094483

Is there a name for dressing this way, besides the obvius answer which is "shit"?

>> No.9094514

That's how a real man dresses you fuckong classless fag

>> No.9094530


It's called buying cheap, poor fitting clothes.

>> No.9094535

Like half of that is shit and the other half is actually pretty good.

One of the worst fits in the entire album, jesus.

>> No.9094540

He's not even wearing boots, he's wearing a pair of double monk straps.

>> No.9094856

Yeah, I would drink a lot too.
>that woman face and the other laughing.

>> No.9095136

the 5th one down isn't too bad. just overly generic mfawear