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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, 246479_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9085164 No.9085164 [Reply] [Original]

what does /fa/ want for christmas?

>> No.9085170
File: 76 KB, 640x960, 282015_3758167749379_1717180474_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue squier mustang

>> No.9085182
File: 184 KB, 468x655, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the way to go

>> No.9085185


I give you my blessing. I want one too. Would change the pick guard to white personally.

>> No.9085188
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if only it wasnt like $1000

>> No.9085191
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>> No.9085193


Nah those are awful. No neck tint, gaudy pick guard and the angled switch all suck. Much better off with the '62 sunburst rosewood version.

>> No.9085198

A gf

>> No.9085203
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, 24-09-2014_maisonmartinmargiela_22paintsplashreplicatrainer_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMM paint splatter GATs
I know basic bitch fuccboi but damn they are so fucking dope

>> No.9085204

is that a lamp?

>> No.9085208

its an ultra discreet pocket pussay

>> No.9085210


>> No.9085211
File: 85 KB, 820x820, 42133M049001_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a fuccboi, Santa :|

>> No.9085214


to get laid

>> No.9085215
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>> No.9085217
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>> No.9085220


>> No.9085221

i want a new sewing machine. my $100 babylock is actually pretty good but it doesn't cut it with multiple layers of heavy fabric

thinkin ~$300 or so but that really limits me

>> No.9085222

i cant pull off anything. im stuck with converse, skinny jeans, and a slightly too big hoodie for eternity

>> No.9085223

>corrected grain leather

>> No.9085225

a friend

>> No.9085228

confidence and a white gf

>> No.9085229

after reading this thread i realized that 'what i want for christmas' is just lack of money an shit. now that i got some i dont want anything for christmas.. its just consumerist shit.

all i want 4 christmas is to be home w family

>> No.9085230
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>> No.9085231

a bf and a slushy

>> No.9085232
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>> No.9085233

we are your friends anon where do you live?

>> No.9085236
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does anyone know where i could find this?

>> No.9085237

What the fuck. Just splatter some paint on them. Or maybe paint something while wearing white shoes.

this is equivalent to wearing those god damn pre ripped jeans

>> No.9085240

don't it's pretty fuccboi

>> No.9085242

no idea, but it's pretty trill

>> No.9085243

how is a green jacket fuccboi

>> No.9085245

it's called a luxury designer item you fucking fuccboi

>> No.9085250

>that blue checker
>that logo
>those white lines

Just NO

>> No.9085251

the thing is, luxury designer does not equal good.

>> No.9085254
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These pants. I'll never locate them...

>> No.9085256

it's maison martin margiela though

>> No.9085257
File: 94 KB, 329x316, Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 6.42.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to justify spending 700 on a used one of these for myself... not sure I'll convince

>> No.9085259

I would care if he was still at the label, or if the shoes weren't complete hype-shit. If I saw you irl with them id laugh

>> No.9085261
File: 310 KB, 1200x840, SNE1_group02_1362365657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spit on my face and call me a fuccboi

>> No.9085265

some over payed fuck's name won't change my opinion, you weirdo.

>> No.9085266

come on anon it's almost 2015

>> No.9085268

your opinion really matters to me, but really, they're just shoes, if you're gonna laugh at shoes then laugh at someone wearing nike or nb
fuck off

>> No.9085275

how old are you getting 100 dollar fuccboi shoes for christmas?

>> No.9085279

bretti much this

>> No.9085281

eevryone wears nike and nb why would i laugh at that lmao

>> No.9085287
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>> No.9085292

How much? W2c?

>> No.9085294

because they're fucking shit and ugly as fuck
NB have the most obnoxious labeling in existence and I've only seen old tasteless farts wear them
Nike are nigger shoes of the highest caliber and look like transformers on your feet

>> No.9085296

That's what I want now :( but dad hates me and mom thinks I'm gay...

>> No.9085297
File: 133 KB, 611x405, duck-deflated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be happy

>> No.9085300

sir detected

>> No.9085301

hey guy we're in the same boat

>> No.9085308

:^) im genuinely happy im not alone
Maybe this will be our year

>> No.9085311


>> No.9085312

it probably wont be, but i try to be optimistic

>> No.9085317

This year has been fucking terrible despite I moved from the other side of the world to Canada.

Maybe 2015 will be better. I will fucking make it better.

>> No.9085318

Are you Chinese?

>> No.9085319

>it's maison martin margiela though
theyre not designed by him though, theyre designed by a business who bought his name and even if they were it doesnt change the fact that although they look interesting by themselves they would be an eyesore in relation to a whole outfit.
>anon why is there paint on your shoes?
>cool shoes anon did you make them yourself?
n-no i bought them for $400

>> No.9085320

if you dont mind me asking, what part of canada did you move to? im about to finish college and i wanna get out of the us

>> No.9085321

what do you honestly think they charge you for? you rthink shoes you buy from target are going to be the same quality as a pair of margielas?

>> No.9085323

I want a bunch of Bape shit :)

>> No.9085324

what would be a good pair of shoes to make those with?

>> No.9085328

implying I need to explain my choice of shoes to anyone
stop being such a fag this is a christmas presents thread on the fucking fashion board

>> No.9085330

obviously they are going to be good quality. But that also doesn't mean they aren't the most god damn ridiculous shoes I've ever seen.

>> No.9085331

if you've seen fits with them you'd think otherwise i'm sure

>> No.9085333

prove me wrong and post some fits with those 400 dollar embarrassments.

>> No.9085334
File: 14 KB, 300x300, mujiwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muji sneakers or jack purcells
if you make them yourself I suggest using different colours (maybe just black paint) so it doesnt look like a complete rip off

>> No.9085335

No, but I'm Asian.


>> No.9085338

oh boy

>> No.9085342

you posted it here for other people to see on a fashion discussion forum.
im sorry ive made you feel conflicted about your first designer purchase

>> No.9085345

don't have any on hand, but hopefully someone can help me out. I take back what i said though you seem pretty adamant about your opinion them and i doubt you'd change your mind no matter how good the fit was.

>> No.9085346

do you like it there? i was looking at ottowa

>> No.9085347

ye funny rite rite

>> No.9085353

please tell me the difference between those and pre ripped jeans.

>> No.9085356

you wear one on your pants and the other on your feet

>> No.9085358
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a gf

>> No.9085360

it's alright come here m8 lemme suck ya dick

>> No.9085366

I didn't size down when I bought mine guess they still fit alright though

>> No.9085371


You guys will drop hundreds on a single article of clothing but go that cheap on a guitar?

Squiers are only for people that are seriously fucking poor and can't afford the extra $300 to get a real fender. FUCK

>> No.9085373
File: 110 KB, 668x712, 1416080451620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bf

>> No.9085388

Do they even make these anymore?

>> No.9085398

Like this a lot, holy shit

>> No.9085401

i dont tho. vintage mod and classic vibe squiers are better than the cheapo fenders yo, believe me. if you still have the squier is shit mindset youre ill informed.

also who the fuck cares if the guitar is cheap. it's the amp that matters

>> No.9085402

they play like shit honestly

something like the squier j mascis jazzmaster is waaay better

just save up and get a made in japan one or maybe a cheap vintage american one used if you want a mustang

>> No.9085407

yeah, too bad it's so much

>> No.9085415

I have a vintage squier jaguar and it's complete piece of shit compared to my American Jag (and the Mexican and Japanese fenders I've tried)

You can get a used japanese mustang for around $500, just save up dude, you'll thank yourself in the end.

>> No.9085426


>> No.9085445
File: 1.58 MB, 370x560, tfw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If santa can't fit a gf down the chimney then some nice socks I guess.

>> No.9085449

i already have a squier cv tele, vm jazzmaster and vm p bass and i like them a lot. i played the mustang in a store and immediately wanted it more or less. the problem with the nicer fender shit is that it costs about 1,5 to 3 times as much in belgium as it does in america. i would cop fender shit if i had the cash but i'm genuinely satisfied enough with squier. also i tend to be a wreckless asshole with the stuff i own, so breaking a 300€ guitar, wouldnt make feel as bad as breaking an 800€ one;

>> No.9085464

I want plebs to leave. You need to be understanding of aesthetics outside of your own. the spattered GATs look good.

>theyre not designed by him though, theyre designed by a business who bought his name

Margiela was famous for his strength at passing his creative vision on to designers working around him. There's a reason there is the "old helmut" meme and no "old Margiela" meme.

>> No.9085467

who is this gook whore

>> No.9085475

hey bby

u wanna hook up with a 10/10 6'0 azn boi? ;))

>> No.9085476

Try Kapital for similar

>> No.9085477
File: 1.16 MB, 635x349, chu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know. picked up a bunch of plastic women webms when people were making them during the webm feature update.

>> No.9085486

is that even real
no doubt the gooks have perfected robotics so you never know

>> No.9085500
File: 1.35 MB, 635x348, kissu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe its akb48 so yes, It might be a robot.

>> No.9085516

would still fug

>> No.9085538
File: 54 KB, 749x1000, 53619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBSS all black cowhide

and some wheat timbs

literally all i want.

>> No.9085540

You must still be in High School or live in a really shitty area. Nike and NB have some nice stuff, you're just too pleb to have seen any of it

>> No.9085546

post some of it then bby

>> No.9085576
File: 60 KB, 675x468, Unique-Designs-Painted-on-Nike-Shoes-by-Daniel-Reese-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9085591 [DELETED] 

yes we can (chimp out)

>> No.9085619
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>> No.9085674
File: 204 KB, 1280x827, tumblr_mwumvaTLJW1qhoa53o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w h e r e t o c o p

>> No.9085681 [DELETED] 


>> No.9085747

>my own place
>better paying job
>a better physique
>better hair
>a girlfriend

>> No.9085756
File: 33 KB, 310x310, KanyeWest_070432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other Bitches

>> No.9085764

good thing those are all things you can get through hard work and effort, right anon

>> No.9085775


>> No.9085792

lotta asian ppl here huh

>> No.9085797


>> No.9085798

i'd like to be happy

>> No.9085801

fuckboy extraordinaire

>> No.9085802


depends where you are coming from

ye I almost feel like home
jk I'm not
I feel like I'm in indian embassy sometimes tho

>> No.9085869

:^( sorry man

>> No.9085878

gooks taking over white mans land

>> No.9085882

WTF!!!!!!!! NO!!!!

>> No.9085889


>> No.9085937

fuck off whitey

>> No.9085946

i'm not white though
no one is white they all got outbred lel

>> No.9086135

this girl is pretty hot
but you shouldn't watch the cute stuff when you don't have a gf


>> No.9086157

givenchy sucks though

>> No.9086199


Pls no

That's like buying old navy instead of banana republic

>> No.9086210

A Singer sewing machine and an overlock machine


Or a SLP leather jacket or chelseas

>> No.9086464
File: 8 KB, 200x251, 053 - ywLxs9z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gf or I guess I could settle with a job

>> No.9086473

A job

>> No.9086491

those shoes are for 9th grade tryhard girls

even the white ones don't look great because of the stupid eyes, if it was just a plain heart on the side the white ones would be alright

>> No.9086497

a gf

>> No.9086500

a job

if not

a gf

>> No.9086534

a gf

>> No.9086595

they were from a contest by toro y moi you cant find them

>> No.9086599

fucking pleb the eyes are what makes it cool
just a heart would be gay as hell
either no heart or heart with eyes

>> No.9086607

Board games, books, cash. I'd rather go thrifting or shop online than get some ill-fitting and ugly clothes I'll return anyway.

>> No.9087009

Are you serious bro? Like thats just a fucking rainjacket made out of plastic, if you honestly consider buying this for 1000$ you must be really stupid.

Supreme is a fad that will wear off and the north face will soon be exclusive to wanna be hiker-core fucks. Save your cash for something worthwile

>> No.9087015
File: 17 KB, 214x300, obama-down-214x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you man

>> No.9087030 [DELETED] 


>> No.9087038
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>> No.9087046


>> No.9087051

>mum asks me
>tell her a pair of shoes I want
>realise xmas is over a month away
>already bought them, i'll just go with her and buy a nice watch one day
>she says ok sounds good
>bought a watch today

People should just ask me a few days before christmas because I'm not a 13 year old so I just buy what I want when I want it.

>> No.9087068

invisible socks

crewneck tees

a nice haircut for once

>> No.9087131

supreme motion tee
reverse leather ramones
i love ugly zepsy sweats
dont be a bitch santa

>> No.9087139
File: 38 KB, 528x384, 1333773731649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feelin it

>> No.9087140

taking my bf out to a super fancy restaurant
shower my bf with a lot of gifts (mostly things that my bf needs but rarely buys)

i want margiela boots or sneakers, filippa k/acne/kenzo knitwear, blue isabel marant sneaker wedges and a black leather bag big enough for my laptop and some food

but all i truly want from my bf is a ring or necklace

>> No.9087438

My gf got me a Maison Kitsune sweat, but apart from that I don't know what I want. DFA1979 is playing in my city in February, so I might drop hints about seeing them.

>> No.9087451
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Gold chain and bonsai
nothing much

>> No.9088567


>> No.9088577

i want to take up photography; is that a good choice?

>> No.9088585


Converse, you fucktards.

They're mmm x CONVERSE for fuck's sake.

>> No.9088604

olympus is trash if youre serious.

canon or die

>> No.9088606

thanks dude which model?

>> No.9088633

if youre a beginner or jist a hobbyist you can get a new Rebel T5i body for $700, but youd still need a lens. you could get an older T4i or T3i full kit for ~$500 easy

>> No.9088697

>projecting your fetishes on a mongolian fashion board

>> No.9088734
File: 37 KB, 1024x576, where the fedora at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canon or die

>> No.9088739
File: 58 KB, 544x544, _88a0023-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small clutch/folio for carrying day-to-day shit.

>> No.9088742

merci beaucoup
Can you recommend any sites/resources for photography?

>> No.9088747

and what places sell those? ty

>> No.9088771

Desigual does similar stuff. I hate that aesthetic tho

>> No.9088916

A new guitar.
Maybe a Gibson SG faded, a PRS SE custom 24 or a fender telecaster.
I know these are really different but I'm hesitating due to the lack of reviews of the prs and the people hating on the SG faded and saying the standard is way better.

>> No.9088928

I have these in beige, best purchase of my life.

I really want the 2DS/Pokemon Omega Sapphire bundle

>> No.9088981
File: 677 KB, 800x1200, 1401392675530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girlfri-ah fuck it.

Pic related.

>> No.9088982

I want them in beige, why do you like em so much?

>> No.9089058

Looks like if spiderman made a parka

>> No.9089095

>wheat timbs
plz no timbs r kill

>> No.9089097

A nice coat and some boots ;_;, too bad everything is like $1000

got white gf, still need confidence

>> No.9089115

Damn those pants are great but those shoes just don't click with it, yet they are so close to being dope. Maybe a black pair of the same shoes?

>> No.9089201

i have the canon eos rebel t3i and its the best dslr ive worked with

>> No.9089217

lol canon lenses are trash but i own a t2i i like it i guess but i want a nikon or a mirrorless sony

>> No.9089220

ok what does kill mean? all my canadian friends say that or call and apparently they're the same thing

>> No.9089224

Gonna ask my parents for Max raws. I don't have rawjawns yet and it's in the price range of what they usually get me.

>> No.9089225

that's nice dear

>> No.9089232

You sound 13. Your parents still by you clothes,

>> No.9089262
File: 384 KB, 1136x1452, vintage-nike-franchise-hi-basketball-1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "lol they ripped cp's xD"

>> No.9089268

oral b 4000
gold bracelet
Adidas tubulars

>> No.9089277

I want her back

>> No.9089279


>> No.9089285

nothing tbh

>> No.9089286

Some books
Maybe a pair of boots

I think I'm sitting mock exams just before Christmas so a bunch of As would be great.

>> No.9089288

stop posting

>> No.9089406

just get timbs nigga damn

>> No.9089429

A new camera and blow dryer, pyjamas.

>> No.9089463

>not sleeping naked

>> No.9089689

it's cold at night anon

>> No.9089690

means they are kill

>> No.9089696

I wear pyjamas for non-sleeping.

>> No.9089833

Fuck you shane knubley

>> No.9089848

I really don't know. Maybe money. I'm in another country from my family for the second year in a row, so this christmas will be quite subdued again.

Money I guess would be good, then I could treat myself to something when I find something I like

>> No.9089878

If you're in Vancouver, and you visit Richmond, check Kokko in aberdeen if you ever want to look at designer shit. They have a pretty impressive collection

>> No.9089894


no u don't

>> No.9089910

kokko is a shitty fuccboi store

>> No.9089966

I just want my family to be happy, they won't but I'll still try.


>> No.9090039

Fucking GATS you can get them for like $40 on ebay

>> No.9090337

asians are fashionable

>> No.9090368

A nice boi pussy.

>> No.9090549

nobody even notices what you're wearing just wear whatever you want

>> No.9090562

but what if they do notice and then they make fun of me

>> No.9090568

underrated post

>> No.9090569

A fine bitch with a big ass.

>> No.9090582

its an Adidas parka

>> No.9090601

faded sg's are so sick, I love mine to death but they vary between them really bad, so play a bunch and find a nice one.

>> No.9090730

>if it was $1000
>considering buying at $1000

why dont people learn to read

>> No.9091122


>> No.9091128

try all the cool teen tumblr blogs it links to :)

>> No.9091130

i have bass squier mustang in all black pretty sexy but i havent played in a while cuz sk00l makin me too busy :(

>> No.9092171
File: 546 KB, 900x1200, col_iuPyuy_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit. Thanks dude. I found something very similar:

>> No.9092345

Long hair
Palace bomber

>> No.9092377

A nice pair of knit socks

>> No.9092397

> Surface 3 Pro
> dem CDG x Converse
> Daft Punk or Nicki Minaj 12" vinyl
> grey speckle janoskis

>> No.9092745

Thanks for the advice anon, I really like the look of the faded. I hope I'll find a good one.

>> No.9093312

god tier post

>> No.9093350
File: 58 KB, 640x820, Navy_Buck-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McNairy Navy Bucks.

Or a coat/jacket.

>> No.9093356

money, like always

>> No.9093785

>> Nicki Minaj vinyl

It's like buying shit wrapped in gold.

>> No.9093805

>meme shoes
2nd is good
good boy

>> No.9094378
File: 141 KB, 1500x1500, hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new pyrex piece

>> No.9094696


a laptop that can run half life mods like counterstrike and gmod

if not that, then hair that goes all the way until my ribcage, so another 15cms of growth. short hair makes me look like an angry boy.

>> No.9094919

Out of all the shit you could have posted you picked these? The toe box and heel loOK terrible, only the Hi is good and even then that bright red only works for black people which proves what he was saying about Nike being niggaaaaa shoes. Good job anon

>> No.9094943

A nice pair of jeans.

I don't need fucking acnes, I'm just tired of wearing these H&M's, I've been wearing them for over a year. Even those were a step up from the Target Denizens I've been stuck with my entire life.

>> No.9094966

my dog Frankie back :(

>> No.9094975


eh what

>> No.9095024
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Or a sewing machine.

>> No.9095032

I'm sorry
I'm sure he had a good life :)

>> No.9095037

I know that feel :(

>> No.9095040

dood a pair of levis is like $50 at most

>> No.9095042

i feel you
rip kory :c

>> No.9095048
File: 337 KB, 1667x1062, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger desk for studio
Represent clothing denim
Some new zanerobe tshirts

>> No.9095052

>a gf
>a pair of Y-3s
>a carton of cigarettes "hey, smoke up, johnny!"
unfortunately, I'm not going to get any of these

>> No.9095091
File: 165 KB, 800x507, tr-8_top_gal[1].jpg_itok=7IWj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and some new shoes and shirts probably a sterling ruby sweat

>> No.9095103

Speaking of christmas

my dad installs furnaces and shit for a living, and we live in Minnesota. His work jacket is looking raggedy as hell, so I figured I would get him a nice warm work jacket. What are some brands to look into for this kind of thing? It doesn't have to be too fashionable, just functional.

>> No.9095106


>> No.9095129

You, I like you.

>> No.9095144
File: 54 KB, 834x344, ss+(2014-11-17+at+10.19.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which of these should i get before they stop production
or skip

>> No.9095159

I have a carhartt arctic duck coat and it is fantastic in the cold, plus it is quite cheap yet is durable and will last years. They run large, so size down. I live in northern michigan and it kept me very warm all last winter when I had to work outside most of the time

>> No.9095174

get the ones without 200000000 hearts on them. i'd rec the white ones

>> No.9095181

i was thinking white hightops
is it socially acceptable to wear your jeans over the ankle part of the shoe or will people make fun of me?

>> No.9095193

yes, it's personal preference.
no offense but no one will make fun of you in real life for how you wear your pants. on /fa/ however.

>> No.9095199

Are you fucking serious? Is everyone who gets these ridiculous meme shoes 12 years old or something?
Fuck off.

>> No.9095256

>friend got 3 weeks of leave
>I have a car and a job now
I just wanna do cool shit like we used to back in highschool. I'm fucking pumped for him to get back.

>> No.9095270

he was my hunting doggy, and he died where he loved to be, I buried my revolver with him :)

>> No.9095281

Minnesota sucks
Move as quick as you can nigger

>> No.9095285

Squiers are actually great guitars, on par with the low priced Fender branded stuff, hell they basically use the same exact materials as the entry level Fender equivalents. Now at least, they used to have a pretty bad rep but it's gone now.

You can expect better QC from a $300 Squier than you can from a $2500+ Gibson in the year of our lord 2014

>> No.9095333


>> No.9095343

my 2 front teeth

>> No.9095347

that's pretty much any midrange laptop these days. same price as a nice knit.

>> No.9095369

beige high tops.

I have them, love em

>> No.9095900

idk, all i see is hba, boy london and mcm backpacks on just about every asian fob

>> No.9095927

1000 dollar meme jacket, rather but some designer piece

>> No.9096137
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>> No.9096207
File: 70 KB, 600x600, 17905_13765_dien-thoai-nokia-lumia-930-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beauty right here. And a Fatboy Qi charger for it (also in green)

>> No.9096344
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loli gf

>> No.9096374

If you're going to go for luxury design, then go for something you couldn't possibly do yourself in 30 mins.

>> No.9096378

then what you're wearing is too loud/you're unfit for being on this board

>> No.9096414

A feminine wardrobe.

>> No.9096417

To stop loving my ex

>> No.9096427

I want to learn how to design, specifically shoes

>> No.9097331

a cure for my sebhorreic dermatitis :(

>> No.9097337
File: 82 KB, 780x303, im so fucking done here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9097340

to be dead

>> No.9097387


>> No.9097862

New cardholder, my Il Busetto is dying.


>> No.9097882

santa pls this

>> No.9097886
File: 38 KB, 645x773, te dobre uczucie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9097891

What shoe size are you my man?

>> No.9097900

hold in there pal wait for the good times i feel you im in the same place

>> No.9097980
File: 33 KB, 520x382, mora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of mora knives, a bed, tarps, tools, food and shit like this.
Get on my edgy survivalist level.

>> No.9098003
File: 120 KB, 659x729, 1315865853100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pretty, leatherbound, hardcover edition of The Divine Comedy with complete illustrations.

>> No.9098013


if i can find a pair for under ~400 i'll cop

i know that sounds ridiculously low for geos but i know people who have bought multiple pairs for 300 and i'm not about to rip myself off

>> No.9098024

johannes bah kuhnke approves

>> No.9098088

Dont bother with any maschine but the first gen dude

>> No.9098282

What watch anon?

>> No.9098310

Levis 513 jeans. Tight enough so I can work in them without ripping them and without having to wear Walmart's Lee brand jeans etc.

Wool socks that actually keep my feet warm without needing to double up. Honestly, the winter is mild where I live. 45 degrees north of the equator.

Long john style underwear that are all warm and comfy to sleep in.

>> No.9098340

>Not Fuji
Full-on canikon faboi

>> No.9098511

My dog to be alive again

>> No.9098561
File: 81 KB, 787x828, 0ELtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to ayy lmao about bro

>> No.9098852

>Windows phone
not even once

>> No.9099323

tenga flipcup? not sure, its a tengo tho for sure, i used to own one similar

>> No.9099368

Top tier, I'm gonna be adding this to my Gaia and Juno :^)

>> No.9099501
File: 6 KB, 93x109, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cash for veng and 20k chins ;__;

>> No.9099533
File: 22 KB, 642x716, Feelamania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have this feel too

>> No.9099552

the thought of that makes me dick diamonds

>> No.9100842

>Recommending a brand which continues to release new iterations of models which still reuse old sensors with universally inferior dynamic range compared to their competitors.
>recommending a brand with one of the worst mirrorless camera over a brand which produces one of the best mirrorless camera on the market

>> No.9100848

What dslrs have you used anon? Canon rebels aren't the worst but aren't amazing either

>> No.9100862
File: 173 KB, 600x401, Aesop-Leather-Giftset-Inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe This, some Triple Welt Grensons & some Starcow x NB. I also wouldn't mind some OL shirts and that Akai Rhythm Wolf thingo, but maybe asking too much.

>> No.9102193

Jokes on you faggot.

These are extremely fucking rare.

If I ever see them I would write it in my diary.

>> No.9102200
File: 46 KB, 640x480, Photoon2010-01-31at19512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents.

>> No.9102214


>> No.9102243


>> No.9102248

Hey man don't get your hopes up too much.

>> No.9102251

s-sam always delivers

>> No.9103876
File: 8 KB, 200x158, goawayfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9103892
File: 155 KB, 970x886, literally dont exist in my size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9103897

What size? I want the black lows so bad, but they're fucking non-existent.

>> No.9103902

mens 5

>> No.9103914


>> No.9105383


I moved to the West Coast from Minnesota, and I'd totally go back.
The only real thing I hate is the lack of any decent stores. Nowhere to cop good shit.
Plus there's a decent number of qts there, and most people dress like shit for the aforementioned reason, so its easy to stand out.

>> No.9105386


That's some pretty classically patrician taste there.

>> No.9105414

the box is nicer than the shoe

>> No.9105419

black lo top by shoes like pottery

they ain't even that much, but everyone online (US) has been sold out for like 6 months

>> No.9105558

pretty much this

>> No.9105587

> canon

>> No.9105904

holy FUCK

>> No.9105943
File: 1.84 MB, 4128x2322, 20141120_101930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb tier

> telecaster master race reporting

>> No.9105973
File: 352 KB, 720x416, 1381180580871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9105980

that sucks yo, hope you get rid of it soon

>> No.9105998

Dude, w2c?

>> No.9106004

Welp, there ya go.

>> No.9106101
File: 1.62 MB, 1397x630, C&C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9107609

>not liking teles

>> No.9107808
