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/fa/ - Fashion

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9072302 No.9072302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have another good feels thread, everyone remembers at least one good mirin

>end of class
>grab my scarf I took off at the beginning and swing it around my neck
>toss my coat on over
>grab back pack and swing it over my shoulder, in the motion of putting it on my other arm I get interrupted by a girl to my left
>"Anon your clothes look so warm"
>I respond, "Thanks, they're definitely doing their job today."
>"I want to be in them"
>"I just want to be you"
>I laugh and say thanks

I think I experienced something but I'm not sure what.

>> No.9072309

I bet that felt good but you went full beta.
Talk to her asap you faggot.

>> No.9072313

nah she was a 4/10, just a nice compliment

>> No.9072320

>>"I want to be in them"
>>"I just want to be you"
who the fuck talks like this?

>> No.9072329

> >>"I want to be in them"
> >>"I just want to be you"
> who the fuck talks like this?

thirsty motherfuckers of both genders I suppose

>> No.9072335

The people in the anime he just watched

>> No.9072336

who says what in this convo? Im confused

>> No.9072362


>you're retarded

>> No.9072370

>I'm using greentext wrong

>> No.9072374

What are good scarves? I need one but have no idea what to cop and not..
This is now a scarf thread

>> No.9072375



>> No.9072382

so you say " I just want to be you" to yourself and then laugh and thank yourself?
that's not very fashionable of you.

>> No.9072435
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> go to friends bday dinner
> reservations are in 40 minutes, we go for a walk outside
> chilly dewy night
> wearing my new Chippewas
> wearing my new herringbone trousers
> wear my new scarf with my old denim jacket
> turn up my collar and smoke a cigarette
> mfw nicotine kicks in and I'm cozy as fuck

>> No.9072452

>meet a friend who i dont know that well wearing undercoverism and i love ugly
>looks me up and down and starts saying "i like this. and i like this. and this. you always look sick anon"
>tfw confidence skyrockets

>> No.9072506

>wearing HBA
>get compliments from gay black dudes.
>I understand.

>> No.9072539

>i love ugly

hahahaha i'd rather get compliments from someone who wears Uniqlo. At least they'd have taste, lmaooo

>> No.9072540
File: 133 KB, 354x363, feels-good-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw friends always compliment the way I look
>mfw lots of female friends and a gf
>mfw friends dress well and original
>mfw they usually wear lots of color and I wear mostly black+dark color so I always stand out

>> No.9072541

> decide to trim my beard last night
> immediately full of regret as i look at myself
> cry myself to sleep
> wake up, go to work
>get out of my car, go to my trunk
> guy I've never seem before (office is like a thousand people) approaches me
>"wow your hair is amazing, you look really good"

I think he's gay. I'm not gay, but it still made me feel really good. I was pretty upset. Inb4 sounds like your gay

>> No.9072553

Sounds like your gay

>> No.9072578
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>Get complimented on certain items of clothing
>One of the best dressed people in my school
>Poor with no money
>Just got a job
>Bout to be outchea

>> No.9072583

White girls

>> No.9072926
File: 553 KB, 805x888, Real Feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw grills always complimenting fits
>tfw guys always accusing me of being gay

Such is life in backwater indiana

>> No.9072952

>tfw friends always say really nice things about my clothes
>not sure if it's just because they know how much they cost
at least i get a fair amount of compliments from strangers though :^)

>cold weather cozy coffeshop feels

>> No.9072963

219. I know that feel man.

>> No.9072980

When ur walking past a girl with her boyfriend and she gives you that stare as you walk past while her bf is none the wiser.

good feel

>> No.9073065

>TFW girls compliment you on clothing choice
>but then a guy compliments you and it's literally the best feeling ever because you earned their admiration

I feel super awkward but I just say thank you.

>> No.9073110

>hanging out with a friend and his sister
>just got hair cut (buzzed short on sides and back, tall on top
>wearing plain burgundy v neck with charcoal chinos and flips
>anon your hair looks great
>I love that color on you, compliments your skin so well
>where can I get pants like those?

>> No.9073122

>tfw you give the other well dressed guy that sup head nod
>tfw a girl with her boyfriend peeps ur fit

>> No.9073147

go on asos and look for scarves and snoods

>> No.9073156
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Is the "sup head nod" a nod up or down?

Sorry to break it anon, but you aren't standing out. You're blending in.

>> No.9073160

this story is pretty stupid
>got a haircut about a month ago, it's a yung leo with an undercut more or less
>went to bar with a friend before we went clubbing with some other friends
>she said:"hey cool you got your hair cut, your sides are like almost shaved...

... i don't think i like it"
>a few hours later in the club, pretty faded at this point, talked with some qts, was p cool, good vibes all around
>this dude randomly comes up to me and tells me:"yo man you have the coolest hair ever seriously!" etc, being really nice to me and shit
>i remember saying "thanks man!" a lot and i was really happy

there was also this girl at some other party and she kept complimenting my fit and that was p cool i guess.

other postive feels: i've seen like 3 really really good concerts the past 2 months and i've been in a really good mood lately :)

>> No.9073169

>it's suddenly cold as fuck where I live
>I can now justify wearing a scarf around my neck in such a way that it also covers my face
>feel much less insecure as I walk around campus cause people won't recognize me if they think I look stupid
Le epic social anxiety meme :)

>> No.9073184

that's pretty cool but
>tfw you will never be young leo :(

what concerts?

>> No.9073193

what concerts? :)

>> No.9073208

>tfw you will never be young leo :(
definite bummer :(

concerts were: menzingers with andrew jackson jihad & smith street band (with 2 other bands i didnt really care that much for),
balance and composure with seahaven & moose blood,
and joyce manor with great cynics & cheap girls

>> No.9073215

I don't know any of those bands. How do I cop a taste in music?

>> No.9073222

sounds like your gay

>> No.9073223

down for strangers, up for friends

>> No.9073228

yag ruoy ekil sdnuos

>> No.9073233

>wearing t-shirt of a local band
>order a pizza
>delivery man recognizes the shirt
>become buds

>> No.9073238

knird etirovaf rouy rof ksa tndid i

>> No.9073239

ajj nice

definitely don't go go /mu/, they just circlejerk like 5 different bands constantly
do you have a last.fm? you could get a lot out of starting there and just checking out different recommended artists. what do you like?

>> No.9073246
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>catch girl mirin
>ignore her and don't acknowledge her staring at all
>she comes over and starts a conversation

>> No.9073251

fucking around a lot i guess. i genuinely don't remember how i got past entry level stuff like weezer (for example). tumblr definitely helps me with discovering cool shit from time to time. last.fm helps you find similar bands to the ones you like, and i think (a very small minority on) ultimate-guitar helped to check out new stuff. /mu/ is cool too from time to time.

really you just kinda have to waste a lot of time listening to stuff i guess.

sorry i cant help you bruh :(

>> No.9073265

ʎɐb ɹnoʎ ǝʞıן spunos

>> No.9073281

>in chem eng lab
>look up and see girl staring at me
>look away
>5 minutes later look up again and she is looking at me again
>walk by 5 minutes later and she gives a small smile

jokes on her because im telepathic and know she thinks im an ugly creep and is staring at me like a monkey in the zoo

>> No.9073283

Got a job at a really good clothing store that I really like and I can't wait to cop all these Rogue Territory and Filson pieces at cost. Also, I'm about to up my shower and candle game cause we have all this Malin+Goetz.

It's helping me get out of my recent depression which is good.

>> No.9073300

Posted this once before but whatever

>on my way to work
>see two girls crossing the street
>make eye contact with them but it's just a passing glance
>they both smile
>I pass by them both and one of them yells back to me
>laugh and walk away

I had to get to work so I was in a rush but if something like that happens again, what do I do?

>> No.9073309

yeah this conversation makes no sense

>> No.9073313

this nigga has next level autism if this is considered a normal conversation

seek help

>> No.9073321

Were they thirteen?

>> No.9073329
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>qt guy with rainbow bracelet compliments your gloverall coat
>too autistic to really respond and just mutter something i dont remember and then walk away

>> No.9073334

They were highschool for sure. Probably 16 I'd say. I'm 18 right now so its not weird I think

>> No.9073340

I know what you're talking about but I like going to /mu/ for the chart threads so I can cop recs from people who like the same stuff as I do. You just gotta ignore the shitposting

>> No.9073386

how much past retail experience did you have? and was it just a matter of asking for openings and handing them your resume?

>> No.9073448

I'll post one from 4 years ago since I'm apparently too unapproachable for compliments these days

>high school ends
>get on bus to go the fuck home
>kids on bus staring as I walk through
>good or bad?
>"anon you always have the best outfits"
>"yeah we talk about your clothes all the time, sorry is that's creepy heheh"
>confirmed good

>> No.9073450
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I had a thought: nodding your head up exposes the neck, and you'd only make yourself vulnerable around people you trust (friends). And nodding the head down and looking at the ground is a sign of submission, at least subconsciously.

I like songs with clever lyrics that rhyme. I dislike repetitive songs. I cannot name any particular artists or songs, but I have enjoyed some pop and rap songs which have meaningful lines. I've listened to a few dubstep playlists, and I like the ones that aren't slow, don't have a gay female voice mixed in, and do have a lot of that wuwuwuwu and screeching stuff. Like I said, I have no taste in music.

I have Spotify on my iPad; is that similar to last.fm?

>> No.9073496

I've worked for Barneys New York(the one that was in Dallas) and Rag&Bone. I've done all sorts of other stuff in the industry too like styling and merchandising. My friend told me they were hiring and I called and sent them my resume and I had the gig three days later. Stores not open yet though, I'm helping them get all their stock put up and tagged before we open next week.

>> No.9073515

hmmm maybe you should go to /mu/. but if you do just stick to sharethreads and download stuff that has tags that appeal to you. be very careful not to get sucked into the extremely toxic attitudes of that board

last.fm is like a social media site for music. it tracks what you listen to and recommends stuff based on that. it's cool.

>> No.9073526

Fair enough. Any tips for someone wanting to begin working at clothing stores but with little to no experience?

>> No.9073531

>be me at party at my friends house
>be drinking and shit
>give his sister a beer
>we start talking
>fast forward to 3 am
>party dieing down everyone leaving
>end up cuddling with his sister all night
>she drunkenly says how she loves the way i dress and that i cleaned my self up a lot the last year
> feelsgoodman.png

>> No.9073540

>go on rateyourmusic.com
>click 'charts'
>type out genres you have interest in or might have interest in
>learn to narrow searches to find more recent stuff or in between stuff
>look at lists of albums that you like
>keep exploring

>> No.9073547

>hey anon why do you always sit with those three guys
>youre like the mischievous one of the group

idk how to feel

>> No.9073548
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I don't think any board could be more self-deprecating and insecure than /fa/, but I could be wrong.

I'll sign up for last.fm and give it a shot.

Is Taylor Swift effay by the way? I used to have a lot of songs from her, and Linkin Park when I was in middle school. She looks kinda funny though.

>> No.9073550

100% she wants the nut sack

>> No.9073563

GF graduated college yesterday and walked by Footlocker to check if they had her size in Air Force 1 Mids youth model (she's been wanting them for a while but always sold out). They had one pair in her size and they were having an unadvertised 25% off store-side sale. Was a nice surprise/feeling.

>> No.9073574

>meme shoes

>> No.9073585


nigga r u from dallas?

>> No.9073601

>told a girl wang x h&m looks retarded
>might've hurt her feelings

>> No.9073602

Meh, I'm not the one wearing them. Whatever makes her happy.

>> No.9073610
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>nicotine kicks in

How sad is your life?

>> No.9073614

You're a good guy anon.

I think this board is getting to me. I judge people based on their choice of clothing. I shouldn't do this.

>> No.9073634

fucking lmao

>> No.9073644

Depends on where you live and what you want out of it. I'd say see if there's a Neimans in your town, try there. Or, go to places you like and ask to talk to a manager and tell him about your brand knowledge and how much you actually know and care about the product. If you can't sell yourself you can't sell clothes.

>> No.9073660

what happened prior to this last year?

>> No.9073663
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/mu/ actually likes taylor swift

i think she is /fa/ sometimes, like when she had straight hair that one time and this heroin-chic cover she did

>> No.9073669

she's baking her hair into the pie she's making for op as we speak

>> No.9073674

574 here
where u at?

>> No.9073676

Yeah nigga, sup?

>> No.9073698


we should have a dallas /fa/ meetup

>> No.9073706


>moose blood

They did a split with another band I really like Departures, how were they I'd love to see them but I'm stuck in portland.

>> No.9073733

Lol who would go? I know a bunch of dallas dudes who are super fashionable, though. None of them browse /fa/ though. What part of town do you live in? I'm off lower greenville.

>> No.9073735
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I haven't listened to her new album yet, so I will probably do that soon. I hope the lyrics rhyme.

I think she's ugly in the photos where she isn't airbrushed, but in a pretty way if you know what I mean.

>> No.9073745
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last year i kinda disappeared never talked to anyone deleted all social media lost a lot of weight and started dressing way better.
her compliment hit home with me because she is the type of person who would never admit anything like that

>> No.9073753

>a few girls like me, they're all pretty qt
>this has made my self image shoot up
>flirt with them, only to reject them and build them up again
>continuously lead them on
>see girl that is not as qt, but for some reason is really cute to me
>i know i'm out of her league, but for some reason i cant build up the courage to talk to her
bad Feel

>> No.9073758

>out at a bar doing a quiz night with friends
>guy comes over and says my hoodie is cool
>asks to take a picture of it
>he's drunk but whatever
>nice feels

>> No.9073759 [DELETED] 
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After weeks of crushing on eachother I got asked out by a qt 3.14 indie girl with died hair and hipster glasses.

>tfw we were going to see TWIABP together but she can't miss work

>> No.9073764


>wearing black/dark colors
>wanting to stand out


>> No.9073778


i live in north university park

age? sex?

>> No.9073785
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>weird girl you know just posted a picture on instagram where you can see her boobs through her shirt

>> No.9073792

23 male. You go to SMU or something?

>> No.9073793

Lol, you sound like a punkass.

>> No.9073810

happened a few months ago

>end of Saturday night done party hopping with friends
>drunkenly stumbling to McDonalds
>qt3.14 and her boyfriend are walking in opposite direction
>girl starts freaking out and tugging boyfriend's shirt, tries to whisper in his ear while looking at me
>"I see that guy everywhere on campus"
>"he's so fashionable"
>walk past, and I glance behind me and she's checking me out


>> No.9073845
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>leave house for first time in a week to get haircut
>guy cutting my hair asks me what movies I like to watch
>wind up talking about Park Chan-Wook and Thomas Anders Jensen films
>was good haircute

Overall chill person.

>> No.9073855

P. good taste. Strangely enough my favorite Park Chan-Wook film is "I am a Cyborg, but that's OK".

>> No.9073856

Sounds like you had a overall pleasant interaction with someone you may or may not see again in the future.

>> No.9073859

Aww shit Annon made me feel all jaloux


>> No.9073888
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People thinking you're gay stories? I'll start

>In a club, randomly hit it off with some girl
>She's okay I guess, better than nothing
>Dancing around with her and whatevs
>Things seem to be heating up
>She kind of scans me and asks if I'm gay
>"What? no"
>Continue on, I didn't really mind much
>"You sure you're not gay?"
>"No, stop asking"
> Ended up making out with her and fooling around literally to shut her up

It was weird, like she tricked me into it by questioning my sexuality

>> No.9073897

I've gotta try this sometime lol

>> No.9073961

I've always thought it as up for acknowledgement, down for respect

>> No.9074020
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>see 6'4" blonde qt I met at a concert at the school cafeteria
>he still remembers me
>exchange numbers
>he asks me what kind of music I like
>we go out for coffee the next day and end up chatting for a long time
>planning to go to an art gallery sometime soon

>> No.9074056


I smoke like a pack a month so i never stop getting that smoker's high. No need to be jealous

>> No.9074260

>talking to a customer at work
>she starts asking personal questions
>seems very interested in me
>she says she likes my personality and I come off as genuine
>feels good man
>she says her husband owns a company
>they want to meet me for coffee tomorrow to see if I would be a good fit

Fuck yes an out from my mediocre retail job.

The compliment really made my day.

>> No.9074269


Love random networking. Hope something good comes out of it.

>> No.9074283

>see myself passing by in window
>feel ok with how I look but then I remember that i'm socially inept and suck at everything
>fun while it lasted

>> No.9074290

>basically only cop and wear thriftshitbecause poorfag
>get complimented on the daily
>also have thick ass red hair
>no poo makes it look good as fuck
>girls always tell me they like it when I just leave it as bed head

>> No.9074300

Happened to me before
Girl swore I was gay because I didn't wanna sleep with her
Bitch you're ugly and gross

>> No.9074310
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>tfw the only girl you've ever loved just got engaged
hAHAHHA hahahahaha

>> No.9074322
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>> No.9074326

Thanks for the good vibes

I would love to take a step or two up in my life.

>> No.9074328

i'm sorry man. girls are pretty little bosoms of intense sadness.

>tfw the only girl you've ever loved is mentally ill and got forcefully moved to the other side of the world
>tfw she likes me and we would almost definitely be together if not for 19,000km between us
I don't have any real friends other than her either. kinda lonely.

>> No.9074335

I seriously want to drop everything and just go travel. around the world.

>tfw poorfag

>> No.9074347

don't we all?
my happiest recentish times were spent surrounded by foreign strangers in vietnam. i'm also a poorfag, intl. flights were the only major expense because i went full backpackermode.

>> No.9074353
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>"Anon have you ever choked a girl in bed?"
>"I never been in a bed with a girl"
>people think Im joking, "haha youre so funny anon"
>people think Im joking

>> No.9074402

what are u 12
smokers high???


>> No.9074552 [DELETED] 

cara eyebrows

>> No.9074572

Is your gf A. Wang?

>> No.9074595

wait I wanna do this but Im so scared of getting out of my comfort zone

where did u sleep and eat? did u know the language? how did u manage?

>> No.9074630

congrats anon-kun, maybe you'll finally grow out of that autism.

>> No.9074637

you've got to be the biggest idiot in this thread. what are you 15?

>> No.9074643
File: 58 KB, 950x534, 1409130955108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk into boutique or a clothing store downtown
>about to walk out, employee intercepts
>"excuse me, I'd like to thank you for walking in and checking us out. We found you have the *store name* look and if you would like to join the team..." and so on
>one visit on a market street shop in San Fran really made me feel bad that I didn't live there

It's my dream to work in a big city boutique ;_;

O-one day...

>> No.9074683

Post it

>> No.9074694

>getting something shipped internationally by canada post
>about $83 for tracked shipping with delivery confirmation
>estimated arrival on the 18th
>wake up and check the tracking number this morning, says it's arrived in the country, half way to destination
>notice something on my doorstep, it's the package, signature sticker completely ignored
>open it up and there's like 5 spiders in there
they even got the postcode wrong, oh well at least it's here

never again

>> No.9074708

>open it up and there's like 5 spiders in there

Burn it they will have laid eggs in your sick cop

>> No.9074715

Your dream is a retail job? Think bigger, buddy.

>> No.9074752

lmao you sound like my faggot friend whenever he asks for my atomizer "dude lemme get a nic high so I can deal with people today"

>> No.9074756


Majoring in electrical engineering, I already work in my field before my fourth year. But, get this, old dreams die hard.

>> No.9074763

>buying a pair of shoes a week
>after I cop a pair I see another one like better
>I have 15 pairs now


>> No.9075047
File: 228 KB, 1077x1342, VictimofDownSyndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>senior in highschool
>theres a college fair today I decide to go check it out
>I walk over to the table for Columbia College and ask the lady there about their fashion design program
>she talks to me for a while about it, and then asks me who my favorite designer is.
>"Alexander McQueen" I respond
>"Heh heh, top pleb" a voice from behind me says.
>I turn around and am immediately assailed by a foul odor
>a short chubby boy is standing there, wearing what appears to be zara and fabrixsquare, his hair is a greasy nest put up into some kind of bun, his face a mishmash of skin disorders
>"Rick Owens is my favorite designer. Raf Simons, Rick Owens, usually what I'm dressed in" he mumbles
>"How nice" says the women, with a strange twinkle in her eye.
>She extends her hand as if to shake his.
>as he reaches for it she quickly grasps his arm while simultaneously plunging one hand into his pocket
>"Just as I suspected" she growls
>releasing the fat manlet, she reaches up and removes the mask.
>oh fuck, its rick
>"those pockets aren't large enough to hold one sandwich" he says as he removes the dress he'd been wearing as part of his disguise, revealing the heavy geobaskets beneath.
>the fat manlet poser begins to back away
>"I-I'm Sorr-" he stutteres, but before he has time to even finish his sentence Rick is upon him
>In a black and white flash his head has been crushed underneath the enormous weight of his gigantic sneakers, blood spills everywhere
>Rick Stands up without a word, slowly walking to the door
>As he moves by he lightly brushes me whispering
>"you can't trick the Rick"
>The college fair resumes as normal
>the janitors clean up the mess
>As I begin to leave a terrifying thought crosses my mind
>I check my pockets
>My wallet, my phone, my spare black jeans

>> No.9075052
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>tfw when the girl you loved hates you AND YOU CANT FORGET HER

>> No.9075087
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>saw a korean qt wearing NB 996s today
>no idea how to approach because I absolutely cannot communicate with fobs

man, I need to start learning other languages

>> No.9075139

>new #menswear store opened recently
>basically got the best clothing my small town can offer
>go there every time when I'm in the area
>bought several pieces, all really good
>shop workers remember me and greet me like a friend
not sure how to feel

>> No.9075166

>I just want a qt effay gf who I can make fun of people's outfits with.

>> No.9075178
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>Be me yesterday
>Be walking home with regular mate, and one qt girl from class that was walking the same way
>Was going to have coffee with mate, but his mom got run over, and he had to rush to the hospital suddenly. (It was hectic as fuck)
>After he left, girl was kind of shook at the experience of my mate just rushing off, so I asked if she wanted to grab a coffee and talk, to which she said yes
>Talked to her for like 3 hours
>When I got home yesterday she wrote to me on facebook
>"Anon, why don't we talk more at school?"

Good feels all around

>> No.9075185

>like a friend

You're just a cash cow to them m8.

>> No.9075190

last time i got chummy with a store owner he helped land me a job (with no relation to the store)

>> No.9075193

They are going to kill you and keep your body in their freezer. Shit like that happens all the time.

>> No.9075194

god youre all so pathetic

>> No.9075196

these feels made me feel good m9
i hope you're m9 is okay too

>> No.9075200

>tfw the only girl you ever loved was born with roses in her eyes
>tfw they buried her alive

>> No.9075208

It's actually pretty serious. She's broke a few ribs, her arm and a leg, as well as being badly bruised up. Her condition is stable though, so that's good atleast.

>> No.9075225

only 'decent' stuff going on rn
>standing with crew
>notice tall qt with nice fit, great legs
>never seen her before
>she sits right in front of me, so have view of her
>just happens to be the day where i feel good about my fit, doesn't always happen
>think she was looking at me quite a lot, but not sure
>go about my day
>walk through hall later, going to fill my water bottle
>see her
>walks past me, make eye contact for good few seconds

genuinely the first time in a long while i've really lusted tbh. i catch girls mirin often, but mostly basic bitches. don't know what next move is, but we'll see

>> No.9075227

when girls look at you, that's because youre staring at them. you cannot know they are looking at you without yourself constantly doing the same thing. girls arent hungry for cock the way you're desperate to have sex, theyre just trying to go about their lives

>> No.9075234


this isn't true. why would girls differ from guys in this aspect?

>> No.9075238

because guys are thirsty as fuck. source: this thread. girls dont talk like this. hear so many horror stories about thirsty guys creeping on my gf/creeping on friends who are girls and it all sounds like the shit im seeing in this thread

>> No.9075254

>tfw no qt anne frank gf

>> No.9075268
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>just wait until university, youll come out of your shell
>everything will be fine, youll be able to reinvent yourself and youll have tons of friends

>> No.9075421


>tfw I notice bad fits everywhere, even in movies.

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.9075446

why are most of the feels in this thread about girls noticing you are y'all really that desperate

thirsty randos

>> No.9075709

> Go to party city
> Browsing face paints
> An employee taps on my shoulder and hands me a folded piece of paper
> A girl gave it to him and asked him to give me her number
> Checkout without a word

My relationship goals are a fucking wreck anyway. I have one younger girl who connects well emotionally and wants to be with me and one insanely attractive girl my age that wants to be together as well. What do you do when two brilliant, sexy women want the dick?

>> No.9075778
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>one day youll close your eyes and wont ever have to open them again

>> No.9075792

I imagine it's sort of like a really dream.

>> No.9075794

this feel

>> No.9075830

blurt stuff out to all girls that do this to you.
i thought i'd be able to when a really good one finally started noticing me, but since i had 0 practice i couldnt do it

>> No.9075834

Being dead is like sleeping forever and dreaming? No. Your brain activity stops. You won't experience any of it. It's just eternal blackness.

>> No.9075839

that's so cool.

>> No.9075846

>Walking home from school
>Kid makes fun of me because my hair is longer than my sister

Just kidding I am not a fucking beta kid got a good beating

>> No.9075862

>It's just eternal blackness.
no it's not.

being dead feels just like what it was like before u were born

>> No.9075875

You didn't feel anything before you were born. It's non-existence. It's nothingness. Don't turn this into a useless debate. You know what I meant.

>> No.9075878
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This happened today
>Wearing about an outfit worth about 900€
>Leave train station
>hobos begging for money outside
I felt bad :v(

>> No.9075892


>> No.9075912

exactly. its not eternal blackness, it's just nothingness

>> No.9075920
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>buy food
>too depressed to eat

Well at least this qt whom I had a crush can't keep her eyes off me this past few days for some reason.

>> No.9075933


>> No.9075943

you aint got that fa egoistic attitude, it's probably good tho.

>> No.9075977
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>went to a training session for a job
>only male in the sesh
>no other man to look better than
>got compliments that I was cute
>wasn't feeling it because I was the only standard present

>> No.9075981

They're probably all shit

>> No.9075996

22 f, yeah, you?

>> No.9076000
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I'm glad someone else remembers this dumb joke.

>> No.9076013

>being this gullible
holy shit she tricked you into kissing her. how dumb are you?

>> No.9076020

are you gay :^)

>> No.9076032

/mu/ does not like taylor swift
Her music is objectively terrible, and the only people who like her have a containment thread of circlejerking mentally stunted stalkers

>> No.9076046

I'm not the guy you replied to, but I can answer for him. If you're travelling on a low budget, you can stay in hostels / motels intended for backpackers. They're usually located downtown, so you will be able to reach tourist destinations etc. easily.

Food is cheap in other countries. A lot cheaper, and a lot less processed too.

You don't need to know the language. Everybody speaks English. If you're visiting a village or hiking a mountain or something, join a tour and there will be a tour guide.

How do you manage? Well, if you want to travel, you just do it. Just don't have a mental breakdown and appreciate what the world has to offer and you'll be okay.

>> No.9076055
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>not particularly beautiful or fa
>since 1 year like 99% look gross to me, except some 16yrs old girl I meet daily on the bus
I can't stand it anymore