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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 400x600, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9065624 No.9065624 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9065632
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>> No.9065633

I like how shorts+leggings looks, but what is the real function of the shorts in that ensemble?

>> No.9065641

Keep crotch and ass warm

>> No.9065647

so that your junk impression isn't on show

>> No.9065658
File: 19 KB, 460x460, AS-GYAKUSOU-DF-UTILITY-LONG-TI-658485_071_A_PREM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in one

>> No.9065695

Its for people who are unaware of the existence of track/running pants

>> No.9065757

no it's a layering style that originated from runners in japan according to something i read in monocle magazine

>> No.9066130

Stop. Just stop with the fucking forced techwear meme. The fact that this thing has been going on for such a long time shows how much cock /fa/ really sucks. Is that effay? Are my hideous workers clothes fucking effay? NO! Same thing.

Now let me tell you that you people are on the road of getting doomed. DOOMED! And when I say doomed,I MEAN IT! I'd rather spend time on a fucking /b/ loli horse cock fucking thread or some /mu/ garbage. I know none of you actually like this HIDEOUS excuse for fucking serious clothing. Everyone knows it. You only like it because you're so insecure about yourselves and actually fucking care what /fa/ tells you. You might see people on the street wearing techwear, and to that I just say : "they fucking fell for it",because they are obviously browsing this HIDEOUS general, and that only shows one how huge /fa/,and in particular techwear generals have become. And to that, I just say : "Fuck off,hideous bastards!".

Kill yourselves if you can't let go of it, sincerely, me.

>> No.9066136

funny how it's 0% arguments 100% cock-a-doodle-doo-ing

>> No.9066147
File: 349 KB, 799x535, 1354884965465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did this epic meme happen? This is the first time I've seen it posted

>> No.9066160

for me, it covers my junk and the leggings don't provide any warmth (well mine done) but it helps protect from the sun

>> No.9066162

Some edgy autistic/trolling tripfag posted it like yesterday in a shitty techwear thread I think

>> No.9066190

It's comfy

>> No.9066242

>Stop. Just stop with the fucking forced techwear meme. The fact that this thing has been going on for such a long time shows how much cock /fa/ really sucks. Is that effay? Are my hideous workers clothes fucking effay? NO! Same thing.

>> No.9066380
File: 36 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


erlsn is the king

>> No.9066420


Now I'm really curious to find out what you think is good. Is it going to be "timberlands, hoody and cap", #menswear or /mfa/?

Don't leave us hanging!

>> No.9066490

can you not respond to the bait you idiots

>> No.9066597


Need me some cargos like that. Best place to cop in the UK?

>> No.9066618

Newsflash there isn't. It just looks cool, like 80% of techwear fits.

>> No.9066681

any neat winter caps? was looking at REI's looked neat but had ugly silver buttons.

>> No.9066723

is that a rick parka ?

>> No.9066760
File: 43 KB, 400x600, acronym_J38_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Others have nailed this, but for me it's to avoid the dick silhouette and because it helps block wind (v. windy here). Also it's a good transition between a jacket and legs.


It's not a meme, it's a name given to a loose genre of clothing and style. I think 90% of the name is being able to google, buy and communicate what you are talking about and what you are looking for. As much as you think, it's not a /fa/ exclusive.

It's effective though isn't it? Someone says techwear and you know what they mean. Someone says streetwear or hipster and there are numerous interpretations and it's unclear. In that way the name is very efficient :].

Please no discussion about techwear 'philosophy' or other BS.

Can anyone tell me how consistent ACRN is in reissuing similar models season to season? I missed out on my fav when I had the dough and I'm wondering if I should wait or start looking 2nd hand.

This is seriously my favorite cut and styling of a jacket of all time.

>good materials / manufacturing origin / company origin
>perfect penis length (coverage)
>maintains manly V body shape (fits: profile)
>subtle amount of SS styling (glossy sleeve shoulder is nxtlvl)
>unaffordable to plebs

>> No.9066811
File: 87 KB, 991x592, Levis_511_Commuter_Cargo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These arrived and they are much nicer than I expected. I wear 510's often and 501's to work, so I know what to expect from Levi's. I basically regard levi's as 5/10 aka the standard by which others jeans are to be judged. Keep in mind I pay around $30-$40 a pair on sale in the US for the aforementioned.

These pants are pretty damn awesome. I was worried they wouldn't be skinny enough and would need to be tapered. They're good that way, but I have hockey calfs. For skeletors it might be too slim. Nanosphere coated if you were unaware, which works good under a sprinkle, doesn't stand up as easily to pouring fluid / heavy spills. Nanosphere isn't worth it for the name alone, but it's a bonus on pant's like these. I paid ~$65. I took them rollerblading (very crotch intensive on clothing) and they performed admirably. They are scented and have a little patch of 3M reflecting tape too. I give them an 8/10 overall. It pains me to know they are discontinued, I may cop a 2nd pair for storage seeing as they're so cheap...

For reference I own Maharishi and Outlier as well.

>> No.9066817

shorts and leggings is not 'techwear' though. it's a style of layering that came from runners in japan

>> No.9066824
File: 568 KB, 923x595, 5hed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where can I get 3/4 techwear pants?

>> No.9066835

Stopu. Just uh stopu with uh ta fuckingu forssed techuwear meme desu. Te fact that this thingu has uh beenu going uh on for uh such a long timu shows howu muchu cocku /fa/ really sucku. Is uh dat effay? Are uh my hideous workers clothes fucking effay desu? NO! Same uh thingu desu-ne.

今、私はあなたの人々は運命に結婚の道路上にあることを教えてみましょう。 DOOMED!私は運命と言うとき、私はそれを意味する!私はむしろクソ/ B /ロリ馬のコッククソスレッドまたは一部/ MU /ごみに時間を費やすだろう。私はクソ深刻な衣類のためにこの恐ろしい言い訳のように実際にあなたのどれも知らない。誰もがそれを知っている。唯一のそれのようにあなたはあなたが/ FAは/あなたを伝え何ので、自分自身に不安と実際にクソケアだから。あなたはtechwearを着て路上で人々が表示される場合があり、そしてそれに、私はちょうど言う:"彼らはクソそれのために落ちた」、彼らは明らかにこの恐ろしい一般を閲覧されているので、それが唯一の方法の巨大な/ FA/を示しており、特定のtechwear将軍でとなっている。そのために、私はちょうど言う:"、恐ろしいできそこないをオフにファック!」。
Killu yourselvu iffeh you can't let go offu it uh, sinceru, me.

>> No.9066862
File: 5 KB, 191x263, moleskine bomber from Exploder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close, it's the Rick Owens moleskin bomber.

>> No.9066869

>been checking ebay for these for some time now
>inseam always 30
Why in the fuck
Did they not make 32 ones or was this some number one manlet fashion pant last year?

>> No.9066881

What model of Maharishi pants do you own and how do you like them?

>> No.9066883
File: 57 KB, 625x468, feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be 5'10 prince of manlets
>30 is my jelly

>> No.9066885

umm u realise there are so many 30s on ebay because all the 32s got sold out? manlets arent buying these..

>> No.9066887

Good for you m8
I think I could just rock 30 inseam ones but sitting down with them would look goofy and I can say goodbye wearing them during winter which is stupid

>> No.9066934


I have the nanosphere coated cargo's posted in the other tech thread. I like them a lot, I wouldn't pay full price though. They go on sale but move quick then. The stitching is a bit frail on the knee's but it's not coming undone. I plan on copping a pair of their joggers or stacked snow pants if they release them again. The waist rise on mine is more traditional, I think the crappy fits come from riding them down too far.

>> No.9066963


these are dope af. I copped a pair off of ebay that were called "straight fit" but i washed them in super hot water and they fit pretty slim, and i'm just above hungry skelly.

>> No.9066966

Thanks. Finding nice pants is more trouble than I expected.

>> No.9067067

wish i lived in an east asian metropolis. i will never live out my true innermost techwear self in england

>> No.9067078

You should go for anarchistninja core if you live in bongland m8

>> No.9067081

I live in an east asian metropolis and have never seen anyone in techwear other than joggers.

>> No.9067106

i live in pacific northwestern metropolis.

stayin' dry

feels breddy gud

>> No.9067221

The truly ghastly thing about this post, over and beyond the ludicrousness of the idea of a whole style as a troll, is that it's actually hostile to people liking stuff.

Like, let's say "techwear" started as just a troll - so the fuck what? Plenty of us earnestly like and enjoy it, and we're supposed to be the losers because... we're feeling positive emotions about something you don't like? And the internally gnarled little shitfuck who "rused" us, cackling in the private walls of his self, is the winner? "Haha! You... like things! Lulz I trulld u!!!11!!"

Yeah, nah.


> You only like it because you're so insecure about yourselves and actually fucking care what /fa/ tells you

1) Also nah. I mean, I am insecure because I'm a human, but not about my fashion taste, and I spend about half my time on here trying to convince the board to suck less, because I remember what it was like when it did.

2) And many of us like it very much in spite of the slavish, Walter Mitty, mallninja shit it attracts. See



Huge discussion on shorts and leggings prompted by a guy who just didn't get it.

TL;DR the function is to look good, and that's enough, but there's other, more material reasons you might do it, too.

I *think* they've done the J38 in some variation before.

Me, I think I just lost out on the J40-CH waiting on some checks.

>It's not a meme, it's a name given to a loose genre of clothing and style. I think 90% of the name is being able to google, buy and communicate what you are talking about and what you are looking for. As much as you think, it's not a /fa/ exclusive.

+1 to this, but

>Please no discussion about techwear 'philosophy' or other BS.

Why's discussing culture related to some other pieces of culture BS?


>SS styling
>unaffordable to plebs


>> No.9067255
File: 68 KB, 648x431, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i cop these????

>> No.9067286
File: 115 KB, 400x600, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of places, like too many to even start listing. What kind of aesthetic and function are you looking for?

You may or may not be able to live out your true innermost self in England, I don't know you, but there's geographic block to the style. You adapt it - keep in mind nothing about this is rigid at all and at bottom it's just putting clothes on in the morning. If something doesn't feel right for that day, wherever you sit, whatever you're doing, whoever you are, don't wear it. If it does, do.

You dress differently different places because you live differently - like I posted in a past thread, I'd never wear the Acronym S-J30 in New York or Berlin, but I think I actually might in LA. I'd wear a J1A-S in those cities.

And I'd wear that fucking J40-CH anywhere because it feels like the perfect embodiment of everything I like and want to believe about fashion and lots of other things, too, in a way I can't articulate just atm.

The peculiarities of the UK physical climate have given rise to loads of interesting water resistance technologies - the softshell concept was basically invented in and for climbing in the UK, with the Buffalo shirt. It's gone a long way since then, though.


Also, Nixwax Analogy/Páramo and other similar "directional" WP/Bs, Ventile, Burberry Gabardine, rubberized Mackintosh, and of course all the densely woven and/or waxed wools and cottons people have done over the years.

This shit about an "East Asian metropolis" is just some guy wanking to how East Asia hosts Tokyo and other of the world's most developed cities. The conditions there are far from exclusive to them, and none of the headline, iconic, this-is-techwear brands are located there, though of course lots of Japanese fashion houses do great technical apparel, too.

>> No.9067300

does the soul of that extend past the heel? Looks like that could fuck up your gait and prob. hurt your knees if you did anything but carefully walked in them.

>> No.9067305

a u t i s m

>> No.9067309

Why talk so much about a brand that you'll pronanly never own lol

>> No.9067322
File: 262 KB, 900x630, adidas-rick-ownes-tech-runner-available.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're the Rick Owens x Adidas Tech Runner, available via Google.

Re: fucking up your gait and hurting your knees, if your running form is correct you'll be striking the ground with your forefoot, not the heel, and it shouldn't matter.

I'm in the barefoot/flat sole a few millimeters thick camp and it's AWESOME, but I don't think they'd be worse for you than any other conventional shoes.

>> No.9067399
File: 166 KB, 640x426, hk01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lies. lies. lies. damned lies.

the only true metropolises of this world lie in east asia. all other claimants are pretenders and wannabes.

>> No.9067722

what is the tech-wear equivalent of skinny black jeans?

>> No.9067756

ask a more meaningful question

>> No.9067835

I want to reverse engineer an Acronym jacket and make my own, I have a pattern laid out, and figured out the Gravity Pocket and Jacket Sling. I just need to know, what're fabrics for techwear and where can I get them? How about for a jacket like the attached picture? I guess I just don't know the different fabric options. Also, if someone knows how Acronym does that thing with their jackets where you can have a backpack going inside the zipper and out the back, that'd kick ass to add in, it's not essential but it'd kick ass.

>> No.9067843

Skinny black coated jeans

>> No.9067848
File: 34 KB, 400x600, tumblr_nbfs5mriA31tq4r4uo5_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.9067866

>being this poor and desperate

>> No.9067896


How's the protest going?

>> No.9067917

It's not so much a money issue, It's just a fun project I'd like to undertake. I have specific needs, and I don't wanna spend 500+ dollars on something if it's not going to fit my needs specifically.

>> No.9067923

it's more like 1000 dollars, it's ok buddy I know you don't have the money. No need to make excuses

>> No.9067946

500+ includes 1,000 dollars. I technically do have enough money, but I'd be not paying my rent if I bought it. But it's more that I have some cool ideas that'd fit my needs specifically. There's little things, Like I want a removable lining that I could maybe switch out when it gets warmer. Also, I'm looking for something with a pocket big enough for my surface pro on the inside, and I have some cool ideas for using my second Anker battery pack to charge my camera and phone (if I can find a converter cable, maybe even the surface pro?) from the jacket. I can draw up a diagram of what I'm trying to do if that'll convince anyone to give me a rundown on different tech fabrics.The main thing is, water resistant (water proof is best, I know you tape seams to 100% it but I need something that'll keep my electronics safe), stretchable, breathable (though I plan on including pit zips and a few other unzippable vents so it's not as much of an issue)

>> No.9067951

Also, it's really rainy where I live in winter, so I have a thing I drew up for like an unzippable clear plastic cow/hoodl that'll kind of let water droplets run off the frame of my body and away from precious electronics.

>> No.9068033

just get gore-tex

>> No.9068096

gore-tex fabrics are hard as fuck to work with if you don't know what you are doing
good luck m8

>> No.9068166

youre an idiot for attempting this but i'll give you a tip. have you tried contacting errolson on twitter?

>> No.9068171

yeah like he's gonna respond to some broke aspie who wants to make a technical jacket with his mothers sewing mecahine

>> No.9068174


>> No.9068178
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>> No.9068188

he might find it endearing and flattering

>> No.9068204
File: 366 KB, 636x751, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is watch_dogs too /v/core or is it a viable techwear dress up simulator

>> No.9068222

there's a kid at my uni who dresses as this character every fucking day and I have to suppress laughter every time I see him.

It's a pretty faithful recreation of all of the clothes, he's just a dumpy manlet.

>> No.9068850


Second this, craving them.

>> No.9068883

has anyone seen/have some good anti slip footwear options for winter or boots at least

>> No.9068974
File: 111 KB, 1090x1500, 2209-Bone-Front-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9069089


>> No.9069147

The reason I can't get fully into techwear is that I feel like I need a reason for my clothes to have all this utility. The only time I ever really put my tech clothes to use is when I'm going out to smoke weed in the forest and I need a bunch of pockets for snacks and bongs and shit. Anyone feel something similar?

>> No.9069156

I feel you bro Even then a good anorak is enough.
Other wise the most tech that i get is my sailing gear.

>> No.9069194

jesus fucking christ those look atrocious

They look like they're meant to be clipped on your skis

>> No.9069211

go back to bed dad

>> No.9069223

*tips newbalances*

>> No.9069228




>> No.9069436
File: 127 KB, 1090x1500, ISAORA-2211-Bone-Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaora is the shit but
I like the length on this one better

>> No.9069453
File: 136 KB, 970x600, seavees-army-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black sneaker thread.

>> No.9069608


>> No.9069617

where can I find this online?

>> No.9069705
File: 26 KB, 384x449, hmprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c something similar in black for <$50?
(thumbholes, also it's the fleece jacket from H&M)

>> No.9070181

you've just seen it online

>> No.9070218

The outfit itself is very /fa/, but imitation of other /fa/ outfits is not /fa/. If I dress exactly as poet does, I'd be uneffay, but if I take inspo from poet, it would only add to my effay. You get what I'm saying?


>> No.9070798
File: 29 KB, 540x540, 300003-03_mens_Synth_Black_angle.jpg{w=540,h=540}.th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in the barefoot/flat sole a few millimeters thick camp and it's AWESOME, but I don't think they'd be worse for you than any other conventional shoes.

seriously, so am i, and i would never wear anything with that thick a sole for 'everyday' wear. maybe if i was going somewhere special and was really trying to be 'extra' /fa/

techwear and barefoot/minimal shoes, to me, go hand in hand. that philosophy is what keeps the feet operating at optimal and organic levels.

exceptions occur with heavy duty work/specialized work...

even if you're into trekking, you can still try to stay as close to natural as possible. as an athletic person, i don't worry about breaking my ankles with such "little support." surely, the idea isn't suitable for everyone.

>> No.9070805


god, absolutely love this.

>> No.9070810

What is Isaora's quality like? Prices are good.

>> No.9070814
File: 175 KB, 592x749, 1415257006010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lots of places, like too many to even start listing. What kind of aesthetic and function are you looking for?

different anon here, but i'd appreciate leads.

i like to have my calves exposed, mostly because biking. also just feels good to have calves exposed.

recommend anything dark and cut slightly above (or at) the knee in the front, with a slight tail on the back, so that it forms a diagonal section?

wondering if there are any cargo aesthetics, and something that won't break my wallet too much.

finally, do you think the 3/4 pants make legs appear shorter?

>> No.9070831

i'd like to know this as well. also, the white concerns me. i'm often getting rough

>> No.9070851

i saw two teachwear guys walk out of an acne store in harajuku yesterday. I smirked

>> No.9071176

>tfw you got them when levi's had a sale
>tfw you gained weight
>tfw they tore

>> No.9071186


Industry, perhaps, where everyone seems to get them

>> No.9071359

So.. who here has actually been to the mystical East?

>> No.9071452

that wetworker jacket is so tightt

>> No.9071525

Would the typical tailor be able to taper a pair of commuter cargos without too much trouble?

I asked this a while back but I only got a reply from Haiteku thinking I'm trying to copy him when I'm trying to copy the P10-S.

>> No.9071637
File: 1018 KB, 865x649, flaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look decent or am I being too tryhard?

>> No.9071639

Specifically flag patches on shells.

>> No.9071798

why would you smirk you shitlord gaijin. they are merely dressing appropriately for their natural habitat, the east asian metropolis

>> No.9071820

gyakusou/right now

>> No.9071842

I like the look as long as its not too discordant in terms of patches used.

I feel like flag patches give of an 'official' air, and any use of such should give off that kind of professional/official vibe as well. Thats just my opinion though.

>> No.9071847

we /k/ now

>> No.9071932


>> No.9072110
File: 168 KB, 500x632, rt0ZGz3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does/would it matter that I'm actually in the military? I generally rock a military esque techwear look when off-duty.

>> No.9072139
File: 48 KB, 600x554, ALIEN_038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also don't wear any other patches if I'm wearing the flag. But I'm thinking of rocking some sci-fi themed patches by themselves. Like a Weyland Yutani patch from Prometheus

>> No.9072202

w2c a techy backpack?

>> No.9072516


as long as the patch isn't a flag of an actual country then it's coool. as long as it's minimal or interesting.

or be super edge lord and put the american flag on upside down

>> No.9073449
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1500, tumblr_n1b6v9u6cG1so4l8no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are these? did i just not look hard enough?

>> No.9073508

theyre nike rifts, nvm lol

>> No.9073538

Yea, I'm really feeling it. Wish it wasn't summer in Aus now. Will be long gone by the time I could wear it.

>> No.9073718

techwear is so lame. you WILL look tryhard no matter what.

>> No.9073987

I feel like this is a perfect pic for something like
>What you think you'll look like VS. What you'll actually look like

>> No.9074055

why would you want to look like a fucking minotaur

>> No.9074069

As opposed to looking like a bigger try hard in red wings and selvedge denim? Face it norm core is shit and anything that deviates from it comes off as try hard and affected. We are all in this shit together and it all boils down to personal preference

>> No.9074076
File: 111 KB, 600x751, leadbelly-picture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, red wings and selvedge denim are just regular shitty

have fun looking like a washing machine you fuckboy

>> No.9074081

So much anger. Too fat to fit in anything with an athletic cut? Lol

>> No.9074083

Wrong. They look try hard af. Just like your posting :)

>> No.9074162

>Red wings and selvedge denim

Go back to wearing timbs, doc martens, and mom jeans queer. Some of us enjoy quality.

>> No.9074169

Why do these reddit-tier autists always lose their shit about anyone liking something different to what they enjoy? It's like they think fashion is some objective science. Beep boop beep: ideal style formula achieved. So funny.

>> No.9074180

Seriously. I like everything from goth ninja to Prada look books to trove to j.crew crap.

Most /fa/ users are insufferable brand whores and fashion idiots.

>> No.9074242
File: 27 KB, 299x403, washer-5737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant hear u

>mom its techwear okay

>> No.9074262


Is the waist on them supposed to be TTS or did mine just stretch or something?

Bought a 30 waist pair when I was like 33 waist and I lost a bit more wait going down to 32-31 now they're kinda really loose. But yeah, they're really great, I just only wish they didn't fade as having fades on cargos seems a bit weird.

>> No.9074281

yea keep getting mad then buddy. im sure u have heaps of friends and are fun to be around at parties

>> No.9074314


>> No.9075078


>> No.9075092
File: 14 KB, 429x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot of snowboard brands do similar fleece hoodies, though they seem to be around the 100 dollar mark, but you could try and search for last years models for sales.
This one has tacky ass logo but is around the price point.

>> No.9075098

The link I mean to post here

>> No.9075156


It's not. It just always ends up as a shitstorm on this board and rarely anything insightful comes from it. It's more of a distraction than it's worth. Poorboi's be mad or something.

>> No.9075161


I like them a lot, I have been monitoring them closely, they have been pretty popular. That color scheme is sold out in most sizes from different sources, only the all black can be found easily.

>> No.9075177


I think it looks good. I like the monochrome flag.

>> No.9075203

Thanks anon, didn't see the logo at first, but gross.
Gonna keep looking, thanks for the idea.

>> No.9075212
File: 238 KB, 2000x1000, fuck_yea_bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm from the Northlands, we rollerblade until the ice is ready and we can play some puck. Glad to see the snow is coming finally, been a warm fall.

>> No.9075223
File: 63 KB, 480x560, 2390921-p-MULTIVIEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also make it with small logo like this apparently but i don't know if there is black version.
If you can find some shop that specializes on skate/snowboard brands you might find something decent from sale.

>> No.9075230

looks decent, got a store like that in town, might check it out sometime soon.

>> No.9075565


copperknot ?
If not, any other ideas within the same price range ?

>> No.9075590


I really hate this fit and don't understand how this can be considered 'inspo'.

>> No.9075621

That's a picture of my soft shell with a flag on it that I own. I'm not necessarily asking of 'murican flags are /fa/ just if they're too taboo or something.

>> No.9076468

Machinic revolution must therefore go in the opposite direction to socialistic regulation; pressing towards ever more uninhibited marketization of the process that are tearing down the social field, ‘still further’ with ‘the movement of the market, of decoding and deterritorialization’ and ‘one can never go far enough in the direction of deterriorialization: you haven’t seen anything yet’.

>> No.9077565


>> No.9077640

anyone seen this? guy seems a bit autistic


>> No.9077665
File: 65 KB, 500x750, y-3-fall-2014-collection-46-300x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liking Y-3's aesthetic lately. It's mostly jersey material, but looks comfortable, you could be active in it and it has that futuristic style that I like.

>> No.9077669
File: 43 KB, 396x594, 463768485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9077675
File: 279 KB, 800x544, Y3-FW14-Campaign_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9077696


w2c these parkas please

>> No.9077702


>> No.9078050

w2c lunar terra arktos in black for 9.5?

>> No.9078268
File: 35 KB, 430x645, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c something pretty much exactly like this in black?

>> No.9079563

>implying page 9

>> No.9079609

oh yeah i remember when that guy posted it to reddit. basically outlier.wardrobe

taking pictures of your underwear/socks seems a bit autistic tbh

>> No.9079613

I love that collection. Futuristic but playful.

>> No.9079681

the fuccboy in the rye

>> No.9079682

which one should i get? i'm tall and very skinny. techno interests me.

>> No.9079688

I think the short is more versatile.

>> No.9079905
File: 116 KB, 1000x667, 0737621873131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are some good techwear recommendations for footwear besides sneakers?

>> No.9080023

Do those winglets on the back make me more aerodynamic?

Gotta go fast.

>> No.9080024


>> No.9080190

Those aren't techwear.

>> No.9080307

lmao now that's all i'm gonna think when i see these fuggen hats

>> No.9080351


>> No.9081349
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>> No.9081353


>> No.9081540
File: 389 KB, 500x618, 1409287797840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not usually a "SAUCE!!!!" kinda guy, but sauce or similar on the shorts?

I'll post the few tech inspo i have in the meanwhile

>> No.9081543
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>> No.9081547
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>> No.9081549

uniqlo reversible parka look it up

>> No.9081552
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>> No.9081554
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Kinda impractical, but i guess it counts

>> No.9081556
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>> No.9081568

h-hi there.

>> No.9081602


>> No.9081636

ughhh cannot shell that out rn but this is a beautiful jacket

>> No.9082172

How do I into techwear as a poorfag?

>> No.9082181

stick to cheaper things.
Levi's commuter, some uniqlo stuff, etc.

>> No.9082189

why bother

>> No.9082203

The aesthetic, and even some lower end stuff works well.

>> No.9082215

you don't.
you either learn how to save up and stop buying your bullshit from H&M and other fast fashion stores
or curate everything you buy, which stems from acquired taste

don't jump on the bandwagon just because you like it, you're supposed to have the drive and the means to get what you want, not just half-assedly hobble through your way through the urban wilderness

>> No.9082231


>> No.9082657
File: 153 KB, 1090x1500, NylonPocketPant_Black_9362f923-3dcf-4eec-a09c-b183a730a0e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got experience with these Isaora 'stretch utility pants'?

Btw, is it possible to pin roll nylon pants?

>> No.9082668

>pin roll

fashion victim to the nth degree

>> No.9082669

Oi trunks. Could you reccomend a good pair of lightweight black techy decky pants with elasticated cuffs?

>> No.9082670
File: 26 KB, 537x537, B2EN1tbIEAAdIK6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice. i copped couple of days ago should arrive next week


>> No.9082680

What's wrong with Isaora

>> No.9082698

what does "techy"mean

>> No.9082729

oh, thanks

>> No.9082787

Sauce on jacket?

>> No.9082866

Cmon Darth, you know what techy means.

>> No.9082931


>> No.9082948


Thanks a ton for that link. I wasn't interested in their brand but it was nice to read. Glad I will never be interested now. I hate those types of rip off yet highish priced companies.

>> No.9082993
File: 276 KB, 3000x3000, pantalones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of copping these, anyone got any alternative/better suggestions? Bit tight around my calves but they seem comfy as fuark.

>> No.9083003


you posted a generic ass picture and want advice? fuck off

>> No.9083400

Those are Nike tech pants right?

Try being more specific next time anon

>> No.9083408

Nevermind, I know they are. i copped these a few days ago. Pretty good, but the fit isn't stupendous. Thighs aren't too tight at all actually, and I have thick man thighs. Only problem I have with them is my lets are on the shorter side, and these don't give much wiggle room for different leg lengths. Might end up hemming them even if the knee area is a inch or so off. Would cop again, just be weary they might be a little long if you're not 5'9"+

>> No.9083412

when will they learn

>> No.9083504

where2cop those shorts? god DAMN those look badass with his long torso, bulky coat

>> No.9083509
File: 48 KB, 972x648, ozwald-boateng-x-nike-n5-suit-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh they will be miiinne..
i liked their other heather ones better with the "HEY I'M WEARING GYAKUSOU" down the leg but, w/e these are great.

acronym's garments don't vary much from year to year but steadily increase in functionality. they take a detail focused approach and if something dips one year it'll pop up in some form or another the next.
their customer base isn't huge so they care a lot more about making sure their product base satisfies. you could just email them.
that jacket looks kinda lame though lol.

i'll stick to rapha or outlier.

debatable. it actually belongs to activewear and contemporary activewear is rather cultureless/genderless so finding origins of things is easier said than done.

pls no.

jst go to london or somewhere in scandinavia b :)

acronym's fabrics line up with most japanese brands in that they're brandname lab fabrics, goretex, pertex, cordura, etc.
also, watch your seams. you can't just surge and expect for it to fit like acronym, on the other hand you can't tape everthing down either so i hope you have sewing skills.
also good luck bringing that shit to a tailor since even some of the most basic synthetic fabrics require special machines.

check out gyakusou outlast or if you don't like that maybe arc'teyrx or patagonia

thats fine man lol.
i like it cause i've gotten to the point where if i'm gonna drop cash on clothes, i want it to satisfy all conditions, whether that's hiking or gym or going to class.

so good.
they aren't shit? all of my interactions with them have been great and the clothes are fine for midmarket.

check out the nike hyperfeel trail in black :)
that or their new kiger wildhorse/terra.

hk for uni. going back senior year :)
and yeah it was great.

they're just usually super dropcrotch for my taste

hold up i'm replying to this in another post.

>> No.9083568
File: 3.63 MB, 1000x1308, animation_slower-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so a.) is this guy trying to take a stand against midmarket? are you serious? so all or nothing, huh? there's a solid place for isaora in that its a fashion brand firstly. its actual "techwear" in that acronym or outlier is techwear.

and b.) i hate it when you losers try ot compare it to companies like arc'teyrx/patagonia because these are outdoors apparel corporations. yes they have massive budgets for R+D, they've been around longer and are publically traded companies like are you seriously going to suck your teeth at a small fledgling brand like Isaora that just opened its doors a couple years ago cause it doesn't have the time or money to be in a fucking lab and do "in house research"? like that's awful, that's a horrible standard to judge on.

so where, yes, fucking "i'm up to the summit, pass me my carabiners" arc'teyrx is going to keep you warmer/dryer, they aren't as concerned about fit as isaora because they aren't a fashion brand.
if you look at isaora's products, they're all designed to layer with each other. all the hems play off each other for effortless layering. the "italian" fabric he was junking on is a red on red iridescent nylon taffeta with a really great crisp hand. same with their shirts, they pay attention to the hand of the fabric, the cut, the dye. things that a fucking fashion brand should pay attention to that hey, also has some really useful tech integrated into it.
like celliant down is a big deal, and the fact that they put that into their jackets and its still a nice looking jacket for the midmarket is testamony to why the damn brand exists.

like think for a second y'all, view a company from all angles and in the context of its market and competitors. taking such a purist, sophomoric stand against a brand or style like this guy going to make you sound really stupid.

>> No.9083573

>jst go to london or somewhere in scandinavia b :)

it's funny that you think either of these offer a technological modernism on a par with the east asian metropolis.

london is not even a 24 hour city, the tube shuts at midnight for goodness' sake

>> No.9083645
File: 3.79 MB, 2500x1667, 1405420879937cykelslangen-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mtr in HK isn't 24hr.
what do you mean by technological modernism? like the architecture? most of the towers in HK were built like soviet era lol.
tokyo is probably the newest architecturally, simply because they demolish buildings so frequently. (its sortof a cultural phenomena were new families don't like living in "someone else's" building and so they either mega renovate or rebuild completley)

gothenburg, olso, stockholm, copenhagen are beautiful but i guess they aren't as vertical.

>> No.9083661
File: 3.90 MB, 4489x2988, 1405420852051DSC_6055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously the cycle snake in copenhagen is so cool. also the green headquarters is really pretty and just all the water in these scandinavian cities.. its pretty. very pristine and clinical.

hk is a different type of feel for sure. like obviously its more crowded, but more than that, its noiser, hotter, grittier, more vibrant -especially at night.
like wan chai and lan kwai fong are crazy and some of my favorite memories are from watching the city at night bleed by as the taxi takes me all the way back to the gold coast, snaking along the mountains and seeing the flickering grids of lights on all these spiring buildings propped up everywhere.

>> No.9083934

looks like a fixie riding dude

>> No.9083944

Yes they are. I realise now how stupid I was for assuming everyone would know. My bad.

>> No.9083974

they say nike on them so people are stupid if they ask for the brand

>> No.9084029

>buy slim dungarees from Outlier
>waist is a bit tight
>"they'll be fine"
>they weren't fine
>button pinged off whilst I was squatting
>in the UK, going to be a ballache sending them back to Outlier, doubt they'd even give me a refund because it was my fault they broke
>email them
>they say don't worry they'll exchange them for a larger size because it was a manufacturing error and I get my original delivery charge refunded
>everything went better than expected

they have great customer service, gave me 11% off my dungarees order because I gave them some constructive criticism on the New Ways shorts

>> No.9084226

No it's not.
I'm danish. (diller fjæs)

>> No.9084359

Pls post fit

Also any idea on how often they restock these pants?

>> No.9084509
File: 15 KB, 550x700, 46372761TQ_13_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop or not? Does anybody have pics of this being worn?

>> No.9084554
File: 95 KB, 500x750, 1413176551919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I going to keep my hands and neck warm this winter /techwear/?

>> No.9084574

gloves and gaiters

>> No.9084642
File: 74 KB, 900x900, FIROPLBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gyakusou outlast
Thanks, was looking for something with a Brim though.

Could something like this work too?
After using a seam ripper or something?

>> No.9084652


>Does anybody have pics of this being worn?

it's a black cap for fuck sake

>> No.9084695

>being able to travel
totally jealous

>> No.9085226
File: 555 KB, 1600x1000, 1415993490569[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i guess they aren't as vertical

urban density is a vital part of a metropolis. increasing density is the ever greater compacting of human intelligence, capability, productivity and potential in smaller space and time. it is a human circuit. a physical network of events and happenings and doing and being. it is a becoming-efficient. we feel the hot frisson of frenetic activity in the densely packed east asian metropolis that is not present in the fusty little towns of europe.

>> No.9085264


>They aren't shit?

I think he meant it in a positive way.

>> No.9085391
File: 217 KB, 1090x1500, Studio_Session-187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this jacket from isaora a month ago and was curious about /techwear/'s opinion on it.

I know nothing about tech wear, i just thought it looked cool

>> No.9085488

I was wondering about the fit since it dosen't look too standard.

>> No.9085655

So can you pin roll nylon?

>> No.9085657

why would you?

>> No.9085836

Because I don't want my pants cascading over my shoes. Because I like the air blowing over my exposed 2 cm of ankle.

>> No.9085854

then just roll them normally.

>> No.9085897


where to cop I had no luck either

>> No.9085903


nvrmnd i thought that other guy had the wrong name, but he didn't

>> No.9085922


if you are a capitalist pig this may be true.

>> No.9086053
File: 68 KB, 600x684, 164c_sev_alpha_jacket_x-ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? It's from ScottEvest

>> No.9086150

not techware, terrible none the less

>> No.9086160

how is it not techwear? because it doesn't have some japanese aesthetic or is made by an over priced dead bird hiking company? please.

>> No.9086184
File: 35 KB, 620x620, Nike-AW84-Adjustable-Running-Hat-651659_010_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this? Was only $26. Gonna use it for mostly running in.

>> No.9086197

not bad for a hat

>> No.9086203

summer should wear a baseball cap or a bucket hat with loose techwear fits (tanks, drop crotch shorts, strap sandals)

>> No.9086219

Thanks friend

>> No.9086535
File: 39 KB, 550x412, ZIm1MxN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 56 images? what's going on?

>> No.9086537
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>> No.9086540
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>> No.9086542
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>> No.9086543
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ok. gotta get back to studying for a bit.

>> No.9086579

cry harder you anti market twerp

>> No.9086585

So I got a Marmot Minimalist jacket in grey, what water resistant pants should I get to go with it? I was thinking the minimalist pant in black would work.

>> No.9086593

marmot is a notriously shitty company

>> No.9086594

www.extremtextil.de for many ptfe membrane fabrics, see the seamtapes or that seam sealer stuff to waterproof the seams :)

>> No.9086600
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>> No.9086647

>made of goretex
>has 35 pockets engineered with no overlap so theres no bulge or printing
>designed to have body armor placed under it
>PALS webbing inside both chest panels
>not techwear

>> No.9086652
File: 213 KB, 1280x853, 1413227823398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ignore the fella and carry on...

small study break, before i re-start

w2c pants, btw?

>> No.9086655
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>> No.9086664
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>> No.9086685

stop spamming ugly shit pls

>> No.9086725
File: 35 KB, 570x644, e84402b80cbe18c16d6800b30d2dfd21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me

>> No.9086739
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>> No.9086742
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>> No.9086800

Forgive me, i thought it was just a print of the "x-ray view" on a hoodie.

Either way, it doesnt look 10/10

>> No.9086841

the one with the patch is a tactical softshell
not sure which one is posted but the cheap ones are going to be rothco
if you want to be full-on tacticool then you're looking at stuff like tad gear or arcteryx but it'll be wallet rape

>> No.9087200

what is summer techwear? tees, shorts and sneaker?

>> No.9087229

breathable athletic cut short
breathable tee
runners (flyknits, whatever)
a lightweight waterproof jacket in your pack

>> No.9087378

how many techwearers are intjs?

>> No.9087383

what kind of tees aren't breathable? leather?

>> No.9087416


wouldnt expect /fa/ to understand

>> No.9087479


For what it is Isaora is decent enough, it's a good option for newcomers who get turned off by the big boys' price tags. Plus they put out colours/patterns no one else offers in the same product category. Not everyone needs a completely bulletproof shell $500 above their price range just cause a fucking nerd on the internet says so.

>> No.9087515

w2c shirt

>> No.9087650

Still looking before I make a big mistake or something

>> No.9087658


>> No.9087693


>> No.9087697

Already posted this earlier, but the little snaps completely ruin it.

>> No.9087739

Nike techfleece

>> No.9087771

>Nike techfleece
>no thumbholes
>more then twice the price
t-thanks, anon

>> No.9087827

Advise on a warm, preferable inexpensive insulated mid layer to wear under other outwear?

>> No.9087910


>> No.9088024

w2c a pair of some black cargo shorts thatll be good for indoor or outdoor if I wear em' over manleggings?

>> No.9088100

Just copped Publish Legacy Jogger. Comfy city in here.

>> No.9088111

To hide your junk since it's pretty visible in leggings. I've started wearing shorts over leggings couple years ago when I was still cycling in winter.

>> No.9088112


Anything fleece, packable down or merino wool. Softshells if your idea of inexpensive is ~$200. Scope out ebay for cheapo stuff.

>> No.9089276

add stuff made of polartec alpha to that list but most of them are expensive and/or look fucking stupid