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/fa/ - Fashion

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9059229 No.9059229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

f a f e e l s t h r e a d

p o s t y o u r f e e l i n g s

d i s c u s s

g e t f e e d b a c k

i'll start

>tfw UPS lost my fucking geos

its been almost 2 weeks and the faggots havent decided its lost yet so ln-cc cant send me my new pair yet, i dont even want to think about them lying and deciding it wasnt lost and me going down 1300$

>> No.9059237

>tfw you haven't heard from that one qt in awhile
>tfw you cop clothes to hide your sadness
A-at least clothes will never leave you ;_;

>> No.9059271

>tfw a dumb drunk slut likes me but dont want to like her back bcus dumb drinking slut who will probably cheat on me

w2c gf not into party culture

>> No.9059775


>> No.9059778
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>tfw relationship is a mess
>tfw she tried to break up with me two weeks ago but came back like two days after
>tfw I tried to break up with her wednesday but she begged for me to accept her back on thursday and I did
>tfw saturday we were already sad
>tfw qt girls keep flirting with me
>tfw don't want to cheat but body is weak and I'm desperate for warm feelings

>> No.9059803

>tfw spend all day looking at clothes
>tfw buying one item only satiates my shopping thirst for a few days and then I'm back on the internet looking for more
>tfw trapped in vicious cycle of shopping

>> No.9059805
File: 117 KB, 500x399, the birds are in misery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tcw you order a pair of jeans from cheap monday
>they look nice AF in the pictures
>when you get them you realise theyre a pair of weird spandex chinos with a sort of print of denim material on them

>> No.9059806

>tfw hanging with qt fashion grill at her dorm last night
>tfw gay but she doesnt know and i didnt tell her
>tfw she gets real upset when i ignore all her signals to fuck
i eventually just left, idk why i didnt just say something, we were both high as balls

>> No.9059807

well not only were u stupid enough to actually buy fashion victim post 2010 clown shoes

but in season

and for retail when there is literally hundreds of them on ebay bnib

dear god

>> No.9059821
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>outfit for tomorrow is laid out and on point
>everything I needed to do is done
>sitting comfy in bed watching netflix until I go to bed

comfy/10 over here

>> No.9059822
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Tfw the love of my life is getting married next month
Tfw she has openly told me that I'm too quiet/shy/reserved
Tfw she tells me she loves the way I dress
Tfw I don't know what Im doing with my life anymore

>> No.9059833

>best friends with straight guy
>falling in love with him
>he's Mormon

>> No.9059861

Post a fit?

>> No.9059905

>try to formulate the tomorrow's outfit in my head before I go to sleep
>get insomnia from thinking too much and am almost late to class because I kept changing my fit

>> No.9059920
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>he actually fell for the RO meme

>> No.9059988

Rick Owens isn't a meme just because you can't afford it you faggot

>> No.9060015


>> No.9060047

Break up with her if you're not happy, then fuck all the qts at once.

>> No.9060072
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>tfw dress nice, wear nice cologne, be semi-/fit/, and girls willingly sit next to me in class but I have next to zero game and I don't know if I should talk to them because I haven't moved out yet and I have no place to fuck them

>> No.9060100
File: 23 KB, 718x716, 1395400851828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order pair of martens
>"Your Order has shipped ™"
>Been 5 days and UPS has been showing the same location

The pain is real brothers

>> No.9060155

Have you noticed that no one on here actually owns them? They worship him and it tricks new fucks into thinking that if they buy it, they'll instantly become /fa/. That and the fact that that have been irrelevant for 2 years now.

>> No.9060179

>sit next to you in class

i mastered the back pack and books on either side of me in lecture hall trick in college

they fuck pack you in there like they're not charging you $3k+/class

>> No.9060195

>bought geos new
>from ln-cc with the highest markup of all
u got what u deserved

>> No.9060210

Because majority of the people here can't afford them, and there is a small amount who do.
Stay new and in uniqlo.

>> No.9060231


and don't fucking cheat till you're broken up

cheatin ain't /fa/

>> No.9060239
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>can't stop swapping outfits at the last minute
>what I end up wearing is decent but sub-optimal

>> No.9060243

>tfw every piece of clothing I order online comes with a hole in it within the right pocket.
No matter how how expensive, where I buy it, or how much I pay for shipping this seems to be a consistent and, needless to say, extremely bizarre occurrence.

>> No.9060246

the only constant is you

>> No.9060250

op, report it to your credit card.

You pay them so they can stick up for you in exactly this situation.

>> No.9060255

>no one on here actually owns them
are you for real?

>> No.9060259


>> No.9060263
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>> No.9060279

Get him drunk and suck him off. Easy as pie Anon.

>> No.9060402

He's Mormon (won't get near me if I have alcohol) at least he isn't homophobic

>> No.9060419

>go thrifting hoping to find pendleton flannel
>cant find any
>look on floor under rack
>pendleton wool ballcap
>2 dollars
>get home and sew it up

today was alright?

>> No.9060458

>find something u like
>overthink outfits to go with said thing
>get stressed
>want to buy SLP Jodhpur's
>have the money
>I just can't be bothered
>I care about what everyone on here thinks too much
>I wish I was happy and content
>miss my ex gf
>looked like a younger, brown haired Kate Winslet in Titanic
>we still have feelings for eachother but it's been too long, shits changed
>slid into a girls dm's
>beautiful, effay, funny, interesting.
>lives a 3 hour drive from me (her Antwerp, me bottom of Kent)

Why does everything suck literal shit fuck sake, im just going to buy my Jodhpur's and wait for the next thing I want to buy.

>> No.9060461

>be fashion student
>every waking moment is about fashion
>so exhausted I don't even care about what I wear
>haven't purchased any clothing in 6 months
>should probably buy some new clothes but there's nothing for sale that interests me
now I know why people like rick, raf, and thom Browne dress the same all the time

>> No.9060463

>wash my whites in dorm washing machine
>black crunchy shit get _all_ over them
>$100+ in clothes down the drain b/c some fuccboi can't check his fucking pockets
>in colledge, no job, money is tight
a-at least it's winter, i-it's not like I even wanted to wear those clothes anymore ;_;

>> No.9060474

Awww im sorry Anon. Have you tried telling him?

>> No.9060475

He's lying cheating on your gf with multiple sluts while maybe being high is very /fa. Being even moderately loyal is mfa and you should fuck right off to reddit tbh

>> No.9060515

Hopefully they stay there forever

>> No.9060520

>being edgy and inconsiderate is /fa/

k beans

>> No.9060524
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>tfw you cant find black 31x34 511s anywhere

>> No.9060534
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you wanna fite broke as nigga

>> No.9060545

They're horrible. Don't be tempted by the cheap price fuccboi.

>> No.9060546

Like being considerate and worldly is even slightly /fa you fucking aspy, go build water wells for ebolans m8

>> No.9060553
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Holy shit fit battle you me you fucking loser faggot.

>> No.9060561


don't cheat, no one deserves to be forced into that kind of insecurity and heartbreak

>> No.9060565

choose your fit kiddo
i will attack after your move, fucking faggot

>> No.9060595

I have another pair of 511s that i'm relatively satisfied with tho. What black jeans would you recommend under $75?

>> No.9060606
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Attack my asshole you gay faggot

>> No.9060626

I know this feel. I have shit impulse control when it comes to shopping. I used to do heroin and stopped, it looks like shopping has taken its place.

>> No.9060634
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my back's been hurting for a few weeks
i went to the gym for the first time in a while
my lifts are shit and i'm a beginner anyway
but i'm glad to be back

even though my back is still hurting
i ordered a foam roller

and i'm enjoying being pain free on 15mg oxy right now

tfw warm
tfw that weird opiate taste in your mouth

i think i'm going to find my cat so i can cuddle with it

>> No.9060643
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sorry but i dont like wasting my fits and time with malets like you, talk to me when you can reach 6'0

>> No.9060648

>tfw you obsess over clothes and outfits and only look mediocre, at least in your own eyes.

I think I'm just gonna go full on thrift normcore and just get stuff tailored. Spending a ton on clothes doesn't mean you have good style.

>> No.9060655

Dude, you guys are sad as fuck together. The relationship is tanking.

Let her go.

>> No.9060661

>bought a pair of teashades from ebay for $2
>everyone compliments them, qt's mirin my dope shades at all times
>wear them to a party
>do coke
>the sunglasses get me laid
>a bunch of black people from tacoma show up and the party gets to like 200 people
>a guy asks if he can wear them, I say yes
>he gives them back
>wake up the next day in my car
>leg on sunglasses doesn't sit the same

I know they were two bucks, but damn.

>> No.9060671
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>Won't even post a fit
Pathetic. Go back to mfa you high schooler

>> No.9060674


>tfw realizing no one will date you for personality alone
>realizing that your personality isn't attractive anyway
>try to dress better and look better in hopes of meeting interesting people
>giving up soon after because you're a useless pleb who can't find the motivation to keep anything up
>tfw willingly accepts life of solitude

>> No.9060680

>>Won't even post a fit
oh god, do you even go on WAYWT threads?
i post all the time

>> No.9060684

>not copping multiples of cheap grails
I finally found a chinese store that sells my fav sunglasses, I have two and might buy more soon.

>> No.9060689

I only ordered one to begin with and forgot to order more because I was caught up in how glorious the first pair was.

I ordered three more pairs the day they broke. It's all good.

>> No.9060695
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>not wasting your time with mallets

>> No.9060701

fucking retard why did you have to quote every fucking post in this fucking thread
a job
you admit defeat? keke

>> No.9060703
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Now fuck off swagger

>> No.9060707

>tfw just want to compliment someone on their fit/a peice without them thinking im a homosexual

>> No.9060711


dont be afraid of what a bunch of fucking anons sitting behind their laptops would say about something so goddamned trivial

thats so fucking lame

>> No.9060715

i mean irl
like I casually compliment someone on their clothing and walk away feeling like they think i was hitting on them

>> No.9060721


thats not something to be afraid of either, unless you're living in a red state in which case you'll probably get your ass kicked

>> No.9060723

>friend was in town for the first time in a while
>chill with him at my other friends house
>He brought his younger sister along
>We're all watching a movie
>I've been chatting it up with his sister cause she's qt as fuck
>Put my arm around her, she puts her head on my chest
>It's the most wonderful feeling I've had in so long
>I haven't even hugged a girl in almost two years
>She leaves once the movie is over, I didn't ask her for her number

Now I'm just sitting here thinking about hat could have been

>> No.9060726
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Tumbler-core haircut. Shit quality clothes.
Get some nicer pieces

>> No.9060739

oi look who joined the fite,
>Get some nicer pieces
i wish i could m8, i am a college student and i have a $7,000 deb to pay by the end of this semester or i will not be able to register for the up coming one. My adviser fucked me up and so they could take out my financial aid and stuff

>> No.9060740

All you have to do is say that it's sick or dope in a brodude voice. Stop being autistic.

>> No.9060745

Nice Bart and Red Wings bro. Good fit.

>> No.9060749

your jacket is too big for you lol noob

>> No.9060755

I'm going to one of the best engineering schools in the nation because I got a perfect SAT score. Maybe if you weren't retarded you wouldn't be poor. Lurk more, and don't clog up the WAYWT threads with your poor fag uninteresting fits.

>> No.9060760
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i dont really have any friends so i'll just post here

>tfw got a decent job
>tfw starting to feel more and more motivated
>start dating qt from work
>going to start trying harder in college

i hope you all get to feel good :^)

>> No.9060763

>Maybe if you weren't retarded
I wouldn't be writing this

>> No.9060769

when will they learn

>> No.9060778


What do you think is going to happen when that qt finds out you don't have any friends?

>> No.9060784

*i have no friends that i can talk to about these feels

i do have people whom i hangout with sometimes though

>> No.9060785

I'm so lonely and I think its too late for me make friends.
I have so many interests but no one to share them with. I just go record shopping, comic book shopping, to concerts and everything by myself.
Sometimes I drive to Atlanta and just walk around by myself trying to get lost to make the day go by faster

>> No.9060788

>tfw too fat and too poor to be able to wear Saint Laurent

>> No.9060808
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>going to concerts by yourself

>> No.9060826
File: 691 KB, 1936x2592, IMG_0945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been to a festival by myself
it was top fun m8

>> No.9060828

You're probably looking at that fit from your flip phone.
>Get better resolution

>> No.9060831

that's probably illegal dude

>> No.9060832

>known grill for 6 years
>just good friends hanging out and going drinking from time to time
>have crazy night out, ending up eating drunken brunch at 10 am
>we go back to hers because it's closer
>mad drunk
>she tells me I can sleep in her bed but we need to be quite coz of roommate
>2 drunk to do anything
>we both just crash like Hindenburg
>next day: confused as fuck
>leave as if everything was the same
>find courage to drop by her apartment and tell her I've become in doubt about what's between us
>"steal" a kiss
>"idk anon. I need to think"
>meet up again
>tfw she can't even construct a sentence other than "idk, maybe, umm, I just, idk"
>finally gets to the point and says she's come out of a difficult relationship and doesn't feel like she's got the energy

I'm not giving her up to such a lame answer. She was obviously just as confused as me... Why the fuck can't she just give it a go. Let's find out what's going on!

Fucking grills...

>> No.9060835

Loners unite. I know people I could do these things with but I would almost prefer to do them by myself.

>> No.9060862

dude you messed up, you never put a girl in a spot like this because its selfish af. Now she has to make an awkward decision she wasn't ready to make, all because you felt insecure

>> No.9060875


not looking forward to feeling these feels in the future but it's probably going to happen to all of us

>> No.9060885
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> tfw working 20+ hours a week and taking 5 classes at community college
> tfw life is an endless cycle of 8 hour shifts at work, long classes, homework, and dxm trips that make me forget who I am
> tfw tripping on the floor of my friends dorm after work thinking about myself and unable to understand why I keep living this way

I just want everything to slow the fuck down . . .

>> No.9060889

I am realizing that I don't like a lot of my friends, and I ended my last two relationships cause I stopped loving them. I'm worried that I won't be able to find someone like me who I can love. I'm worried that I'll just love clothes

>> No.9060896

so what

>> No.9060911
File: 169 KB, 491x750, 1411268971389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl i really like is totally hot and cold towards me
>stuck in her trap
>the only girls who will actually fuck me are whores
>spent all day aimlessly walking around china town on 5 hits of acid
>came to the conclusion that im fucking lonely

>> No.9060924

>friends are plebs
>they don't fuck with bonobo
>I fuck heavily with bonobo
>say fuck it and go by self
>get wasted
>dance the whole night
>never dance at clubs
>not even for 5minutes
Great night.

>> No.9060926

>Libraries at universities
>quiet art galleries
>used shit stores
>Mexican restraunts
>high school campuses
>small gyms (she'll be standing around and not working out)
>book stores (she'll probably be browsing without the intention to buy)
>the produce or frozen food section in grocery stores
>anywhere in trader joes
>outdoor supply stores
And some other places too

>> No.9060928
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>> No.9060939

Ryan hemsworth has a stop within my city at the end of the month.
I'll most likely go and repeat the bonobo night.
Somewhat excited.

>> No.9060942

If she loved you, she'd want to marry you, not your clothing you delusional fucktard. You're being disconnected with reality from browsing this forum so much.
I took this seriously until
>high school campuses

>> No.9060943

Sorry huge pleb here but can someone tell me what shoes these are? Or shoes like them? They're cool. Also I like the white stripes on the cuffs of those pants. What are they? Help appreciated mates.

>> No.9060950

round toe black boots
selvedge denim

>> No.9060951


red wings i think. Possibly Chippewas. Definitely some kind of American Heritage boot.

>> No.9060952



>> No.9060969

Thanks dudes

>> No.9060972

>wear Saint Laurent button up, jeans, and boots
>no one says anything (not that I want/expect them to necessarily)
>wear Lanvin hoodie, Rag & Bone jeans, and Vans sneakers
>"Are you a model?!"

>> No.9060996

Your haircut makes you look like such an asshead, I wouldn't give you a light if you asked for one

>> No.9060998

>things at home with family have been horrible, looking like its going to fall apart
>upset but have cool gf to keep me lifted
>helping me like I helped her through mom's cancer
>take gf to zoo for day out
>having an ice cream watching the turtles
>she tells me she loves me but can't be in relationship
>don't know how to respond, out of nowhere
>she says she'd like to go home
>just respond okay
>sit and watch the turtles for 3 hours

>> No.9061004

My advice: do drugs until you ruin everything

>> No.9061010

your mum stuck her head in my ass after i light the pussy on fire

>> No.9061020
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>tfw want to look and dress suave but ugly as fuck

You'll only get so far in life without good genes. Fucking genetically privileged cunts.

>> No.9061028

Tacoma? You in Washington?

>> No.9061035
File: 33 KB, 645x773, 50e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i will never be able to trade my 5'2 body for the body of a 6'2 male who wants to be a trap
anyone up for a brain transplant

>> No.9061051

For teachers and seniors you perv

>> No.9061060

Op here
Those are red wing iron rangers and rouge territory sk's.

>> No.9061070 [DELETED] 

>tfw you find out that a girl you knew from high school who you think you've gotten over became engaged because your friend liked their facebook post
>tfw she was different than any other girl I've ever known and she was the nicest human beings I've met in my life and I had a chance with her that completely fucked up
>tfw I'm that I still have these feelings

>> No.9061072

this is prime I know no other form of satisfaction

>> No.9061098
File: 183 KB, 1200x1500, 8243205_fpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw housekeeper "lost" the following packages: a pair of Céline shoes, a dress I looked for for months on eBay, a few graphic tees, a Helmut Lang asymmetrical bra
>we were only on vacation for 3 weeks

Also, I've posted this a lot but it's boot season and I'm not over it. Remember the time I left the country for a few months and one of my ten ex-housemates stole one of my Ann Demeulemeester boots? Not both, but just one. This is some Amélie-level mindfucking and I hate it

>> No.9061105

what makes u think she didnt steal them

>> No.9061118

I need a bra like that for under sheer shirts but I refuse to support theory helmut, do you know of any others

Maybe just get a po box? Idk I'd be so mad if all my shit went missing

My housekeeper stole cash all the time and I'm pretty sure jewelry

Trust nobody

>> No.9061155

She probably did but wouldn't know the worth. She's stolen jewellery and sunglasses and benzos from my mother so I don't know. Also swapped my microUSB charger for hers and hers had a rip in it.

I don't live at my mother's most of the time so it wouldn't be worth it. I wish she just left them at the door or let me sign when we got back.

I've had a few unlined bralettes from Cosabella that I like under sheer tops. They're not asymmetrical or anything but they're the right amount of support to prevent sheer things from being obscene. This one is my favourite:
The Gap Body "Favorite Bralette" is a cheaper option and SUPER SOFT

>> No.9061165

lol fire her wtf

>> No.9061271

cav empt should stop making me want to impulse buy things

>> No.9061280

Oh good thinking I like cosabella stuff. Thx

>> No.9061285

I feel u, what did u cop?

>> No.9061291

How is going to concerts by yourself? I'm in a similar situation and I'm always tempted to go out to concerts / gigs by myself; any tips?

>> No.9061293

recently got the icon pullover and the liner mil jacket
waiting for s/s 2015 to come by so i could die again

>> No.9061297

If it's just like a boring guitar band or s/t, go for it. If it's at a club and/or dance music / rap music, I'd go with some people.

>> No.9061326
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>Tfw she says to you that you should stop dating with her, even when you had a great time together
>She breaks off all contact
>Just feel like I have failed as a man
My boots will never leave me, that's for sure. Also, why doesn't Clark's sell their Desert Mali boots in Europe?

>> No.9061328

You're an awkward Chinese migrant

>> No.9061337

whered u get that RO parka? qko
u sum sort of rich bitch

>> No.9061374


>> No.9061400

u should buy jan jan van essche instead ;)
cause sale season is in a month or two and theres something ive really got my eye on

>> No.9061405

gee, I wonder who's behind this post.

>> No.9061412
File: 17 KB, 491x317, tumblr_ne5frkKm4o1trfyljo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u were right btw
im fiendin for some peir wu rn
but first i want a bunch of stuff from redeem that i hope hits 70% sale on OC

>> No.9061421

hani stop
get tinder or something

>> No.9061429

is jan jan on tinder?
asking 4 a friend

>> No.9061430
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>> No.9061441

i want the beuys coat fr
also these trousers are my favorite sort of cut (low crotch, pleated, full cut with a taper)

>> No.9061943

>guy buys my jacket on eBay
>Description says 24 hours for payment
>Been 5 days
>Hasn't paid
>Open unpaid item case
fuck you anthony from oxford

>> No.9061947

>tfw like to have new clothes to wear every weekend
>starting to run out of fresh clothes
>been saving for a first car (I'm 20 lmao)
>got almost enough to buy one
>over 4 websites I have over $1600 in carts
>tempted to just buy it all and go a few more weeks without a car

>> No.9061948

Had the exact same shit happen with two coats.

>> No.9061951

Buy those Jodhpurs for me, bitch.

>> No.9061981

maybe customs fucks it up by checking if there are drugs hidden in the coat?

>> No.9061990

>local shipment

>> No.9062104
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>> No.9062112

>tfw place an order on friday
>tfw get an email this morning that the item i ordered isnt in stock
>tfw this is the second time in a month this has happened

>> No.9062122

to be honest the best thing anyone can do with their money when considering a luxury good is to not spend it :3
hope your saved up dosh treats you well.

>> No.9062134
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>> No.9062209

Only girls can call me bitch anon

A-are u a girl

>> No.9062224

Shit, I felt that one...

>> No.9062234
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>tfw fit on so fucking point you're afraid to go out because you think it'll draw too much attention
>muster the courage to go out and leave
>it's raining and I left my umbrella at the library
>go back in and change into a hoodie

>> No.9062245
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>going away in a month
>have to save money to have a good time
>so many things to cop
>haven't bought a piece of clothing since September

>> No.9062262

are you me? wtf is going on...you are me

>> No.9062268

> poor and ugly
> not even single girl lookin for me
> i just accept it and never feel bad

>> No.9062276

You've trult transcended to the nxt lvl

Either that or you're gay

>> No.9062297

>Trader Joe's

He said "not into party culture", not "pseudo-Femnists who don't shave"

>> No.9062309

>immigrant from eastern yourpoorland
>working 20 hours in a shitty greasy burger restaurant while goint to uni, always working on weekends so no party
>i literally have only 1 friend, this dude who sometimes calls me to see some art movie or some shit, otherwise alone locked in my room 24/7
>saving bank so i can move out
>parents are just being shit all they time although im not a neet. mom told im a leech and failure, despite being on welfare for the last 20 years
>gf dropped me 4 weeks ago, still wants to be friends, but im kinda cant, i liked her too much and need to forget her. even i know we cant continue, but i would like too.
>at least my fitness routine starts paying itself out, people claim i got bigger

>> No.9062312

not nxtlvl or gay. it feels like im runnin out of emotions and feelings. and all i want just sleep or watch movies

>> No.9062336

>don't own a full length mirror
>shit lighting conditions in my 1+1/2 apartment
>can't post my fits

>> No.9062357

>Muh nigga.
Saw him in Birmingham just after my 18th birthday, excellent gig but was regrettably far too fucked to remember much of it (18 year old me loved mdma, sigh.)

>> No.9062367

Ask your friend for his sisters number you dope.
Do it.
... Or go the sneaky puss way and look through his phone.

>> No.9062368

Damn, now that's a feel I know. Go into changing rooms m8 it's what I do sometimes

>> No.9062372

Enjoy it while it lasts till tomorrow.

>> No.9062380
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You'll collect what's due soon enough brother.

>> No.9062399

>I-oh, ehm, it's just, dunno it's like
And then you just kiss her, dude...
Problem solved.
>b-but respect her saying she needs to think
Sometimes thinking will just fuck it up and she probably knows that.
Sometimes you just gotta do that shit.
Help her/yourself and go for it.

However, she is a good friend and that's wonderful but don't let yourselves mess it up by indecision.
Either go for it or talk it out and stay friends.

Been there, done that with a long time friend and it hurts like hellfire if you just let it sit. Then your looking at a weird ass on/off relationship and fuck that shit, that never works out.

>> No.9062436

My niggas. I am going to a concert of him this Sunday. I am really hyped. Also, he dropped a new track:

>> No.9062444

Damnit I came to this thread to complain about my feels and now I just feel worse because no Bonobo shows near me.

>> No.9062467

>just started browsing /fa/
>thought I was pretty /fa/
>now I just have no clue.

>> No.9062477

Dunno if it's your thing but I would strongly recommend some sort of Psychedelic if you're gonna go see him. The Black Sands album in particular really takes you on a journey haha

>> No.9062486
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>tfw like dressing in weird shit from thrift stores
>tfw kids in shitty highschoolcore fits are actually admired
>tfw that girl who is literally perfect (10/10 beauty and personality, the most pretty girl i've ever seen) will never talk to you

>> No.9062516
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tfw RA rarely transcribes their exchange
tfw no tracklist either for their exchange

tfw hypocritical since i criticize tracklist/w2c culture

wasting time here

>> No.9062576

Your worst mistake was going to talk to her about it. I know that may seem like a stupid opinion, but I've been in similar situations several times, and I have learned the best way to handle it is to see what SHE is telling you. Not only through her words, but through her other interactions with you as well. Never be the person who brings it up, because like >>9060862 said, you're acting out of insecurity towards an issue that she feels even more insecure about. You are putting too much trust and significance in her words, when YOU need to decide what's what for yourself. And that is an important mentality to keep through all dating experiences.
Wait a while and just let it sit. If you want to "make a move" after a while, hit her up and see if she agrees. You know she wants to continue fucking you only when your dick is in her.

When something like that happens you will rarely be able to bring the friendship to where it was before, and a FWB situation rarely ENDS with the couple staying friends. At this point your best option is to wait it out and see what she does. You can't force her to tell you how she feels, and the odds of her fully admitting how she actually, honestly feels are very low. Many girls have a very hard time telling a guy "no, i don't like you like that and i never will" and it is up to YOU to understand that anything other than a Yes means a No. (of course there are always exceptions, but understand the rule and you'll have a better understanding of how to read the exceptions).

>> No.9062580
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>tall and somewhat good looking
>love to buy clothes but too poor so only the thrift store for me
>have a picture perfect image of what I want my style to be but have trouble getting there
>everyone around me thinks i dress great, even get introduced as 'this guy that knows a lot about looking good' once or twice
>constant reminder in my head about how far yet I have to go to reach my goal

>> No.9062596

u dont need designer clothes u fagget

u already are a cool guy IF u can act like a cool guy and have the confidence of one. thats it.

>> No.9062604
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>tfw in love with somebody on my course
>she won't feel the same way
>never spoke to her
>no friends
>she already has her group
>not good enough for her

She's Polish and a fucking perfect qt, but it will never happen and I know it.
I'm so fucking lonely /fa/ and dressing nicely doesn't change a thing.
I feel like Gods lonely man.

>> No.9062613

this isnt about being cool or confident. im confident enough to go outside in my underwear if thats what i felt like. my point was that i needed specific clothing items that are hard to find at the thirft stores

>> No.9062618


Let's break this down.
>in love with somebody on my course
>never spoke to her

I can't wrap my brain around this. How can you be "in love" with someone you barely (in this case never) even spoken to?

>> No.9062623

I guess that's the wrong way to say it. Admire?

>> No.9062633

Actually, I just reread your post and saw that you didn't even have sex with her. I can't believe I missed such an important detail, but it ultimately doesn't change much. You took a chill event that could have seriously raised or sparked her having deeper interest in you and turned into an awkward experience demonstrating your insecurity and basically showing her who would be the "leader" of any potential relationship you would have.

Do you know how amazing she would feel towards you if you slept in her bed WITHOUT making a move on her? Girls love that, especially when they are the type looking for a serious relationship, not just sex.
All the butterflies you may have given her got burnt alive by the way you handled yourself the next day. Don't ASK a girl what she feels, let her SHOW you.

>> No.9062642

>tfw i can't even poop anymore unless i drink coffee first
>tfw stuck in apartment all day on delivery days so i don't miss package

>> No.9062697

im 25 year old neet / hikkikomori and a virgin and never talked to girls because i had bad acne growing up and i became depressed and got social anxiety / autism, collected anime figures, jerked off to hentai etc and the other night made out with the hottest chick ive ever seen in my life at a club and got her number, we made out the whole night and it was the first time i ever got a girls number or even kissed one. it was insanely good.

so of course i start blowing up her phone the next week, for about a week she is crazy about me but she starts to lose interest

she keeps asking me if i have a big dick... its not very big but im like yea.

get to her house, we make out and she starts rubbing on my cock, but i cant get hard because im too nervous. we just chill out and smoke weed. she falls asleep in her chair next to me because she was so bored. i tried falling asleep but couldnt cuz of anxiety so i just lied there awake staring at the ceiling for 4 hours. she woke up and kicked me out.

havent seen her again, i tried asking if she wanted to hang out again but obviously i got blown off, so i havent talked to her again and she hasnt contacted me. i dont blame her for not wanting to be with a beta faggot lulz but i wish there was a way to get her interest again. if i cant have her i at least want her envy.

but at least it motivated me to look for a new job and go to the gym and inspired me to go look for more girls. now ironically all i listen to is rap music on the radio now because it boosts my male confidence instead of listening to moe shit all day

>tfw i have all these hopes and dreams, and in order to accomplish them i have to discard my old self completely and become someone new to whom those same hopes and dreams are just a common place reality, and ill never get what i desire (Lacan was right)

>> No.9062701

you can make it anon

it takes just one good encounter to spur on further enthusiasm, hopefully you'll become less beta and these things will happen more and more

and the cycle will continue.

>> No.9062703

Are you mocking me?

>> No.9062709


>> No.9062711
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>be me
>wear my Comme Des Garçons shoes
>recently cop them
> go to the high school
>show my new shoes
>guy with garbage on his shoes
>put his foot on mine
>see my shoes with a lot of garbage
>start fight with him
>exclued of the school because i broke his nose

>> No.9062713

Finally begin to turn my dressing around a bit
>be in pizza shop
>two drunk 14 year old girls asking me where I got my shoes and jumper, then tell me I look like I live a really elegant life.
Thinking about it, thats probably the best compliment I have ever received.
Good feels

>> No.9062721


kind of an ironic question considering that's pretty much exactly what i was asking myself while I was tripping.

>> No.9062723

Same exact thing happened to me except this drunk homeless man asked me where I got my shirt, guessing "grandmas garbage box" then told me I look like I have an elephant life. I told him I only weigh 280 which is a LOT less than elephants, and plus, I have a genetic thyroid problem.

>> No.9062724

>being /fa/ in high school
Way too show off being a rich fuccboi, are you trying to get your shit stolen?

>> No.9062730

>comme de garbage

Besides that white sneakers are meant to be thrashed.

>> No.9062737

>wear new jordans out of finish line
>swarthy people compliment me almost immediately

>pinroll cords with boots
>people compliment my shit mali dbs

>wear cableknit with the cords and boots
>40 year old woman compliments me on the outfit and tells me I have beautiful eyes

>Wear a nike air tank with ratty gym shorts and roshes
>chick gives me her number

>wear a plain white tee and raws
>girl tells me I look like a model

Impressing people isn't hard.

>> No.9062741

>chick pisses me off
>never text her again

>> No.9062742

fuck DXM drop acid like a real player

or smoke DMT every day

>> No.9062760


This. If a woman acts like a cunt, completely ignore her

>> No.9062774

>tfw you can't wash the jizz off your shoes

>> No.9062812

>Thrift on occasion
>Tfw find some neat clothes for cheap
b-being poor isn't too bad

>> No.9062839

Done Lucy a lot, favourite substance for definite.
Need to try DMT.

>> No.9062914

>girl i really like is totally hot towards me but i cant tell if she likes me or if shes like that all the time
>stuck in her trap
>the only girls who will actually fuck me are literally twelve (so i decline obviously)
>came to the conclusion that im fucking lonely

>> No.9062929
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>Got a job at House Of Fraiser
>Starting Sunday
>No money till payday
>payday December
>hanging on the hope that when I get money I can really redo my lifestyle

>> No.9062934

Only a few more weeks bruv hang in there.

>> No.9062950


Embrace it.

>> No.9062974


>turning down 12yo pussy

Damn nigga you gotta enjoy the finest things in life

>> No.9062984

>tfw im straight edge
It would be one thing if I wasn't over 18 but even then it would be pretty gross

>> No.9062988

Thanks for the advice, dudes. It's not easy breaking up. She always wants to come back and keep trying, I also don't want to break up, I just want to stop suffering.
I'm not sure of what to do to show her that we're not working, she's not mature enough to know that, I feel.

>> No.9063015

I don't own Rick because I'm poor lol. I believe it's the case of at least 70% of the people who don't own Rick here.

>> No.9063058

be polite and leave, taper contact

>> No.9063091

If this motivates you, I'm >>9059778

>ugly as fuck in every way possible
>while browsing a smaller chan (rip) I find a board called /imp/
>self improvement
>basically /fit/ and /fa/ together
>/fit/ can't help me much, the only bad things about my body is acne (almost gone by now TYBG) and 5'7"
>/fa/ can tho
>browse it for a while
>that other chan goes down
>come to 4chan
>people made fun of me like never in my life
>didn't let that stop me
>invest in better pieces
>lurk /fa/ all day
>slow progress
>during the slow progress I get one gf, break up with her and almost immediately another girl pops up and we start dating
>she's still my gf
>now a lot of qts want my dick
This can be you if you browse /fa/ and look cool while having absolutely no controll of your feelings and actions.

>> No.9063137

>This can be you if you browse /fa/ and look cool while having absolutely no controll of your feelings and actions.

famous obituary of a future crazed rapist/murderer

>> No.9063144

I got told if I wanted to be a model on the street.
Was happy but noticed the dude who tolds me looks like some fucking con artist probably wanted my ass and made me sad because fuck this country.
All these lies man, still the biggest compliment I have ever recieved