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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 33 KB, 610x610, 1409838566473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9051095 No.9051095 [Reply] [Original]

If you have good genetics, a clean face, a healthy body and a bitching attitude you can pull anything off, literally. If you lack anything but good genetics, you can make your best into being a better/healthier person. Once you have you've accomplished your goals, your attitude and life will become more and more stable and mature. Until this point you start to compensate by taking care more on your outfits. Tops and accessories can be thrifted, bottoms can be from any fucking brand.

You can't thrift basics, Get them from uniqlo, everlane or target. Those are the best quality/money tees you will get

You have to dress according to your social class.

Streetwear and workwear are the most versatile and cheapest styles you can get inspiration from.

Just avoid brands like supreme, designer denim and leather,

Cheap leather will always look cheap.
Hunt for discounts, avoid internet shopping unless you've tried on the same model/size in real life.

Don't thrift shoes, that's fucking disgusting.

Just stop buying stuff for about a month and you will have enough money for a descent pair of shoes,

And most of all.
Develop your own taste. Be a better watcher, look how colors combine into a perfect outfit, watch how little accessories will either fuck up, or make a fit a good fit.

Read articles about silhouette theory.

You can build a descent and versatile wardrobe in a year if you spend $70 a month. If you can't get that kind of money in a month, just get a minimum wage job instead of browsing a Taiwanese erotic toys imageboard.

>> No.9051172

Dude thanks for this u fucking changed my life shit fuck shit

>> No.9051188

>Read articles about silhouette theory.
what ? where?

>> No.9051225


>> No.9051237


luv u, i want moaar. like really. i need moar about fashion pls

>> No.9051241

This. I think for skinny guys like me a thin profile is good. So I avoid anything like chunky shoes

>> No.9051244
File: 120 KB, 305x380, Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ba Banana Ba-Ba Banana Na-Na

Ba Banana Ba-Ba Banana Na-Na

It's a good way to lose weight as bananas are a rather effective at quelling your hunger.

Also cut soda out completely and either drink vodka or wine if you want your alcohol.

Is what I would say, but I don't like repeating cliches.

Except the bananas, that's sound advice.

>> No.9051246


>> No.9051252


Me too

>> No.9051253

However contrast can work if used in moderation. E.g. derby shoes.

>> No.9051254

damn this is inspirational
now i can finally become /fa/
thanks anon

>> No.9051259

>you can learn all you need to know about an art form from a few sentences

thanks, basic bitch

>> No.9051269

derby shoes can be slim profile though. I meant more like chunky shoes with bid soles and larger looking shoes

>> No.9051391


>> No.9051417

This should be in the sticky.

>> No.9051419

what the fuck is that arteezy and universe

>> No.9051473

>good genetics
>clean face
>healthy body
>positive attitude

and I buy supreme, otherwise everything else is thrift or handmedown

fight me

>> No.9051508

I am just curious as to why you posted a pic of arteezy & universe

>> No.9051784

>positive atitude

that's not effay

>> No.9051805 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 500x376, 1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey OP, i noticed you're a dumb retard so i decided to help out the lads

1. buy everything secondhand
2. do not buy things from everlane or target
3. wear things that fit
4. if u have wide hips and/or knock knees avoid skinny denim
5. always buy online, if u arent a mongoloid fuck up who has difficulty measuring things its easy
6. dont read articles about silhouette theory
7. if u are an autistic retard who thinks 'germs' will hurt his feet kill yourself, always buy secondhand, shoes, shirts, jeans, everything.
8. always buy secondhand online
9. always buy secondhand online
10. i know more about everything than u, if u have questions u can ask me and if im aroused and ready for sodomy i will answer

>> No.9051833

>read about silhouette theory

>> No.9051837

What's wrong with buying things new?

>> No.9051858 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 236x461, 1a1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the brand friend, there are a few designers still operating with decent production that justifies the retail price but for the most part the fashion industry is in a qualitative downswing

'made in italy' doesnt mean shit anymore, and hasnt for awhile

so at the end of the day you're paying a 1000% markup for no reason other than 'its new'

secondhand you have access to everything you want at a significant discount, archival pieces made at both the designers creative peak+superior construction

buying new also guarantees a LOSS on your part, if you buy something new and then later decide u no longer like it(a common occurrence in ones 'fashion odyssey') then u'll always be reselling it at a loss

buying secondhand allows u to experiment and resell when necessary without losing money in the subsequent transaction.

buy geos for 1200 retail
dont like them, sell them secondhand for 800
400 loss


buy geos secondhand for 800
dont like them
resell for 800

so in short
more variety
better quality
better value for money

>> No.9051867

that actually makes sense, thanks
just curious but what are some designers that still justify retail in your opinion?

>> No.9051892 [DELETED] 

honestly none, because even those u can buy secondhand and save urself 50%-100%

what i meant was if u feel ud like to support the designer then there is a few whose production could warrant that sort of respect.

stephan schneider
patrik ervell
carpe diem
yohji mainlines
a lot of the c diem offshoot brands do independent production

>> No.9051897

I see
it feels like every industry is falling apart

>> No.9051900 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 400x352, 1413959100695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it feels like every industry is falling apart
its all coming to an end

i wonder who could be responsible?

>> No.9051904

but it's refreshing at the same time, we will see the next dark ages in our lifetime and this rotten world will give way into dust

>> No.9051909 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 960x640, 20zoeg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sure hope so
we need to start over

>> No.9051950
File: 349 KB, 821x586, axl_rose_guns_n_roses_fat_Winnipeg_canada_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good posts.


Have a look at the fat cunt now

>> No.9051957
File: 136 KB, 646x914, 1415004469629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh, I can smell your privilege through the screen.
Show some respect cis shitlord

>> No.9051966

the janitor?

>> No.9051971 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 768x1024, 102 year old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give him a break mate

he looked good in 2006

hes alright here too


>> No.9051976

what's wrong with supreme???

>> No.9051986

its dorky
obnoxious clothing but thats supposed to be ok because it has SUPREME on it
heavily relient on the branding, quality is not worth the money
you are paying for the brand name, because its hip
skaters wear it
Wearing this will make you "with it" like they are, and totally not like a dork

>> No.9051992

why should I listen to someone who can't even spell decent?

>> No.9051995

I think that's a presumptuous, false association. You don't know that I am buying it to fit in more than anyone else buys something to try to fit in.

>> No.9052018

Fair enough
It still holds true though that the brand just makes very loud clothing that can be downright ugly and slap their logo on it.
The latest HR Giger prints are p cool, but how can you say that the brand isn't promoting anything more than conspicious consumption?

>> No.9052029 [DELETED] 

lol all this infantile argument about 'branding' and 'conspiious consumption'

all products are designed to be bought, yes, even those who purport themselves as 'anti-fashion' want u to buy their shit

heres the #1 reason u shouldnt buy supreme

its ugly, cheaply made shit

>> No.9052043

i'll bet a hundred bucks you didn't know what supreme was before tyler

>> No.9052045

I agree. Personally, I think the Giger shit is an ugly gimmick that will water down the whole label.
The burden of proof is on you, but I don't really disagree with what you're saying anyway.
What do you think of The Hundreds, BBC, and Crooks and Castles?

>> No.9052054

Its all really childish
Not even criticizing "streetwear", which is such a vague term now, or basic sweaters/tees with prints
I've seen that Crooks sweater with the versace logo wearing a bandana. Funny design, I chuckled. Thats what these brands are though. Its like a cheap joke, and I don't know why anyone would find that appealing enough to spend money and wear it.

>> No.9052064

What labels would you recommend? Not restricted just to 'streetwear'.

>> No.9052076

Same guy as this>>9052074

I assume you are they guy I am replying to as well

>> No.9052079
File: 7 KB, 235x235, 1410300837224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, thanks buddy :)

>> No.9052098

thanks artour and saahil

>> No.9052224


>> No.9052242

Stop using words you don't know how to use.

>> No.9052290

this is all fine and dandy opie, but what the fuck is going on in that pic??