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9050453 No.9050453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>see a beautiful girl
>instantly feel lonely

somebody help me with these feels

>> No.9050456

Fa feels thread

>> No.9050458
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1411265479813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have dream about any pretty girl
>instantly fall in love

>> No.9050459

She actually exists

>> No.9050478
File: 1.78 MB, 236x224, emotions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out side
>instantly feel hated by everyone

>> No.9050488

Beautiful woman I've developed feelings for in college is only here until Christmas before she goes back to Germany. I think she likes me. But there's no point in pursuing anything romantic.


>> No.9050498

>On bus
>See this blonde chick that is seriously the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life
>felt weird inside
>was on the way to my gf's place anyway
>gf is also extremely good looking but the tats bring her down slightly
gf would be perfect without the ink

>> No.9050528 [DELETED] 

>unkissed virgin
>never went to a party and can't see it in my near future either
>slowly isolating myself, it's been almost one year ago since I hung out with someone outside of school

why am I like this

>> No.9050529
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>laying down and reading
>randomly remember her for no reason
>soul crushing sadness and guilt
>get flirted with/hit on fairly often when out
>feel like a sperg for not being able to get over things from the past and move on with my life

God damnit I just want to go forward and learn how to be happy for my own sake again.

>> No.9050539

Yes there is. Go for it. It's going to be a great experience. Don't pussy out.

>> No.9050547

its all gonna be okay fam

were all gonna make it

>> No.9050552



you're gonna have tons of opportunities to do stuff, don't worry about it.

>> No.9050553

You might as well enjoy the relationship while it lasts. You're already miserable so yo might as well grab happiness no matter how temporary.

>> No.9050555

because you're just a kid

>> No.9050559 [DELETED] 

trips confirm it
but i'm 17 too and have had sex three times so far (no gf too) ;) umad?

>> No.9050560

Yeah I know, but it just sucks when everyone around you is changing and doing stuff while im just posting on 4chan

>> No.9050563

Then stop posting on 4chains. This place won't do you much good.

>> No.9050576

Hope you get aids /b/ro ;^)

>> No.9050577

But what happens when she leaves and I'm devastated?

>> No.9050580

i forced myself to go even though i didn't want to. when you feel just as uncomfortable in social situations as you do thinking about not being social, there no reason not to be uncomfortable both places!

You're only seventeen, i can only say its gets easier. Girls get easier to get as they grow older. without thinking about about you will problaby get with some girls. you dont have to care. When you get laid you will probably just as before.

>> No.9050583

dude you should go to bars, even better when there's a dj or a band playing a genre you're interested in, i started going when i was 16 and met great people, i must've been to 5 high school parties max.

>> No.9050584
File: 88 KB, 500x583, 1414616547447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i share ur feel, asked a gril out today, she just said 'no' dont really know how to handle it tho

>> No.9050585

i want a bitch with a big ass to sit on my face and start farting like crazy
Ive seen a fuck ton of porn dawg

>> No.9050590

I'm a tad older than you are, and I just went to my first party. I recommend it.

The only cool thing about it is the tight knit atmosphere. Sure, maybe a few people showed up that you didn't know, but all you have to do is tell them your name and shake hands. You're all best friends for that one night. You're all at the same party on your own trip. You won't really understand until you go to one for yourself.

The good thing about it is that it's your night.

Really though, don't get yourself down about something so silly. You haven't been to a party. So what? Don't get sad about it. That's a daft idea. If you want to go to one so badly, then go,.

>> No.9050591
File: 61 KB, 542x602, ifhgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do only slight fat girls seem to go after me?

>> No.9050596

when you get rejected by a girl there is nothing else to do than going after another girl, and to throw the old one out

>> No.9050597

you are me last year
but i'm still a virgin
now i'm in college and everyone in my classes are 21+ while i've just turned 18 and can't really go anywhere for the next 3 years, but i'll have my aa and bs by then

>> No.9050607

life will go on

>> No.9050612

i know that u right, but i really liked that girl and it feels bad to recognize that she is not interessted in u besides a shallow friendship

>> No.9050621

maybe he likes posting on 4chan, turbonerd.

>> No.9050627

>thats lifeee... so social...

>> No.9050639

how 2 get confidence to talk to girl?

>> No.9050664

are you actually good friends, or you did you just know her as like shallow friend and thought "i gonna hit that". Be honest, the answer might surprise you.

now when you have been rejected you probably feel like you were closer than you were. dont lie to yourself

there is no reason why shouldn't be able to talk to girls. just think about girls as regular humans. because that what they are! You don't have to give a shit, just talk. it mostly doesn't matter what you talk about, it only awkward if you find it awkward.

>> No.9050686

You'll hate yourself more while living with regret than the alternative.

>> No.9050689

i cant talk to guys either

>> No.9050691
File: 129 KB, 1170x923, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see qt boi
>feel sad when I see his gf is a pudgy basic bitch
>tfw go to a concert last night and flirt with a blonde 6'4" qt
>ask him why he has his hood up when he has such nice hair
>he giggles
>tfw don't know if he's gay or not since his other 2 friends are obviously gay

>> No.9050695

hm i mean we not close friends, but i see her every day in shool, she is always really nice to me and we seem to get along very well...but she said no anyways

>> No.9050699
File: 690 KB, 940x726, 1378473243376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend is drunk
>puts his arm around me and tells me how brave I am because my dad died 4 years ago
>asks me how he died
>tell him he killed himself (money troubles)
>he starts crying
>I start crying

damn man

>> No.9050702

I hate threads like these.
Nobody wants advice, they just want to tell you why your advice is bad.

Everybody will say "but that's only your experience it's not like that for everyone!"
seemingly oblivious that same mentality holds true to any advice they have to offer as well.

Or you say something about a generalization and get instantly labeled as a PUA.

or you say you do ok with get girls and have a lot of experience but the only possible way to prove it is to upload a pic that must meet /fa/s high standards because the only way you can be successful with girls is if /fa/ says you look good.

One hundred percent honesty:
I read Book of Pook and it changed my life.

>> No.9050706
File: 80 KB, 529x327, 1413876082908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never be /fa/ because I'm a poorfag for life

>> No.9050708

what did you say to her

>> No.9050710


>> No.9050713

Are you autistic? Why would you feel lonely from seeing a beautiful girl? I don't see the connection.

>> No.9050718

>me-mes interest me
>i am the me-me master
your advice sucks kid

>> No.9050721

"It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." - pigfuck, seasoned cryptozoologist

But seriously, you can just post about it in a feels thread. It'll be alright.

>> No.9050730
File: 364 KB, 564x1086, 1414792772949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never kissed a girl
>went out on a date today with a qt
>it went really well and when it came time to part i could see that she wanted to kiss
>i just hugged her and said goodbye

>> No.9050735

Dude, you put her down. Why did you do that? You're a fucking douchebag and you don't deserve her. If you don't like her, don't ask her out you faggot.

>> No.9050737

bars at 17? where do you live?

>> No.9050740

i do like her a a lot but i was crippled by fear

>> No.9050750

Yeah im autistic

>> No.9050753

One key to a successful relationship is something i rarely see people talk about here:
Never make a relationship a big part of your life.
If you NEED a relationship, you are destined to end up miserable by the end of it. You need to get to a place where you have a life outside of a relationship, and let a girl become a PART of your life.

It is never easy to break up or be broken up with, but nothing hurts worse than when you had your entire life invested and attached to a girl. Keep your relationship a minor part of an already somewhat fulfilling life and you'll have lots of success with dating.

No matter what anybody says, the person who cares the most has the least power, and therefore the most to lose. You can cry about that concept all you want, but anybody with half a brain or shred of experience knows it is true.

>> No.9050759

Why don't you think about how she feels instead of being so absorbed by your own irrational fear of rejection? You said you noticed she wanted to kiss you. What the hell man?

She was brave enough to show her interest and you were the one who rejected her. What do you think she's thinking about you right now? "Why did Anon do this? Is he just toying with my emotions? Does he not like me?"

You'd better fucking kiss her next time you see her faggot.

>> No.9050762

very tru

luke is that you

>> No.9050769

Great advice. Thanks.

>> No.9050773

i will for sure.

>> No.9050777

i casualy asked her if she wants to join me for some sushi in the near town...her response was rather quick, she just saied no and when i asked why, she saied she didnt have time even tho i did not say on wat day :(

>> No.9050778

can you talk to cats? then talk like that
I dont think so, maybe. its weird i know. when i see a perfect grill i usually think "why am i not with some like that" or "i could never get someone like that" etc. I think i am feeling jealousy, of not being with a pretty giril? or maybe its because i, myself is not a pretty girl. i dont know

>> No.9050781

because your ugly

>> No.9050789

you're right. lol @ virgin neets who think getting a gf will magically solve all of life's problems (lack of social skills, money, taste in fashion)
don't worry about it. you're the prettiest and you know it :^)

>> No.9050791

Anyone else play out little scenarios in their head where they see a pretty girl and then imagine dating her, arguing about stupid shit, cuddling, going on trips etc..

I do it all the time, but lately I've been trying to avoid it because It feels kind of schizo when I get really deep into my thoughts, like it almost feels real....

>> No.9050797

If a girl is nice to me only for a brief moment like at the drive thru or something, I imagine if she likes me and what it would be like dating her and shit

I only have to be shown the smallest bit of niceness for me to be interested in a girl like that if they're half decent looking

>> No.9050799

>getting a gf will magically solve all of life's problems (lack of social skills, money, taste in fashion)

it does in a way tho, especially for that kind of people

too bad it's basically escapism

>> No.9050818


>> No.9050821

>it does in a way tho, especially for that kind of people
But the thing is, it isn't healthy or realistic. It is setting themselves up for failure because when she's gone, they have even less than they did before.

A guy in that state shouldn't be in a relationship because he can't be in control of it. I know it's possible to be in a "good" relationship under those circumstances, but too much depends on HER. If she wants it, she gets it, if she moves, you move, if she says "no" you don't get it. You have nothing - you don't even have control over your life. You'll make so many compromises for a girl who couldn't and wouldn't ever do the same.

>> No.9050829

Been lonely as fuck recently, today some qt tall girl, 6 foot (my fetish) asks to come see me

All I can think about is fucking her from behind and finishing all over her face tbh, I hope I don't spaghetti

>> No.9050840
File: 195 KB, 316x313, bed-feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start taking a greater interest in how I dress
>regularly lurking /fa/ during summer
>conscious of other peoples fits
>school starts
>notice v effay asian qt in a couple of my classes
>constantly want to talk to her and compliment how she dresses
>tfw no friends
>it would just be me awkwardly trying to talk to her from the time she leaves class to when she sees her friends
>still not effay cause no moneys
>always want to cop shit so I can gain confidence and talk to her
>know that that wouldn't solve my problems
>always think that I'm uninteresting and ugly and constantly beating myself up because of it
days consist of schoolwork, /fa/, and crying listening to slowcore
>tfw deep down I know I could get her if I just tried
I feel empty

>> No.9050850
File: 53 KB, 573x495, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ex gf dumped me months ago
>move to other side of the world
>still not over her
>still fall on my face when I try to get other girls
>fast lane to dying alone
>can't see myself loving anyone intimately ever again
>can't get a dog

I need a roof

>> No.9050852

suffering is the path to effaydom
just get your hygiene on check and make loads of money, then get taste after you have money to actually buy clothes

>> No.9050856

No, it doesn't. People like that are never happy with what they have, or who they are.

I think many of us experience the same thing, at least in a less emotional way, with clothing. You're not satisfied with your Levi's, so you go for raws, you're not satisfied with those either, and you blow hundreds on vintage Japanese selvedge, slubby shadow denim, persimmon hand-dyed cotton, yet you're still looking for more. Sure, you can gain temporarily satisfaction or fulfillment after you hit that "buy" button, but are you still going to be as happy the next day?

>> No.9050860

yeah exactly, and I of course know it's not true but I get deep into my own imagination and it's annoying.

Sometimes I expand the stories to include myself dying in an accident and the girl receiving the bad news and mourning me at a funeral . I honestly don't think it's healthy haha

>> No.9050862

this is similar to me
mine was slightly more than a year ago
and I moved to other side of the world too
funny how about 3-5 months after break up I was almost over her
and then it returned
and it's still here
what do we do mate
what do we do
I cant get a dog in my position either and I considered it
probably will try to cop another gf
but its so hard cause I've gone to such level of autism in the last year.

>> No.9050868

It's daydreaming and escapism. Like I have daydreams where I am a rock star or a famous actor or a billionaire or that I am friends with movie stars and party on their yachts. I also have fantasies of having a gf and stuff where I do things with her etc

I think it might be unhealthy but it makes me happy for that brief moment like fapping does. I've had weird daydreams like you where I die and the gf mourns me or where she dies and I mourn her. Sometimes it's where she or I go missing and then afterwards we are reunited

I think it just comes down to wanting to be loved, which is why you have the daydream where you are dead and she is mourning you. You want to know that you are special to someone and that she will miss you when you're gone. I think we just want to feel loved and that we matter is all

>> No.9050878

it sucks because I've only met one girl who I thought could've really taken her place, and that girl totally fucked me over and ended up with some skinnyfat waste. it's really too bad. I'm just gonna keep trying to contribute actual good things to people around me and hope my luck turns and I find some contention with life again.

>> No.9050880

Damn, not the guy ur talking to but I do this a lot. Sometimes I've daydreamed about being in a bad accident and that girl I like coming to visit and everyone feeling sad. I think its a narcissisism thing.

>> No.9050882

>want to buy clarks desert boots
>see this video


Goddamn it

>> No.9050888

Could be some narcissism but it could be that's the only scenario you can picture where the girl would come and give you attention. Then you might daydream of you getting together

I've had daydreams where the girl in in an accident and I come to her aid then visit her in hospital and then we get to spend time together. It's just an excuse for me to spend time with her rather than asking her out and possibly facing rejection

>> No.9050892

Oh god I know this feel too fucking well.

>Spend 3k on computer
>Happy for a few weeks
>Rarely use it now
>Buy 3k on guitar
>Rarely play it

God why

>> No.9050895
File: 367 KB, 800x800, 719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your friend tells you a 9/10 girl at your school said shed hook up w/you
>tfw you know nothing will ever come of it

>> No.9050902

whose fault is that?

>> No.9050907
File: 760 KB, 1024x768, Penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who truly doesn't give a shit about having a girlfriend but enjoy when girls pay attention and show interest on me? I rarely happens but when it does I always fuck it up on purpose by acting autistic as fuck (on purpose) or being an asshole, I fucking enjoy seeing how far I can take it before the girl realizes I'm a fucking weirdo and stops talking to me, I do this because I really could care less if she becomes my girlfriend or not, it's like a game and I enjoy it.

>> No.9050911

Mine you dumb fuck. That's what makes it worse

>> No.9050912

Hers for being a slut

>> No.9050914

l0l ur cool d00d

>> No.9050920

Lacuna Inc.

They have a valentine's day special

>> No.9050923

>tfw narcissism and feel better than anyone else and always do things for my own gain.

Feels good man.

>> No.9050929

You're right. It sounds cheesy, but real happiness does come from within.

>> No.9050932

lol thx m8

>> No.9050933

>learn beautiful qt blonde blue eyes girl
>friend knows her brother, tells me she should never had a friend or has any right now
>talk to her, she is shy
>tfw know nothing about her
>tfw met at the friend's Birthday, even danced like autists to this kinect game
I don't know guys, I'm retarded.

>> No.9050940

>take her man

>ask him if he thinks some random girl is cute

>> No.9050949

Ok somebody pls respond:

>went out with a girl from February to end of April
>had anorexia
>things were hard
>looking back, I was a Shithead, I complained and got angry because something wouldn't fit her(too big), when she was already so bad about her size
>we broke up in a weird way
>she still reads my snapchat stories
>don't follow each other on Instagram
>still she likes my photos occasionally
>I think I love her still
>we lost our virginities to each other
>i feel like she still feels something for me
>her little sister sent a snapchat from her phone to me once, she was a beautiful little girl (no /b) always used to say me and her sister would get married

Maybe because it's late and I'm listening to Yiruma im just sad and shit, but is it worth just maybe saying hello again? Just trying once, one afternoon? Idk, I've never felt this feel towards anyone.

>> No.9050959


Fucking normalfag

>> No.9050964

Yes, do it before you regret it for years.


>> No.9050966

so do something you fucking pussy :))

PS my question was rhetorical, you dumb fuck

>> No.9050986

>dont look at said girl

>> No.9050987

>tfw friends think it's weird when I am laughing at plebs when we chill.
>tfw I have to contain myself bc they think im a fag bc of this

>> No.9050993

>buy 260$
>don't play often because school
>feel happy when I do
it's about what the object means not how much it cost you

>> No.9050995


>> No.9050996

I don't think you should message her. I fully understand the desire and rationale that makes you consider it, and i've been there numerous times myself. But you know that she is in a different place, and you are in a different place. Even if she still had feelings for you, you would NEVER be able to get back the original spark when things were fresh and fun between the two of you. There will ALWAYS be the memories of the fucked up and bad aspects of the relationship, which neither of you will be able to forget or truly forgive. You've seen how it ended up once already. Plus, there is the underlying problem that YOU can't get anyone else and will always fall back to her, which will subconsciously always make her think of you in a bit of a pathetic light, to simplify things.

Saying "hi" opens the door, but it will only confuse and make things worse. It's better to just let her fade gradually. You may have good memories of playing with Pokemon toys when you were a kid, but playing with them now would only be out of nostalgia, or failure to adjust to adulthood.

You may regret not doing it, but you may also regret doing it. I think the BEST option is to not do it, and feel confident you are acting in your best interest. There will always be a "what if" no matter what option you choose, which is why your best option is always what's in your best interest and in this case it's finding the strength to move on into the future. Let the past be the past.

never under any circumstances

>> No.9051002

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.9051004

>barely ever have real crushes on girls
>when I do I can't keep them
>just have shitty drunk one night stands or fuck buddies every now and then
>haven't even had one of those in like 4 months

I've lost my mojo /fa/
Moving back into my parents' after graduating was the worst thing I've ever done for myself

>> No.9051010

But when you move back out again, I bet you will get your mojo back. That's how it happened for me.
I moved out after high school, life was good
moved back in with parents, life sucked
moved into apartment, life was great and better than ever
moved to college, things were ok
moved back in with parents, life turned to shit
moved into my own place, life is good again

>> No.9051023

Wow, thank you for the great response.

I've been with a few girls since, Im meeting another tomorrow, but I've always had this feeling for her since we broke up, and i think she does too. When I meet these other girls, nobody seems interesting enough, not nice enough, tbh im a complete twat to most people, without wanting to sound too edgy I honestly care about nobody, but she's different, I don't want to seem desperate, but she's always trying to get my attention, I feel by saying hi I'm just giving an answer to her attempts, because she also knows I've seen other girls.

>> No.9051030

whered you get that pic from? I thought id never see it again.

>> No.9051031

Did you just walk up and like, "Hey wanna grab some sushi in "x" town"

That's aspy as fuck you don't just go 0 to 100

>> No.9051032


>> No.9051041

thanks for the support anon, I'm glad your life is good again

>> No.9051044

>you don't just go 0 to 100
A lot of us are too nervous so we have no idea how to ask a girl out. You're meant to talk to them first and shit but I think we're so nervous we just want to get it over and done with so we ask them out before we say or do something really awkward. Often this won't work because the girl doesn't feel comfortable yet to go out with us, but we're just trying to get through the conversation as quickly as possible

>> No.9051050

i forget, had it saved for a while

>> No.9051055

Keep telling yourself that you act autistic on purpose. It seems to be masking your crushing loneliness well

>> No.9051108

I'm in the same situation as you, except with minor differences of course. I know exactly what you mean. What we had with our girl was something strong, and special, and no matter what girl I hook up with now I can't get that spark back. But what I realized is that it's actually for the better. I learned a lot in the aftermath of that relationship, and went through numerous changes in emotion over how I felt about it. I always want to go back to when her and I were at our happiest (or at least when I was happiest), but it could never happen. Plus, I'm a different, and better person now. I'm smarter, and I see things clearer. When she texted me after months of no contact saying "I miss you" I knew she was lying. She didn't miss ME, she missed the way she felt around me. She missed the attention I gave her and the strong bond we had. She wanted exactly what I wanted, which is something neither of us could have - a time machine.

I always wonder how she feels about me still, and I want to know what her life is like now, but at the same time, I don't. I really, really don't. I've seen the bad parts of her, and she's seen the bad parts of me. God knows I was a real dick at times in the relationships. She was great to me, but I fucked it up, and then she fucked up and we just can't go back. Relationships end, and the hardest part of life is accepting that. All that I've learned from my relationship with her has helped me to have better relationships now.

Ultimately, if she does look back at me I want her to look back at me and see someone who has gone out and lived life. I wasn't stuck in the past, trying to rebuild something. I was able to move on, and let her be, and she did the same. To try to insert myself in her life NOW, after all this time apart, all the experiences i've had, and personal gains / losses i've taken would be a huge failure, and set back. I would hope there is no place for me in her life these days, because she was able to move on.

>> No.9051121

>Tfw I tend to dress bad.

>> No.9051138

No matter where I go, no matter how bad or how good my life gets, I still end up on the Chan.
But yes, it is so relieving to move out of your parents place. I know you'll bounce back. The comforts of home are nice, but there is also all of the bad shit that comes with it. My parents aren't easy to live with, but I think it's pretty much universally accepted that, even under the best circumstances, moving out of your parents house is freeing in an unbelievable way.

My lifestyle isn't even different, but almost every single element of my life has improved for the better.

>> No.9051156

I agree with you, 100%.

I'm going to use your game analogy again, but I guess it's akin to when you remember all the old grand theft auto games, finding the Easter eggs, being that age again, only to play it now, and be faced with a generally disappointing time.

The thing is, she was my first with a lot of things, first genuine girlfriend, first girl I travelled places with, first girl who we went to nice places to eat, first girl who genuinely accepted me for who I am, and didn't judge. The times we shared I'll never get back, she was my first love, still, right now I hope to see her one day and we just go from there, because my parents did the same thing, and they've been together 25 years. I'm changed now, though. Some of the times we shared were beautiful, and to dwell on them would only make me feel worse.

Although, it's a classic case of Rose tinted classes, because there were bad aspects, she was overbearing, only cared about herself and you couldn't say a thing without her going bat shit crazy. I do believe there is someone else out there for the both of us, who will help us forget the girl we're both thinking of, I need to stop seeing a girl as a goal, it never works out.

Right now, I'm off to play some old Grand Theft Auto. Thank you, anon.

>> No.9051170

>My lifestyle isn't even different, but almost every single element of my life has improved for the better.
How has your life improved after moving out?

I have always wondered why so many people do it so young because it costs so much money. What actually has improved with your life?

>> No.9051178

>tfw that one guy hasn't texted you in awhile
Fuck why are men so bad at texting you back,

>> No.9051182
File: 44 KB, 600x450, mq24-7e-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sister notices I'm getting into fashion
>we're talking about clothes
>I tell her how common projects are my grail
>she doesn't know them, asks how much they are
>don't have heart to tell her full price
>"they're about 200"
>show her a picture of them
>"omg anon why would you spend that much for shoes that are the same as white vans"
>later show her a Rodina watch I'm interested in getting
>"why would you even get that anon? it looks exactly the same as your one"
>pic related is my watch now

why are plebs so blind?

>> No.9051183

>crush on someone
>somewhat try but not very hard
>end up doing nothing about it till i don't crush anymore

i've done this multiple times too, i'm fucking retarded

>> No.9051210

Iktf. Why is this relationship thing so hard.

>> No.9051211

First off, i'm not really that young. I'm 25. I also had already experienced living on my own, barely able to make rent each month, and all that, before I ended up moving back. If you have a good relationship with your parents, maybe there is no reason to move out, but that isn't the case for me.
I was always living under fear of my parents snapping and kicking me out as they did before, for no reason, and with no warning. One thing I felt I never had living at home: control.
Or privacy.

I can't explain why I feel so much better, and I don't really like that i'm essentially wasting money by having to pay rent each month, but I think it may be as simple as knowing that I have control. Nobody can tell me what to do, and I don't need to answer to anybody. I think it's just something subconscious, like a huge weight being lifted off my back. Living with my parents just suppresses something inside.

Every thing is easier on my own, and it also makes me see more opportunity, potential and desire to see positive changes in myself.

>> No.9051214


Do it. I missed my German exchange student a week before she left and we still talk two years later.

>> No.9051226

Probably because you had parents that you didn't want to live with. It would be scary to live with them and fear they would kick you out

I am over 30 and still live with my parents. They treat me well so I wanted to save money by staying at home. The problem with this is that I should have moved out sooner and gained some independence. I moved out before for a year and didn't like it all that much so moved back home because it was convenient

Now I am about to move out because I don't think I can get a gf if I am still living at home

>> No.9051287

What did you buy $260 with? Euro? Yen? I see you do currency trading too

>> No.9051311

Damn. I'm not the guy you replied to, but thank you for sharing. I'm happy you're doing better now.

>I am over 30 and still live with my parents.

>> No.9051327

because you tumblrcore af goy

>> No.9051337

tbh I have more respect for the casio than the rodina. The rodina is tacky knockoff, at least the casio isn't pretending to be anything.

Listen to your sister more.

>> No.9051339

b-but someone on /fa/ told me tumblrcore would get me all the qt bitches

>> No.9051346

>In an extremely shitty mood
>an absolute qt bumped into me, giggles and laughs
>I flip the fuck out
>everyone around me sees
>go home sad and depressed
Some where, in a different universe, I'm happy.

>> No.9051351

made my night
thanks anon

>> No.9051354

not sure if joking...

>> No.9051355

Stop man, that's not cool.

>> No.9051358
File: 53 KB, 640x638, 2NE1's Dara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw was a player in middle school but haven't had a gf since then
>college now

still haven't found her
i half-care and half-dont

>> No.9051362

he is right. the rodina is a chinese knockoff of a $1000 watch.

the casio is not a knockoff of anything. it is a fully realized idea. why would you settle for anything less?

>> No.9051366

>qt girl talks to me
>images flash in my head of going on a date with her, kissing her, getting married, who we would invite to our wedding, what our children would look like and how many we would have, growing old together
>meanwhile irl spilling spaghetti everywhere like an autist


>> No.9051378

because it is basic af

>> No.9051380

god fucking damn this is me

>> No.9051388

;-; im sorry anon

>> No.9051395
File: 39 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't seen gf in 5 months
>still another month to go

>> No.9051399
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Long distance relationships work, and are practical for a number of reasons.

>> No.9051401
File: 45 KB, 540x960, 10696232_748826711851499_7376962429669080752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone know where Cool man luke/ Starfucks went?

did he change his tumblr?

i miss that nigga

>> No.9051403

It hasn't been too bad but recently these lonely nights are getting to me

>> No.9051408

>5 months
>expecting she hasn't had anybody else's dick in that long ass time period

>> No.9051409

nah i think that's pretty obvious, anon is just sad that he hasn't gotten his dick wet in all that time

>> No.9051410

if you dont want to post it on here my dood, hit me up at my email

>> No.9051412
File: 236 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts in feels thread
>few hours later come back
>haha look at that faggot and his problems what a bitch
>wait that's me

>> No.9051414

i don't date sloots m8

>> No.9051429

being /fa/ in the real world doesnt matter to at least 90% of girls. you do you bb

>> No.9051432

>tfw alcoholism.
>tfw addicted to amps.
>tfw smoke 28 cigs everyday.
>tfw every morning I have the shakes, need amps and crave cigs.
>tfw I'm just 20...

>> No.9051435


Trunks fakerrrr

>> No.9051437


>> No.9051461


you need help mate

>> No.9051465

I need amps, amps makr me smoke, i need alcohol to sleep, after alco I crave amps and cigs, drink to sleep.

Im still functional tho

>> No.9051476

Fuck your making me feel shit too

>tfw mom died when I was young
>tfw best friends mom died last year
>He turns to me for help
>I mishandle things
>He slips back into drug use, then his gf breaks up with him, then his dog dies
>I wasn't there for him and didn't even try to reach out to him

Fuck, I need a moment like what you described.

>> No.9051477

>be me, be shy
>start dating girl
>dont hit it off, split apart
>stop talking, dont think of her
>don't see her around
>time goes on
>i change
>suddenly she reappears
>she changed
>start lusting after her
>see her everyday occasionally making eye contact
>don't know what to do
>its lost

>> No.9051486

Call him NOW.
He will realise you care.

>> No.9051490

last paragraph hits hard

the more I care about something the less power it feels I have to fix it or control it.

>> No.9051493

>meet girl
>love girl
>girl now lives on the other side of the world because her family went fucking crazy or something
>she still likes me
>facebook is as close as it gets
>"fuck you" - life

also i've got the same range of mental health problems that bring most people to 4chan

>> No.9051498

I'm scared dude, what if he doesn't care? What if he didn't even think I messed up? I haven't talked to him in months ;_;

>> No.9051529

How do i know if i'm depressed?

>> No.9051535

doesn't matter

even if he doesn't care (which he will, if he is a friend of yours, it won't matter, it really sounds like he needs the help) then you know that he doesn't and you have done you duty and gotten it off your head

pls do it, trust me

>> No.9051538

please come through man, i wanna talk to you and see if you have been posting new stuff


>> No.9051540

i took this internet test that someone posted on /fa/

im sure it'ss 100% accurate :^)

it told me that i have cyclothymia and that actually fits quite well

>> No.9051566


>> No.9051575

said i was High for Major Depression... I don't want to believe that me, of all people is depressed though.. Like i used to be always the super popular happy smiley guy.. Now i'm depressed? wtf nothing even happened to me...

>> No.9051597


>> No.9051600

i have a tip so you stop being depressed anon
stop using those gay ass dots you faggot

>> No.9051691

w2c help without getting marked as an alcoholic/addict?

When I ingest enough of them and I'm at the zone I feel like a god.

>tfw cocaine is no script-drug.

>> No.9051713

Is it bad to msg a girl on fb if I could just talk to her at school first

idiot here

>> No.9051716

Don't message her on facebook unless you've had many conversations irl

Don't even friend request her until you've had many conversations irl

>> No.9051724
File: 67 KB, 847x521, 1414446400573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u never add any1 of facebook because your facebook picture looks shitty
i accept when they friend request me though so i don't seem too autistic

>> No.9051734

Facebook is retarded lmao

I only use it when I can't find a party to go to or to get invites for car meets.

Using facebook as a social platform is laughably uneffay.

If you're that same guy, here's a forewarning. I don't date bitches who are all over Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and all that shit. It's a mess. Have you ever tried being friends with someone who's constantly on his phone? Imagine that, all the time, with a girlfriend.

>> No.9051740

im not the same guy
i just feel bad about my shitty facebook picture

>> No.9051741

yeah i only use ello.co these days
>muh privacy
*tips tin foil fedora*

>> No.9051747

>hur dur u r so euforick tip le fedildo

This joke isn't funny anymore.

>> No.9051977

this is just embarrassing

>> No.9051997

them ricks not getting girls?or na

>> No.9052004

what casio model????? <3 ty in advance

>> No.9052040

>have all the same classes with my ex
>notice he now wears a ring on his left hand

>> No.9052050

cost does not equal quality.

>> No.9052189

>see a grill
>look at her and look away
>she looks at me and looks away
>look at her and look away and smile
>she looks at me and den smiles and looks away
>i get a call, bring out my manly as fuck voice
>after call she looks at me a bit more and stops when i dont go 4 her
>tfw all the feels cos she had a nice face and nice body and nice ass
>tfw everything
>tfw i am a pussy

>> No.9052193

I thought I was the only one who did this.

>> No.9052196

>see a qt
>look at her straight in to her eyes until she averts her gaze
shit's easy yo
Fuck I do it sorta unconsciously at times if I'm in my thoughts and I'm not really paying any attention what's happening outside of my head.

>> No.9052219

I don't get it.

Is this a good thing to do or a bad thing?

>> No.9052230

Good thing, I usually get smiles and might catch them ogling me later, if I'm at parties it usually means they are going to come and talk to me at some point or if I can be assed or not preoccupied with something else I go and talk to them and it makes the interaction easier and more pleasant from the get go.
You gotta be confident though it might come off bit creepy otherwise.

>> No.9052233

Do you just stare?

Or do you like, smirk and raise an eyebrow?

I'm trying to envision this.

>> No.9052237

I'm also curious, I have an image of some goofninja staring mad at a grill

>> No.9052241

U think i should try it again at a later moment and cool it for now or did i fuck it up complitly, i will still meat her we go to the same shool

>> No.9052243

I don't really know, I'm not that self aware when I do it, but if I see a qt looking at me I just look them back in the eyes until they avert their gazes, which they do in 4 seconds tops every time. Then I just get back to whatever the fuck I was doing.
I guess it establishes that I'm confident to them or something, I'm not really sure why but it works. And I guess actually being confident helps here.

>> No.9052244

>browse /fa/
>see people posting their fits
>everyone is hungry skeleton tier
>tfw i know i'll never be able to be hungry skeleton because of my wide shoulders and ribcage

>> No.9052249

>I'm also curious, I have an image of some goofninja staring mad at a grill
I'm not a goofninja. And it's not really staring. Like you know how if you go in to a party and you kinda check out the people there? if you catch someone looking at you, look them in the eyes until they stop it, check the rest of the crowd as you were before and continue drinking/taling/whatever you were doing.
Lot of times I might be in a store or something and I'm thinking of something and I kinda subconsciously look at all the people around me while thinking and it just happens.

>> No.9052266
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But everyone needs a relationship. I never understand this "advice" it's sort of like saying don't get too attached to your mother, bitch will die one day.

If that's the case you may as well just use women for sex and sex only. You are the one who gets to decide how attached you become.

It doesn't matter if you have a active social life and you make a sport your life, you'll just be as heart broken if you injure yourself and can't do it any more.

Life is an equilibrium.

>> No.9052276

>Are you autistic?
Feel that would be the complete opposite of autistic you twat.

>> No.9052317

I'm usually pretty cold when It comes to love and girls, but a few months ago I had a dream about a girl and she was perfection in every way imaginable, and all I can remember is holding her in a raining parking lot and she told me these words, "It doesn't matter that none of this is real, all that matters is right now". then everything around me degraded into blackness before I woke up. I had feels for awhile after that. Still one of my most memorable dreams I've had.

>> No.9052322

You should watch Ruby Sparks and wallow in your loneliness

>> No.9052334

thanks for the suggestion, anon, I think I'll do that yeah

>> No.9052337
File: 28 KB, 384x288, 1369173745996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to take selfies with shit-tier phone camera
>most shots look beyond terrible
>get the idea to position it to be slightly above eye-level
>every shot looks absolutely great
>mfw I discovered the secret of selfies

>> No.9052364

>give girl copy of csgo as a gift last year
>see her playing it a few days ago
>too scared to ask her to play
the only thing that matters in life as a male is being able to headshot someone with an ak

>> No.9052373


You are braver than most on this board. Shrug it off brah

>> No.9052391

>smile at cute girls
>play eye games n all that
>see them look down and smile to themself
>get feels
>get off the train

>> No.9052404
File: 14 KB, 530x444, 1411650658705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most beautiful girl i've ever seen is a year older than me (at school)
>not even overexaggerating - she is perfect looking
>her style of clothing is very interesting, wouldn't say /fa/ but she's definitely far from generic
>talked to her once last year which was only introducing myself
>she has probably forgotten my name since then
>she says hello to my friends but not to me
>tfw I will never ever EVER talk to her

How do you cope with perfection being in sight yet just out of reach?

>> No.9052422

God damn, is every single board the same deal?
>tfw no fit gf
>tfw no underage gf
>tfw no racist gf
>tfw no effay gf

Is every one just aiming for the same thing?

>> No.9052424

Hey, at arcanine, we don't discriminate.

It's just >tfw no gf

>> No.9052431

>>images flash in my head of going on a date with her, kissing her, getting married, who we would invite to our wedding, what our children would look like and how many we would have, growing old together

hug me brahs

>> No.9052446
File: 118 KB, 413x310, hell_forever_and_ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon that 9/10 qt over there said youd be so hot if you were taller

>> No.9052462

How's /r9k/? Is it still about self loathing circlejerking? I miss /r9k/ before those shit came in.

>> No.9052469
File: 15 KB, 467x559, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw since browsing /fa/ I've become confident in myself and happy with general life
>tfw asked 10/10 effay girl out and she said yes
>tfw make £13p/h at age 19, can afford anything I want and still save a decent amount

>> No.9052475

pretty much

i use it because no one judges me for my suicidal thoughts there. it's pretty comforting to be able to express them without people being like "omg what's wrong with you loser xd"

>> No.9052489

>it's sort of like saying don't get too attached to your mother, bitch will die one day.
In some ways, you are right, but there are some big differences. First of all, you can't really help being attached to your mother, but you can spend far too long being controlled by her, depending on her, etc. A big part of life is leaving your parents and starting life on your own. Nobody is encouraging NEETS to keep leeching off their parents because we know it's not healthy. Move out, establish a life for yourself that isn't controlled by your mother. Call her up on the phone to talk and meet up with her once a week so she can wash your laundry. Maybe grab some food with her. But have your own washer and dryer, or a stack of quarters in case she isn't there to help with your clothes. That is the same idea as what I am saying about relationships.

Over time a relationship will grow and feelings will get stronger. It will always hurt when you lose a girl you are seeing - even if you are only using her for sex only - but you can do things to help soften the blow in a realistic, practical way.

There is a serious difference between making a girl a huge part of your life when she should only be a minor part of it and ultimately it is the power you give her and the relationship as a whole. If your relationship is everything to you, it controls you. Her whim is your command. I'm not saying you need power because you have to control your girl, but you need power over YOURSELF.

You can't always control your feelings, at least not easily. It is something you have to learn, and a fundamental part of that is remembering to keep your relationship in the background of your life as you focus on yourself and your goals. Over time a relationship can grow to be stronger and closer, but still it's important to remember the blindness that can develop through overly strong feelings.

>> No.9052492

You can only dream of faces you've seen before.

She's out there somewhere, anon.

>> No.9052530
File: 1005 KB, 351x263, 1377567181905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt barista girl at cafe I always go to tried to initiate conversation with me today
>caught off-guard and sperged out

kill me

>> No.9052537

Plus, I feel like it is a man's job to lead. I'm not saying a guy should expect his girl to do everything he says, but he should be the leader in his relationship with a girl. Basically, you should bring a girl into your life, not be brought into hers.

In the early stages of your relationship it is crucial to see if a girl is compatible based on how she works with your life. I work a lot, I have a weird schedule. If a set up a date and she can't make time to meet with me when I'm free there is no point in continuing to pursue her. She needs to be able to work into my life. If she expects me to do this, and do that when I wanted to do something else, it won't work. A guy who is either too desperate or places too much importance on establishing a relationship will continue to do what she wants, on her time. His place in the relationship now depends on what she allows him to have. He lost his freedom.

I am not the type of person who constantly wants to go on big, elaborate dates. Some guys love doing that, but other guys do it because they think they have to. Some girls expect to be taken to a nice place all the time, and if that's the case then I won't continue to see them. I shouldn't have to try too hard, or put in a lot of effort. Dating should be fun. There is another guy for them, and there are a bunch more girls who will work with my lifestyle. Plus, there are those inescapable subconscious dynamics that the one who cares the most has the least amount of power.

>> No.9052736

yeah but most tumblrcore girls are slighty fat.

like only the top 20% are skinny so keep searching.

>> No.9052751

Yo nigga get some coffee with that bitch

>> No.9052754


I would feel lonely too if you have that shitty Vanilla Ice haircut displayed in your post.

>> No.9052764

You sound like a gigantic faggot. Caring for someone a lot isn't what makes you a little bitch because you take risks and if she hurts you you get back up and try again. Maybe try not to chase after a pair of tits with a pretty face attached and go for someone with more substance.
What makes you a little bitch is being so scared of getting your feelings hurt that you resort to pretending not to care and trying not to get too attached and playing these childish little mind games that only high schoolers do. If you need to be a strong manly man to be with a girl and "keep her in line" as you put it, is she really worth it? To me she wouldn't be. I found a partner who is my equal and who helps me as much as I help her. you just sound like a 14yo try hard gaylord who acts like a tough guy because he knows he'd cry like a baby if he got his fee-fees and male ego hurt.

>> No.9052765

girl detected, gtfo.

>> No.9052777

>working at retail store
>qt comes up to me
>" dont want you to think im creepy but i think youre really cute"
>I get her first name and introduce myself
>She walks away afterwards
>Instant regret of not getting her number
>Go home and try searching every girl named lauren in my state
Wow im pathetic

>> No.9052782

> >Go home and try searching every girl named lauren in my state

top LEL mate.

>> No.9052856

You misinterpreted the post.
>"keep her in line" as you put it
Is that how I put it? Did I say I need to keep my ho in line? No,I did not. I said that dating should be fun, without a lot of complications. Did I say I was a strong manly man, or felt the need to be? No, I did not. I said that a guy should lead a relationship, because he should.

The overall theme in all of my posts thus far is a very simple message: a relationship needs to build from something small, into something bigger. I don't think you, or anyone, will disagree with that. You are talking about a girl who is your equal and who helps you as much as you help her, as if I couldn't understand or agree that is an ideal relationship. My posts weren't being written to someone who has the type of relationship you described, they were written to address common mistakes guys make early into their relationships.

I wasn't talking about women, I was talking about guys. I wasn't saying you need to control your girl, I was saying a guy needs to maintain control of HIMSELF - which seems obvious, yet can turn into a huge problem quickly when a guy grows too attached to a girl out of his insecurities.

If you don't understand the basic concept that the person who cares the most has the least amount of power, I question your intelligence. I didn't say not to care at all, I said to be careful how much importance you place on a relationship. If you invest all you have into a relationship, you will be left with nothing, and you won't get what you put in back. If you can go through a break up and simply "get back up and try again" then you are doing fine. That is exactly my point.

Also, you're a gaylord times a million.

>> No.9052927

>>tfw no underage gf
>not /tv/

>> No.9052935

>be gay
>feel intimidated by other men because i was bullied physically throughout school
>cant hold a conversation when i get approached by attractive guys because i feel unreasonably threatened and i have to get away

>> No.9052940

are you me

>go out on a date anon
>shes pretty anon
>get over your ex anon
>Your worth you dont have to do things because of her anon

>> No.9053012
File: 994 KB, 1000x1016, 1414478597912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check when the next UFF 2nd hand store sales will be
>all clothing 1€/piece, i always find something cool like old colourful sweaters or something
>today is the last day
>the shops still haven't closed, but i'm in the countryside

Why did I ever leave the city for the weekend?

>> No.9053067


i thought i put it in the email header. sorry

>> No.9053080

Dan pls

>> No.9053085

wouldnt the ideal relationship have the man and women having equal say and have them equally leading, both adapting to eachother?

>> No.9053155

>tfw i found the female version of myself at 4am in my gym
>she's fucking amazing and we immediately get along
>swole yet /fa/ korramode
>turns out she has a gf

please fucking kill me.

>> No.9053172

>a guy should lead because he should
Boy if your dating skills are anything like your reasoning I'm not surprised you're still single

>> No.9053208

Everyone around me is getting fucking action and I'm getting really angry because I'm not because my gf and i broke up and im upset and shes upset and I've been smoking so much fucking weed and i just really need to have sex and all my lady friends won't bc the situation with my now ex gf and I dont wanna beat my dick anymore

>> No.9053217

I don't think it's possible to have a truly equal, 50/50, relationship. 50/50 is unemotional, calculated and impossible. There are no feelings involved, and therefore there are no people involved.

Anyone could tell you their interpretation of an "ideal relationship" but it's either fantasy or delusion. Fantasy meaning something they dream about, delusion meaning they think they're already there. There is always room to improve, and there needs to be. Girls are always looking for the next best thing, which is why it's important for a guy to strive to best he can be, and keep going. Girls will latch on to a guy working towards his dream and a goal. If you are constantly striving towards self improvement you already know how girls respond.

>slap a bitch in the mouth with my dick and it's not domestic violence cuz she likes that shit.

>thinking i'm single
I feel bad for you, son.

>> No.9053241

I use to believe the whole "men should be men" and act that way and stuff, but now as I have read more diverse stuff, etc I am wondering

shouldn't each man just be who they want to be? if a man is beta and kinda feminine, who gives a shit? that is who he is and he should accept that if he wants. now if he wants to attract women, acting like a actual man is known to work, but wouldnt it be better if he could find a way to get women by still taying who he is?

>> No.9053254

how are you liking that LUM weeping worm ep or whatever?

hyped for the boxset coming out!

>> No.9053269

how do you create that urgency and such to get a girl to have sex early in a relationship, instead of having to wait 9 months and let her get "comfortable"?

and does it work for virgins also?

>> No.9053280

if you wanna pull bitches, sure, acting "like a man" will work well enough
if you wanna find a serious relationship no use pretending to be a "manly man" and being unhappy
>50/50 is unemotional, calculated and impossible
it really isn't. Man you just reek of inexperience.

>> No.9053286

by dating sluts

>> No.9053293

not true

even the must un-slutty girls (and virgins) i have know have had one night stands or week flings with alpha males

of course women just like having sex, but it goes deeper than that

>> No.9053307

That is a really fucking good question.
It's also a bit of a paradox because of:
>shouldn't each man just be who they want to be?
There is a path all guys can follow to make themselves more desirable to women. It doesn't matter what people say against it, because it works, and you will see undeniable changes within in a month. However, you are still you, and you will always be "you." Understanding the concept gives you a huge advantage over the "naturals" who never needed to understand the dynamics at play.

You're right, you can be whatever you want to be, as long as that is truly you. Learn to understand "game" and the related concepts, apply that to what you already have and you'll have no problem getting girls. You can get a girl who would never feel any attraction towards me, and vice versa.

>> No.9053313

lots of touching and making out I presume

>> No.9053324

just applying game to who you are makes a ton of sense and what i was thinking would work

my main problem is just getting the conversations with girls i just met to be good. I f i am able to actually pull the trigger and approach them, the convo doesn't last to long, and i never seem as funny or cool as i wanted to be
any advice?

>> No.9053339


>see a beautiful girl
>instantly feel sad i will never be a girl

>> No.9053398

You don't hold back your sexuality. That is a really weird concept, especially today when we have all this "anti-rape" propaganda that makes it seem like even looking at a girl is sexual assault, but it makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

You see a hot girl and you want to fuck her. A girl sees a hot guy and wants to fuck him. Society has built up all these stigmas and rituals about how to date someone but the best way make progress is to embrace your sexuality and act on it.

Last month I met a really hot girl at a party. She couldn't resit my cool charms and as soon as we were alone we were making out. She passionately sucked my dick and I went down on her too. Her pussy was great. It was a completely shaved innie, that puffed out. She wanted to fuck, and I declined. I don't know why I declined, but I still regret it.

Anyway, a week after that I asked her out, and she accepted. Because she was a friend of a coworker I felt a need to contain myself, and do the "right" thing. Instead of my usual behavior I took her out on a "proper" date, bought her drinks and all of that shit. I also never put a hand on her the entire date.

The sexual attraction was undeniably strong when we first met at the party, as evident by the fact she was slurping my balls after barely even meeting me. But I felt some type of obligation to be a "gentlemen" on our date, and it turned into one of the most awkward dates of my entire life. Not only did I not get laid, she leaped out of my car like it was on fire when I dropped her off.

I know that if I followed my usual pattern we would still be hooking up, but my fear of sexually escalating with this particular girl means I'll never see her again.

>> No.9053446
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>i was a player in middle school

>> No.9053455

practice talking to lots of people before approaching girls, like if u see a girl u want to talk to talk to everyone else in the group first and build your momentum and when u talk to girls dont have anything in mind other than give them a fun time while being detached, dont talk too much, be funny, and dont expect any outcome

>> No.9053464

this is always a weird feel.
sorry bruh

>> No.9053469

start working out. it will fix your problem of aspiring to be skinny.

>> No.9053488

I know how you feel. There are two things that will help out a lot.
The first is to never seem like the conversation matters. If it's weird or awkward it is HER FAULT.. even if it's not. That is the mentality you should try adapting. It may sound like bad advice, but I promise you'll see the benefits the next time you run into her.

The second thing is to know when to get out of the conversation. The hardest part of all is closing and getting her number, but it's also the point of the conversation. Try something like this:
"my friend is having a party and I sad I'd invite cool people. what's your number?"

That leaves so much room to get her number and raises the stakes as well. There doesn't need to be a party either. When you text her say "the party isn't gonna happen, but if you're still down to hang out let's get drinks ____"

>> No.9053495

Sent ;---D

>> No.9053610

>tfw fall in love with any girl that gives me the slightest bit of attention

>> No.9053621

>feel great
>see anyone remotely attractive
>instantly lose all confidence

>> No.9053707

>tfw I'm compensating for recent breakup by fucking like rabbits with other girls, and it's only half-working

>meet girl, say something funny
>start talking to her
>blah blah blah
>"Hey, let's hang out sometime. Could I grab your number?"
>Get number
>Keep myself busy by doing schoolwork, then go to a party, then hang out with top priority friends
>text girl next day hungover as fuck, ask if she wants to hang out
>conquer hangover, shower up
>go pick her up, drive around in my shitbox corolla
>wait until I hit a red light (or just go onto the freeway) then rev the engine. They fall in love with the sound of my car.
>do a launch and accelerate up to like 80, then back down
>"Holy shit! I didn't know you had such a fast car anon!"
>figure out some girls are turned on by the sound of cars and that 99% of girls love speeding
>Pull over on a side road or something
>"Hey, can I ask you something?"
>"Yeah anon what is it?"
>"Weeelll...." look up at her, attack her and start making out
>sit there and kiss for like ten minutes
>drive more
>take her to a parking lot, drift around a little bit
>take her back to my/her house, or just park the car somewhere secluded
>tear it up

It's getting too easy. It's not very fun anymore.

>> No.9053712

>always get qt girls numbers just to prove to myself that I can
>never call or text them, just leave them in my contact book for ages

Am I a tool?

>> No.9053793
File: 242 KB, 800x600, Feels Frog Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HB forum has truly gone dogshite and is irreparable
>Sufu is barely amusing
>fuk lost it long ago
back to regular "obscure" fashion forums; no more funnies

>> No.9053858

this happens in periods when im really busy and on my only day off is the only reasonable time i can fit a social/romantic life in

>> No.9054318
File: 83 KB, 800x600, fuccpepew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a pair of shoes I like and cop them online
>get too hyped over them and constantly look at pics and videos of them 24/7
>start to get sick of them and hate them
>they arrive
>repeat cycle

>> No.9054621

I know this feel. I have like 20 numbers that I've never texted..

>> No.9054638

>go to haunted house day before halloween
>see the prettiest girl ever there working as a zombie nurse
>cant get her smile out of my head

>> No.9054681
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, 1341290700869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck gorgeous cougar who is about twice my age
>Tells me I'm handsome, has an infectious laugh and is really fun to be around
>Makes me feel good whenever I see her and is just a really nice lady
>mfw no gf and the age difference is too great to even consider seeing each other outside of our fuckbuddy relationship

Why do young girls suck?

>> No.9054752

Finding out that it is easier to pretend that you're in love with someone for three years than it is to pretend that you aren't in love with someone for 30 minutes is hell.

>> No.9054859

naah maby later, but yust keep talking to her but not in a "i wanna ask you out way" but more in a casual way.

i mean if she don't wanna she don't wanna
shit need to come from two sides.

>> No.9054944

Damn man i know those feel
mom died same way 6 years ago,

once i was high as fuck from mdma at some techno party and i was realy into talking to this girl and we talking about our live and shit.

then she realy got into it and said some realy deep / dark shit about her self so i told her my shit and she literally cried.

shit made me cry 2 was a realy weird fealing like a presure got off my heart
that was there for a while.

>> No.9054966

Look down at what? ;-;

>> No.9054985
File: 24 KB, 852x657, frog kills self.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you were sheltered so much and not really allowed out or to parties so you had few friends
>tfw it made you so socially inept i have literally no idea how to meet people or start relationships let alone make smalltalk

>> No.9055004


>> No.9055027

IKTF. I was casually dating a 33 year old for a few months last year and it was a great experience. Older girls don't play games, and will be a lot more upfront about what they like and don't like. I can date girls without them having any affect on my life, and I look back on them as just hot sex, but this cougar taught me so much about sex and dating. Younger girls play a lot of games, and will walk a line where they constantly test a guy. I can understand the psychological reasons why younger girls, who are at their prime, feel the need to constantly test guys, but it can still be straight up obnoxious and a downright problem for guys who don't get it.

The problem with dating a cougar is they want a relationship to be serious and long term, and will bring those topics up a lot quicker, but as long as you keep things casual with her until she puts the pressure on you to commit, you'll have a great experience.

Younger girls work so hard to avoid seeming like a slut, and a cougar just appreciates and enjoys sex. She'll tell you what she wants, which is why I became so much better at sex. I think it is a bad idea to pursue a cougar as a long term, exclusive relationship, because of the huge age gap, but damn, it was a nice time. Plus, she had her life established. She had a career, a house, and knew so many cool locations and things to do.

>> No.9055030

>insecure as fuck
>good facial aesthetics and good sense of humor make qts fall all over me
>dancer with a 10/10 body sending me nudes
>qt blonde /lit/ girl fawning over me
>not sure who to choose

Losing all that weight seriously changed my life, I'd be a forever alone virgin had I not.

>> No.9055066

>tfw went to an all boys school and didnt kiss a girl until I was 21
>got with 6 girls in the past year
>tfw still wizard as too drunk to get it up when had the chance
>missed out on some top qts

>> No.9055119
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The cougar I'm seeing straight up told me "I wish you were 15 years older," so I think we're at an understanding that what we're doing is just for fun. It's just nice talking to a girl who isn't constantly trying to test you or isn't talking about stupid inane shit. The fucking is just a bonus, to be honest.

I had only had sex twice before seeing her but now I'm a lot better in bed and more confident thanks to her.

Cougars, assuming they're level headed, are so fucking based.

>> No.9055262


This was a great read anon. I'm currently going through the same thing, and this was a really good way to knock some sense into myself, thanks.

>> No.9055273
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>tfw not ready for that jelly

>> No.9055304
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>tfw short and black

>> No.9055309

>now I'm a lot better in bed and more confident thanks to her.
Same for me.
What I am most grateful about is it helped me give in to being more dominant in bed. A lot of guys, maybe even most guys, are too afraid to be aggressive and physical during sex. She wanted it hard, and she wanted to be dominated, so I got my shit together and let out what I had been holding back. Now I know it's best to be sexual with women from the start, instead of that flawed line of thinking that makes a guy wait forever to make a move in fear of rejection, or worse, fear of being seen as sexual harassment, etc.. I wrote about it here:

PS I'm not talking about slapping the ass of a coworker, i'm talking about pulling a date in closer and going in for the kiss, sex, etc, early on.

>> No.9055354

>what is craigslist

>> No.9055364


you better you fucking idiot. don't be a pussy.

>> No.9055365

>Tfw tall and black

Not even Dark chocolate more like beyonce black.

>> No.9055400

>somebody help me with these feels
wrong, you have to help yourself

take the red pill

>> No.9055548

>take the red pill
I know that the "red pill" seems like such an autistic idea at first, especially to somebody with the idea it is just promoting PUA, but there is a lot of good that comes from red pill philosophy. No, it doesn't involve any reddit subcommunities either.

What you wrote "you have to help yourself" is exactly what the red pill is about. That is the overall theme of all red pill concepts. Some people will negate it all and say "that's obvious" but the truth is, for a lot of guys, it isn't obvious. A lot of guys, most in fact, are raised to thinking that their happiness will come by following a certain frame, doing the "right thing," being a "good person," etc. The red pill isn't saying to not be a good person, it's challenging why people think certain things are "right" when they bring no benefits to a mans life. Red pill is reconnecting with the masculine side of a guys nature that has been stripped away through all sorts of social conditioning and agendas enforced through media.

That statement, of course, will bring up another common criticism, which typically sounds something like "hurr just be a manly man masculine douchebag and girls will flock to you, right? fuck em and dump em, right? that's what you're saying."
But that is not what I'm saying, and it's not what the red pill is saying either. In fact, the very fact that the word "masculine" automatically gets associated with "hurr big trucks go fast, pound beer, pound pussy, don't skip leg day, am I right?" is the problem the red pill is trying to bring to the surface.


>> No.9055556

You're An Faggot

>> No.9055563

So closeeee

>> No.9055588

There are masculine traits, and there are feminine traits. Society breeds guys to rejecting and suppressing their masculine traits, which is a big reason why there are so many guys frustrated, and confused, even devastated about their sex life, or lack of sex life. They hold women too highly, and give them too much power over their life. Red pill isn't saying a guy needs power over a woman, it's saying that a guy needs power over HIMSELF, and should constantly strive to attain more power. A guy has to live for himself, and his best interest, and society will tell men their best interest is falling in line with a females agenda. Someone might show me an example of women being photoshopped to look thinner and say, "how is THAT falling in line to a woman's agenda?" and I may respond by saying "well, it doesn't. but it does demonstrate the unrealistically high value our society places on women, which ultimately is why feminism has been able to become so prominent and important in our society."

Look at how much POWER women have over men. A lot of guys would cut their arm off just to spend time with a slightly hot girl, and base their entire existence around what would a girl think about this or that. Why? Where is his self worth? His value is not demonstrated based on what a woman thinks of him - even though society says that it is.

Again, the red pill is not about holding women down, or promoting an anti-feminist agenda, it's reminding guys to take a look and think about who they are serving. It doesn't matter if a woman doesn't agree with red pill theory. Why should she, it's not in her best interest. The question the red pill raises is why do so many men support feminism when it actively works against their own best interest.

>> No.9055601

Except that your big fag and move past it. I support LBLT communties so im ok with your gayness. Please don't accuse me of faggotry, and accept me for who i am. we can be different.

>> No.9055625

>Why should she, it's not in her best interest.
Well, actually, I could argue that ultimately a red pill philosophy is in her best interest, because a man with a "red pill" mentality will allow her to be a woman, and value her female traits instead of pedestaling and putting her in an unfair, and unrealistic position. But compared to feminism, it doesn't SEEM like it is in her best interest.

>> No.9055635


this is me. not guilt, im glad the relationship ended and i feel like i wasted the past three years i spent dating him, but i miss having someone to lay next to

its been months and those moments have gotten rare, but its hard to forget about them

take care of yourself, anon. take your time, get over your ex, work on improving yourself and do things that make you happy. You'll get there soon

>> No.9055637

Also, I'm curious what a feminist thinks about the idea of masculine and feminine traits. There are negative traits on both sides, of course, and i'm wondering what traits a feminist considers masculine, and/or feminine.

I have a feeling most have never thought about that stuff because it would involve generalizing, which is the ultimate worst offense in the entire world.

>> No.9055703

take a sociology class with a concentration in gender roles. Generalization isn't offensive at all, it's a useful way to make a point. The problem is creating and perpetrating generalizations that have negative effect, for example, the idea that people of color are more likely to commit crime. (They're not, they're just more likely to be arrested, whether or not a crime was committed


masculine and feminine character traits are usually seen as mostly based in the expectations that society has for each gender, that is, men are expected and raised to be strong, aggressive, to not express their emotions, and to defend their masculinity. Women are expected and raised to be demure, to not want sex, and to be polite, and whatever.

Gender roles do exist, but the fact that they are socially rather than biologically determined is a basic feminist idea. Because they are socially determined, they are not perfect. Many of the expectations that society has of women have the effect of them not being seen as capable of contributing to scientific discussion, capable of carrying out an intellectual discussion, capable of being just as successful in the workplace as men, or deserving as much respect as men.

That's not to say that men don't have harmful expectations, we are expected to hide our emotions, we are expected to be aggressive, we are expected to be sexually successful, etc. Most feminists care about these issues and try to fix them. However the problems that men face are on an individual, emotional level. many of the problems women face are on a structural, even governmental level. For example, lower wages, less chance of being hired, higher threat of rape and violence, less governmental representation, etc, in addition to more individual, emotional issues.

>> No.9055741

>recently broke up with bf of 3 years several months ago
>felt relieved and life was great
>started improving skills, myself and studying more
>found some new hobbies
>met a qt who lives next door and teaching him how to play a song on the guitar
>everything was great until what would have been our anniversary passed last month
>every night since then spent staying up late and craving the warmth of someone lying by my side

Our relationship wasn't even that great and I don't miss it. I just miss having someone. I feel so goddamn lonely and instead of spending time with friends, hanging out with other people, I've just been cooped up in my room for weeks but I don't feel like doing anything about it

>> No.9055758

Was he good at blowjobs?

>> No.9055766


i don't have a penis

>> No.9055777

Boys only club

Please go

>> No.9055833

>Generalization isn't offensive at all, it's a useful way to make a point.
I fully agree, but most people don't. Most people, especially in discussions about gender, will cling hard to the phrase "not everyone is the same, stop with the sweeping generalizations" when discussing anything slightly "negative" about women.

I understand what you mean about traits being based around society, and of course it's the same with gender roles, but there are also the natural traits that society has simply reformed, or suppressed.

I don't think feminism is in a mans best interest, and I don't think it is working to "solve" the male problems you wrote about. How could it? It is only going to "fix" the issues that will benefit the feminine agenda. For example, you say men are seen as aggressive, and nobody can disagree with you about that. A problem that needs to be addressed is that some men aren't aggressive, but feel the need to be, because it will make them seem "masculine." However, the solution for that, under feminism, is to continue to tell guys to NOT be aggressive, to suppress their masculine traits. Feminism will tell the non-aggressive man he is right, and say the aggressive men are the problem.
Mmasculinity isn't a problem. but it is under to feminist agenda. Feminism tells guys "it's ok to be different, you don't have to subscribe to societies roles" but NEVER "it's ok to be a man, and to use your masculine traits."
Feminism redefines what a man should be, through a model that best fits a woman's best interest.

It's like going out into the wilderness and capturing a wolf. You take the wolf out of nature, put him in a cage and take care of him. You feed him, give him water and take him for walks , you say "I am helping this wolf"
It's true, you are t3e one responsible for keeping the wolf alive and healthy, but you've taken him out of nature, away from his family, and made him depend on you. That is how I see the feminist agenda "helping" men.

>> No.9055893

>but NEVER "it's ok to be a man, and to use your masculine traits."
For the same reason why nobody cares about "reverse racism" and "heterophobia" or skinny shaming: it's unnecessary. Maybe this is not the best approach (and you do make some valid points), but right now it is not necessary to tell people it's ok to fit societal ideas of good/pretty/etc, because most things reinforce that these things are good and desirable.

In my opinion, men really need a movement of their own to push for their interests too. But not the way MRAs do. Not hating women, name-calling, pointing fingers and wishing women would revert to their previous oppressed state and dreaming of a wonderful era (that never existed) where every man was a king. The current male-centered movements still focus too much on the classical idea of masculinity, fear of the homosexuality etc.

Not quoted anon, btw.

>> No.9055992

I agree with you about MRA being a problem, but the problem really isn't with the MRA mentality, it's with the letter A at the end: Activists. I believe a huge part of the problem is guys ever thinking women will support or encourage MRA - they don't need women's support, and there is no way they will ever get it. All they need is their voices, to speak the side that gets pushed out. Stop trying to convert and recruit people to the MRA side. Let there be a community and presence of guys who understand the issues, and let them represent their views as needed. The problem with feminism is male-feminists, and I believe the fundamental problem with MRA is the idea of female men's rights activists. If guys would stop constantly worrying about what women think, and what women say, there wouldn't be a need for MRA in the first place.

That is why I was saying that the "red pill" philosophy is actually very beneficial and can potentially help a lot of guys out here:

It's something guys need to discover on their own. It is pointless to say "become red pill. learn the red pill" to a guy who is still living in a blue pill state of mind, or to a girl (obviously). Anybody reading red pill writing without personally coming to terms with certain ideas beforehand, will see it the same way an atheist sees the bible. But as soon as a guy starts noticing something isn't right, and starts searching for answers, he'll discover the red pill and it will feel like his eyes have just been opened.

btw, Rollo Tomossi is the best and most relevant red pill writer. I think his work is great. I know a lot of people want to make fast assumptions about writers like him, but he's the real deal as far as credibility goes. Not a PUA, not a keyboard warrior, not someone who tries to be masculine - he's been married 15 years, and has a daughter.

>> No.9056019


Sorry to intrude.

>> No.9056529

you have it p well :)

>> No.9056749
File: 7 KB, 272x185, In the jungle feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometime lay awake at night thinking about my relationship status
>Never really wanted a relationship with anything
>Too easily hurt cause big emotional babby with trust issues on the inside
>Don't know if I want love or sex
>Is there even a difference to me?
>Think about girls that loved me. They never told me why other then "You're kind."
>Think about girls that I loved. Never told them why. Honestly don't even know
>Wonder if I am just a controlling dirt bag on the inside who is just jelly of what he never had
>Wonder if I want to feel love or anything
>Wonder why I am afraid of hurting others
>Think of my dream girl
>Don't even understand why I think I deserve someone like that
>Realize she might just be all in my head
>Realize she might not even exist
>Even if she did, would I even be happy?
>Would I ruin everything again?
>Hug my pillow and feel completely forlorn and broken

>> No.9056790

>Don't even understand why I think I deserve someone like that
You don't "deserve" a good gf. You get lucky enough to be everything she wants a bf to be.
There's a lot of couples where one of the two goes very anxious from asking him/herself "My partner is so good, I'm so bad, why is s/he with me, I don't deserve this, this cannot go on". This kind of interrogations is essentially pointless, and can lead to the destruction of the relationship more surely than if any of the fears of that partner about him being the worst person on earth were actually true

>> No.9056812
File: 365 KB, 800x600, Intergalatic feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending this cycle of self destruction is difficult for me. Working on it but the feels are still there.

>> No.9057487

rollo is great, but i feel like he never fully addresses the topic he say he is planning on in each article.

he makes good points and builds up to it, but i always feel like at the end that he hasn't reached the full end of his argument or assertion and hasn't fully axplained it and sorted it out

>> No.9057524

what job do you do that you make £13 an hour?

>> No.9057588
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>get to know girl
>get on well, she seems interested
>after some time it feels like she's losing interest, can't make her laugh as easily where before I could just with a look or whatever
>feels like she's not trying as hard with me

why does this always happen, what is wrong with me

>> No.9057605

This always happens with me as well. I just cant maintain their interest. This French qt was really interested and told me to text her to do something. I text her and she just does not seem to care. I dont know how to get a gril when theyre probably bombarded with interest from other guys

>> No.9057679

>why does this always happen, what is wrong with me
It isn't necessarily YOU that is the problem. Many guys don't really understand what they are up against when it comes to dating. I am going to assume you are 18-24, dealing with girls around your same age. I will try to break down why you keep seeing the same problems, and offer some advice that may help you out.

Some guys don't understand that girls aged 18-25 are at their sexual prime, and many more don't understand what that means. To keep it simple, it means that they are very desirable to guys and therefore deal with all types of attention from guys. She is constantly filtering, and considering all options, and it is in her nature to gravitate towards the best opportunity. Sometimes you can do something that will turn a girl off and lower her interest, but many times she has simply found a more promising, exciting prospect. She may leave you for another guy, but it doesn't mean she isn't going to pull the same stunt on the new guy as well. You think "she's on a date with me, so she must like me" and you're right - she sees something in you, so she is giving you a chance. She may even fuck you and find you very attractive and desirable. But she knows, even just subconsciously, that this is her peak - this is when she has the best chance at finding a great guy, so she needs to capitalize on it. She can be having a great time with you, but still be anxious to see what other prospects are around the corner. A lot of guys "commit" to a girl too fast. They start dating a girl and then stop considering their options. The idea of dating two girls at once seems insane and misogynistic, but most of these girls will be pursuing multiple men at once, and don't see any problems with it. They are also very good at never, ever mentioning it.


>> No.9057713
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> I feel so goddamn lonely and instead of spending time with friends, hanging out with other people, I've just been cooped up in my room for weeks but I don't feel like doing anything about it

Are you me? Just add a few years on that few weeks. ;_;

>> No.9057719

meant to quote

>> No.9057737

I understand how this can all be seen as very negative, and even lead to jadedness and depression, because I'm in this game too. I see these same scenarios play out constantly, and i'm not surprised when I find out a girl I just went out with had another guy, or was talking to another guy. I was an exciting prospect, and she was testing me to see how I did against the others. I almost always have sex with the girls i'm seeing on the first date, or even before the first date, and that still doesn't change anything. It isn't a lack of "game" on my part - it's just that there is someone else with better game. Regardless of morality, go through a girls phone and you'll see i'm right. Check this: http://www.amazon.com/The-Key-Logger-Forbidden-Glimpse-ebook/dp/B00FZXE2HY

All of this is exactly why it is important to always keep your options open, and take each date with a grain of salt. Enjoy it for what it is, have the most fun you can and gain as much as you can from the experience.
But when it's over, whether you wake up in her bed, or end up drunk driving home confused with blue balls, you need to keep on living life and looking to improve. Learning "game" WILL drastically improve your skills with girls, and make you seem like a more desirable person overall. A girl is always testing you to make sure you are in control, and recognizing these tests will ensure you pass them. That is what can make all the difference, and take you from a first date to a second, third, etc, but even still, remember that damn Zach Efron has been rejected at some point in the past month.


>> No.9057740

huh, hi luke. I remember hearing same from you few months ago. very life-changing.

>> No.9057746

How much should you pursue though? If any? Should I be the one always organising stuff to do?