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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 29 KB, 500x700, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9038422 No.9038422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why don't you have a body like this?!

>> No.9038428

becuase i have cancer

>> No.9038591


>> No.9038598


sorry man :/

>> No.9038630

sorry :( hope everything works out for you

>> No.9038647

Because anorexia caused by a multitude of genetic fuckups.
At least I get to enjoy sitting in front of packed gyms and eating McDonalds.

>> No.9038708

>enjoy eating

kek what a dumb skelettor

>> No.9038721

I have similar legs and I don't workout

>> No.9038733


>> No.9038760

Because I actually lift

>> No.9038763

/fit/ please leave.

>> No.9038772

My body is better

>> No.9038773

My frame is different

>> No.9038776

I eat sometimes because fainting is only /fa/ if you're in the middle of an argument.

>> No.9038855

this guy doesn't train legs

>> No.9038862

oh shit

>> No.9038974

Because I don't have scoliosis or whatever is wrong with his back

>> No.9039002

post this shit on /fit

>> No.9039215

it would be a bunch of fat (sorry, "bulking") neckbeards lying about how they're bodies are better.

>> No.9039234

because I don't want a body like that.

>> No.9039241

>confusing /b/ for /fit/
quit it

>> No.9039325

Sorry to hear that man

>> No.9039340


> tfw have a body somewhat similar to this

I don't think I'd ever pose like that though.

>> No.9039431
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x1920, 556ded0d-ccab-478d-be27-5fb8c6d29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that dyel faggot is tiny and has never seen a squat rack in his life. disgusting, piss poor physique, even with professional lighting and photography.

too bad he's prettier than me.

>> No.9039432


at least he doesn't have gyno lel

>> No.9039434

dat chest gap lmao

>> No.9039450

I never understood why people who take roids go on to talk shit about peoples physique.

>> No.9039568


ummm, you are either a skeleton or fat r-right?

>> No.9039582

nice chest

>> No.9039585

>that left thigh

>> No.9039604
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x1920, c35962b9-16a4-4ceb-9f5c-7c4d793bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they call me the gynosquatlord.

>> No.9039779

>too bad he's prettier than me.
that's why he's /fa/

>> No.9039792

he's clearly a manlet and therefore that is possible natty

>> No.9039802

your torso looks like an angry man

>> No.9041637

i like food

>> No.9041645
File: 136 KB, 480x640, WP_20141025_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becoz I do

>> No.9041649

dem nips

>> No.9041698

Because I'm lazy

>> No.9041708

So am I. Its not an excuse

>> No.9041716

Because I have penis like a nigger. :^)

>> No.9041720

post routine, brah

>> No.9041722

>that chest
I'm sorry man

>> No.9041738

Chest press machine
Db Shoulder press

3 sets, 4-8 reps

Also do chin-ups

As for diet, I tend to binge eat and fast intermittently

>> No.9041827

thats fucking disgusting

>> No.9041833

ok, thanks. sounds like you just have good genetics.

>> No.9041856

Nah its taken years

>> No.9042114


>> No.9042125

praying for u

>> No.9042830

Of course it's taken years, your routine consists of 4 exercises lmao, why not develop a less shit routine?
>chest press machine
try harder m'nigga

>> No.9042848

but i do
sorry man

>> No.9042881

dude... wtf is this? are you trying to waste time in the gym or what?

>> No.9043038

This guys routine is horse shit,
if you want to look better than this man or like him in shorter time check out fit or at least do a routine consisting of bench, squat, press, chin up, dip and deadlifts.

>> No.9045081

hope you pull thru

>> No.9045243

Lol I used to do more exercises but I'm lazier these days. And its only taken me years because I bulked too hard and then was too lazy to cut. My routine isn't actually that bad, I split the exercises up well and try to keep the reps fairly low and the weight high, I just neglect lower body. I know I could get swole if I wanted to.

>> No.9045661
File: 854 KB, 597x678, 33333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>tfw when 6'2" and in shape but still virgin in mid-twenties

>> No.9045697

hey kid, not everyone is fresh into /fit/ and scrambling to do squats and dead lifts.

when i was younger i did a 5 day week that was hypertrophy and myofibril rotational. i counted macros and was dead lifting 600lbs for 5x3 weekly

now i could not give less of a fuck and just curl and do push ups + rows occasionally
consistency with even a shit routine is more enjoyable in the long run than a tight as fuck routine
only some people are truly passionate enough to stick to a hard schedule

>believing this guy has 'good genetics'
fucking retard

>> No.9045706

I'd take your maidenhood. But I have a penis.

>> No.9045714


>> No.9045739

meet a pack of asian girls and they'll prob grope your dick in about 10 seconds

>> No.9045740

because you're an unfunctional roidfags who's never gonna look good in clothes.

If you put years of training in instead of roiding, your chest would look nice and you'll have more strength with less mass.

>> No.9046043

/fit/ pls go

>> No.9046206
File: 339 KB, 1632x916, WP_20140811_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i look better

>> No.9046210

are you in a fucking public restroom?

>> No.9046237

gim lookers breh

>> No.9046253

those sinks look nasty. would plow your boipussi,tho

>> No.9046282

what kind of pants do you wear?

>> No.9046308

look, a new tripfag

>> No.9046311

post routine,bruhbruh

>> No.9046349

that's not saying much at all

>> No.9046352

I am a monkey, eat my anus pls

>> No.9047883

post dick

>> No.9047896

pls be in london
free healthcare

>> No.9047926

Muscle mass is uneffay as fuck

>> No.9047942

damn those abs

>> No.9047962

Because I'm lazy and have terrible genetics

People with my frame look like this when we get muscular

I hate my ribcage so much, like I legitimately thought about killing myself a lot because of how much it grosses me out.

I'm 5'8 and kinda ugly too.

>> No.9047971
File: 35 KB, 390x1000, 2ltipp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.9047979
File: 11 KB, 180x279, barrel2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more barrel chests

Why did it have to be me? I just want to be a waifish gayboy

>> No.9047995
File: 1.73 MB, 3072x2304, barrel3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9047999

Looking good dan

>> No.9048005
File: 10 KB, 480x360, barrel4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9048019

Looks like if gerrard butler didn't get big

Just get lean and built and get skin removal surgery

Work with that you got and go heritage

>> No.9048033
File: 67 KB, 395x631, barrel7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't remove bone :(

>> No.9048040
File: 92 KB, 511x634, barrel5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9048053

You can build core.

>> No.9048066

and look like >>9047979

Like I think I'd be even more grossed out by myself then

I posted a chest pic here once and it got circulated around a bit cuz of you ridiculous it was I'll try to find it

>> No.9048072

legalize medical marijuana

>> No.9048077

He isn't lean.

>> No.9048086

Not here to defend roidfags, but insertions are genetical. The chest would look no different without roids. And who the fuck cares about strenght anyways? We are in /fa/ from all places. I thought it was more than implied that lifting is for looks and nothing else.

>> No.9048093
File: 1.97 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-10-10-14-21-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9048094

because my bulk is not completed
my legs, core and traps are really similar to his but my chest and biceps are coming pretty slow

>> No.9048099

maximum retard disordered eating curlbrah
fuck you and your reasonably nice chest

>> No.9048121

Lol, IF is an actual thing. Look up lean gains and intermittent fasting.

>> No.9048152

Lisa ann?

>> No.9048156


Oops thought this was google

>> No.9048161

I think its a healthy way of doing things, also its one extreme to the other nature suits my character and I love trolling people by eating ridiculous amount of food sometimes whilst staying lean.

>> No.9048168

I liked it, it also shrinks your stomach so you can't eat as much when you do binge. I had to eat two-three meals in the 8 hours and snack to get enough calories. I went from eating entire pizzas on a bulk to only being able to eat three within an hour.

>> No.9048171

*three slices*


>> No.9048172

>(I assume unplanned and regimented)binge eating and fasting intermittently
pick wan

IF is for bandwagon shitlords who can't resist dominoes anyway

>> No.9048175


>> No.9048180

What does the scoreboard say esse?

>> No.9048285
File: 174 KB, 461x614, me and gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i do.

>> No.9048294

who in their right mind would willing take a picture like this?

>> No.9048299

Because I barely have the energy to get out of bed and I'm 5'6" and I probably have gyno.

At least I only have ~15 more lbs to lose until my goal weight.

>> No.9048322

Do you usually type in captchas on Google, or do you have a Google pass?

>> No.9048329

Because it's unnecessary.

>> No.9048354

what it means is that the girl is not as hot as him, and thus only agreed to be in such a cheesy awful photograph because she's using him as political capital as much as he's using her. he's saying "look i can get a girl" and she's saying "look i can get hot guy", both of them leveraging each other as experience on their respective dating resumes, while searching for better positions at 'different companies'

>> No.9048362

le foxxy grapes

>> No.9048363


honest mistake mate!

>> No.9048371

because i am bulking

>> No.9048376

you probably shouldn't be on 4chan

The cancer here has mutated so it is now contagious

>> No.9048432

le wat

>> No.9048440
File: 465 KB, 1920x1200, Sabina Altynbekova Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting there. Running a couple miles every other day and lifting on my days off.

>> No.9048447
File: 222 KB, 878x878, 1398355242254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lifting is your day off
>cardio is you main day

you won't make it

>> No.9048460
File: 60 KB, 423x281, cross-country-running1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away /fit/
Running is my priority because I enjoy it more and I want to concentrate on my heart rate, breathing, and legs

>> No.9048463

boring as fuck

I play basketball and cable row for cardio. If you want to be small keep at it. That would bore me to death. I'd probably have to listen to a book on tape so my brain wouldn't rot.

>> No.9048474
File: 147 KB, 640x351, 7049799669_83e8f0cf42_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like not having to think of anything. There's nice scenery, too.

I should be playing a social sport. I was thinking tennis, but maybe I'll try to pick up basketball or rugby or something.

>> No.9048478

>not intently focusing on the muscle group you're working on when you work out.

Your workouts are 30% less effective than what they could be. This is backed by science.

>> No.9048481

Tennis is badass, one on one sports are the best outside a league. I played it in high school. It was harder than football and probably as hard as wrestling.

>> No.9048486

Go ahead and reread the comment chain.

>> No.9048783


you don't even see those in the club

>> No.9049196

You know that's not an impressive body, right? Its looks like you only do abs

Do you ever deadlift?

>> No.9049349
File: 151 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tryna get swole, just getting skinny fat, why are people telling me to eat more

>> No.9049352

My XS clothes wouldn't fit then

>> No.9049355
File: 1.62 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wrong pic

>> No.9049362

depends. whats your weekly routine?

>> No.9049368


3x 60 min runs
3x 45 mins lifting alternating body groups +30 mins of swimming
3 x 20 pushups every morning

>> No.9049384

fuck, really? that should be plenty of cardio. what speed are your runs? maybe you'd have to increase the speed, or run in sprints rather than a full 60 min

>> No.9049387

It depends on how much youre eating as well

>> No.9049396

cus 'murika

>> No.9049400


I'll run probably 5-6 miles in those 60 mins, but it's also trail running along the Potomac so it gets hilly

>> No.9049404

I'm eating 2500 calories a day, no dairy or glueten.

>> No.9049436

there's your problem.

>> No.9049455

Too much?

>> No.9049472

Not the guy you responded to but that's definitely way to much. Are you trying to cut? Because if you are figure out your tdee and eat 500-200 calories below that

>> No.9049482


I'm trying to gain dude. I'm 5'10" and 138 lbs. I should look like a skeleton.

>> No.9049510


Find out your BMR and add 500 cals onto it

>> No.9049520


Sorry dude. Didn't realize you gave your stats. Your Bmr is 1684 so eat about 2200 a day. If you feel your putting on too much fat go 100 less or if your not putting on any weight add 100 to it

>> No.9049546

heavy cardio killing muscle gains once again, youre eating big but not lifting heavy enough

>> No.9049695


Thnx anon. Guess I've got to start counting calories

>> No.9050353

Looks like you only do cardio.

>> No.9050356

Please tell me your mile is under 4:40 and your 8k is under 27:30.

>> No.9050357

pls dont die

>> No.9050467
File: 1.03 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-07-31 21.53.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, i might start lifting
5'11'' king of the manlets
145 lbs

>> No.9050487

>tfw when 4:26 mile

>> No.9051270

Get better soon friend

>> No.9051509

Unless you're not from america, 5'11" is not manlet size. If anything it is average. Also, get some obliques goin awn brother

>> No.9051518
File: 367 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have a body like this
Everyday is wanting to die.

>> No.9051527


>> No.9051555 [DELETED] 

you have klinefelters, its a genetic disorder. see a dr.

>> No.9051557

holy shit what gender are you

>> No.9051579

Probably a tranny

>> No.9051581

i know that man boob feel. but I'm a little chubby. you have the body of a beautiful young woman. sorry.

>> No.9051583 [DELETED] 


>> No.9051586

>that pulge
>no grills on the internet
>having a body like that and wanting to die

what do you think anon?

>> No.9051743


Little kek.

>> No.9051783

I'm 5'7", Klinefelters are meant to be tall

>> No.9051793

You have a testosterone deficiency.

>> No.9051796

Because I don't skip legs day

>> No.9051801

His legs are classically proportional. His upper body isn't that big.

>> No.9051830

that's bretty cynical brah

>> No.9051861

not really

>> No.9051874

You are around my height and weight. How do you stay so lean? I am skinnyfat

Do you exercise at all?

>> No.9051979

I do except for the giraffe neck

>> No.9051982


>> No.9052329

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sucks to be you!

>> No.9052394

That's awfully mean

>> No.9052402
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1414440564170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw missed the Gyakusou drop

>> No.9052417


>> No.9052465
File: 611 KB, 1645x2046, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys even trying

>> No.9052681
File: 16 KB, 226x251, that barreled feel .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have and will always have that barreled feel

>> No.9052776

I wouldn't i had that chin..l

>> No.9052849

Are you?

>> No.9052900

fast metabolism, only eat 2 regular sized meals a day (i dont get hungry often), and i work full time in the summers as a carpenter so thats pretty laborious. otherwise no, ive never worked out or lifted

>> No.9052905

wearing womens underwear isnt helping your cause

>> No.9052918

What cause?

>> No.9053091

Only 2 meals?

>> No.9053406

7/10 tits buddy, would suckle.

>> No.9053489

muh dick, I would tenderly lick your phallus if you let me

no homo

>> No.9053493

is this sarcasm

>> No.9054008


>> No.9054130


>> No.9054313

in that case yea at most I only eat twice daily, if not once. probably 600-1300cal a day

>> No.9055110

WOuldnt you die with that little?

>> No.9055413
File: 321 KB, 2131x3058, tuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat 40g fat 450g carbs 350g protein every day, not gaining any weight...

>> No.9055846

dunno, im certainly not dead yet. my daily maintenance is probably like 1700cal so its not a huge deficit most days

>> No.9055866

>350 g protein
>rip all your internal organs

>> No.9055899

this. >>9055413 is actuallly going to fuck up your body if you continue

>> No.9055928

~1200Calories are the minimum calories for all your basal functions. If you get below that your body will start to resent it.
Osteoporosis and a reduced life expectancy await you.

>> No.9055958

rip liver and kidneys x.x

>> No.9055960

>euro toothpaste

>> No.9056243

Beats American communist paste

>> No.9056284


>> No.9056286

yes, eventually
>my maintenance is probably like 1700cal
no it isn't
if you continue eating any deficit for long enough you're going to metabolize so much of your body that you die

i speak from experience with nearly dying from an eating disorder

>> No.9056327

What do you look like now? How do you know if you're eating at defecit and gonna die?

>> No.9056427

Generally how you feel and body weight,

>> No.9056856

why do you want to gain weight? looks good

>> No.9056892


>> No.9057223

take care friend

>> No.9057637

Bullshit, just need to drink enough
Its german ALDI NORD paste, the bestestest
Iam addicted to the sport, its always needs to be more weight and more leanmass, iam lifting for like 5 years now and started extremly obese. I just want to look like a lift in a sweatshirt

>> No.9057656

gehst du ins mcfit? :)

>> No.9057664


>> No.9057678

Because I'm endomorph.

I have to work out a lot and watch my diet just to avoid getting fat.

>> No.9057724

Endo morph isn't a thing

>> No.9057738

I have this same body (perhaps even more /fit/) but smaller testicles.

Small balls are not /fa/... :(