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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 20 KB, 350x350, 0326e534-0124-4cc7-b038-9579c6e9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9047925 No.9047925 [Reply] [Original]

So smoking is /fa/, but how do you deal with the un/fa/ side-effects? (smell,breath,yellowing teeth)

>> No.9048011

chewing gum, chewing gum, brushing your fucking teeth 3 times a day

>> No.9048025

And lung cancer
U may look fa with cancer - according to fa when Steve jobs had cancer - but it isn't fa when you're dead from it

Just smoke when you're on camera so each cig u smoke u get +1 /fa/

>> No.9049075
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but what about the smell on your clothes?

>> No.9049111

you could quit?

>> No.9049129

my clothes dont catch the smell, not even herb smell cause its snowing and cold outside.

>> No.9049137

A lot of bitches like the smell. Stop being a puss.

>> No.9049140

don't get roped into the habit. I use cigarettes to reward myself if I get something big off my plate like an interview or project, but aside from that I rarely smoke by myself and save my smokes for when I'm out with friends

>> No.9049143

yep, smoking is /fa/, being a smoker isn't

>> No.9049356

Only smoke socially or to suppress appetite if you're craving something high in calories.

Don't smoke enough to develop a habit.

A pack lasts me a month.

>> No.9049374

Sure they don't.

>> No.9049378

>subliminal message: cowboy hats are cool


>> No.9049434


>> No.9049441

vaping looks gay as fuck

>> No.9049452

It's 2014. Smoking is un-/fa/ as fuck.

>> No.9049501

just smoke a few cigs every now and then and its good, however being a chainsmoker isnt /fa/ at all.

>> No.9049511

being dead is most /fa/ thing u can do bruh

>> No.9049560

smoking is retarded and you look like a scummy fag

>> No.9049605

smoking is perhaps the absolute worst thing you can do for your image

>> No.9050222


how2not get addicted

>> No.9050342

Focus on where your smoke is going. Hold it in longer so less density and don't breathe on your clothes/hold your smoke in front of you while you walk

>> No.9050349

Don't be a baby. Are you addicted to anything else? If yes, smoking isn't for you.

>> No.9050401

this guy gets it

>> No.9050435

Just be aware of when you're smoking due to urges or because you actually want to. And yeah just try and smoke when you're with friends.

>> No.9050484


I'm pretty addicted to gum and my urge to smoke weed is constantly increasing

Thanks. I have a couple friends who smoke casually and I just don't really know if I'd be able.

>> No.9050497

Not if it's at the age of 24 following a car crash with your brand new sports car.

>> No.9050734

Put the cig in your mouth but don't light it.

>> No.9050741

sick reference bro, i see you read the fault in our stars too :3
/lit/ ftw lol

btw u have a tumblr?

>> No.9050746

Nigga what are you talking about, I literally just made that up.

>> No.9050783

why do you care what's /fa/?

>> No.9050795

/fa/ is a lifestyle, it is one that appeals to many because of it's heavy emphasis on aesthetics
who doesn't want to look beautiful while suffering?

>> No.9050822

Casual smokers, what do you guys like to smoke?

>> No.9050827

american spirit dark green

most nicotine in any commonly available brand (US)

>> No.9050835
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>> No.9050963

american spirits, yellow or black
if im treating myself ill grab some nat shermans

>> No.9051524

>They are waaaayyyyyy healthier than their american counterparts (They only contain 3 natural ingredients)
>They are cheaper (about 35 dollars a carton)
>They leave you faintly smelling of tobacco and not grungy or musty
>They taste better, and are way more /fa/ because of their unique look

>> No.9051533


>> No.9052455

I'm of the odd variety that likes the smell despite not being a smoker. Too scared to start because I'm pretty sure I will like it.

>> No.9052457

where the fuck do you live that a carton of smokes is 35 bucks? here it's like 10-25, and it's considered relatively expensive

>> No.9052507

Mayfair Menthol for fags but usually I smoke Gold Leaf rollies because fags taste like shit in comparison.

>> No.9052517

>smoking is /fa/
only plebeians think this

>> No.9054417


You will eventually

>Hey, just one more cannot hurt ye? It's not like I'm a smoker

>> No.9054448


this is what im afraid of

>> No.9054449


>> No.9054560

Where do you guys live that smoking is /fa/? In my town, at least, only poorfags and high schoolers smoke.

>> No.9056939

>get nosal cancer
>get whole nose removed
pls dont smoke and pls dont pierce your nose

>> No.9056994

>implying this isn't literally the best way to die

>> No.9057021


how old are you?

>> No.9057047

>smoke casually, a pack lasts a month
>start studying architecture
>the stress makes me smoke much more
>quit b/c afraid of getting addicted

Shit sucks, I just wanted my smoke breaks ;_;

>> No.9057056

ya same here

>> No.9057061

>used to smoke
>at 21 noticed tiny fine lines on my forehead under perfect lightning
>freaked out and figured the smokes aren't doing anything good to the skin
>stopped smoking cigs
>picked up vaping
>month later read about the nicotine not being good for your skin
>stop vaping

i've been cig and vape free for a month now, 22, baby skin :^)

>> No.9057079
File: 132 KB, 670x447, 670px-Roll-Your-Own-Filter-Cigarettes-Step-4-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not rolling your own

Enough tobacco for 150 cigarettes is 7€
A pack of 20 cigarettes is 5.50€

7/150 = 0.05
5.50/20 = 0.3
0.3/0.05 = 6

You can get 6 times more by rolling your own cigarettes


>> No.9057089

>A pack of 20 cigarettes is 5.50€

fuuuck, what country do you live in?

here, a pack of 20 marlboro is $1.99 (dollars)

>> No.9057098

The fine lines wouldn't reverse, and to be honest if you have to read somewhere that inhaling smoke is bad for your skin then you're probably not the butteriest potato

>> No.9057100

Filter 57

>> No.9057108

France, a pack of 20 marlboros is 7€ ($9.7)

In US, it depends of the state.

>> No.9057111

Welcome to Romania???

>> No.9057113
File: 1008 KB, 500x361, lucky strike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but, i live in vegas
marlboro reds are like $5.50
american spirits $6
lucky strike $7

anyone know if i can get toasted tobacco like lucky strikes are, to roll my own? they have the best taste, everything else tastes like chemicals, and american spirits have nearly no flavor. luckys are so expensive tho and theyre shorter, NAS unfiltered are the same length as filtered, but luckys are the size of NAS but without the filter, so at a higher price i feel cheated

>> No.9057119

Here in the UK a pack of Marlboro is £8,50, thats a lot of $

>> No.9057132

Rolling your pun gives you 10 times more tobacco in your cig, Cigarette rolling machine - make 5-8, take it with you and go.
Take 100% quality cig for the coast of shit sticks.
But I like the most periods when I don't smoke.
My dream is to smoke 2-3 times a week at special place like NY 100 floor office or in a car parked on the pierce. But this is movie dreams and it is fully impossible to smoke in a really cool way and without hard addiction, so dreams will never come true and I will cut again and try to live without them.

>> No.9057145

£9.50 for 20 Marlboro reds in the UK fuck this place

>> No.9057146
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>> No.9057150

Cigarettes in South Africa only range from $2 to $15. Although we do earn less than other countries so our goods are cheaper

>> No.9057155

Literally all tobacco is toasted though, lucky strikes were just the only one smart enough to use it in an ad campaign

>> No.9057178

>£9.50 for 20 Marlboro reds in the UK fuck this place

wait a sec, that's actually a good thing for you , even though they are cheap here, I quit smoking 6 months ago, my face never looked so good in my life, and i'm 20

colombia ;)

>> No.9057194

I like Djarum black. I smoke maybe once a week on Sundays or when I'm with friends who smoke.

>> No.9057210

tfw australian and our cigs cost like 18 AUD

>> No.9057212

It all depends on what you smoke and how much you smoke

>> No.9057229


>> No.9057233

haha yeah bruh death is so cool bruhbruh btw check my cool tumblr out bruh

>> No.9057316
File: 232 KB, 640x480, Smoked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh nigga

>> No.9057330

marlboro gold for mellow
reds for stronger

>> No.9057842

you get used to the smell and kind of like it. it's all in the mind really
>never, not even once, smoked before college
>in college met a lot of different people
>got in with the chill smoker crowd too
>they smoke multiple times daily
>I social smoke with them a few times a week
>don't mind cigarette smell at all, kind of like it
>go home for college
>no one smokes where I live
>parents and sister doctors
>most girls are stuck up about it
>see someone smoking outside a supermarket
>smells...strange, but reminds of the good times with friends and parties so I don't mind it
>hometown friends and grills make ugly face and badmouth the smoker when we enter the supermarket
>hanging out with the chill smokers and other good people in college now
>having way more fun than I ever did with the basic bitches and half-fags from back home
it's easy to deal with the side effects
>don't chainsmoke
>brush 2+ times a day
>wash clothes at least once a week
>have enough clothes that you can wear something different each day (no recycling yesterday's dirty clothes)
>mint strips, mouthwash
>a bit of a cologne that works well with the cigarette smell instead of fighting it
>shower daily with good, fresh smelling soap and shampoo

>> No.9057847

>go home from college

>> No.9057863
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lately pic related. got a carton as a gift.
used to roll my own for a while before. been to busy nowadays

what do you guys think are the most /fa/ cigs?

>> No.9057900

kill self

>> No.9057919

>carton as a gift
keep fooling urself
1 cig a day isnt casual

>> No.9057956

Gauloises blue
But I'm thinking of trying Gitanes

>> No.9057963

djarum blacks

>> No.9057966

>1 cig isn't casual
>what the fuck is casual to you? bumming a cig occasionally from a friend when you feel in the mood? Taking that one pack you bought a month with you because you feel like it will be a cool day to smoke a cig?
considering actual smokers smoke half a pack or more a day, I'd say 1 cig a day is the maximum you can do and still be considered casual. Also, the carton goes fast because I hand them out to people who wanna try them.

>> No.9057972

well, I agree with you on some parts. thing is, if you continiously smoke 1 cig a day, i wouldn't call you a casual smoker. if it's more a 'ah i feel like it now' and that ends up being ~1 a day, sometimes, not continiously yeah sure you're a casual smoking.
imo the line has always been if you feel the urge to smoke, you're not a casual smoker anymore