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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 30 KB, 602x349, The truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9043764 No.9043764 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on the verge of giving up trying to be fashionable. I'm a short chubby/ "curvy" girl who tries SO hard to be at least somewhat in style. But NO, designers only seem to create clothes perfectly fitting for stick thin girls, I'm reduced to wearing boys tees and hoodies.
Whenever I even slightly complain about this the first thing people tell me is "well, if you thinned out a bit..." WELL I'VE TRIED. I work out a lot and I eat healthy likes it a religion. So that isn't going to happen
Oh ranting, sorry about that, anyways, I try to look through the women's section of any store that I go to (I'm somewhat poor) and nothing fits. It either shows off my round, unflattering stomach, or my boobs, which I hate putting on display. And I REALLY don't want to be reduced to going to the limited and hideous plus size section, I'm fat yes, but mot that fat. My friends who are built like me have similar problems.
So, to put it simply, what are the best clothes for short, stocky girls/ people in general?

>> No.9043885

Dont give up girl find a fit which makes you feel sexy and look good but also comfortable wearing. You can wear the boys tee but make it more girlish.

>> No.9043913

If you're unhappy about your weight, just eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. It's pretty simple really, otherwise stop complaining.

>> No.9043930

I was in the same boat, then went on depression meds and thinned out without changing any of my habits. Good luck to you, anon.

>> No.9043935


>> No.9044015

gr8 b8 m8 gtg im l8 4 my d8

>> No.9044151

that's a tough place to be in, I'm sorry
most people on 4chan wouldn't give you advice other than "stop being fat", but I'll try
first, keep up with the exercise and diet. Even if it's not making a dramatic difference, it's still the best way to treat your body and is much better than the alternative
it's definitely not easy to look good without designer clothes that fit well and without resorting to the plus sizes, but not impossible.
I haven't been in the situation, but the best advice I can give is hang around thrift stores and consignment shops, consider wearing things in nontraditional ways, altering and tailoring garments yourself, etc.
kind of build you style and fits from the ground up, seems like the best way to still look good

>> No.9044158

short curvy girls are qt af

but yeah lose weight, exercising will make you feel good even if it takes a while

>> No.9044256

Lose weight you fucking landwhale

Fashion is for skinny people

>> No.9044259

wassup shawty

>> No.9044277

trying to stay en vogue is wack focus on looking good

>> No.9044613

Lose weight. Post your daily eating plan if you want advice

>> No.9044634

If you aren't losing weight you haven't tried enough. You don't lose weight by eating healthy, you lose weight by eating LESS.

>> No.9044660

lose weight. Don't get babied into thinking you should "accept your fat". That is a hideous and hugely damaging attitude.

Remember, there are no fat people as such, just people who are fat at the moment. It is true that it is slightly harder for some to get in shape.

Until you are a workable shape don't worry too much. Just wear simple stuff.

>> No.9045380

Stop bitching and just lose the weight already.

>> No.9045436

Listen to >>9043913. It's simply physics. Differences in metabolism can at most account for 300 calories a day. Use a calorie counter (MyFitnessPal is the most popular) and develop some discipline.

Source: http://examine.com/faq/does-metabolism-vary-between-two-people.html

>> No.9045461

The way you type is annoying as fuck just lose weight it's not that hard, eat less, run in the mornings,eat less

>> No.9045469

you can lose the weight! ive lost 50 lbs so far by tracking my calories and eating healthier (cut fast food and drink only water!). if you cant run for whatever reason then try walking more. need to pick something up from the local store? walk there instead of driving

if you are truly driven, you can start working out asap. at the very least watch what you eat. good luck anon, you can do it! also, read the /fit/ sticky and lurk /fit/

>> No.9045487

if you have a cute face and good hair you sound perfect

>> No.9045499

Fucken haha'd

>> No.9045505

It would really be so much easier for us to help you if you posted a pic of yourself. Otherwise it is hard to give adcivce on what would suit your body etc.

>> No.9045542

that pic reminds me of everything that is wrong with society jfc

>> No.9046141

Lose some weight so you can wear real clothes.

>> No.9046152

How long did you actually try to lose weight for? It takes more than a few weeks.

>> No.9046331

If you cannot find clothes that fit and must resort to wearing male clothes, yet refuse to buy plus size clothes, then you should just shut the fuck up and deal with it. Obviously you don't care enough about how you look if you would rather dress in boy clothes than actually try to find clothes that properly fit.

>> No.9046482

Hey guys, OP here I apologize for not making it more obvious on my weight. I'm not THAT fat. I couldn't stand it if i was obscenely overweight. I'm just a little chubby and have been steadily losing weight. So no, I'm not a fucking landwhale. People who are blatantly overweight disgust me as well. I'm simply asking for clothing or various styles that won't accent my slight chubbiness.

>> No.9046651

Just eat less you manatee

>> No.9046711

Google chubby/curvy/petite fashion, and have a look at what might suit you. If you have an hourglass or pear shape, looking adorable is within reach, but I can't give you very specific advice, sorry. All I can do is apologise for all the dicks telling you to lose weight, but hey, this is fa.

>> No.9046733


femanon who went to /fit/ and lost weight here

fucking go to /fit/ and read the goddamn sticky, I GUARANTEE if you follow it you will lose weight and look lovely(STR training)

also for female fashion, go to /cgl/ because /fa/ is nothing but fuccbois and advante-garde hipsters

>> No.9046759

Get basic clothes, jeans and tees, until you're skinny. Then you can look into fashion.

Buying "chubby" clothes discourages you from losing weight.

>> No.9046780

post body obviously

>> No.9046784

post pic

>> No.9046912

>I'm a short chubby/ "curvy" girl who tries SO hard to be at least somewhat in style.
maybe you should try that hard at losing weight.

>> No.9046931

I find myself looking at girls and guys who naturally don't try to be /fa/ and wear really normie clothes with great colour coordination
Those are the people I want to lock in my basement while I slowly inlarge their asshole to fit in my whole arm
Not goofninjas swagfags and tumblr whores
Op don't try to be fashionable

>> No.9046948

This is correct. If you're using more calories than you're consuming, then you lose weight. You cannot deny this.

>> No.9046951


hahaha what gave you this impression??

>> No.9046956


>> No.9046966

You haven't tried. Simply eat less. I know a 5'2" girl that's skinny as fuck. I hung out with her all day once from morning to late. She ate a small slice and a half of pizza. That's like 500 calories. The entire day. Provided she ate a similar breakfast that is still max 1000 calories for the day.

>> No.9046970
File: 52 KB, 1127x747, 1374526717237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the cosplay & gothic lolita board to dress well
that place is possibly worse than /jp/
just stay here
take everything with a grain of salt
never take things too seriously

>> No.9046971
File: 54 KB, 420x623, unnamed (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

If you're a chublord there is no reason to use this term as a reference point any longer. Please tell the rest of your flock on tumblr to also take note. Thanks, and make it a great day!

>> No.9046974

Women have no place in fashion, there should defo be fashionable women's clothing, but women shouldn't dress themselves

>> No.9046979

Just smoke instead of eating dinner

>> No.9046988

> I work out and eat healthy like its religion
What you drench your salad in ranch and hit the stair climber twice a week?

>> No.9047123

Not seeing any and didn't read shit, giving yall the benefit of the doubt and hoping someone asked the short chubby qt for pics or tits.

>> No.9047134
File: 469 KB, 536x592, 1404439839151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the famous SRS mascot as your OP image

Try harder, 6/10 troll for the amount of responses.

>> No.9047140

>female fashion

literally autismic

>> No.9047177

Zac Posen fits me like a glove and I'm curvy, so does Rebecca taylor. Chloe is a little big on me even. You're looking at the wrong designers.

Doesn't stop these /fa/gs from calling me fat but normalfags think I'm effay

>> No.9047319
File: 284 KB, 1268x2604, IMG_20141106_210306_205-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but similar problem. How do I style this skirt for winter without looking fatter. Tights and shoes I know but what kind of sweater, shirt, top, or jacket

>inb4 lose weight

>> No.9047354

its just really unflattering and honestly a size too small. makes you look even bigger than you are.

>> No.9047367 [DELETED] 

hey wanna have sex? im serious

>> No.9047412

First off, fuck this gentleman >>9047354
It's objectively adorable. A nice pullover or wool jacket with a thick scarf would tie in nicely.

And lose weight this summer ;)

>> No.9047420

oh hell yes

>> No.9047426

>go to /fit/
>read the sticky

Oh wow that solves just about all your problems you delusional chub.

>> No.9047429


>> No.9047434

sayin, thats terrible advice watch yr back op

>> No.9047445

You're perfect, I'd fuck you. No need to lose weight.

>> No.9047448


>> No.9047479

its ok to look puffily bundled up in winter

>> No.9047579

Betty Boop/10
would marry.

>> No.9047675

>lose weight in the summer
>when being thin is most important

I for one welcome all skinnyfat white knights to /fa/

>> No.9047678

Witicha fucking blows bro. I went there and saw no one who didn't have a terrible haircut. No one. And the mall is absolute trash.

>> No.9047689
File: 1.60 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20141103_214912978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9047720

cropped sweater wool, wool coat with a defined waist (swing coat, skater coat) or a really long duster with the bottom bits unbuttoned so your legs can move freely.

>> No.9047757
File: 365 KB, 560x840, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaters are your friend!
I actually agree with >>9047354 in that the skirt appears to be a size too small. It is still useable, though! Pair with a "box" sweater and/or midriff/crop sweater... I am not sure if "box sweater" is what it's actually called, but it's the type of sweater that doesn't cinch on the bottom. Pic is an example of what I'm talking about.

You could also do a loosely fitted top (casual/nice; tank, tee, etc) and line up a wide belt right at the waistline of the skirt. It would hide that the skirt is a tad too small.

If you want to wear a cardigan with this type of skirt, wear one with a higher cut in back, like a cropped cardi or a reverse hi-lo. Wearing a longer cardi with a flared skirt makes your butt look gigantic from the back... yeah.

For jackets, again, cropped ones pair nicely with a-lines. I like a nice leather coat or a trench. Pea coat or parka are too boxy and long.

>> No.9047797

Is your terrible body supposed to impress me? You've built terribly and your waistline is embarrassing. Sort out your proportions, look at those shoulders.

>> No.9047832

>being mad

>> No.9047848
File: 707 KB, 1139x1163, 2014-01-27 19.24.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking terrible

>> No.9047873
File: 86 KB, 317x317, 1412747999619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9048144

Thanks anon for the advice. That pic is adorable.

>> No.9048154

but ur short

>> No.9048160
File: 338 KB, 492x1154, 2014-10-29 15.40.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'2". I have to order tall sizes in button ups.

>> No.9048164

Slightly puffy

>> No.9048174

I have a 44 chest measurement. I'm pretty sure I would need roids to get bigger, I've plateaued here for a year now. I mean I could get bigger if I got fatter, but I'm not even lean enough as is.

>> No.9048981

I really don't know if if it's hard to lose weight because I never had to and I can imagine it can be hard but you can just stop eating and you will lose weight, just starve a little, don't cave in.

Otherwise you might as well stop complaining.