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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 275 KB, 634x1024, rs_634x1024-131227125817-634-shia-labeouf-brazil.sl.122713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9043697 No.9043697 [Reply] [Original]

How would /fa/ describe Shia Labeouf's style?

Bumping w examples

>> No.9043711

gay sex in a truck stop bathroom, but neither (none?) of the participants are gay

>> No.9043713 [DELETED] 


>> No.9043724

horse shit

he's just trying to play up the whole "le eccentric method actor xD" by dressing like a crackhead despite the fact he makes fucking bank

>> No.9043726

W2C boots

>> No.9043733

audible laugh

>> No.9043737
File: 30 KB, 300x300, shia-labeouf-wears-totally-green-outfit-two-days-in-a-row.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9043742

He's dressed by the internet, that's for sure. Most of his fits look decent if it wasn't for his smug ass face. When he tries something new, it always looks like a disaster. Also notice how despite having millions of dollars in the bank, he always wears those shoes in that pic with the exception of 2 other shoes.

>> No.9043763

desperate for attention

>> No.9043769
File: 209 KB, 600x450, shia-labeouf-homeless-fashion-02102014-lead-600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is accurate

>> No.9043795

he looks better than the girl in the pic that looks like she tries

>> No.9043804

>don't bother critiquing if you can't name all the desiginers

>> No.9043864
File: 124 KB, 245x300, tumblr_mz15qr0FpZ1r82evzo2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a piece of shit

I'm German and really don't mind people wearing flecktarn shit because it's generally a nice pattern

But just by the look of him he's never fired a weapon much less served in the military

America's military is a joke much less its foreign policy but it's a complete insult for someone like this tryharding with this army hat, army shorts, army boots, army bag, army jacket

Like if you didn't just come back from affaggotstan why are you wearing this shit

I hope he and his family gets the worst health possible

pic unrelated

>> No.9043868


Nike SFB

>> No.9043876
File: 213 KB, 745x1024, Shia-LaBeouf-Goes-Shirtless-Walk-His-Girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9043904


>americas military is a joke
>muh foreign policy

is the joke that we spend so many billions a year just to eliminate the POSSIBILITY of a country like Germany thinking it can ever fuck with us?

>> No.9043919

>But just by the look of him he's never fired a weapon much less served in the military

oh god lol

>> No.9043932


>> No.9043938



>> No.9043954

shut the fuck up curlgurl...serving in the united states military is generally for the poor hence gi
bill etc

firing weapons isnt that big of a deal a 5 year ol girl has shot my rifles

>> No.9044013

>but neither participant is gay

ftfy :^)

>> No.9044018


>> No.9044049

butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high!!

>> No.9044087

I fucking love it. Half the time he dresses like a homeless man and half the time he dresses in some eccentric crazy shit.

>> No.9044124

looks sick as fuck

>> No.9044129

You know I love you Sieg

>> No.9044131


>> No.9044134

overcompensating jewish manlet

>> No.9044139

He can't be dressed by the internet. He's not wearing any of the meme shit sufu and /fa/ peddle.

>> No.9044142

he looks great, very hip

>> No.9044167

>he's just trying to play up the whole "le eccentric method actor xD"
I don't even think it's trying to be a method actor. I think he just tries to be eccentric for attention. I mean if a normal person wore some of the stuff he does it would be borderline insane or just shitty thrift shop style. But because he's a movie star there would be an element of cool about it if it wasn't for the fact that he looks like an absolute asshole

Shia lecunt

>> No.9044185

bless you

>> No.9044769

he's in the national guard. thats why he has the military backpacks and shit

>> No.9044772

I think it would be fun to dress like that and Shia seems like a cool dude and Shia I know you're here reading this and I loved the movie holes dude thanks

>> No.9044792
File: 1.26 MB, 1337x1600, 2554987-3034468139-Mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one that sees this?

>> No.9044807

he looks mexican as fvck

>> No.9045289

Why the fuck do all these manlets look disproportionate when they weight lift??

>> No.9045316

required reading

>> No.9045337

holy fuck

>> No.9045356

I'm sorry dont you have to go back to paying for some fat sweaty Greek's retirement?

>> No.9045498

he looks like a full kit wanker

>> No.9046142


>> No.9047107


>> No.9047145
File: 79 KB, 720x671, americanflag20fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americas military is a joke

>> No.9047156

it would look okish with slimmer shorted shorts

>> No.9047161

>he's in the national guard
Citation needed

>> No.9047164

Losing it tier

Still want his boots jesus

>> No.9047170

Careful what you say man! Our government might want to tap your phone lines and then chuck gold bricks at you to teach you a lesson!

>Seriously our military leaders are a joke

>> No.9047679
File: 17 KB, 250x374, mario1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this instead

>> No.9047685



>> No.9048122

This would be pretty dope if it was 10 degrees with snow and ice all around him but instead he looks like an asshole.

You tuck your pants into your socks when its blistering cold with snow levels high enough to get into your pants/socks

>> No.9048151


That was my first thought.

>> No.9048159

a german's love is as empty and cold as current day dachau

>> No.9048336

He's a fucking nut job. Go on his Wikipedia page and read the section "performance art".

>> No.9048423
File: 28 KB, 499x376, 6a0176177eca7d970c017d3c053bab970c 37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America's military is a joke

>> No.9048464


>> No.9048470

I sang that in my head. eyy

>> No.9048487

typical actor who wishes he was a musician

>> No.9048736


>> No.9048743

it's true, the marines are rejects who couldn't go anywhere else and have barely finished high school

>> No.9050248

fuckin spot on

>> No.9050274

why do you look disproportionate when you don't weight lift?

>> No.9050281

in 2010 you spend 683.7 billion and you still fail to win at anything

>> No.9050306

nipple on

>> No.9051341


is he pretending to be military?

>> No.9051439



you guys are stupid

>> No.9052335

Pure alpha.

>all that jelly ITT

>> No.9052488

lol, you think the billions are there to protect you from... allies? As if it's not nuclear weapons alone that scare people from fucking with anyone, and the "military might" of the us. As if a lot of countries aren't fucking with the us right now.

Patriotism is a plague.

>> No.9053008
File: 68 KB, 570x814, 18-gallery_enlarged-Shia-LaBeouf-Small-Penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never been in one

>> No.9053030

He looks fat there

>> No.9053039

Wow this guy sure doesn't give a fuck. He surpasses hipsters... I gotta respect that...

>> No.9053041


>> No.9054625

>His style is hipster trash

If she isn't washing his clothes for him why is she even there?