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/fa/ - Fashion

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9039851 No.9039851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

since being /fa/ is a lifestyle not just wearing clothes
I'll go first:
>wake up
>breakfast of coffee and a cigarette
>put on silk pod shorts
>walk to the shop for more cigs
>corner shop is closed, the guy who owns it died apparently? there's a sign on the door. his family is mourning and the shop is closed
>go home and cry
>life is so sad
>post on /fa/
>keep watching items on eBay
>friend coming over soon, hopefully he can drive me somewhere else to get cigs

>> No.9039870
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good thread

>> No.9039876

>wake up
>drink coffee
>live alone, am alone, absolutely ZERO friends
>stay at home all day
>play vidya
>drink more coffee
>bake cookies
>think about how the rest of life will be and if i'll always be alone
>saving up all my money so i can move to nyc, so at least i'll still be alone but not really alone
>did i mention i'm alone?
>drink more coffee

>> No.9039885

>wake up
>lie in bed with bf and cuddle for a while
>go to pathology so he can get a blood test
>eat Vietnamese roll
>go to uni
>work on project with team, they're fucking useless and can't do anything
>walk to bus stop in rain
>bus home
>pick up waxing pads and some groceries on way home
>eat potato chips
>watch bf play vidya for a bit
>trim my pubes and try to wax my buttcrack
>hair too long, or I don't pull the pads quick enough
>shave instead
>really hard because sticky wax still on crack
>wax won't wash off
>go on 4chan while bf makes dinner

Sorry for the blog post, but how the fuck do I get this wax off?

>> No.9039896

fucking lmao

>> No.9039897




>> No.9039910

Get your BF to lick it off

>> No.9039914

if you took out the crying and life is so sad
this would be Meursault in 2014

>> No.9039944

>wake up
>put on clothes
>start heading uni
>realise it's 9:59 and class starts at 10
>i'm not gonna make it
>head back home again
>post on /fa/

I guess I'll just go somewhere get a coffee and wait there until next class.

>> No.9039948

>wake up
>drink pint of water before doing anything else
>oats for breakfast
>picking a girl I'm seeing up
>looking for houses together
>watch football (soccer) at 7:45

>> No.9039964

cum, only cum can get it off

>> No.9039979

dude how the eff to you make money?

>> No.9039982

>Woke up at 7:10AM
>Fuck it, set alarm to sleep
>Goes again at 7:15
>Turn it off, sleep until 7:48
>fuark, need to be a doc's before 8:30 or else there's a massive queue
>get to docs
>have him check my toes and my hand
>tell him I have rectal bleeding
>has me lay on the bed and starts thumbing around my bumbum
>have a small cut which is causing muh butthurt

>> No.9039987

>Think I'm bad socially
>Always wondered why everyone said they were as autistic as the dude in Drive
>Watching the Radio 1 version
>can't believe there are people that are as bad as this or even worse

>> No.9040071

>wake up
>drop gf at work and drive to train station
>grab more coffee
>realise I have no money for train or siq fits
>come home
>post on a subdirectory of a Taiwanese cartoon forums dedicated to clothing

>> No.9040087
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>wake up at 2pm
>realize I have literally nothing to do with my day
>wake up again at 7pm
>do nothing for 4 hours, don't even turn the light on
>get on the computer and browse grailed, etc.
>think about tomorrow's fit
>post here
I guess it's good I didn't smoke today at least, I've been trying to quit. I just wish I had something to do with my days. I'm either stupidly stressed out about school or work, or I'm literally sitting in a dark room doing nothing. /endblog

>> No.9040108
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this is a nice thread. nice one man

>> No.9040123

don't you, like, play vidya or something ? :3

>> No.9040131

>wake up 7am
>gf still asleep
>eat breakfast (museli and a cup of tea)
>have excess time, snuggle with gf for 20 minutes
>get dressed for work (smart casual so I can wear Rick Tech Runners)
>catch train
>listen to Hotline Miami soundtrack on train
>arrive at work (second day on the job)
>research my portfolio more (social media account manager)
>draft up action plan for when my clients are officially handed over to me next week
>draft mini report on Facebook Insights so I know strengths and weaknesses of current advertising plan
>eat Subway for lunch
>go back to work
>brief introductory meeting with HR
>go home
>gf has drinks with her girlfriends tonight
>we predrink together
>she goes off to drinks
>sit at home and play Hearthstone while listening to Maddox podcasts
>be now, getting ready to pick her up from the train station

>> No.9040153

>gfs alarm wakes me up at 7:30
>snuggle till 8
>sleep after she leaves for uni
>wake up at 10, fuck around on phone and eat a packet of wotsits

day off today, not sure what to do. have to email uni about switching courses and buy some lube

>> No.9040189

So far

>set alarm at 8:00
>snooze until 8:30
>fall asleep and wake up thanks to stress at 8:50
>shower and dress
>go to my oral hygenist appointment at 10:00
>I have 6 caries because i never floss
>set up dentist appointment for tomorrow at 11:00
>since I'm in a mall, I buy some chips, noodles and green tea
>get back home at 11:30 and ring the neighbors doorbell since they picked up my DHL delivery
>sweet, SLP sunglasses
>drink coffee, eat chips
>post all this on effay

>> No.9040200

>wake up
>go to work
>vomit in sink and go home
>have dinner
>don't want to go to work tomorrow

>> No.9040211

>wake up, it's approximately 10 pm
>hungry, want to piss
>hear landlords outside of my room
>full water bootle
>this gun b gud
>place towel inside an empty trash can so pouring water doesnt make noise
>wash my face
>apply make up
>get dressed
>open curtains quietly
>remember last time I did what I was gonna do lights turned on (automatic shit, turns on movement)
>realise I have to do it maximum stealth now
>open window as wide as I can
>step out like a ninja
>lights didnt light up
>close curtains so they think I'm inside sleeping/doing whatever weird shit an oddball like me would be doing
>leave the backyard through back door
>have a wonderful plan, I will come back and act as if I was out all day, so they think I go out (already done that couple of times)
>go to 7/11, buy chocolate and redbull
>go to pizza place, get pizza
>get back
>they went to sleep already

oh well. at least I felt like a spy or some shit.

>> No.9040213

are you from fucking vancouver?

>> No.9040220

Oh and I forgot to mention I pissed into water bottle after I washed my face with water in it

>> No.9040230

>girl im seeing

4/13...wow effay, im actually impressed. did the sik fits help u get gfs?

>> No.9040247

> alarm goes of at 5.45 am
>snooze 4 times
> 6 times, turn of the alarm
> next thing it's 6.30 am, gonna be late for work
> try to get out of the bed, dog won't move from the blanket, have to jump over him
> brush teeth, wash face etc, iron the t shirt that finally dried yesterday
> 6.38 am, start the car, take it out of the garage and floor it
> every red light there is
> pick up my superior half way to the work. "anon, i thought you wouldn't make it today, so i decided i'll walk"
> get in the office at 6.58 am
> slow day, went for a break 4 times already
> still have an hour of work, currently 12.58 PM
> have to go to the grocery store afterwards and buy some shoes
> will have coffee in a nice little cafe bar
> walk the dog, go for a jog
> in the evening either go out with a collague or with my superior and try to score with her

>> No.9040251

>Wake up @ 9:43
>Eat breakfast with the crew
>Take the wan out to hit some new spot one of the guys found
> Crash a hairpin corner with 43 mp/h and hit a guardrail with my leg
>Been at the ER for 3 hours so far with a smashed leg, and I'm still 2 hours away from getting to see the doctor

Fucking hate people who think they have Ebola.

>> No.9040254

naw bb, that got boring a while ago

>> No.9040256

Shouldnt you be on the top of the list? I mean, after all, you have a broken leg. And I know how you feel, had to wait 6 hours to go into surgery after I broke a bone in my right hand. (I've eaten some food while I waited in the ER and had to wait cause of that, n food or fluids 6 hours prior to full annestesia)

>> No.9040260

Yeah, we usually are when we break stuff, but because there are so many people at the ER today, the que is all fucked up.
Not even joking, but I've seen 20 people go in so far who all claimed they for sure thought they had ebola, but every single one has been dismissed as the flu.

>> No.9040262
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social anxiety feels?

>wake up
>check email
>"Hi anon, unfortunately you were not selected for the job. The other candidates had greater experience and communication skills that we needed"
>communication skills

that part hit me hard, why am i such an anxious wreck.

>> No.9040286

An honest advice. If you got some spare money, it's wise to spend it on some communication class. Firstly, you won't be in the house, secondly, the classes will help you overcome the ynxiety.

>> No.9040297

tbh i go out almost every day and am perfectly fine meeting strangers and shit

but when it comes to situations where i know i am being judged, i freak out and my mind becomes a battlefield.

shit like interviews+presentations where i'm aware of being observed and analysed is where i fucking die. i know i should just shrug it off or whatever but 2hard.

>> No.9040303

>Hi anon, unfortunately you were not selected for this job
iktf bro :(
>apply to 10 places over span of a week. i know, not even trying
>1st round interviews with 3. 2nd round interview with 1
>get rejected
>wait a month (no interest and rejection makes me depressed/scared to apply again)
>cycle starts over. rinse and repeat

>> No.9040314


I cringed

>> No.9040326

>wake up
>lie in bed for a while looking at twitter/tumblr/facebook
>make breakfast
>walk to class
>walk to coffeeshop and work on assignment
>walk home and shave, wear nice clothes
>go to job interview at uni media center/library
>hang out there after and work on assignment more
>go to lab (we went to a graveyard to make life tables, was cool)
>go to coffeeshop again
>go to night class
>go home
>watch youtube videos/post on /fa/

>> No.9040327

>wake up
>make a bowl of cereal and yoghurt
>mailman ringing my bell
>go downstairs on my pj, messed hair and cereal bowl
>sign paper, get package
>come back up
>Turn on some The National since today is my free day
>currently browsing the autumn/winter clothing catalogs

>> No.9040396


No. Gf got me into siq fits

>> No.9040408

>nocturnal existence to finish a portfolio for a L O N D O N application the past few weeks
>buying shitty dunkin coffee since wawa is even worse but it's alright, the mocha is good
>wearing a really old pair of raws, uncomfortable on my balls. need to get a bunch of crotch blowouts fixed
>class in a little, think I need to do
>super late on shipping some shoes i sold on ebay
>due to sleeping during the day haven't seen a face outside of class in days
>no lighter for stale cigarettes i still have left in studio
>figuring out when I'm going to sleep or submit this thing finally
>going to reward myself by ditching class and going up to nyc for a day or two

>> No.9040410

don't think so, she's my flatmate at uni
she's not that into clothes really, topshop kind of girl. wish she was.

>> No.9040415


Apply for internships bruh. Easier to get into than full-time (esp if you have a degree) and you build industry experience.

>> No.9040673

Lifting, tan, hygiene, sik fits. Gave me confidence. Gave me gf

>> No.9040686
File: 29 KB, 485x364, Nah+dont+worry+mate+P+_cacebcecdfa7b20a40af9b92e340259e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>get ready for school
>go to school
>chill with friends at school
>check out freshmen girls
>all of them checking me out
>ego rush
>go home
>start studying
>check /fa/


>> No.9040703

>wake up
>feed doges
>wash hands
>post on /fa/
>lay back down
>get up 15 min later
>take shower
>head to class
>in class for 45 minutes
>in class right now
>walk home after
>mfw it's 9:40 am
>no job
>no gf
It's not effay at all
Probably going to masturbate until someone comes home.
I'm in community college btw.this is my schedule Monday Wednesday And Friday

THE dayilyi

>> No.9040726


>> No.9040744

>wake up at 7:45 AM
>2 cups of coffee before 9
>lecture from 9 to 11
>go to post office
>go for a 18km run with a buddy, first time I run so much in my life
>go home, more coffee
>5 pm and still haven't eaten, need to get something
>need to start a paper
>going out later tonight

pretty decent, better than most days

>> No.9040751

>Woke up at 11
>Porridge for breakfast
>Go on computer
>Check Facebook
>Browse Reddit for a couple of hours or something
>Make lunch, mushroom omelette and beans + coffee
>Go into my old work place to arrange getting back my old job, got back from travelling a couple of weeks ago
>Find some magic mushrooms on my walk there, pick them but don't eat them
>All good with my job, start work again next week
>Get back home and browse 4chan for like 3 hours
>Have dinner, pork belly with bbq glaze, potatoes, onions, broccoli, green beans carrots
>Go watch ITFC win 2-1 with my brother
>Have to sit with my brother at his friend's flat after the match whilst they smoke weed
>Watch Jeeves & Wooster there
>Go home, watch some TV and eat cheese on oatcakes
>Go to bed

>> No.9040756

>Wake up early, shower, brush my teeth
>Catch the bus, go to uni, class starts at 08:30
>Class ends at 10:00, get home
>Fall asleep, wake up for lunch
>Eat, waste time on the Internet
>Will have to go back to uni soon for a class that starts at 19:00
After that I'll probably walk home instead of taking the bus, the weather's beautiful for this time of the year, prob will grab something to eat on my way home, be on my computer a bit more, jog and then go to sleep
>tfw no qt gf to waste time with

>> No.9040761


>> No.9040770

>Wake up
>rush to bus to go to college
>get on bus
>get to college
>didn't need to go in today just bored as fuck
>leave for lunch
>go to town and look at shoes and shit
>come back without food
>get bus home
>arrive, with clothes that have been in mail

>> No.9040773

worst thread on /fa/, no one gives a fuck

>> No.9040815
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true story, today's morning

>wake up on couch at 8 am
>turn xbox and TV off (Netflix still on next episode of Blacklist)
>turn off LED light strip accents under the couch
>walk to bathroom and take contact lenses out
>crawl into bed
>rub one out
>i like alohatube for the preview function
>uhh fuck its like 9:45am and I cant go back to sleep
>get up and blaze a bowl
>10am The Herd w/ Colin Cowherd
>meh topics
>flip to Fox news to catch up on last nights elections
>heh GOP takes it; nothing will change, but I'll enjoy these liberal tears for a couple days
>browse /pol/, see whatsup
>/fit/, /b/, /pol/, /fa/ all meh today

>same as every day
>'cept there was that announced killing on /b/ that made the news

>anyway, wait to hear back from staffing firm about CSR position

Pretty standard day for me lately

>> No.9040845

>woke up at our airbnb in berlin
>found a place that serves filter coffee and split a chemex full of it with my record label boss
>took a cab to darklands, checked out all the CCP, Rick, Thamanyah, Raf that i hadn't seen already in the flesh
>cowered under the cold stares and extremely loud goth music of the darklands employees
>went to drink some turkish tea
>went to firmament berlin and looked at some acronym
>walked around berlin mitte for a while, checked out a few pleb shops
>now drinking grey goose and club mate

>> No.9040849

>wake up at 7am
>go to class
>back to apt
>get in bed
>fall asleep at 3-5am

>> No.9040858

>wake up at 10
>shower with my kheil's
>three eggs fried in olive oil and pepper
>1 banana
>sit at the table and help my mom plan a trip for Mumbai in the fall and one to Barcelona in the spring
>get on /fa/ while I procrastinate studying for an art history quiz in two hours

>> No.9040933

hope ur mom will be alright, indians are retarded rapists

>> No.9040960


>> No.9041009

>wake up at 7, go back to sleep
>wake up again at 07:50, realize I'm late for class
>do morning routine, too late for coffee
>go to college (fashion design), buy mandarin orange juice and rush into class
>marketing stuffs
>class ends, smoke with friends, talk shit about people's fits
>another 2 hours of class, photography (almost fell asleep, dim lights weren't helping)
>have lunch with model friend, go to mall to see stores
>too pleb, take bus to nearby luxury mall
>all these brands I can't afford
>sale in some shops, buy two necklaces cause I'm a faggot for accessories
>come home, get naked, browse /fa/
>contemplating having a huge cup of coffee and wondering if I should change something in my presentation on a fashion history book (due tomorrow)

>> No.9041011


thnx, but I'm half retarded rapist so my family will take care of us when we're down there

>> No.9041247

what, you think women can't be superiors, aka, bosses?

>> No.9041265

In his defense they can but they shouldn't.

>> No.9041272

>Woke up at 7:30
>Snooze, Snooze, Snoo--FUCK I fell asleep..
>Skip UNI, fuckit, I'll study at home
>Reck People in WoW (fugg triple gladiator)
>Write fucking chinese characters for 2 hours >straight, got a bruise on my pinky cuz I write >like a mong
>Work out for 1 hour, cba more..
>Watch some streams
>Now at home again making food for my family
>All nighter soon to study some more japanese >and economics
0/10 effay, WoW is my guilty pleasure

>> No.9041276
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>make coffee
>smoke heroin
>listen to dj screw
>go to sleep
>wake up
>obtain money
>purchase heroin

everyone else in this thread 3\10

>> No.9041279

I can't even fucking greentext properly, stupid 4chan add0n

>> No.9041289

Why do you ruin your life with heroin? Unless you're filthy rich and don't need to do anything...

>> No.9041300

>wake up at 5:45
>think I slept in past my registration time
>freak out
>realize I'm retarded and sleep in until 8
>some nerd fucker stole my spot in my chem 123 lab
>have to register for the 8 AM class
>do work an hour before class at 1
>go to class
>fuck around with classmates between classes
>more class
>go to gym
>lift heavy things and put them back down
>eat lots of food
>browse Armenian genocide consolation publication
>get in bed and wonder if I'm doing all this because I enjoy it or because this is all I know

I don't want to take that fucking 8 AM lab

>> No.9041308

Fucking shit day 1/10

>> No.9041312

>Just getting home.
>I walk.
>see weird bug by the door make a video with it
>go inside
>clear liquid coming out of my nose
>didn't realize it but it was coming out of my nose the whole walk
>shirt covered in weird liquid
>look it up
>think about the walk
>sneezed ten times in a row and felt weird after
> shit I have it I think idk
>get naked sulk in covers and want to die
>can't even get hard
>mfw I have another class tonight

Anyone care to r8 my shitty day?

>> No.9041350

>wake up in daze like always
>go to school
>get out at 1:20
>gas station polar pop fuck yes
>Mexican restaurant for lunch
>eat food at my job at a music store
>deal with shitty parents that wont pay for the lessons that they make their kids take
>get paycheck
>go home
>anime image board

>> No.9041356

i didnt say it was ruining my life

its better than the alternative

>> No.9041362

Sounds cool tbh

>> No.9041374

Better than the alternative??
U could save money, and buy sique fitz!??!?!

>> No.9041381

whats your idea of the alternative? working and being successful? don't for a second give me some stupid shit like it hasn't ruined your life.

>> No.9041383

then i wouldn't be high..

>> No.9041384


>recently laid off but still going to work; last day this friday
>dgaf mode activated
>wake up around 8:30
>look in mirror, don't bother doing hair
>doing movember so i don't shave
>brush teeth
>clean out french press
>do a few dishes
>put water on boil
>grind coffee beans while watching sportscenter
>steep french press while getting dressed
>put on oxford, gray sweatshirt, black levi's 511, combat boots, leather jacket, beanie
>ride subway to work while reading gone girl
>get to work, security pass deactivated
>computer login deactivated
>get those sorted out
>do some work, send some job-search related emails
>lunch networking with old boss

>> No.9041385

underrated post

>> No.9041412

>working and being successful

define successful. paying on a home mortgage? or a car? starbucks??? going out with mongs from your work?

>> No.9041420
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>wake up at 10 in my basement
>eat some breakfast with my dad
>weather is alright, a little wet though
>he forgets I don't want coffee in my milk and puts some in my milk anyway
>that's ok, I drink it
>finish eating and can't resist going to bed again for a bit
>wake up again and help out covering up our little boat for winter
>it's from the 70s, nice yellow, pretty cool
>it's chilly out as all hell, very nice for wearing my comfy coat
>finish up and head to my extended math course
>didn't graduate last year but at least I have something to do when I'm not at the dole
>it's started raining
>that's alright I'm driving my sick ford fiesta
>laugh at the car-less animals in the forest
>do some math
>drive home singing loudly in the car
>forgot about going to the dole, oh well
>buy some soup on the way home, it's pretty good
>go to sleep for a bit again
>get woken up by a text to pick my little sister up at the bus stop
>it's already gotten dark out, winter comfiness soon
>get home and eat some chicken nuggets, pretty good for pre-cooked shit
>news will be on soon, gotta watch the news

>> No.9041437

>wake up
>wish I didn't wake up
>breakfast is dry toast, coffee and a cigarette
>shower & get dressed
>go out and laugh at the terrible clothing stores in my city
>buy more vinyl records
>get a coffee
>go home
>lurk grailed and Supermarket
>dinner (salad)
>smoke & be sad whilst listening to Ludovico Einaudi

>> No.9041458

>wake up at 6:30
>fuck showering, head straight to class
> meet a friend, smoke a cig
>back home
>calling the girl
>snacking some oats
>back to second class
>buy groceries
>home again
>getting my cp chelseas from mr fed ex
>internet time
>fucking jehowas witnesses rang at my door, wanting to talk about happiness(idgaf that you came from america to germany you daft cunts)
>smoke cig, drinking beer and wodka
>heading out with some friends to watch footies
>planning to go to professor party after
why is the rest of /fa/ so normal?

>> No.9041461

No, being healthy and happy for a long life time.
>paying mortgage
>having debt
Ps. you will die soon if you continue to use heroin, you will start shooting and that will only make it worse. my brother died of it so do all other addicts if they dont quit.

>> No.9041466

I love when shit like that happens on /b/ sure its shitty but its entertaining af

>> No.9041478

It isn't bad that's for sure, the shitty parents thing isn't all day or everyday. Most of the time I am doing schedules for teaachers or selling retail. I get to meet lots of cool people and learn lots of things, we pretty much only deal in orchestral and band type classical stuff. So there is lots to learn to be able to sell the$900-2,300 instruments.

>> No.9041482

what records did ya get m8?

>> No.9041486

you're a normie too, bub

>> No.9041491

william burroughs used heroin for a good portion fo his life.

>> No.9041494

we deal with all classical type stuff, that said I get anything I find in the catalogs at cost (1/3-1/2 retail) so that's awesome.
not mentioned in my other post is that it is a very small store with 3 employees, not including teachers.

>> No.9041499

It was pretty fucked up. I stayed up lurking the threads. Can you get in trouble for viewing that shit? I sent my friend a link and he was like "I'm not clicking that. Just by viewing it you're associated"
Oh that's interesting.

I like this thread. Makes me feel good that we have similar days.

>> No.9041506

3/10 get your shit together son

>> No.9041512

Your friend is wrong, nothing illegal about it. its like reading the news about it. Not to mention literally thousands of people were in those threads and they aren't going to spend the days to track down all those people. Shit I even posted in the threads.

>> No.9041521
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wow, I would kill myself immediately

>> No.9041554

kop tek

>> No.9041561


Damn bro I was on oxy for almost a year. Been clean for a month but damn if I had some I would take it, and I'm still trying to find out how to get some. But yea come to think of it, that shit will take all your money and leave you feeling like you dont want to do anything without it.

It sucks because it literally makes everything better. It's a great life enhancer, but theres no way around it; you get dependent on a steady supply or else you shut down. I did withdrawals and all that. 1 month later I'm still like fuck this shit I want some oxy. At least I have weed though.

I guess this post is just kind of like a warning to people who are messing with it: Its really fucking good stuff, but dont mess with it unless you're ok with becoming dependent and going thru withdrawals at some point down the road. I let it happen on purpose cuz I was kinda curious about the whole thing, and lets be honest - I like to get high. That's what I learned after a year.

tl;dr heroin is the best shit, but dont mess with it unless you can secure a steady supply, and you're ok with becoming dependent and doing withdrawals later on

>> No.9041565

Everybody dies. I get so tired of this shitty "hurr durr, live a long healthy life". Some people prefer to enjoy the moment. Your brother made a choice, and as much as it pains everyone around him, it was HIS life, not yours or anyone else's.
Any sort of life is acceptable, as long as you live it for yourself. Nobody is gonna remember any of us in a couple generations, so why the fuck worry?
I want a career and fame, some people want a car and a wife, some people wanna get high. And I applaud that anon for being sincere.

>> No.9041597

All of your talk about comfiness made me comfy
Thanks anon

>> No.9041610

>wake up
>fap to Kendra Lust
>go to gym
>hour of cardio
>come home
>eat chicken fajitas
>funpost on 4chan
>read Under The Skin for an hour
>funpost on 4chan again

>> No.9041615

Yea that's what I thought also. I think he was just paranoid.

>> No.9041620


nice one

which match? pls tell me you're not going to watch the rentboys