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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 995 KB, 1783x2767, NimOPcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9028190 No.9028190 [Reply] [Original]


MFA continues to dress like shitty memeochrome virgincore plebs for another month in October's best of WAYWT

>cringe inducing fuccboi tryhard fedora tier fit pic related

>> No.9028204

chilljin looks great, stop being jealous and angry about it and step up your game. this thread is a waste of effort you could be expending in bettering yourself
think about it

>> No.9028205

What are the gray boots that chilljin wears?

>> No.9028207

>shitting on chiljin
you know he's from here right?

>> No.9028208

>liking mfa's aesthetic

Lmao self help bullshit discarded

>> No.9028211

He's more mfa than fa, jackass

>> No.9028214

probably some tubby manlet raging that you cant look this based in a simple outfit
seriously, op pic is great.

>> No.9028216

Hey chilljin how's that bellspalsy coming.

>> No.9028218

you guys must be fucking new here because we were like this about a year an a half ago. let it go dude, a lot of their fits aren't even monochrome.

>> No.9028219
File: 43 KB, 425x434, 1409215392835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those top 5 fits
threads like these remind me how much of a lie the idea that mfa likes monovirginstreetgoofcore is

i have bookmarked the OP link so i can share it with anyone who says that in the future

>> No.9028221

>Defending reddit malefashionadvice and their aesthetic of choice

Upvotes for you gentlemen, your monochrome fit is euphoric

>> No.9028224
File: 49 KB, 515x515, 1411014198164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this

Every fucking month someone posts the reddit best and says "LMAO REDDIT MFA XDDDD DRESSING RIK XDDD" even though we have dressed like that, we still dress like that, and the fits are better than all of ours

How much longer are you going to be mad fuccbois?

>> No.9028231

fucking kill yourself newfag

>> No.9028235
File: 69 KB, 304x304, 1397837102242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone on MFA own any designer items?

genuine question

>> No.9028240

>How much longer are you going to be mad fuccbois?
Probably forever. My growth plates have shut, I am not getting any taller, I am skinny as can be but still have terrible proportions and I'm getting older and uglier by the day. My hairline seems like it might be thinning too. So yea, angrier and angrier. I hate how easy people like Chilljin have it. Making these threads helps me feel better, so don't YOU try and take this away from me. Capiche?

>> No.9028246

so do we though

>> No.9028252

i think the joke is that reddit doesnt actually dress like that, as you will see in the imugr (barring occasionally chilljin and theo's fits)

>> No.9028266
File: 211 KB, 1911x963, euTcAWj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top fit m8. Dun't h8.

>> No.9028286

indridcold is the man dude, srs

>> No.9028291


>> No.9028352
File: 648 KB, 2340x4160, mfa 4th best fit october 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about mfa, why does he wear the pizza?

>> No.9028374

well its definitely not so he can fit in those jeans better

>> No.9028464

I tried to get more people to vote but only 20 did, and the end result was a 'yes.'
So this is /fa/'s Best of October.
If you don't like it you should have voted. I'm just an autist who wanted this to happen so don't take your complaints up with me pls.
Guess we'll see how it compares to MFA now.

>> No.9028478

the one with the NP parka and white geos is like a year old

>> No.9028483

Wow u got him simply ebin m8 xdddd

>> No.9028484

what's MFA's obsession with blue pinrolled jeans and brown boots? looks disgusting

>> No.9028485

I thought there was a majority between 'with a few changes' and 'absolutely not'. Hardly a yes

>> No.9028496

this strawpoll
the one that had a majority on 'with a few changes' was then modified and 'yes' won

>> No.9028500

What's with fa's obsession with black skinny jeans and white sneakers? Looks disgusting

>> No.9028504

except it doesn't
blue pants and brown shoes is aesthetically vomit-inducing, add an ugly cuff onto that and you have MFA

>> No.9028545

some really good
some ok
some terrible

>> No.9028568

Why so many chilijin fits lmao
And wasn't the guy with the tan loafers and red/white striped shirt in the last one?

>> No.9028569

Why did you put in that one Birthday fit but not the other. The one in their currently is shut but the other one was actually pretty good.

>> No.9028578

some do some don't. genuine answer

>> No.9028587

A more accurate description
>A very small minority do, and overwhelming majority don't.

>> No.9028591

thank you

>> No.9028619

there are people with designer items in those pictures

>> No.9028648

could you point some out to me? barring theo

>> No.9028652

Some of those are fucking revolting. I mean there are all sorts of shitty fits on /fa/ but I think if we had a method of curating them then we would end up with a better "best of." Seriously, their top fit is a chubby dude in a blue OCBD, blue jeans with a shitty cuff, and Clarks? step it the fuck up

>> No.9028683

Mfa is algae

>> No.9028754

29 36 43 are the best

>> No.9028803

Yeah, whoever those chiljin and theo fags are are totally dressed mfacore as fuck. Cringe

>> No.9028826
File: 285 KB, 640x480, 1408495305838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuffs with clarks

nothing is worse than this

>> No.9028829
File: 78 KB, 400x600, JN2A3gb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best fit

sp00kycore as fuck

>> No.9028831

tfw no google maps to take pic of my fit

>> No.9028847

lol at MFA dressing better than most of /fa/

>> No.9028854

I really don't understand why /fa/ has the need to bash trips like Theo and Chillijn (who happen to post on both MFA and /FA/) when all they do is post decent fits while never doing anything to offend anyone.

I understand bashing trips like Trunks, Oi oi, or Stance since the way they talk and react to criticism warrants the responses they get.

This board can be cancerous at times.

>> No.9028858

yeah some of them are really bad
like there are some pretty good fits but for some it's a wonder they're in the top anything

>> No.9028866


>> No.9028871

he spends money on SLP everything and looks nothing like a SLP boy

>> No.9028875
File: 493 KB, 1857x3398, rjc6Z1N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a good fit.

The rest is cringe-/meh-tier.

>mfw /fa/-cringeposters like that hairy guy, or the OP pic guy actually post on mfa

why am I not surprised

>> No.9028908

O I am laffin

>> No.9028926

2 nxtlvl 4 me

>> No.9028989

isn't that dave?

>> No.9029297
File: 851 KB, 1632x1632, QjXstEd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet this guy gets made fun of at the office

>> No.9029310

I don't understand some of the reactions here, i always browse the /fa/ waywt threads, and all i can see is shitty outfits, tripfags thinking that they are /fa/ and spamming with pics of them in disgusting outfits, guys posting their pleb tier jeans and sweats from Uniqlo, etc.

And when MFA posts its WAYWT of the month, they are a huge amount of negative comments about euphorism and fedoras.

Look at OP, he don't even know who is the person on the pic and talks shit about him by saying "hurr durr meme mono dadcore"

Seriously guys, i really like this board but sometimes you really need to ask yourselves : Is MFA are getting better than us ? Should we improve our fits more than talking shit ?

>> No.9029313
File: 936 KB, 1520x2688, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c shoes? In this pic

>> No.9029318

most people don't have a problem with mfa
a lot of people are crossposters too
these threads aren't usually about mocking mfa's best, just discussing the fits
people getting mad that mfa exists are probably just new or have too much time on their hands
biggest difference between /fa/ and mfa is picture quality really

>> No.9029321

i bet no one makes fun of him because his bearmode bf would turn them to pulp if they did

>> No.9029333

kilshots 2?

>> No.9029335

nike killshots, atleast half the fits in the album include them
ugliest nike shoe ever made, almost always look like shit
cant see why mfa circle jerks them so much

>> No.9029339


>> No.9029440
File: 136 KB, 458x640, 1414538525104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people posted more fits like this

>> No.9029454

Yeah sometimes I need help getting off to sleep at night too

>> No.9029465


>> No.9029525

damn that's a sick fit
is that from MFA? seems too good to be true

>> No.9029535

ITT: butthurt autists crying that they don't look as good as MFA users do in basic fits

>> No.9029539

n, fa

>> No.9029543

looking at that outfit would help me get to sleep
>grey tee
>black jeans
>white sneakers
yeah really sick, can't believe it's from mfa either

>> No.9029555

They mostly have a lot of upper-tier clothing, but not exactly designer

>> No.9029556

It's literally 3 or 4 jealous children same fagging to eternity. Imagine overweight, aging, ugly, poor little gremlins posting from the hellish depths of Middle America over and over and over all day and night, shitting on anything decent to make themselves feel better. Everyone with an interest in fashion and/or self improvement either silently appreciates or vocally engages posters like Theo and Chiljin in constructive discourse.

>> No.9029557

What's your idea of a good fit then faggot

>> No.9029561

w2c sneakers in third fit?

>> No.9029577
File: 711 KB, 547x800, sulucniv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think i've ever had such misdirected and unjustified hate for anyone as much as i have for this faggot. god i want to punch his stupid face in

>> No.9029588

yeah most punchable face ive seen in a while

>> No.9029591


>> No.9029596

If he changed the coat to a different color or used a pair of slim pants it would be really neat tbh.

>> No.9029610

That's fucking terrible, if you went outside wearing that half the people you walk past would laugh in your autistic direction

>> No.9029632

Well if you'd rather look like this >>9029440 then I have no time for you, you boring fuck :) You should worry less about what others think about you in my opinion :)

>> No.9029706

Yeah I should just go ahead and look like total shit and not care when I go outside right

Sort yourself out lad

>> No.9029760

Whatever, if you think that looks like shit I'm afraid you might just have bad taste. That or you're just a narrow minded coward. Afraid the other 'lads' would laugh at you down the pub? lol man up

>> No.9029771

If that's truly what you think looks good then you need to be content with being an outsider, or not being taken seriously or approached for any reason.

>> No.9029772

think because j.crew colabs on those.

Not sure though, can't be bothered to look into it

>> No.9029791

yes that's right

>> No.9029814

i wonder what he jerks off to

>> No.9029868

The outfit you liked looks like what the average guy who goes to a bottom 50 polytechnic uni in a provincial town would buy from topman and wear to his local Tiger Tiger on a Friday night to try and pull a 5/10 slag who probably watches the X factor. If you're like a recent migrant from /v/ or /r9k/ or whatever and you're here for a basic idea of how to dress yourself then I can see where you're coming from, and why you're salivating over that outfit. But it has literally no merit from an artistic or aesthetic point of view.

>> No.9029916

Were you bullied by these people you speak of?

>But it has literally no merit from an artistic or aesthetic point of view.
>wearing clothes to be artistic

Wow you are a faggot

>> No.9029937
File: 1.65 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-11-03-12-36-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best month so fat by a long shot tbh

Chiljin looked pretty shit in 60% of his outfits though, and I can't believe that this autist still posts, let alone gets recognition for his awful clothing

>> No.9029950

> that last one
yo people were posting that as a troll, why the fuck would you put that embarrassing shit on there

>> No.9029954

> doesn't know the difference between some and all

>> No.9029955

Why are you here if you don't like fashion? This doesn't make sense, unless you really do have no idea how to dress yourself when you're outside of your parents basement, which as I said would explain your achingly boring taste

>> No.9029964

Why would you post this fit. Like there is literally nothing interesting there. This is what I wear to go to one class at uni or to the store. You don't put boring shit like this on the internet

>> No.9029971

i like his fit aside from the boots but his mustache makes me angry

>> No.9029987

You really don't belong here

That pic you like is the most boring shit on earth. Just about every single person on this site wears an outfit like that, but it's not something you show off. If you wore something that basic, it's not worthy of a waywt aand you shouldn't bother posting it.

At least that fit the other anon linked to was interesting. And yes, you do wear clothing as art.

>> No.9029993


>> No.9029999

Fashion involves looking good, that fit you posted looks like shit. Qed, enjoy your autismal taste

>> No.9030004
File: 154 KB, 640x893, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again mate
also >>>/mfa/

>> No.9030005

Jesus you're the cancer this board doesn't need

>> No.9030016

At times? This board is always cancerous, the demographic here is literally teenMFA, /fa/ is stuck in 2012 and can't even do that right

h-hey /fa/ where do I get this sikk 00 hentai shirt???

>> No.9030019

You may have nice quads, but in fact you actually have shit taste. Or at the very least you're narrow minded or just aren't interested in fashion. Fair enough, but try not to come across like you know what you're talking about when you're talking to people who are interested. Try and take what these >>9029964 guys >>9029987 said into account, too :)

>> No.9030024

lmao this looks like shit, when will /fa/ move on from goobyninja garbage

>> No.9030029

Except that's pretty much what people said when it was posted here, but it got into mfa's top fits of the month. So exactly the opposite of that.

>> No.9030036

The fact that it's in top of waywt for mfa means nothing, it's a horribly executed attempt at a 2012 trend, kind of shit you'd see tagged as DVRK FVSHION on tumblr lmao

>> No.9030044

But you said 'when will /fa/ move on'? And I told you it didn't get a great reception here, but it did better on mfa. So maybe /fa/ has 'moved on'? Hope you see my point now I've spelt it out to help you :^)

>> No.9030051

yet you still browse?
why stay on a board that you hate and have contempt for? i'll never understand
if it's because you like to laugh at posters and troll then you probably have too much time on your hands

>> No.9030053

god this fucking user sucks mad dick. Who is he kidding with his fits? The haircut looks absolutely shit with his ginger hair. Those glasses belong on someone's grandpa.

>> No.9030054

Right, not compare waywts between two boards, mfa's is generally safe and boring while /fa/'s is generally horrible attempts at this exact sort of lame goobninj/monochrome 2012 shit by teenagers who don't quite get it

>> No.9030055

Muh art
Real fashion requires real taste and you have none of it, your weird ninja shit doesn't count

>> No.9030062

Fuck Chilljin. Fuck him, I knew the moment he started posting on mfa like the memechrome faggot he is, mfa went full on memechrome retards. Now you got dadcore and memechrome faggots running all over mfa. And stop liking Chilljin shitty fits, this wouldn't happen if you stop liking this faggot and tell him to gtfo.

>> No.9030080

>memechrome faggots running all over mfa

how is this true, look at mfa's top 5 fits for October, or look at the list in total and tell me how many memeochrome fits you see barring maybe theo (hardly though) and chilljin (occasionally)? The most popular fits are as ever shitty badly done dadcore or work wear >>9029577,
9029937, >>9028352, >>9028266

Why do people keep pushing the idea that mfa is full of people wearing monochromatic streetwear/good outfits?

>> No.9030085

*goof, not good (obviously)

>> No.9030093

You legit sound like you're about 15 years old. I don't even like 'ninja' clothing. It's not even a thing, it's just a pejorative.

>> No.9030108

>Now you got dadcore and memechrome faggots running all over mfa.

I did mention dadcore faggots you fucking retard.

>> No.9030111

...but that's hardly new you gimp, you more than implied that things had changed recently

>> No.9030117

Except you are telling me that I wasn't saying that mfa was full of dadcore faggot. Why am I even bother replying to you trolls

>> No.9030133

To be fair mate you did say 'I knew the moment he started posting on mfa like the memechrome faggot he is, mfa went full on memechrome retard'.
So that kind of suggested you thought mfa had gone 'memechrome' recently.

Obviously there's dadcore faggots running all over mfa there always have been, I didn't really know why you felt the need to post that as it's such a given.

>> No.9030269

I know it's you trunks you diaper wearing faggot. Why do you talk so much shit when you're clearly way worse off than me and can't even tell. You're so fucking pathetic man

>> No.9030290
File: 757 KB, 2448x2612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ousting my fav fits keep in mind these might be to inspirational for you viewer discretion is advised
>proportions inspo right here

>> No.9030294


>> No.9030295
File: 2.21 MB, 3456x4608, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me banana pt1

>> No.9030301
File: 1.54 MB, 3464x2309, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yung lean apparently found out about lunarcore

>> No.9030305
File: 409 KB, 1080x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me banana pt2

>> No.9030312
File: 122 KB, 547x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030315

these are good

>> No.9030319

w2c whole outfit

>> No.9030334
File: 1.99 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030343
File: 1.89 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for the finale
>SLP fans think they look good

>> No.9030355

The problem there isn't the clothes. The problem is the face.

>> No.9030364

chilljins wearing undercover in that pic

>> No.9030368


face sucks but so do the clothes

>> No.9030371

sauce on pants?
Looking for a good pair of pants to buy.

>> No.9030374

The fit is good (as in, the fit fits well. I'm stoned) but I dunno... varsity jackets with hair that's thinning that much? Really doesn't work.

Get plugs homie. If you get 'em early-on people won't notice as easily.

>> No.9030386


/fa/ is generally horrible attempts at goobninj/monochrome? Fuck generally, that is /fa/ through and through. And I love every second I spend here laughing at you autists.

>> No.9030392

i sold him that varsity lol

>> No.9030397

Delusional hack loving duck riding SLP degenerates at their finest,

>> No.9030416

hey birthday. how's your freshmen year going? :)

>> No.9030421
File: 96 KB, 400x960, hpd91tl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this guy is GOAT

>> No.9030431

there's something wrong with his pants,, but i just can't put it into words

>> No.9030450

Their 2 wide and the texture/color look bad?

>> No.9030456


Looks like a computer nerd from the year 2004 who just stepped out of his room for the first time in years and since he had no clean clothes he just put his hands down the family laundry basket and fished up the first things he could see.

Ended up with his mothers pants and shirt and the rest is his 70 year old fathers. The shoes are decent though.

>> No.9030460

really though this looks hella comfy. besides the sweater, scarf, and stupid face, i'd wear it.

>> No.9030521

This is how you know /fa/ doesn't know shit about fashion

>> No.9030531


if not for the iphone in the way, this could be an alternate cover for American Psycho

>> No.9030558


Quite frankly I dont care for fashion that isn't aesthetic, neither does 99.99999% of the planet so why the fuck should it not be shot down as the garbage it is in a waywt thread? And I fucking dare you to say that it's aesthetic.

>> No.9030569

those children's feet

>> No.9030571

>I fucking dare you to say that it's aesthetic.
it's aesthetic

also aesthetic isn't an adjective, just thought i'd let you know

>> No.9030572

this is such a mess

>> No.9030723

Besides yours that is

>> No.9030745

this picture reeks of insecurity

>> No.9030768

It in top of waywt

U made it Dave :))))

>> No.9030771

Kek this whole thread is bait, just leave them to their little circlejerk and talk about something that matters if you know better.

>> No.9030783
File: 295 KB, 553x362, bankrobbercore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030804

I don't think half of them look that bad, actually.

>> No.9030807

omg kek dadcore faggot amirite guys?????

>> No.9030925

that cum stain on the lower right side the jacket lol

>> No.9030952

it looks like his pants are up to his chest wtf

>> No.9031002

loved this dude in hotel rwanda

>> No.9031014

bet he bought the jacket used and it's not even his cum

>> No.9031019

I'd say about 40% were ok

>> No.9031063

>i wish i was at home listening to tyler the creator

>> No.9032937

h&m, cos, maybe khols
honestly this fucker dresses like shit the only reason mfa sucks his dick so much is because he buys cheap shit and thats all those poor fuckers can afford

>> No.9033085


>> No.9033140


>> No.9033267

I like it, hating everything from MFA is pointless.. I just think the "born in the wrong generation" m'lady gentlemen are funny.

>> No.9033288

chilljin tell me what your grey boots are.

>> No.9033291

1 piece of cheap, undeseriable uc? lmao

>> No.9033348


>> No.9033430

honestly the overcoat and glasses makes him look like a colonial officer its pretty dumb.

I grew up in a historical colonial city and tourists woulda thought he was an interpreter

>> No.9034000

Hardcore fit. Can't believe he combined the white shoes with the black pants and the grey shirt.

What a madman.

>> No.9034029

>Why do people keep pushing the idea that mfa is full of people wearing monochromatic streetwear/good outfits?

Because it gets a reaction out of people.

>> No.9034479

>$2400 for that varsity
SLP is great, but unfortunately most of their stuff only works if you look like a model. This guy does not.

>> No.9034499


Frankly, minus the creepster hair and different jeans and it'd be perfectly fine. The creepers are a BIT "sipping on the Kool-aid", but work well with the jacket. This guy's a bit dressed by the magazines, but the idea's solid.

>> No.9034575

I'd pull off the varsity nicely with SL/01's or SL/06's, would need a small though.
Also just noticed collared shirt with the varsity, wtf. I'm not sold on the creepers either, especially with those jeans.

>> No.9034586

That's actually a really nice fit.

>> No.9034598

somethings a bit off though, the shoes most likely

it should be hard to fuck up a simple casual fit like that

>> No.9034616

That's better than any fit I've seen posted here in the last 3 months.

>> No.9034623
File: 51 KB, 400x533, vVzbl4r[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this guy think he's Steve Carrell?

>> No.9034658


Aww sure bud

>> No.9034670

>blue pants and brown shoes is aesthetically vomit-inducing

This is why I hate /fa/, nothing but arbitrary pet peeves from autists.

>> No.9034704

>everything fits nice
>slim body
>looks like a grown ass man

yeah ha ha what a loser

>> No.9034711

You mean ryan gosling? I wear tan shoes with forest green chinos to work sometimes.

>> No.9034728
File: 51 KB, 640x621, whenyourfitisondeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>there was a guy wearing ferregamo
>there was some rick where
>I think one of them had the ISL white and black jacket
>some of them had CP
>Canada goose (may not be designer, depend)

nigga your full of shit and don't know shit

It was maybe the best MFA monthly compilation I've seen so far, even though they had like 7 fit of fucking chilljin (that nigga so based), a big majority of the fits where outstanding.

>> No.9034734

rick wears*

>> No.9034773

>7 of the fits are Chillijin shitty fits

Wow, stop sucking his dicks you guys. Chillijin is an autistic tryhard who can't dress at all.

>> No.9034800

the two fits with rick are people who post on sufu/here respectively and randomly drop a fit on mfa now and again.
and then theres one guy with that ugly af bieber-tier saint laurent varsity and some guy with ferragamo

supreme/canada goose are designer? lol k.
cps are barely designer, overpriced over-hyped plimsoll shoes. lol.

so thats like literally 4 outfits ~at the very most~ who are wearing designer in a top 50 outfits of the month list? lmao. then again i suppose mfa isnt even really a fashion forum so whatever.


>a big majority of the fits where outstanding
*tips clarks desert boots*

such >>9028266 outstanding >>9028352 stuff >>9029297 this >>9029313 really >>9029577 is fashion hahaha

>> No.9034810

Where to cop the black parka in 4th pic with the Norse sweater?

>> No.9034822

exodia deck mayne. many wins were had. miss em so much.

>> No.9034834

w2c a tan overshirt thing like that

>> No.9034913 [DELETED] 

looken good mfa

>> No.9035199
File: 79 KB, 960x720, mehdi gayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why you imply that you need to wear designer clothing to be fashionable. You could dress really well even if you thrifted all your clothes.

the more money you spend on cloth =/= fashionable

Also there's no need to be a massive faggot, you may cherry prick the worst fit in the compilation, but as a whole (if you lurked more than a week) it is a massive upgrade from the waywt compilation I've seen so far.

>> No.9035213


>> No.9035245

He looks like a fukken revolutionary war infantryman, all he's missing is the hat

>> No.9035340

acne adrian

>> No.9035345 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 640x910, bells palsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chilljin has a legitimate physiological disease
go easy on him guys

>> No.9035352

is he really sucking in his cheecks? or does cocksucking just work for facial aesthetics?

>> No.9035356 [DELETED] 

he has bells palsy u insensitive white male

>> No.9035666
File: 61 KB, 600x600, brian pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9035719

have you seen /fa/'s waywts recently, the majority is really horrible, stop generalising

>> No.9035731 [DELETED] 

shit that image takes me back, havent seen brian peppers in years.

>> No.9035732

I really dont understand how the people on mfa can tell each other they look good and not autistic wearing a majority of this shit out in public.

>> No.9035844

oh come on. most of them just look like normalfags. they approach fashion with different goals than you do. chill the fuck out.

>> No.9035847

do you really have every trip/namefags face?

>> No.9035849

same thing with /fa/ users

>> No.9035866

Pretty much, pigfuck likes to gloat over something he was born with rather than something he's actually achieved in his life

Like ok congrats you were born white and tall with an ok face, lucky you

Cuz it's seriously luck, nothing to be proud of

>> No.9035881

pigfucks face is much like his outfits, the elements are there but they're somehow so inadequate

his face has a tough to describe ugliness, like mr hyde

>> No.9035884

>ok face

>> No.9035888

someone post his mug

>> No.9035895

Someone please post pigfuck's face, I want to see what this sperg boi looks like :)

>> No.9035896 [DELETED] 

what better way to insult someone andhold them accountable then showing the world how ugly they are

>> No.9035904 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 640x480, tumblr_nd7zlanKbt1sit9wvo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there seems like a tangible influx of new ppl
how havent u seen my face yet
yes ive been paid to model
no i dont do it full time
no i wont have sex with ur ugly gf for money

lets start slow

>> No.9035905 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 640x480, tumblr_nd7zlanKbt1sit9wvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's that sexy man

>> No.9035907 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 640x480, tumblr_nd7zlanKbt1sit9wvo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some important things to note, the uninititated often miss

the strong, masculine browridge denoting testosterone exposure during puberty and development

powerful square chin and jaw

high set, prominent cheek bones

classic cubid's bow lips

'god hes so hot and white and tall' eyelashes

>> No.9035910

>ugly $400 fused suit being in a best of

But why?

>> No.9035912



>> No.9035917

Looks like u got acne mate

>> No.9035919

how tall?? how white?

>> No.9035922 [DELETED] 

6'3 100%

>> No.9035924

i don't disagree, insecurity about genetics is a good weakspot to target. do you have a list of who you have? i'd like to see some

>> No.9035931

this is why i'll never trip on this board/post a fickie (a face pickie)

heavier gesAWh

>> No.9035943

where the actual fuck does anyone say either of those things

>> No.9035948

cause you're insecure? plenty of ugly people thrive as trips. bio, that spacejew, trunks

>> No.9035954

one of their worst months I think. usually they have less really shitty fits, and a few of interesting ones.

>> No.9035962

w-wut things?

>> No.9035969

Hey I believe that if u want to be a tripcoder u can be one. I used 2 post fickies (love that word, it's probably on the up and up) but now I don't because ppl used to hate on me and now I'm just a tripcoder who only uses text posts.

>> No.9035972

okay tyvm dude, i appreciate it - thumbs up for rock & roll!

>> No.9035976

Look I appreciate that youre trying to establish ur voice as an online personality but that's some wishy washy stuff. You cant just say something le epic random and be like "haha I'm quirky" you have to mean what you say. For example I dont even like rock and roll and probably you dont too so just omit that bit. It's called self editing it helps u have a real bit of spice to what u say. less is more.

>> No.9035981 [DELETED] 

lets hear some more showtune vocaroos

>> No.9035984

im not your performing monkey ok? maybe if u take me a cute personalized selfie

>> No.9035995

oh, you didn't catch the reference?? probs got the quotes wrong : /
>I believe that if u want to be a tripcoder u can be one
>i believe that if u want to ride a bike u can ride one...thumbs up for rock and roll!
or something to that effect

>> No.9036000

im sorry i don't watch pop culture im part of the anti-kitsch movement

>> No.9036006 [DELETED] 

hmmmmmmmmm ;^)

>> No.9036018

oh got ya, i respect that

>> No.9036054


>> No.9036107

>fashion is only fashion if it's including shit from a list of played out designers


>> No.9036115

No escaping pop culture son, you're in it.

90's angsty punk had it straight.

>> No.9036119



how much does it torment you that there are people on reddit that dress in the aesthetic you like, like the movies you like and listen to the music you listen to

>> No.9036121

This dude is one of my favourite mfa posters

>> No.9036142


yaeca, engineered garments, junya, wang (lol), public school, KVA, acne are all in that album just from a quick scroll through

like it's clearly aimed towards a different aesthetic to here, i dunno why you're so heated

>> No.9036230

Nah, reddit hates the stuff I like. Avant garde streetwear, Death Grips Ancient Astronauts, Danny Brown, etc

>> No.9036240

L o L

you are fucking cancer and not special at all