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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 65 KB, 468x468, 1359611670738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8999241 No.8999241 [Reply] [Original]

>scoping out an item
>auction finishes in a few hours
>retards show up and start raising the minimum bid

>not waiting until the last 10-15 seconds to bid

>> No.8999244

you wouldve lost regardless

>> No.8999257
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Not really. I've won 2/3 auctions on amazing pieces 4 cheap m8.

>> No.8999293
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>Find perfect cardigan
>marked down because only my size left so dirt cheap
>wait a day

It never really stops hurting. Not ever.

>> No.8999328

psst use gixen

>> No.8999332

>tfw people tell you you should do modeling

>> No.8999370

>tfw no money
>tfw most valuable piece in your wardrobe is probably Yohji Yamamoto Y-3 x Adidas shoes that you found at goodwill for $10


>> No.8999375
File: 7 KB, 167x200, Haqq+rolls+8+can+our+eyes+be+real+if+mirrors+_ee4b59493a6dcea392fb694354db1ae8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need money, if you have no taste?

>> No.8999377

I have taste, just no money.

My mom funds everything and she doesn't see any sense in paying more than $40 for a pair of jeans.

Getting a job soon though, so that's cool I guess.

>> No.8999380

>buying Y-3
>having taste
Pick one.

c: toperor

>> No.8999383
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>tfw /fa/ is probably a big part of why I'm turning bi
I don't know how to feel about this

>> No.8999397

you were always afag lmao

>> No.8999401
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Quality post anon

>> No.8999500

You dont just turn bi. Either you are imagining it or you have always been one of us

>> No.8999504

>tfw u dont know what look ur going for ultimately
>tfw spread in too many different directions & could be fuccboi of all styles, master of none.

This Rick Owens Tote is fuckin cash tho, can't beat it.

>> No.8999506

are you cute?

>> No.8999509

I'm torn between cozycore and workwear/military style.

>> No.9000785
File: 247 KB, 480x477, ggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me.
>In college.
>Comp Sci.
>Have one class with people outside CS.
>During this class I admire qt from afar.
>Start sitting near her in hopes that I can find the courage to strike up a conversation some day.
>Class involves developing algorithms to solve problems.
>I suck at it.
>Co-operation is encouraged but she's always co-operating with someone else.
>Be Thursday.
>Wear ballin’ fit to impress qt.
>Given problem and as usual I can't do it.
>Chinese guy starts trying to co-operate with me. Go with it.
>Don't know what's going on but pretend I do, knowing she's within earshot. Chinese guy figures out most of the problem. Establishes 4 cases and can't figure out how to verify the last one.
>I suddenly start to understand everything.
>Quietly suggest simple solution to Chinese guy.
>"YOU'RE A GENIUS", he says. Loud enough for her (and everyone else) to hear.
>Notice her look up at me as I stare at the page.
>Chinese guy has to go early for some reason.
>I say goodbye to who was inadvertently the best wingman I've ever had.
>When he leaves she comes over.
>"Have you figured this out?"
>"Yes I have".
>She is standing over me while try to remember what I just did, keeping the spaghetti firmly inside my pockets.
>"That's much clearer now. Thank you".
>We walk out of class together.
>She laughs at some things I say.
>My heart when.
>We leave the building and turn left and continue until we reach a crossroads.
>I consider that we might not be going the same way.
>"I have to go this way", I say.
>"I have to go back that way".
>Back that way. As in back where we came from.
>She had no reason to walk in that direction other than wanting to talk to me.

tfw she's from Germany and only here for the next two months.

>> No.9000858

for the love of god you better not fuck this up

>> No.9000869

>didn't get her #
keep going bro you can do it

>> No.9000929

>was in a biz admin major the last two semesters
>mostly nice normal people to have decent conversations with
>also qts everywhere
>got an app idea, started programming & enjoyed it a lot
>switched to a information systems major (has biz and cs courses, can do whatever I want as master)

I thought the social situation would be a bit worse in the cs related major, but holy shit:
>some guys literally wear fedoras, blazers and anime shit to class
>people playing are video games during lectures like its no big deal
>from the 300-400 freshmen only about 30 went out to the first bar hopping event
>only 10% of the people are girls

>> No.9000940
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This fucking feel

>> No.9000989

he already did

>> No.9000991

>tfw same sort of situation
>girls p qt
>not going to see her ever again after the test (a few days again)
>Have her facebook
Should I just facebook her for coffee when I get back there in a week or so? She lives really close (like minutes) to me too. Seems a bit out of the blue, especially if it's a while away, but I'm pretty sure she likes me...

>> No.9000999


>> No.9001000

should be

>> No.9001005
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>girls miring your legs
>girls miring your thigh gap
>girls just miring your body

It's good, I'm planning on being a trap anyways.

>> No.9001006

a good feel

>> No.9001020


>> No.9001029

>met a qt girl after class
>talked for nearly an hour, she seemed interested in me
>her friends came over, the lecture started, we got quiet
>didn't ask for her facebook or # in front of her friends because of my autism
>haven't met her since
>regret this the last few weeks
just ask her

>> No.9001032

do it

>> No.9001035

>tfw u dont know what style u are
>I think im finally settled on minimalist fuccboi
>Acne, SLP usually what I'm dressed in
>ppl always seem to think im gay
>always wearing slim clothing
>6'1 and 63kg
>shirts, sweaters, skinny jeans and sneakers or chelseas is my uniform
>This board has made me worse and worse
>talking to qt
>she goes shopping
>texts me saying 'only been here 30 minutes and already spent £70!'
>Thank God it was over text so I could hide my disgust
>why is she saying it like thats a lot

I'm a shitty human being /fa

>> No.9001042

Ok will do, gotta wait a week or so as we're both really bussy with other tests and shit. You don't think it's too long?

>> No.9001053

Motherfucking ask her. It's not like she's in Germany or something. Don't throw chances like this away.

>> No.9001056

nah m8, just tell her you were busy with tests and you wanted to catch up or something

>> No.9001059

When you're out with friend(s) do you judge people based on their fits?
When I'm out in public I have to hold my laughter from my mom effay friends. I even ask why they woukd dress like that.
But Im always silent with my laughter.
>can't let them Know

>> No.9001067

>tfw you always judge people if they dress like shit
>tfw it's probably just your insecurities

>> No.9001072

Woah woah woah guys okay, I'll do this for you if not for me.
Oh nigga I'm overthinking shit, thanks for that. That's exactly what I'd like to do, just catch up with her, have a little fun etc.

>> No.9001076

>be me on friday
>buy new raws
>think "hmmm maybe I'll wear them today to start breaking them in"
>"better not, it's rainy and they're still uncomfortable"
>get hit by a car on my way to gfs house
>missed out on sick road rash fades

>> No.9001089

>wear skinny jeans
>"anon why are you waling on your hands lol"

>> No.9001092

improve yr posture, work out, and try to be more confident. this makes it less likely that people think youre gay.

>texts me saying 'only been here 30 minutes and already spent £70!'
>Thank God it was over text so I could hide my disgust
>why is she saying it like thats a lot

dont be that dude. this board has definitely deluded you a bit. be more fun and chilled out and try to do fun stuff, and try to not act pretentious about what is and isnt a lot for clothes.
really most of this is easily fixable, man. :)

>> No.9001097

Quite a lot tbh, like idk seeing people happy over things I think are shit just make me cringe. I have one friend who isnt /fa at all but hes my best friend and i love him so i could never judge him, nor could I judge somebody over 30, apart from that I can judge ppl for hours

>> No.9001105

I feel that if I met you in a bar we'd have fun talking shit bout other people

>> No.9001108

Those boots have made me think someone was gay more than once too. This might be part of your problem.

>> No.9001110

every fucking memorial day this happens to me. true story.

>> No.9001117
File: 50 KB, 294x295, 1411781695055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel like the clothes I spend ages saving up for are too good for my face

>> No.9001126

post pic

>> No.9001141

Damn ur right, my posture is ok apart from my neck bc I am forever using my phone, slowly improving it tho. Thanks a lot man.

Again very true, its a tough one

I hope one day it happens <3

>> No.9001142

post fit u were wearing

>> No.9001153

No way :^) I feel fine about my self but if I see a someone wearing cargo shorts and an American eagle tank top and sperrys with Nike socks I just have to make fun!
:) I do this to! And that's really sweet tbh
All of us should meet up!

>> No.9001169
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>> No.9001177

>sk8 van his
>multiple shoes
>no money

You could always be worse off.

>> No.9001195
File: 86 KB, 360x540, showpage_upload_2F1413323263899-2rhekiwv38k0rudi-8ef5392058e52c9afd751aa0f0587ddd_2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A couple on the bottom row are pretty nice. The brogues are To Boot New York by Adam Derrick and those gray boots are Blokes.

I guess it can't be that bad if I have 12 pairs of shoes.

Can't decide what to cop once I get a job though. I want MMM splatter painted GATs, but I also want the flaky MMM x Converse, but I also want CDG x Converse with the hearts, yet I also want pic related.


>> No.9001328


>> No.9001356

> I want MMM splatter painted GATs, but I also want the flaky MMM x Converse, but I also want CDG x Converse with the hearts, yet I also want pic related.

Stop posting

>> No.9001360

What's wrong with wanting to cop shoes that I like?

>> No.9001365

sounds like you got got

>> No.9001476

the only reason you said this is because he mentioned the play converse

why do they make people so angry damn

>> No.9001487

I know, it's dumb.

Just because something is, or was, popular on /fa/ doesn't mean somebody can't still like it.

hur dur meemee shoo u r an autisq so effay

>> No.9001493

should have asked for her number

>> No.9001507

>green pea coat
>1 bidder, $4, two days left
>buy it now price is $10, $15 with shipping
>like I'm gonna wait two goddamn days
>there's a very mad, very cold faggot out there somewhere

>> No.9001540

10/10 feel

>> No.9001556

cdg converse


>> No.9001561
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1363060772364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in class testing
>wearing a dadcore-ish fit (cdbs, apcs, oxford, jacket)
>basic bitch in a yellow peacoat and riding boots next to me
>don't pay attention to her because test
>look up after i'm done and she's staring at me
>quickly looks away once i notice her
>s-she mirin

>at a starbucks because it was the only coffee shop in the area
>wearing a goff-ninjer-ish outfit
>girl in front of me in line is wearing these leather heels, jeans and a cream colored sweater
>lmao basic bitch alert
>she orders a pumpkin spice latte
>have to restrain myself from laughing like a retard
>realize how autistic i am
>put sunglasses on as i walk out
>see an older guy in a truck staring at me
>he mirin

i'm starting to notice how much attention i get from dressing well and i can't deal, /fa/. i think that people either think i'm weird or they're silently admiring and i don't know which is which.

>> No.9001603

people are looking at you because of how goofy you look

>> No.9001614

Maybe when I dressed goff ninja, but my dadcore fits are pretty inoffensive and I still get attention.

>> No.9001641


I'm German, and I swear if you fuck this up I will track her down in two months and fuck her only because you didn't

>> No.9001652

>being satisfied with being poor
top fucking kek

>> No.9001657

you are dense

>> No.9001668

>tfw live in shithole
>tfw trends kick in later than other parts
>tfw goof-ninja is starting to kick in now
>tfw dressed goof a year ago

abstract kind of feel

>> No.9001677

Do it. Then I can live vicariously through you and your alpha tendencies.

>> No.9001680

Meant for other anon.

>> No.9001683

>goof-ninja is starting to kick in now
Do you really think you live in a shithole if people in your town know (even slightly) anything about gothninja ? I

>> No.9001692


I found a pair of Y-3 Verns @ the Goodwill about a month ago, they were $325 and used, so dnc

>> No.9001700


It's kind of goof but more very fuccboi. Like Zara shit and random Japanese letters.

Also there was one girl wearing one of those fake 'Ain't Saint Laurent without Yves' Colette shirts.

Not that many people wear goof though, only the 'more fashionable' people eventhough they're previouslvl as fuck.

I bet if I'd get a top-knot now in maybe 6 months a shit ton of people will copy it.

>> No.9001711


>> No.9001719

thats not really goof ninja at all then
just mall tier
nobody is catching up to you
and i hope you didn't dress like that a year ago

>> No.9001736


it's mixed, a few people wear drapey t-shirts and all-black generally. honestly, some of them have pretty decent fits, but I grew out of the style. but because I'm in my last year in high school most of it is zara stuff because that's what people can afford.

An everyday fit I'd wear last year would be an oversized white-tee, underneath a thin black hoody with frailed sleeves, black skinnies and Memebaskets.

>> No.9001743

>Be watching an item
>Have two long as fuck coats (below the knee)
>Want a shorter more casual coat that can be dressed up or down
>Throw bid at the coat just because I think fuck it, I won't win
>60 quid later...
>sort of need but spending a lot of money lately and I'm like FUCK
Could always resell...

>> No.9001897

and you're in highschool? LMAO you must have looked like a fucking chode

>> No.9001919

>tfw poorfag
>want to something music/audio related and then combine that with something fashion related somehow
>want to various creative stuff in the vague sense but not really creative

>> No.9001985

>implying your characteristics aren't a product of the environment you're in during your formative years
>implying sexuality is purely genetic and no matter the influences on you throughout your life you will be stuck with that sexuality forever
Come on now

I'm aight. Probably too tall/skinny/hairy to be cute though.

>> No.9001997

He's never gonna pull this off in 2 months. Gonna take him another 3 weeks to get her number. Then maybe 3 more to finally grow the balls to ask her out somewhere. By then she'll be ready to go home and won't want anything sexual.

Fuck you anon, prove me wrong you beta male fucking faggot

Also you better be nice to that Chinese guy forever

>> No.9002087
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>tfw you'll never be famous enough to be friends with cara


why is she so perfect bros?

>> No.9002092

I have her e-mail address, if that means anything. I'll see her next week and try to make a move in person.

>> No.9002097

>copped something off of grailed a week ago
>still hasnt shipped

>> No.9002216

>this is a poorfag
unless you stole all of those things you are not truly poor

>> No.9002223
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Laughed but I don't know why

>> No.9002225

Gb2 mfa rick owens mark

>> No.9002227

The old guy in the truck was definitely not mirin your goth ninja fit. He was suppressing laughter. More than you had to for pumpkin spice latte girl.

Do you realise what this means

You are WORSE than girls who buy pumpkin spice lattes

>> No.9002233

>asking for peoples Facebook

Fucking millennials are seriously socially crippled aspergers laden shit. Disgusting

>> No.9002244

Lmao fa has poisoned you and you were weak enough to do it. You will always be alone, you will always be a virgin, nobody will ever love you

>> No.9002261

You sound unlovable

Sorry, you'll be alone forever. Consider suicide, leave this comment open on your browser when you do so your shitty parents know why you did it (they don't love you either. nobody does or ever will)

>> No.9002271

>parents money


>> No.9002277

I saw a fat guy with a topknot and monochrome with a drapey tee walking out of pac sun at my mall yesterday

>> No.9002299

>get a topknot
>implies having an hy


>> No.9002327
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>> No.9002403
File: 90 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into all saints wearing geos
>all the employes are mirin
>they treat me like a god

>> No.9002479

Just bought some clothes about a week ago! hasn't shipped and now im tweakin ho!

>> No.9002483

>Not having a job that pays above minimum wage
>all saints

>> No.9002507
File: 453 KB, 480x270, 1413223941594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont want to go to sleep
>have to get up at 7

I dont want adult life, take it back

>> No.9002535

Viridi-Anne > MMM GATS > MMM Converse > "I know about fashion!!1!1" Converse

>> No.9002563

What are those?

>> No.9002570


>> No.9002576

This hurt tbh. But oh well lol.

>> No.9002598
File: 1.25 MB, 360x240, cheese.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep schedule privilege, no one accommodates us that sleep at different times than the rest of the world. my body naturally gets tired around 5 or 6 am and I am able to sleep 8 hours perfectly, but any other times I have to force myself and either sleep too little or too much. I am sorry for you anon, luckily Im still in college and am able to take late classes, but in the future if I have to get a normal 9-5 job im fucked

>> No.9002629


>> No.9002651

i understand u completely anon

>> No.9002720

isn't that the reason why there were one?

>> No.9002785
File: 70 KB, 618x360, sickcunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk anywhere in geos
>everyone is mirin
>everyone treats me like a god

>> No.9002819

lmao cdg converse were my first ever fa cop, you will enjoy them for a week or two then HATE them. literally most fuccboi shoe ever.

That being said
>tfw your wardrobe is finally coming in nicely thanks to job
>tfw manager loves you and might promote you soon in a couple of months even though youve only been there for just one month but are one of her best employees
>tfw lvl 3 RO wizard and still improving in my effay game

its honestly a really good feel.you just get so comfortable in your clothes and dont even feel the need to judge other in their pleb shit ( i acknowledge its pleb clothing but i dont let it judge my opinion of them!)

>> No.9002826
File: 26 KB, 429x517, 686876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constantly bombarded with a feeling that im trying too hard even if it's just a decently fitted t-shirt and jeans
what is this, why me, when will it end

>> No.9002891

>tfw genuinely feel better after looking at myself in the mirror or a really nice tagged photo on facebook

im a wreck

>> No.9002912

everybody tries to look cool, some people are just successful

are you successful anon

>> No.9002916

i'm probably biased but i also haven't gotten any outstandingly negative feedback from /fa/ so far

>> No.9002979

>tfw all your coworkers think you're gay because you're not the regular soppy dude with baggy jeans
>tfw all the qt waiters giggled when they met you
>tfw get good tips because of my looks

Bittersweet feels

>> No.9002990

same :) nothing wrong with that. it's good to think you're attractive.

>> No.9003000

I get very little feedback from /fa/

I think having a good body is 90% of looking good tho and that might be why

>> No.9003007

I feel like this since I started browsing /fa/ and dressing better, it gets to the point where I'm starting to think that I have persecution delirium, I swear on me mum that everyday some bitch has to stare at me and touch her hair while I walk by, shit is driving me nuts

>> No.9003032

>still caring about clothes

You have a long way to go, anon.

>> No.9003234

From left to right, top to bottom:

thrift, thrift, thrift
retail, thrift, thrift, thrift, thrift
gifted, thrift, thrift, DIY

>> No.9003825

Smh fucking millennials sleeping all day because they're up playing online in their parents basement all night

>> No.9003831


Pathetic. Nobody will ever love you

>> No.9003995


>what is getting a haircut

>> No.9004041

>catch somewhat effay grills mirin my fits everyday on the public transports on my way to uni
>still too beta to do anything about it
>never had a gf

Hey, at least I'm not a virgin

>> No.9004047

I'm not a virgin tho m8, I turned to this place after my break up ;-)

>> No.9004048

>can't go outside because no money for fits
>get job to pay for fits
>have clothes for good fits
>don't have time to go out and wear fits because job.

>> No.9004054


my exact feels anon

>> No.9004057


damn, I'm not alone in this

>> No.9004059

Maybe not, but because of this place you'll be alone forever

>> No.9004062
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>> No.9004066

>Got dragged into kfc by my non effay friends
>Slightly effay guy in front
>Man bun, docs and top coat
>Keeps looking at me
>Won't stop looking at me
>Finally fucks off and I get my disgusting food
>Oh fuck he's upstairs
>STILL looking at me
>My friends keep saying he staring
>He looked like a fag prob wanted this dick
>If ur here hmu u were kinda cute tbh

>> No.9004239
File: 33 KB, 423x750, goffik marxism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Used to wear cargo shorts and t-shirts everywhere
>Now usually wear chinos and a button up of some kind
>Get compliments all the time, grills now approaching me
>Still unsure of my fit, doubt ever present
>Eternally convinced I either look like a pleb or dadcore
>Too poor to buy clothes I really like
>I just want a light green shirt but nowhere even sells them where I live

Th-thanks, /fa/.

>> No.9004529
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>> No.9004552


>> No.9004595

you sound like a retard

>> No.9004622

I feel you, friend.

>> No.9004670

hey man those ain't laurent without yves shirts and sweaters are gr8 :(

heres my plan
>go to slp boutique
>wear one of those fuccboi sweaters
>have the salespeople think i'm a poor fuccboi
>drop like 10k on cops

while they've definitely seen more than 10k
it would be funny to see their faces when some guy looking like a poorfag can actually afford the real thing

>> No.9004673
File: 3.73 MB, 4288x2848, upload_2F1414375339605-digm8buw0e9afw29-09d6f417852ca1a6808796aecbd79cd7_2F[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse fa daily to escape reality
>acquire a taste for expensive clothing
>pleb job that pays shit
>no old money

fuck it aaaaalll, fuck it aaaaaaaaaaalllll

>> No.9004682

if the homo doesnt keep you from breeding, atleast the autism will

>> No.9004687

buy black RO and fvck shit up m8

nah but srsly, be the prettiest motherfucker at the club on weekends

>> No.9004688

Spent a grand this month (£) on clothes :3

>> No.9004696

sweet m8 could u pick up a pair of milk RO ramones? I'm a 9,5. aight cool, catch you later

>> No.9004720

I like being comfy and paying for muh quality tho :/

>> No.9004722

Lows? Sure. Btw whats your skype because people in the trip skype want to add you.

>> No.9004749

How is that even remotely autistic? Nice buzzwords tho :D

>> No.9004866
File: 1.63 MB, 1600x799, 2001 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it gets dark around 4:30 now
>tfw winter depression
>tfw no motivation

>> No.9004874

>tfw see disgusting picture of self in a club with a qt
>tfw want to curl up into a ball and die

>> No.9004911

>tfw iktf

If I really looked that shit why was the qt there though? Like, I'm not rich.

>> No.9004918
File: 1010 KB, 233x226, 1411580676215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have important exams at my absolute lowest point of the year

>> No.9004920


>> No.9004955

>live in Phoenix
>feel amazing in winter
>summer in Germany is the same as winter in Phoenix
>my genetics weren't built for this heat

>> No.9004978

Tfw your on a budget and can't get sick cop on sale

>> No.9004999
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>have a crush on a qt at workplace
>she have a boyfriend overseas
>been trying to suppress my feelings for her
>she's in my friend circle
>she likes to stand in front of me when hanging out
>she likes to sit in front/next to me even when there's other seat around
Help me jesus. I need to get away from her before I do anything stupid.

>> No.9005065

Find other qt to take your mind off her.

Used to be almost obsessed with 6 foot 1 model tier qt that I met through a friend. We made out once but she clearly wasn't interested. I felt used and pathetic, but still couldn't get over the infatuation. Then I put myself out there more and started interacting with other attractive women and they collectively took my mind off her. You'll make it man.

>> No.9005125
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>Eternally convinced I either look like a pleb or dadcore
Oh god i can't even oxford shirt/shoes anymore because of these doubts

>> No.9005132

Jesus christ this. Its not even that heavy now but dont want to do anything

>> No.9005172


>want to buy a winter coat
>have to wait a months until a can afford it

A whole fucking month ffs. Why cant I be rich as fuck?

>> No.9005175

Make a big, grandiose confession where you divulge all of your feelings towards her. Girls love guys who are desperate and emotional. Write her a song and post it on souncloud, and don't forget to bring flowers. Awkwardly hug her and mumble, "I love you." You want to look goofy because goofiness is attractive.

>> No.9005184

do it
boyfriend overseas is almost like no boyfriend
you live once
they are sluts
you're retard
tips fedora

>> No.9005186

Take that PUA shit out of here. Best advice is to be cold and ignore her until she falls in love with you.

>> No.9005196

No you won't trick me into that.

>> No.9005203

>implying you need to be rich as fuck to scour eBay for designer goods

>> No.9005206

Tfw quite a lot of nice clothes and some great fit potential but hardly ever get to wear them because always working +trying to save money.

I make a fit in my head and think shii I may never actually get round to wearing that ;(

Lmao fml I have spent the money on nice clothes that would have otherwise been spent on actually being able to leave the house

>> No.9005207

Really though, long distance relationships don't work, and you are stupid to be in one.
The good news is YOU aren't in one. That other guy is.

And it's dumb to be in a long distance relationship, especially with a girl in college for some very obvious reasons. Might as well benefit from them.

>> No.9005212

No, its true. Vulnerability and awkwardness is appealing to most women. The less masculine you are, and the more emotional you act, you will get a lot more attention from females. You should strive to be "cute", not "sexy".

>> No.9005218


this shit actually works

>notice cute grills mirin you from the corner of your eye
>after a little while acknowledge her by making eye contact once
>keep ignoring her until she gets crazy about you
>get off at the next stop, with your head kept warm from the cold by a luxurious fedora and your cape floating in fall's morning wind

>> No.9005222


i want a specific one you fuck

>> No.9005225


>> No.9005230


>> No.9005249

Yea I know it works. I was just being funny.
It works best on the hotter girls who nobody ever ignores.

>> No.9005262


like what? stop smoking? then what the fuck am i gonna do to look cool in my brand new wintet coat?

>> No.9005270

>implying lung cancer is cool

>> No.9005282


it's true though, you dont need to be very good looking. I do that when my effay games on point and i pull off my snobby/angry face and i witness it everyday

>> No.9005286

Does anybody know if you can become addicted to cigarettes through second hand smoke?

I've been working in a casino for about six months and recently i've been craving cigarettes and I never, ever smoke or even want to smoke... I always leave work with my chest tight and I think it's from smoke.

>> No.9005293

When girls say shit like "that'd be so creepy if a guy did that to me" you shouldn't actually pay attention to it. Within reason of course, you stupid retard. Just like when girls say "that PUA stuff would never work on me it's all stupid."
It will work beautifully if they are attracted to you.
It doesn't SOUND like it would work, but when it is actually happening to them they are completely unaware if they are attracted to you. If they are only slightly attracted you need to be smooth AKA have tight game. If they are very attracted you can be as stupid as you want. They won't care, or even notice.

I know a bunch of girls, and guys (for some reason), will tell me i'm wrong, but I have personally proven myself right countless times, including just a few hours ago. Demonstrate, don't explicate.

>last girl i hooked up with was Indian so I need a white, blonde girl next, as usual when i hook up with non whites
>see qt blonde
>she sees me and is stunned to find a cool young Adonis in her view
>i'm not very smooth, but i know how to read body language and indicators of interest better than most people, so i can at least feel confident she is attracted to me
>i do subtle things to build her attraction, without actually acknowledging her, such as talking to other girls and making them laugh (even ugly girls, doesn't matter) so she can see me
>make sure she is showing signs of attraction, and they should be getting more obvious
>then when she is by herself so i don't have to be nervous about other people watching me potentially fuck up i pull the usual routine
>"hi, i haven't seen you around here before. what's your name"
>wow she is in shock that this legend is really speaking to her. she says he name and her eyes are glowing in that special way
>shake her hand and HOLD it a bit longer. if she doesn't pull it away quickly, girl is A+ ready to go
>have brief convo
>"cool let me get your number and we'll keep in touch"
>post about it on the chan

>> No.9005318

Probably, you're still getting the nicotine

It's probably from watching people smoke all day as well

>> No.9005319


you forgot to mention the last part where you feed your crippling porn addiction by jerking off for three straight hours to shemale and sissy trap porn as soon as you get back home

>> No.9005336

I didn't forget anything. I typed it exactly how it happened. The only thing i left out was that I took a one hour nap after and then browsed online before typing the account.

Not everyone watches gay porn like you. No judgement from me, I support the LBGTs.

>> No.9005447

>can't stop looking at and buying nice sweaters and jackets
>live in socal

>> No.9005505

>move to another state to study
>perfect course of studies, boring as hell town, feel incredibly lonely
>go to indie clubs in hope to find handsome rude boys
>dudes wearing oasis shirts and cheap ass faux leather chelsea boots


>> No.9005510
File: 25 KB, 701x659, 10678543_883452715000728_1486610433450524307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comp sci

>not studying fashion design
>not being model
kill self

>> No.9005514

tbh spendin 70@shopping is basic bitch af
dump her and move one to coke addicted russian immigrants

>> No.9005521

>buying mmm collabs
they are always shit
i dont even have any reaction face from fashion show to express my disgust

>> No.9005528


because you think so

>> No.9005543


>> No.9005555

damn you really are a positive guy. best trip on this board for sure

>> No.9005561

>Parka you ordered finally comes in
>Try it on, its too tight

>> No.9005576

>that feel when qt shy blue eyed blonde girl in university
>it took me four months to actually see her
>try to start a conversation since we sit in the near of each other
>each time gives me the most autistic look I ever saw, literally like she talks with somebody for the first time
>still smiles at me
>fortunately best female friend is in the same university
>always helps me
>knows absolutely nothings about this girl, like everyone else
Fuck, that's some dilemma guys. Problem is that even I myself am absolutely autistic when it comes to girls. I have no idea what to do.

>> No.9005580

>order jeans from another country
>too big
>habe to return it on my own costs
>have to pay shipping rates again
>post looses the packet
>Royal Mail investigation takes 90 fucking days

>> No.9005623

m8 you have more than enough pairs of shoes goddamn

those are all pretty nice too. Just because they're not rick doesn't make you a poorfag

>> No.9005659

dont b fat

>> No.9005667

They sent me a small instead of a medium

>> No.9005797

>like gothninja
>also like dadcore
>try to awkwardly combine the two for officegoth

>> No.9005879

>shemale and trap porn

>> No.9006619

If that's your "usual" outfit, you might be pleb. Branch out a little. Nothing wrong with a bit of dadcore, but don't be chinos-erry-day guy

>> No.9006621

Oh my god this

>> No.9006635

Made me snort

>> No.9006867

>constantly insecure about looking like shit
>after a while stop caring at all
>find /fa/
>start to actually look good
>feel better
>insecurity when not wearing a good fit multiplied x10
>always feel a need to look good when practically everyone looks like shit
>can't stop thinking about it

>> No.9007107

Conversely, don't be jeans every day guy, or skinny jeans ever guy

>> No.9007119

>that insecure

Nobody will ever love you. You've been poisoned by fa to the point where you assume some effay omnipresence is calling you dadcore because of the material your shirt is made of, and that is disgusting. It's pathetic. No woman will ever want to be close to you unless you leave this place, now. Forever.

>> No.9008002



>> No.9008150
File: 160 KB, 990x677, ztpsDny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo now we're revving up the feels

>> No.9008153

This man knows shit. You need to look at what girls do, not listen to what they say.

>> No.9008155

(not literally don't listen to what they say you fucking misreading autists)

>> No.9008195

>Not just going to the taylor and have them sown to fit you

Seriously, what?