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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 500x326, Eluvium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8988086 No.8988086 [Reply] [Original]

How can I dress like a very happy person?
Like, goth ninja and monochrome gives you that sad look and "don't approach me" vibe which is good for some but what would one dress in to give off an extremely positive mood?

What's happy-core?

>> No.8988092

Pic not related because I have no fitting inspo

>> No.8988096


menswear shit (but you might seem stuck-up, high maintenance, too professional/sophisticated for plebs)


>> No.8988104

nah, far too casual

defo not, looks like shit too

Maybe, actually, gay faggot shit tends to look really happy. Just doesn't look that good

>> No.8988110

dress like pharrell
bright colors and cardigans to the point where if you werent confident you'd look goofy as fuck

>> No.8988114
File: 530 KB, 1244x1520, 1394233744561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear colorful garments with patterned designs.

>> No.8988115

well fuck off then stupid whoreson retard. maybe work on not being a boring nerd cunt piece of shit then, instead of looking 'le happey' through your clothes.

>> No.8988116

what the fuck is wrong with you people? happy-core? why is concept of clothing made to be so elaborate and so heavily focused on pleasing others?
just dress in normal, well-fitting clothes that you find pleasing and are to your taste you morons,
share this if you agree!

>> No.8988118


>> No.8988120

that doesn't look happy though.

look at the shirt. see that kind of expression? that ain't happy

>> No.8988149

i find that a friendly facial expression works wonders.

>> No.8988162


>> No.8988164

man you are mad as fuck

>> No.8988176

how do i dress gaycore in the winter

i aint wearing my target striped tank tops in freezing weather

>> No.8988177
File: 30 KB, 339x332, duder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy thriftcore

>> No.8988183

pls post examples

>> No.8988191

Will Smith Freshprincecore would suffice

>> No.8988193

I'd say that looks too much like hippie-core

>> No.8988206

Well the dude does of course because he's a relic of the 60s, but the general idea can also be incorporated into a more contemporary style using well worn soft textures, cosy patterns and a bit of a baggy fit.

A little bit of hippie goes a long way to suggest happy, though.

>> No.8988218

>"the fit makes the man"
>still taking that /fa/ bait

>> No.8988238

If you want to give off happy vibes you as a person needs to give off happy vibes. You can dress in bright colors all you want but if you're a boring, depressing person you're still going to give off boring, depressing vibes.

>> No.8988264

Yeah, no shit.

Reason I made this thread is because I usually dress in monochrome since I think it looks nice. Problem is that it makes you look harder to approach and most normalfags find it unappealing and assume you to be an "emo faggot".
I'm a really happy person though, and I like to think that I'm pleasant too, as many people compliment me on my personality once they get to know me better.
Recently I've been thinking of switching my style to something more approachable so that people don't feel intimidated, but almost everything that isn't minimal looks like shit to me.
Comfycore is the closest I've found to something I like.
I just, for the sake of interest, wanted to see what /fa/ would consider the exact opposite of sadcore, hence happycore.

>> No.8988283

No such thing as happycore, happy people just dress in normal clothes. Monochrome and the like is for fucking autists.

>> No.8988315


>> No.8988327

sounds pretty happy to me

OP: dress like you're happy and satisfied with your life by not giving a flying shit about your clothes and still being happy. this is what happy people look like.
>happy people are more preoccupied with the their happy life than their clothes

>> No.8988336

someone's never seen mac demarco

>> No.8988356
File: 33 KB, 300x287, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i seem to talk to the most strangers when i'm wearing the purple version of pic related

maybe purple is disarming or maybe the flannel looks friendly who knows

>> No.8988432

they probably assume you're disabled and are talking to you to feel better about themselves

>> No.8988443


>> No.8988453
File: 16 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going disabled-core

>> No.8988460

reverse image search you idiot

>> No.8988489

are you going to make the disabledcore general or shall i

>> No.8988506
File: 64 KB, 462x462, 1268934450489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dressed SLP
>People avoid me
>People think I'm weird
>Feel weird because I look weird
>implying I'm an actual biker
>Get compliments here and there
>People assume I'm going to steal something

fuck it

>Dressing Menswear now (proper)
>Tailoring galore
>Picking up long ass coat from Tailor
>Other customer says I look super tall
>only 6ft without shoes (+ my 2 inch heels, thank you tom ford)
>Walk into guitar shop
>Classy lady asks me if I've been in the wars
>aww bless you
>talk about guitars for like half an hour

I can dig it. Feel better about myself too.

>> No.8988511


>He actually thinks people see him as a biker and criminal


>> No.8988518

oh yeah and
>get way more respect from random passersby
>Letting me go about my business first even though I offered to let them go first

>workers in establishments and whatnot are way more eager to help me if needed and don't seem to be annoyed or evasive
>implying you don't look shifty as hell when you wear SLP style properly and equipslot sunglasses with your designer stubble

>> No.8988571
File: 102 KB, 576x500, des shoes doe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A smile always goes a long way.
even if its just a fake it till you make it smile.

>also, I was just listening to Concert Silence & Miniatures this morning

Matthew Cooper does in fact make me very happy, I absolutely love his music.

it makes me want to get fresh n comfy and go to my nearest cathedral and just listen to the background noise and some organ and reflect :3

>> No.8988709

Even dressed in black, if you're happy, if you smile, if you have "social skills", people will like you and think you are nice and have a good life.

>> No.8988716
File: 363 KB, 240x320, 1412802305158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
