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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.34 MB, 3110x2073, 1413865262184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8983912 No.8983912 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that these are the people telling you what is okay to wear and what is not

>> No.8983956


>this is the reality of being effay

>> No.8983963

is that kid with the messenger bag for real? He's like 14

>> No.8983970


They aren't. Most of them don't post here anymore, which is a good thing. Except stance maybe, but who gives a shit about the opinions of someone looking likje that ?

>> No.8983972

and into the trash it goes

>> No.8983974

isnt that a girl? i think she posted here

its ugry

>> No.8983978

is it bad i like the pink bucket hat?

>> No.8983979

Stance is just a troll who used to be a real poster but doesnt tell anybody what to wear because everything he says is a jome
Bio tells nobody what to wear
Neither does tess
It's only ten people and only from aus, too
im getting tired of seeing these shitty threads with people copypasting the same 'telling you what to wear shit'
i will agree that most of these fits are up to scratch but maybe you should post a fit and your face

>> No.8983981

I feel like a lot of these outfits would look good on better looking people. all of these guys are ugly

>> No.8983984

oh, thanks for reminding me :)

>> No.8984019

if you took a photo of 10 random strangers on the street you would have a better looking group than these mutts, second one from the right looks like his head was mushed in when he was a baby

>> No.8984035

the guy in the roshes looks like a qt 2 me : ^)

>> No.8984496


>stop le hating
>I le dare u to post face and fit if u so much better


>> No.8984503


He looks like a cross between a rat and maffia boss as a kid

>> No.8984516

haha rekt you said le his life is basically over

>> No.8985566

>I feel like a lot of these outfits would look good on better looking people
Isn't that true for all clothes though?

>> No.8985579
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x2560, 1413933481855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup op?

>> No.8985605

ur trove is too big m8 ;((((

>> No.8985611


they can't dress for shit, but i wish i had a qt gf like the one in the middle, still, she can't dress for shit either.

>> No.8985621

nice nb's

>> No.8985629
File: 5 KB, 315x315, spin_prod_210700001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy left of the girl going for a mac demarco/cole smith look makes me mad. i hate that look so much. I went to a DIIV concert and ZCS was wearing fucking girl payless shoes. made me rage so much.

>> No.8985641

lol not where I live holy shit hahahaa

>> No.8985652
File: 441 KB, 1377x1167, brismeetcrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8985836

someone tell me which one is stance and which one is tesselate

>> No.8985848

tesselate is the last one in the Ann D

>> No.8985859
File: 22 KB, 272x212, lestegman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8985869

i thought that was tl

>> No.8985873

wow man, 10/10

>> No.8985886


Don't forget the worst part: They're Australian, which is the worst group of people on Earth. Australians are worse than niggers. I hate every Australian.

I guarantee that every shitposter on 4chan is Australian.

>> No.8985889


>> No.8985897

>Australians are worse than niggers. I hate every Australian.

even worse than the jews?

>> No.8985920
File: 103 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead @ the thought of a anime forum poster Irl standing in the crowd at a rock concert upset and angry over a pair of shoes

U got trolled pal better luck next time

>> No.8985938

I'm australian.
Please kill us all, this country is scum. Nuke us please.

>> No.8986105

Holy shit. Does that dude 5th from the left legit have downs or something? That fucking neck.

>> No.8986110

are Australians really this ugly?

>> No.8986131
File: 29 KB, 195x681, LOLWUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone tell me what this fuck is that
is it a girl or boy?

>> No.8986134

The only "decent" fit is 4th from the right (besides the hair) and he happens to be the tallest. I'm detecting a pattern here. Fuck all manlets.

>> No.8986139
File: 17 KB, 248x165, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th from the right. wtf no.

>> No.8986142

post the version of this with the text at the bottom, that's the best part.

>> No.8986144


>> No.8986149
File: 10 KB, 121x111, mexinigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup with the random mexican?
are we even sure this is Ausland?
looks like amerifat to me.

>> No.8986150


>> No.8986155

that was the only remotely interesting article of clothing in this entire image.

>> No.8986167

I clearly meant 4th from the right as they appear in the picture from our view. Does that dude look tall at all? No you fucking autist.

>> No.8986176
File: 2.80 MB, 1500x999, brisrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~~~~threadly reminder~~~~

>> No.8986185

>the full rick goof


>> No.8986192

post a fit u like. from anywhere, not this meet

>> No.8986197

theres literally not a single piece of rick in that fit you goober

>> No.8986202

holy shit you look like a midget

>> No.8986206

julian goof
whatever, nerd

>> No.8986233

did you make that shirt?

>> No.8986238

ahahahahahHahahah ok so you have no idea, never mind then. go back to your polo shirts/khaki cargo shorts, nerd.

>> No.8986247

dude your so cool man lol

>> No.8986252


clean your room kiddo.

>> No.8986257

what a waste of that trove tee

>> No.8986263

i mean you were the one making fun of someone over the internet, he's the one telling you you dont know what you're talking about

>> No.8986265

Dude can't even name drop anime fashion designers. Take the loss brooowww

>> No.8986274


>trying this hard to be Theo

Honestly the fit is fine but I know from your other fits your a short fat trust fund(assuming those aren't fake Balmains) asain babby. Which as superficial as it sounds ruins the fit, since most likely you don't have the personality or face to pull that look off. Unless your wearing fakes or knockoffs which would kill anything this fit had given for it.

>> No.8986300
File: 171 KB, 879x587, IMG_20141023_133852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a bad idea to wear black ankle boots in palewave ( i mean i've seen black derbies pulled off nicely with black jeans)
my sneaker game is seriously weak

slim vs skinny?

also posting based theo

>> No.8986306

what socks doe

>> No.8986311

pls an hero

>> No.8986312

r u having a breakdown

>> No.8986313

Palewave is meme and doesn't exist of /fa/

>> No.8986338
File: 241 KB, 850x868, 1410096484729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i have a rare type of social anxiety where instead of not being able to talk in public im unable to walk. i can talk perfect, but i lose my ability to move my legs, sometimes i have to crawl other times i cant even do that i just lay their on the floor while hundreds of people walk past and i get socially embarassed, the longest ive ever spent trapped without being able to walk for was 5 hours at a busy intersection and people were coming up to me saying are you alright and i would tell them yeah, but i just couldnt get up

>> No.8986340

funny i am lmaoing my ass off haha

>> No.8986341


>> No.8986349
File: 50 KB, 246x500, IMG_3332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling kinda down bc security for whole foods said I wasn't allowed to go into their store with an empty backpack so I had to trudge all the way back to my car to put it back. My social anxiety kicked in but I told myself I would beat it today so I walked back into whole foods. While I was looking at the craft beers I heard a 16 year old girl taking pictures and making fun of my fit. I told her talk shit post fit because she was wearing common projects but I guess she didn't browse /fa/ bc she was really offended and told me to get lost.
>pic related my fit

>> No.8986352

I hope you guys are having fun, it seems like you're really enjoying yourselves here on slash fa slash :)

>> No.8986387
File: 337 KB, 755x2166, IMG_20141023_140304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be walking down street
>qts mirin
>mirin back some average qts
>That one hot qt that knows she's hot walks past
>Every guy staring at her
>I just keep on walking look straight ahead
>Without fail she'll turn around wondering why I didn't mire her like every thirsty fuccboi

Taking them down a peg one girl at at ime.

>> No.8986395


go away jonathon :>|

doop doops cock is getting cold

>> No.8986408

I think they are all basically fine.

not like they had a photoshoot with angles and shit or time to get perfect bodies to drape on. this is what happens when normal ppl do a couple fashion trends and it works well enough.

>> No.8986416

mfw I'm genuinely not even birthgay

you used to be cool lamy what happened to you, obsessing over some Midwest manlet like this

do you have a crush on him is that it? I bet that's it. theres always sexual tension when you two have your little squabble arguments on the anime image boards

Let me know what you think about this post I look forward to your reply :)

>> No.8986423
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, 1405139612168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mother's Vaginal cavern reeks of aborted bastards. Does this sentence satisfy your needs you whiny bitch. It's honestly like I'm talking to a fucking middle school girl, grow some fucking balls or remain and whining useless cunt with no taste or humor.

>> No.8986424

b-day why do you always refer to yourself in third person

>> No.8986426

Dude with the necklace doesn't look that bad

>> No.8986446
File: 1023 KB, 2448x3264, 1403621741808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Little cunt tries to be funny. Your a sad dying man. Have fun inserting deadly chemicals into your body so you die a slower death. I will be living a long and wonderful life with all my beautiful children.

>> No.8986454

mfw I'm still not birthday and I never will be no matter how much you guys reply to me. I'm just an anonymous user of the fashion section of the 4chan website.

you two auscunts though, I'm sure there's some subtext to your relationship with jonathon, I mean why do you always reply to him so quickly. why do you always look for a fight with him. why are you trying to do it now when I'm not even him. you guys are obsessed, it's not cool. work through some of these issues, expect it's some kind of homosexual tendency that you're not really aware of centred on him

just my two cents guys you know what I mean l-m-a-o :)

>> No.8986456

its /fa/ that's what it is

>> No.8986459


Do you guys ever get tired of ironic sarcastic memetic shitposting

It's really old, nobody thinks it's funny, pls stop

>> No.8986464

w2c pants from the far right one

>> No.8986476

dude 2nd from left looks the best

clean cut
looks great
that is how you be /fa/ without looking like a fucking faggot

>> No.8986478
File: 468 KB, 1536x2048, 1408648352212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get out again? You know your not allowed on the computers this late. Back to your nice cushy room. No no you can get on again later. You know you should really try to make real friends not fake ones there are a lot of nice people in the hospital. OK fine, maybe in the morning we will let you talk to your friends again. Alright? Aww buddy your awesome! But it's time for bed now Okey donkey?
>inb4 samefag

>> No.8986489

it's really hard to look /fa/ from far away. seriously, if you're tall and lanky and wear slim/skinny pants you look like a fucking retard from more than 15 feet away. but from close up you look great, which is why the mirror/WAYWT posts look alright

its the hazards of being /fa/.

>> No.8986498

mfw still not birthday. you have pictures of a stranger living thousands of miles from you saved to your HDD, this is just confirming what I thought about your same-sex desires towards him. I hope I've helped you become aware of this. it's not healthy to bury these things inside you stance, no matter how much you want to bury your thing inside him ;))

>> No.8986509

wot? i dont even follow tripfag stuff but im pretty sure birthday admitted to that being him before?

>> No.8986518

I didn't say it wasn't him it is him from that thread where someone was in class with him I just think it's funny that stance has all this stuff saved I bet he has a birthday folder with it all in and sometimes he touches himself looking at the saved images of birthday while typing another shitpost response to him lmao lmao lmao

>> No.8986533
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>> No.8986541
File: 705 KB, 710x602, workplaceaccident.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I hate to say it but in the real world if you want to dress remotely out of the norm and be fashionable by sufu or /fa/ standards you can't be short, ugly, or have hair like >>8985579

>> No.8986543

creepy would your parents be proud no


>> No.8986544

god damn stance is ugly. why does he waste hours of his life every day on a fashion board being a ugly 5'9" ginger? his style is so stagnant too and he has never improved. what's the point?

>> No.8986552

I was in the LA meet-up, and nobody posts my shitty fit ):

>> No.8986554

the funniest thing is that lamy looks about 100 times better than you even in his joke fits.

>> No.8986565

Do you cum on your mirror 10x a day? Clean that shit, jesus.

>> No.8987189

apart from theos sexy long bomber

>> No.8987214



>> No.8987258


>> No.8987276

Epic bantz hey lads

>> No.8987279

What does stance mean?

>> No.8987281


>> No.8987284

i don't think they're ugly. they look pretty normal. many of them could improve with little things like haircuts that better suit their faces/looks.

>> No.8987289

that top knot, plugs dude has potential

he just looks dirty because...top knot and plugs...he would clean up well.

the only one that doesn't have any potential is the little Asian kid that looks like he belongs in a 19th century Japanese middle school

>> No.8987311

fuck up u ugly wog manlet

>> No.8987340

The attitude or position of a standing person or animal, especially the position assumed by an athlete preparatory to action.

>> No.8987352

lurk more lmao

>> No.8987360
File: 89 KB, 640x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still can't get over the length of that guys neck it's like a 1/3 of his total height

>> No.8987369

haha yeah dude, get a load of that fucking newfag right?
wanna meet up?

>> No.8987371

this post was much funnier than it had any right to be.

>> No.8987396

He doesn't look like athlete. You made a fool of me.

>> No.8987420

Y-you're alive!~

>> No.8987427


>> No.8987428

He's a fucking kiwi mate

>> No.8987446

piss off chris!,
meet me at fishbone tomorrow.... : ^ )

>> No.8987475




>> No.8987537

What's wrong with polo shirts?

>> No.8987543

stance looks like ron howard

>> No.8987586
File: 22 KB, 390x470, 879873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8987635

M8 pls, unless you are playing tennis - or polo - you could just be wearing a t-shirt or a button-up.

>> No.8987639
File: 88 KB, 700x556, 1404765377432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that no one takes Australians seriously, when it comes to fashion

>> No.8987652

who is third from right I must know

>> No.8987728

and in 5 years cliff howard

>> No.8987750


>> No.8988015

or anything else

>> No.8988424

tess's bf :3

>> No.8988546

:') I made it, I'm a /fa/ meme


m8 I think you're confusing me with someone else as I'm not asian or trust fund and I've only posted like 2 fits.That or you're IDing my shit wrong as the bottom is just tailored UB301s. Oh but nah, that's actually not superficial as those are both important for being /fa/

>tfw not trust fund babby though

>> No.8988593
File: 395 KB, 1556x1037, 1402113107297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that neck
gets me every fucking time

>> No.8988624


mate its only banter, stop been a gumby.

>> No.8988674

No one got the reference

>> No.8988704

i did

>> No.8988729

jk i lied pls tell

>> No.8989425

>tfw bday was never your high school bf

>> No.8989428
File: 670 KB, 1024x1365, birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i have a birthday folder

>> No.8989452

>Do you guys ever get tired of ironic sarcastic memetic shitposting

>> No.8989460
File: 1.05 MB, 3110x2073, beanpole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8989558

the sad thing about this pic is that you know all these children put on their "best" fits in order to impress eachother

>> No.8989896

wtf is this shopped?

>> No.8989932

stop trying to copy mac's style, ya faggot
mac has talent
talent = /fa/

you dont

>> No.8989950

Nice Body Annon Wow !

>> No.8989994

not me but its my bf's

>> No.8991663


op was right

>Daily reminder that these are the people telling you what is okay to wear and what is not

>> No.8991679
File: 123 KB, 338x1477, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the cute girl?

>> No.8991715

He looks like a one track lover, down a two way lane.

>> No.8991750


This makes me question my sexuality