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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 799 KB, 3110x2073, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8972536 No.8972536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ is making fun of us again.

>Pic related

Jesus, did this really happen? Please don't tell me there's a single person here who would actually dress like this, then give other people advise on what constitutes a aesthetically appealing ensemble.

>> No.8972539
File: 374 KB, 1000x714, 1403156964308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they look so different in these two pics

>> No.8972547

what's up with the lezzy in the chinos and docs lmfao

>> No.8972549
File: 374 KB, 1172x1016, doofus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that guy who always bites the inside of his cheeks so it looks like he has defined cheekbones but actually just looks like a fucking doofus

>> No.8972553

the giraffe, bio and tess actually look good tho

btw im convinced that anyone who says that 3rd from the left looks good is actually him.
Hes fat, has a feminine haircut, face and earrings and has shit facial hair. The fit is ok other than him being in it.

>> No.8972555

Post fit.

>> No.8972559


it's a guy

did anyone see the topic where he posted timestamped pics and started insulting anyone who made fun of him? lmao


guy in the middle looks good, would chill with

>> No.8972566

because the guy with the cool cardigan and cargos (best fit) isn't in action

>> No.8972567
File: 50 KB, 426x640, 1413307455534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way in hell that's a guy what the fuck?

>> No.8972568

It happened because they all probably actually listened to advice from /fa, in every thread I go to all the most terrible looking shit is the stuff that gets the most compliments, I honestly can't tell if everyone on this board is serious or just trying to fuck with people sometimes.

>> No.8972572


it is

he posted in one of these topics bragging about how androgynous he is

although i guess we should've really believe him until we see it's puny dick

>> No.8972574

>Hes fat
>feminine face
You're about as autistic as the fifth guy from the right looks.

>> No.8972577
File: 94 KB, 246x483, 1413765337165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think fit has ever had a meetup? Check a CBT I guess.

Can we all collectively agree that pictured needs to stop happening?

>> No.8972582



I've been saying that for years

i fucking hate that shit so much. i've seen so many good fits ruined just because the retard decided to roll up his pants since it's popular for some retarded reason

>> No.8972585


The first and most important REAL advice is to have a solid body first, and solid facial features or at the very least: personality.
If you pass the test of being genetically blessed then you can ask for advice on what to wear. Even if the shit you get recd on is outrageous with a good jawline and a ripped body you will look like an elder god.

>> No.8972586

r u him

>> No.8972589

no am not.

>> No.8972592

I'm asking OP to post a fit, if these chucklefucks are so terrible.

>> No.8972608
File: 253 KB, 1280x1280, 101814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


op here. this is from yesterday

>> No.8972615

i knew /fa/ was gay

>> No.8972617

that's veroz from MFA, and that's from like 2 year ago

>> No.8972622

nice costume, but it's not halloween yet anon

>> No.8972624

Wtf are u wearing seriously that aitn fashion for shit the fuck is wrong with u

>> No.8972647
File: 21 KB, 138x705, punchableface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking kid needs to get his head kicked in
really his clothes and fit is fine but his face us unmercifully gay

>> No.8972675

link thread i need to see this

>> No.8972678

Fuck sake guys, you all dress and look like shit here on /fa/... puny twinks all of ya.

>do you even merlin our god and savior zezzbrah?

>> No.8972682

I completely agree, people that look outwardly homosexual should be violently assaulted in the street, whether they actually are or not! Aren't we just the most reasonable human beings?

>> No.8972701

Damn - it's too bad we get represented as this

>> No.8972737


i don't know how to find it

>> No.8972741

only decent one is the dude with plugs for shear edginess vibe he gives but then i noticed his bulging gut

>> No.8972746


found it



>> No.8972750

if they ever did a meetup in london, i would go and dress like the average /fa/ memester and act oblivious when they ask me
>r u from slash eff ayy slash?

>> No.8972759


>> No.8972768

were you neglected as a child?

>> No.8972774


>> No.8972795

This would be a sick fit for robbing banks.

>> No.8972810

these gotta be euros, lol. not a single one of these fags would last 5 mins in my hood.

>> No.8972813

Yeah fashion is cheap white tees with cheap black skinny jeans with used geobaskets and a buzzcut

>> No.8972826

TL looks just as autistic as i imagined :^)

>> No.8972828


>living in the hood
>browsing fashion forums

Thats not how it works son
Do you even Maslow's hierarchy of needs, fuccboi?

>> No.8972829

Nah, it was Australia IIRC.

>> No.8972833

his "hood" is probably his sheltered crime-free suburban neighborhood

>> No.8972835

lol at the fool on the far right wearing the SFtM shoes
his face lookin like michael myers and shit

>> No.8972849
File: 55 KB, 516x882, 406324_270680876322233_801681180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP Here

MFW I made the thread on /fit/ and /fa/ and both played out exactly as I expected.

Also - Rate my fit.

>> No.8972858
File: 25 KB, 600x254, buckethat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bucket head kid looks exactly like Arthur Stegman

>> No.8972862
File: 24 KB, 304x234, ironiccaptchasayseurolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what IIRC is but ya knew it was a bunch of euro fags

>2012+2 not being a hoodrich nigga

captcha: prialm european

>> No.8972866

Hold on.

Was this a legit /fa/ meet up? If it was where was this?

>> No.8972876
File: 2.80 MB, 1500x999, gb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8972877

how fucking new

it was in brisbane

>> No.8972882


Sydney or Brisbame. Can't remember.

>> No.8972888

australia a shit

>> No.8972889


holy sht

>> No.8972892

gotta get dem security needs amirite

>> No.8972898

lol at the mexican kid trying to gothninja
makes me want to burn my ann ds now

>> No.8972900

Ah mkay. I've seen this pic a few times but never knew why. How old is this pic?

>> No.8972963
File: 361 KB, 1000x662, 1413767105770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8972966
File: 82 KB, 699x760, 1387756125817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973008

well im not surprised cus every time i go into a waywt thread everyone is cultivating and encouraging this exact puke look. Y'all got the flavor and texture of a glass of tar

>> No.8973018


Like when, in 2012 maybe?
Are u a time traveller from the past?

>> No.8973054


you will notice that the closer you get to Stance, the worse your fit becomes
Scientists have been studying this phenomenon for decades now, named "The Stance Effect"
You see, stance's apocrine glands located on is deformed giraffe neck emit radiation which effect how light reaches your eyes, causing you to percieve fits in closer proximity to Stance as cheaper, less thought out, and downright offensive

I am glad he cant afford to leave his baboon country

>> No.8973071

dude at the left in the white shoes has breasts

>> No.8973073


>> No.8973077


the "good" guy on the right is immediately shit because of his euphoric fucking "hand to chin" pose

>> No.8973106

These fits aren't bad, it's just embarrassing in the context of a "fashion meet" because everyone's shit is so generic.

>> No.8973125

bio looks like fucking count chocula

>> No.8973126


the stance is mad

>> No.8973141


>> No.8973148

>lifting the exact same reply to this pic from a previous thread
step ^ anon

>> No.8973151

>Please don't tell me there's a single person here who would actually dress like this,

but thats half of this board

>> No.8973160

this looks ok though, not big musclehead fagets, just fit dudes (mostly). they're doin alright

>> No.8973178

Yeah that's a gender bending tumblrina pretending to be a dude.

>> No.8973185

would stab/10

>> No.8973187

their clothes make me cringe

>> No.8973192


no need to time travel, lets look at the one from today.


dude wearing black pants and black shoes, everyone is like thats good man keep looking like that from the waist down.


this dude looks like an ashtray, ppl love it. i can't make this shit up

>> No.8973221


>lifting the exact same reply to this pic from a previous thread
step ^ anon


>> No.8973234

nothing wrong with yummy juicy boys getting together tbh

>> No.8973265
File: 476 KB, 1334x1036, brisbanemeet13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened in June, had a great time.

cheers for the bants

>> No.8973274


Did u guys ever meet again tho?

>> No.8973304


they tried but only 3 people showed up

>> No.8973308

the asian looking guy is cute and well dressed. the rest of them ehhhhhhhh

>> No.8973311


How tall was the guy on the far right in this pic >>8972536 ?

>> No.8973315

>blocks the faces even though we just saw them in the other pics

>> No.8973320

What is Stance like irl? Cool guy or just a bitch who talks poo to people online?

>> No.8973331

which 1 is tesselate

>> No.8973333

I'm new what is stance

>> No.8973343
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1396318688353s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they're just wearing t shirts and jeans and they still look better than all you skinnyfat fuccboi faggots

>> No.8973350
File: 67 KB, 831x800, nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8973353

fuck I meant to reply to >>8972963

>> No.8973354

a really quiet, introverted geek
i was at this meet and he was basically a nigel
funny given how much shit he talks online
oh well, it is 4chan after all

>> No.8973360

whicj one are you

>> No.8973362
File: 717 KB, 491x369, For_you_big_guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even /fa/ thinks these guys look awful.


>> No.8973411

is this actually /fa/ now? Aww, I actually think most of the guys look great.
I mean I think its pretty tame. No one looks that flamboyant or anything crazy. A lot of the guys kind of have the same style. It would be cool to see more creativity and see some of the guys try something a little more daring.
But overall, looks to me like the staff at TopShop. Which to me isn't a bad thing. But that's just my opinion.