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/fa/ - Fashion

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8954343 No.8954343 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ here. I have a /fa/ relevant philosophy question.

Why do you "do fashion"?

Why should I?

Why should anyone?

>> No.8954353

elitism, hedonism, sense of identity, functionality, art, a hobby to keep you occupied.

>> No.8954357

To better how we think people perceive us.

We pretend to dress for ourselves, it is always- always to improve how we are perceived.

>> No.8954359

I welcome walls of text by the way, I far prefer that over some snide, uninformative comment.

>> No.8954361

To feel better than everyone else. To stand out.

>> No.8954368

A hobby, sense of satisfaction of wearing nice clothes or for some "to be trendy"

>> No.8954371


Why do u read?
Why somebody should spend the best years of their life writting a book that prob nobody would read?

>> No.8954372
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To compensate for insecurities.

>> No.8954373

This saddens me. And I was thinking I might get into fashion. Personally I start my day in pajamas and finish them in the same, and I don't give a shit what people think about it.

>> No.8954376

Basically for
these reasons, minus the sense of identity. Books are an escape from ones identity.

>> No.8954379

its a hobby, i guess
i just enjoy crafting my fits everyday

>> No.8954382

Socrates would say it is redundant, and merely a distraction from true well-being, the well-being of the mind.
Other philosophers would say that materialistic well-being is a way to enlightenment of the mind.

This is a rather complex debate you'r opening up here and answering your questions doesn't even come near the heart of the debate, since it's so easily answered.

>Why do you "do fashion"?
1. Expression
2. Look good = feel good
3. Grills

>Why should I?
Same as above

>Why should anyone?
Same as above

>> No.8954390

because i know what i like, and i wouldnt be true to myself if i dressed in a manner that opposed that

>> No.8954402

>This is a rather complex debate you'r opening up here and answering your questions doesn't even come near the heart of the debate, since it's so easily answered.
I know, I didn't expect any philosophical treatise here, I'm just curious about this board's culture.

>> No.8954433

okay well I think all possible reasons have been listed

To stand out
To express yourself(or whatever you want to express)
To attract girls
To compensate for insecurities

What we wear have a big effect on first impressions, of any kind. Try showing up to a job interview in a wifebeater and sweatpants if you doubt it. To other people we are what they see, and we wear what we want them to see.

>> No.8954456


I'm the same way, mostly. I just stay clean. You can get pretty far if you just tried to take good care of yourself

however, there are days when i see something that looks especially nice that I want to try out. It really pumps me up when I wear something thats visually appealing to me.

>> No.8954463

>board's culture
loose weight fuccboi, palewave or goof u faggot haha nice memecut
>not having a buzzcut i the year of our lord ricky
tfw girls laff at your bends cuz ur a manlet
is this /fa/?
>still wearing plastic and rubber
techwear general
no poo for a year, how am I not dead yet, my stomach hurts like fuck every day
ralph and simon richard usually im dressed in these brands
yoshi yamatamato: "dark is cool stay away from me and I wont hurt you lol"

>> No.8954475

Because maybe somebody will see me and remember me, and they'll think of me often and fondly and magnify my personality and my traits and end up loving me, even though we've never made eye-contact.

Just like I do with a lot of people.


Also its the only type of art besides writing I have a shot at being decent in.

Don't judge the above as a sample of my writing, btw, I don't try hard when I post on an anonymous website about Newfoundland whaling communities

>> No.8954523

i do fashion because its a way to express myself and pretend im clever

i used to care a lot about how people saw me on the street, but i have like... some close friends and i don't really have time/a need to meet more people, so it really doesn't matter how people on the street see me. but i get a sense that the "want to look good to others" is a prevailing /fa/ motivation.

so now i basically dress like crap and take gambles on esoteric thrift store finds, it makes me feel good to put my clothes together to convey a message, even if the message is "i'm showing up to this party in friggin sweatpants/ i look like a masculinity-obsessed lumberjack"

basically its dress-up and that's cool, identity is malleable and why take anything seriously

>> No.8954528

>No /fa/ggot has the right to be an amateur in the matter of fashion... what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his fits are capable" -socrates

>> No.8954550

can i ask you guys your sexuality?

>> No.8954561

full-blown faggot

>> No.8954565

Poem 8, starting from paumanok, Leaves of grass

Take that and make it devoted to /fa/

I'm far too lazy to type all that :/

>> No.8954572
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more assemblages the better

>> No.8954632

I like you.

>> No.8954650

full hetero but I'd fuck a friend of mine who is male.

>> No.8954687

Hetero Male boy, emotionally absent doucebag who used to have a crush with a boy when I was in middle school.

>> No.8954708


I like girls that aren't too feminine, or boys that aren't too masculine and people with a personality similar to mine.

i dont know, is being attracted to androgynous people a sexuality?

>> No.8954827

because I'm narcissist as fuck and I want to improve the way I dress to admired myself even more.
I still lift and try to improve myself in general on a daily basis thought.

>> No.8954832

I've been questioning this since a few days ago. I like androgynous looking girls and I guess I like cute bois, but I've never seen a guy in person that I've been attracted to, I don't think. I see cute girls all the time and I wanna look at their faces but I never feel that way about guys.

I've been jerking off to gay porn last two days and I cum, but I'm still not sure. I like the thrill of it, cause it's new and weird but I'm mostly jerking off to the act of fucking someone. I watched dick sucking videos, but I'm not sure if I like it.

>> No.8954874

Honestly I was wondering some time ago, but I finally realized that I was fully attracted to the sweet pussy.

>> No.8954960

Someone extend his neck and give him more cokes.

>> No.8954978

Uber-mysoggykneeist hetero.

>> No.8955100
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Quick attempt.

>> No.8955110

>Why do you "do fashion"?
Its fun
>Why should I?
You might enjoy it
>Why should anyone?
See above

>> No.8955116
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Because I choose to.

>> No.8955151

Because it will help you achieve your goals. You are essentially manipulating people's perception of you, for the better. In 90% of the situations, looking fashionable/well dressed can only help-job interview, opposite sex, pulled over by cops, general first impressions etc. It is a sign you understand the game, and play it to win.

>> No.8956766

it's just something to do OP. You aren't getting any cool points in the after life for doing it. I just do it to feel good and look good. My style now is comfortability so I dress how the outer world to accent my inner world.

>> No.8956793

"fashion" as a word has become loaded with so much shit about desperate people trying to fit into seasonal trends but I always admired people who turn their body into an extension of their will. Bodybuilders, atheletes, tattoo artists, transexuals, whatever. Dressing the way I like is a part of that. It's taking control of the expression of this weird meat vehicle my consciousness is locked inside.

>> No.8957516
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Why wouldn't you put special care into how the rest of the world will see you?

Why do we talk to other people, or worry about our diction, etc.?

Humans care about being noticed, and being thought unique. There's no reason this should be the case, but it is. Fashion can be, when done right, an extremely powerful tool for differentiating yourself and making a strong impression on people.

>> No.8957530
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>> No.8957537
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>> No.8957592

Gaaaayyyyy ur a full blown faggot.
Enjoy ur pride parade and aids. Top kekel

>> No.8957616

>To other people we are what they see, and we wear what we want them to see.

>> No.8957638
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>> No.8957646


just finished grading your exams; Results show, verily, you have all been confirmed gay

>> No.8957671 [DELETED] 

Yup. We know what we are talking about, we are scientists.

>> No.8957694

Yup. We know what we are talking about, we are scientists

>> No.8957713

I like to interact with an environment that is literally around me in an aesthetic and creative way. All the practical and social factors make it even more interesting.

Definitely agreeing.

I love pussy.

>> No.8957722

Somewhere down the line as a young boy, I wore a nice shirt and got complemented on it. felt good.

Also I'd argue that half of the animal kingdom uses colours and shapes to attract the opposite sex. I'm skinny AF so fashion is how I compensate.

>> No.8957764

You wear fashion for the same reason you go to the opera, to enjoy art. That's the good reason (and my reason).

The more superficial reason is to show off. >>8954353 /thread actually

>> No.8957793

Socrates never wrote anything you fucking pleb whatever information we have of Socrates' teachings are found in Plato's various dialogues, which is where that quote.
So Plato said that, not Socrated.

>> No.8957821

Well, everything we do or wear communicates something to the observer - why not try to take control of that?

You might see it as self expression thru consumption, but an understanding of designer ideologies or the history/background of, say, an oxford shirt allows you to """curate""" a look, which might not look anything special to the layman, but to someone similarly adept in interpreting the semiotics of clothing - it tells a story.

Also looking cool is cool.

>> No.8957837

He still spoke it at some point for Plato to hear. Quotes aren't always from writing.

>> No.8957883

good joub

>> No.8957947

>but to someone similarly adept in interpreting the semiotics of clothing

You're either a fashion design freshman or fedora tipper.

>> No.8957952

>unemployed english grad

>> No.8958171
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Here's a reason no one brought up yet. People have said to impress others, but that's not exactly it. Dressing yourself is an act of creation.

If I walk into a room of 99 people, there are 100 universes that I am currently in, as each person has a different perception, and experiences a world shaped by that perception within that perception. Thus each person has an, in many ways, independent universe.

So let's say, for the purpose of this example, that I am a total loser. But through my dressing, I make it seem as if I'm not, as I'm someone mystical and amazing.

I know that I'm a total loser, but those 99 people don't, they think that I'm mystical and amazing.

Thus in 99 universes I am mystical and amazing, and in only one am I a loser.

So what am I really?

In any case, when I do anything to change people's perception of me I am in a sense creating a new me, which is one of the greatest powers we have.

(Plus, fashion is also fun and artful, and it is great to walk around when you're conscious of yourself and know you look great, looks from people is nice as well.)

>> No.8958564


>> No.8958568

you sound totally gay holy shit

>> No.8958577

but i still know im a loser :(

>> No.8959955
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Original Requester here.
Fixed it up a bit.

>> No.8959966

Cool clothes are cool

>> No.8959976

I just love clothes. The craftsmanship, the design, the art, the history. I love it all. I could look at clothes and how they put them in ads all day.

>> No.8959982

you just answered your own question with socrates' quote. its mans duty to strive for excellence in all things. of course that's a lot to ask so you can cut it down to what you are interested in

>> No.8960012

Just because Play Doh says So Crates said something doesn't mean So Crates said it
You might as well take the New filament literally

>> No.8960018

Yo man how can you be from /lit/ and not understand the importance of aesthetics.

Dressing like a pleb is like narrating your life with shit-tier prose. I propose that you can't live the literary lifestyle without being effay.

>> No.8960631



>> No.8960769
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>yoshi yamatamato: "dark is cool stay away from me and I wont hurt you lol"

Actually kek'd
This quote is my favorite meem of this board

>> No.8960794

Ace masterrace

>> No.8960816

I see it as a form of self love. Making myself look good, examining my body type and finding clothes accordingly is a faucet of self care and self respect.

It is also a way of projecting my taste and personality to people around me. I find clothing a very powerful communication tool, one of my time fillers during public transport is scanning people's clothing and guessing what type of person they are.

Also just plain vanity, looking good feels good.

>> No.8960837


that's actually a jaden smith quote

>> No.8960838


i like your statement

>> No.8960841



>> No.8960904

hell yeah fuckin rite

>> No.8961027

>2 days
nigga, ive downloaded, edited, watched japanese bondage gay porn for 2 years and i dont have a slighty part of me that want to show who's gonna be the boss of this gym, youre just a hueg faggot