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/fa/ - Fashion

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8947512 No.8947512 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/, I come to you from /fit/ and request your help and insight.

I used to be an awkward, skinny insecure person. I went cocoon mode and I have a nice body now, but all my style is shit. My discomfort makes me really awkward and I have to fix this now. My clothes suck, and I don't know how to dress better. My hair sucks. I have 0 pictures on facebook except for my shitty, old as fuck webcam selfie because I don't feel comfortable enough.

Let's start with the haircut. I have a nice, full beard, but my hairline is low and pointy. When I let them grow it makes my head look ridiculously big. I have no idea what the fuck I should do with my hair.

Insight about my body is good too, I feel like I'm disproportionned but I can't pinpoint exactly what's wrong.

So hit me hard, tell me what to improve.

Took some shitty random selfie for the sake of the thread. I'm 25, 5'10'', 185 lbs, French Canadian if that helps.

I can return help with fitness or nutritional advice if anyone has questions.

>> No.8947521

>stop eating
>run 20 miles everyday
>stop getting haircuts
>wear oversized sweaters
>wear skin tight black raw jeans
>look jaded
>make friends with skinheads
>wear doc martens

now you are /fa/

>> No.8947532

Your hair is good. Body is good as well, I'd say maintain but that's up to you and your /fit/ goals.

I'd say read up the /fa/ sticky and stick to basics until you develop your own sense of style, or at least until you figure out which style you're trying to go for. But don't spend too much money until you've been on /fa/ for at least a few months.

The most important thing is to buy stuff that fits well. Try to stay away from really bright colors until you know what you're doing.

>> No.8947535

There's very little you have to improve. Grow your hair out a bit and wear clothes that fit, plus substantial boots.

You probably own stuff that would work. Look at the sticky and see if you can get anything you currently own tailored to look decent (it's much cheaper to work with your existing wardrobe). Particularly, you'd wantshirts and pants slimmed.

If you want to be a bit flashy, preppy is a style that works great with guys who lift. Check out Epaulet, polo ralph lauren, gitman brothers vintage, Brooks Brothers or Gant for stuff that's midrange (for fashion brands) and isn't hyper-slim and decent quality.

>> No.8947618

I see you guys have an equivalent of our:
>read the sticky faggot
>do starting strength forever
>squats and oatz everyday
>do you even lift
>just bulk forever and never cut
>get on steroids or take dnp

Honestly all i do with the hair is buzz cut at 7mm every week or so, trim the beard and stache every other day. I definitely dont think it looks good.

I'm not sure if i should trim the point to make my hairline look normal or just face it's going to be there. Or if I could pull off some of those haircuts i see around with sides shaven and longer on top. Or just shave off my whole hair and keep the beard, that way if I can't pull off anything that looks good at least I'll look manly as fuck.

I read your sticky. The whole colour stuff is extremely confusing for someone with no understanding of art or aesthetics in general and a lot of the stuff in there wouldnt work on me because of my body.

What kind of boots? What do you mean by "substantial boots?" Any examples?

I like the idea of getting stuff tailored. There isn't many stores that sell good quality man clothing around here (quebec city) or I just haven't been able to find them. Buying online seems extremely risky since I can't find stuff that fits me well.

I'm not very tall and medium size makes me look kinda douchey or silly and I look like my clothes will tear apart. But large size seems to be made for tall or fat people and is even worse.

Is there specific brands or stores I should look into that do not make clothes that way?

Honestly I had no idea we could tailor anything else than button shirts

I'll look into all that stuff you told me about though.

Thanks a lot.

>> No.8947627


you're going to look douchey no matter what you wear with arms that big

stick to preppy clothes, Buy only regular fit medium. Nordstrom online should do well for you as they have free returns.

>> No.8947677

>I see you guys have an equivalent of our:
>>read the sticky faggot
>>do starting strength forever
>>squats and oatz everyday
>>do you even lift
>>just bulk forever and never cut
>>get on steroids or take dnp

basically. But in all seriousness we had a /fit/ bro come through here a few days ago and post basically the same thread. It stayed up for like a week because its a slow board.

Basically what you need to understand is that /fa/ is 90% shitposting, like /int/, but here we do it about clothes.

Read the sticky, and check our reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice if you want actual advice on how to dress. Don't lurk /fa/, because we're just 'avin a giggle. There's a good number here that don't realise that, take it seriously, and then dress in the most faggoty outfits imaginable. We rip them apart when they post their outfit.

>> No.8947726

He's.. he's right.

Seriously, what I think you're looking for is classic menswear/prep. A timeless, mature style. Looks good, mature, ladies like it.

Fashion in general is a hobby, all those expensive clothes, outlandish outfits, rick owens raf simons usually what I'm dressed, it's fun and giggles.

For many though, are just a means to an end ( looking good, professional, for the ladies, not looking like a man child, boosting your confidence a bit). For that MFA and their 'boring' ( loathed here) advice is perfect, so go there.

Remember not to rush anything, though. Learning takes time, and your first purchases have huge chance of being disasters (few months down the line, when you realize how shitty they were).
Don't buy a lot immediately, or you'll end up with piles of clothes you hate.

I have started my adventure with fashion as a means to get ladies first. My first purchases were shitty, but few, so no big deal. Now I'm a lot wise, know what I like and fashion is my hobby. That's the road of most of us. MFA will be hugely helpful

>> No.8947727


/fa/ is mainly inspo. Lurk, suck it in and develop your own style. Lurking will give you a fairly good sense of how to but together a fit.

>> No.8947760
File: 69 KB, 920x617, Chubbies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Chubbies lookbooks for spring/summer wear.

Wear straight cut jeans and tough looking boots in the winter. Lumberjack flannels or workwear denim shit for tops.

>> No.8947775

>become a white man sheeple

>> No.8947825


Better to ease him into it than recommending Qasas or whatever the fuck you kids beast on and regret buying 3 weeks later when you realize you have no idea on how to pull that shit off.

>> No.8947862

You're a relatively attractive guy who has the body language that he's being apologetic for his appearance. You can sell yourself as attractive. It's hard to guage proportions without a full body image but you can pretty much modify proportions with how you dress to a degree. Just wear shit that fits and that you like, and start believing that you're worth liking. /fa/ really has, and always will have, very little practical advice for things that actual people should wear.

>> No.8947864

you look like pre-bulk hafthor bjornsson. mirin OP

>> No.8947886

people telling you to go prep are just saying that because you're muscular and conventionally attractive and are stereotyping you - if you wan't to look "good" and not just inoffensive, definitely lurk for a while and cultivate your own style.

in terms of more practical advice - don't just wear all black like the rest of /fa/. straight cut/skinny cut raw denim and redwing boots would fit your frame well. flannel would look good but is definitely playing it safe. Invest in nice, well-fitting white/light t-shirts and a well fitting crew-neck sweater or sweatshirt. if you're not "into" fashion don't push the envelope too far - if you're in good shape and have good facial structure you don't need "perfect" fits to look good. well fitting, simple clothes are they way to go. avoid logos, don't pay less than 150 dollars on your jeans or boots, and dont pay more than 50$ on what you're wearing on your top half other than a jacket (for which i would recommend carhartt WIP or other workwear brands). in terms of hair, yours is definitely fine - if you want to grow it out and hitler youth im sure it could work but the buzz is in right now and fits you well

>> No.8947953

>people who recommend prep are stereotyping
>recommends workwear

Workwear is fine too OP

>> No.8948032

t'es dans l'514?
j'peux te r'filer une liste de places pas mal pour t'habiller, on a sensiblement le même gabarit.

sinon, pour travailler sur ta garde-robe, check le matériaux, tiens-toi en aux fibres naturelles. coton, laine, etc. évite les marques tape-à-l'œil pis les logos.

un truc quand tu vas essayer des pièces dans la cabine, c'est de prendre aussi des vêtements qui ressemblent à ce que t'as déjà (genre chemise noire, jeans gris, t-shirt bleu, ceinture tressée) pour voir si tes nouveaux trucs iraient bien avec.

l'idée c'est d'avoir des vêtements qui peuvent être combinés ensemble différemment.

>> No.8948153

disregard this.

It's always a hard question when people come here and ask "how to dress". I lurked several forums for hours and hours on end, watched tons of fashion shows, scrolled through all the high-end online shops, and spent thousands on my wardrobe, like 2000€ a season for 1.5 years now. And still, I don't think I can give you any definite advice, nobody can, really. But I can give you some pointers:

- you're short, always wear shoes/insoles that make you taller (you should be 185cm with shoes + insoles)
- buzzcut is fine if you have dense/thick hair, consider shaving the beard
- FIND YOUR STYLE!! Are you a physical worker? Do you work in an high end office? What are your hobbies? You have to consider all of this when picking a style that will not only look good on you, but also be functional in your life.
- For the first few months don't buy things without asking /fa/ first.
- READ all the guides on young-stalin.com
- Scroll through Asos, Zalando, Farfetch, Luisaviaroma, TheCorner, Antonioli just so you know what's actually out there
- Drop by fashionTV sometimes (they also have a youtube channel)


>> No.8948359

shave, clean yourself up a bit. you don't need a beard you look masculine enough with the huge muscles. stop squatting so much. it's good for your core and that shit but having massive legs makes you look like a t-rex. cardio cardio, get like ridiculously low bodyfat. this might not be the healthiest choice and may not be the best for heavy lifting but it honestly looks better in most cases.

work on finding pants that fit you very well once you aren't so bottom-heavy/biglegs if you decide to do that. don't purchase pants online (it's tempting because they can be much cheaper) go to the store or outlet and try them on or you'll never get it right unless you have a good working knowledge of measurements

dont wear tight shirts, it will always be obvious that you are big/fit you don't need to show it off publicly any more at risk of looking douchey.

develop a style. don't immediately purchase expensive clothes expecting it to automatically make you look good. buy and try different cheaper clothes at first to develop your taste then slowly move up to more expensive purchases as you gain confidence in your personal style and ability to find clothes of quality. in fact start off purchasing things at thrift stores cheap as shit just to start figuring out how to know quality clothes. ask fuck tons of questions and look online at brands or like fashion mags/blogs or shit as you develop your taste and style.

remember, it is not so much about finding the "perfect outfit" as it is improving your ability to dress yourself.

>> No.8950312

ayy lumberjack

>> No.8951161

you forgot
>avoid wearing colors
>get an undercut or HR
>bitch about washing your hair
>stop washing your hair
>claim its healthier
>pick up smoking
>grow a moustache
>face buzzcut
>buy clothes youll never wear

NOW youre /fa/

>> No.8951171

>inb4 smoking was already on there
you can never smoke enough, /fa/. you can never smoke enough.

>> No.8951209
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>I have a nice body now
i'm sorry to tell you this but /fit/ and /fa/ cannot coexist. ottermode/skeletor is the ideal /fa/ body, not yours. You're way too bulky and short which in turn will just make you look awkward when you wear fashionable clothes. Just stick to wearing your typical guido attire which consists of poloshirts and brotanks since you already got the body for it. Again, i'm very sorry.

>> No.8951212

can you give us some sources on how to dress well without being into fashion?

>> No.8951291

Dont listen to this guy, the general consensus on /fa/ is tht mfa is gay as fuck, they cant dress for shit, they are not fashion, theyre dadcore plebs

>> No.8951294

fit and fa can co-exsist, the dude just needs to trim first and lose a bit of muscle mass

>> No.8951329

OP looks like a gay bear pornstar, which is kinda ironic since this board is full of gay twinks

>> No.8951346
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this anon speaks the truth

>> No.8951350

...which would make him ottermode, which /fit/ hates. Keep up, anon.

>> No.8951357


U weigh 50lbs more than me and you're shorter than I am kek u can never be /fa

>> No.8951385

Fell for the /fit/ troll, then fell for the buzzcut


>> No.8951421

what would suit you is, flannels with a bomber, black fitted jeans or woolen trousers, and either redwings, dr martens, or wolverines. That would suit your body, facial aesthetics, and haircut very nicely. not 100% lumberjack core, but it'd look cool. Invest in nice flannels and work wear jackets and you're good. make sure it fits, basically it. hope that helped a bit.

>> No.8951494

im mirin op. dat beard, dat chest hair. im jelly.

>> No.8951561

all those people who criticize you are just dumbass.

I live in italy where how you appear is how you are, non for the brand or for the price tag, but for the style and the ability to match clothes perfectly, based on where you are, what you're doing, and how you appear (phisically).

Now, let's take a look in your wardrobe: what do you like? what you don't like? what fits you better?
What I understand from what you wrote is that you have'n a developed sense of style. But this isn't a problem.

- Observe and study the style who you like most and understand what are the cornerstones of the style you spotted.

- Don't wear brands, brands are for objects, not for people. That doesn't mean you haven't to wear Adidas t-shirts, but is recommended to not wear Adidas t-shirts with the huge logo on the front and the rear.

- You havent' to buy everything from zero, I reccomend you to search in you wardrobe. I'm sure you have good clothes, but you don't exploit the potential of them.

- Don't buy a lot of things at the first times. If you don't have a developed personal style, the first purchases are fantastic at the first two wearing, but at the third you start to don't like it, and if it gets worse, in the month after, you start to hate it. But it's ok, when you have a good sense of style, you can match the worse and the best at the same time and with the same easiness.

- Don't wear tight shirts or pants. You're muscular, and it's fantastic, but not everybody want to see them and you can appear as a little bit egocentric.

- Hair and beard are perfect. Personal style starts from that, and if you really like it, don't change it.

- Personal style is unique. You can get ideas from other people style, but don't copy it.

- Wear shoes that doesn't appear as fitness shoes. They are for the gym and that are their place.

Here there are a link:

Buzzfeed recommendations - http://youtu.be/muLRxJD5zaQ

And search for "Rules of Beard Acquisition"

>> No.8951576


shut the fuck up bitch ass nigga

>> No.8951580

best advice i would personally give is lurk here for a little while. it should give you a basic sense of how to dress ok. you're unlikely to get that from responses to this one thread

physically you look really nice already (yes homo), the buzz + beard suits you.

>> No.8951612

Hey man! Here is my honest opinion.
Let your hair be short always, because it complements your nice facial hair growth!
As for style. To be honest, the advice you will receive from most of us, is for people who have a skinny figure. You're built. So even if you lost weight, it wouldn't look good.

You should basically just wear some polos and jeans, keep it simple and let your body do the work.
You have to go for the groomed, built, independent man -look.

So try to be as clean as you can, trim beard, buzzcut, normal cut jeans and polo/t-shirt. Like prep stuff, just not with pastel colors, and no slim-fit chinos.

Also, try to wear shoes that adds to your height, so your legs will look a little longer, else you'll look like a bulldog...

That's just my honest opinion!

Good luck!

PS: Don't be so insecure, you're good looking.

>> No.8951647

Don't cop anything edgy at the beginning. It might be tempting once you get a grip of all the brands you haven't heard of before, but you will fuck up and lose money.

The core point should be to realise that in well-fitting non-printed tshirt, well-fitting tapered jeans and unabrasive running shoes you will look better than 90% of population, really. Get a grip of that and, after some time, you will eventually develop your own style if you will keep being interested. Basics are very important since /fa/ is shit at the moment and you might get tricked into some bullshit, and if you look at WAYWT, well...

Stores you want to look into are Uniqlo, COS and Cheap Monday. Relatively cheap, probably more expensive than stuff you own right now but it won't hit your wallet too hard if you fuck up.

Don't cop skin tight clothes. You already have a good body, there is no need to prove it to everyone that passes you by on the streets. Ideally, jeans should have a free space of size of about two fingers, maximally three, on the whole lenght, that means from your tights to your ankle.

Be careful what you lurk, but the point is - simply, look at the fashion.

>> No.8953354

that beard looks nice as fuck. You would look nice wearing a basic tee with some fitted pants/jeans and boots. If you're a poorfag Canadian like me, doc martins and h&m basics are the way to go.

>> No.8953555

>lifting to cater women's subjective bullshit definition of beauty

yeah no, sorry but humans are not a specie that practices inter-sexual selection, but intra-sexual.

I lift to look impressive and scare guys in the street, not to get girls, I don't care about what girls like, in fact, they don't even know what they like.

lifting is about looking like you can protect her and dissuade potential rivals to steal her from you.

I live in Paris, France, the city is fucked up, it's almost Dakar. When you take the subway a little late at night and alone, you're a first price target if you're a white guy like me, you must lift and look strong, or you're going to be fucked up one day because you're a beta faggot.

It seems /fa/ lives in a pretty high level neighborhood

>> No.8954072


So jelly of the body...

How long have you been working out and which programs did you use?

>> No.8954091

>he still wears polos

>> No.8954105

Just dress like a J.Crew catalog OP til you develop a sense of taste. That's what constitutes as well dressed today.

>> No.8954128

wow ur really insecure about your skinny skeleton body pussyass nigga

>> No.8954141

ca va bien dans la petite algérie?

>> No.8954181

try white polo chino and clark dessert boot .. ..
causal classy yet contemporary

>> No.8954201

/mfa/ please go

>> No.8954211

mayb he just wants to look attractive to normal people and not autistic teenagers on the internet???

>> No.8955097

OP here

Thanks a lot for all the insightful comments guys. Keep it up, this is very instructive, the negative and the positive.

My perception of myself never changed and I still see myself as small and frail. The more I train the more I see my imperfections and feel small. Body dysmorphia.

I'm kinda surprised about all the comments about height. Average male height is 5'8'' here and I'm 5'10''. It seems that on 4chan you're fucking small if under 6' and fucking tall if 6' and up.

I never even notice people's height. I'm comfortable with it and I don't see myself jacking myself up on soles. Sounds like staying on my tiptoes all day out of insecurity.

I do wear my workboots most of the time though, and the sole is quite thick in itself.

As for work, I'm a supervisor at Costco. I have to look clean, can only wear polo shirts or shirts, no Ts or whatever. Cannot wear shorts. But it's still a "Labourish" job with steel capped work boots and working class people around me.

Money is not an issue. However I often end up buying clothes and never wearing it EVER because i dont feel comfortable or i dont like it enough. I wear the same, plain clothes all week long.

I just looked and the jeans I'm wearing on that picture are slim/straight stretch denim from Tommy Hilfiger. I had no idea what they wear before today. With a really old shitty belt I stole from my father like 10 years ago. My legs and ass are very large and it's difficult to find jeans that wont look ridiculous or rip at crotch level when i crouch.

Tomorrow I'll try to take pictures of some stuff I own so you can tell me if I look like a fool.

I like some of the ideas posted here and I will explore them.

Most of my wardrobe comes from Simon's. It's the only store with quality clothes that look rather normal that I found around here.

I'm in the 418 area, not 514. I could go shop there some time though.

>> No.8955129

About the workout:
2 years ago I was a skinny as fuck typical world of warcraft player like a lot of people on 4chan.

I started going to the gym on an average of 3 to 4 times a week but with no diet, just eating more and getting some protein shakes. I took some mass and went back to "normal" mode.

Then I stalled.

I had to make radical changes to go next level. I've been working out SERIOUSLY for only 6 months. But with perfect discipline.
4x week 1h30m sessions. I change my program and approach every week but it always includes both strength and hypertrophy. I barely touch machines, it's all free weights.

I bulk for a month then cut for a month. /fit/ would say that's way too short but it has been keeping my average body fat much lower than bulking for 6 months and looking like shit half the year.

Really, 90% of my body was done in 6 months. 4 times a week. Never skipped a session. Quit alcohol. Started eating only food that's very proteinated. Eliminated simple carbs. Added much more undsaturated fats. I never eat crap, and just lost interest for it over time.

You'll only crave the sugar and salt for a while, then you'll crave some delicious meat+veggies, eggs, nuts, etc.

It's all about being constant and disciplined. No excuses.

I never sleep more than 5-6h a night so the "I dont have time to train" excuse is bullshit. Take the time. You'll be more energised and can get more done in a day. You'll need less sleep. You get all that time back in productivity.

I encourage any one of you that wants to start training to do it. It changed me. I feel better, i have more confidence, less aggressivity, more energy, more motivation to progress in all aspects of my life.

>> No.8955137

meant to say i change every month not every week.

>> No.8955144
