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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 328 KB, 503x862, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8945419 No.8945419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

would you agree with what he is saying?

>> No.8945429

Of course, it's common sense.

>> No.8945431

Yes, affirmative action has no place on the runway. Models are chosen purely for aesthetic considerations, so why shouldn't skin color and its resonance with the colors of the clothing be a factor?

Of course, maybe designers should be making clothes that are compatible with more than one skin color.

>> No.8945443

Hell yes. Especially on the runway. However, it applies the other way too. Some clothes just look better on negroid skin.

>> No.8945447

Actually a better argument would be about models with certain hair ans facial aesthetics modeling clothes. Any race could model or wear certain clothes . But unless your face isn't helping the fit it won't matter.

>> No.8945460

i feel like im reading the same argument in every hobby im into and no matter where i read it it doesnt get any less shitty

>> No.8945472


>> No.8945484

Holy fuck no, and I'm tbh I'm too flabbergasted and my mouth is filled with vomit at how daft and one-dimensional his worldview is to properly respond right now.

This board spends half its time fetishizing Asians and their supposed superior ability to pull stuff off and it's about to agree with this pathetic blockhead's incantations of dismissals he heard someone say once because it can't bear to conceive of an uncomfortable world with pain outside and exceeding its own blunted disconnection.

Give me a fucking break.

>> No.8945489
File: 197 KB, 700x1050, ChanelJewelryShoot_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reasoning for model body shape. They should be used as templates. Paler skin just happens to be more neutral. It usually ends up in the hands of the designer or casting anyway.

But one a wider note, as soon as you hear someone bring up an issue like this you can immediately disregard their interest in fashion on a conceptual level and pin them on a different agenda. (SJW)

It's usually an irrelevant variable and should not be looked upon with any more focus than something like lighting choice or runway music.

>> No.8945504

Yes and I don't care how racist it might be. Artists don't paint naked women because they are misogynistic but because they are inspired by it. I can't believe people are trying to restrict someone's artistic vision what they don't realize is they are doing exactly what they are trying to stop.

>> No.8945505

>conceive of an uncomfortable world with pain outside and exceeding its own blunted disconnection.
@ this and the rest of your post

What are you saying?!
Sounds like you are too mad and just spilled mad all over your text box.
Please elaborate!!!

>> No.8945506

They only pull off certain designs better, so do blacks and whites, and that isn't what the person in OP's pic is referring to at all

>> No.8945508

Now this is what i call edgy.

>> No.8945515
File: 2.57 MB, 720x336, 20120914120348!Exploding-head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paler skin just happens to be more neutral.


Do you have any ability to reflect whatsoever back on the words that leave your head before they do? Any at all?

>> No.8945517
File: 21 KB, 493x343, tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i did get this from tumblr. but some were open to his opinion others not so much


>> No.8945523

Paler skin is more neutral.
It's a trope that has been reaffirmed through years of tradition.

Don't even bother trying to argue against it.

>> No.8945530

No, that was here >>8945515, at you.

I'm out. Holy fuck I need a break from this shit.

>> No.8945531

dark skin looks a lot better with some color combinations but we still don't see dark models for those pieces.

honestly i kind of understand a european designer only using white models because the clothes were made specifically with white people in mind, and majority of people purchasing those clothes will be white. so essentially black people are not as represented on the runway because they aren't going to be buying those brands as much.

however, I think the problem actually is racism, because we also don't see many asian models, even though asians buy a fair amount of designer goods. the "western standard of beauty" has put white skin above colored skin.

>> No.8945533

What's shitty about it? It's basic common sense.

>> No.8945539

That picture says it all. The limit of their fashion interest is "fashionista".

On the internet: Completely ignore them.
In real life: Chit chat, move on to a different subject, do a 360 and walk away to enjoy my day.

Same thing goes for the guy way above me who said this happens to his other hobbies.

Pay attention to whose mouths these ideas and opinions are coming out of. Usually they are immediately dismissable.

>> No.8945544

>the "western standard of beauty" has put white skin above colored skin.

No that's every standard of beauty

>> No.8945547


>wah wah wah ur sooooooooooo wrong!!! wow how wrong r u!!!!!!! omg ur the wrongest!!!!

is literally what you're saying

elaborate and use your words or gtfo

>> No.8945561

Your welcome to gtfo and go back to tumblr.
Get fucking real.



The models are completely irrelevant, get it through your head. At most they are a split-second distraction when you lose attention momentarily.

>> No.8945575
File: 37 KB, 301x287, 1407984536666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

models are coat hangers.
models are not standards of beauty or how beautiful someone thinks a woman should be
because if you fucking come here and say to my face that a woman dressed in a massive turd costume and banana-shaped heels is supposed to be a standard of beauty and thinness I will first laugh as hard as I can and then slap you across the gob for being a daft bender.
Models are required to be thin and tall to fit the garments better because someone won't be making ten millions of copies of that one garment in several sizes, but one at that point in production
It's a showcase
Meaning it's just to show you what it'll look like
Models' faces are not even beautiful, a lot of them even look like they were dropped as wee children
And still these cunts whine about muh raycism and cultural appropriation and whatever other shite they think up next
But listen
The reason why we have so many white people modelling our clothes, here in the west, is because
no you're not going to believe this
In Asia they pander to Asians
In Africa to Africans
so how come we're racis for pandering to the biggest consumer base, rich white men and women?
Crazy, I know, and before you go but muh murica let me remind you
1)murica isn't all of the west
2)hispanics are considered caucasian there apparently

>> No.8945577

This just reminds me of the equally ridiculous "plus size" models debate

>> No.8945581

I think white facial aesthetics look the best
I grew up in a western society and was exposed to western beauty
And so have alot of other people who are producers or consumers of fashion
It's their personal preference and has nothing to do with racism, there is no active pursuit of exclusion of colored people or whatever the fuck kind of bullshit these idiots are trying to imply

>> No.8945584

No, that picture doesn't say shit. They're think that some simplistic ideological truisms like everyone being equal is somehow a proper way to counter an aesthetic argument. Clothes can obviously be constructed with both skin color and body type in mind.

>> No.8945593


Confirmed for angry Nigger

>> No.8945595

Some of this is a little eh, but you have the right mindset.

To that drama queen and her "omg jesus i cant!!!! ded" act.

Seriously gtfo and take the rest of your tumblrinas with you.


>> No.8945611

Every standard of beauty that has been touched by Europeans*

Mongols thought that strong legs and extremely small eyes were attractive. No one would agree that have eyes that appear like they're closed 99% of the time is more attractive in our society.

>> No.8945624

what world do you live in where yellow fever doesnt exist

>> No.8945625

Reminder that northern Europe (UK, Scandis), Germany, and France will be majority Muslim by 2050.

>> No.8945633
File: 88 KB, 640x429, attractive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.8945636

Disgusting as fuck.

>> No.8945646


>> No.8945655

And the US will be majority Hispanic

>> No.8945656

Reminder that US will no longer be majority white before 2020.

>> No.8945659
File: 133 KB, 592x891, Paula Kawanishi Japanese and Brazilian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8945665

>Not Mongolian

Ebin dude, good job fighting the argument of ancient Mongol standards of beauty.

>> No.8945668

that's why i'm moving to europe

>> No.8945669

It's okay anon, my Beautiful Country will probably nuke them by then and eradicate their filth.

>> No.8945673
File: 8 KB, 300x200, kiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8945674
File: 148 KB, 768x1024, tanya katysheva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argentina is white

>> No.8945676

Hispanics > Muslims
all day every day

>> No.8945678

The US will also become more mixed than any other country by that time.
Basically looking like sandniggers at the end.

Sandnigger shitskin genes will rule this world.

>> No.8945680

>Leaving US to be surrounded by Muslims

Lel, have fun.

>> No.8945684


Do you really believe that m8?

>> No.8945687

You can't reach a uniform phenotype in 36 years. Give it 1000+

>> No.8945693

No we're not.
We're going to be majority Hispanic, they aren't going to intermix, they're becoming the majority.

>> No.8945695

those countries aren't actually going to be majority muslim though so

>> No.8945698

Yeah she is an Asian model and an exception to the rule most Asians are just meh. But considering this is 4Chan you probably think anything with squinty eyes and yellow skin is a ten.

>> No.8945709


She's half white

>> No.8945713

On one hand I understand what he's saying, but also wouldn't the inverse be true as well or are we to accept that either brown people look good in nothing or that they do but it's okay to offset hiring a black model for particular pieces because 'white always works'?

>> No.8945719

Of course the inverse is true, but the market for clothing made for whites is larger, so that's the focus of many designers.

>> No.8945720

That's what i said when i added "shit skin genes"

>> No.8945722

>Discussing that Mongol standards of beauty were entirely different from European ones.
>Decides to interject with a half white asian


>> No.8945725
File: 79 KB, 824x1236, Senait Gidey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /fa/ think of this model

>captcha: greasy askenni

moot confirmed for racist juden

>> No.8945726

Bull most white Europeans don't have kids and native European population is dropping while the Muslim one is growing. It's so bad many European governments have pay people to have kids or decrease immigration regulations just to have a stable workforce and economy. Heck Germany is offering free college to everyone now including foreigners, they say it's because educated people will make the world better, but it's more likely that Germany needs a workforce and some additional income.

>> No.8945729

Black guy here, I agree. If a designer wants a white model, then that's what he wants. Anyone else who thinks otherwise can fuck off.
>mfw most of the people complaining about this "racism" are usually white upper middleclass tumblrtards

>> No.8945734
File: 74 KB, 500x667, helpmepowerrangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading comprehension

>> No.8945736
File: 58 KB, 800x1125, Senait Gidey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8945737

Something like 40% of Hispanics are dating whites. They're definitely going to mix.

>> No.8945739

>but the market for clothing made for whites is larger, so that's the focus of many designers
but that's not the argument made in the OP, nor will it ever be publicly because that is inherently prejudice.

Also the people that care enough to look at runway shows aren't going to factor in what color the model is to whether or not they like a piece where as the layman flipping through JC Penney's might.

>> No.8945742
File: 71 KB, 700x933, sherita dehon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one.

half filipino half black

>> No.8945745

If I was black I'd dress like Andre 3000 just... all the time. Like, constantly. I'd flame so hard you could hear me audibly crackle.

>> No.8945748

diego blanco seems to believe so

>> No.8945751

She's not attractive at all

>> No.8945755

It tickles me when people refer to Muslim as an ethnicity.

>> No.8945760
File: 103 KB, 2048x1321, 3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic is very neccesary/related

>> No.8945767

what makes her not attractive to you?

>> No.8945781

Not him but the nose and the weird puffy eyes are killing me.
Would holla though, she seems chill af.

>> No.8945787

Mostly the face

>> No.8945795 [DELETED] 

She looks like a dark teenage chink straight out of indonesia.

I would never consider her beautiful,but average.

>> No.8945802

i dont understand whats wrong with her face. she looks healthy.

would love to see what you or your girlfriend looks like.

>> No.8945815 [DELETED] 

She looks like a dark teenage chink straight out of indonesia.

I would never consider her beautiful,but average.

>> No.8945826


She looks like a dark teenage chink straight out of indonesia.

I would never consider her beautiful,but average.

>> No.8945828

There's no point trying to explain - racism and understanding science don't mix anyway, might as well just bait.

If we're so shit, how come we're gonna rule the world? Sounds like we're the real "master race" here, smoothskin.

>> No.8945829 [DELETED] 

>She looks like a dark teenage chink straight out of indonesia.

>I would never consider her beautiful,but average.

whyd you delete your post m8

>> No.8945832

I had a half black best friend in elementary school named Brian. Put a wig on him, and he'd be indistinguishable from that picture. How is it possible to find someone with that nose attractive? Holy shit. It's not even racial. This chick is fucking gorgeous to me>>8945736

>> No.8945839
File: 39 KB, 714x392, chink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She looks like a dark teenage chink straight out of indonesia.

I would never consider her beautiful,but average.

>> No.8945845

I'd wear it.

>> No.8945849
File: 49 KB, 755x545, chanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She looks like a dark teenage chink straight out of indonesia.

I would never consider her beautiful,but average.

>> No.8945864

i like this, a vague enough statement to get u 2 think

>> No.8945895
File: 40 KB, 630x524, aca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leftist system of quotas and affirmative action disgusts me.

>> No.8945898

higher aptitude for violence, strictly statistically speaking. ppl don't like being hurt or their things stolen.

>> No.8945900

>That passive aggression
>I b-bet you're uglier
Jesus Christ, fuck off back to tumblr.

>> No.8945908

That's only in the USA, where there's a huge socioecomic disparity between races. Most places show no such trends.

>> No.8945917

The modern left disgusts me in general. I've been reading Orwell recently, and he's fucking great. He does a good job of pointing out the left's dumb, masochistic sissyness, while also making good arguments in favor of left ideas.

He wrote this back in the 30s.
>“One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.”

>> No.8945923



Look at the percentage of black and Muslim prisoners in Western European jails. It's completely disproportionate. I'm not saying that it's biological – they come from poor countries – but saying it doesn't exist is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8945931

What are jewish?

>> No.8945936

damn, orwell firing shots

>> No.8945940

So a whole continent named Africa doesn't exist? It is probably the first place on our earth where simian violence occurred so the violence seen there should be an excellent indicator. Have you ever read anything about 20th century South Africa, in particular? Or going back even further, how dark skinned africans were the favored cattle driven by lighter skinned african slave traders? I'm pretty sure that there is an evolutionary psychological trend that has been centuries in the making, considering the stigma attached to even the word "black". Obviously a lot of fear spurs from racism and fear, but a fair majority of international crime (i.e. not state sanctioned war) stems from predominately darker populations (african warlords, somalia, american ghettos, british riots, french lyon riots, algerians ghettos, etc.)

>> No.8945942
File: 99 KB, 400x527, 1101960415_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the unabombers critic of the left.

>“Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect" terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from privileged strata of society.”
― Theodore Kaczynski, Industrial Society and Its Future

>“It is obvious that [leftists] are not cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality.”
― Theodore Kaczynski

>“The leftist is anti-individualistic... He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his own ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs.”
― Theodore Kaczynski

>“Art forms that appeal to [leftists] tend to focus on ... defeat and despair ... as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything through rational calculation.”
― Theodore Kaczynski

He also wrote this funny story.


>They pushed him away and went back to grumbling about wages, and about blankets for women, and about the right to suck cocks, and about how the dog was treated. The ship kept sailing north, and after a while it was crushed between two icebergs and everyone drowned.

>> No.8945943

orwell was a misogynist fear mongering boot licker

>> No.8945952

I have done, they're generally in line with population demographics. Protip mate, don't get info like this from the news. They don't report when there's no trend because "BLACK PEOPLE COMMIT THE SAME AMOUNT OF CRIME AS EVERYONE ELSE" is a shit headline.

>> No.8945953
File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-most-do-violence-to-their-natural-aptitude-and-thus-attain-superiority-in-nothing-baltasar-gracian-312100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic

Plus it makes sense that Africa would display the most viciousness and cruelty of humanity. Evil and violence has been fostered there A LOT longer than anywhere else in the world.

>> No.8945954

>boot licker
with some stiff competition, that's the dumbest comment in this thread so far

>> No.8945962

UK statistics:
Prison population (including foreign nationals)
White: 72.0%
Black: 13.7%
Asian (ie Pakistani): 7.1%
Mixed: 3.5%
Chinese or other: 1.4%
Not Stated: 2.2%

Ethnic makeup of the UK: 88% white

>> No.8945976

The fact that she is a dirty halfbreed shitskin nigger flip bitch.

>> No.8945982

Welp, no possible socioeconomic explanations for those.

That's played up by the media to create a narrative. They exist and are a problem in the same way that school shootings exist and are a problem in the US -- the issue is that the media in the rest of the world overreports them so they seem a lot more common than they are.

>British riots
That's because the police killed a black guy for no reason and got away with it. Think mini-LA riot but then we all had a bit of a loot (erryone did, not just black people)

>Lyon riots
I'll need to get back to you on that one, haven't done the required reading to talk about it.

Yeah, there's still a socioeconomic factor but notice how the trend is far less pronounced than in the US. That's not because our blacks are less black.

>> No.8945987
File: 78 KB, 640x640, buttmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound very mad.

who hurt you? did your filipino maid take your jawnz

>> No.8945990


>> No.8945997

I just fucking hate niggers and flips. They occupy the lowest strata of earth. They are on par with fucking crustaceans.

>> No.8945998
File: 899 KB, 1200x1092, argentina is white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srry m8.

just know that her son is carrying on your legacy

>> No.8946000

I was gonna say this,but i didn't want a shitload of stupid whiteknight fucks to comment so i'll just agree with you.

>> No.8946001


Is this even an issue? Most of the designers I follow use varied races of people for their runway shows.

>> No.8946003

filipinos are the nicest people smh. your parents definitely didnt raise you right.

>> No.8946004

>notice how the trend is far less pronounced than in the US.

>blacks in the UK: 3%
>blacks in UK prisons: 13:7%
4.59 times the population
>blacks in the US: 13%
>blacks in US prisons: 39%
3 times the population

Please stop posting. European anti-Americanism isn't rational.

>> No.8946007

I'm glad you and I think the same. Halfbreeds are fucking disgusting. I also hate Indians. So Indians, flips, and niggera are fucking shit tier.

>> No.8946008

you are a shithead for thinking it. theres nothing wrong with not liking a person. but not liking a person for the color of their skin is silly

>> No.8946011

>That's because the police killed a black guy for no reason

It wasn't for no reason. Being an armed criminal is a pretty good reason to be shot

>> No.8946012

I love that the standard for success for these tumblr leftists is to have black people modelling clothes by a European designer, in a European city, that will be bought by European customers in European stores
sort of like people who pretend that Shakespeare was black, they want to latch on to the achievements of others and pretend it's their own

>> No.8946013

what are you fag boy. you must be one of those ugly white kids that vicariously lives through good looking white males and always go "whites r deh superior race"

>> No.8946020

but ya the appropriate response to anyone who says “white people have invented more stuff” is to question that individuals intelligence and insult them on a personal level and make them feel inadequate and let them understand that even if white people are smarter, that those peak genetics missed them. then u end the conversation. u dont respond with a list saying black people invented super soakers and traffic lights

>> No.8946024
File: 36 KB, 576x576, Bzr9SRTIAAAKlbK.jpg medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played up
>comparable to u.s. shootings

They commit every sin imaginable every single day, 365. Child/woman/opposition torture, rape, slavery, unimaginable murder. They make ISIS's recent jaunt look like childs play. You are one deluded fuck, faggot.

Was the Vonderrit Myers killing chalked up to socioeconmic factors, as well?

>> No.8946026

You are a niggerdick sucking faggot. I bet you enjoy being a fucking cuckold. Enjoy getting fat from the fast food cooked up by Mexicans.

>> No.8946027
File: 488 KB, 1159x1350, suck my duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhhh jealousy of the purest form, send me a vial of your tears plz.

>> No.8946031

but shakespeare was black. just like jesus, santa and every single ancient egyptian, fucking racist SMDH

>> No.8946036

Being poorer than other people doesn't grant you the right to fucking murder them.

>> No.8946038

Whites are the superior race, you double dick dangling cum vacuum. You are too big of an SJW nigger to realize that. Go ahead and racemix, I'll enjoy watching your genetics go down the shitter.

>> No.8946039

Are you quoting the wrong post? If not you need to learn to read.

>> No.8946041
File: 79 KB, 500x498, Tyler holdingcrying babbys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a cuckold


>> No.8946043
File: 43 KB, 500x500, kelly mittendorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey its like another shoah

>> No.8946048
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 1335820322582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck no, and I'm tbh I'm too flabbergasted and my mouth is filled with vomit

yea I stopped reading there

>> No.8946053

Shut the fuck up you nigger liberal monkey. I am white and better than you. Fucking nigger invertebrates. . .

>> No.8946054
File: 76 KB, 941x428, 1407297456448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's because the police killed a black guy for no reason and got away with it.
even if that was the case it's still not an excuse to go around tearing up people's property
especially when you're a fucking guest of that nation
none of this matters because nationalism is on the rise and you're going to have to behave yourself now

>> No.8946056



>> No.8946057

>look my mom i can nigger on 4chan

first of all the person you replied to was fucking joking. second of all you need to take your meds your autism is showing

>> No.8946065

Have you ever wondered why your girlfriend's vagina is looser than usual? It's because she has personally fucked over 29 nigger dicks. Now you either have the AIDS or ebola.

>> No.8946074

One less black, a little less crack.

>> No.8946075

W2C shirt

>> No.8946085

I'm glad you're most-likely a shut-in.
There's enough crazies on the street as is.

>> No.8946087

to reddit.

>> No.8946091

I'm glad you're most likely a faggot. Homosexuals usually die from STDs.

>> No.8946093

Reddit gets called racist and misogynistic by every leftist publication out there. It's not what you think it is.

>> No.8946095

reminder that all across Europe nationalist parties are getting more and more votes and you can't stick your fingers in your ears forever

>> No.8946098

Well atleast one of the two of us is having sex.

>> No.8946101

I was referring to the speaking style
I've read a shitload of reddit comments

>> No.8946102

Rddit is for prople sitv small penise

>> No.8946103

I hate it when terrible people make good points. They invalidate their own arguments in the eyes of most people.

>> No.8946104

at least i have a girlfriend you Forever Alone faggot

>> No.8946105

you down with the pozz, brah?

>> No.8946109

Muh sukkburnn

>> No.8946110

I am 5'8". Designers would never use me as a model but I'm not going to bitch about it or claim it's oppression against manlets because I realize the simple fact what the model looks like affects what the clothing looks like, and yes skin tone can make a big difference just like height can.

I thought we'd reached the point where we recognized the ridiculousness of the token minorities in promotional photos and other forms of manufactured diversity but now there's this second wave of pointless political correctness.

>> No.8946111

I like how you over look the socio-economic aspect in its entirety

>> No.8946113

I hears hr licks thr anuses if othet men sut gus tingue.. Lick livkin away likr a fagrit

>> No.8946114

I could two fucks about partisanship, I was ragging on the 'omg 2 deep' edgelord pull-quoting Kaczynski, dummy.

>> No.8946117

I don't know what that means.
Is Australia wake already?

>> No.8946123

I love europa with all if mu hreary
Lomg live the masterrace if wegutes people

>> No.8946136

>being poorer grants you immunity from all of your heinous conscious actions

Kill yourself.

>> No.8946143

controlling for socio-economic status, black and hispanics still commit more crime

>> No.8946144

The race of the model is irrelevant, it's whoever looks best in the clothes. If a black person can rock that shit better than whitey, use them, and vice versa. This is honestly just common fucking sense.

>> No.8946145

No one said that.
Strawman harder.

>> No.8946154


Your entire argument is that socioeconomic factors influence crime, and not that socioeconomic factors are a result of criminal culture.

Explain to me what socioeconomic factors I am overlooking here:


>> No.8946159

I don't know, do you have a spreadsheet of the yearly household income of everyone involved or do you just have a bookmark full of videos saved under a 'chimping out' tab?

>> No.8946164

do black people really wonder why they get shot by cops

>> No.8946170

White people are used mostly because of color contrast, but most skitskins wouldn't know anything about that so they complain just like they do about everything

>> No.8946173

I like tyler the creator,because he accepts the fact that he's a nigger.

>> No.8946175

>cries strawman
>throws out textbook ad homs
>doesn't even bother watching the video, likely will deny and deflect any further evidence

Anyway, OP, I agree since what he is saying is entirely naturally and not contrived, unlike the opposing argument.

>> No.8946178

Why would I watch /pol/ bait?

>> No.8946184

>commit crimes
>get punished
>lash out and destroy local businesses
>cops pull out of 'your streets'
>crime and drugs now run rampant
>banks and malls relocate
>no funding or infrastructure left except liquor, gun, and gold for cash stores
>no education cuz we aint got no time fo dat
>no growth, only stagnation
>entirely subsist on handouts and the fruit of other peoples' labor

And here we see the Detroit effect take hold of another U.S. city. Socioeconomics my fucking ass.

>> No.8946191


Nigga, that is real fucking life. It isn't jew conspiracy shit or aliums. It isn't shitty made up stats or misleading pie charts. It's a case fucking study of natural behavior. And it is fucking fascinating.

>> No.8946192
File: 43 KB, 616x322, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think you know what youre talking about.



>> No.8946201

I go outside everyday, I talk to friends, and meet new people and have real life experiences.
Why would I need a youtube video to show me 'natural behavior'?

>> No.8946202
File: 543 KB, 2656x3192, sad pepe turtle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the tv news I watched this week called that night's protesting, "passionate"

>> No.8946204

>i live a sheltered life and never expose myself to elements of society and humanity beyond my neat, safe boundaries

Expected as much

>> No.8946208

a self-aware nigger

>> No.8946211

just popped in to say exactly this, thank you anon

>> No.8946213

Says the people watching youtube videos for their 'case studies'.

>> No.8946214

lmao @ u nerds talking about high fashion when none of u own any corture

>> No.8946220
File: 68 KB, 800x531, one out of ten would not wear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo ostrich-head-in-the-sand ass nigga, go check out a fuccboi thread if this one gets you so assblasted.

>> No.8946221

>video evidence is not real evidence

alright m8

>> No.8946224


What's that? Where can I cop some? Sounds like some kind of comfy/torture threads.

>> No.8946225

>crime somehow precedes and causes low SES even though blacks were emancipated into low SES
>this low SES was perpetuated by legalized racism for about 100 years and more covert racism (eg redlining) in the 50 years since
>on top of the factors that make it difficult for families of any race to escape the cycle of poverty

tumblr on one side and /pol/ on the other, this thread sucks all around

>> No.8946226
File: 277 KB, 1280x960, SuperBayern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: White guilt

>> No.8946229
File: 17 KB, 304x304, pharrell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8946231

Plane tickets are cheap compared to rent ma nigga.

>> No.8946232

Yeah, cause I'm so butthurt.
Ya'll the ones mad I didn't click play.
Evidence of what?

>> No.8946236

that nig-nogs deserve swift and thorough genocide

>> No.8946238

I mean you might as well argue that they should hire models with boring faces/fat models or have male models walk in women's clothing for "diversity" but it's all bullshit.
The designer chooses the models as they see fit, ain't nothing to do with politics, unless the designer so chooses.

>> No.8946245

But they're all genetically predisposed to violence, how could you possibly hope to accomplish that?

>> No.8946253
File: 217 KB, 1680x1050, martin_luther_king_jr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MLK was one of the greatest men that ever lived, it's just a shame 99% of blacks don't even agree with his message anymore. I guess endless excuses like redlining and the constant victomology for actions that happened generations ago are more appealing now that having strong morals and having a resolute character have gone extinct. Irony is that in most "low SES" areas, crime occurs in closest proximity to streets named after the man. He'd be turning in his damn grave at all you white guilt apologists and willfully ignorant blacks.

>> No.8946263

this is common sense but black people do go well with some clothes but are not given the chance cuz there is some bias involved

some clothes designers dont wanna get Asian or Black models just because they want to have a pretty lanky tall white boy image

>> No.8946273

Many luxury labels will refuse to sully their brand by employing dark skinned models, and this is in supposedly liberal Europe. Even employing the token Asian model is only pandering to the eastern market. At least a redneck cracker is honest about their racist views, liberals are worse. They are as racist but take great pains to pretend they are not.

>> No.8946276

Yes he was a great womanizing, organized crime backed, alcoholic, communist supporting nigger hero!

>Fuck MLK

>> No.8946284

she isnt actually

>> No.8946287

I dunno mang, as a non black minority who has lived in a very diverse community for 20 years, I think that some aspects of black culture perpetualizes the racial divide and fuels racism

the anti intellectualism is pretty rampant among poor black people, as opposed to asians or hispanics who generally value intellectual pursuits much more, IE: if you talk grammatically correct, you get ridiculed etc.

theres also this concept of racial identity that often turns into them vs us mentality that shouldnt be, being proud of your history is fine but often its a cause of divide and tension when its overplayed and overemphasized imo, some also just want all black people to be separate which is pretty ironic

the development of black identity in America contrasts the negritude movement in Europe for example

>> No.8946289


>> No.8946290

>99% of blacks don't even agree with his message anymore

sweet made up number.

when i was little my dad made me listen to his speeches on tape as i fell asleep

>> No.8946298

this is fucking disgusting really

I never thought /fa/ held such shit beliefs

its either SJW bullshit or /pol/ level of epic memery

>> No.8946301

>the anti intellectualism is pretty rampant among poor black people, as opposed to asians or hispanics who generally value intellectual pursuits much more, IE: if you talk grammatically correct, you get ridiculed etc.

this shit is so true. when i lived in Jersey City, NJ i used to get ridiculed for not speaking ebonics. also i would always get called "white boy" because i enjoyed skateboarding

>> No.8946303

its not too bad. just a few ppl who are straight up racists and everyone else is open to discussing this problem

>> No.8946305

what problem

>> No.8946309

white people

>> No.8946313


>> No.8946328

>talking about crime
>uses prison statistics

That would be true if he was either of those things, but it isn't because he wasn't.

You've never lived outside the US, have you?

Either you woefully misunderstood why we need to account for socioeconomic factors or you're strawmanning. Either way, it's not my problem to deal with you.

1 - riots and looting are different and are done by different people. Looting happens during riots, but people that are angry and are taking violent action against the system they blame for it aren't taking a break to steal TVs.
2 - the rioters aren't guests of the country, they're citizens and it's their home. God knows they probably feel a lot more British than the entirety of Scotland.
3 - apathy is on the rise, which makes extremists look more important. Whenever there's a positive movement that captures people's imaginations the same way racism seems to, the numbers dwarf your petty little skinhead gatherings. When I get home I'll get some of my photos from the neo-nazi demonstration that was entirely engulfed by an antifascist counter-protest with a little reflective circle of police marking the line between the two.

It's sampling bias out the wazoo, dipshit. I could make a video about the KKK and /pol/, doesn't mean they represent all white people.

God damn, does /pol/ have a spider scanning for racial threads across the site now? This is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8946336

>>talking about crime
>>uses prison statistics
It's not an arbitrary gauge. Certain crimes may be more readily punished in black neighborhoods, but that's because they happen to be more frequent in those areas, so the police focus their efforts there. Even excluding drug-related crimes, violence offenses are disproportionately black.

>> No.8946340

>it's not my problem to teach you

Said every liberal, ever.

>> No.8946348

sweden just woke up guiz, time to leave

>> No.8946352

That's probably the most obnoxious tumblrism there is. It's a complete deflection. It's an excuse to not have to actually articulate and defend your views.

>> No.8946368

>replying seriously
Let me explain the dynamics of these threads to you:
>/pol/ posts the thread as bait
>6-10 /pol/-tier posters 'watch' the thread and post trolls every so often to bump it
>maybe 2 tumblrshits reply for a while
>some sensible people (average /fa/ poster) post well founded responses to the OP but are almost entirely ignored and end up
>the handful of black anons start replying to /pol/tards not realizing that /pol/ gonna /pol/
>get ganged up on until they give
>thread gets deleted when mods wake up

Realize that this thread was bait, no one has even mentioned models for hours, hide the thread and move on.

>> No.8946379

Certain crimes are also more likely to be detected in poor black neighbourhoods. My friends and I commit a whole bunch of crimes and never get caught because we're snorting coke in night-club toilets rather than smoking it on the corner.

You want me to explain what socioeconomic factors are and why they affect crime? Are you not even going to pretend to have a basic understanding of civics any more?

Makes me feel smarter than them though. Same reason I use Tinder: never gonna go anywhere but it's a nice little ego boost.

>> No.8946405

>Certain crimes are also more likely to be detected in poor black neighbourhoods. My friends and I commit a whole bunch of crimes and never get caught because we're snorting coke in night-club toilets rather than smoking it on the corner.
Your anecdotal experience doesn't mean shit statistically. You have absolutely no way of knowing whether you would have been caught in a black neighborhood. It could very well be that crime is committed far more often in those neighborhoods, and that the percentage of criminals actual caught and prosecuted is proportionally identical to what it is in white neighborhoods. We don't know how many black criminals get away because if we knew about them they wouldn't have gotten away. We can only go by prosecutions.

>> No.8946494

Vaginas don't work like that you terrible virgin.

>> No.8946503

Institutionalized racism, police shooting unarmed poor black teenagers, and then putting the shooters on paid leave?

You can't see why people would be angry?

>> No.8946504

do you not know how colors work?

>> No.8946585
File: 64 KB, 500x500, artworks-000086256656-vq5oh2-t500x5001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking blunts everyday and rocking jordans in half your pics taken on an iphone DOES NOT a poor person, make. How a poor person gonna be a solid 25 pounds over weight?

pic related: mike brown with his hilarious fit

>> No.8946594

that riot was in response to the Shaw shooting of Vonderrit Myers. Pretty much the complete opposite of unarmed.

>> No.8946612

>you cant buy cheap shitty food


>> No.8946619

I was just using myself as an example there, there's plenty of data to show similar numbers (specifically for drug use bc who's gonna just admit to murder on a survey) throughout pretty much all socioeconoic strata and I've never actually snorted coke in a night-club toilet. Bit cheeky of you to rag on me for anecdotal evidence with all the people posting individual youtube clips to prove blacks are scum, anyway.

A nice phone and weed do not a rich man make. Holy shit, you're more embarrassingly superficial than the people who do piss away what little they have on crap like that. You see someone living in a ghetto, smoking a blunt in a snapback and think "GOD DAMN THIS NIGGA LOADED".

>how a poor person gonna be a solid 25 pounds overweight
Grammar aside, the actual point you're making is also fucking retarded.

>> No.8946624

>unknown man gets out of car, obviously armed, and starts walking towards you at night in a bad part of St Louis
>no badge, no insignia because he's off-duty
>chases you down the street with his weapon out

Can't say I'd have acted differently to Myers.

>> No.8946630

and you would have gotten the exact same punishment

>> No.8946634

He got murdered. Why was the cop chasing him?

>> No.8946643

Dis thread good, thanks OP.

>> No.8946651

>When I get home I'll get some of my photos from the neo-nazi demonstration that was entirely engulfed by an antifascist counter-protest with a little reflective circle of police marking the line between the two.
lol look at the fucking polls
FN, SD, GD, Jobbik etc
'apathy on the rise' is a myth the lefts tells themselves because they can't come to terms with the fact that their time is up

>> No.8946657

he shot at the cop first
seriously how do you get this far down the rabbit hole

>> No.8946664


he was being chased

isnt that what you gun-nuts want

>> No.8946687

even if he was, that is not a justification of use of lethal force

>> No.8946702


>muh access to healthy foods
>muh stressful living
>muh race is prone to thyroid conditions


>> No.8946711

>same kind of person that still thinks trayvon was chased

>> No.8946715

>gun nuts
>Only police should have guns
>Disarm the police they are thugs

>> No.8946719


>> No.8946724

Yes, its like the whole black mannequin thing, though some designers like rick owens seem to go with multiple skin colours

>> No.8946792

Not interested in the rest of this aeguement, but I think most models have very beautiful exotic looking faces. I don't know why they get called freakish and ugly all the time?