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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 411 KB, 500x667, fuccboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8940206 No.8940206 [Reply] [Original]

Cringe thread.
This is the first time a serious fit made me cringe.


after this he finally posts something decent but feels still feels like he needs to name the brand.

If you have to justify it by the brand you are too poor for the brand.

here is the "decent" pic>>8940144

>> No.8940219
File: 871 KB, 1836x3264, 1413152412261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is OP
Up to /fa/ to decide who dressed better

>> No.8940226

Its funny that this is a cringe thread, because this thread actually makes me cringe

fucking LEL

>> No.8940234

this thread really sucks

>> No.8940235
File: 511 KB, 642x479, 1409977401621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not a mullet, he just has long hair brushed behind his ears. Are you really this upset at getting btfo in the last waywt that you made this thread? I think I'd rather hang out with that guy than the insecure jerk

>but feels still feels like he needs to name the brand.
naming brands is something everyone does on any waywt on any fashion forum. Grow up.

>> No.8940238

shit shoes.
everything else is basic as fuck but fits good.

I like the jeans and I like the top but I think it's retarded to buy designer basics.

>> No.8940255

lmao, why are you so mad

>> No.8940256

Not a mullet and not a bad fit really. Just those shoes.

I do have mixed feelings about people listing the brands though. Shouldn't it be about how things end up looking, not how much money you threw at it?

>> No.8940257

btfo about about what?
being told that zaracore sweaters with a cdg tag are worth more?

>> No.8940259

thats not even a mullet

why are u so mad OP?

he looks fine, you are literally autistic

>> No.8940264

This was my entire point in the WAYWT and here.
He posts a mediocre fit while wearing a "designers" outfit.
If he posted without feeling the need to name the brands I would have liked it.

Wear Gstar if you want to tell people what brand it is before they ask.

>> No.8940268
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>> No.8940269

Some people are interested as to where they can buy them. So to avoid people asking 'w2c', they just list wear they bought it from

>> No.8940273

both are delusional and look like shit

>> No.8940277

*where, dammit

>> No.8940284

It is a mediocre fit, but posting brands is just something people do, its not like he was flexing. Those brands aren't even THAT expensive in the context of luxury items.
see >>8940269

Your fit was also pretty boring and uninspired. I dont know why you are getting so aggressive, to the point of making a thread to attack someone, when its clear you dont really have much style either. Is your argument that you are somehow better than him because you dont spend as much money?

You are kind of a loser

>> No.8940287

fuck off.
he listed the brands so people dont ask "W2C" like they do for every fit
and the reason designer shit is expensive is because its fucking good. look at the fit of the sweater, really fucking inspect it, it has a certain style and isn't some basic sweater. it has a puffiness too it , and then tightens around the waist, making it look less flat. learn fucking silhouette

>> No.8940290

ITT: insecure faggot told someone their fit was shit and when no one gave a fuck about him the faggot made a whole new thread just to continue his failing criticism

>> No.8940297
File: 70 KB, 565x600, 1412665051956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you talked shit about "folkman" but even that guy has more style and a more likeable personality than you

I thought he wouldve been the punching bag for /fa/ of the week, but you really topped him


>> No.8940299

Literally exactly this it gets fucking annoying when little cents like you OP are constantly asking w2c?w2c?w2c? It just takes one step out of the whole annoying process
Holy shit putting a face to the quotes makes this whole situation a lot more funny.

>> No.8940306

The naming kind of makes it worse because you know they're not just ugly shoes, they're £300 ugly shoes.

It seems a bit presumptuous to list them without being asked though. Like you already assume your fit is so good people must want to appropriate everything. I don't know where this was posted though. Some boards encourage it by default.

>> No.8940307

>criticizing other people when you dress like that

>> No.8940311


He could use more color, but other than that the fit is good.

Why so mad?

>> No.8940314

why u getting so heated about this bruh

>> No.8940317

You haven't seen the shit I have to see everyday

>be me
>be a waiter
>just a month old in work
>my first time being a waiter
>expecting a lot of qties to give my number too
>every Thursday is full of actual hambeasts waiting for the karaoke
>the place where I work is in downtown
>all weekends is full of people on the streets
>shitier yoga pants and unfitting pleather jackets everywhere
>failed attempts of menswear and dadcore
>plebs come to my workplace demanding frapuccinos like in Starbucks
>people leave all the tables like a mess
I fucking hate people I cringe everyday in a new level because of them, the funny part is that supposedly I always give a good service and I get good tips

>tfw still in probation period and cant keep my tips
Pls make it go faster

>> No.8940320

This is a really good example of why online fashion forums suck and why "talk shit, post fit" is actually a valid argument. These are the people antagonizing you for what you wear. People with zero style, zero taste, telling you you are a faggot and you look bad

>> No.8940321


>> No.8940326

Or you could just not tell people.

>> No.8940328

Stop trying to be a bully OP, you're making yourself seem like such an asshole right now. He's dressed fine and you need to calm down.

>> No.8940330

Did you actually think you looked decent when you took that picture?

>> No.8940335

noice fit

>> No.8940337

he probably didnt consider the fact that there would be a raging sperger on /fa/ today

>> No.8940338

Or you could be a decent person post the mother fucking brands to start with and not have to deal with again. When will your little plea ass admit that it just got obliterated?

>> No.8940339


What's wrong with H&M?

I'm new.

>> No.8940340

This is who I'm talking about fashion with. Why do I keep coming here

>> No.8940352
File: 405 KB, 509x480, 1412184500416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8940354

why wouldnt you do that? whats the purpose of withholding information on a fashion discussion board? how is being reticent about discussing fashion a *good* thing?

but the more pertinent question is, do you really think your fit is good? id really like to hear you describe its merit because it looks like trash youd find in the mall

>> No.8940355

cheap shit made in sweatshops
they have been known to blatantly rip off designers
fast fashion (quickly putting out trendy clothes)
Honestly, some H&M is decent, but there are other stores that offer way better clothes for the same price point (obvious one would be uniqlo)

>> No.8940362

You think I'm Op. I'm not Op.

>> No.8940364

Cheap shit quality made to fall apart fast fashion. If you're just starting out its fine(for a little more you could just get AA) but having an entire wardrobe of shit from H&M is a huge mistake.

>> No.8940377

Uniqlo is hardly better quality it's just liked more because it's jap. Nothing special about it in the slightest besides the collars they have sometimes then there stuff can be kind of nice.

>> No.8940384

It's really nice if a fit sparks an actual discussion about brands. My experience of /fa/ is that's very rare though. People don't want to discus the merits of a designer, they want to copy the last thing they saw. When you can't provide a link to something from a current season for them to cop, the discussion ends.

Again, not Op so I'll disregard the second part.

>> No.8940387

OK you're still as big of a pile of shit as OP so it doesn't really matter in the slightest.

>> No.8940390

itt birthday

stop salting ur cornflakes bra

>> No.8940395
File: 266 KB, 500x373, lolololol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao holy shit this dude actually make a thread about me

>> No.8940402

I've had so many things with badly stitched seams from H&M that I wont shop there anymore. Every pair of pants I buy there falls apart. I've never had issues like that with Uniqlo.

>> No.8940414

yeah bruh you are controversial now
look at the conversation your fit sparked

>> No.8940417


He lloks way better then u birthday
Dope hair

>> No.8940419

A generic personal insult doesn't do anything to disprove what I've said. We can all throw shit at each other like apes, but what's the point?

>> No.8940436

LOL you fucking wish you stupid pussies. Why would I be defending this ball of autism that is OP? Go rub some rogaine on your forehead you balding loser. Why did you come back it was finally starting to turn around after you and Stand stopped posting as much. Isn't living in poverty enough of a distraction instead of shit posting on the Internet?

>> No.8940442
File: 460 KB, 605x669, lololol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP are you jealous of my beautiful hair and 10/10 facial aesthetics?

>> No.8940454
File: 195 KB, 960x540, 2014-10-13 06.38.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its 6am here so im out.
if this still lives when i wake up ill respond.
> muh $240 thrift shit

>> No.8940455

OP, listen

>> No.8940460


what rafs do you own?

>> No.8940491

ive got 2 pairs of rafdidas and black velcro lows. tryna get the ss13 multipanel or whatever theyre called

>> No.8940499

do you have any ricks?

>> No.8940520


>> No.8940534

Hello fellow British insomniac.

>> No.8940535

I like geo's, but I would rather buy a full white version.

>> No.8940551

I'm Dutch and I'm op too.
I didn't hate on the faggots fit but on how he tried to justify the price by naming the brand on a mediocre fit.

>> No.8940593

i named the brands because that's what you do on a fashion forum you tool. i never said anything about the price considering none of it's too expensive and what you would expect from posters here

>> No.8940601

Yo, your fit was solid, post more often nigga

>> No.8940606

>top H&M
>bottom H&m


>> No.8940627


>> No.8940645
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x1836, 20141008_174427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8940663

CDG aint too expensive, I know that too.
but paying 240 for that generic shit is what rustled me.

If you got awesome deal on these clothes I wouldnt even hate, but the naming of the brands rustled me hard because they are mem-tier here, just ike my cheapshit.

>> No.8940721

Iol I didn't pay $240 and I never said I did

>> No.8940768

read my post mulletboy.

>> No.8940799

have you read any of the replies in this thread? please just give up

>> No.8940820

>gives no explanation/posts fit.

Even folkman is better than mr "cdg is deesijnur $340core" even the suspender cockboy us more /fa/

>> No.8940835
File: 24 KB, 350x298, hurler-syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the irony

>> No.8940857

why do i need to post a fit when you already posted one for me

>> No.8940874

u look and dress like shit

>> No.8940900
File: 6 KB, 276x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking dropped

>> No.8940952

Congrats OP, this is the worst thread I've seen in a long time.

>> No.8940958

This thread is so sad.

>> No.8941016

so /fa/ is full of insecure little shits like this, noone is surprised

>> No.8941047

fuck me, this guy drinks and smoke
i can only hope to one day reach this level of cool

>> No.8941065


god damn this guy is sooooo badasssss !

shoes on desk DAMN !

alcohol DAMN !

and he's smoking too DAMN !

god damn is this guy some kind of action hero or some shit DAAAMN

>> No.8941073

Thank you for providing more cringe to us. This was a good one as well >>8940219

>> No.8941080

>probation period and can't keep tips

u wot m8

>> No.8941095

lel, get a fakie and get over it fuccboi

>> No.8941218
File: 84 KB, 1000x750, 1405169513823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its you lol ?

>> No.8941241


>> No.8941259

Not opie, but m8 you're completely wrong on this. Folkman is a thousand time more shit than this guy

>> No.8941270

where did you get that lol

>> No.8941287

Sometimes when I post fits I lie about what brands I'm wearing.

So funny when people always rave about it loo

Just shows how many retards are here

>> No.8941291

>Just shows how many retards are here
i guess that includes you

>> No.8941293

>If you have to justify it by the brands, you're too poor for the brands
b8/10, or you're a fucking idiot.
And listing brands is just common courtesy.

>> No.8941297

I'm sorry you feel that way

>> No.8941518

You're not even close to being in a position to judge others dressed like that, dude.

>> No.8941526

this nigga in a teal vneck and he think he in a position to throw hands

>> No.8941528

>tfw still in probation period and cant keep my tips

you gettin jewed son

>> No.8941551

Man the original WAYWT thread this was posted in is giving me cancer re: CdG, PLAY =/= the entire CdG universe

On topic eh yeah he has some expensive basics that really could pass as thrift or fast fashion but he likes solid basics, who doesn't? Not everyone is trying to look "high fashion" as fuck, but still appreciate and buy higher quality stuff. What's really cringeworthy is that OP got so upset that he actually had to make a thread about it

>> No.8941556

This so much.

>> No.8941675

yeah there is a considerable difference in quality and feel of a $15 tshirt and a $80 tshirt

>> No.8941704

what's wrong with converse? they are a decent shoe

>> No.8941735

fucking pleb, when will you learn.
>getting this assmad that the other anon dresses better than you
>even make a thread about your assmadness

>> No.8941736

I know all these feels bro

I am so happy to not be working as a waiter anymore

I worked as one for about 2 years in 3 different places, walked out midshift in two jobs and last one i quit

the establishment itself will try and fuck you over in anyway legally possible, sometimes even illegally/unethically

as for people themselves, customer service usually sees people at their absolute worst
heaps of people you would generally think as a nice person are actually fuckheads in any sort of consumer environment

it took me months to get over my general dislike of people i acquired from working as a waiter

>> No.8941739


Not sure if this post was some kind of attempt at argument but yes, there can be a considerable difference in quality and feel between a $15 tshirt and a $80 t shirt, and if you think otherwise you just haven't experienced those ends of the spectrum

>> No.8941745

i wasnt being sarcastic i agree with you

>> No.8941869

Are those Ace or Thin Acne?

>> No.8941880


>> No.8941989
File: 42 KB, 500x750, 1412986537421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8942259

I went a little bit overboard in my vodka induced posts.

but fuck it I had fun.

>> No.8942428

>trips arguing about how shitty they are.


>> No.8944601

cheeky breeky


>> No.8944678

OP, don't you have anything better to do

>> No.8944720

>Those long straight locks.
Fuck my curly hair. Never can grow it out without looking ridiculous. ;_;

>> No.8945363

underbasted roast

>> No.8945378

op u mad cuz you broke?

>> No.8945566

Where do you cop most of your shit?
plz b in LA

>> No.8946973
File: 7 KB, 184x215, 1310863368889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people don't even know what a mullet is near me

>> No.8947595

op is a fag you look like shit lmamamao

>> No.8948081


What the fuck