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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 549 KB, 412x339, 1405977150110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8921995 No.8921995 [Reply] [Original]

Effay feels thread

>go to party
>wear new sheer longsleeve rick t
>people keep giving me weird looks
>girl approaches me "dont u think that shirt is a bit tight anon"
>"O-oh aha.. Its designer its meant to be like that"
>i start sweating like crazy
>end up leaving out of embarrassment

why can't these normfags appreciate good clothes? haha i don't mean to act superior or anything but fuck

>> No.8922006

yep, fuck this

>walk into party
>see girl wearing af1's
>approach her
>"nice meme shoes"
>she looks confused

promised myself I'd be more out going and break out of my shy bubble this year

>look around and shout "Haha come on where my slash fa slash bros at?!?

Jesus Christ kill me

>> No.8922018 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 960x540, 10703850_10204008656771157_6263491637702213219_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical russian jew loving faggot

>> No.8922060

post pic

>> No.8922062


>> No.8922091

>"Haha come on where my slash fa slash bros at?!?"
this shit gets me every time

>> No.8922121
File: 1.30 MB, 292x160, 1327488944651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop beeing fat

>> No.8922123


>> No.8922131

>being this autistic
Do you really think plebs will appreciate your edgy fits? No, even if they look dope plebs will only appreciate plebcore, that's how it works, if someone compliments your edgy fit then that person can appreciate that fit

>> No.8922141

>Do you really think plebs will appreciate your edgy fits?
I know pleb girls like rick owens and they rly like designer shoes, even if those items are something nerds on /fa/ hate on

>> No.8922144

>slash fa slash

This is where you fucked up, it's pronounced effay.

>> No.8922160


>> No.8922162

>tfw try to show my sister some tricky ricky gear and she laughs
>tfw she is a pleb who shops at the mall buying garbage clothing at places like forever 21
>tfw everyone in this city is a pleb

>> No.8922199
File: 35 KB, 460x325, freezing-man[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be poorfag
>Decide to buzz hair myself instead of getting it cut
>Show up to uni
>Literally everyone I know double takes and makes funny remarks about how intimidating I look
>Surprised people ultimately reacted positively to it
>feels good man

Wondering if I should buzz it again, I feel as though having minimal hair makes my facial features look too big and uglier. Also fuck was my head like an ice block in winter.

>> No.8922215
File: 186 KB, 314x284, c2b3862c-b0d9-4820-9deb-abc72e418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to party
>indian kid makes fun of my acne jeans and CP's
>"haha anon nice air force 1s are you a nigger"
>"whatever you say shitskin"
I am immediately hated by everyone.
The guy was wearing cargo shorts and a pink collared shirt with blue stripes.

>> No.8922223
File: 186 KB, 936x590, Kcj7opncq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing brand new CP boots
>hey anon are those fake Dr. Martens?

Why bother

>> No.8922225

>getting made fun of by an indian

wow. next level beta

>> No.8922230

how come a fucking INDIAN scum called out you for wearing NIGGER shoes and when you called him SHITSKIN everyone reacted negatively. are you a fucking omega male or what? I am no racist, but indians are the lowest scum of earth, they are the most disgusting and ugly nationality/race on the earth, they also have the worst reputation, HOW do you not manage to show this cow worshipper his place, wow.

>> No.8922235

wtf. fuck those people.
But also treat your acne.

>> No.8922240

how does it feel to miss quints by 1?


>> No.8922245

>treat your acne

>> No.8922250

If this is for real I mean acne jeans. But if sarcastic good one friend.


>> No.8922251
File: 998 KB, 500x420, 1393267355501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am no racist, but

>> No.8922256

I just stopped talking to him and went and drank a bunch of whiskey.

>> No.8922266

>tfw really hard to find clothes that fit me
>tfw too poor to get threads that I want
>tfw ugly
>tfw probably balding
and worst of all
>tfw no gf

>> No.8922269 [DELETED] 

it's true though, I dont believe that Indians should me wiped off the earth because they are in some way inferior to other races/nationalities, but rather because they are aesthetically unpleasing, have retarded English accent and reek of sweat. Is it racist to find people ugly? No. Is it racist to observe and notice how 99.9% of a certain race are ugly and disgusting and have retarded accents? No. Is it racist to be annoyed by those things? No. Is it racist to not deal with things you find unpleasant? No. The only thing which can help me get rid of this problem is terminating every Indian in this world, so is it racist to want that to happen? No.

TL;DR: it's not racist if they are indians

>> No.8922276

copypasta really

>> No.8922282

You were supposed to go?
"Seriously? Look at yourself, you fat/skinny acne ridden midget/manlet/dwarf, you came to a party with fucking cargos, like some autistic child, your hair is so dirty, people would have to sterilize their hands if they'd touch it, even by accident and the fucks with the pink shirt? Really? Of all the colors? Was that the last clean thing left in your wardrobe? Do you wash your shit as often as you take a fucking shower, because god damn it, I'll have to get wasted now just to ignore the fucking smell of yours, fuck how much you reek of shit and curry.

Then tell anyone and everyone who tries to touch you/calm you to fuck off and proceed to go drink/smoke.

>> No.8922322

>show someone some dope af high tops
>lol those look like converse ripoffs XDD
For fucks sakes

>> No.8922334

>"Seriously? Look at yourself, you fat/skinny acne ridden midget/manlet/dwarf, you came to a party with fucking cargos, like some autistic child, your hair is so dirty, people would have to sterilize their hands if they'd touch it, even by accident and the fucks with the pink shirt? Really? Of all the colors? Was that the last clean thing left in your wardrobe? Do you wash your shit as often as you take a fucking shower, because god damn it, I'll have to get wasted now just to ignore the fucking smell of yours, fuck how much you reek of shit and curry.
"Wow, what a cunt", said everybody.

>Then tell anyone and everyone who tries to touch you/calm you to fuck off and proceed to go drink/smoke.
"Does this guy have any friends?"
"Who invited him here?"

>> No.8922343

>implying there is any way out of a situation where the crowd is fucking brainwashed enough to let a dothead say nigger but youre a dick for saying shitskin

stop attending parties hosted by liberal arts majors i literally the only possible solution

>> No.8922359

my poor attempt at humor. too early for this shit.
Got no feels to share atm.

>> No.8922364

Sounds worth it if you can make some beta Indian cry his eyes out

>> No.8922372

its racist because you dont even know enough indians to judge all of them

>> No.8922373

They wouldn't tolerate an Indian guy saying "nigger", either.

>> No.8922380

Most Indians I've met were genuinely good people.

>I dont believe that Indians should me wiped off the earth because they are in some way inferior to other races/nationalities, but rather because they are aesthetically unpleasing, have retarded English accent and reek of sweat.
This is straight up silly, m8. Close your browser, shut off the computer, and air yourself out.

>> No.8922389

Except it's not. ~99% of them are ugly as in aesthetically unpleasant.

>> No.8922408

I think that a good number of them could benefit from improved grooming standards, and that they could dress so much better. We can both agree on this.

>> No.8922415

>butthurt indian detected
have fun being an ugly manlet virgin that nobody likes

>> No.8922421
File: 42 KB, 400x500, applfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't stand by what you're wearing, don't wear it at all.

>> No.8922422

I think you curry-loving and quite possible curry-eating shitskin should end your life or at least undergo vasectomy



>> No.8922443


>> No.8922460

This is in the south though. They just like the indian I guess.

>> No.8922480

>Go out with girl and 2 dudes to a student club
>Have 2 girls i know going out that I wanted to fuk
>Get in club see both girls doing their own thing
>Start talking to one
>Girl I went into the club with grabs my hand
>Starts dance close and has her arms around me
>up until this point I didn't think she was into me as she said to someone she thought I was just 'decent'
>I decide to go for her since she cockblocked me from both grills
>Can tell she is horny from the way she is clenching my back
>Leave club go smoke a joint at mines
>Says she had to go home but I can stay over
>Go round hers holding her hand
>About to lose dis virginity at 18, finally
>"You can sleep on the floor, maybe the couch let me ask my room mates"
>[Screams internally]
>End up sleeping in the corner of her bed

She did text me the next morning and all day but when I invited her to go half's on a 8ball but ended up buying weed with 2 other dudes off my room mate.

>> No.8922482

>She did text me the next morning and all day but when I invited her to go half's on a 8ball but ended up buying weed with 2 other dudes off my room mate.
Meant to say
>She did text me the next morning and all day, but when I invited her to go half's on a 8ball she said she would but she had to study but ended up buying weed with 2 other dudes off my room mate.

>> No.8922490

who the fuck calls an 3.5grams of weed an "8ball". 8ball is reserved for meth and coke faggot.

>> No.8922495

dunno all my dealers and friends call it that, so i do aswell

>> No.8922510



>> No.8922530
File: 428 KB, 743x471, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Richest country in the world
>Locals still dress like shit

>> No.8922551

you were supposed to say "THESE ARE COMMON PROJECTS YOU UNCULTURED SWINE!!!" then spit on him and walk away

>> No.8922576

Sure, stay mad shitskin idiot whoreson, only 2 posts are mine from those.

>> No.8922596 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 599x346, スクリーンショット 2014-09-05 21.20.39 hamas fright of the jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to party, then there are the Jewish monopoly capitalist music and I leave because I do not want to be brainwashed by filthy money grubbing kikes.

>> No.8922609


> tfw my anti-gun pro-choice justice for michael brown white southern californian liberal elementary school teacher mother admits she thinks Indian people "look gross" and "have ugly accents"

I also found out she believes in eugenics in the same conversation though, so I'm pretty disillusioned about my mother in general

>> No.8922621

I am the same guy and I would be friends with your mom. I'm pro-eugenics too.

Maybe even more than just friends ;)

>> No.8922622


patrick bateman tier

you have to be more subtle than that

>> No.8922625


as long as youre not an orphan lol, cause she also said that she doesn't trust orphans because so many sociopaths/serial killers were orphaned as children

>> No.8922632

Nah, I'm not

I also wouldn't trust an orphan too much tbh, and I would pick a person who was raised by both parents over one too.

>> No.8922633
File: 1.00 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the amnesty international street whores in Copenhagen approaches me trying to get me to donate for "human rights"
>tell her "nej tak" and after she proceeds to hound me, i tell her "im a college student, im broke rn"
>she replies "yeah real poor- i can tell you're struggling with your expensive boots"

proceeded to buy 300 dollar carhartt jacket fuck charity

>> No.8922637


what boots were you wearing?

>> No.8922683

fucking docs haha

>> No.8922739


plenty of other girls my friend, wouldn't waste too much time on this one

>> No.8922743

>dreamt of Rick Owens yesterday
>it was the second time he appeared in my dreams in the last couple of months

I'm not even goofninja, nor do I like his style in general.
What the actual fuck.

>> No.8922755

It means that you should stop browsing /fa/.

>> No.8922768
File: 282 KB, 720x686, Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you've finally begun making big money, and can afford nice cops
>Tfw you finally can see the nice wardrobe you've been dreaming about come together
>Tfw room game is on point, and qt's comment on it when at your place
>Tfw friends say you've been dressing really well lately

>Tfw you got cystic acne last year, despite eating a vegetarian diet, never drinking alcohol or fizzy drinks, and only smoke cigs on the weekends.

This is the worst feel ever. Everything was going so good, until my shit genes stepped in. Be happy for what you have anons, nothing lasts forever.

>> No.8922782 [DELETED] 

I love fucking with charity workers
>walking around city centre minding my own business
>typical lanky lib arts major comes up to me and asks his usual shit
>pretend to be a foreigner
>he switches to english and starts to explain his cause and how badly those millions of shitskin kids suffer while I'm being privileged and shit
>fake interest for some time and listen to this fucker
>finally he asks if I'm willing to donate
>I say no and explain that I can't be bothered by all this goody two shoes shit and all those dirt people can go fuck themselves (in a sort of polite manner)
>smile and bid him farewell as I observe his powerless anger

>> No.8922787


can I see a pic of your room?

>> No.8922798


My line is just usually, "I'm not particularly interested in that."

>> No.8922804

>tfw strong wind flaps your clothes about and messes up your hair

fucking english weather

>> No.8922807 [DELETED] 


>> No.8922827

how does that happen?, just out of the blue? how old are you.

>> No.8922849

hahahaha fucking pathetic vegetarians

>> No.8922862

>tfw the fucking weather in Socal won't change and you can't wear your fall fits. Its fucking dry here, send water pls....

>> No.8922882

What all of you tricky rickers are doing wrong is not living your life accordingly/not hanging out with the correct crew

if you're gonna go full goofnigger while studying STEM in some shitty college and starving yourself in your dorm, you're only going to get laughed at
at least find like-minded people and go to goof parties with them or whatever

>> No.8922884


>> No.8922945

I'm pretty sure you went full racist about a third of the way into that little tirade, m80.

>> No.8922991
File: 87 KB, 500x484, worst_feel_ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be sitting next to that perfect qt asian grill
>she puts her memechrome tee up to her face
>it looks like some mask
>she looks like the perfect asian ninja-tier qt grill
>can't stop looking at her
>look at my face's reflection on my phone screen
>feeling like i've dirtied her because of being looking at her with my ugly face

>> No.8923039

That feel when face is hideous because of the fat on it

>> No.8923055

Tfw skinny as fuck but still ugly with shit skin

>> No.8923067

Probably should've just skipped the joint and gone straight to the fucking m8. Better luck next time.

>> No.8923104

Shit skin as in bad skin or brown skin?

>> No.8923153

fuck you..

>> No.8923217

bad skin
at least i'm not an arab/paki

>> No.8923241

>be britbong
>get on bus but dressed like shit because i'm broke
>go to middle of the bus (it's empty except for me and the old sikh bus driver)
>there's a pink umbrella hanging from the seat
>"oi mate someone's left their umbrella here! want me to give it to ya when i get off the bus?"
>guy just looks at me and doesn't reply

>tfw want decent cops but it's too cold to get up and catch the bus to go to fucking job interviews

>> No.8923245

fucking this

most of my acne has gone now but i'm left with sandpaper skin on my forehead

>> No.8923261

What am I supposed to wear with black boots and black trousers?

>> No.8923279

>mild acne
>no point of buying nice clothes
should i just kill myself

>> No.8923287 [DELETED] 

20 cocks in your mouth

>> No.8923289
File: 24 KB, 292x243, 1409331794275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guys right, if you're indian or stick up for being indian you're the shittiest of the shitty human

they're jsut shitty smelly ugly retarded shits

>> No.8923299

I used to get shit like that all the time, I'd be wearing Mediums and my chest would be near bursting out, then people in my class would say "why do you wear such tight shirts, anon? Why are you always trying to show off?"

Umm, bitch, this tee is like fucking 60 dollars its not my problem that I have a 300 lb bench and 9% bodyfat, yeah I guess I could go a size larger if I wanted to be a fag, deal with it cunt.

>> No.8923310

Everything is full circle my friend, it'll get better

>> No.8923337

>they're jsut shitty smelly ugly retarded shits
didn't know 12 year olds post on /fa/

>> No.8923357
File: 10 KB, 312x149, Spp-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk in the street
>black coat, black leather gloves
>suddenly hear a disgusting manlet doing a sheep sound while looking at me
>like beeeeeeh
>don't even aknowledge his existence but the sound he did tickled my curiosity
>realize he probably thought i was a nazi and voting for UDC ( swiss right party )
>pic related, white sheeps kicking out the nigger sheep

>> No.8923402
File: 618 KB, 1200x1600, fetal alcohol syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel'd more than i should have

>> No.8923445

That's /r9k/ for you.

>> No.8923452


>> No.8923453

dude if i take sandpaper to my forehead and remove most of the skin will it come back clean?

>> No.8923454

Man, fuck Blocher.

>> No.8923595

hahaha, awesome.
I'd rather cop some CP's than help some stupid shitskins.

>> No.8923615

baited so hard you useless fucking tripfag egoist piece of shit

>> No.8923663


>> No.8923667


>> No.8923671

Roaccutane (Accutane) cleared up my cystic acne really well. Go to a derm.

>> No.8923673

Went to party wearing a long sleeve Wang Tee and was doing the schmoney dance and everyone filmed me and now they call me spiderman

>> No.8923695

nice copypasta bruh

>> No.8923793

mfw I'm a liberal arts major

>> No.8923806
File: 113 KB, 300x303, 1366388786007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923807

You should never buzz your own hair. Go to a high end hair salon where the barbers have actual expertise with hairstyles like that to achieve the desired aesthetic. It's only $100 and it's $100 well spent.

>> No.8923825


>> No.8923826

how so?

>> No.8923836

>going to a barber for a fucking buzzcut
Jesus, all you need is a mirror and clippers, unless you're iq is below 100. Even if you think that you'll fuck it up doing it yourself you can just get a friend to do. It's not like some precise hairstyle that has to be expertly cut and crafted.

>> No.8923844


Yeah, /r/skincareaddiction on Reddit recommends it in their FAQ, it worked suprisingly well for my actually

>> No.8923850

You sound like you've never spent more than $10 on a hair cut.

>> No.8923855

it's true

>> No.8923952

How do I tell if I smell bad
I dont really have anyone to ask
I have good hygiene

>> No.8924021

He said beeeh because you were an /fa/ uniform wearing sheep without his own style.
>trunks dissed you

>> No.8924049

you'll know if you do, i drank energy drinks everyday over summer and for some reason they made me reek of b.o and i could smell it as soon as i woke up and as soon as i came out of the bath/shower

>> No.8924063

Ive never had an energy drink, or drank alchohol or smoked for thay matter

I do have pretty shitty genes in that I seem to sweat a bit much, maybe I should look for some special deoderant or something

I dont think I smell bad, but it doesnt hurt to make sure

>> No.8924164

>tfw 7 inch dick
>tfw premature ejaculator

hold me

>> No.8924185

ha lol

>> No.8924186

straight up drop that bitch dude. dont reciprocate shit and reject any advances from now on. make her feel like the used one.

>> No.8924202

Fuck man, I don't know where you've been hanging out but usually the liberal arts crowd is the one only one that can appreciate a decent fit. OP sounds like he needs to stop hanging out in frat houses and gtfo whatever backwards suburb he's stuck in.

Then again, I bet his fit sucked and his rick was mad out-of-place

>> No.8924236

Wear basic h&m monocolour outfit that fits my body with converse.
>why are you so drrssed up.

Since when is fitting clothing special?

>> No.8924258

>dead inside
>no sex drive, approaching 21 and am a kissless virgin, haven't been aroused in weeks, haven't had the urge to masterbate in a month, and when I do it's out of boredom
>forgive the shortcomings and flaws of others but not my own
>hatred of myself has grown with time
>always look sleep-deprived even though I sleep more than nine hours a day
>can't look others in the eye before feeling terrified of transparency
>only solitude is in willful loneliness
>find no reasons why someone would find value in me

>> No.8924269

>be me cool 10/10
>have girl show up to see me at a party
>she gives me head
>be me four days later
>text her to get drinks
>she agrees
>be today
>have date in a few hours
>tell her to meet at my place
>she says to pick her up
>i tell her no
>she calls me a douchebag
>i say "are you coming with me"
>she says only if i pick her up
>i agree to pick her up

What the fuck did I do?
Not even the first date and i lost frame.

>> No.8924278


do cardio

>> No.8924289

I've done cycling and running for seven years

>> No.8924307
File: 26 KB, 160x160, 1295134387063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the middle of biology lecture
>hot girl sits in front of me
>she turns around to me
>start farting like crazy, looking into her eyes
>"hey anon, you have a pencil?"
>nod my head as my stomach starts to churn and im slowly gassing the entire lecture hall
>she holds her hand out
>start sweating and farting like crazy
>suddenly a huge greasy fart comes out and everyone in the hall, including the professor, is staring at me
>complete silence, girl is still holding her hand out
>realize I have my pants off and my erect cock is poking through my boxers
>everyone notices, sees the puddle of gassy shit running down my leg
>stand up on the desk, take my shirt off
>drop a huge, chunky turd in the girl's hand to try to break the tension
>say "S-s-some st-stay dry and o-others f-f-feel the pain"

>> No.8924311

You fucked up by agreeing to pick her up.
You should have simply said that if she doesnt even want to put the effort in meeting you, you wont go oit with her.

Or ignore her after the " only if....." msg

Trp is leaking.

>> No.8924319

Back to >>>>>>>/b/

>> No.8924329

Yea i know i fucked up, but one thing that makes a difference is that her place was on the way to the destination and my place would be 20 minutes out of the way.
it makes sense to pick her up first, but i wanted her car at my place to get her to come back with me...

it's not like i just ruined the entire thing, but i feel like it's a big deal on a subtle level. i'm going to tell her i got the directions mixed up and thought the destination was the opposite direction.
i'll gauge her reaction. we already have been sexual, but havent fucked yet. she wanted to, but i said no.

so it will be very, very stupid if she wants to act like she is going to make me wait. this may be our last date.

>> No.8924331

You lost, bro.

>> No.8924352
File: 69 KB, 499x349, 1411442226911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. this made me sad

>> No.8924356

Technically, she lost by not agreeing to meet at my place, but she'll never understand that.
Now i'll have to do a bunch of shit when i'm out with her to get a better read on her interest in me.
I didn't post the full convo, but i believe that she felt like i was playing her. from what i know about her, i think that if i seem sensitive and upfront with her for a while on the date it will bring her back.
and then i can start letting my true cocky nature out and bring things where they were initially before i fucked it up.
idk though.

good thing i'm pro at reading micro expressions so i'll be able to see how she's truly feeling.

>> No.8924369

>need new glasses so take a picture to ask /fa/ what kind I should get
>take several shots, all blurry
>several later, one that is only half blurry
>look at picture of myself
>decide I look too fucking stupid to post my pic anywhere
>have to stare my ugly ass down as I delete 20 shit pictures of myself

>> No.8924409

mess off you a-hole that story was epic >8c(

>> No.8924426

>dressing for other people

relly do mayne sure tha dude was a funny guy but no ned to get wrkud up ;0
CHEER up \\\\\\

>> No.8924442
File: 65 KB, 640x1054, 1412899842658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that you?

>> No.8924466
File: 302 KB, 388x548, Bildschirmfoto 2014-10-10 um 02.13.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorority meeting last year
>nice skirt.
>Is it from Zara?
>Rick Owens actually

and today with a friend who works retail
>mention that I'm breaking in a pair of boots
>Oh, but those are your Ann Demeulemeester ones aren't they?
>Uh these are just from Frye

>> No.8924490

at least your friend seems like they're trying

>> No.8924546

Change that.

>> No.8924571
File: 499 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lsw9kqunbg1qbefszo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realize im wearing an all black brokeboi fit at school today (kinda embarressingly memey too: black bomber, levis, and black jogging shoes
>have creepy feeling that someone will laugh at me from the internet
>tfw its probably just people from real life laughing

>> No.8924714

Are you me?

>> No.8924798

wow how pathetic of her

>> No.8924817

>Get dressed.
>Feeling great
>Wearing a Rick hooded suede Rick jacket
>Friends tell me the hood likes weird

>> No.8924824

post room, im moving soon and need inspo

>> No.8925541

you had to plan an earlier activity closer to your house and after that you 2 should have taken a taxi to go drinking.

In this case both your cars are at your home for a shitload of time and you 2 could sleep wherever.
be sure she is too wasted to drive so she can't drive home after drinking.
or you just dumb ghb in her drink

greetings from /r/trp!

>> No.8925558

this is why you are supposed to keep the pricetags on you trickyricky pieces.
If a fuccboi says something you point at the tag.
or you just vanish in the shadows with your meme fit.

>> No.8925596

>diagnosed with life threatening illness
>prescribed medication, makes you fat as fuck as side effect
>feel like shit, look like shit
>face round as fuck, jawline non-existant, cheeks huge as shit
>want to die every day for a full year, nothing looks good on me
>girls who had shown previous interest in me have flat out stopped talking to me
>finally getting off medication
>face returning back to normal, as well as weight
>self-confidence boosting
>starting to feel good again

Do qts dig scars /fa/?

>> No.8925650
File: 73 KB, 396x594, 1377121825603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt's can't see your stretch marks if they're covered by a siqq fitt bro

>> No.8925659

>leaves party out of embarrassment
>haha i don't mean to act superior

don't worry you didn't.

>> No.8925668

lmao how pathetic

>> No.8925672

once you lose the weight they will fade. there are also things you can put on them to make them fade. a dermatologist gave me something for mine when i was in high school cuz i was obese. can hardly see them any more

>> No.8925692

>no acne all throughout high school but fatty
>lose 90 lb in college, feeling confident with the fits imma pull off
>a year later get mild acne and bad bacne

why me

>> No.8925698

i hope youre better buddy

>> No.8925705


post pic. mild in my eyes is like 3-4 pimples at most

>> No.8925706


jesus christ yall are some self conscious motherfuckers
who gives a shit about anything less than severe acne
assuming you dont have total shit bone structure a confident personality and decent clothes makes up for it

>> No.8925725

lol I've never encountered people reacting negatively to me wearing tight clothes that accentuated my physique. Maybe you're ugly

>> No.8925738

you know what you need to do?

stop thinking so hard.

and for gods sake don't use pickup artist reddit bullshit phrases like "losing frame" when you talk to real humans, ever.

the girl will smell bullshit. she already has. stop bullshitting yourself. be real.

>> No.8925739

>tfw foreskin

>> No.8925760
File: 6 KB, 259x194, 1400742645043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened to me a few weeks ago

>drunkenly stumbling to McDonalds after a long night of drinking and party hopping with friends
>qt3.14 walking in opposite direction with boyfriend
>girl clutches boyfriend's arm and points to me
>"oh my god I see that guy everywhere on campus. He's so fashionable. It's that guy in the black shirt. Look at him"
>glance at boyfriend, he's glaring at me

I usually get compliments on my clothes on a daily basis but this one really struck home to me because this was a girl I swear I've never seen before noticing the clothes I wear.

Thank you, /fa/

>> No.8925772

you're welcome

>> No.8925774

don't thank us, thank the Tricky Rick.

>> No.8925776

Maybe she'll leave her boyfriend for you

>> No.8925780
File: 102 KB, 803x430, [raughs].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trunks dissed you
oh fuck ahahaha

>> No.8925783

>and then I woke up

>> No.8925791

>week ago

>> No.8925840

Don't know if you just went to a sorority party, or if you joined a sorority, but how do you stay effay while in one? I was thinking about joining a sorority next year, but have you had to change how you dress?

>> No.8925856

nice dude, it's good to know when people appreciate how expensive your clothes are

fuck africa

>> No.8925891

Manlet detected

>> No.8925901

Remove Swarth from the West.

>> No.8925980

>qt in one of my classes tells me my hair is always perfect
>another girl tells me I look like I'm ready to walk down a runway
>guy compliments me on my Zara boots, says they look like Rick Owens

feels good

>> No.8925992

I can sort of relate to this.
Spotless clear skin all my life, even through puberty, then bam, out of nowhere pizza face at age 24.
Oh well, going to a derm atm.

>> No.8926009

>"Anon, are you a model?" "Oh, you walk like one. I really like it."
>"I have admired your style forever."
>"I saw you and the first thing I thought was how interesting you were. I saw the way you walk and your clothes and I was just smitten. I wanted to see you again. I wanted to know your name, I wanted to know everything about you, but I didn't want to ask one of your friends. I wanted to do it all by myself. I wanted it to be my thing."
>"I love your sweater."
>"I love the way you dress. You're easily the best dressed person I know. I'm certain of it."
>"I don't think I've ever seen you wear the same outfit twice."
>"I don't know how to say this without sounding like a creep, but I see you around a lot and I've always wanted to talk to you but I never got the chance. How are you?"
>"I've really been trying to step up my fashion game. What do you think of this outfit I'm wearing right now?" (is wearing a neon green nike hoodie with american eagle shorts and white af1's, plus a seahawks lanyard around his neck)
>"I love that you actually WEAR the clothes. They don't just sorta..hang on you. You walk right in them. You never look like you're trying to be something you're not, it's just all you."
>"I love that you drive one of the shittiest cars at our school, but you park right front and center. It's your spot and everyone knows it. You boss around all of the rich kids in their caddilacs and BMWs. It's great."

>> No.8926017

lol did u really type all of this out?

>> No.8926044

>"I don't know how to say this without sounding like a creep, but I see you around a lot and I've always wanted to talk to you but I never got the chance. How are you?"

Holy shit, there's this /fa/ as fuck qt I see around campus all the time and I wanted to say almost exactly this next time I see her.
How did you react when you heard that sentence? Would you recommend I do it myself?

>> No.8926050


>community college

>> No.8926067
File: 102 KB, 491x640, 1645617_pic_970x641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lumberjack(Holzfäller) just do it

>> No.8926069


post a fit

>> No.8926085

Yeah I recommend it.

My current gf said that to me and we're still dating six months later.

Actually I do a program called running start that allows me to attend both high school and the university of Washington. Tuition free, of course.

Laugh it up, I'll have my AA before I graduate high school :^)

>> No.8926106

underrated post

>> No.8926113

I was in a sorority for four years of university. You don't have to change how you dress. However when I lived in the house I learned to feel more comfortable in sweatpants because it was always cold but I think I maintained my own style anyway. It might have been easier because my chapter is in a bigger city and although some of the girls we had were definitely your typical yoga-pants-and-sorority-hoodie type of girls, they didn't try to change me and we had a subclique of edgier girls too. there are some awkward pictures of me dressed completely differently from everyone else, but if you're okay with that, that's fine too. If you choose people based on how they dress/look you probably won't have the best experience. Every campus is different, but I'd say to try it out, go through recruitment (I know it's a big time commitment, but stick with it), show sides of yourself that you're confident about (whether it's the way you dress or about your interests and goals in life) and you'll definitely know which house feels like home. You'll most likely get a bid where you feel most comfortable too.

I joined originally because I was involved with a lot of community philanthropic work when I was in high school but I stayed because I felt at home.

if anything, you'll be the person people come to for costume ideas for socials and

>> No.8926143

you at central bro?

>> No.8926145


>> No.8926150

you sound like you actually spent 100$ on a buzzcut

>> No.8926153


Yoo dub

>you can begin running start as a junior
>you can do running start as a senior
>plenty of seniors are 18


>> No.8926170

made me kek irl, thanks anon

back to >>>/tumblr/

>> No.8926176

>go to party
>wear new sheer longsleeve rick t
>people keep giving me weird looks, it's only mere Fuccbois
>fucccunt approachs me, don't u think that shirt is a bit tight anon"
>"I bet nobody has ever said that about your vagina"
>she sweats like an Arab in customs
>go to walk out of the room, she is crying in the corner
>walk up behind her, "post a fit".

Fucccunt btfo

>> No.8926183


No but I'm cocky as fuck and I have a lot of haters.

>> No.8926214

>being on /fa/
>not having crippling perfectionism
normalfags please go

>> No.8926270

Rethink your life bro

>> No.8926274
File: 90 KB, 933x960, 1384260457128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chain smoke when I'm nervous
>I'm nervous all the time

brb early grave

>> No.8926289

>tfw crippling perfectionism makes me better myself to an unhealthy degree
>be a better person every month
>narcicism slowly fading away
>crippling perfectionism turned into me just being a good person, with healthy hair, a good body, some good grades and satisfying hobbies

Took me years though...

>> No.8926294

dude why are you so dumb. the only reason people like you exist is you think everyone has to like you or at least not hate you. fuck that, no one even cares about you you fucking idiot just do whatever you want

>> No.8926299

>Finally grown some hair, wear a manbun, grills turn their head after i walk near them.
>Wear all BLVCK. Check myself in every reflection possible, cars, showcases etc.
>Look nice.
>Weather is 0 celsium(russia)
>Got a cold, laying in bed drinking coldrex, listenin some emo revival.

Too hard to be effay in autumn/winter.

>> No.8926318

LOL the plens you must hang out with

I'm happier to just hang out with people who would be impressed with CP boots without ever knowing CP or doc martens

>> No.8926321

low T fluoride drinking goy
probably stance

>> No.8926357

>things people said to you
>those quotes

pick 1

>> No.8926409

same story but i don't even want to talk to guys who neglected me for the last two years I was on meds.

>> No.8926588

> get buzz
> wear bomber
> "are you a nazi?"

no ffs I just dislike foreigners.

>> No.8926591

Does it work for other scars?

>> No.8926688

>saw effay qt dream gf this morning for the first time in months
>she probably noticed me watching, I think she smiled at me
>I automatically went in the opposite direction
>Fast forward right after lecture
>sitting with my current gf
>the same effay qt approaches us, chats with my gf a bit, though they hardly know each other, says we should we should hang out together sometime

Was it my geos, guys?

>> No.8926705

When you go pick her up the next time you go out you have to pull a shitload of roses and a magnum bottle of bubbly out of your rickypants.

>> No.8926706

with a cute cartoon like that I'd probably vote for them too

>> No.8926710

lol i didn't think there'd be a /fa/ r/trp crossover. i feel like most of the guys there would react negatively to men being so into fashion

>> No.8926712

Thank you!

>> No.8926713

I don't know about the other dudes but being effay makes me feel confident and that's all that counts.

It's not like everyone here is an anxiety ridden beta but they are the majority.

>> No.8926723


I like how you had to specifically prefix your gf with 'current'.


>> No.8926745

yeah i'm the same, there's something about dressing well that makes me feel good every time i get dressed.
yeah but i do feel like the men of the trp demographic are pretty traditional and so seeing other men being so invested in a historically feminine field would rub them the wrong way. not that it bothers me i just didn't expect there to be a userbase crossover at all

>> No.8926767 [DELETED] 

Which country is that supposed to be?
Do you actually think the USA are rich?

>> No.8926772
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1323050636330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to qt
>really like her outfit
>she tells me some guy commented on her outfit earlier
>mfw she says she is pretty sure he is gay because only gay guys comment on clothes

>> No.8926787

holy fuck, can you say 'trying too hard'? Damn man, way to go the fuck overboard. To actually look good you have to make sure your 'fucks given' meter stays below 80%. But really, mate, if you pay money for a buzzcut, you're a fucking idiot.

Anyway, I basically live in bizcaz so hear 'mate, you dress so well' constantly. Although, that's from men. I've been told by several women that I give off a gay vibe, but I reckon that's just because most people here dress on a scale of shit to brocore.

>> No.8926808

Funny, because every encounter I've had with one leaves me hating them more than I had earlier.

>> No.8926824

even if he were a samefag he'd still be spot on

>> No.8926878

>go to party
>wear a nice fresh fit with a long sweater
>most of the girls are total basic bitches and dress like it's 2008 and they don't really appreciate my fit
>whatever, luckily i don't find them attractive either
>a female friend starts dancing with this lesbian looking chick with shaved sides
>friend tries to get me to dance with that 5/10
>i resist at first, but finally give up, she's probably a lesbian but i just want to annoy her
>put hands on her hips
>she takes them off her (they are so fucking predictable)
>fuck you, you don't know how lucky you were to get your pleb body touched
>i go away immediately
>mfw she dances alone untill the end
>i just talked to my friend for the rest of the night

>> No.8926886



>> No.8926898


you forgot about all debt

>> No.8926906

>Ive never had an energy drink, or drank alchohol or smoked for thay matter
wtf man try 'life' some time i heard it's pretty good

>> No.8926945


give me a reason

>> No.8926949


>> No.8926969
File: 917 KB, 1920x1080, 1412950113017-1952588512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy god-tier long coat
>go outside
>people are looking at me in a weird but pleasing way
>hear someone shout "Hey, Sherlock!"
>finish my walk with dog
>go home
>search for sherlock
>mfw his fucking coat is the same as mine

I just wanted a normal over coat.

>> No.8926985

>god-tier long coat
i hope pic isn't related

>> No.8926988

It's fun :>
No but seriously do your thing if that makes you happy, it's just that drugs is such a big part of my life i have a hard time imagining what nonusers do for fun.

p-please teach me to have fun sober ;_;

>> No.8927002

Bitch it's Bellstaff.

>> No.8927006


Bitch whatever the brand it looks like shit.

>> No.8927007

It looks bad, brand doesn't make it look better you know

>> No.8927015

a lot of things you'll do sober can be damaging, it's all moderation

what are you into?

>> No.8927016

>They're designer! They're PYREX

>> No.8927018
File: 325 KB, 718x391, 1410888179133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a stupid fucking name. And what a stupid fucking friend you have for actually remembering such a stupid name. And what a stupid cow you are for buying such stupid shit.

effay no

>> No.8927031
File: 87 KB, 684x576, 474563767985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress casual af all my life
>plain tshirt and jeans every day
>get gf
>feels good
>discover /fa/
>start to put effort into how I dress, mainly ninja-esque silhouette fits
>gf says the phase I'm going through is creeping her out
>says she wants to take a break
>haven't spoke to her for 3 months

I dumped my entire wardrobe out of depression and haven't really left my house except maybe a few times to get shopping and alcohol

>> No.8927035

I lolled so hard

>> No.8927042


>> No.8927083

Things i do that don't involve drugs:
/lit/, movies, a bit of vidya

I enjoy all these things, but they're all stuff you do on your own, every social situation i'm in revolves around drugs somehow, even if it's just coffee and cigs.

>> No.8927087

>Nice Meme Shoes

Top Fucking Kek

>> No.8927093

What the fuck did you expect, that girls would be all over you when you dress like an angsty animu character?

>> No.8927113

i think it depends more on who you hang around with

I would suggest doing simple stuff like just walking with m8s but if your friends are like mine they'd probably bring beer for the journey

might be an age thing too

>> No.8927221
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>> No.8927228

>order jacket online
>upon receiving it I find out that it is defective

fuck them, why don't they check the shit they send out

>> No.8927239

you sure showed her anon

>> No.8927246

>black leather gloves


>> No.8927251

I go on tons of walks with friends, it's fun as hell, though 100% of the time we smoke cigs and 30% it's weed, I can't complain though, drug life is pretty nice.

>> No.8927281

I wouldnt like someone tell me that I drive one of the shittiest cars at school, like wtf?

>> No.8927298

Awful bone structure what do? Also borderline chubby. Should I become slightly /fit/ and grow a beard to conceal bones?

>> No.8927300

They didn't really phrase it like that

It was more like

"I love how you just have a little corolla. There's all the BMWs, all the Cadillacs, all the riced out Civics and WRXs, and then there's your corolla. It's got that delamination and a little rust, but everyone knows it's fucking fast. You park front and center, no one ever takes your spot. You boss all of these cars around in your little corolla. Just by the way you get out of it and the way you hoon it, you make it look like the best whip in town."

Still it was a backhanded compliment and you're right.

>> No.8927305

stop eating

>> No.8927316

you're on the right track, get athletic and low bf%, no need to get huge unless you want to

>> No.8927319

Already working on that. Doing lots of sports. Lost 10 kilos in the last 2 months. 179cm - 73kg

>> No.8927325

rub bio oil on them

>> No.8927328

how old are you?

>> No.8927337

gj man, you'll make it then you can fit into sik rik owins fits and pull bitches

>> No.8927343


>> No.8927349
File: 12 KB, 220x293, me .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs also I shave my own head. Rate my cut?

>> No.8927359

Jenny Death when?

>> No.8927376


>> No.8927403

gud boi
lose weight before you build muscle. unless you wanna go full /fit/ bearmode then you'll wanna slim down and start from hungry skelly to work towards god-tier ottermode

>> No.8927421

I've got kinda wide hip bones from my dad the son of a bitch. I wish I could go skelly, but it would just look awkward.

>> No.8927425

This is why I keep coming back to /fa/ no matter what.

>> No.8927443

>Tfw live in NYC so literally almost anything is acceptable wear.

Feels gud.

>> No.8927475

>Tfw live in Berlin and all the qt's are inherently super fa so the standards are annoyingly high

>> No.8927554


are you clinically retarded or something

>> No.8927577

well go as skelly as possible before building muscle. if you build muscle while still chub you'll gain a lot of mass. sure you'll be muscly as hell but you'll be large/football-forward type muscly, a body type we all know doesn't lend itself to nice clothes

>> No.8927608

damn dawg i dunno. appreciate the advice but ive already been at the gym for quite some time now. would feel like i wasted time if i went full skelly now but ill keep it in mind. but i gotta say ive seem some pretty fa guys with the fit body type youre describing.

>> No.8927618

>cut to gain muscle

Literally doesn't work that way. You have to be on a surplus to build muscle. You can cut down the excess fat way easily afterward

>> No.8927640

that's what i was thinking. get gains then go low carb - high protein

>> No.8927683

Too thirsty you fucking retard she's not an idiot it's obvious yo wanted her car at your place so you could fuck her look into that episode of always sunny where Dennis rapes people on a boat god man

>> No.8927778

>zara boots look like rick owens
yeah you should feel real good pleb

>> No.8927781

Just get on acutane you fool.

>> No.8927808

>tfw fresher
>tfw all my flat mates are cool but have managed to form clicks and do stuff whilst despite my best efforts I'm pretty much friendless
I really did try, 3 weeks in now
Am I fucked?

>> No.8927870

you're fuck bru,
i'm in the same situ.
idgaf though, there to learn not make friends.
autism off the scale.

>> No.8927876

i don't get it??
pls explain

>> No.8928030

iktf as a parisian

>> No.8928048

stop coming here and your problems will be solved

>> No.8928051

not just a typical
>tfw when no /fa/ gf
but how can I actually meet someone with a similar interest in fashion as me? I considered ukcupid or whatever but it seems like 99% of girls are going to put something about fashion there

>> No.8928065



>> No.8928074

Wtf is this cryptic shit man give us a date

>> No.8928086

idk where you guys get all of this, i'm around plebs all the time and they always compliment my shit

>new our legacy sweat + acne adrians
>like 4 people i hardly talk to compliment them on their quality
>they're wearing like hm and kohls shit

are you guys hanging around autistic kids or some shit

>> No.8928141
File: 295 KB, 936x936, 1410867378258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at a house party
>putting my jacket on to go out for a smoke
>shy girls watches me
>"you have the looking shoes at this party anon"

>> No.8928146


>> No.8928153

fuck i can't type

*best looking

>> No.8928155

>start of new semester
>have to find someone new to partner up for some experimental exercises
>they're assigned by lot
>my new partner is literally the weirdest guy that exists on campus
>has a super high pitched voice, fucked up teeth, talks about weird shit, encrypts his emails, smells a little like death
>I'm ashamed to be seen with him

I have the feeling this is were I ended up, you know? Like, I'm on one level with him. And when I think about it, with the exception of the appearance, I really am a complete loser. I have no friends, I don't even know anybody. It really doesn't matter how I look.

>> No.8928162

sure son...

>> No.8928167

the fuck

get your shit together

>> No.8928178

>this is were I ended up

>I have no friends
looks like you just found one

>> No.8928201
File: 45 KB, 634x426, 1407222914731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to party in the city
>only person i know there is host
>not much to do, make small talk, dont drink any alcohol because im not disgusting
>start talking to nice girl with messy raven hair
>as people start to leave we sit at kitchen counter and play smash bros because we both have ds's
>make her giggle and somehow get her phone number
>she disappears and i help host to tidy up before going home
>wake up

>> No.8928206

>go to a party
>not drink alcohol
>play ds
You sound aboslutely awful to hang out with

>> No.8928222

>go to new school
>be nice and polite to everyone I meet but I dont try to go out of my way to be popular or to suck up to the popular people
>most people end up hearing about me because without me introducing myself
>popular kids start resenting me because i'm well-liked and semi-popular without sucking up to them or trying to be popular
>some of them form there little clique and talk shit about me to people behind my back despite that ive only ever been nice and freindly to them

every fucking time. you'd think people in there 20's would have grown out of that shit by now

>> No.8928228

sitting in the kitchen playing DS with a girl is maybe top 5 last things i want to be doing at a party

>> No.8928285

>a qt black chick gives u her number
>text her 2 days later
>she never responds

bitch i thought we gonna end up together :( she was proper fit

>> No.8928284

wow what a loser lol. dude try some drugs seriously

>> No.8928294

Is this picture even up to date. This pic looks like it came fr I m the early 2000's.

>> No.8928305

is it /fa/ to carry yourself with confidence but be a lone wolf kind of guy?

Basically most of the people in my uni class are fucking plebs and only a few are worth speaking to but they arent the ones who want to succeed so I do my own thing.

>> No.8928307

Dude how are there cliques at a school in your 20s? Like wtf?

Also you sound like Dennis Reynolds, delusional. I don't think cliques exist after high school. Only frats which are a sad extension of cliques where you pay to think you're cool and accepted if you have more money than self worth.

>> No.8928310
File: 48 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8928315


same thing happens to me lel

>> No.8928332


>> No.8928338

>not iphone

go back to /g/

>> No.8928348
File: 124 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not iPhone

>> No.8928369

Beta faggot

>> No.8928374

hhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg. post IG

>> No.8928379


autist revealed. or europoor

>> No.8928389

who is this and why does she have 19k followers on insta? why is she popular/what is she known for

>> No.8928393

Feels good man

>> No.8928405

10 trillion dollars says none of this ever happened

>> No.8928407


>Being proud of having the same phone as honey boo boo


>> No.8928452

fresher here and two of my flat mates dont drink and another is underage stuck drinking on my own

>> No.8928464

Talk to people in lectures. Go with them when they get lunch etc. Making friends in first year of uni is very easy.

>> No.8928525
File: 92 KB, 534x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being fucking gorgeous.
She has looks that rival Natalie Portman herself.

>> No.8928550

Iphones are for women ages 13-55. That's why they never made them large enough for man hands like samsung. Now they finally did, 4 years late.

>> No.8928557

>that stick body
lol what the fuck. fucking alien bitch

>> No.8928578


big head on anorexic body. pass

>> No.8928583

>alien parking only
ayy lmao

>> No.8928584

it must be bad for you

>> No.8928592

retarded detected.

>> No.8928598

Manleted detected

>> No.8928605
File: 146 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then:
Ayyyyyyy <3

>> No.8928642

If she gained a lil w8 I might wife but I'm not a stick myself so no can do. ive tried that stick-girl thing, fucking hell

>> No.8928687

>be fairly attractive, get complimented on clothes regularly, generally friendly and outgoing, pretty well liked
>don't really have any trouble getting girls
>4.5 inch penis and premature ejaculator
>tfw seeing the disappointment in the eyes of girls who were really into me

it's really starting to wear on my self esteem

>> No.8928693


disappointed the second they see it or when you cum early?

>> No.8928724

You'd lose that ten trillion dollars then

It's not impossible. Sure, a truly /fa/ person would never get compliments like that because truly /fa/ people aren't seen as redoubtable by the plebs. He could be a jack of all trades, but a master of none.

Some people are liked. Just because you couldn't dream of anyone saying that to you doesn't mean that it's never happened to anyone else.

>> No.8928764

She looks like she's gonna die if she doesn't eat soon

>> No.8928766

what'd you text anon

>> No.8928799

not surprised, she is fine. i'd make her my hyna

>> No.8929110
File: 486 KB, 475x347, 1412908823565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 ft 120lb hungry skele
>have a ton of rick / ann / julius etc
>nothing ever fits even girl sizes and dont really want to tailor it.
>thinking about just selling it all
fuck everything.

>> No.8929115

post body picture.

>> No.8929122
File: 460 KB, 390x336, 1389757341386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and get asked this shit every single time I post


>> No.8929321

if you want help then post your body.

>> No.8929754

because you lack human interaction

>> No.8929782

no it's called autism

>> No.8930294

hot nigga

>> No.8930464


you asked for it

>> No.8930481

depression is a disease
there are fucking pills you take for it
just take your fucking pills man

>> No.8930486

what illness

>> No.8930492


>> No.8930499

post pic

>> No.8930508



>> No.8930511


>> No.8930878

>random guy makes sheep sound in the street
>keep thinking about it the whole day

>> No.8930882

fair enough dude do what works for you, it's great that your making changes either way

>> No.8930888

i know you have to be on a surplus but if you start building muscle while still chubby then he has a lot of mass available to transform into muscle, meaning he'll end up being a pretty large dude. if you cut down to skelly and then eat a surplus while lifting, everything you gain will be muscle. this is with the goal being ottermode though, if he wants to go full bodybuilder bear mode then he's in the perfect position with all that weight.

>> No.8930897
File: 1016 KB, 322x166, 1388175326961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cop me some Rick Owens boots
>hey, what brand Uggs are those?

>cop me some Rick Owen sneakers
>hey, what brand Converse are those?

Fuck it all. There is no winning.