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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 74 KB, 1680x1682, cal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8920859 No.8920859 [Reply] [Original]

Post what school you go to, and maybe people can arrange meetups.

Berkeley over here (pic related), but I'll be leaving this year, unfortunately.

>> No.8920864

Saw some Korean fuccboi in geos today and lol'd.

>> No.8920877

Yeah, every once in a while I see some guy trying to rock HBA on the subway. Usually a chubby dude.

>> No.8920938

Uchicago. Sweaters are worn well here. The south side influence doesnt creep in well. Most kids dont give a fuck about their appearance and wear graphic tees and tubular pants. I definitely stand out more than i did in high school with that kind of backdrop

>> No.8920941

I know there's like two more people at UT Austin.

>> No.8920942


Nobody dresses well here.

>> No.8920956

All the UC schools dress like shit... UCI, UCLA, and UCSD at least "know" about fashion, but with that being said it's a shit ton of Givenchy, Rick Owens, Giuseppe Zanotti, etc...

>> No.8920959


>> No.8920962
File: 644 KB, 1080x1112, 1410577666853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8920963

Berkeley has a stronger northwest feel to the fashion, so I see some things actually work. People do go overboard to try to look really "bohemian", but that is more of a bay area problem.

>> No.8920967

w8 i go to ucla is that u

>> No.8920974


>> No.8921018

fuckin qt damn

>> No.8921060
File: 208 KB, 729x849, 1411926172993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u dunkass
what dept?

>> No.8921088

UCSD here too. What's up?

>> No.8921096
File: 59 KB, 732x628, 1406942819288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oregon state university
>every girl wearing yoga pants and baggy sorority sweaters
>guys wearing shin length basketball shorts and free event t-shirts
>engineering classes full of smelly autists
>chinese roommate constantly muttering to himself
>math test tomorrow
>all I did today was jack off to chinese cartoons

pls kill

>> No.8921106

I want to watch a college movie where the protagonist is as much of a self-loathing and self-aware, hypercritical fuck up shut in as the average 4chan user is.

And it'll be called An Hero

>> No.8921110

wtf is a "dunkass"?

>> No.8921113

Check out this dingus

>> No.8921118

Don't worry, bb. Just play it cool and you can find friends (of course, that involves not staying inside looking at Laotian flipbooks all day).

>> No.8921120

I'd watch it

>> No.8921134

Arizona State University
Get drunk and make fun of fuccbois who creep on girls.

>> No.8921144

fund it

>> No.8921146

Log off of the worldwide web dad

>> No.8921153
File: 130 KB, 1260x1758, 5930901a0e7634c5263dc59c3745a1df.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Riot State University

>> No.8921166

ayy lmao
being at UChicago has weakened my fashion game so hard. it's difficult to care when nobody else does.

>> No.8921189

You gotta dress for yourself. And I was under the impression that UChicago had a lot of art students. Some of them have to be stylish, right?

>> No.8921237

listen Johnny, your mom and I love you - we didn't punish you for no reason. if you keep back sassing us you'll lose more than your x-box. we're prepared to turn of the internet and take away your computer and phone. now go finish you geometry homework

>> No.8921244
File: 34 KB, 460x179, UCSC logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UCSC here. Any local /fa/ggots?

>> No.8921245

3rd from UCSD, 4th year San Diego Native. Whats good bruh?
Having to commute means dressing moderately on public transportation.
Cant wait until winter comes, I need that cold weather.

>> No.8921249

Wow let's meet up bro I'll stunt in memecrome

>> No.8921253

ucla here too


>> No.8921260

Gabriel if this is you get your spic ass off this thread bruh. Tell Cat I said hi btw

>> No.8921264

no i'm not gabriel. who is this tho?

>> No.8921275

pick 1

>> No.8921309

aye bruh wussup

>> No.8921319

I go to cal too.
what major?

>> No.8921980
File: 125 KB, 768x584, queensjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

north pole masterrace despite all the hockey plebs

>> No.8921990

Flinders University.


>> No.8922066


>> No.8922070
File: 32 KB, 235x302, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fordham University, Manhattan campus.


>> No.8922094

I'm at Seattle university and I want to transfer to Fordam so I can live in Manhattan. Is New York as great as it's made out to be?

>> No.8922099


we could go on dates to reading terminal then uniqlo and stroll by the river

>> No.8922102

I like it. There's plenty of stuff to do and going to soho and looking at clothes is always fun. If you're a fashion fan then it's really good bc of stores, events and sample sales. NYC is fine as a student, but i wouldn't live here unless I got a high paying job.

>> No.8922139

That feel when everyone in your main class is trash and they pester you as to why you dress a bit better while they all wear crap. Fucking normies.

>> No.8922151
File: 19 KB, 403x406, melbourne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8922154

>pester you because of clothes
How's middle school?

>> No.8922168

ohio state

>> No.8922195

Rutgers University. Saw a Korean with the SLP varsity yesterday. Dam internationals

>> No.8922220

UW Milwaukee
Not so bad. Tumblr-y street style for the most part. People try, which is nice in itself

>> No.8922226

>Tfw in community college

>> No.8922252

Why are we this way? Why do we gather here?

>> No.8922259

City Uni London represent

>> No.8922294

northeastern anyone?

>> No.8922298
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>> No.8922305
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>> No.8922308

UMD college park, anyone else? Not sure why im asking because i probably wont meet up with you lel. Unless you are in engineering or like art and photography and shit so we could chill.

>> No.8922323

Ayy I live in Boston but I go to UMB

>> No.8922327

nice, what year are you?

>> No.8922344

Whats ur major memechrome fuccboi

>> No.8922350
File: 140 KB, 974x535, logo-UnivMinnesota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8922349
File: 50 KB, 1000x1286, iu_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's at least one of you here

>> No.8922351

Gubkin master race here

>> No.8922355
File: 898 KB, 1052x767, university-of-tulsa-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see one guy here that dresses in memechrome

>> No.8922358
File: 215 KB, 1403x1301, UBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to U.B.A. (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Anybody else?

>> No.8922437

I'm only a freshman, you?

>> No.8922448

>implying Mexicans aren't fashionable

>> No.8922466

Utrecht University up in this motherfucker!

>> No.8922476

PSU university park

>> No.8922508

UBA ftw!

i already got my degree

>> No.8922545

same bruh

>> No.8922547

>tfw didn't get into Princeton nor Yale nor Harvard
Stuck with fucking UWash now. Eh, at least the CS department is top 20.

>> No.8922556

based USC
what's good /fa/g? down to chill at ground zero?

>> No.8922561

lmao dumbass

>> No.8922570


I'm in SJSU bc I'm too poor and dumb to attend a UC :^) I see that UCSC and Berkeley is here, would anyone be interested in an SF bay meet up?

>> No.8922624

Queen's, manbuns and flow for days here

>> No.8922634

and you're probably not in it

>> No.8922654

>everyone lives in california

tfw ohio state university

>> No.8922677

yooooo my african american aqaintance
i go to UMB as well freshman year

>> No.8922681

Berlin UDK anyone? G-Germany general

>> No.8922687

>wanting to go to Ivy for a CS degree or remotely any undergrad degree

I'm guessing you probably aren't even a CS student if you were seriously planning to do that.

>> No.8922698

So, when is it a good idea to go to Ivy? I'm considering doing my masters there after some shitty/medium uni bachelors degree, is that a good idea?

>> No.8922717

Yup at mchenry right now

>> No.8922719

Ajaja I started this year. I'm doing my cbc right now

>> No.8922733

Im in Dallas (^:
i pray for you

>> No.8922735


Cal reporting in! Senior as well.

>> No.8922786

we should all meet up haha.
do you guys have an email you're comfortable using? or any other way to communicate?

>> No.8922791
File: 54 KB, 325x325, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw everybody at my school appreciates fashion

>> No.8922825
File: 3 KB, 80x92, a27daef8-88ad-4f56-97ce-52e40c782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i'm UT austin.
any others from around these here parts?

>> No.8922842
File: 89 KB, 634x463, article-1167725-044CC22A000005DC-607_634x463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know there are people from uw-madison here im here on exchange pls fucking hang out with me

>> No.8922851
File: 21 KB, 200x199, Colorado_State_University_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 thats a good thing we are party central

>> No.8922853


>> No.8922857 [DELETED] 


Nice, should prob meetup sometime. Shoot me an email if you ever want to hang

>> No.8922859


>> No.8922866


Nice, should prob meetup sometime. Shoot me an email if you ever want to hang

>> No.8922892
File: 43 KB, 269x263, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone at all?
I know at least one person from my college that gets on here.

>> No.8922896

There's supposed to be 1 more.

>> No.8922902

H-bomb reprazent nigeriaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Holla at me plebs

>> No.8922958

Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec.

I'll be impressed if anybody's even heard of this place.

>> No.8922973

University of Edinburgh -- man, I'm only the second Euro in here.

>> No.8922979

UNC Charlotte.
This place sucks, transferring to Carolina next year.

>> No.8922983
File: 13 KB, 304x166, calpoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cal Poly here.
nobody is effay

>> No.8922984
File: 69 KB, 242x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some of you fashionable asian persuasions lurking

Don't be shy

>> No.8922994

third, actually

>> No.8922997
File: 205 KB, 960x1280, 1412127108592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao
what dept?

>> No.8923010


>tfw my dad wanted me to go to USC
>Went to San Diego state instead

shamefur disprayuuuuu

beach is nice tho

>> No.8923017

no way I have a bunch of friends that go there! what year are you?

>> No.8923021
File: 23 KB, 170x167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no friends ever

>> No.8923026

I'm a freshman at the U of M :o)

>> No.8923037
File: 6 KB, 300x88, University College London.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyyy, faculty? Bartlett here.

>> No.8923040

No, you're not. Want to know why? You are retarded. The only decent school you got accepted to was UNC Charlotte. You're not getting into UNC.

>> No.8923042

Michigan or Minnesota? if Michigan, I'm at PSU and we are gonna wipe the field with your football team in a few weeks.

>> No.8923050

University of Strathclyde in Glasgow here,

pls respond

>> No.8923129

who /ucl/ here

>> No.8923142

nvm I'm retarded.

what dept. you guys in? I commute from sunny croydon (kill me pls) but it's k more money for siqq cops

>> No.8923202


Lmao you can say what you will but that doesn't change the fact that I go to an Ivy and regularly see recruiters from top tech companies here. And I have an interview with Facebook next week, will let you know how that goes. Fuccboi.

>> No.8923208
File: 46 KB, 1228x457, UNI-Lausanne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my swiss bros at?

>> No.8923244

so you're one too diggity dawg?

>> No.8923250


I'm Edinburgh guy above you, got some mates at Strathclyde tho. How'd you vote?

>> No.8923268

Ayy, I'm Bioengineering. Are one of you guys friends with a dude named Michael in MechE? I remember seeing a thread on facebook about /fa/ at one time, lol. But yeah, mbby meet up or something.

>> No.8923281

I'm at UW Madison brah

>> No.8923286

Sup sjsu im chillin in the student union right now but i just blend in with everyone else

>> No.8923294

Yes ofc because I'm not a shitebag :^)

u m8?

>> No.8923344
File: 3 KB, 233x235, lse-logo-150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923394

A no voter wouldn't ask, mate. They're too ashamed to think about it.

>> No.8923405

AYYY are you local then? I'm a sophomore

>> No.8923410
File: 15 KB, 220x280, princeton shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>everyone wears boat shoes
It looks like shit

>> No.8923428

Lol, how is it as a school? I was once considering going there.

>> No.8923444

Best in the country, m8.

But I'm pretty much swamped with work and stressed out 24/7.

>> No.8923461

I heard whispers that the engineering school was ass, so I shied away.

>> No.8923465

3rd after CalTech and MIT = ass?


>> No.8923470

Ruhr-Uni Bochum, Germany


>> No.8923471

I also got accepted to NC State, so fuck you faggot.

>> No.8923472

rose hill

what do u usually wear /fa/ggot?

>> No.8923473
File: 141 KB, 1675x825, Pitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923480

Well, the people who I talked to had gripes about connection to industry being less established than some other schools. Don't take it personally, bb.

>> No.8923494

Same brah. What dorm?

>> No.8923511

i go here

>> No.8923512

I'm the one that posted earlier on. I was posting in the university fashion cringe thread and two people said they went to UT. Unless you were just showing double the excitement. What year are you?

>> No.8923538

Third Trojanfag here. Watch out for Chinese on bikes!

>> No.8923580

>tfw barely any LONDON

>> No.8923581

Tips for getting into an Ivy?

>> No.8923582

>unironically choosing CSU over CU

>> No.8923584

well, looks like i fucked that one up...

>> No.8923590

Same brah. Some Chinese kid w/ a Givenchy backpack is in my physics class. It's ridiculous

>> No.8923591

university of hawaii at manoa

>> No.8923594
File: 16 KB, 587x86, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trinners /fa/gs

>> No.8923598

panthers represent

>> No.8923603

You in sandburg or what

>> No.8923606
File: 104 KB, 256x256, but im not a rapper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao I went to UMB freshman year and transferred with the quickness

heard parking isn't a thing there this year

>> No.8923608

Always assume fake until proven real

>> No.8923631

Edinburgh here, but not edinburgh uni

>> No.8923661

Virginia Tech

>> No.8923674

Heard the teaching at undergrad is actually quite a bit better at Heriot m8.

>> No.8923675

my second choice. Lot of people from my high school went to Pitt.

>> No.8923716

I know this is completely irrelevant, but man, Edinburgh is such an amazing city.

>> No.8923727

lived here all my life, it is pretty kewl

>> No.8923745

psychobio ezaf

>> No.8923748

HW? Napier? QMU? EC? Help us out here man.

yy, came here from Glasgow to study and it's super different.

>> No.8923749

Me too. Major/year/dorm if you live in campus?

>> No.8923750

Read the file name.

>> No.8923752

oh shit yo we should meet up some time. I'm not very /fa/ though I'm p basic

Spartan up ??

>> No.8923768

Napier ;_;
wanted to go to HW but they wouldn't take me because I got a B instead of an A in maths despite having adv highers. Oh well, it's all in the past, in 3rd year now

>> No.8923769

temple uni here.
I think I'm the only person on campus who wears dropcrotch and drape shit as far as I can tell. looking for /fa/ggots to walk around campus with?

>> No.8923779

nowhere in my post did i suggest i was interested in meeting the girl in the picture you dumb cunt. the guy goes to ucla, like me, so i just quoted him. obviously the picture wasn't related...man you are fucking stupid

>> No.8923783

someone seems angry

>> No.8923795

I don't see the stigma about Napier. Campus seems nice and all my friends there are happy enough. Whatcha studying?

>> No.8923810

I'm an Edinburgh student...
I always get surprised when I see it mentioned on 4chan. It feels too real.

>> No.8923819

electrical engineering, the course is fine, it's just annoying that it does have that stigma so I'm always a bit hesitant to mention I go there

Edinburgh meetup when
no idea there were so many of us, the whole of Scotland is so un/fa/ usually

>> No.8923820

Let's meet up? I'm a transfer soo I'm down to meet people. And yea the burg

>> No.8923831


I'm applying to Fordham, is it good?

>> No.8923832

someone seems like a retard and i can't put up with idiots

>> No.8923846
File: 311 KB, 2048x1360, 1622552_10152240816537500_1034445107_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

architecture here. i like psychobio, though.


>> No.8923849

I'm terrified of the idea that I walk past people from /fa/ on a regular basis.
I have a lot of friends in ECA who are really into fashion, albeit normally in a very prosaic trendy-lefty way...

>> No.8923857

Wanna go fool around then eat some nice slice?

>> No.8923862
File: 51 KB, 349x642, 82Q38Fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923863


how's temple, I'm considering applying

>> No.8923869

hi /fa/ggot

>> No.8923875

uu here too, whats your major?

>> No.8923883

Is the school good? Thinking of applying.

>> No.8923886
File: 125 KB, 1182x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once an eagle always an eagle :^)

>> No.8923921

im an international sophomore taking a bunch of art electives wbu

>> No.8923925

I'm probably going to end up transferring as well. do you still go to school in Boston? and I wouldn't know, I commute.

>> No.8923929

I'm at UW looking to CS/Math
Where are you at?

>> No.8923936

have multiple four leaf clovers

>> No.8923968


ayy surprised to see other uchicago people on here

>> No.8923981

Teviot at some point?

>> No.8923983


Thinking about applying there. How are you liking it bruh?

>> No.8923991
File: 14 KB, 208x190, udee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try again

>> No.8923993


i really feel that. it's not that i don't want to dress well it's just you feel so out of place bc everyone else looks like shit

>> No.8924003

freshmen. so far college has been great

>> No.8924036


>> No.8924038

Used to go here. Year?

>> No.8924044

my email i can use is gutijrocks@gmail.com. lets meet up lol.
i migght find a /fa/ brother

>> No.8924051


>> No.8924078

i know two other ohio state anons that visit /fa/

they are nice guys tho

>> No.8924091

Where do you live?

>> No.8924127

>taking the time to save, draw, save again and upload when I'm not even the guy who's bitching at you
I'm a guy. What year are you?

>> No.8924138
File: 15 KB, 170x170, uwaterloo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UWaterloo reporting in. Non-asian.

>> No.8924141

Depends on what you're looking for. It's a nice campus and the student body is a nice size. People are super SJW here but they're generally friendly. The party scene sucks but the skewed gender ratio means tons of thirsty girls.

>> No.8924210

What's good nigga? You go to UTD?

>> No.8924212
File: 82 KB, 500x333, 1412100985880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn... lol, third yr. hbu?

ever go thrifting? i know a couple dope spots.

>> No.8924410

4th year. I don't even have a car with me at my apt bc horrible parking situation lol so I haven't been.

>> No.8924420

I grew up there. How do you like it? What are you studying?

I go to UofT now because I didn't want to stay at home. I guess Western was my first choice but they didn't respond quickly enough and in that time I decided I'd much rather live in Toronto than London.

>> No.8924428

who are you???

>> No.8924432
File: 226 KB, 1691x458, rwth_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I'm pretty lonely here?

>> No.8924445
File: 52 KB, 1063x752, 1410628661648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a bike + bussing. drop an email if youre interested in meeting up

>> No.8924715

senior computer science, u?

>> No.8924737

You're proud about getting into NC State?

>> No.8924759

hey guy's berkeley here too :-)

>> No.8924860

Eyy, OP here. Do you happen to know a Michael in mechanical engineering? I think he had some friends that went on /fa/, but I never met them.

>> No.8924874

Ayy a fellow princetonian

Which res college m8?

>> No.8924899


This isn't true at all. I also attend U Chicago (as a grad student) and pretty much everyone wears the traditional shit recommended here or on MFA. Walking around it feels like everyone tooks /fa/'s advice

>> No.8925011

Oh so do you live on campus?

>> No.8925017

Ayy princetonfag here to but i don't go to Princeton

>> No.8925073


god damn this is so true but i do love this school

>> No.8925077

>CTRL-F "Florida"
>0 results
fucking califags

>> No.8925111

But where you at now?

>> No.8925129

i live here just don't go to the school

>> No.8925139

undeclared/no real year/off campus

>> No.8925184

in terms of what?
>Greek life
wat u wan 2 no

>> No.8925188
File: 40 KB, 500x583, vineyard-vines-antigua-party-whale-shirt-patchwork-apparel-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucken UVA

Do not buy Vineyard Vines.
Do not wear Vineyard Vines.
Throw away the Sperrys.
The Patagonia can stay.

>> No.8925191


Do you know anyone on campus?

>> No.8925206

was at rutgers last year but left
. can confirm lots of fobs who seem to put effort in their dress. some make it work, others not as much

>> No.8925267

I'm in NYC but I never hear about there events and sample sales. Where do you get updates on this stuff man?

>> No.8925283

Have you ever been to Vancouver before? I wanted to know if it feels like Toronto is a huge depressing city looming over you at all, cause I hate living in huge metropolitan cities.

P.S. do you think UT is majority dumb people or smart people?

>> No.8925291

i meant commuter parking lol

and nah i transferred to university of hawaii, got a bunch of buddies still in boston though great college town

>> No.8925307

I have never been to Vancouver. I don't think I've been west of Detroit.
I like living in a city because I am used to the convenience and overstimulation. I get bored otherwise. It can be lonely, especially living alone, but at least there is comfort in knowing that the people buying single-serving chicken breasts at the grocery store go home to no one as well.

I think UofT is majority people-who-got-in-because-they-had-good-grades in high school. Not necessarily high-IQ, not necessarily well-read. I think because there are lots of people, there are also some people that you would get along with. Finding that niche is hard.

>> No.8925332
File: 131 KB, 541x711, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.8925347

what are you studying?

>> No.8925349

Just entered the thread. I live off campus( Metro Park East, by U,V., what about you guys?

>> No.8925351

im from delaware, and i took summer courses there last summer (2014)

>> No.8925368

yoooooo h2p

>> No.8925381

two years ago maybe. guess who made Playboys list? CSU

31-17 Suck a dick CU

>> No.8925410


>thinking CSU is any different from CU unless you're in an engineering program
You actually made it into college being this retarded? Keep it classy CU

>> No.8925414

Ayoo h2p dudes

>> No.8925491

commerce, you?

>> No.8925523 [DELETED] 
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rutgers here

there are maybe like a dozen fashionable young humans here. more if you count faculty and graduate students, but most of them live in new york and commute. no, i don't want to meet up with any dorks from the anime message board. thankfully, i have friends.

>> No.8925535

actually been in arts and commerce, but finally settled on science, major in maths and statistics, about to finish second year

>> No.8925546


You're learning a lot over there eh

>> No.8925670

It's all right, I would probably hate my life if I had lived at one of the main campus residences last year. I lived at one of the colleges in my first year and have a great social circle as a result. The average Waterloo student is pretty boring.

Studying Global Business & Digital Arts. It's fine, the people in it are kinda lame but whatever.

I'd say you picked the better University. What are you studying?

>> No.8925676

lmao i know this guy. I think he might lurk this board, i know he uses superfuture

>> No.8925682
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University of Michigan reporting in. Gearing up for Polar Vortex 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.8925685

nice brah, im majoring in the standard finance/accounting and about to finish second year aswell

>> No.8925689

another rutgers here. decent amount of fashionable people around, but definitely a lot of weird FOB's too. and fuccboi's in zara who think they're cool.

>> No.8925700

this is so biwer

>> No.8925729

Another rutgers /fa/g here. I think this guy owns like 12 jackets kek

>> No.8925730


hmu ags

>> No.8925732
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UF bro here

>> No.8925741


be black, mexican, or white, be a legacy, have above 2250SAT or 34ACT, have mostly A's, be really good at some specific extracurricular, write good essays

>> No.8925754

hey man i got tallahassee locked down its all good

where my slash fa slash bros at

>> No.8925762

Do it
It's the shit
H2P and fuck penn state

>> No.8925790

Any 'Cuse fellas?

>> No.8925795

Fuck UVA tho

>> No.8925802

u tempe fuccbois still round
r u even 21

>> No.8925803

I go to City Tech. You could probably call me out based on how I dress

>> No.8925837

Are any of you the guy i was talking to earlier this summer in a similar thread? OSU Junior here.

>> No.8925879

/fag/ham is aight
SJU pleb here

>> No.8925896

ayy UTD /fa/m whats up

>> No.8925964

carleton college (fuck off canada)

the most /fa/ guy on campus doesn't seem to try but he looks so cool - skinny, pale, longish wavey blond hair wearing lots of military/skinhead/grunge type stuff.

a big, burly beard/man-bun guy in one of my classes was wearing tonal brown with a patterned fall sweater, almost burgundy cords, greyish wool socks, and chocolate birkenstocks and it works really well with his demeanor.

fair bit of mfa basics types, some hypebeast/sneakerhead types. lots of dgaf college kids. nothing too interesting on women as far as i've seen.

sometimes i regret going here because it's so small and there isn't anything cool in rural mn

>> No.8925965
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UCCS reporting in

>> No.8925987


could be because you're a grad student. undergrads for the most part seem to either not give a fuck or are mad preppy

>> No.8926003

uc davis here, commuter. anyone else? i want friends.

>> No.8926011

University of pugetsound. rainbois

>> No.8926096


ayyy yes.

>> No.8926148
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catch me at the reitz waiting in line for panda express

>> No.8926162

Toontard here. Everybody here is clad in mossy oak camo, or is a swagfag. The girls' idea of fashion is leggings/jeggings with zip back pleather riding boots and plethora of shitty forever21-tier tops. NEVER take being at main for granted. EVER

>> No.8926167
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>> No.8926197

Yo. Whats good? Add me on kik: EtheralAlpaca

>> No.8926218

>you will never be american

>> No.8926261

karohemd und samenstau
ich studier maschinenbau

>> No.8926268

in my stevenson dorm rn

>> No.8926277

ayy lmao

>> No.8926286

ayy i also go to uw, u guys also live in UD?

>> No.8926307

[panic intensifies]

>> No.8926315

I have, is it good? I'm from Calgary and want to transfer.

>> No.8926504
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McGill, here.
Any others around?

>> No.8927020


Middler here

I don't feel like our school is very fashion conscious but Boston as a whole is better

>> No.8927151
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Anybody else in Flagstaff?

>> No.8927169

hook an alumni up with these spots fam!

>> No.8927217

No Utah fags :(

>> No.8927224

Economics & Business Economics. How about yours?

>> No.8927266

UoE here as well, nice to see some fellow Scots

>> No.8927301

Hey, guys, where y'all located?

Dinkytown represent

>> No.8927318
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pico and overland
4th santa monica
santa monica and stoner, and around ohio
santa monica and veteran

drop an email if you wanna meet up sometime

>> No.8927320

I go to a beauty school in chapel hill, hmu if you need your eyebrows done or back waxed or something.

>> No.8927323

rutgers camden. only 3 or 4 people i've seen are effay.

>> No.8927326
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Anyone? ;_;

>> No.8927329

Same who r u

>> No.8927331

>UNC Charlotte
>decent school

>> No.8927332


>> No.8927333

McGill master race reporting in

>> No.8927336

>or white

Lel buttblasted Asian detected. That just isn't true.

>> No.8927342

Transfer admissions are a different ball game, not to mention the possibility that he's in the process of improving his prospects.

first-year admission rate: 28%
transfer admission rate: 43%

No one at UNCC is /fa/

>> No.8927350

ayyyyy i go to gt too.

dont want to meet you though.

>> No.8927368

no i don't think so

i'm prob the least /fa/ of the three guys i know from here but we all have memeshoes
> i have cps
>guy #2 has (milk? some light color) geos
>guy #3 has ramones and a few raf trainers

i dont wear the cps to campus much (and have never seen the other guys bother wearing their ro sneaks to campus) but i have them on today so if you seem them that's me. i also ride an obnoxious chromed out bike most days

posting from thompson library rn

>> No.8927373

Which is better, Princeton or Yale?

Not talking about academics or reputation, just the general atmosphere.

>> No.8927401
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liverpool england

>> No.8927413

Oh penn? Word

>> No.8927429
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anyone from Lehigh?

>> No.8927430

U of U here, but I'm not in school this semester. About to do my two years.

>> No.8927444

i think dyeldave also goes to rutgers. he posted in one of these once.

>> No.8927452

can also confirm the korean fobs in head to toe hyped designers. but i saw some clown looking gook on livingston wearing all hba, it was hilarious.

>tfw i'm a fuccboi anyway

i'm a senior in engineering, someone has probably seen me around~

>> No.8927458

i go to a school in the same city. if you leave Yale's campus, the rest of New Haven is pretty sketchy. otherwise there's a great music/art scene in the area if you're into it, a lot of great local bands and decent venues like Toad's Place and the Space in Hamden which sometimes have pretty big names playing.

Yale's campus is really nice(it's the nicest part of town) and there's a fair amount to do in the city. also a friend who goes there has James Franco in one of his classes, if that means anything.

>> No.8927466
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he does go there

>> No.8927476

also from what i've seen of yale's student body its either kids who dress in a lot of vineyard vines and think that they're old money, artsy/hipster-ish types, or asians.

>> No.8927494
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Wash U

Pretty sure nobody is here

>> No.8927499

oh nice. u of m here too. preferred place to buy your memeclothes?

>> No.8927552

to stop this from staying a circlejerk,
where do you shop around here? i poke around like h&m, j. crew and avalon exchange but there's not really anything good anywhere
i grew up in the suburbs so when i go home on breaks my selection is even more limited
i like trying on clothes so the city is my only option
pls help

>> No.8927589

I see. I often hear Yale students are really happy, do you know anything about this?
They say it's the happiest, most "chill" Ivy alongside Brown.

>> No.8927591
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>tfw everyone wears startup tshirts

>> No.8927603
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Anyone Stony Brook here?

>> No.8927675

How'd you get it?
I'm wondering if I should apply but I don't know if it's worth it to take the time to create a MyMIT account and all that shit.
International student by the way.

>> No.8927775

>How'd you get it
I meant get in

>> No.8927991


Nice, also live in Stevenson

>> No.8927999


Which house dude?

>> No.8928080

I'm at UW as well

>> No.8928436
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>>8927589 here

Get really good grades. Take the most advanced classes you can even if you can't get an A+ though. Find an extracurricular that you like and get really fucking good at it. Standardized test scores matter, but only to show that you can work decently.

tbh it's a crapshoot. They could throw out the top 30% of applicants and still have people that would excel

>> No.8928449

I meant >>8927591

>> No.8928465

Alright, which one of you is the dadcore Asian dude with the CDBs?

>> No.8928938

do you know thomas

>> No.8929131
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anyone else at Columbia?

>> No.8929182


Isn't it the best?

>> No.8929274

Repping Suny Binghamton. it's brick city here, can anyone recommend some good sweaters?

>> No.8929326


sjsu here too. could you describe what you guys look like?

>> No.8929386

Heck yeah

>> No.8929467

ayy lmao nordelite

>> No.8929660


>> No.8929853

Hurry how can I contact you once the thread dies? Do you have tumblr or something?