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/fa/ - Fashion

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8916113 No.8916113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone want to explain why 95% of you dress like shit and are legitimately stupid? reading the posts on this site makes me feel like a trans-dimensional alien with matter manipulating powers, descended from my unearthly plane to walk amongst troglodyte cavemen from prehistoric eras


most of you are just so fucking stupid
the kind of people who say things like

"oh yeah you're so fucking cool(sarcasm)"

like yknow the WoW forums in 2006 when people would be blown away by any form of meta posting, either totally oblivious to its original intent or their interpretation so off the mark as to render their responses irrelevant?

of course u dont, most of u were 10 years old in 2006, my bad lol

fuck u guys are dumb as hell tho

every thread is cringeworthy shit
u make me physically ill
u dont 'get it'
most of u never will

>> No.8916117

Talk shit post fit

>> No.8916118

I like this meme

>> No.8916123
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hey pigfuck does this look like you

>> No.8916124

Stay classy Pigfuck

>> No.8916125

point proven in the first response

>> No.8916140

It's sad you that this board makes you feel relevant enough for you to come back so consistently. I've only been here three or four months and you post more than any trip. Nothing you say has any real relevance and you seem like an irrelevant asshole. Hope you make something of your life.

>> No.8916143

whats high school like for you
do u have many friends
have u seen a vagina

>> No.8916148

oh yeah pigfuck gets all the chicks kappa

>> No.8916150


>> No.8916152

I was 14 in 2006

>> No.8916155

yfw 2006 was 10 years ago

>> No.8916156
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>twitch chat meme
>baseline sarcasm
did u even read the OP

>> No.8916158

Lmao the guy making miis for tripfags on /fa/ and fighting with them on smash bros.

>> No.8916161


Lol why does this guy have a trip

>> No.8916172

pigfuck is a metro faggot

>> No.8916174
File: 21 KB, 501x376, 10526185_10202104927656854_6707365202818543658_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pigfuck Trunks? They have really similar mannerisms.

"hey /fa/ ur all shit. u dont even no wut its like 2 b fashionable. my ability 2 criticize a 4chan board and type lik a tumblr girl makes me feel valuable"

>> No.8916176

I saw a guy today that said he went to /fa/ all the time. I think spending time here will just make your fashion sense worse.

>> No.8916177

>every thread is cringeworthy shit
>u make me physically ill
>u dont 'get it'
>most of u never will

>still comes here

>> No.8916179
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>> No.8916278
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you were 10 in 2006?

>> No.8916282

>reading comprehension

>> No.8916293


>> No.8916298

omg op, i remember getting banned from something awful for trolling in 2006. total waste of 10 dollars. my user name was ebola.

>> No.8916302


mfw I was actually 10 in 2006
mfw no face

>> No.8916304


>> No.8916311
File: 73 KB, 700x538, pigkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
here u go. its more than u deserve u pathetic faggot

>> No.8916329

What do you know about Bigfoot?

>> No.8916336

Two different people, Pigfuck is better than Trunks, and I don't think Pigfuck is balding like Trunks. Both do have asian gfs tho.

>> No.8916338

Why do you care though..?

>> No.8916341

>asian gf

>> No.8916343

pigfuck here
daily reminder i get plowed in the ass by bbc every thursday morning
looking forward to tomorrow

>> No.8916344

I'm curious as to whether any anons have any old fits or trunks or a tumbler they can point me to.

I've heard his name a million times but only seen like one pic of him.

>> No.8916346
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>of course u dont, most of u were 10 years old in 2006
actually I was 15 in 2006
and i didn't play WoW

>> No.8916351

look up basedprophet on the archive if you want true embarassment

>> No.8916352
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shit thread

>> No.8916353

pigfuck confirmed for no life wow playing loser without any friends
pretty sad

>> No.8916360

the only thing relevant trunks has ever done was post the diaper pic
he has a few other fits that are just slightly less terrible, but for the most part, he fails to have cohesion between the brands he wears in his outfits, and does so looking like a cunt

>> No.8916361

>No gf

>> No.8916362
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>> No.8916363

i don't know how my post confirms your allegation but okay

>> No.8916364

In case anyone wants to see pigfucks tumblr

>> No.8916370


>not bad

>> No.8916499


>> No.8916521

He's absolutely right, and most of you are just hating because it's pigfuck, had he or someone else posted this as anon there wouldn't have been nearly as much negative feedback.

Sometimes while browsing I actually stop and appreciate the fact that I'm not nearly as stupid as some of you, like Jesus fucking Christ

inb4 >hur put ur trip bek on pugfeck!!! cuz that's literally the only thing your brains are capable of coming up with

>> No.8916529
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>> No.8916535



>> No.8916541

>he's absolutely right
implying anyone actually reads pigfuck's tryhard posts

>> No.8916548
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Then go someplace else for your fashun

You can't be retarded enough to keep coming to a Venezuelan didgeridoo marketplace when you expect a Chinese medicine shop can you?

If not then you're just a negative nancy and you like to poop all over things to feel better about yourself :'(

>> No.8916556

He has a girlfriend everyone should know this by now

Some say she is hot but we have not seen pictures except of her pussy with velcros on her head

Some claim to have seen her face and vouch for her attractiveness but whether this is true or folklore remains to be seen...........

>> No.8916558
File: 118 KB, 509x783, 137zk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negative nancy and you like to poop all over things
i like to make GOOBERS visibly shaken and i also know theres a contingent of patricians who enjoy my sorties into /fa/

>> No.8916566

protip: there are ZERO patricians in any sense of the word browsing /fa/, ever (that especially includes you)

>> No.8916575

haha thanks for the protip
a classic to be sure
ne'er a truer word spoken

>> No.8916580

i was 14 also :3

>> No.8916582


>> No.8916586

he doesn't you newfag

>> No.8916603

Lol first time ive come to this board but i looked this guy up on archives and all he talks about is n**gers

i think this racist needs to grow up

>> No.8916607
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>> No.8916614

honestly u wouldnt last on boards like /b/
u seem like u would get out trolled easily

>> No.8916617
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>> No.8916626

well put when i ws their age (20) when i first came here i don't remember being that stupid

>> No.8916647

Goddammit pf you're a cunnyfag too?

>> No.8916693

Stop being so butthurt. Go back to the WoW forums if you can't handle 4chan.

>> No.8916728

no i used cunny as a funny like before it was appropriated by pedophiles

>> No.8916910

Lmao fucking millennials

>> No.8916912

Trunks looks like he probably wore clarks, raw denim, and peacoats in 2010

>> No.8916914

Post fit

>> No.8916961

I do it yo annoy you personally.