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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 188 KB, 1280x1714, IMG_1057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8899805 No.8899805 [Reply] [Original]

Saturday Night Cringe Thread

the other thread turned to shit.

>> No.8899808


>> No.8899810
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>> No.8899816

the colors go

>> No.8899828
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>> No.8899833

why does he dress like this in a rural area

>> No.8899843

because it's his backyard

>> No.8899857

oh my god

>> No.8899869
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>> No.8899896
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>> No.8899923


>those narrow-as-fuck shoulders
>that A-taper

>> No.8899928

does anyone ever put troll fits on there? not going through 1000 pages

>> No.8899931
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>> No.8899938
File: 28 KB, 1024x768, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Put together a sorta faux stroller suit that I intend to wear to my sister's wedding next year."
his poor sister..

>> No.8899944
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>> No.8899961

He easily pulls off the comicly obese Italian mobster look doe

>> No.8899964
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>One of the errands I was running was to the Post Office. A little old lady, 85 if she was a day, asked if she could go ahead of me just drop off a letter to the postal worker. Sure, no problem. As she's walkng back from the counter she says to me, "Thank you. And by the way, I think you look neat!" "Thanks!" I said, because who doesn't like a compliment. "And sexy," she added! That threw me, but hey! a compliment is a compliment! So I thanked her again, though I'm sure I was a bit red in the face!

>> No.8899966

To be fair, it looks like that suit fits him really well.

captcha: sued ofatabs

>> No.8899971
File: 84 KB, 351x587, nrajacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Excuse the poor quality of this picture; it was taken on a phone. All 30s-40s, shirt by Luxire. Jacket is an NRA sportcoat; very simple, nice peaked lapels, but fits me better than any other jacket I own and is absolutely, positively mint condition, so I want to try to wear it more often. Just mixing some shades of blue with the black here.

I wore this to school today, by the way."

>> No.8899980

ayy lmao

>> No.8899982

he looks like fucking kingpin from spiderman

>> No.8899984
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>> No.8899993
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>Who says black suits can't look good?
fuck this guy. had to shut the thread. its too bad

>> No.8899996
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>> No.8899998

this is actually pretty nice

>> No.8899999

She wanted the d

>> No.8900001


>> No.8900004

you mean expensive

>> No.8900009
File: 535 KB, 1536x1421, Al capone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You /fa/ggots need some serious education.

The fact they aren't dressing like today's masses doesn't mean they are dressing bad.

Also, don't judge how a person dresses just because that person is ugly.

I bet that if those guys were handsome you'd be all fapping over.

Pic related, a guy you wouldn't like to mess with, dressed in a way you consider cringe worthy because you don't know a shit about fashion

>> No.8900010

>people actually think those ro's look good in any way

>> No.8900013

that tie looks like one of those head scarves slavic babushkas wear

>> No.8900014

This is a perfect example of two things:
1. Money can't buy you style.
2. Never mix different styles/aesthetics in one outfit.

>> No.8900019

g8 b8 m8

>> No.8900022

is that Lenin

>> No.8900023

i wouldnt want to mess with him regardless of what he was wearing

>> No.8900024
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>> No.8900026

i see little billy spent all his birthday money at fabrixquare.com

>> No.8900029

i could take that fat fuck

>> No.8900032

Kill yourself like really.
God. I hope that lady was his fucking mom because this is embarrassing.

>> No.8900039

so close

>> No.8900044
File: 64 KB, 480x640, P1020275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually pretty dope

>> No.8900052
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>> No.8900053
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>> No.8900054


That's a laughable fit to wear to school, for sure, but dat hair is on point.

>> No.8900056

I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.8900060
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>> No.8900064

i can one up you

>> No.8900065
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>> No.8900069

lmao bruh

>> No.8900071


warms the kekkles of my heart

>> No.8900074

The only thing wrong here is the shoes, but then again, the shoes themselves are pretty cool, it's just the color that irks me.

>> No.8900076
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>2 5

>> No.8900078

and they are $700 diors not $150 apcs...

>> No.8900080
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>> No.8900082

why he look like a midboss

>> No.8900083
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>> No.8900088
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>> No.8900090


>> No.8900095
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>> No.8900098

This is my son, Liam. We're... very.......... proud.. of him...............................................

>> No.8900102

Looks kind of like BBS I can dig it. Sadly he probably has an incredibly strange personality.

>> No.8900107
File: 55 KB, 506x865, 1406740462637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, /fa/? who?

>> No.8900109
File: 1.67 MB, 2326x3101, leclassygentleman6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone post that pic with a group of teenagers standing outside facing the camera in oversized indigo jeans?
Some of them were topless iirc.

>> No.8900112

need to see the bottom part of this fit, will either make or break this fit.

Probably break.

>> No.8900123

this dude is the worst in the entire thread.

>> No.8900131


>> No.8900141
File: 155 KB, 599x602, dowantmoar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more please

sauce ?

>> No.8900145

He is putting effort into his fit. Very poorly though. Bad tie bar placement. His tie isn't long enough as well as being ugly and super wide. It's just all round bad.

>> No.8900150

that seems way shorter than 28, im 34x30 (working on it) and my jeans don't look that stumpy

>> No.8900151
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>> No.8900156

Every aesthetic he tries, he fails horribly.
I like the period clothing, but he just can't do it right.

>> No.8900162

It's funny because fedoralounge actually shits on /fa/. /fa/ is a bunch of 14 year olds dressing like nazguls which is way worse than some kid wearing his grandfather's suit.

>> No.8900171
File: 65 KB, 768x1024, Sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8900174

The majority of Fedora Lounge is people in their 30s and up. It's a forum full of older people.

>> No.8900179

if he shaved his moustache he would look ok for a fat guy

>> No.8900180
File: 83 KB, 800x600, IMG_0668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"As some people on this forum might know, I recently lost one of my personal links to the Golden Era. My beloved and extremely aged (97 years) grandmother.

Her funeral was today."

>> No.8900183

>that tie looks like a carpet straight from the walls of a soviet-era commie-block apartment cut vaguely into the shape of something that resembles a tie

>> No.8900190

Yeah, which is why it's way better than /fa/.

>> No.8900209

what's the point of making $1,500+ biker jeans if you're going to ruin them with eurotrash distressing

>> No.8900220

Great bait mate.

>> No.8900236

Wtf is up with all these space boot wearing faggots?

>> No.8900240
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>> No.8900242

plus they don't seem like memeslingers like 90% of /fa/ typing gr8 bait m8 and london like its still funny

>> No.8900247
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>> No.8900257
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He is kinda cute without the stache tho

>> No.8900262
File: 183 KB, 738x1002, fedlounge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8900263
File: 71 KB, 960x663, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a 4chan board
>complains about memes

Better b8 m8

>> No.8900264

Sandstorms are heavy stuff

>> No.8900276

The tie ruins it, other wise it's a decent period fit.

>> No.8900277

what's cringe about this
looks like a guy that you wouldn't want to fuck with

>> No.8900281


>> No.8900282

>posting tyler creator and using ur on a chinese cartoon forum meme

havent heard this one before

>> No.8900285

>super paranoid
>assumes everything is b8

Seriously way to paranoid bro.

>> No.8900288
File: 559 KB, 2247x1771, 1411975510001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8900299

The dog look badass.

>> No.8900303

is dat an acne t-shirt on the left?

diggin it

>> No.8900344

top second from the right looks pretty good actually

>> No.8900380

bro... this guy's suit is perfectly tailored to his body.
this guy is actually killing it.

>> No.8900393

w2c dog jacket

>> No.8900400

The one pic where the guy has his gloves in the back pocket being covered up with the dog actually seems to have a pretty decent fit going on the bottom. Wish I could get a better pic to see all of the fit.

>> No.8900406

>be me
>walking down the street
>see this guy come around the corner with a tommy gun
>shit my pants and run

>> No.8900419

this seems ok

>> No.8900441

in the context of a runway fashion show

>> No.8900450

I see people like that walking in downtown Montreal all the fucking time.

>> No.8900453
File: 357 KB, 922x696, Shino_Shippuden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8900460

where are they going? a sith enclave?

>> No.8900461

is this a woman or just a man with tits?

>> No.8900480
File: 49 KB, 600x450, 1012410_793980123982328_3788667553581890337_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8900482

I know his general style is shit, but w2c jacket? I kind of like it. Minus the other shit.

>> No.8900488

Like this is annoying but it's not the worst thing I've seen on earth. I never understood the hate for normies dressing like this. it's not full on "mumford and sons le beards and waistcoats are classy"-core

>> No.8900520


>> No.8900528


worst in thread

>> No.8900570
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>> No.8900602
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>> No.8900607
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>> No.8900610

those bendz

>> No.8900614
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>> No.8900616
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every time it gets more and more shopped

>> No.8900618
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>> No.8900622

maybe those are prostheses

>> No.8900624
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>> No.8900628

why the fuck is this look so popular, i see it everywhere

>> No.8900629
File: 980 KB, 1936x2592, 1394565721981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8900633

looks like the spacejew guy

>> No.8900634

>caring what teenagers wear

>> No.8900637
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>> No.8900640

it's not just teenagers, trust me

>> No.8900642
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>> No.8900648
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>> No.8900652

Is that guy who I think it is?


>> No.8900653
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>> No.8900654

>clip-on tie

>> No.8900656


Go check out his okcupid

>> No.8900660
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>> No.8900663
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>> No.8900666
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>> No.8900667

is this sam hydes brother

>> No.8900669
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>> No.8900671

Fucking Asians.

>> No.8900673
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>> No.8900674
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>> No.8900675

>those trousers on 2nd pic
Dear Lord

>> No.8900677
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>> No.8900681
File: 16 KB, 309x284, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny, because this shows that YOU don't know shit about fashion.

Fashion is 50% context. If you wear an awesome fitting tuxedo to a college party you're gonna look like a ridiculous asshole. If you wear a sick gothninja fit to your daughter's dance recital you're gonna justly be arrested.

this works for different situations and also for geographical and chronological context. if you dress like people do in the inner city when you live in rural texas, you'll look out of place as fuck.

The same thing goes for when you wear clothes that are out of place chronologically. All the guys who were posted earlier were trying to dress in a way that's been out of fashion for decades. that's why it's bad.

And the fact that you don't understand that shows that you don't know shit

>> No.8900682

Far left is killing it with this yohji*esque aesthetics actually.
Sad motherfucker next to metallica shirt looks like he stole all his clothes from his sister/mom

>> No.8900709

It's the band Diiv, far left guy actually modeled for Saint Laurent.

>> No.8900728

I can see why. He is hella handsome. Looks like a rural working class guy from 50s (in a good way).

>> No.8900729

Got a link?

>> No.8900731

But why be a sheep? Some of the Fedora Lounge guys outfits I do not like but at least they're trying something different, a bit retro but nothing offensive.

>> No.8900737

>implying these aren't taking out of context
>implying it's not a bunch of people showing off the outfit for a possible cosplay

>> No.8900746
File: 308 KB, 687x1049, Teddy Tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8900748

>tfw you really like the jacket

>> No.8900752

its kill

here's his POF


>> No.8900768
File: 128 KB, 680x1023, priestman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8900769

You'll see it a lot in college towns

>> No.8900789
File: 4 KB, 85x83, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even this guy

>> No.8900797

imagine if all of these guys were born as girls yet had the same personality traits. what would people think about their group?

>> No.8900802

sweaty landwhales

>> No.8900809
File: 105 KB, 484x751, grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesnt look that sweaty

>> No.8900812

not particularly attractive either

>> No.8900815
File: 71 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8900816

I'd fuck her

>> No.8900819

guy is better looking than you and has a gf, can't really cringe at this

>> No.8900820

damn this nigga look like he dig up bodies

>> No.8900830

You'd fuck a plank with a hole.

>> No.8900831

i'm not sure which is worse

>being genetically good looking but having no fashion sense/getting fat/wearing clownmakeup

>being genetically ugly and being a basic fuckboi but having good fits

>> No.8900836

I actually think this guy is on it.

>> No.8900838


yall cant match the intense faggotry of ryan goosestep

>> No.8900846

im expecting her to jump over a teen into the ocean while post child molestation michael jackson music plays

>> No.8900853

i heard you can unlock him in street fighter alpha

>> No.8900858

well that's the creepiest thing i've seen today

>> No.8900863

w2c that coat? looks comfy

>> No.8900864

Looks like a fucking Doom enemy render.

>> No.8900884

I-is he jerking himself off?

>> No.8900885

jeff winger+chicken parmesans+jimmy olsen+faggotry=

>> No.8900886

it's some feminism stunt

>> No.8900889
File: 50 KB, 537x720, Fed_Fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dangers of wearing a fucking top hat to a bar where everyone is in jeans.

>> No.8900896

hey its the villain from poltergeist II

>> No.8900901


This works. Only thing is
>hat on indoors

I never understand people who think they're dressing in period style but then ignore one of the key rules of the time

>> No.8900902

Is nobody going to mention that with the exception of Giseppi "Knuckles" Linguido, not one of the fits actually *fits*?

>> No.8900905


>> No.8900932

Is it though?

>> No.8900942

sort of possibly maybe next level

>> No.8900948

That tie must weigh like 8 pounds

>> No.8900966

fucking sick.

>> No.8900970

Can I get his contact info? I'm casting for a film.

>> No.8900971

that girls puss smells so bad

you don't even know

>> No.8900975


>implying this isn't the best trend ever

Boots are good, it's everything else they wear that's shit

>> No.8900987

not sure if you're kidding or not but it looks like the shadow underneath her right arm is allsweat

>> No.8900990

What's he going to do? Tip his fedora at me? lol

>> No.8900993
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>> No.8901005
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>> No.8901023


>> No.8901039

how many pocket squares are in there?

>> No.8901044


all matching his godawful tie collection, of course

>> No.8901078

follow you around online looking for something he can cyberbully you over.

>> No.8901088

That suit game is on another level though. At least it's tailored.

>> No.8901090
File: 71 KB, 719x900, 1402692682664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember my Drive phase. Thankfully the only thing I bought was a Levis Slim Fit denim jacket and a pair of Stacy Adams.

I realized everything else was too much.

>> No.8901100

10/10 would be beaten with a billyclub by in an alley at night after touching one of his gals

>> No.8901106

oh god the han solo girls

>> No.8901108


Last thing you see on your last day of school.

>> No.8901114


>> No.8901117

That shirt on the right is too thin

>> No.8901122

maybe she just wants some space on the train

>> No.8901126

what. the. fuck.

>> No.8901128
File: 47 KB, 620x387, sCwT5ts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck yeah, those boots are my fetish. Hate everything else though.

>mfw having those boots wrapped around your core while plowing a girl


>> No.8901132

Fuck I love those boots. Every girl should be required to wear these.

>> No.8901133

yeah but that intrudes on everybody elses space as well. now they're all at a disadvantage.

>> No.8901137


God damn. Scary AF. Would drink and swap Sinatra stories with.

>> No.8901139

no. they just look so cheap, tacky, generic. how?

>> No.8901141

Is is raining in his house?

>> No.8901150

It's basic, versatile, and I think it looks good. That's it.

>> No.8901165

I'm the reverse of you 30x34 neat!

>> No.8901167


No no, I don't like the cheap and thin ones. You can spot quality. But nothing beats a girl wearing proper ones thst rest just below the knees.

>tfw spotting a 11/10 petite Latina with the best ass ever in jeans, black cardigan and those boots in black

Sweet Jesus. I would vehemently date and marry her if she didn't already have that ring on tha finger. Hot.

>> No.8901175

Makes the legs look longer and emphasizes the thighs/ass. How is that not appealing?

>> No.8901184
File: 157 KB, 400x600, 1411499625244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they beat him because of his fedora?

>> No.8901186

>makes the legs look longer
lol not really, if anything it makes them look shorter
>emphasizes the thighs/ass
i don't know about you but i prefer a little modesty

plus they always end up looking like cowgirls with those boots on

>> No.8901192

ikr tell me i'm being fucking trolled here

>> No.8901202


34 x 28?

i'm 28 x 34

dude's got his body mixed up

>> No.8901222

that man with the pony tail never ceases to make me question my sexuality

>> No.8901238

ayy lmao

>> No.8901272
File: 32 KB, 503x760, queenoflayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8901276

he looks dirty and also like a 2003 mallgoth

>> No.8901280

He's so feminine and handsome though

>> No.8901289

no he isnt

>> No.8901292

dude i don't care about your opinion

>> No.8901299

stfu samefag

>> No.8901301

does anyone hve the one of the goth ninja at the store grabbing the sunny d or something

>> No.8901307

prob this one

>> No.8901309

its probably an engineering/art project for uni...

>> No.8901311

There's one candid shot of a gothninja in an alley holding a big jug of juice. Pretty sure he's looking for that one.

>> No.8901321

then that was probably the trunks picture. though he was carrying a box of cap'n crunch, still in an alley.

>> No.8901327

Damn, I think you're right.

>> No.8901332

it was from a side profile thing and it looked like it was in whole foods or a similar store, and it wasn't the trunks picture >>8901321 mentioned either.

>> No.8901334
File: 76 KB, 409x314, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this cringe enough?

>> No.8901335

well i have no idea then.

still lol at these people thinking they're better than fedorafags when they rock their black robes and geos at the local kmart

>> No.8901346

but it's not like they dress up specifically for that occasion, to pick up juice or milk or whatever

everyone puts on clothes and leaves the house to do shit

and some full menswear shit would also look ridiculous in a kmart or whatever you call supermarkets. the only thing that wouldnt would be some grunge teenage tumblerish shit or full poor pleb wave.

>> No.8901351

but what occasion are they dressing up for then (other than a fashion show)

>> No.8901357
File: 133 KB, 2448x3264, DqrN7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8901359

Looking at this makes me sad that I never had a backyard as a kid.

>> No.8901360

maybe they just like it

or maybe they are in some social circle where it's acceptable or even expected to dress like that

dont be close-minded, it's bad for your brain

>> No.8901367


>> No.8901370
File: 6 KB, 300x300, That's nice kid..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just not how it is. i'm not calling for their hanging or anything, i (along with the majority of the population) am just acknowledging that they're making themselves look ridiculous. It's a social handicap. "A bit retro" would be rocking stuff from, like, the 80's or something, not trying to look like Don Draper. That's just cosplay, and people won't take you seriously if you walk around in a costume.

and calling someone a sheep for saying it's stupid to dress like Frank Sinatra in 2014 is like calling someone a sheep for saying it's stupid when people speak with a fake accent. it's just recognizing something as being antisocial.

>> No.8901376

i'm just saying, it's kind of stupid that /fa/ shits on fedoralounge when it's equally socially unacceptable (for the same reasons) to go out in their regalia

>dont be close-minded

by your logic this whole thread is close-minded

>> No.8901378

very weird, iv seen this guy before every year at quakecon in dallas, cant forget that face.

>> No.8901382

I will never understand the appeal of a buttonless cardigan.

Also w2c the jacket the guy in the white hat is wearing.

>> No.8901387



>> No.8901388

you got a point

I dont know, I dont go out like this anyways. Closest to socially unacceptable shit I wore was an all black fit and I felt myself uncomfortably.

>> No.8901392

Considering that the majority of people from Fedoralounge are adults with families and jobs I doubt their dressing really puts them in a handicap. A lot of their clothes aren't all that far off from what people wear today, except maybe their hats but those are gaining some popularity nowadays.

>> No.8901404
File: 131 KB, 604x1015, FMBsO1m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8901405
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 1412111291444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone needs to help them

>> No.8901428

you know she was a femenist that wanted like a non harassment square so she made one
i think

>> No.8901437

what is this the 1800s?

>> No.8901656

I ended up copping the trucker and gloves but the gloves after I saw some pic of an italian dude in a suit with them and i was like fuck it its only like $30 and now I have driving gloves and nothing to do with them.

>> No.8901673
File: 33 KB, 600x800, coalburner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) Find a cute girl
2.) Right click and copy image URL
3.) Find their photobucket account
4.) View their pics
5.) ???
6.) Profit

>> No.8901725

being an adult and having a family means you can't be socially inept? i don't understand how someone can think that.

I don't go on fedoralounge a lot, so i'm not necessarily speaking to that crowd, but the type of dress associated with fedoras and shit, like what's been posted in this thread, is antisocial. The style is far off from what people wear today, the hats being the most glaring example.

i'm not saying you have to be literally retarded to dress like that. i'm just saying that it only makes you look weirder, never cooler, and that people will take you less seriously for it. this is almost universally recognized

>> No.8901737
File: 580 KB, 596x831, 3423423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is from fedora lounge but not sure I saw it on another cringe thread so might just be some random kid

>> No.8901738

Not very cringe worthy if you ask me. But I guess if it looks different than the shit you fap over, its cringy to you faggots.

>> No.8901743

>can't cope with people pressing up against her
i'm not saying that all feminists are complete socially inept crybabies but

>> No.8901758

Fairly sure it isn't considering it all stops exactly on the edge of where that pony print ends.

She's cute though. Kind of feel bad for her.

>> No.8901765

polo sport 2002

>> No.8901774
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the guy from millars lmao

>> No.8901781

it doesnt soak through the print? it is sweat.

>> No.8901785

none of that is really that bad.

although they're all probably autistic.

>> No.8901786

that one sadboi in the back always cracks me up

>> No.8901794

i can forgive sweater but those fucking shorts? skirt? and the shitty shoes?

>> No.8901798

the only way you would think that godawful outfit isn't cringe, is if you dressed like that. stop the butthurt and just fix your wardrobe

>> No.8901803

eh not really that bad

could do without the hat though

>> No.8901820

all dem proportions are making me dizzy

>> No.8901829

Simon Pegg there looking like he about to slap a bitch

>> No.8901834
File: 56 KB, 634x470, article-2425018-1BE886A1000005DC-90_634x470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people gave Madden shit for sitting like this but they will probably let it slide because muh anxiety

>> No.8901835

>e-cig in the front pocket
>the loose as fuck rolled cuffs

>> No.8901837

All that is wrong with that fit is his boots, otherwise would be nice in a rural area or fine inner city without the hat.

You do realise its a cosplay for Idiana jones

>> No.8901841

This is one of my favourite pics in the history of this board. It's just so perfect.

>> No.8901842

>that belt hanging down like that
I guarantee his favorite video game is made by Squeenix.

>> No.8901844

Was it? Cause some dude said it was from fedora lounge so I thought he was just emulating that era. Yeah I agree though could get a better bag and brown boots instead of black

>> No.8901845

Why the fuck is the bottom cuff thing so fucking huge

>> No.8901848

Underrated filename

>> No.8901849


>> No.8901853

Holy shit, that guy's probably making some IT helpdesk miserable right now

>> No.8901854

Yo I can't be certain but I am 90% sure this is Naruto cosplay. He's the bug dude.

That's a really good beanie though

>> No.8901859

No way that's a 28 inseam, I wear a 32 leg and it's a fucking lot longer than that, I'm 184cm

>> No.8901860


>> No.8901863

so fucking cool
captcha: clerical botednd

>> No.8901864

Why the fuck would you possess those jeans

>> No.8901870


she had to move furniture.

>> No.8901872

Looks like an italian dad who moved to New York to get a real life and now works as a street sweeper

Yeah man, cos everyone on /fa/ actually wear gothninja

It's basically just Trunks who wears that shit. Fedoralounge is literally 100% kids in grandpa's suit

>> No.8901873

dude has a pleasant face and his hair fits it. shame about the moustache
and the suit

>> No.8901875

Holy shit, he's real?!

>> No.8901876

I know a guy that dresses like this

He does heroin and drops buckets of paint off his roof

>> No.8901887


>> No.8901889

sounds like a chill homie

>> No.8901891

yeah he's p. cool

>> No.8901896

What kind of body shape could even fit those

>> No.8901912

it's gus!

>> No.8901916

Just needs to shave the hair, maybe let hair get a little longer on top, and good. I kinda like the outfit, honestly.

>> No.8901945


>> No.8901947

lol that fucking shit in his front pocket. looks like he stuffed tighty whities in there

>> No.8901959

lol i never noticed that

>> No.8901963

>this is almost universally recognized
no, no it is not. I can take you to places in this world were looking like that would be considered ballin'. Granted they are not anywhere in a 1st world country, but who is going to start ranking cultures? inb4 pol. Now, I think it is important to have people who dress a bit eccentric. It is important to have individuals who push the envelope to help define what is passable and what is not. Most of them, sure, look ridiculous, but every now and then I am sure designers, artists, creatives pull inspiration from such individuals.

>> No.8901977
File: 593 KB, 1936x2592, win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post 300

>> No.8901982

>Acne Coat
>Engineered Garments linen shirt
>APC Jeans
>Yohji hat


>> No.8901998
File: 152 KB, 1024x805, In-der-Schlange-durchs-Dorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geselle wannabe?

>> No.8902092

holy shit, I can't breath

>> No.8902119

That was my first thought too lel

>> No.8902256


I found him.

>> No.8902605

I think this is a pretty good cosplay

>> No.8902962

obviously i meant in 1st world countries, because they're the countries where fashion is comparable to what /fa/ focuses on. and that's not ranking cultures, that's just not comparing apples and oranges.

i don't know if we're talking about different things or if you're just one of those people, but i'm pretty sure it's the latter. there's a difference between dressing "a bit eccentric" and dressing like your on mad men in your daily life. it's literally wearing a costume, and very often (as you can see in this thread) it's not even pulled off well, as in it would look bad even if what they were wearing was worn at a time and place where it fit.

people can do whatever they want man, but it doesn't mean that its not autistic.

>> No.8903182

oh god that kid goes to my school

>> No.8903190

lol big talk coming from this board. I've seen some shit here that looks worse than whatever they post on fedoralounge. And if you call fedoralounge cosplay then you call other things like prep cosplay where you replace trying to be Humphrey Bogart with trying to look like a rich White guy. In the end it's just clothes, dude, you don't need to look too deep into it.

>> No.8903229

My condolences.

I have been known to wear some autistic stuff, but the most autist thing I have is a Kawaiikochans tshirt. I have no problem admitting it's very autistic, even though I've been told it's "nxtlvl otaku post nerd core" by one /fa/shionable gentlemen.

>> No.8903238
File: 335 KB, 1536x2048, EGQ4OdZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking look on his grandad's face

>> No.8903300

He's just shocked because he thinks that having his photo taken will steal his soul.

>> No.8903563

hypercubecore is the future

>> No.8903583
File: 3.46 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post something I actually bought to wear *spoiler alert* Indoors.

If I step outside of the house, of course it would be cringe. Inside it's nxtlvl.

>> No.8904366

I actually added this nigga on fb lol