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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 115 KB, 714x563, WAYWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8887350 No.8887350 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8887378

who is that kid?

>> No.8887383


>> No.8887384
File: 1.40 MB, 2368x3200, IMG_20141001_195550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need higher/looser cuffs but too lazy to fix

>> No.8887385

bio core

>> No.8887395

start again,
very very bad

>> No.8887408

why do you post here?

seriously, in every WAYWT thread it's the same shit. every single fit that gets posted gets shit on. every single one. and people still choose to post what they're wearing. you're not going to get constructive criticism or feedback on how to dress better. you're just going to get mean comments from people you're trying to impress for some reason.

speaking objectively, /fa/ is a fucking terrible fashion forum. honestly, you're better off posting your fit somewhere like ktt. at least they'll try to help you dress better. they'll tell you what's wrong with it instead of just saying "lel" or "kek" or "stop trying"

>> No.8887415

It's "/fa/ - Fashion" not "/fa/ - Fashion Advice."

>> No.8887416

>help you dress better

>> No.8887432

you're an idiot if you're posting for advice and not just showing off/sharing, anything straying too far from a uniform will be shit on pretty much

>> No.8887435

KTT member spotted, identify yourself.

>> No.8887439

what the fuck is the point of a fashion forum if people just shit on each other. the only things in these fucking threads are fits and insults. there are never any opinions other than "this is the worst thing i've seen in my life"

and the worst part is a WAYWT thread will get 300 replies and 50 images. so for every person posting a fit, there are 6 people who are just insulting them. or, 6 people who are too afraid to post a fit because they know everyone else will shit on them like they shit on the people who post fits.

and people come here and post fits every single day because they care so much what other people here think about them. you can see it in the feels threads. this forum is fucking poisonous and it's just going to make you more depressed

>> No.8887459

i have a sweater very similar to that. your fit is not great anon

>> No.8887464

you are cherry-picking
there's a lot of complimenting going on in this board but you're too much of a pessimistic fuck to notice it
get over yourself and don't post here if you don't like it

>> No.8887468

I swear these threads went to shit in the last week.

I mean, they weren't perfect before but I don't know why everyone is so hostile lately.

>> No.8887472

kill yourself kanye dicksucker

>> No.8887477

Confirmed for virgin neckbeard fedora

>> No.8887479
File: 29 KB, 736x304, 5a465cbc3d0cf55d2606d69bc37a4c14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww did somebody hurt your feelings on the internet?

>> No.8887481


So shitty memeochrome/mallochrome/virgincore, assuming you can take good photos not in a mirror and everything is expensive/designer

>> No.8887537


Eh I know, the cheap sweater kinda ruins it. (Plus using cheap af JCP slacks with the wrong silhouette). What I'd rather for that fit is a sweater which just hangs loose at the bottom. Also not so dark. Mainly was just going for experimentation though.

>> No.8887550
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>> No.8887608
File: 66 KB, 519x597, IMG_105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why im cooler than lamy:
im not bald
im not a manlet
im not over the age of 21
i didnt spend money on rick owens
im a trend setter not a trend hopper
i have better music taste
im cute
i can pull off any style i want without looking like a tryhard
im funnier

>> No.8887638

the harsh criticism is just part of the board culture man. The insults are so over-saturated you hardly even notice it after a month or so. Remember your first time browsing /b/?

You'll never be effay if youre crippled by /fa/'s opinions- learning that is most crucial part of the process of developing your own personal style

>> No.8887648

ilu, based-stance

>> No.8887653

>being under 21
>thinking you're a trendsetter
>thinking you're not a tryhard

Seek therapy, you're delusional.

Also you have bad taste in literally everything

>> No.8887663

your opinion is wrong sorry dude

>> No.8887708

cut your hair m8

>> No.8887710

but they are generally unhelpful, usually just tearing other people down because they have zero clothes of their own besides old navy shit their mom got them in high school.

>> No.8887724

gimme some constructive criticism

>> No.8887735

its pretty easy to tell the legit constructive criticism posts from the try hard edgemaster teens who are trying to get a rise out of you. you're going to need thick skin and more confidence to make it anyway, so might as well get used to the bullshit here. keep your ego in check. who cares if some 17 year old who lives with his mommy and daddy called you a faggot on the internet?

>> No.8887741

agreed on all points. nice NB's mate

>> No.8887746

I think you look fine for a kid your age. This isn't high fashion, and it's not trying to be. You wear cheap but appropriate pieces in a fun way that appears to suit your eccentric personality. There is no need to critique your outfit because you are doing what you want to do. Hope that helps, stance.

>> No.8887749
File: 1.62 MB, 3840x2560, IMG_2345 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8887751

unhelpful or not they're people's initial, uncensored reactions to your outfit. Feedback isn't always spoonfed advice, sometimes you have to dig through the shit yourself to understand why people react the way they do to your fits

>> No.8887755

and yet you're too poor to afford a camera with at least 5 megapixels


>> No.8887765


>> No.8887773

I like it, nice streetwear fit man. pants could be a bit baggier imo though. looks a little femme when its a big oversized coat with skinny pants

>> No.8887790

not true though.

>> No.8887792


Looks good, although the strings hanging off are kinda annoying me.

>> No.8887794

nice hair faggot

>> No.8887797

Your post is shit, literally kill yourself

I replaced the word "fit" with "post." Dig out how to improve your post from my "raw, unfiltered" criticism of you.

>> No.8887807
File: 390 KB, 1069x685, april.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that was so helpful if only everyone on /fa/ was as knowledgeable as you

"cheap but appropriate in a fun way" truly an excellent analysis of his fit

>> No.8887808

>i can pull off any style i want without looking like a tryhard

i shed this mortal coil laughing

>> No.8887810

I also have a somewhat similar sweater.

>> No.8887820

From your reply I now know my post wasn't appreciated and that someone disagrees with my opinion on the subjectivity of post quality. Im learning already!

>> No.8887823

the thing i'm trying to say is, there is no "legit constructive criticism" here. the average person (i.e. someone without a trip who occasionally posts a fit) who posts in WAYWT will get 2-4 responses of people insulting them (usually something like >>8887395 or >>8887765) with nothing that could in any way be interpreted as "constructive"

everyone's "intial, uncensored reactions" on this board are "lel" or "kek" or "burn everything" or "stop trying" because that's what the board has conditioned them to respond with. feedback doesn't have to be spoonfed advice, but the shit people respond with here isn't even feedback, it's memes that they see so often on the board they feel like saying it and shitting on someone makes them part of the community when they don't dress well enough or have enough confidence to actually contribute an outfit

>> No.8887827

Yeah, and how will you improve your posts in the future m8?

>> No.8887830

so bad

>> No.8887844

your opinion is wrong

>> No.8887852

If you dont like it just go to mfa or sufu or one of the million other forums out there

tbh im grateful for the cruel, unforgiving replies I got when I first started browsing/asking questions on /fa/. Sometimes it takes brutal shitposting to get you to realize how shitty your style is.

If I was on mfa, they probably wouldve told me my Arizona straight-fit jeans and Chukka Vans looked "cheap but appropriate for a kid your age" and to just add an oxford to the fit or something

>> No.8887860

Nice constructive criticism.
Stop shit posting and get off /fa/ fuccbois.

>> No.8887871

this would make sense if good fits got good feedback.

they don't though. it doesn't matter how good the outfit is or how long you've been on /fa/, people shit on it. every time

>> No.8887882

not true

>> No.8887895

That's really bio? Lel

>> No.8887899

Not true and you're butthurt. I'm sorry you got shat on in one of the threads. Jk, I'm not.

>> No.8888035
File: 459 KB, 1505x3262, IMG_20141002_010052~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I wear with sick reflective Nike moon boots

also r8 bcz I'm cheeky

>> No.8888052

literally the worst i ever seen wow
repost your nuts fat ass nigga

wow i think its time to leave this shit hole

>> No.8888057

w2c pants?

>> No.8888059

yo anon i agree with you completely
none of these people can take themselves seriously so they can't take anyone else seriously either
nobody here is gonna listen to anyone who contests their close-minded opinion
/fa/ is the worst fashion board on the internet
no use in posting here

>> No.8888071

>schoolgirl tee
muh nigguh

>> No.8888218

ive never seen any fits here of someone wearing the schoolgirl tee, do you have any other fit pics with it?

>> No.8888295
File: 718 KB, 592x800, 1408384877750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go

Not a super good fit since my converse + commuter cargos rolled up made my legs look fat

>> No.8888301

tru on all counts. court adjourned.

>> No.8888302

You just gave me second-hand embarrassment :s

>> No.8888304

Addendum: If u are in highschool it's okay :)

>> No.8888317

well the t looks pretty good still. Thanks anon!

>> No.8888318


nah stay embarrassed, I'm in uni :^) I only rarely wear the shirt by itself though, it's mostly used for layering as I like the length a lot, not because I'm embarrassed by it or anything though, if I was I wouldn't have bought it. Just doesn't fit with the style I'm trying to develop

>> No.8888327

The shirt is fine, I just wouldn't pair it with pants that are cuffed up like that.

>> No.8888339

Nice reading comprehension retard lol

>> No.8888341
File: 982 KB, 640x852, foto october 1 waywt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy lmao

>> No.8888367

looking good chloe

>> No.8888379

get out of my shop u fukn dork

>> No.8888386


what the fuck are you doing in my shop you nerd get the fuck out

>> No.8888398
File: 517 KB, 1800x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With and without duffel

>> No.8888406

cool clean fresh without duffel
autism with duffel

>> No.8888411


drop the black & white

>> No.8888426



how the hell are we gunna know what colors you got going on for gods sake man whats wrong with you

>> No.8888458

Love it both ways.

And good grief, its not autism to wear a coat. The duffel is one of my very least favorite jackets and it looks good here.

>> No.8888459


>> No.8888460
File: 383 KB, 216x760, waywt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8888480
File: 810 KB, 1535x2575, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last two fits I've posted are in black and white because my clothes were black, grey or white. The white balance on my phone is shit so all of my pictures have an orange tint to them - looks better in black and white.

>> No.8888494
File: 3.46 MB, 3264x2448, 20140509_160910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longer shirt + better shoes

Ull get there.

>> No.8888503


there are many shades of black dude, that looks good though. Plain and unoffensive obviously, but good. Chelseas aren't my thang either but u rockin the SLP look

>> No.8888508

sweater fits rather poorly
however, generally inoffensive fit
not bad

>> No.8888541

Agreed. Thanks for posting anon.
And to all those saying it's part of the board culture and you have to have thick skin and whatever - that's all well and good and not a wrong statement in any way, but it still isn't the answer to a board culture where you generally don't >LEARN< anything and just browse through endless useless shitposting you're not supposed to care about anyway.
That is, with or with the aggressive board lingo, still considered a shitty board.

This discussion is a good example. Maybe two posters besides the original one has said anything of any substance. Rest is just 'Kanye dicksucker' 'neckbeard' 'fuccboi' whatever... I mean honestly, what the fuck.

>> No.8888543

>wears chelseas
>with skinny jeans
>the 'slp look'
jesus fucking christ man really.
it's a boring fit. everyone jizzing over chelseas. its not bad tho

>> No.8888555

With or without*

>> No.8888557


I'm not jizzing over chealseas lmao

I specifically said they're not my thing

>> No.8888571
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x1594, tumblr_ncgy1iwEf11rvhwhbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem I got with this shit hole is the fact that it got really fucking boring + all the advice garbage.

>> No.8888580



>> No.8888585


fuckin' knoch, always lookin' funk as fuck

love it

>> No.8888587

shutup birthgirl

>> No.8888613

nock and his eastern-front-core

>> No.8888763


rolling for 8888888

:P best luck lads!

>> No.8888781
File: 533 KB, 428x750, fit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polo linen/cotton sportscoat
Uniqlo linen coat
Stephan Schneider woven-waistband wool pants

Fuck off you chino-wearing #menswear motherfucker

>> No.8888837
File: 2.46 MB, 3000x4000, Burgandy-dickhead-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to the musical theater (minus hat) Kek

>> No.8888851

You seems like Bill Cosbys effort to fit in with the "young crowd".

>> No.8888867

I'm going to fucking puke.

>> No.8888872

I would fuck you in the ass buddy :3

>> No.8888883

I'd "puke" (slang term for ejaculate) on your mum's tits

>> No.8888920

Skide fit. Drogge

>> No.8888999

w2c sweat and bed

>> No.8889059
File: 229 KB, 1430x1646, 2014-10-02 12.51.17-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889075

Not feeling it
/r/mfa. Don't wear vnecks, red chinos or those american boat shoes
Sweater is bad

>> No.8889081


>> No.8889090

uuhhhhh, so close

>> No.8889094

Sweater is a Lil tacky but if you're going to wear it get rid of the white tee underneath for that fit. It throws off what color coherence it could otherwise have

>> No.8889098

Also the white tee sticking out awkwardly at the waist and peeking out on the neck is bad in this fit imo

>> No.8889108

>wear mono docs
>everyone thinks they're fake

Why do I have no friends

>> No.8889122
File: 112 KB, 350x440, fit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889140


u never deny it bc it's true

>> No.8889141

p dope m8

chelseas? w2c?

>> No.8889143

>tfw i might be the first viewer for sl8rs WAYWT


>> No.8889145

i dont deny having sex with ur fat mumma i guess that's true too (which it did)

>> No.8889151

you are slater

>> No.8889158

who the fuck buys fake docs?

>> No.8889160

cant believe u got into uni with this english m8

>> No.8889165

got into your mums vag tho

>> No.8889177 [DELETED] 

This is correct

You've lost your touch slate

>> No.8889179 [DELETED] 

That I mean


>> No.8889183

ur mums massage shop happy endings werent enoug for u liam? lel

>> No.8889188

Literally no one
They only think it's fake because it doesn't have yellow stitching

>> No.8889201
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x2560, 20141002_144459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889205
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x2560, 20141002_144732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8889208

>80 pounds of random shit all over the fucking place.

>> No.8889276
File: 2.39 MB, 272x200, 1406984622262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why r ur pants riped sir?

otherwise good fit

>> No.8889284

really nice, w2c sheos?

>> No.8889299
File: 847 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit sloppy
Shirt: Brooks Brothers red fleece extra slim
Jacket: vintage levis (1978)
Parka:ALPHA x Urban outfitters
Jeans: APC petit standard
Boots: Oak Street Bootmakers natural cap toe trench

>> No.8889303

hopped over the assembly line at work pants somehow got stuck and ripped
adidas slvr pretty old tho so not sure if you can still buy i think adidas even stopped slvr

>> No.8889310

sorry bro but olive parka's are for teenager girls going for that "hispterrrrrr" look, get something in navy or black. otherwise looks alright, maybe get rid of the vintage levis.

>> No.8889312 [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, 20141001_150541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889329

I know, but it's fine enough, I had money to spend a while ago, not much now on clothing. I appreciate what you are saying and honestly agree, but the criticism is not to bad considering what a lot of people get on here. And yes, it's an average fit at best.

>> No.8889334

ty gonna start looking around for a pair.

>> No.8889335
File: 609 KB, 1177x2937, 209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889345

You can't be serious

>> No.8889358


>> No.8889378
File: 3.12 MB, 2448x3264, Boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889387
File: 176 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-2-14 at 9.43 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need more basic white tees

>> No.8889398

something went terribly wrong with this fit
on paper it's merely fuccboi but in practice it's just awful

i must be those sweatpants. i'll be the first to tell you high-end sweats are a joke but those look really cheap. stick to black jeans next time

>> No.8889414

they are just hm so they cost like 20 eurobucks, and i just went to store to buy eggs so there werent really any effort in it

>> No.8889516
File: 845 KB, 2442x4928, ootd_02_10v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889533

i love the parts but the whole could use some work

>> No.8889715
File: 30 KB, 300x680, like_its_borrowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8889778

i want to fuck you
>post face

>> No.8889791

qt af
ID on pants?

>> No.8889801

they're tapered navy pants i got from next cause i found a 70 quid voucher lol

>> No.8889992

digging that cardi though

>> No.8890003
File: 761 KB, 2048x1536, 408a69cd-b98e-4738-87cb-2e3de9e99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I pin roll or leave relaxed

>> No.8890061
File: 525 KB, 1065x2193, DSC_0148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8890068
File: 1.13 MB, 1916x2433, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much?

>> No.8890072

holy fuck those shoes are ugly

>> No.8890098
File: 73 KB, 315x990, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8890103

u're a fag

>> No.8890131

good fit but change shoes to black. rest is nice contrast but grey shoes kill fit
leave and never return

>> No.8890138 [DELETED] 

young faggot

>> No.8890146

can u explain that pose and that retarded beanie

>> No.8890148

boy or girl?

>> No.8890154
File: 83 KB, 330x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't explain either, here's a less fagtastic pose though.

>> No.8890157 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 334x393, kornheiser disgusted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8890159

you still look like a faggot
get your hair cut or something.

>> No.8890185

Jesus Christ, you look like some bullied kid out of a pop music video.


>> No.8890197


All of you need to eat a fucking sandwich or something, fits don't mean shit if you snap in half if someone leans on you

>> No.8890206

nice meme

>> No.8890212

Dude your fits are terrible, no one will ever look at you and think that you're fashionable in any way, you could go full dadcore and it would prob look better then the shitshow of fits you post

>> No.8890216
File: 2.01 MB, 2212x2948, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

criqe pls

>> No.8890225
File: 133 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twin day at school haha

>> No.8890230


Looking fresh as fuck son
U got to tap dat, right?

Keep it up

>> No.8890231

Sweater is Uniqlo, Jeans are Acne, Boots are APC.
Bed is from Argos (lol).

Erm... t-thanks I guess?

>> No.8890233

Reported for underage

>> No.8890236
File: 574 KB, 1343x3040, d1562ce0-f29f-427a-a042-769196d15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling it. that urple on a black dude always looks fly.

>> No.8890244

Nice bruh. W/ the duffel for sure

>> No.8890246


i don't like the jeans and overall it's just very basic. if you were white everyone would be shitting on you

>> No.8890253


shut the fuck up you nigger loving bastard

>> No.8890259

quit standing with your feet pointing inwards unless you want people to think you're a little school girl then keep doing it.

>> No.8890263


>> No.8890269


disgusting bathroom; how can you be /fa/ when your bathroom is covered in filth

>> No.8890280

are you from london, like actually? i swear i've seen u somewhere b4

>> No.8890282


nice hair everything else is meh

>> No.8890293

I'm not, sorry.

>> No.8890297


herr urst picked the wrong boots for the forest

I hope you're 15 and below.

Some people here would be better off not trying at all.

>> No.8890317


>> No.8890333

>mfw no qt boypussy in sweden
Well, too much of a skinnyfag fuccboi to be confident around them anyway.

>> No.8890347 [DELETED] 

Serious question /fa/: if one made serious gains, would getting a Irezumi be acceptable? Nothing full-body, but an upper arm+one breast?

>> No.8890354

Those capris/long shorts combo + converse make you look like the average european fatty.

>> No.8890374

If I'm too short for loose pants can I just wear shorts for comfycore? They're pretty short but they're very loose, drapey, and comfy, of course.

>> No.8890377


>> No.8890432

what kinda stuff do you think would suit my hair?

>> No.8890457

dope, maybe different shoes but those are cool

>> No.8890487

There's boypussy everywhere friend. We're all gonna make it~

>> No.8890499
File: 484 KB, 500x548, 7XBxVXm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thrifted, levi's, doc martens

>> No.8890507

this is really dope and cute
want to make out w you

>> No.8890514
File: 847 KB, 750x563, oAXWxA9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8890518


Sorry bro, only black boys can pull off the honky look and be fresh.
Fucking nice house tho, fresh

>> No.8890528

fit is nice
tell me about the girl please, it enhances my masturbation

>> No.8890536

>you will never hang out with captain al

>> No.8890567

you guys gotta be fucking kidding me, you all look like like you would break in half if you get hit by the wind

>> No.8890571

I'm sure you chubby body and love handles are a sight to behold, nice big chubby cheeks. :)

Do you have big sausage fingers too for carrying all of your 'dope' sneakers you got from hypebeast?

>> No.8890594

w2c pants

>> No.8890599

p. chill fit.
would hang out with if he didn't mind having a friend who is a huge fuccboi

I hope you do parkour in that fit, too. If not, you should bruh

>> No.8890608

It's alright. I can't see much of the details.
Jacket looks cozy, but the jeans look p. average. >>8889516
It's alright. Basic, nothing wrong with that though.
yeah i'm not feeling this.
It screams 80s and not in a good way
Probably doesn't matter

nice hair but the pants look odd
if you wear this kinda silo, probably shouldn't wear cropped pants/pinroll makes you look topheavy I think

Anyways you should opt for some looser jeans because you are extremely skinny

sweater looks good
u look like a fag

pls eat

fucking on point as always captain al
nice and chill, everything fits, and nothing too overboard. Basic, but done right.

>> No.8890615

kinda cool but the shoes kill it imo

eyes hurt too much to see but looks fine

>> No.8890619



>> No.8890626

w2c pants???

>> No.8890635


>Names himself cool guy
>Asks w2c previous level shit


>> No.8890642


>> No.8890646

gotta spend cool to make cool feel me

>> No.8890648

how are your balls feeling being so compressed up in there?

>> No.8890652
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>> No.8890658

also want to know pls

>> No.8890661

nice as always my nigga, respex

>> No.8890666

i'm laffin

>> No.8890667

pretty boy xx

>> No.8890677

might I suggest the dollar menu at McDonalds? That's really some of the best bang for your buck calories-wise.

>> No.8890679

Would smash.

>or be smashed by

>> No.8890703


>> No.8890708


Tbh I only like baby einstein and captn al fits
pretty nxtlvl game those boiz have.
>tfw bb einstein will never post SICK fits again

>> No.8890713


>> No.8890714
File: 47 KB, 250x250, 1344694116551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't /fit/ m8

be skinny af or go back the way you came

>> No.8890722


>> No.8890724

Shut the fuck up already, drop your trip.

>> No.8890725 [DELETED] 

Genderqueer, preferred pronouns are xie xim or xir.

>> No.8890730
File: 204 KB, 766x1046, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also wearing new look boat shoes.

>> No.8890737


Dressing effay on an auschwitz survivor is about as attractive big boobs on a fat chick.

Point stands that me being 200 lbs at 12% bf is going to get me slaying more pussy than your thousands of dollars in pieces of cloth.

>> No.8890746


>> No.8890754

Yeah what you want bro
They're Comune David jeans and don't fit me; tfw not manlet

>> No.8890767

k? That all ya got swole-shamer?

>> No.8890770

>boat shoes

fucking hell

>> No.8890816

stop bieng so insecure shit lord LMAO VIRGIN

>> No.8890860

>life revolves around sex

>> No.8890867

Jesus Christ all these black apologists and fags in this thread completely ruining the entire board. When did /fa/ become so bad that this shit>>8890216 is dope? Open your fucking eyes people it's shit and basic as fuck not nxtlvl or even current lvl it's like fucking tutorial mode.

>> No.8890869

>muhh biological imperative

>> No.8890918


pls leave

>> No.8890919

totally agree
that fit is so boring
flannel jeans sneakers WOW!

>> No.8890921

looool no wonder you're a meathead cuck
if you want to breed go to a sperm bank dork

>> No.8890928



>> No.8890932

Agreed, I like captain al and all but the board really is just shit.

This is the point of /fa/ where fucking idiots like >>8890098 who trip as 'YungSlut' make comments like >>8890679 and aren't ridiculed.

Just remember, that we are the only board that cannot reach our own standards.
/fit/ have nice bodies and are always looking good in the CBT threads and progress pics but we just can't do it, it's all just shit and we know it.

>> No.8890960

W2C jacket?

>> No.8890967

Some people still post nice fits but almost all have them have moved on or are in the transition of leaving(read) Almost any of the more popular trips whether that be good popular or bad popular they still have almost all left. At least since the year I've been here it really seems that the amount of people who care about fashion here has drastically decreased. Maybe it's me just being cynical but this board is pretty shit imo right now.

>> No.8890980

Yep, you can tell just by the jokes that people are using, virgincore being a prime example.
I think as soon as you post an outfit or 2-3 and you get mostly positive replies, you should just leave before you make a bunch of poor beta 17 year olds jealous, you might end up like Birthday who's currently losing his shit thinking he's a God.

>> No.8890985

im pretty sure bday is just trolling
people take 4chan so seriously omfg

>> No.8890991


This so fucking much
I'm leaving for a more pale board this shit all look like cheaper clones of a cheap clone of a budget clone.
All the same, but cheaper each time and even more hideously executed every time

>> No.8890992

Whoa, he sure is clever... :)
I fell for Birthday's ruse.

>> No.8890996
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>> No.8890998

>tfw some fuccboi like this has the same sneakers as me

pls stop i'm embarrassed.

>> No.8891010

ya its pretty transparent, but it seems like people do get butthurt over it

unless im getting trolled by trolls trolling trolls

>> No.8891012

I didn't think people took people like Trunks, Lemons, Pigfuck, Birthday etc seriously I mean it's pretty obvious they are just fucking around and trying to get a rise out of people. Albeit Lemons who actually might be crazy all of them have Sufu accounts and seem much more normal over there, although Trunks and Pigfuck still tuck with people there

>> No.8891021


>> No.8891024

Lmao is that you yawn?

>> No.8891032

good but it would look better with less chunkier shoes as these really contrast with your legs and not in a flattering way

>> No.8891033
File: 235 KB, 449x599, 12381284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason people have to hate trunks is because he shits on people who are still treating CP's like grails thinking they're hot shit, he has his own thing now and he's not revolving his life around this boards shitty standards, he's not looking for approval which is why he wears dresses.

Lemon and Birthday can fuck themselves, Birthday should have left a long time ago while he had something good.

Pigfuck seems to be the only trip who cares about fashion.

>> No.8891048


Proportions aren't rocket science and you managed to fuck them up with these shoes.

Look at your jeans.

Now look at your shoes.

That's right.

Rest is nice but get rid of these fucking jeans.

>> No.8891061

Lol dude don't know wtf I did to you but you're implying a lot of shit that isn't true. Sorry if I pissed you off though, honestly didn't mean to do that.

>> No.8891067

pigfuck only seems to care about raf
trunks and straw are out there learning about a lot of other brands and what they have to offer

>> No.8891069

>personal opinions

>> No.8891075

Straw has Sid before he's not interested in high fashion, Trunks does seem to care more and more about fashion and less about the name that is on a garment I would agree with you there.

>> No.8891085

What? If you're implying I'm not interested in fashion at all you're wrong maybe not as some but I would call it my hobby and I spend a lot of time gathering information about it. Otherwise I have no idea what you mean.

>> No.8891087

huh, did straw say that?
Maybe he's not interested in the higher "avant-garde" type of brands, but his insight into construction, design, history and textiles have been pretty useful. His grailed listings are packed with information
>inb4 shill

>> No.8891103

Yeah he definitely knows what he's talking bout which is really cool but you don't have to love high fashion to know about pattern cutting and textiles. not to take anything away from him or talk shit but a lot of the stuff he puts on his grailed is information that is readily available in many places.

>> No.8891106

I was talking about different people on a personal level, telling you to fuck yourself wasn't cool I apologize for that but still, my opinions on people can't really be 'not true'.

It's late here, either way the board is a cesspit.

>> No.8891112
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>> No.8891116
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Damn you got me... :)
You're going to go down in history bud, you'll be just like Knoch and we'll be mourning when you leave.

>> No.8891120

It's fine dude if you don't like me that's completely fine I've made an ass out of my self here so it's completely understandable. Just want to make sure I get what I'm really all about out there so people stop making up shit and don't believe my shitposting is actually who I am. Either way have a nice night.

>> No.8891122

suggestion for footwear?

>> No.8891128

No need to cop feelings dude you're only getting hate because no one likes a fucking queen. If you're gay awesome but don't shove it down people's throats(pun kind of intended). If you want to continue to be more feminine that's fine but this place probably isn't for you. Basically what I'm trying to say is chill out and try to not be so gay.
Source: I too am a homosexual

>> No.8891143

I'm sorry, it was just sort of frustrating to see "lol ghey" in place of any real criticism.

>> No.8891560

lets not do waywt for a bit and come back with some decent fits this is ridiculous

>> No.8891565

response to this is genuinely a joke

I mean, u look like ok and all, but like, ok. like, I wouldn't even glance twice in the street. like, completely and utterly pedestrian, normal and everyday, there is nothing at all about these outfits which is at all interesting. I am convinced that the people salivating over this must be recent migrants from >>>/v/ or some other autist convention, cause genuinely only if you were the most shut in fuck with no idea how to dress himself beyond camo shorts and sports trainers would u be so keen on this boring af fit.

no offence to you dude, you're one of the nicer trips, you seem alright. but your style is ordinary in the truest sense of the word. and yeah there's nothing wrong with that. but it should be received as such xxx

>> No.8891570

NOTHING has changed

>> No.8891584

dem hips

>> No.8891587

lmao you look like the indians and mexicans that play soccer at my local park. wouldnt be surprised if you were a mix of both

>> No.8891596

kiss me raf

>> No.8891639
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goin for a ride

>> No.8891655


I would point and laugh at you IRL

>> No.8891656


I'd probably let you fuck me.

>> No.8891667

v nice, w2c coat??

>> No.8891671
File: 182 KB, 605x932, 2014-10-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know everyone's going to shit on me for this but here I go.

>> No.8891673

>paying this much to look like a hobo

>> No.8891674


hmu bbg

>> No.8891686

I like the bottom.

>> No.8891695


Hate the shoe and blouse.

>> No.8891729
File: 66 KB, 195x434, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyday i hate myself for not getting jacket in a smaller size

>> No.8891742

It's tumblr and the sjw mods

>> No.8891759

trunks pls go

>> No.8891761

what are these nikes called again? I saw them at footlocker the other day and wanted to look them up online to get a better deal but i can't remember the name

>> No.8891764


>> No.8891768

loud, but i like it

>> No.8891778

r u a grill

>> No.8891781
File: 180 KB, 604x1336, 1396659917248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the same gril as this pic? you're in... canada iirc? pls b my /fa/ waifu

>> No.8891794


Naw it's not monochrome streetwear enough to be mfa

>> No.8891795

Yes I am, and yeah I'm in Canada.

That depends, are you a girl?

>> No.8891797


>> No.8891816


>> No.8891822

i'm not a girl

are you.... g-g-gay

>> No.8891824


>> No.8891832

Yes I'm g-g-g-g-g-g-gay

>> No.8891833

you need to take better pictures

>> No.8891838

how tall are you?
that jacket and those lips make you look kid-ish

>> No.8891842
File: 81 KB, 960x960, michael gira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that shirt too. Love it

>> No.8891862


>> No.8891866

please reply

>> No.8891887

5'10 lol

>> No.8891893

Earth has turned black

>> No.8891952

I dont understand why this black BROTHA's fits are getting dickrided so much

is it white guilt?

is it just mutual dickriding from when he acts knowledgeable and shit and 'helps' retards?

or did /fa/ really go to such shit that even those fits are now counted as GOOD, FRESH or whatever words are used in DA HOOD

>> No.8891966
File: 2.14 MB, 1836x3264, tmp_12012-IMG_20141002_203408_867-1432748733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please tell me I look fantablious.

>> No.8891986

I believe it's what they call a "joke."

>> No.8891994

not my style but only good looking fit itt i like. rest is meh, and whats up with all those faggy skeletons?? you look like the beta bitches no one would hire but step on

>> No.8892006

no way lol

>> No.8892008

>best new meme of fall 20-14

>> No.8892009

You're fagtablious.

>> No.8892014

It's thrifted, doesn't have a tag of the brand on it.

>> No.8892015

Thanks Ricky.

>> No.8892018

oi. yor not wearin that today m8 ye posted that days ago

>> No.8892019

Thank you ^_^

>> No.8892020


I've said it before, I'm building my wardrobe. Im in HS so I don't want to try too hard... but other than that I really do try to keep it basic.
I just like posting my fits :)
it's nothing special but I see what you mean. I agree.

>> No.8892021

this is /fa/ remember
criticism will always be perceived as jealousy so there's very little point in telling the hungry skeletons that they look like shit
eventually they'll figure it out for themselves

>> No.8892027

i dont understand.
i like the shirt, jeans color is nice and white t-shirt match with white sneakers. all in all an homogeneous look

>> No.8892028

you are not knoch
I can tell
stop pretending

>> No.8892036
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>> No.8892051

w2c that shirt


>> No.8892054


>> No.8892058


>> No.8892107


Thanks man

>> No.8892608

id on shirt?

>> No.8893353

First time a see a fit I would actually wear, good join anon!

>> No.8893990

nice bru

>> No.8894015

underrated post

>> No.8894266
File: 70 KB, 383x960, S-BeRgs2L6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baby face
>Shit Aesthetics
>Shit lighting

>> No.8894266,1 [INTERNAL] 

stinky poo dicks