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/fa/ - Fashion

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8875057 No.8875057[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you gotten more attention from qt's ever since you became effay?

Or have you become more ostracized?

Or has nothing changed?

>> No.8875059

If you want attention, become /fit/.

>> No.8875074
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Nothing has changed.
I'm still lonely, I have 0 friends, I'm judgemental about what people wear and obsess over myself constantly to the point I carry a mirror with me and go to the bathroom every break to make sure I look good.

I'm lonely and always will be by the looks of it.

>> No.8875078

pretty much this

>tfw you see your polish friend every so often
>tfw hes turned into the uni lad stereotype
>built as fuck
>tfw i'm more effay than him but it doesn't improve my chances with women
>tfw he fucks basic bitches on the daily

i mean i don't want to fuck plebs but i'm still a bit jel

>> No.8875079


yes i've gotten mroe attention but deep inside im still the antisocial person so the extra attention isn't getting turned into relationships even tho i want it

>> No.8875088

>go to the bathroom every break to make sure I look good.

ffuuuuucckk, you got me.

>> No.8875091
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More attention from gay men. No more attention from girls. I got more from lifting than clothes. Clothes are just superfluous if you're attractive.

>tfw gf is losing interest
>tfw girls are always afraid to end things

It's cool tho : ^)
I'm just going to not text again

>> No.8875095

what people don't seem to get, and it kinda sucks is that developing your own style based on /fa/ trends or clinging onto one of the niches that are at home on /fa/ only really make you appealing to other people sharing those niche interests, the vast majority of people apply a lot less judgement than you guys do to yourself to your outfits and aren't really looking for what you're putting into what you're wearing. Thats why virgincore is justified in being called that, because you're not increasing your chances with women by becoming an /fa/ trendwhore and you sure as shit shouldn't be expecting to be.

>> No.8875096


this is why normcore is bestcore

>> No.8875097

I've gotten a bit more confident and get compliments on some of the stuff I wear. Some girls also like it when I can talk about clothes too.

>> No.8875099

Dressing well has gotten me a ton of attention, from men and women alike. I got into fashion my senior year of high school and it was like the first time I'd ever really been noticed by anybody since I started school. A girl actually asked me to prom. I usually dressed sort of dadcore, most days I'd wear an OCBD, denim jacket, brown jeans, and boots.

>> No.8875109

Of course not

>> No.8875115

im the guy you replied to.
you've got a point, normcore really serves its purpose well in that its whole idea is to have you approaching that majority of people in a way that has you looking good but not segregating yourself from them by self-alienating with trends that are seen as niche *cough* goofninja *cough*

>> No.8875125

thats why I regret buying so much monochrome shit, I can't even put together an outfit that looks normal anymore

>> No.8875132

You fell for it lol

>> No.8875133

monochrome has gone mainstream tho

>> No.8875134

If you're in high school, maybe, when chicks aren't afraid of the great unknown and actually feel comfortable to ask people out.

Afterwards, they need to be "uninhibited," be it either through alcohol or just being legit outgoing to actually compliment you.

They will still 'mire tho, but they'll try to make sure you're not looking.

>> No.8875138


>> No.8875139

Only since I went from a buzz cut to a HJ did I start getting more attention. But that might just be because I have a cheeky ass smile (so all the girls say) and I've started to flaunt it since my teeth got fixed.

>> No.8875157
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>get effay
>start to look better and attractive
>qts getting interested
>don't know how to reciprocate cause I'm still an autistic sperg

>> No.8875160

>tfw having my first date in my life in 3 hours
>with a 9/10 azn immigrant gril
>dunno what do
>she probably think im gonna turn up business casual
>nuh uh imma wear a coach jacket and with black jawns and some jordan futures gril cuz thats how i roll
>gonna bring some joints just in case she down too
>otherwise i havent idea what to do im gonna get some beers and try n fug

what to do on a date /fa/?

>> No.8875166


take her out for some kimchi then toss her kimchi afterwards

>> No.8875169

hm i was conventionally handsome normcore jeans, polo shirt and leather shoes dude before and got approached more than now even though i got fit and much more better looking. once i make the move its cool though but chicks say i intimidate them. they dont like guys looking better than them being the insecure shits they are

>> No.8875170

sure did but eh whatever

>> No.8875171

only if you're outgoing
I've become /fit/ and /fa/ and now I'm still on my way to wizard mode (atleast an aesthetic and fashionable wizard but still)

>> No.8875176

shes from nepal bruh
do nepalese eat sushi?
i wanna eat sushi

>> No.8875177

As an effay gril you notice most basic bitches ostracize you and you get more looks from guys.
>tfw still haven't gotten the qt I've after

>> No.8875182

nah man nepalese eat curry brah
anyways sushi is nasty what the hell you doin
p.s this message is sponsored by spurdospörde
oh fug wait this isn't /int/ what am I

>> No.8875189

Goddammit, dudes.
>Start lifting
>Start getting effay
>Have more confidence
>Game is pretty good to the point that qts get interested in me
>Never make it past the first date
>Even-though the dates are fun and we are enjoying it
Feels terrible, man. I have slowly given up. Especially because I'm enjoying success in other parts of my life, but just don't seem to get it.

>> No.8875190

sushi is the most effay food nigga
and fuck curry

>> No.8875197
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>get more looks from guys

I'm >>8875074
I'm a brokeboi college student but I was wearing stans, skinny pants, sweater and a t-shirt and some Indian unkempt guy was checking me out and so were other guys.

I look like a twink though because of how skinny my legs are, is it bad that I let my legs speak for me somehow?
Anyway yeah, men look at me more than anything, women don't care.

>> No.8875200

Meant to quote >>8875177

>> No.8875204

I'm the /fit/ guy that you quoted, and yeah, I feel you. I still feel the need for companionship every now and then but besides the social aspect I'm pretty successful. On my way to bateman-mode

>> No.8875224
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>tfw my clothes cover my skin, but not my feels for a qt gf


>> No.8875233
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>tfw clothes cover your skin, but not the shitty skin on your face

>> No.8875240
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>tfw the clothes you wear are too good for your face

>> No.8875245
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>> No.8875265
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>> No.8875341
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I've gotten less attention from qts. Barely anyone tries to start a conversation with me tbh. Unless I'm drunk then I get a crazy amount of attention from qts. I'm pretty sure it's because my anxiety and depression show easily when I'm sober, sometimes to the point of facial tics and trembling, so I'm very unapproachable. At the same time I'm not that attractive though but people have told me I look like a mix between James Franco and Jay Baruchel. My fav was when I was eating in california pizza kitchen and the old lady asked me if anyone has told me i look like james franco

>> No.8875355

/fa/ no.

/fit/ yes.

>> No.8875361

>facial tics and trembling
I get this too

>> No.8875373

Clothes didn't make anything better.
I'm even worse worse than before, but this isn't related to clothes
>tfw 18yo ugly nerdy insecure kissless virgin

>> No.8875400

Nothing has changed, really. I've gotten more /fa/ and /fit/, but qts don't give a shit. Have always been skinny with decent taste so the improvement has been pretty unnoticeable. Thanks to my shitty skeletal structure I look dyel anyway.

I'm more aggressive towards other men now, though, because I'm not afraid of physical confrontation as much anymore. The only bonus. Some people also look at me weird since I look like I listen to techno.

>> No.8875411

>I'm more aggressive towards other men now, though, because I'm not afraid of physical confrontation as much anymore
explain pls

>> No.8875435

Yes, but different kinds and more older women

>> No.8875437

Are you me? I did get past the first date with one girl, but she had started seeing some guy before me and we didn't really have that much in common really, so I wasn't interested in "fighting" for her. They are still together and I'm happy for her. I'm too autistic for her.

>> No.8875452

If some guy gives me the look, I look back. I tackle guys lightly when I go past them in the club. Don't back off when someone else is aggressive towards me.

Basically don't let anyone walk over me.

Unless they're much bigger than me and things are escalating.

>> No.8875462

Kek, you're going to get hurt man I can tell.

>> No.8875464

I do that somewhat, but I still can't talk to qts

>> No.8875523 [DELETED] 

Lel this is me, sick of niggers and pakis thinking they can look at you like scum because they think you can't say anything without claiming racism

>> No.8875539

>being made to feel insecure by pakis

lel what was it like growing up in the countryside fagget

>> No.8875547

Pretty much, people eye me and I'm starting to thin that I have a persecution delirium

>> No.8875569

I get asked for money a lot more. I also get a lot of friends asking for "advice on dressing better" only for them to shoot down everything i say.

>> No.8875590
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>tfw became p racist but instead of complaining it I just shitpost stuff like "getting an 18 inch BBC to ram my asshole ~justgirlythings"
idk if this is even worse but I started having too much fun with it

>> No.8875603
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What is wrong with you people? You can dress perfectly "normal" wearing monochrome. Are you all idiots and think monochrome is only what you see on the runway?

Is this girl is really ostracizing herself because she's wearing monochrome? Don't give me that hurr durr its because shes a model shit either.

>> No.8875610

that hit too hard

>> No.8875618

>Don't give me that hurr durr its because shes a model shit either.
top fucking lel

>> No.8875641

if you were a woman you could pull that off. No one is gonna care if you wear monochrome clothes, the worst you'll get is 'hey anon, why do you always wear black? your so emo lol xD'

>> No.8875649

Girls like that make me feel glad for being only an average looking young man, I probably couldn't stand a conventionally beautiful woman's attitude.

You must touch her only in a certain way. Talk to her only in a certain way. Be aware of anything you do or say.

She would overwhelm you with her femininity. Like it's something to preserve, something to look up to, something which stands out and makes anything else - anything else but her - less important, less relevant.

Thanks god for conventionally average women.

>> No.8875651

I got a kiss from a qt3.14 korean girl on my 18th birthday out on my first date. Then she told me she had family issues and that she's sorry that she rushed into it ;_;
I still think of her and want to contact her, but it will only hurt more

>> No.8875655

I started receiving less attention from girls when I moved to a big city and started dressing accordingly
whenever I return to that smaller hometown of mine I get female attention 24/7, from giggling teen girls to blushing cashiers

basically, city people suck

>> No.8875661

No anon you're just ugly and your smaller hometown has lower standards :^)

>> No.8875667

I get shitload more attention from girls than before but it never leads to anything. For instance,
>go to a small underground-ish music event (some guys were playing dream pop and then techno)
>40 something people gathered there at most, only the "cool kids" and people who into the local scene
>go inside, stand in the back of the crowd to watch the guys play
>a girl starts talking to me with an excuse that she saw me somewhere
>we happen to have common friends (I live in a pretty small place so nothing unusual about that)
>she giggles a bit every phrase I say, never breaks eye contact for a moment when we talk while smiling like I'm Zyzz himself or something
>practically undresses me with her eyes and biting lower lip a bit
>keep talking to her a bit awkwardly for some time
>she finds some excuse to leave me
>sits together with another guy and spends most of the evening with him
>looks away from me when we all go home after the gig ends
>See her in town next day, try to talk casually about some shit but she doesn't seem to be interested

What the fuck did I do wrong? I couldn't just start talking dirty and caressing her there after 5 minutes of conversation, could I?

>> No.8875678

what the fuck are you talking about

I'm someone who was offered modelling as a part-time job so no, that's out of question

also my I swear my hometown has more qts than this shitty city

>> No.8875689

No need to get defensive anon :^)

>> No.8875694

She wanted to fuck but you didn't act soon enough. God damnit anon

>> No.8875695


>> No.8875714

underrated post

>> No.8875835
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Wow, youre a huge fag. Its funny how the insecure guys with no actual fighting experience feel like they have the most to prove.
You're gunna end up doing this to some innocent dude keeping to himself who'll rock your fucking world when you find out that hes a competitive kickboxer or something.

>> No.8875950


>> No.8876076

The attention I received from qt's significantly increased after I started dressing better. However I've managed to do little with said attention like >>8875667 .

Dressing well is only one part of getting a qt. You need to know how to entice a qt once you've gotten her attention. After all if you were hitting on a qt and she was socially retarded or didn't express any interest towards you, you'd stop trying.

tl;dr Dressing well will help you get qt's but you can't rely on that alone.

>> No.8876157

You must be pretty damn autistic ir has been living in your moms basement all your life

I mean, I wouldn't had fucked her right in that moment but it was obvious she was into you, you could at least asked her number or something

>> No.8876180
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i did.
now they tend to get flustered if i flirt or even talk to them in a joking matter. didnt happen until this year. getting called good looking and handsome over and over
life's good

>> No.8876222

The only difference is I get compliments from time to time on a piece of my clothing. I still need to work on my charm.

>> No.8876238
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I don't get attention.

At all.

Or maybe i do, sometimes, but i don't even aknowledge it anymore.

My friends and some random girls told me it's because i look "intimidating", but honestly it's just because i'm a tall ass 6'5 buzzcut lanklet angry looking most of the time.

And somewhere i'm fine with this shit. I lift, i go to work, i do my shit. I earned the right to look how the fuck i want to look and they can lick my nuts my shit doesn't correspond to their standards. I'm sick of waiting for some kind of perpetual attention that will never come. It drags you down, makes you miserable and insecure.

>> No.8876284

I get less attention after I started to dress /fa/
Like what the fuck, before I had few qts interested and shit. Now not a single one for years.
Are they scared of my goof ninja appearance or smthin?

I should probably go back to dressing like a basic faggot, seems to work

>> No.8876288

most girls into 'fashion' shop at topshop and the like. Remember that

>> No.8876290

People tend to view me in the same manner. However I understand the sentiment, after all I wouldn't approach someone who looked angry in fear of them taking it out on me. I've found that most of their fear will dissipate if you great them with a smile and a simple hello. Often times that's all I need to start a conversation. They'll comment on how they thought I was going to murder them when I walked up to them and we'll all have a good laugh.

You have friends so I'm going to assume your doing well and you're reasonably well adjusted. However I will tell you to be careful with your mentality otherwise you may end up like those at /b/ and /a/.

>> No.8876291

Go to a shitty rock club, you'll be the best looking one there and a surprising number of qts can actually be found

>> No.8876298

In order to get goof ninja qt's dress like a goof ninja. To get normal qt's dress normally.

>> No.8876303

I kinda took a step outside of my own geobastards for a second to do some serious self-critiquing and realized that a lot of the fits I dress in and a lot of the fits /fa/ admires come off as really aggressive and uninviting. We all must find a middle way or be doomed.

>> No.8876314

>a lot of the fits /fa/ admires come off as really aggressive and uninviting.

thats the point

>> No.8876315

Not on the whole. I was born /fit/ so I've always had that going for me. I've now got a relatively /fa/ gf and friends who are very interested in the shit I wear but I don't dress for girls at all. I think if I rocked brooks brothers and shit like that I would get a lot of positive attention from basic bitches but I would hate myself at the same time

>> No.8876316

>>8875091 http://youtu.be/Fr8HKRTavM0

>> No.8876318

>I've found that most of their fear will dissipate if you great them with a smile and a simple hello. Often times that's all I need to start a conversation. They'll comment on how they thought I was going to murder them when I walked up to them and we'll all have a good laugh.

Yeah, i know this feel way too well.

>> No.8876331

lol so nerdy xD

>> No.8876340

>Hanging out with my "friend" (girl I almost dated but that's a long story in itself) and some of her female friends
>They all start complimenting on how I dress and how attractive I am
>"Wow nice jawline, wow you dress really well every other guy dresses like an idiot, you dress really well" etc etc
>Feels good man

>> No.8876343

>lightly tackle men in the club

make sure you use condoms, anon.

>> No.8876376

do you wear typical gothninja clothes?

>> No.8876389

post fit

>> No.8876394

>not having a distressed face to go with your distressed julius fit

>> No.8876398

i wish I could finger the cute chick from scrubs that no one remembers.

>> No.8876407
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>tfw 5'11
>normal hairline
>sick fit
>confident as fuck

>> No.8876414
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You guys are fucking pathetic. Maybe if you got off 4chinz and got a life.

>> No.8876416

why are MPDGs so disgusting

>> No.8876418

lmao this guy

if that makes u sleep at night

>> No.8876435


Yeah you're right, there's not a single goof ninja qt around here that would appreciate my Richard collection.

>> No.8876466

yeah, went to uni 2 years being a fuccboi, went on a year abroad, started paying attention to what i wear, got a girlfriend over there, came back to uni, getting noticeably more attention

>> No.8876505

It helped me because I used to dress horribly and have a terrible haircut. Since actually making an investment in my appearance, I've gone from a 5/10 to a weak 7/10 and my luck with women has gone up exponentially.

>> No.8876545

manlet confirmed

>> No.8876550

no. but this one time a qt azn girl complemented my shoes

>> No.8876558
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I got /fa/, got my first gf, got hurt really badly, and now ignore all the extra attention that qt's give me because I can't handle a relationship.

t-thanks /fa/

>> No.8876564 [DELETED] 


>> No.8876568
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>> No.8876575

not really, i just act the same way i do normally, if you're not ready to take on the hottest women how are you gonna be able to take on the best parts of life.

>> No.8876631

It has not been the same since

I have become this judgemental monster who laughs at every manlet and shit dressed people.

I have set high standards when it come to potential gfs

I am more out going, and have way more friends than before

I am more clean and have gotten tons of compliments, some of my friends call me skinny guy, model, etc

But being effay is the best decision i have ever made.

>> No.8876680

>aggressive and uninviting.

Well duh half the /fa/ battle is having confident outfit that trumps the old saying "Clothes make the man."

>> No.8876727
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Being effay itself doesn't get me any attention, but since I started to dress myself effay I immediately became more confident and outgoing, and this is what chicks dig and it got me laid few times.

>> No.8876736

still depressed and little social interaction
will prob drop out and be neet until i commit suicide

>> No.8876744

at the moment of the excuse you should've just asked or her number bro, you fucked that part

>> No.8876781


>> No.8876794
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>get told i dress well and have a pretty face
>girls seem more interested when we talk
i think i might make it you guys

>> No.8876837

If you think you're going to get hella qt3.14s from going /fa/ you
1.probably aren't /fa/
2. go back to /r9k/

these threads are so embarrassing.

>> No.8876919

>be manlet
>dress better
>no more or less attention from qts
>whenever i go to bars or lounges i routinely get hit on by middle aged women and gay men

Oh well.

>> No.8876960

Yea they typically seem more interested but I have a sneaky suspicion it's because they think I have money.

>> No.8876963
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>be judging edgelord before fa
>be judging edgelord after but now judge fits as well even though I dress basic/shit

>> No.8876971

The most pussy I ever got was when I was out of the country for a period of time, hot as hell weather and wore mostly boardies and t-shirt.
So yeah, after I became effay, but not really.

>> No.8877034

>got approached
>not approaching

>> No.8877049

Come on, nobody asks for a number anymore, it's all about fucking facebook these days. Added her the next day and sent her a mix I've been listening to religiously over the last few days (she asked me if could recommend some good electronic music when we talked). But I don't really care anymore cause I'm going on a date with another girl I met after that one left me.

>> No.8877062

Yeah plenty of times actually. Literally get compliments everyday on my fits. One time this chick approached me and asked me for my number. I gave it to her but I haven't really been replying to her.

>> No.8877096

What do you wear?

>> No.8877100

I get more attention (i've also gotten fitter but not /fit/) but i still fuck it up because of autism/confidence issues. talked to a qt for like half an hour the other day and she seemed into me but i couldn't even ask for her number or anything. someone fucking kill me

>More attention from gay men.
also this. i'm kinda into guys but not the effeminate ones who are usually the ones into me

>> No.8877136

People out stop to talk to me girls take pictures with me. P/much gorgeous tho

>> No.8877300

start to become /fit/ halfway through highschool
finally lose viginity summer before college
discover /fa/ right before college
realize all my clothes are shit
been in college 2 weeks and only hooked up with one girl, no sex.
my new stan smiths arrived today
faggot already complimented me
i will report back on how the /fa/ transformation works for me

>> No.8877990

Or they're just as afraid of rejection as you are/we're at some point. It's not an excuse, it's just that you can't expect women to ask you out in a society where women are raised to expect to be pursued.

>> No.8877998

I only get attention from fat disgusting whores. Nothing has changed.

>> No.8878311

a qt noticed me because of my goof garbage
its nice
it feels nice
/lifts leg to face unnaturally and kisses geos

>> No.8878323

Girls seem to always smile at me and give me compliments on what I wear. But I still haven't had luck with them until recently when I just became more bold and would tell them what I want from them , such as having sex, etc.

>> No.8878405

You sound like a douche. Women that aren't confused, ignorant girls aren't into that. I can't get into any guy who brags about starting, or trying to start shit.

What most of you guys sound like you need is either a good therapist, or to start asking yourself the hard questions so you can actually grapple reality and find the fun in it instead of getting anxious and scared (anxiety IS fear).

Seriously guys. Fashion won't fix your personality. Tackling your anxieties and getting help for them will. Realizing that willpower is a muscle that can be trained can help you get over this. Realizing that your appearance is a shell if you don't fill it up with hobbies, talents,and relationships can help. Realize that getting attention from qts means shit if you don't even have the social confidence in yourself to approach them.

>> No.8878424

A lot of men have that kind attitude. They expect a woman in a relationship to be a supporting character that basks in their manliness, or whatever else they pride themselves in. I'm not saying you're wrong, but there are men who fit your description all too well.

>> No.8878446

She looks like a bird and sounds like one too.

>> No.8878460

Stop waiting for it to come. Do something about it instead of bitching and distancing yourself. Your really doubt yourself no favors. With your shitty attitude it's no wonder you can't approach girls and pick them up. You come off as so entitled.

>> No.8878481

>Ann D shirt, Wang long sleeve, Raf oxford
>MMM trousers, joggers
>CPs, GATs, Lanvin, even Rick ramones

>I listen to techno

>> No.8878516

when i dress /fa/ i get no response

today i wore a shirt that had the explicit content logo on it (6dollarshirts) and a hoodie and went to mcd's... had 3 jailbait hs girls staring me down the whole time. it was like magic, girls were staring at me the whole fucking day. a girl in my physics class hit on me and put her number in my phone.

so no, being /fa/ is inversely related to getting responses from girls. being /fa/ does get me attention from gay guys though. so there's that

>> No.8878522

>(6dollarshirts) and a hoodie and went to mcd's
>shirt cost 6 dollars

Someone was depressed today...

>> No.8878643


Try everyday.


>> No.8878654

>an actual honest post
didn't know these exist

>> No.8878659

i'm asian, and apparently from what I hear I only ever get checked out by the middle/high school american-asian girls who like k-pop and think hood by air/pyrex/givenchy is the pinnacle of fashion

>> No.8878668
File: 58 KB, 400x388, 1411907777768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle/high school american-asian girls who like k-pop and think hood by air/pyrex/givenchy is the pinnacle of fashion

Man nigga, that is some of the best pussy your cock will ever taste. Get in on that.

>> No.8878745

its ur destiny to be their oppa anon

>> No.8878797

>start second year of college
>meet 9/10 qt basic blonde at first big party of the year
>been talking to her and getting steady nuts for about a week
>don't know if it was bc of clothes
>have been super confident
>look good to begin with.

/fa/ has def changed me. i really care about my appearance and am starting to spend more and more time and money towards it.
not going anywhere though

>> No.8878844
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>> No.8878898
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>tfw don't live in america and don't have access to american asian slutty teenyboppers

>> No.8878902

i was never effay
i just spent more money on clothes after coming here

fuck you dudes

>> No.8878905
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>> No.8878928

Where did I say I start shit? If someone is being aggressive towards me I answer with aggression. I don't actually go and start shit for the sake of it. And I don't do it for women, I do it for me. So cunts can't just get away with being cunts.

>> No.8879177



She was making fun of you.

>> No.8879201 [DELETED] 

Sounds like she used you
Hit on someone who isn't in your league to pump your ego up
Classic maneuver
Nothing a slut loves more than making a cuck out of a boy

>> No.8879202


>> No.8879203

Do not take her somewhere Asian just because she is Asian. She will probably think you're a pleb cunt. Go to a restaurant that doesn't serve Asian food nor food traditionally from your home country.

>> No.8879207

He is taking her to eat sushi because he wants to eat sushi and everyone enjoys sushi
>Do not take her somewhere Asian just because she is Asian
because nepal = japan right?
"You took me to eat sushi! I'm from Nepal, rou racist fuck! Now you'll never get to taste my omanko!"

>> No.8879213

How do you figure that?

>> No.8879218

When I go to London, I get more attention, whereas my shitty hometown I tend to get called a faggot. I will never forget the qt Azn in a long coat and a cute as hell mountain hat. >Locked eyes and she pulled out a cigarette, motioning as if to ask whether I wanted one
>Smiled, spilt spaghetti all over me on the inside
>Saw her later in the day
>Looks again and smiles at me
>This time winks
>I had an autistic fit, smirked and acted better than her
>I wasn't better than her
>I'd have fully let her piss on me
>Will never see her again

>> No.8879223

smh failed greentext

>> No.8879225

no are u dum
its primarily awkward to assume that an asian person would want to go out to eat asian food on a date

>> No.8879226

The bungler bungles it again

>> No.8879229

I've gotten considerably better looking since I started browsing this board, so I've have got more female attention but not due to dressing better, you don't have to dress good to get female attention where I live as literally every female is a pleb.

>> No.8879232

>>I wasn't better than her
>>I'd have fully let her piss on me

ayyyeee lmao

>> No.8879238


>do something about it

Lmao what can i do more ? I already lift, take care of myself and dress decently.

Just read my post one more time and read yours.

>> No.8879258

Basically what I was trying to say. Go there on a second date or something, if it goes that far. If I went to Japan and met a girl and she took me to get a Full English breakfast I'd kick her head in.

>> No.8879468

I must be the only person here who's been getting less attention from men as far as I'm aware.
An old guy once straight up offered to suck my dick before I was effay, which was a bit odd.

Although now I am getting more attention from grills, but I'm not sure if they're just being friendly. Also, my qt gf seems to be less interested in me.

>> No.8879505

My only contact with the opposite sex is when I am drunk

I do very well and can do whatever I like with them

I don't know any girls so I never talk to them sober


>> No.8879567

>tfw girl smiles at you
it's a good feel
i feel like im not at my full potential yet, i can get far more effay and im looking forward to it.
also some girl has been harassing me on fb, shes not attractive and she has an ugly bf but it's nice to get the attention
i can't find the image of feels man with his tongue out looking all cheeky and shit, but if i could i would post it

>> No.8879677

assure your gf that you're not turning gay

>> No.8879701

>tfw reading me some Danielewsky at a uni library
>raise my eyes for a moment
>girl comes by and smiles at me
>didn't react fast enough and stared at her awkwardly for a moment before burying myself in the book again

Well, another time I'll be ready I guess

>> No.8879732


You're gonna mean mug the wrong dude and they won't hesitate to push your shit in. You'll start shit with a dude who's smaller than you and it'll turn out he was a D1 wrestler and you'll wake up with few teeth in your mouth.

>> No.8879787

Alright! NOW it's a good thread
I'm avin a good laugh now m8s

>> No.8880991

pretty much me

>> No.8881246

jesus: I feel ya on tfw no gf but no friends? How does that even work? Are you in school or uni? That's not possible: you always find someone who you at least on some level have an understanding and is tolerable

>> No.8881295
File: 62 KB, 709x765, 1410559750975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finally think ive met the qt of my life

now i dont need to drop tons of cash on fits

>> No.8881314

I've had gay men give me more attention.

My friends call me a hipster.

>> No.8883250

>build up the courage to talk to azn with nice style
>sperg out

only wanted her as a friend anyway, just preping for end game.

>> No.8884645

no it hasnt

>> No.8884647

play mini golf or someshit

>> No.8884657

a few days ago at a mall this one chick said pretty loudly "that guys so gay" while walking past me. I'm pretty sure they wanted the d

>> No.8884709

why are you still here?

>> No.8884749

what are you in high school?

go to a nice bar, get drunk, take her back to ur place and fugg :DDD

>> No.8884774

>become /fa
>girls think im gay


>> No.8885892

Why is this board so pathetic

>> No.8885908

nice reading comprehension. he said he used to get approached, but since getting fit and dressing better he hasnt

>> No.8885993

I am fucking amazed by how many beta ass faggots there are on this thread. Wtf is wrong with you guys?

>> No.8886016

im not even /fa/ lel

>> No.8886352

>be not really fa compared to fa
>be fa compared to my small town
>for first time 7/10 grill calls me cute
>girl in my class wants to fuck me (she literally said she wants to fuck me lol)

>> No.8886409

She's gonna be really upset when she finds out what a faggot you are.

>> No.8886440

yeah, deep inside im still an autistic fuck