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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 94 KB, 778x451, nose-job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8868074 No.8868074 [Reply] [Original]

How much do noses matter when looking at how attractive a face is?

Does anybody have any experience with nose jobs?

>> No.8868094

its pretty important

i know this one asian guy with an insane jaw but a flat af nose, making him a 5/10 at best

>> No.8868119

It's one of the most important features, but hard to judge since face is all connected so tightly, and when one thing is one way, another adjacent thing will be directly affected.
If that's you on the left, it looks okay, like sure you can pass for it, but one on right is pretty near-perfect.

>> No.8868169

The nose is the center peice of the face, so it's really important. The Greeks even did nose jobs, it's not a big deal. Why do you think upper class people look better than poor people?

>> No.8868178

Everyone thinks I got a nose job because I have a (relatively) tiny nose but am black

Honestly I admit 70% of my facial aesthetic is because of my small nose since its a really big part of ones face

>> No.8868195

Only your jaw and chin are more important.

>> No.8868216

tfw no indian qt

>> No.8868230

very fucking much
there's a sandnigger chick in one of my classes, everytime I see her I pity her because her nose ruins her otherwise good face and overall looks.

>good hair
>received pronunciation accent
>seems to have a good personality

but that FUCK HUGE NOSE which enters the room 0.5 sec before she does...

>> No.8868235

Those are two different women

>> No.8868242

No they look the same just years apart

>> No.8869391
File: 174 KB, 1200x784, 4eea02456d8291b575919823505973b8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that big ugly crooked nose

People say they like it but I think they just want me to stay ugly. oh well. Works fro Adrien brody right?

>> No.8869416

They're the same person, the second image in the sequences is always lit better to make it look even more improved.

>> No.8869437

Hey Kenz

>> No.8869578

Upper class people often look really ugly, though. People in power as well.

I don't know why noses are so important but they are, and the majority of the world has shitty ones. I'm just glad my nose is very acceptable. Not perfect (I think Roman noses are really aesthetic) it doesn't stand out.

>> No.8869600

I fucking love it when the husbands are so shocked at their hideously disfigured child and then they realize their wife had fucking so much plastic surgery. This is why you don't actually marry the fucking gold diggers.

>> No.8869640

Noses don't have as large of an effect on attractiveness as most think. Just look at the OP, she barely goes up a point even with a better nose.

>> No.8869663


who couldn't use a nice nose.. if he has a smaller nose you bet he'll look better.

>> No.8869668
File: 561 KB, 736x708, aaaaaaaahahahahahahah ohohohoohohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask sicklysweet

shes the expert in all plastic surgery and cosmetology

she doesnt need a major
she doesnt need an education or schooling

shes so amazingly insecure she studied all of the plastic surgery commodities
her nose did it for free

>> No.8869672

this nigger serious?

>> No.8869678

Facial bone structure >>> a little hump in ur nose


>> No.8869699

slimey kike detected
enjoy never being able to hide without your nose sticking out into the open air, weasel

>> No.8869713

Must suck having a double digit IQ

>> No.8871113

If you're a dude and the rest of you is aight you can own it and be "weird hot" like Brody or Owen Wilson. Chicks have it a little harder in that regard tho.

>> No.8871218
File: 40 KB, 500x667, Anthea Page 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nose is probably the most important feature in ones face when judging attractiveness since it pretty much defines your profile which most people are going to see when you walk by in the street or whatever.
I think a narrow, small, straight or slightly inwards curved nose is the most attractive.

>> No.8871293

Your jaw and brow are much more important in terms of a solid facial profile. Owen Wilson has a good profile despite a fucked up nose, for example.

>> No.8871296

uhh no she's much hotter with that new nose

>> No.8871302

>white guy who looks asian but just happens to have a flat face

ive seen this guy everywhere

>> No.8871307

Notice how in the after shot the lighting and makeup are a lot better. She looks better but not enough to warrant more than a point more in terms of attractiveness.

>> No.8871308

what's wrong with his nose other than the dent? if you pretend the dent wasn't there he'd have a decent nose.

it's not like his nose is some wide monkey nose with flared nostrils showing his boogers and nose hair to the world

>> No.8871314

with or without a scale the difference will always be clear

>> No.8871336

Yeah it's not terrible. A better example would be Tom Cruise whose nose is pretty fucking big but it doesn't matter since his other features are good enough to balance his profile.

>> No.8871344


and it depends on what you get done to your nose
there's only so much the surgeon can help you with

>> No.8871355

>Thinking of getting a nosejob
Never been bullied due to having enough confidence, also general ''cute'' girls, proclaimed by girls.
I think my face would look so much better as soon as I got myself a nosejob.
Contemplating to go to the Pattaya hospital in Bangkok, more advanced than the hospital in Amsterdam, lots of a-celebs going there. Also, cheaper than here. 1000 euro's for tickets + stay - 1500 for the nosejob.
>My jewnose keeps finding money an important factor.

>> No.8871357

It's all about proportion. I think what's important is that it's slim and has a defined tip, also symmetry plays a big role. A slighty bigger nose, or hook shaped nose can look just as good as a small, straight or slightly upturnt nose. Just look at David Gandy.

>> No.8871384

With nose jobs, there's nearly no limit.

>> No.8871397


stop spreading false information
if you get too much done you are at risk of breathing problems and your bridge collapsing later on.
if you tell a surgeon that kind of bs they are going to think you're insane and won't even operate on you sometimes.
go on realself and look at all the botched surgeries on noses

>> No.8871454

Am I wrong for actually liking my hooked and big nose?

I am girl and have quite a case of jew-nose but actually feel okay with it.
It adds character to my face and in some way filters out very superficial men from dating pool (and I am quite okay with it).
Also- shouldn't people on /fa/ be more into different types of beauty than just "one size nose every celeb is getting"?

>> No.8871488


Idk post pics

>> No.8871497

That's the same girl, but after a nose job.

>> No.8871507

It's incredibly easy to get a movie star nose without going 'too much'

>> No.8871510

>tfw large, pointy, bumpy nose

Oh, well. #yolo

>> No.8871527

I'm fine with mine too. These threads make me kind of sad.

>> No.8871537

Don't think thats needed- it is one thats stands out , little need for pitcures to prove it.
yeah, also always get the feeling that my nose might come in handy one day. who knows. Sometimes it is better to have something different than average

>> No.8871558

yeah cause you're definitely a surgeon who has performed rhinoplasty before
if your nose is huge before you arent going to look like natalie portman or zac efron after your surgery
ppl like ashley tisdale, jennifer aniston and cameron diaz still have huge ass wide noses even after surgery

>> No.8871569

if you look good from the front how much does an ugly profile matter?

>> No.8871576

>huge nose
You have bdd, seek help.

>> No.8871615
File: 15 KB, 283x283, 1411096583573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, didn't realize you were this far gone.

>> No.8871650
File: 5 KB, 264x191, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What nose are you going for? Some anime shit that doesn't exist?

Something like pic related has little risk and is a huge improvement. Combine it with a tip reduction and it's an entirely different nose.

>> No.8871682

to be honest I like first look more. "Improvement" is subjective

>> No.8871691

i already had my nose done

>> No.8871697

The curved nose fitted him better. He looked mature.

>> No.8871705

I guess this was more subjective than I thought. I like the second look because it draws attention to his nice eyes, lips, and chin. Are you guys female/gay, or are you just kind of guessing?

And how did it turn out? I hope to God your dysmorphia wasn't this bad when you had it done.

>> No.8871720

i hope to God you aren't this condescending in real life.
it turned out fine

>> No.8871730
File: 192 KB, 501x445, 1405313355193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls others condescending
>insulted another anon when he points out her obvious mental illness

>> No.8871734

I am girl. Guy just looks more sexually attractive for me. Nice nose also can draw positive attention. Without it he looks too flat

>> No.8871740

bitch dont act like you fucking know me

>> No.8871744

I was >>8871697 and I'm a girl
Big noses are masculine, I don't know why a man should worry about it at all.

>> No.8871759

>girls on the internet
I look like the before pic and girls always made fun of my nose in high school.

>> No.8871767

>caring what pubescent girls like

>> No.8871775

They were like 18 though.

>> No.8871780


This >>8871767. High school tastes change, when I was teen my ideal were lanky guys who could pass for girls. Glad it is over.

>> No.8871791

>tfw bulbous, bumped, upturned nose

it's pretty fucking horrible

>> No.8873685
File: 272 KB, 960x1280, image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My noses alone makes me 6/10 down from near 8/10

Don't even deny it, yes I could style my hair better, yes I could shave but my nose is so fucking bad it really makes me laugh hahaha

I honestly don't care, but I do care at the same time

frosting on my lip just noticed

>> No.8873691

Same thing, bulbous fucking nose.

>> No.8873695

It's such a pain in the ass dude

Looking at my picture, I see no flaws aside from my nose (in my eyes), which sucks so goddamn much

>> No.8873697

And it's not a small flaw at all, it's a facial aesthetic gamechanger IMO

>> No.8873728

you have a pencil thin upper lip and a weak chin, each being 1 point, so you are right, with a fixed nose you could be an 8/10 but those others are holding you back from true modelhood

>> No.8873761

These are not flaws to me, all of my features aside from my nose are ideal FOR ME, in my eyes

Nose makes me pissed, takes away even good thing going for me.

>> No.8874147

Quite a bit.

>> No.8874183

I wouldn't go as low as 6 for that personally, although that is one hell of a schnoz

>> No.8874699

Got my cast removed three days ago.

Will happily answer any questions.

>> No.8874799
File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, 20140929_160228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my nose pls

>> No.8874844

its ok bro, its not as bad as you might think

>> No.8874858
File: 42 KB, 716x960, 526372_10200297992585861_1829968997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my nose lads, am I aesthetic?

>> No.8874863


>> No.8874864

i got my nose done in august!

i'm planning to finish my nose next year, hopefully

>> No.8874870


>> No.8874874



>> No.8874879

how much did it cost? did insurance cover anything? what did you say to your doctor?

>> No.8874883

you know this is a before and after picture right? same person

>> No.8874885

I have gotten that but it always feels like girls just kind of rationalizing it and overlooking it

The rest of me is pretty weird looking though

>> No.8874911


i did two procedures. i reduced my alars and made my tip more refined, my results atm are quite subtle.

i have a small hump that i wanna get removed and id like to reduce the sides a bit. idr the proper name i haven't slept today. i didn't wanna get everything done at once cause i was getting work done on my chin and lips too, and going through all that at once would be a bit too much.

in retrospect i think i should have just done it all at once cause i'm a student and i just quit my job oop


around $2.5k i think, with the other two nose procedures i want in the future it should cost just under 5k maybe


i'd like an alar reduction and tip-plasty

>> No.8876194

own it

or get surgery

>> No.8877047

It's a big factor obviously.

>> No.8877213

People with big noses are generally seen as low-class, sub-human etc.

>> No.8877372

doesn't look bad at all. i'd be happy with these aesthetics.

>> No.8877420
File: 219 KB, 960x1280, fuckface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my nose as fucked up as i think it is?

>> No.8877422

looks normal

>> No.8877533


>> No.8877541


>> No.8877542


fucking trunks

>> No.8877667

i wish i was that cool

>> No.8878287
File: 238 KB, 960x1280, IMG_5473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you wouldn't, here's another I just took

The nose literally is the focal point, I look at that picture and BAM my huge fucking nose is just the thing my eye gets drawn to

Hell, is it even possible to get surgery when it's so dense? Literally maintains it's thickness throughout the top to bottom.

>> No.8878321


stop fishing for compliments
get a girlfriend
chill out
stop posting
become a decent person

>> No.8878331

You're pretty qt

>> No.8878333

>average looking
>no gf for 3 years
>i am
>nothing better to do
>i am though

>> No.8878363

use a c-clamp to fix it

i am a doctor

>> No.8878621

>getting upset on /fa/

>> No.8878730

tfw nice nose eyes and lips but absolute pleb facial structure
no chin baby face 4 life :,( suicide is imminant

>> No.8878749

get a nosejob dude you could be B E A U T I F U L
hair looks great btw just a bit off the sides would look great

>> No.8879067

Die you witch

>> No.8879082


of course you did

what's next, your tits ? your ass ? your chin ? or it's already done ?

nah i think you should focus on your height because you are small as shit

>> No.8879089

you look good now man lol better than most

new nose will just be better but ur fine now

>> No.8879120

how do you dress/what's your body like? These things could compensate massively for a slightly bigger nose

>> No.8879687

It only looks like the focal point because the rest of your face is beta looking. Getting a smaller nose will just make you look more feminine.

>> No.8879692
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1407343743668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.8879737

indian dude here ..... its so rare bruh

>> No.8879745
File: 17 KB, 259x194, 1387388537022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw upturned feminine nose
>tfw male and want a manly nose

>> No.8880018

tips fedora

>> No.8880026

Its beutiful

>> No.8880032


>> No.8880058
File: 191 KB, 818x805, gsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose is a little wider than I'd like and if I had the money spare I'd get a nose job but for now it will do.

>> No.8880059

There's nothing wrong with that, I personally like girls with slightly unique features. It adds a nice touch if they're an overall good/pretty person.

>> No.8880061

lol i misread zac efron as zach braff

>> No.8880066

looks fine but stop sucking in your cheeks its so damn obvious.

>> No.8880070

Wow actually using a racial slur on a fashion board. So edgy.

>> No.8880076

better but imo her nose bridge is too thin and defined compared to her bulbous tip and nostrils

looks kind of weird

>> No.8881447
File: 644 KB, 480x640, cap'n hooknose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucked am i?

>> No.8881463


>> No.8881466


im so sorry

>> No.8881468

go full piratecore

>> No.8881473


a-at least i'm not /hideous/ from the front...

>> No.8881477


nigga u cute


>> No.8881498

my condolences

>> No.8881511
File: 41 KB, 499x499, 1411499725961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anybody have any experience with nose jobs?

Your dick must be really small if you want to try a nose job :^)

>> No.8881736
File: 20 KB, 401x202, plsrespond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8883581


>> No.8883741

God I hate people like you

no different than a rich person bitching about a $50.00 parking ticket

fuck off

>> No.8883997

holy fuck i've never seen someone sucking in their cheeks in so much.
pizzaface pls go.

>> No.8884007

>omg he has a better jaw than me
>he must be sucking his cheeks! xD

wtf is a pizzaface

>> No.8884011

You look like something I would make in the TES Oblivion character creation screen.

>> No.8884013
File: 18 KB, 219x219, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw u can see the inside of ur nostrils without flaring them

>> No.8884048

>hair/jawline/brow all fine
>worried about non-existent nose problem
You look model material m8

>> No.8884164

its pretty fucking obvious you're sucking in your cheeks just look at those lips you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.8884166

bosmer all up in this bitch

>> No.8884179


you are a stupid fuck

just leave

>> No.8884202
File: 89 KB, 604x694, 1411653234201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw straight, medium sized nose on good facial structure
>tfw it's covered in blackheads

>> No.8884328

sebaceous filaments*


>> No.8884510
File: 410 KB, 382x499, 2014-10-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my nose is abit crooked

>> No.8884594

you're doing gods werk

>> No.8884702
File: 40 KB, 640x480, u7u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing that feel

>> No.8884713

qt :)

>> No.8884719

fuckin goofy looking queer bait nice recessed chin and jawline

>> No.8884927

let me hit that, girl :)

>> No.8884976

uhm that wasn't me you autist

>> No.8885663
File: 143 KB, 750x992, Jen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you think it matters when It's in the center of your fucking face?

>> No.8885684

People always think it looks good, either because they don't want to hurt you or because they are used to you looking some kind of way, the moment you look improve they will make comment on how better you look or will get jealous.

>> No.8885700
File: 797 KB, 1000x1260, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, your thread just attracted every neckbeard on the premises. What the hell is happening in here

>> No.8885714

It's more acceptable for men to have large noses than women. You should be fine as long as your not a total douche nugget.

>> No.8885718

He's def sucking his cheeks in. A pizza face is a teenager. They're called that because of their typically bad acne.

>> No.8885723

>implying that's an actual picture

>> No.8885865

his skin is flawless wat

>> No.8885913

you a girl or guy?

>> No.8886827

dude, you look exactly like me, this is creepy- are you indian ?

>> No.8886878

bruh honestly your nose isnt that bad, i wouldnt say it drops you any lower than a 7

>> No.8886894

youre qt dont worry about it

>> No.8887089

a pizzaface is NOT a teenager, a pizzaface is an acne ridden person.

youre stupid, wow.

>> No.8888633
File: 105 KB, 640x960, IMG_1036[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I fix that little downward curve under my nose?

>How bad am I

>> No.8888634


Surgery probably.

Also you have a recessed chin, sorry dude.

>> No.8888641
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to fix? Give it to me straight doc.

>> No.8888645

On that topic, is there any way to enhance your jawline?

>> No.8888647


with expensive surgery

>> No.8888650


Plastic / facial surgery can fix pretty much everything but it's a massive hassle ( can take up to two years to get proper results depending on the surgery ) and it's costly as shit.

I had a little part of my face blasted by a shrapnel so i must know.

>> No.8888655

Hmm. I'm actually going to the army as a 68Whiskey, planning on becoming a Ranger medic.

You think it's worth it to have surgery? I mean do I look that bad to the point where you would recommend it?

>> No.8888673


It depends what you are looking for. You won't need to look good in the army anyway.

It's not terrible for me, though for /fa/ it might be a different story since they set they standards to ridiculous levels and feel complexed when they're not hitting them.

That being said you should post a front pic, but my final advice would be to wait until you get older before taking a final decision. A face doesn't remain static so to say, weight, beards, all of that have some degree of influence on it. Besides money don't grow on trees and these two surgery alone will cost you up to 5000 to 10'000 $.

>> No.8888681

Your nose would work if you had a better jaw structure.
You have overall weak features which makes your face look unbalanced.

You are making the best out of it though, really nice hair.

>> No.8888689
File: 100 KB, 640x960, IMG_1037[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bushy eyebrows
>ears that stick out


>> No.8888707


Yeah well that's what i thought, it doesn't look that dramatic from the front.

Again it depends the level of importance you give to look, but i don't think it would be a good idea to waste up to 10K for what i saw.

Even if you are considering surgery you should fix that acne first. Take Accutane and be done with it, that's what i did and now my face is pretty much free of zits.

>> No.8888712

Hmm. Did Accutane fuck you up with side effects?

>> No.8888726


Heh. I can list you what i had in one year of accutane if you want.

Nose bleed, dry lips, dry face, dry eyes very sensitive to light, dry hair and scalp, small hair thinning here and there, more tired than usual, some back pain

And that's about all i can think right now. So yeah, there were some side effects but nothing terrible and that was well worth it for how it cleaned my face.

I mean if you can't deal with these you should forget getting in the army.

>> No.8888744

I wonder if they can test for this shit somehow. Only reason I'm asking is because that's a dis qualifier if MEPS finds out.

>> No.8888783


Fuck all of you that complain about nick picky shit with your relatively normal noses when I'm walking around with a nose exactly the same as this guy's, acne scars, and monster eyebrows

Life is suffering.

>> No.8888792


g'day lads! we having a good roll! probably seen it. everyone get in, great laughs, fun and banter!
good luck lads! :P

8888888 did i get it?


>> No.8888985
File: 606 KB, 1854x2045, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big nose my whole life, always been self conscious about it. Even got bullied about it when younger. During high school I guess I grew into it and people started complimenting me on it, that it fits me and adds character and shit like that. Still self conscious about it doe. What do you guys think?

>> No.8888993

It looks good man. You'd look better with it fixed, but it suits your face and I don't think it looks bad.

I'm the guy that posted a pic above you, my nose is a trainwreck.

>> No.8889003

Could be a fuckload worse

Rock angry Harold Ramis-core

>> No.8889009

You referring to >>8888689 ?
You just gotta clear up your face, and get a haircut so the back of your hair doesn't look so long. Also, I'm not sure if your eyebrows just don't grow any further in, but if they do, try not getting them done with such a big gap. If they are closer together, it may give you a more aggressive or masculine look so that you don't look so nice. Also, look up facial excercise videos and shit like that, I did and it helped a lot with my facial aesthetics.

>> No.8889018

Exactly the same, not bullied though, only sometime people were mocking it for fun, then late highschool/college, they started complimenting it for the exact same reason, and it started when I was embracing it, nothing to be ashamed off tbh.
Plus, they say big nose big dicks, so eh

>> No.8889027

I was just made fun of like that too, not like I got beat up over it, shoulda specified on that. It's a weird feel getting compliments on something people mocked you for before isn't it?

>> No.8890091


Well, at least you can hide your no jaw with your beard but I'm truly sorry.

>> No.8890314

I work retail and the teenage girls and my co workers have always made fune of my nose, publicly. its wide (black people wide) and long in profile (not adrien brody but big in profile) on a skinny dude. i've noticed the only and i mean only women who have ever really taken initiative because I have no self confidence is older women. younger girls think I look gross and make comments about my nose. only once did a big nosed cutie come up to me.

I don't want to wait until i'm 40 for women and myself to be okay with my nose, the standard of beauty of men has gone way up this century as well

>> No.8890323

if the front looks fine, do me a favour and never think about it again looks good

>> No.8890331

where the fuck do you live? average cost of rhinoplasty is $5000, did you get surgery in tijuana

>> No.8890344

such a qt girl

>> No.8890350

Don't listen to this guys. Just follow it, wherever it goes.

>> No.8890351

you look great from the front, don't sweat it

>> No.8890419
File: 847 KB, 1080x540, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, jew genetics

how bad is this? also what is a recessed chin?

also I'm aware I don't have a cool haircut

>> No.8890429

fix that shit hair and a lot of problems go away

>> No.8890436


oh yeah speaking of which what kind of haircut suits my face? didn't think to ask in my post

>> No.8890477

pls be a boy and marry me

>> No.8890525


>> No.8890543

send help

>> No.8890590

you're only problem is your attitude. if you cut your hair and get charisma U can fuck anyone U want. if u stay as u are u can only fuck little girls who like one direction

also UR body looks tight as fuck how do u work out and not have confidence? ur sketchy and I wouldnt fuck u no matter what

>> No.8890632

best post on /fa/ 2015

>get charisma
which potion do I drink for +5 in charisma?

>> No.8890633

why would he cut that hair..? looks dope

But yeah even with a new nose you'd still be an insecure faggot fishing for compliments

yes you are attractive, have a nice body which ALL MAKE UP FOR YOUR FUCKING NOSE

But who the fuck cares I doubt you leave your house so it's worthless

I lol at people who waste their potential

>> No.8890663

just grow it out longer like Beatles length but don't style it just maintain it with some more length

>> No.8890690

Anyone had one? How much do they cost? Do they have poorfag payment plans?

>> No.8890706


I don't like my hair when it's longer because it starts to curl into a jewfro. There isn't anything I could do to it at that point to make it look good and not goofy.

>> No.8890757


dude i love mighty car mods

>> No.8890763

I-I don't get it

>> No.8890774


Im so sorry you had to be born :(

>> No.8890777

me too

>> No.8890786


what's the most /fa/ way to an hero?

>> No.8890790

fuck off asshole

op, you're normal and perfectly okay. just fix your hair.

>> No.8890815
File: 103 KB, 2304x1536, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never have a strong nose like the greek statues

why even live

>> No.8890882
File: 115 KB, 610x844, rossy-de-palma-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your noses are beautiful
Work with what you got
Love yourselves

>> No.8890886

Even >>8874858?

>> No.8890903
File: 157 KB, 800x994, rossy-de-palma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're basically Jason Schwartzman
Experiment with facial hair

>> No.8891703

the nose would look better with a broader chin.

>> No.8892078

I had a nose job my sophomore year of high school.

My face is still pretty flat and my nose small, but I have nice cheekbones/jaw to make up for it.

>> No.8892093

it's probably a mix of the weird angle and pube beard, but my jawline actually isn't too terrible. the nose just ruins everything. ~~~c'est la vie~~~ :'^(

>> No.8892273
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20141001_234030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about my nose? I really want a nose job.

>> No.8892277

I would get one if I was a grill

>> No.8892304


>> No.8892312


How are you going to explain your Jew nose to your kids then?

>> No.8892317

As long as it doesn't interfere with slurpin the d you're okay.

>> No.8892334

don't hide your small chin bro. I have the same problem.

>> No.8892389

That's interesting. To me the lip and chin seem more heinous. The nose is big yes, but it isn't deformed or anything.

>> No.8892410

Looks fine to me.

>> No.8892520

Getting your nose fixed wouldn't help much either since your head is just damn small for your body.

>> No.8892562

>head too small for body
Is that a new meme

>> No.8892579

No, people just look goofy when their head is not proportionate to the rest of the body, namely shoulder width, it would be like having a buscemi sized head on a will ferrel body. Just would look stupid.

>> No.8892605

>weak chin
What? That isn't a weak chin at all

>> No.8892619


nigga looks good as fuck at his height and aesthetics not one bitch would care about his nose

not one bitch

>> No.8892635

>never mentions nose in post, only body proportions,
>mfw must have small head and broad shoulders.

>> No.8892641

didnt even read the post

cant tell unless you see him irl

camera dont mean shit

>> No.8892659

>can't green text.
>assumes I'm a dumb nigger like them.
>assuming the camera is an extreme wide angle to cause such distortion of the proportions shows an obvious lack of understanding about photography.

Dudes head is small get over it.

>> No.8892665


>> No.8892668

>taking it seriously
back to tumblr nigger faggot :^)

>> No.8892720

>my sides

>> No.8892753
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, 20141003_020009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never card much for my boss

>> No.8893516


>> No.8893535

gtfo whoreson sjw sandnigger

>> No.8893681
File: 126 KB, 1141x528, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked am I exactly , kind of crooked at the bottom but almost straight bridge... looks weird.

>> No.8894672

That's because there is nothing to be worried about, why do you think your nose has its place in this thread?

>> No.8894678

it doesn't work with him, the rest of his face just makes up for it

he'd go from weird good looking to very good looking if he got it done

>> No.8894746

you have ezra koenings nose, since you're jewish you know you could have been fucked over 100X worse if you had gotten another type of nose (i'm talking about that long, wide, bumpy one) you chin is fine

>> No.8894782


>> No.8894900


>> No.8894915

looks good

>> No.8894916

Daily reminder that cosmetic surgery is reproductive fraud

Your mate is going to be more than a little upset when their 8/10 partner makes a 5/10 child

>> No.8895688
File: 571 KB, 693x893, jdawg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my nose

>> No.8895826
File: 28 KB, 490x290, AdrienBrodynose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8895834

he looks so different, kinda weird.. i dont know

>> No.8895855

He looks super weird in the right picture. Like he got surgery to look more like rob lowe or something

>> No.8895858

a-aren't bushy eyebrows good for men?

>> No.8895883

a recessed chin is a chin that "goes backwards" instead of protruding outwards, something you don't have to worry about.

>> No.8895892

wow, looks x10 handomsier

>> No.8895895


lol who cares. I'll use my modelling cash to get the baby in-utero plastic surgery while my wife is sleeping

>> No.8896075

Dang breh

>> No.8896206
File: 9 KB, 263x239, 42a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does mine look fucked up?

>> No.8896229
File: 273 KB, 379x386, 708a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another angle, a fucking disgusting picture but the best one I have of my face from the side

>> No.8896237

Your nose is fine, but your hair, your teeth, your skin, your fat, your wardrobe is all shit. Your nose, is probably your only redeeming feature.

>> No.8896240

>tfw you your nose looks like this only when flaring nostrils

>> No.8896259

Getting rid of hair as soon as I can, working on teeth, fat, and picking up as much knowledge as I can to work on my wardrobe once I'm not a fattie anymore
(both pictures are more than 6 months old)

what's the skin problem though?
it never really bugged me besides redness, which I always considered to be a side-effect from fattieness

>> No.8896268
File: 15 KB, 250x334, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw long nose + oval face master race
this right here is the perfect nose shape

it's narrow on the side, straight and pointy and follows the same angle as the jawline

>> No.8896283

Don't get rid of the hair bro. Just get ripped and lean. There is a guy who is ripped with long blond hair at my gym and it's sick. You look like a greasy Pantera fan right now tho.

>> No.8896284

Mouthbreather race

>> No.8896291

compact midfaces are ugly

they make you look like asian or niggers

>> No.8896294

I really, really want to lose it, it's been a part of me for too long and I've treated it like shit and it looks like it

I look greasy as fucking fuck in the latter pic because stuff.
Had been filthy for a while there and the only reason I put it here is because it had that angle on my nose.
This is in no way how I would portray myself on a daily basis

>> No.8896300 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 205x318, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does mine look, /fa/?

I'm constantly worried about it.

>> No.8896314

you look like mr. everyone
congratulation, your nose is basic, just like the rest of your face

>> No.8896376

Don't. Seriously I'd rail the shit outta you

>> No.8896389

tfw ur face is 100% greek but you are british with french ancestry

i guess i got the jackpot

>> No.8896565
File: 776 KB, 1644x1798, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you're my twin right

>> No.8896575

Unless it's tiny a slight upturn isn't too bad.

Long straight stronk germanic nose masterrace reporting in

>> No.8896581

unless ur a rly ugly grill that nose is shit

>> No.8896588
File: 100 KB, 441x408, 1303152067144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8896663

tis shit

>> No.8896685
File: 248 KB, 768x1280, IMG_20141003_211740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my nose

>> No.8896686
File: 187 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-3-14 at 9.17 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to get one and i know i'll look pretty attractive if i do.. but i'm scared of the anasthesia part. i really dont want to be rendered unconscious and i feel like i have bad luck and will die. :( pic related: me. Wishing i had that cute button/straight nose. :(

>> No.8896695

i like. are you persian?

>> No.8896697

I got a nose job and I'd rate the result about a 7/10. It's better from most angles but I think my surgeon made it too sloped for my face. I don't recommend doing it unless it's something you're extremely insecure about and you're willing to accept that you'll never look the same again. It's a big thing to go through mentally tbh (at least it was through me)

>> No.8896701

oh god, its like someone hit you in the nose and you didn't go to the hospital with a broken nose and just let it grow in all funky

>> No.8896702

I'm also scared of the actual change. I feel like I'll regret and cry and miss myself. Does it change your smile/voice?

>> No.8896703

shieeet, y r there so many pakis on effay now?!?

>> No.8896706


>> No.8896707

you would look cute with it

>> No.8896708

>but i'm scared of the anasthesia part. i really dont want to be rendered unconscious and i feel like i have bad luck and will die

I don't see how one could die from a nose job? And anesthesia is anesthesia, you won't wake up during the operation.

>> No.8896709

well actually, i do feel like it's more swollen/etc because I was punched in the nose by my boyfriend while he was very drunk and on top of me. Thanks though. You're just making me want to go through with the procedure even moooar.

>> No.8896711

How much was it? If you paid a shitload of money and the surgeon fucked you up, then you should kill him.

>> No.8896712

Well i've heard of anesthesia awareness! Haha. I suppose I'm just a very paranoid person. Grrrr.

>> No.8896718
File: 76 KB, 200x202, 1343867893316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ, please just get the fuck out of here.

>> No.8896728

You can die from literally any procedure that requires anesthesia because doctors don't really understand quite how that shit works.

>> No.8896743

It changed my smile I think. I liked it better before. It's one of the things I miss most.

>> No.8896748

Exactly. Human error/unexpected things can happen. I also sometimes wonder if the nose will grow with you correctly.. as in will it look natural the rest of your life?

>> No.8896770


>> No.8896778
File: 286 KB, 622x622, nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid a decent amount. I don't really want to say how much. I do think it's worth it to pay a lot for a really good surgeon IMO. It is your face. You only get one of them.

This depends on how much your surgeon takes off. If he/she makes it too thin/leaves too little of your nose it will get thinner over time and might look bad when you're older.

anyway here are some pictures. decide for yourself what you think of the result I guess

>> No.8896781

>I paid a decent amount. I don't really want to say how much.

Why not, you're anonymous?

>> No.8896817

around 9k.

>> No.8896837

kill urself

>> No.8896852
File: 425 KB, 1200x784, abrody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8896855

honestly, from that pic, you're quite the babe.
post more pics so we have a larger sample from which to judge

>> No.8896862

it looks really good

>> No.8896868

>i'd like an alar reduction and tip-plasty

I had this! The results weren't outrageously different and I wish my doctor (Svehlak) had been less conservative, but I do look better with my narrower nose.

This was under $4k in LA.

>> No.8896871

Nah. It's your thing. I'd rate you 7/10 or maybe 8/10 though i can't see your eyes.

>> No.8896881

You've got a really good nose from profile view. If you think there's something out of proportion I'd look at the part of your face that's covered as the rest of it looks good.

>> No.8896888

You're really fucking attractive, INCLUDING your nose. Don't touch it. Rock it with your character.

>> No.8896892

Defined nostrils are sexy as fuck

>> No.8896925

thanks anon~

>> No.8897179

So I get called Micheal Jackson or am told I look like a Jackson atleast 3 times a week because of my nose so I recognize its very small naturally but if I want to reduce the roundness that's become more apparent on the tip

Any idea how I can reduce it without my nose falling off/looking super fact like well Micheal Jackson/Latoya?

The pictures of tip augmentation results from black patients actually results in a nose like mine and I am nervous at the thought of seeing a doctor that works with smaller white noses.

Any ideas? Should I just get juvederm injections?

>> No.8897411
File: 296 KB, 1080x1501, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my nose, /fa/

>> No.8897675


u need to get out man you're wasting ur potential

>> No.8897924

lol insecure fucks

>> No.8898914

shiieet, your profile is much better than mine but i can see the resemblance.

>> No.8899067

You're a very attractive guy. Your nose looks very nice