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File: 138 KB, 664x1000, YLWZxSW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8859296 No.8859296 [Reply] [Original]

I know everyone hates talking about authenticity but do you think punk dressing is one of those fashion subcultures that requires at least some level of authenticity even if it's just listening to the band on your t-shirt? In comparison to something like cosplaying as a lumberjack, being seen as a punk poser seems worse.

Where do you draw the line between being inspired by punk fashion and looking like some studded-out tumblr retard?

And what does the modern punk where nowadays? IMHO I believe they'd probably find the stereotypical "punk uniform" to be contrived as fuck

>> No.8859306

he has cool clothes that fit well and he still looks like a fucking dork

>> No.8859316

His glasses and his hair don't really fit with it imo
Not that he has to look fucked up, but it looks so 'clean' in comparison to his torned shirt and jeans

>> No.8859349

His shoes are also ugly as fuck. Could someone explain why engineer boots are a punk fashion staple despite being not an ideal match for skinny jeans?

>> No.8859373

I think the problem is, is that he looks like he's dressing that way for attention, rather than for himself. It just doesn't look natural. The overly torn shirt, the glasses (kinda passable but eh) the random accessory on his pants, the boots that look like they could pass as uggs, the DSLR shot it's just too much. There's nothing wrong with being inspired by different things or dressing in any way you want but when it's forced it shows and chances are you'll look retarded.

>> No.8859390

It's not just with punk

Everything in fashion needs to look natural to really look good

This is why a lot of people don't understand runway shit because they are looking at it as if it was something you would wear daily when in reality its just really avantgarde artsy cosplay.

The key to looking good in anything is to own it and look entirely comfortable in it. It's especially important if you aren't extremely aesthetic.

>> No.8859416

that fit just lacks coherence

nothing makes sense

it's even worse if u know that connorcoverism is a weeaboo 5'8 trust fund baby that believes that he's japanese

>> No.8859431

>believes he's japanese

>> No.8859440

Punk fashion was always the worst aspect of punk. You need to dig back and try and glean out the inspiration and reasoning for dressing that way in the first place, not just copying first wave brit-punk faggotry.

Punk as a subculture is dead and so it should be. Punk as music is alive and well. Punk as a movement is still struggling on.

I'm part of my local punk scene, we put on our own shows, make our own merch, record and promote our own bands. We get groups from around the UK and plenty of local, sometimes international bands to play and have a good time. There's some politics and raising money for lefty causes and shit but it's not a big part compared with the music.

Anyway, there's no modern punk style because it's about pushing back against the mainstream because the mainstream sucks and encompasses everything. Rather than just being nonconformist because it looks edgy.
The key is doing your own thing and not relying on the corps to spoonfeed you.

p.s. if you wear a tee of a band you don't listen to, let alone have never heard of then ur a huge faggot. exceptions being ones that have transcended all genres and are just a piece of pop culture now. exception to the exception being Unknown Pleasures and those Beatles ones.

>> No.8859486 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 403x403, 1410884738347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raising money for lefty causes
>anti mainstream

haha good bait!

>> No.8859499

nice b8 anon

>> No.8859544
File: 160 KB, 637x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Punk" here, I really like seeing non punks dress punk, it makes me feel warm inside. However, I dislike seeing someone who would probably feel revolted by a punk gig sporting a pre-made studded h&m biker jacket, you have to have to be somewhat coherent in your style. There's a ton of sub genres in punk that all dress differently nowdays, from street punk to crust to crossover etc. I myself dress like the average fuccboi, you wouldn't know I'm in a band unless I told you.

>> No.8859582
File: 30 KB, 243x320, SidViciousParis1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you give me other examples of inspiration and reasoning that influenced punk way of dressing? There's obviously the shock factor and rebelliousness in stuff like spiked-mohawks and shit but is there other more subtler stuff that isn't commonly known/strikingly obvious?

>> No.8859589

you're a fucking mong if you dress punk. seeing as you're probably from a cul-de-sac and your name is Benedict or some shit

>> No.8859606

Anon, please stop calling everyone a mong.

Best regards,

>> No.8859609

If you think of punk as an external appearance rather than an internal philosophy, then you've missed the point of what it means to be punk.

Punk isn't how you look; it's how you think.

>> No.8859630

Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm Mclaren. Punk and fashion have a long history together no matter how many anti conformoist special snowflake kids would like to say otherwise.
It really all boils down to self expression and raw energy imo.
Hip hop can be just as punk as any late 70's band that you've probably seen plastered around kiosks at your local shopping mall.

>> No.8859645
File: 179 KB, 600x900, TK-2014-05-31-020-001-Harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think by now Western society would have accepted punk fashion as just another form of getting dressed in the morning. I like the aesthetic but I don't identify with any form of punk philosophy(that I'm aware of) and while I like a few punk bands, I don't exclusively listen to hardcore punk music.

Most people in Tokyo for example wouldn't call this guy out for being inauthentic if it turned out he was some soft momma's boy pussy who listened to J-pop and studied engineering. The Japanese seem able to accept punk as just another fashion tribe and aren't hang up on authenticity issues.

So why the fuck can't I dress this way in Western society without being questioned by my friends and family or having strangers/acquaintances think I'm some dodgy drug-pushing hoodlum or something

No one questions the bearded rebbit mfa dork for dressing like a lumberjack. Fuck this gay earth!

>> No.8859651

nice b8 m8

pls tell us more what its like 2 b tru punx

>> No.8859655


Please tell us more of what it's like to be so unfunny you and people like you drive others to alcoholism and sodomy.

>> No.8859669


Shut up faggot. You're a fucking monumental mega-ultra-dynamo fag. I hope you die today, and it's really embarrassing how it happens so that your legacy was shamefully dying in public.

>> No.8859691

I think it's on its way to getting accepted, I mean every retail store sells pre studded biker jackets. You can still incorporate punk items in your wardeobe while not going full gutter punk, and while doing this remain socially respectable. Sorry if I'm nor making sense(drunk)

>> No.8859696

You are missing the DIY aspect. A huge part.

>> No.8859699

real punks dont have computers..... or phones.....

>> No.8859767
File: 949 KB, 2052x1427, Punk or Tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I can't tell if punk or tumblr

>> No.8859780

they all look horrid

>> No.8859791


i beg to differ

guy in the middle rock this shit

>> No.8859819


>> No.8859828

>implying I'm that intimidating

uh oh guise, confirmed 4 tru "real" punk

>> No.8860003

That's a fucking dogshit fit

>> No.8861566


you know that dude made his own pants, right? japanese crust pants are a huge thing


>> No.8861577

The glasses are kind of cool.

The jacket looks and fits great.

The shirt could work.

The belt is stupid.

The jeans are awful looking.

The boots look like Uggs.

Coffee is a mild stimulant and laxative, though.

>> No.8861586
File: 91 KB, 615x446, madonna-met-gala-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything can be punk


>> No.8861593
File: 33 KB, 360x360, R-380995-1111224214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Casualties

>> No.8861608
File: 38 KB, 531x380, A-2113288-1333293514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Swankys

>> No.8861619
File: 29 KB, 500x333, The+Toy+Dolls+picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Toy Dolls

>> No.8861628
File: 48 KB, 400x587, richardhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone can only look and dress "punk" if they actually know what the entire idea of punk was, i.e. acting/making/wearing what you want and choosing to look past the potential backlash because it makes you happy. A lot of things not in the realm of punk rock music can be considered "punk".

The people with the liberty spikes, studded leather jackets and docs really have no idea what they are doing and are just trend followers, and even worse the trend died decades ago.

>> No.8861644

point is, fuck off you worthless slimy poser cunts

>> No.8861701

Been into punk music for over a decade. Never wore the punk uniform because it's more of a costume than anything. Look at punk bands and punk fans and not many of them are actually going to go full studded-leather-jacket.

I guess this means it's okay for non-punks to wear it since it's just a costume, but it still feels inauthentic in a lot of cases. I like what this guy >>8859390 said.

>> No.8861792

forced and unauthentic look
singer is also a Mexican pedo, like the guy from BOTDF

>> No.8861805

Pretty accurate.

>> No.8862008

Madonna by definition is a punk. She is authentic rebel.

>> No.8862091

fuck no
guy on right is the only passable one

>> No.8863917

top embarrassing

connorcoverism is one of those overly invested undercover babies that write NOISE NOT CLOTHES and LESS BUT BETTER on their school binders but listen to oneohtrix point never and reblog for sixteen hours a day

not even once

>> No.8863994


Glasses and middle guy look breddy good. Rockin the fuck out of the Perfecto Jackets

>> No.8864711


Looking forward to their EP

>> No.8864744

this isn't japan you fucking weeb

>> No.8865113

mong is not a meme holy shit STOP

>> No.8865138


>> No.8865282
