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/fa/ - Fashion

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8852538 No.8852538 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8852635

>i need to build a wardrobe
>the budget is $150

>> No.8852641
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>going to mfa

>> No.8852825

>tfw visiting mfa to find waywt thread to laugh at shitfits
>tfw cant find a waywt thread
>tfw can't navigate the lebbip layout

>> No.8852828

Why don't they ask his fucking mommy. How does this fuck head even have a job if he can't dress himself.

>> No.8852846
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>mfw I go to ribbit to fap to the bailey jay thread(?) and that's it

>> No.8854438

oh my god this guys doing a nice thing for someone else. if he was talking about all this for himself id understand but hes helping out a kid with sensory issues. chell

>> No.8854454
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>asking mfa for advice ever

>> No.8854468
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>(levi jeans will be out of the picture due to sensory issues)
what does this even mean

>> No.8854469

its the same case for asking /fa/ for advice too

>> No.8854482

it means liek my asshole mate hahah

>> No.8854775

Hey, /fa/ post bullshit but at least we don't believe in it ourself.


>> No.8854790



Actually literally, one kind in my primary school had autism, he always wore red corduroy, it made him happy, he refused to wear anything else, in gym class he even had red corduroy shorts and a red corduroy shirt.

>> No.8855043


Possibly, the sensation that the fabric gives him is uncomfortable.

>> No.8855311

What did they reply? How is he gonna build a proffessional wardrobe for a grade a sperg for 150 buckos? So many questions

>> No.8856026

nice thread op

>> No.8856406
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For some reason when I read that I imagined so dude who goes on /fa/ trying to be yung lean walking around with this jacket and acne jeans calling malltier stuff pleb shit.

>> No.8856410

that sounds really comfy. what are some good corduroy pieces this season

>> No.8856415


The fuuuuuuuuuck???

There was a extremely severely autistic kid in my high school named Travis, the funny part was though that he was tall as shit and actually was good looking as fuck, had a model face.

Anyways this guy had massive, massive aspergers (actually) and wore a red velvet / corduroy suit to school everyday (looked great, but obviously looked out of place).

What is it with autists and red corduroy